How to raise a child so that he becomes successful in the future. School Documents

While your baby is still too small, he evokes a feeling of tenderness in everyone around him. Every day, parents consider new achievements, and any event as a desire for growth and development. And how proud mothers are when their children take their first steps, say their first words, go to the potty on their own or start reading. As they grow, we begin to get upset and offended that the neighbor's kid is much smarter and smarter than ours.

Little children make those around them feel tender

The main thing is to be consistent.

The child, as he grows, begins to notice for himself cardinal changes in the behavior of his parents. He is forbidden to run around the house, scolded for spilled puddles, punished for painted walls. If he breaks a toy, then in return he hears that they won’t buy anything else for him, and for whims they scare him with the arrival of Babayka. And, what is most offensive, the child really does not understand why his parents scolded him. And why?

Not so long ago, when the baby was still lying in her bed and did not crawl further than the sofa, she was given toys that could be taken apart. It was so exciting! Parents liked that their child comprehends the basics of cause and effect relationships. What a blessing that their child is developing well.

As they grow older, children do not understand why their parents begin to scold them for what they used to praise for.

If the kid grew up and took apart the TV remote control piece by piece, no one was pleased with such curiosity. He was scolded and punished. What does the child feel? He did not understand what his fault was and he was very offended. It hurts that earlier for independent analysis of toys he received approval and praise from his parents. And why is the TV remote not a toy?

Thus, the child becomes dependent on the mood of the parents and their complete illogicality. He begins to think that what he is allowed to do today will no longer be possible tomorrow. And why this happens, he does not understand. As he grows up, when he can realize this, he becomes dependent on new restrictions, but already related to the school. Teachers constantly make comments and jerks. One can only dream of complete and boundless freedom, and the child realizes that it is lost forever.

At school, the child faces new restrictions

Defensive reaction.

At the same time, the psyche of the child is arranged in such a way that the balance will be observed. Thus, the child's body protects its owner from stress. As a result, it turns out that children who are constantly scolded and reproached at home, do not allow them to reveal their abilities, try to fulfill themselves outside of it. Due to the fact that he will perform all his actions with a hidden resentment set aside in the subconscious, they will radically differ from good ones. As a result, a person grows up who is socially dangerous to others.

It also happens that the child's psyche gives a backlash and the baby simply closes. He is unsure of himself, afraid of the people around him, tries not to attract attention in any way. This reaction is also protective, because his subconscious dictates to him that he once again does not catch the eye of adults, otherwise he will be scolded. Will such a child be happy in life and will he be successful? It probably sounds ridiculous, but parents want to raise an object of pride from their child, and they themselves act in such a way as to trample him as a person in every possible way. Of course, they do so unconsciously, but the result is a disservice.

How to proceed? Every normal parent wants their children to be happy. In addition, in fact, each subsequent generation must be happier than its predecessors, otherwise evolution will simply stop.

In response to the abuse of parents, the child is offended and may withdraw into himself.

If you know about some recommendations of professional psychologists and stick to them, then adults will have the opportunity to raise a calm and self-confident offspring, who in the future will be able to become a good professional, decent and happy person.

Psychologists have their own tips for raising children
  • Until adulthood, the child copies his parents. In what mood they are and how they perceive the world around them, the child will be endowed with the same qualities. Often they appear brighter and deeper than in adults.
  • If something did not work out for your child, do not insult him and do not reproach him with this. What can he do? Just don't generalize about failures. Try to formulate your requests in such a way that they want to answer “Yes”. To the question "Do you want to clean up after yourself?" so it asks for a negative answer. As a result, the baby receives a new portion of curses about his disobedience and slovenliness. You just need to say, “Let’s collect the toys for now, and I’ll cook something tasty for us.” All conflicts can be easily resolved.
Don't insult your child
  • Do not remind the child of his grievances and troubles. Especially avoid reproaches. A small person is not capable of creating anything terrible and irreversible, but in terms of the degree of his experiences, he can surpass any adult. Try to support your child and cheer him up.
  • Do not build the entire educational process on continuous prohibitions and dictation of duties. Do not focus the baby's attention on prohibited items, as you will only tease him. Better find things that can distract him and please him.
  • Children easily perceive visualization. Use this fact for good - give them the opportunity to strive for something. And you will soon notice that all his thoughts will begin to materialize. In fact, there is a special section in psychology that is devoted to the programming of human consciousness. Therefore, teach your baby from childhood to believe in oneself, to look at the world optimistically, and you will give him the ability to believe in success.
  • Try to spend a few positive minutes with your baby, during which, together, come up with positive affirmations: “I am the most beautiful of all”, “I am the best dance / sing, etc.”. All affirmations should be positive and assertive. Thanks to them, you will not only be able to improve the mood of your child, but also find out what he is striving for.
  • It is very important for a child to know that parents believe in him and will always support him. Support does not mean helping with homework, but to give him confidence that he himself is able to cope with them. And it adds strength.
  • If the kid wants to do something, support his desire. Let you consider his aspiration insignificant or, perhaps, strange, but your child needs to develop and fulfill himself.
  • Calm down an excessively naughty child not with screams and assault, but with words: why his act is bad and why you don’t like it. You need to speak with the child on an equal footing, and not push him and not scold him for his childish pranks.
Treat your child as equals


