How to make a voluminous heart from threads. Heart made of threads with your own hands. Crochet heart with asymmetric pattern pattern

Dear friends, it is extremely easy to make an original and romantic craft on your own, especially when the Bubuk holiday portal is near you - a lot of useful and interesting material here and now.

Let's look at an easy way to make another beautiful decoration with your own hands - a heart made of threads.

Before starting work, we will prepare all the tools and materials necessary for the creative process. Everything is extremely simple and accessible to everyone - we need:

  • Pair of thin long balloons
  • Threads

As you can see from the picture, the balls will play the role of a three-dimensional base for a heart made of threads. We inflate and fold them into a ring, as shown in the figure. It should not turn out quite a ring, but rather a petal - half a heart.

Please note: one half of the petal is wrapped completely, and the other half!

This is done so that when the sides are combined, a beautiful whole heart of threads is obtained.

We wait until the glue dries, and carefully release the air from the ball. We take out the ball and combine the two halves. If everything is done correctly, we will get a chic voluminous heart woven from threads.

The final stage: you just have to fasten the two halves and add fasteners (a regular loop). You can decorate such a craft with ribbons, bows and so on.

The craft is ready and will delight you and your guests! Such a heart of threads is perfect for decorating both your home and office in anticipation of

The month of February is on the calendar, which means it's time to think about the fact that we will soon celebrate Valentine's Day, so you need to think about what you can give to your loved one. I decided to go shopping and see what the souvenir industry has to offer. Frankly, what I saw disappointed me, everything was the same type - pillows, heart-shaped balls, etc. And most importantly, there is no “life” in them, they are artificial, of course, because they are stamped by machines! This choice inspired me to create something of my own. Enlisted the support of the World Wide Web, and found an original idea - a heart of threads. At first I thought that it would be difficult to make it, but upon closer study I realized that there was nothing complicated. This is how my heart turned out. I did it for the first time, so do not judge too harshly.

Materials for :
2 long balls are taken as the basis. I chose dark colors, the gaps are clearly visible on them.
To inflate, you definitely need a pump, without it it is very problematic to inflate them. I used car.
PVA glue. I got 2 bottles of 100 ml. If the glue is thick, it must be slightly diluted with water.
Threads with which we will wrap the balls. In my case, I used knitting threads. Threads are also suitable for sewing, it is advisable to choose a thicker one.
Decorative elements. I used sequin butterflies and borrowed flowers from a flower garland.
With the preparation, one might say, is over, now we begin the creative process. Breathe in and out and get to work.
1. Inflate two balloons in turn. We do not inflate the balloons to the end, leaving a small “tail”, which we will then tie, forming a circle.

2. Now we proceed to the most interesting process - wrapping the balls with threads. To be honest, I went quite a lot of threads. How to wind the threads, everyone decides how it is convenient for him. This step can be done in two ways.
Method number 1. Balls can first be wrapped with threads, and then impregnated with glue. This is how I made my masterpiece. If the glue is thick, it must be diluted with water. Liquid glue soaks the threads faster.
Method number 2. You thread the threads into the needle with which you will wrap the balls and pierce the bottle of glue at the very bottom, but not at the top, because. glue decreases, and the thread must constantly be moistened with glue.

3. Having decided on the method of winding the threads, we proceed to the process itself. In the end, the balls look like this. I first wrapped my valentine with threads, then soaked it with glue. Before I started wrapping, I smeared a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ball with glue so that the thread could freely fix on the base. I leave the blanks to dry for a day.

4. After making sure that the glue has dried well, you can "destroy" the balls. Some craftswomen advise to pop them, but I just lowered them and they deflated perfectly, it remains to pull the tail and the whole ball is in my hands. It turned out such a disgrace from the threads.

5. Next, we proceed to an equally interesting stage - the formation of the heart itself. On one side we make an incision to get something like a notch. In it we will place the second side of the heart. As soon as the desired shape begins to emerge, you can fix it with threads. Some craftswomen sew on details. I chose wrapping.

On the eve of Valentine's Day, the issue of preparing all kinds of decorative ornaments becomes especially relevant, which, of course, should symbolically remind of this wonderful day. Well, what is the symbol of St. Valentine's Day, everyone probably knows, right?! Of course, this is a heart, it is on this day that lovers from all over the world exchange the most diverse hearts in the manner of serving. Well, if you want to give your soulmate a not quite standard heart, then this article will interest you, because today we will show various variations of cute thread hearts. Such a heart made of threads can be a wonderful gift or perfectly fit into a romantic home decor.