This is the essence of raising a successful child. Understand that the success of your offspring depends on you. If in the process of education you can avoid most mistakes, then your children will be able to adequately raise their babies in the future. It is much worse if children feel lonely and unsure of their abilities as a result of complexes that appeared in childhood.

The success of the child in the future is laid by parents from childhood

How to raise a successful child: advice from psychologists If you remember some simple advice from psychologists, then all adults will have a chance to raise a balanced and self-confident kid, who will make a good specialist, decent, successful and just a happy person. So: A child almost to adulthood is a copy of his parents. What is their mood and attitude to the world around them, the same is formed in him. Sometimes it even manifests itself in a much more pronounced degree and in an aggravated version. Even if something doesn’t work out for a child, you don’t have to call him a fool or lament sadly that “so big, but he can’t do anything.” He doesn't get anything specific, does he? Why generalize? And it’s better to formulate requests or questions in such a way that you want to answer in the affirmative. To the request "Won't you collect the toys?" I want to answer “NO!” And here again the kid is scolded that he is naughty and sloppy ... But it’s so easy to say “Collect the toys, please, but for now I’ll cook us a meal.” Conflict is easy to avoid. It is better not to remind the child of failures and insults. Moreover, do not blame. There is nothing so fateful that a little man can destroy, but he knows how to experience worse than an adult. Better support and encouragement. Everything will work out! Raising a child does not consist of prohibitions and dictation of his duties. No need to focus the child's attention on issues that are prohibited - it will only tease him. It is better to think about what will please him and distract him. Children readily lend themselves to visualization. This can be used for their own benefit - to give them the opportunity to strive for their dreams and goals. And they will materialize, as if by magic! In fact, there is a major chapter in psychology that pays great attention to the programming of human self-consciousness. So the child must be taught from childhood to develop optimism and self-confidence, and then he will be able to independently believe in success. Together with the child, you can arrange five minutes of positive, on which the best affirmations will be invented: “I am the most beautiful!”, “I can draw / sing / dance / swim well!”, “I will finish the year with five!” Affirmations should be affirmative and positive. Thus, you can not only tune in to a good mood, but also find out the goals and desires of the child, which is very important. At such moments, children's eyes begin to shine, they think dreamily, and then they begin to dream aloud and make plans. It is perfectly. In parallel, you can carefully discard his feelings about failure in school. In this case, it is important to find good sides: for example, to say that there is nothing wrong with not being able to run the fastest, but what beautiful applications turned out! Children need to feel support from their parents, faith. And support should not consist in solving problems in algebra, but be manifested in the belief that the child himself can solve them. It gives strength. If a child has a desire to do something, it must be supported. Some undertakings may seem useless to parents, even strange, but the child must be given the opportunity to develop and express himself. You can calm a naughty child not with shouts and slaps, but with explanations: why it is not good to do this and how others suffer from it. The child should feel that he is being treated like an adult, and not pushed into a corner, so that he sits quietly and does not interfere with the fact that he is still small and has fun. It is so simple and at the same time very difficult to raise successful children. And the root of their success lies in their parents. If parents manage to avoid a lot of mistakes, then children will be able to take care of themselves and their children in the future. There is nothing worse when children have to feel lonely or insecure because of the stupid complexes that developed in childhood ...

Wealth, wealth, success... Today, these concepts are so often identified with human life that seemingly unsuccessful people have no right to exist. What is the difference between successful people and those who are alien to such concepts as purposefulness, confidence and desire to follow their calling?!

It's all about the upbringing that a person undergoes from an early age, developing the necessary character traits in himself, and forming the worldview of a certain type of personality.

In this article, we will talk about how to raise successful and prosperous children, regardless of the opinion of society, genetic predisposition and other external factors.

Problems of the educational process

Parents are the main teachers who lay down the basic life principles and outlook on life that the child carries into adulthood. And here the main thing is not to follow the opinion of a society that is not interested in successful and self-sufficient individuals, but to listen to your child and his needs.

It is important to remember that a successful child is a happy child with normal self-esteem and the absence of complexes and fears that are born in the child's mind under the influence of "loving" fathers and mothers. Indeed, parents often love obedient and calm offspring who do not show initiative and do not prove their opinion. It's so convenient when you obey. True, in the case of children, this is - for the time being.

According to psychologists, mistakes and gaps in the educational process have a negative impact not only on the psychological state of the child, but also precede many physical diseases. To change the irreversible trend, first of all, it is necessary to make adjustments in the minds of parents who raise children according to the principle "it will be as I said."

When a child appears, each parent transfers echoes from his childhood to his family, that is, if the father grew up in the family of a tyrant, it is more likely that his son will receive similar life attitudes.

What success of a child in the future can we talk about if the child grows up with an excess of aggression, or a notorious and insecure sissy? In such cases, it is worth paying attention to a number of problems that exist in modern society, and are a stumbling block in the development of usefulness and success in children:

  • Negative phenomena in education can be observed with the development of computer technology. It is easier for a mother to distract a child with a newfangled gadget than to read a bedtime story. As a result, the lack of attention negatively affects the psyche of the crumbs.
  • Compensation for the lack of care by buying new toys sooner or later leads to the depreciation of material things and increased demands.
  • Hyper-custody is one of the most common problems of our time, when a small child literally cannot take a step without the obsessive help of elders. As a result, we get a lack of initiative, a teenager unadapted to life, and over time, a helpless man or woman.
  • The imposition of their views and demands is inherent in parents who themselves have not particularly succeeded in life, therefore they try to show their “leadership” abilities on a baby of several years old.
  • The unwillingness to take responsibility for a small life very often affects the life of a child, who, as a result, not only does not receive the necessary love and care, but also suffers from the irresponsibility and failure of his mother or father.

How to raise a successful child

Introducing into the mind of the child such concepts as humanity, independence, purposefulness, parents are very likely to raise a successful and self-confident person. Imitation of parents also plays an important role in the further formation of life principles.

If a child saw that it is common for a mother to keep a promise, and dad, like no one else, knows how to support in difficult times and give wise advice, then in the near future he will do the same. The qualities instilled in childhood are like seeds that adults sow in fertile soil. And only time will tell what fruits will grow in the hearts of children, and whether they will grow at all.

What should you pay attention to, and what should you beware of in order for the upbringing of a successful child to bring results?!

  • The ability to perceive a child, regardless of age, as a person separate from their parents, which is characterized by their own opinion, view of a certain situation, self-esteem, inner emotional world.


Keep a moral distance, do not impose your preferences and tastes if the child does not like it. Even a 2-3 year old baby can make conscious choices in favor of favorite things or activities.

  • Supporting the manifestation of the initiative is very important for the development of independence and the first undertakings. And let the baby eat slowly, or have been tying shoelaces for half an hour, such moments are an important stage in the development of independence and willpower, albeit still very tiny.


Encourage in your child any manifestations of activity, where he tries to take small, but independent steps. It is especially important to show support in the first years of the baby, when the behavior of adults determines character traits.

  • Help in setting goals and desires is a fundamental principle for developing a confident child. Until the age of 12, the child's psyche is not able to determine specific directions in its preferences, therefore it is very important to be observant, and then direct the restless children's energy in the right direction.
  • The upbringing of willpower and diligence can begin from the age of 6-7, when the child is able to control his emotions and is aware of their consequences. Regardless of what character the baby is endowed with, it is desirable to develop determination and fortitude from an early age.


Teach your child to play sports, perform various exercises, in every possible way supporting his efforts and successes. Physical activity is the best way to develop self-discipline and self-control.

  • A personal example of achieving goals is a good role model that children will be happy to follow. The main thing is to be consistent, keep promises, and of course, work hard and enjoy the results of your work. And then, the child will understand that with great diligence and the desire to be the first, you can reach any heights.

How to raise a rich kid

As for financial well-being, it is often associated with successful human activity. Rich people differ from other segments of the population in their way of thinking and attitude towards money, which, in their concept, must exist in order to attract other wealth. The financial success of each millionaire directly depends on such qualities as perseverance, willpower, the ability to delve into the essence of the problem, highlighting the main thing.

The qualities of a leader and innovator instilled in a son in childhood can be very useful in adulthood, when it is necessary to take responsibility and follow obligations. It is good if the parents did their best to develop the child, showing by their own example how important it is to adhere to the established rules.