It is necessary to take the wire holding the shape, give it the shape of a heart, fixing the ends in the inner folds. Then the resulting workpiece should be wrapped around the perimeter with pink or red threads. After that, you can start creating weaves of threads, you don’t have to try on too much, just throw the thread from one side of the wire to the other. Finally, use the same threads to create a hanging rope. According to this scheme, you can make a whole garland, and decorate it with a window, door or wall.

2. Heart of threads and balls.

You need to inflate two small balloons, fix them at the ends with threads together, then wrap them with matching threads and carefully cover them with PVA glue on top. When wrapping the balls with threads, you need to control the process, and try to adhere to the declared shape in the form of a heart. After the threads have dried, which is about 12-24 hours, take a needle and carefully pierce each of the balls. You pull out the balls through one of the holes and admire the completed work. By the way, after the threads are covered with a layer of PVA glue, the product can be covered with large glosses on top, but this item is optional.

To do this, you need a heart-shaped balloon, inflate it, wrap it with red or pink dense threads, cover the product with several layers of PVA glue on top. Leave to dry for about 12-24 hours, for the convenience of drying, the ball can be put in a jar or glass. Then pierce the ball with a needle and pull it out into one of the holes. Such a filament heart can be decorated with electric garlands, just put a short garland inside, but for this, from below, at the stage of winding the threads, you need to leave a large hole so that it is convenient to place the selected garland in the finished heart.

4. We make a heart from threads and long balls.

Inflate two long balls, tie each of them with the ends together, wrap them with threads, cover with several plentiful layers of PVA glue, leave to dry. After drying, pierce long balls with a needle, and remove them from the thread shell. Then connect the ends of the thread blanks together, as in the photo below, while forming a heart. For strength, the ends can also be glued with PVA glue. The finished heart can be hung on a ribbon, thus decorating a window or chandelier.

5. Volumetric heart made of threads.

Inflate a balloon in the shape of a heart, cut thick threads into short pieces, soak them in PVA glue, and cover the heart balloon on top. Lay the threads not just evenly, but in the form of waves, according to this scheme, it is necessary to completely cover the entire ball. After the threads are dry, the ball can be pierced.

6. Embroidered heart made of cardboard and thread.

Cut out a heart from paper, attach it to cardboard, create punctures according to its outline with an awl or a thick needle. Then, with a thread and a needle, along the prepared traces, we create an embroidery effect, as in the photo below.

7. Heart of threads and nails.

We paint the chipboard sheet with red paint, cut out a large heart from paper, apply the template to the painted panel, fix it with adhesive tape, drive carnations into the board along the outlines of the heart. We take the threads, tie a knot on one of the studs, and begin to lead the threads from one stud to another, and so on until all the nails are involved. Create the number of layers to your taste, a small amount of threads looks equally beautiful, and, on the contrary, a richly wrapped heart.

Another example of a heart made of threads and nails.

Today we showed you how you can make a heart out of threads without any hassle, we think that from the examples presented above you will definitely choose the right idea for yourself. Well, you can simply give a finished filament heart to your soulmate or decorate the premises of a house or apartment with it. A heart made of threads, made with your own hands, will definitely please your soulmate!

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How to make a three-dimensional heart from threads and a ball ... Valentines are very attractive and original, which look like a three-dimensional heart from balls and threads. Making such a gift is quite simple, but it is better to start working on it in advance, because. The product will take time to dry.

DIY thread heart

You will need:

  1. Balloon of any color in the shape of a heart;
  2. Red threads of any quality (mulina, ordinary sewing, woolen, etc.). You can take threads of different textures or shades.
  3. Decorative elements: beads, ribbons, sequins, butterflies, bows, etc.
  4. PVA glue, Vaseline, scissors.

Inflate the balloon to the desired size. We tie a hole.
Lubricate the surface of the ball with Vaseline. Next, we apply a layer of PVA glue and begin to wrap the ball with threads. The threads must be wound neatly and tightly, periodically changing direction. After the ball is covered with 2-3 layers of thread, coat it again with glue and put a couple more layers.

When you are satisfied with the result, hang the ball to dry. If any adhesive remains on the surface of the ball, remove it immediately. To dry, the product will take at least a day.
We check the readiness of the product for further decoration as follows: the threads must become solid. Pierce the balloon with a needle and carefully pull out the remains through a hole.
Now the fun part: decorating the ball. We place on it those decorative elements that we have prepared. They can be glued on with glue or sewn on with threads.