No less important is the attitude to money, which parents are obliged to teach the younger generation. Thanks to the correct and timely approach to education and training, the child will learn to take care of money, which will directly affect his financial condition in the future.

So, what should you know in order to improve your child's financial literacy?!

  • Money, as a means to achieve goals, requires a balanced and careful attitude. You should not instill social stereotypes in your child - “all the rich are bandits”, “money is the root of evil”, etc. It is better if the child knows that financial well-being is a positive phenomenon that is achieved through work and perseverance.
  • Budget spending planning is one of the effective methods that increase financial literacy, that is, keep and increase your savings. You can help your child make a plan according to which he will paint all the expenses over a certain period. Thus, the son or daughter will be able to clearly control their impulses to blow their pocket money in 1 day.
  • In the event of material problems in the family, the child should not become a witness to complaints about the lack of money, and negative attitudes about the financial condition of the family. It is better to expand the children's horizons about how you can make money, starting from the most unusual and interesting ways, and ending with the highest paying options.
  • Getting to know the stories of successful and rich people will be an educational and interesting experience for an older child. For example, boys will probably be interested in the founding of the computer empire of Steve Jobs or the biography of Henry Ford. Teenage girls can read how Mary Kay, the founder of a cosmetics company, developed her business.
  • High self-esteem is one of the most important components of the character of any person. It is very important to develop it in childhood so that the child can adequately evaluate his efforts and achievements in the future. The main thing is not to overdo it, because there is a very thin line between decent self-esteem and arrogance.

The modern world is so changeable and fleeting that sometimes it seems that you are watching the frames of an adventure film. And at this time, children are growing up - the modern generation, from which wonderful artists, businessmen, politicians, and simply successful people will grow up.

The main task of parents is to direct their dreams and aspirations in the right direction, instilling hard work, endurance and dedication along the way.

Happy and successful. But how to do that? How to raise a child who can realize himself in adulthood?

Well-being, purposefulness, self-confidence are the main signs of a successful person. Why are some people able to realize themselves, while others are not? What is the reason?

It's all about the upbringing and formation of a certain worldview of the growing personality. There is a very wise expression that the greatest success in life is successful children.

The article will discuss how to raise such a child so that he can realize himself and become happy.

Problems related to upbringing

Parents are the main teachers who lay down the main life principles and foundations of the worldview, which the child then projects into adulthood. The main thing is not to follow the opinion of society, which is not interested in self-sufficient and self-confident individuals, but to listen to your child and his needs.

One simple rule should be remembered forever: a successful child is a person with normal self-esteem, happy, without complexes and fears that arise in childhood under the influence of mothers and fathers. Parents love obedient and calm children who do not take the initiative and do not defend their opinion. It is very convenient when the child completely obeys the will of the parents. But this is for the time being.

Psychologists believe that problems and mistakes in education not only negatively affect the psychological health of the child, but also provoke the development of physical diseases. To prevent this, it is necessary to change the minds of parents who raise their children according to the principle "it will be as I said."

Parents transfer echoes from their childhood into the upbringing process, that is, if the father grew up in a despot family, then there is a high probability that he will behave the same way with his son.

Of course, there can be no question of any success if the child grows up in an environment with an excess of aggression, if he is notorious and not self-confident.

Parents need to pay attention to a number of problems that exist in modern society and are an obstacle to the development of success and usefulness in children:

  • Computer technology has a negative impact on education. It is easier for parents to distract the baby with newfangled phones and tablets than to read a book to him at night. The consequence of this is the lack of attention in childhood, which negatively affects the psyche of the baby.
  • Compensation for the lack of attention and care with the purchase of toys will lead to the depreciation of material things and increased demands.
  • Obsessive help from parents. As a result, the child becomes a lack of initiative, unadapted to life, and subsequently - a helpless adult.
  • The imposition of their views is usually characteristic of those parents who themselves have not succeeded in life and are now showing their abilities and passing on experience to a small person.
  • Unwillingness to take responsibility for the child - as a result, the child does not receive enough love and suffers because of the insolvency and irresponsibility of mom or dad.

The child must know and feel that he is loved.

A successful adult always has the right self-esteem. Parents need to show the child that they love him simply for what he is, and that he is who he is. The child needs to say words of love as often as possible, hug him, respect all his aspirations. If it is time for him to go to bed, and he is playing, you should not yell at him and send him to bed in an orderly tone, it is better to help finish the game, and then go to bed with him. You can not criticize the baby, you need to criticize only actions.

The child should have the right to choose

The successful development of a child is possible only if you give him the right to a simple and banal choice. For example, what he will go for a walk in or what toy he will take with him on a trip. The child will see that his opinion is considered and listened to. You need to discuss films, cartoons, situations, books with him and always be interested in what he thinks about this or that matter.

Children need to be taught to negotiate.

The ability to negotiate is a very useful quality when it comes to raising a successful child. It is necessary to teach him to express his thoughts on any issue. You should instill in him the ability to compromise and find solutions that would suit everyone. It is the ability to negotiate and find solutions in difficult situations that will help the child adapt in society.

Help your child find what they love

Each person has their own abilities and talents. It is necessary to observe the child in order to identify the occupation that arouses the greatest interest in him, and try to develop him in this direction. The sooner development begins, the better for the talent. In the future, he may not be engaged in this business, but the experience that he accumulates during his studies will always be useful to him in life.

Encouraging Curiosity

All children are born geniuses, and the task of parents is to help the child realize himself. If he is interested in some occupation, you need to support this interest. You should look for literature, educational games or films, enroll in a circle, section or class. For the successful development of a child, one cannot decide for him what he needs to do, and what he can do without. Any interest should be encouraged. First, it broadens one's horizons. Secondly, perhaps this hobby can become a matter of his whole life.

creative development

From early childhood, it is necessary to teach the baby to be creative, draw with him, compose songs, dance, and make music. Creative abilities will be very useful to him in the future in solving problems and the most complex tasks.

Developing a sense of responsibility

The child should feel responsible for what he did. But you can not scold him, you must try to find the best way out of the situation. It is important to show by example that you need to keep your word, and be able to answer for wrong actions.

He should be encouraged to keep his word and carry out the actions that are expected of him within a certain period of time.

A child who has been taught responsibility from childhood is more likely to succeed than a child who does not know how to be responsible for his words and actions.

Love for reading

A child needs to instill a love of reading, preferably from an early age. People who read are more successful and self-confident than those who spend all their free time watching TV or a computer. First you need to read aloud, then select interesting literature for him in accordance with his age.

Development of eloquence

If a child tries to tell something, you can not brush it off. On the contrary, you should enter into a dialogue with him, give him the opportunity to prove his thoughts, ask questions that he can answer.

If it’s difficult for him, you need to help him with a hint, but you can’t speak for him, let him try to explain, describe, ask a question, answer a question on his own.

The desire of the child to be friends with peers and other children should be encouraged. A successful child is a sociable kid. You can not limit the communication of the child, in addition, without the need it is better not to interfere in the relationship of children. He must independently learn to extricate himself from situations, this will be very useful to him in the future.

Development of perseverance and purposefulness

The child needs to be taught to set goals and achieve them, to show how to make a plan to achieve the goals and how to adjust it if necessary. You can help him cope with the difficulties that have arisen, but you cannot perform the action for him. This is a disservice, which will lead to the fact that the child will always wait for help from outside, instead of getting together and solving the problem.

Praise should be right

Praise is an important part of the parenting process. You need to do it right. You should praise the baby for the desire to perform his task well, for the desire to develop, learn, for perseverance, patience, and the search for non-standard solutions.

Praise is important to use dosed. If he gets used to it, then its value will lose its importance for him.

It is impossible to praise undeservedly, it corrupts. The child stops trying, because the meaning is lost in this, because they will praise anyway.


A successful person is an optimist in life. In any, even the worst situation, something good should be seen, this is important for a successful and happy person. From an early age, the baby needs to be explained that victories can be replaced by defeats, and this is normal, such is life. Parents themselves should be optimistic and show by example how to relate to problems.

It is necessary to teach the child to perceive failures correctly, that is, not to make a tragedy out of this, to be able to analyze the reasons and make the right decisions to correct the situation.

It is important that the child does not project failure onto his personality. That is, if he did not take a place in the competition, this does not indicate that he is a loser, which means that he was simply poorly prepared. It is required to tell him that he will succeed next time, just need to make more efforts.


From the age of two, the child strives to show independence. It is very good. You need to give him the opportunity to do something without outside help and not rush him.

This desire should be encouraged in him, be interested in his opinion, be sure to praise him for trying to do something himself. You do not need to immediately correct what the baby did wrong, it is better to help him finish it the right way.

How to raise a successful person

By educating a child such qualities as humanity, purposefulness, independence, parents form a successful, self-confident personality. In addition, you should always remember that children imitate adults, so you need to educate yourself.

If mom always keeps her promise, dad - supports in a difficult situation, then in the future the child will behave the same way.

What should be paid special attention to, and what should not be allowed, so that the upbringing of a successful child gives a positive result?

  • Parents need to learn to perceive the child as a separate person, which is characterized by their own view of things, their own opinion, self-esteem.
  • You need to learn to keep a moral distance, not to impose your opinion and tastes, especially if the child does not like it. Even a 2-year-old kid can tell exactly which toys he likes and which he doesn't.
  • Parents should support the initiative, these are the first steps in raising independence in a child. Successful socialization will be faster and more painless if the child is more independent and self-confident. Let him eat very slowly or tie his shoelaces for half an hour, but these are important stages in the development of independence and willpower.

  • It is necessary to encourage any manifestations of activity, where he tries to do something on his own. It is especially important to express support in the first years of a baby's life, it is during this period that the behavior of adults determines his character.
  • You need to help your child set goals and develop a plan of action with him.
  • From 6-7 years old, it is necessary to begin to cultivate diligence and willpower, he is already able to control his emotions. It is imperative to teach the baby to play sports. Physical activity develops self-discipline and self-control.
  • Show by example how to achieve your goals. The main thing is to be consistent, always keep promises, work hard and enjoy the result of your work.

Which Parents Have Successful Children?

All parents want their kids to stay out of trouble as much as possible. Every father and mother want the child to be successful at school, so that his peers do not offend him, so that he can achieve his goal. Unfortunately, there is no specific guide to raising a successful and happy child. But psychologists say that most often such children grow up with successful parents.

So, what you need to become a parent in order to raise a successful person:

  • It is necessary to teach your children socialization skills: communicating with their peers, understanding their moods, feelings, helping others and solving their problems on their own. In the scientific literature, psychologists advise parents to instill the skills of successful adaptation of the child in any team.
  • It is necessary to expect a lot from the child and believe in him. For example, those mothers and fathers who expect their child to receive a higher education, as a rule, get their way. They lead him to this all the time, and at a certain stage the child himself begins to want this.
  • Successful children grow up in families where mothers work. Such children learn independence early, so they are more well adapted to life than those babies whose mothers stay at home and do household chores.
  • As a rule, successful and happy children grow up in families where parents have higher education.
  • It is necessary to teach mathematics to children from an early age, and the sooner the better.
  • It is important to establish good and warm relationships with children.
  • It is necessary to appreciate the efforts, and not the fear of failure, to be optimistic in life.


The modern world is fleeting and changeable, children grow up very quickly. The main task of parents is to direct their baby in the right direction and along the way to instill in him fortitude, hard work, dedication, determination, optimism, faith in himself and in his strength.

And the main thing that moms and dads should remember is that a successful child is a happy and beloved child. You need to love the baby, even the most naughty and spoiled, believe in him, help him, and then he will succeed.

How to raise a child for his further success in life? Many people want the best for their children. Moreover, most understand that a child needs more opportunities than parents have. But opportunities are determined by the education system, the basics of which are passed on in the family from generation to generation. In the overwhelming majority of cases, families do not have a system of education, but a practical transfer of life experience. The proverb is not accidental: "The apple does not fall far from the tree."

Then it turns out that with all the desire, children who grew up in families with a not very successful fate are not able to be successful? No and no again. There are many examples of success achieved by children from families in which parents did not excel in something special.. So what is the secret of this success then? And in that These parents did the best they could for their children.. And it's not about bribes or other similar methods. Parents who want success for their children show life goals and help them achieve them through education. Only in this case, the correct perception of the world is formed in the brain of children.

The natural question is what to do?

How to raise a child. Goals of education

You can talk a lot about education systems, about the necessary actions, but if you do not know the goal you should strive for, then all your actions will be chaotic, and you will never achieve the desired result. Of course, your child will not “fall out” on the sidelines of life (you will try!). He (or she) will become an ordinary person. This is neither good nor bad. But you want your child to be grateful to you for the fact that it was you who led him to a life that he will like, in which he will have prosperity. So right?

This requires your understanding of perspectives. It is your understanding, because the sooner you start parenting, the higher the likelihood of success. You can start at two, three or four years. It would be your desire, because at this early age the baby is not yet able to make a decision on his own. And you will guide him.

Before you begin to act, you need to carefully look at your baby. Of course, with absolute probability at the age of 2 - 3 years you will not be able to determine the available inclinations. This may become clearer later in the process of growing up. But your mindfulness can help you start working on grinding abilities as early as possible.

Here's what the kindergarten teacher says .
My pupil Dima (let's call him that) already at about four years old had a good sense of tact. By chance. In music lessons. My advice to parents to pay attention to this was heard. Dima was brought to the classes of the dance group, which was just gaining “small boogers”. He liked this.

Yes, there have been attempts to stop dancing. It happened around the second grade of the school, when it turned out that there were only two boys in the team. But through the efforts of his parents, Dima was convinced to stay. And now for 10 years Dima has been dancing in a semi-professional group. They go to competitions and win first prizes. The team for Dima is now very important and the future is roughly defined .

Having determined at least approximately the makings of your child, you should pay special attention to them. To engage in the development of ONLY the chosen direction is fundamentally wrong. Raise your child to be a versatile person. Only in this case everything will be easier for him.

Don't insist on your. If it seems to you that your child, for example, should play the violin, and the child wants to assemble a car from the designer, you should not harass the child with a violin. Your persistence can only hurt.

If you do not see any inclinations in a child, take a closer look at his abilities in six months or a year. Let him show his inclinations. When you see something, consult either with the kindergarten teacher or with the teacher at school. Many children have passed through their hands, and they will tell you everything about your child. Just take their words right. Their criticism is mostly constructive.

Having determined the location of your baby in any direction, read information about development around him and draw up an individual work plan with the definition of a goal, such as it was - it became. In this case, all your actions will be meaningful, and you will educate your beloved child in the right direction.

Psychological principles

Since the little man does not yet have logical thinking, it is very important to understand that in the first years of life, psychological principles come to the fore in education. These principles are not formulated in a vacuum. This is the life experience of many generations, which should be trusted. Just trust them. Try to implement them as correctly as possible. It is clear that this is not always convenient, but it is important for your baby.

How to raise a child without respect?

Many will think: how can I respect a booger who is nothing of himself? It's a delusion. In fact, from a very early age, your child can show his character.. Yes, he cannot express something in words, but he is quite capable of deeds. It is at the moment of growing up that the character traits of the future full-fledged person are laid.

A friend told how her son at the age of 2-3 years showed his character. During a walk, he suddenly turned 180 degrees and walked in the opposite direction. This was especially annoying for the mother when she had to go somewhere at the right time, and there was no way to drag her son on her. The way out was found in a simple way. The child was put facing in the opposite direction, he turned around and walked in the right direction. But the parents respected the opinion of their baby.

Experience shows that if you listen to the opinion of your baby, respect his wishes (of course, within reason), then in the future your grown child will not have complexes.

If your child feels that his opinion is listened to, that others respect his wishes (but without fanaticism, of course), then he will behave the same way in the future. Usually those who were practically not noticed in childhood become egoists. As you know, children copy their parents in everything. If you do not want your child to give up on you in old age, start respecting him today.
Respect is often confused with consent. This is where the problem of misunderstanding lies. Merely agreeing will not reflect your respect. For the sake of respect, you will not allow your baby to do EVERYTHING that he wants.

Respect reflects your understanding that you recognize the right of your baby to his way of thinking and his actions. Naturally, they should not go against the rules of behavior in society.

Tell your child that you love him

It makes me want to say to many parents: “Tell your baby at least once a month that you love him”. Children, especially at a young age, lack words of love so much! But these words are a real magical power that can work miracles. And who else, besides mom and dad, can a baby lean against in a big and inhospitable world?

Parental love will help develop self-confidence. Praise your baby for some good deed - he will repeat it hundreds of times. This is the way to success in life - the repetition of the right deeds.

Please note that words of love must be accompanied by emotions. Parents should convey the emotional state of love, joy for the baby, for his success. If your emotions are sincere, the child will believe the words.

Make time for your child

A lot of circles, school, sports sections - this, of course, has a great effect on the comprehensive development of the child, but it takes almost all of his time, and after work, parents usually only dream of emptying the refrigerator and going to bed. As a result, there is practically no time left for communication, and then the parents, coming to their senses, are surprised at how far their children have become from them.

It's not about transition: if you do not give time to the child, he will suffer from a lack of attention, he may develop complexes, but most often the child simply switches - finds new interests or closer people .

If you want to teach your child to build adequate relationships with people, do it by example. Try to use every free minute to talk with your son or daughter. You are sure to find interesting, exciting topics for conversation!

Give your child freedom

All parents are afraid for the safety of their children, while many take care of their offspring so passionately that as a result, their already 45-year-old "kids" live in their father's house without their own family, normal work and purpose in life.

If the child is not given enough room to maneuver and explore, he can become a lack of initiative, fearful person who is not characterized by ambition. Many mothers, with their excessive guardianship, not only endow their sons and daughters with all sorts of shortcomings, but also break their own family nest, completely forgetting that their husband also needs attention.

Try to give the child freedom of choice and action, while discreetly insuring him. When he learns to walk, stand by and be ready to pick him up, but do not hold his hand until 2 years old! Nature has created such a law: people learn from their mistakes. If you exclude the opportunity to learn from your experience in your baby's life, then he will never be ready for an independent life.

Stick to the chosen line

You can’t forbid a child to do something today, and suddenly forbid it tomorrow, because your mood just changed. This will have a detrimental effect on his attitude towards you: seeing that you easily change your mind, the little man will try to manipulate you in the future, trying to get his way.

If you are consistent in your prohibitions, you will minimize conflicts in the family. In addition, the child will take an example from you: he will be a reasonable, principled person who always sticks to his own words and promises.

Raising a child is a very long, complex and multifaceted process that has no breaks or holidays. Be prepared for the fact that it will be very difficult. The main motivator in this difficult task is the idea that all your efforts today will be justified in the future in the person of your child.
Only thanks to your work will your child be able to turn into a responsible, sincere, thinking, kind, purposeful person who loves and respects his parents and appreciates the upbringing they gave him.

Three areas to work on for success

Probably, every parent would like his child to become successful and rich in the future. But for this it is necessary that he possess certain qualities of character and skills that need to be developed from childhood. And who, no matter how parents, can help him in this. However, it often happens that it is the parents who are to blame for the fact that the child's life did not turn out the way he wanted and therefore he does the work that he does not like. This happens when parents impose their choice for the child to follow in their footsteps or when they want him to realize their unfulfilled dreams for them. This is the main mistake of most dads and moms.

Probably one of the main tasks of wise and loving parents is not to impose their options on him., but give him the whole list of options, i.e. make it so that he can choose any road and follow it.

But how to give him the opportunity, for example, to enter any university? The answer is quite logical and simple. It is necessary that the child studied at school perfectly, i.e. not only had excellent grades, but he knew the subjects. And secondly, that he was in excellent health. Of course, there is also a third factor, the essence of which is the size of the parents' wallet, in the event that the offspring suddenly wants to study at a prestigious educational institution, for example, abroad.

In any case, it is worth starting to embody these three goals in life already in childhood, when the child just went to school. And if you achieve all these three goals, then at the end of the school, a graduate who studied perfectly and has good athletic performance, as well as, if necessary, your financial savings, will be able to choose any higher educational institution.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that in order for a graduate to have a wide choice of further study places, he must achieve excellent results in three areas: in studies, sports and health. You should strive for these results from childhood, and here are some recommendations for parents on what to do and what not to do.

Need: Instill in your child a love of reading from an early age. In order for him to love books, the baby's parents should read fairy tales to him before going to bed. According to experienced teachers and psychologists, referring to their long-term observations, those children who were not read fairy tales in childhood could not fall in love with reading.

No need: establish strict control and constantly put him to study, thereby depriving him of his childhood. Everything should be in moderation and according to the principle: “I did my homework - take a walk, rested - read!”.

Need: constantly monitor the progress of your son or daughter. And do not rush to scold the child if he began to receive bad grades, but find out the reason for their appearance.

If a picky and harmful teacher is to blame, then you need to find a common language with him, and if there is really a gap in knowledge, then try to eliminate it and explain to the student an incomprehensible topic.

No need: get nervous and swear when your baby does not understand the topic that you are trying to explain to him. Perhaps you are simply explaining it incorrectly, and therefore it is worth doing it again more intelligibly and calmly, or entrusting it to a tutor until the child’s desire for this subject is completely repulsed.

Need: develop the horizons of the baby in your own words and tell him in an accessible form, for example: “What is the Sun?” or “Why is it day and night?” Since it is believed that children absorb information best visually, you can try to find pictures or videos on the topic of interest on the Internet and show it to him.

Any successful person must have their own talents and skills. So what else needs to be taught to a child so that he becomes smart, healthy and successful in the future?

In addition to the above, you should take care of his health and sports development. It is necessary to accustom him to regular morning runs, and it is best if the parent acts as a good example. It is probably not worth talking about the usefulness of such activities, because this is already clear to everyone.

Also, exercises on the horizontal bar can be no less useful. And even if you don’t have it in your yard, then it can be installed in any apartment together with a Swedish wall or separately. And it’s okay if the baby can’t pull up yet. In this case, let him just hang on the horizontal bar for some time. This will help him form the correct posture, prevent the development of curvature of the spine, and achieve high growth.

Swimming has the same effect on the body. Even if the kid will not professionally engage in this sport, then one way or another he must be able to swim so as not to be afraid of water and feel more confident in the future.

And another important skill that can be very useful to him in the future is the ability to play chess. Perhaps there is no better training for the brain than playing chess. And if you teach this to your child, then he will acquire a very developed logical thinking and will be able to clearly and quickly make important decisions.