What kind of girls do rich men like. Psychology of a rich man. The ideal woman of a wealthy man - what is she

Smart, beautiful, obscenely rich... Such guys are hunted by thousands of women from all over the world. Unfortunately, not every woman has a chance to become a millionaire's girlfriend. It turns out that wealthy gentlemen prefer a strictly defined type of women. What kind of girls do rich men like?

What kind of women do rich men like?


Each man is individual in his passions. Some prefer short brunettes, others long-legged blondes. But one thing is certain: a millionaire woman must be beautiful. With a good figure, well-groomed hair and nails, a dazzling smile. It must be a girl who will make everyone jealous of her partner.


Millionaires love to impress their women with expensive gifts. But if they notice that the girl is beginning to act up (“Why did you buy me a necklace without earrings?”) Or showing a tendency to spend a fortune on luxury items, then they will never marry such a woman. They prefer women who are economical, who know how to count money, know their price and are aimed at their increase.


Female intelligence is what the rich really care about - if, of course, they have serious intentions. Stupid dolls who can only talk about cosmetics, tanning beds and shopping for days on end are good for one night or for very specific purposes. As a life partner, a millionaire will choose a girl who is smart and has interesting hobbies.


The rich tend to be more sensitive about female fidelity. Although they rarely keep it themselves (unfortunately), they expect complete loyalty from their partner. A wealthy man is often keenly interested in a girl, she is with him for love or for money, she tries to somehow check this. If he realizes that he was lucky enough to meet a woman who truly loves him, regardless of the state of his account, he will not hesitate to ask for her hand.


Most people think that rich people have eternal holidays. Meanwhile, they spend a lot of time at work, often very stressful. Delegations, contracts, meetings, negotiations… Wealthy people expect patience and support from their partners, and not reproaches about the fact that they are still not at home.

Having excellent manners

A rich man wants to have a girlfriend of life who in society can be a real lady with impeccable manners. Which in a conversation with an important person will not make an unfortunate mistake, and at an elegant secular ceremony will not be ridiculed by the wives of his acquaintances. She should be able to speak on various smart topics, making the right impression on others.

03.02.2015 12:23:45

At all times there were moralizers who convincingly proved that money is evil. And at the same time, from time immemorial, those people who achieved a high level of well-being in their lives were considered successful. Today's era is not much different in this sense from all previous ones. Wealth and success certainly go hand in hand. Wealth is a special zone of attraction where the best, standard, ideal things and objects rush. Really wealthy men can afford to choose all the best, including women. And who believes that in the search for wealthy partners, a woman turns herself into a thing, even if she continues to hover in sublime spheres, depriving herself of many of the pleasures that accompany the life of wealthy and wealthy people.

And yet, what kind of girls do rich men like? Of course, one cannot speak too generally about all rich men, because each of them is also a person, which means that he has individual preferences, certain psychological complexes and sexual needs. And yet, when a man achieves a certain status in society, and his business becomes successful and profitable, certain stereotypes are imposed on all his life choices, including the choice of women. It can be seen that at all times and in all cultures the cult of wealth is accompanied by the cult of beauty, including female beauty. Therefore, it should immediately be noted that rich men tend to surround themselves with girls whose appearance is most consistent with the standards of female beauty that have been formed today.

In this regard, if you are actively looking for a rich man, the obligatory conditions for you are external splendor, which today, thank God, is quite achievable thanks to the presence of all kinds of beauty salons. In no case do not believe the TV fairy tales about how the "gray mice" find wealthy men and live happily ever after with them. The first step in finding a rich man must be to create your own bright, attractive and sexy image. And here we are not even talking about the sexual preferences of wealthy men, but that a beautiful woman for a successful businessman or high-ranking official is a status thing. With your girlfriend, you should not be ashamed to appear at social events and chic events.

However, not only the magnificent appearance of the chosen one is important for successful men. A beautiful doll for certain events can also be hired in an escort service. It is very important that the girl is also liberated and sociable. This also plays a huge role in both personal and social communication. Not bad if a girl knows foreign languages, especially if a man does business with partners from other countries. In short, a rich man remains a man who expects beauty, sociability, affection and support from a woman. The rich man differs from other men only in that he has the opportunity to choose, which means that in order to get to know him, you must definitely get into the zone of his choice.

14.04.2015 11:25:21

Every girl who wants to get married successfully wants to understand the values ​​of a rich man. We consider wealthy people who have luxury housing, a bank account, a well-paid job and a good car. A wealthy person dresses stylishly and looks good. Psychology of a rich man quite complicated, but we will try to figure it out.

Wealthy men's preferences

Usually these people are lonely. They devote a lot of time to work and sometimes completely forget about their personal lives. The search for a permanent companion of a wealthy person begins in adulthood. Next to him, he wants to see a girl who will be much younger than him. This is one of the ways a rich person asserts himself.

For a man, it often does not matter whether a girl is a good housewife. He will not attach much importance to her education. If the girl is very smart, she should not show it, so as not to hurt the pride of her companion. If you want to attract a wealthy person into your life, you should remember that:

  • Rich men think that they are worthy of the first beauties. The girl needs to be prepared for the fact that she will have to be well-groomed and beautifully dressed all the time.
  • The ideal wife for a rich man is one who wants to have many children. For a wealthy person, offspring is also one of the ways of self-affirmation and one of the objects for investing money.

A girl who wants to spend her life with a rich man must understand that she most likely will not be able to build a career. A wealthy person needs a companion, all the attention of which will be paid only to him and the children.

The man believes that one of the duties of his wife is to constantly accompany him to events, as well as parties. A woman should look beautiful and be friendly. Representatives of the stronger sex prefer companions who have the following qualities:

  • calm;
  • Equilibrium;
  • Decency.

Such a woman will become a wise and quiet partner, she will never fight with a man for leadership, realizing that it is important to him.

Answering the question how to understand a wealthy man, you can see that people of this type also pursue a certain benefit. If an accomplished person lacks something in marriage, he can try to find it on the side. Periodic extramarital affairs, especially in adulthood, are also one of the ways of self-affirmation. If the wife is ready to understand and forgive this, then the marriage with an accomplished man will be successful. She should always provide him with home comfort, peace and surround with attention. It is important to remember that even the most successful person needs care and affection.

To become the wife of an oligarch or a millionaire, to live luxuriously and not deny yourself anything is the dream of many Muscovites and provincial girls. What kind of women do rich men prefer, and which ones are they avoided? To better understand this issue, it is enough to draw up a psychological portrait of the oligarch, to understand his lifestyle and worldview. How to become a millionaire's wife And what qualities are important to have?

Psychology of a rich man

If you don't know how to meet a millionaire for a serious relationship, it is first of all important to understand his psychology. The true value for a man is not money at all. Welfare makes it possible to feel power, raise worthy heirs, assert oneself, be valuable, loved, needed. If a man lacks something in the family, then he will certainly look for it on the side. Wealthy men who have a high status in society, despite the increased attention of women to their person, feel lonely.

They are forced to spend a lot of time on self-realization, solving business issues or building a career. Millionaires start looking for a spouse only in adulthood (after 35-40 years). It is during this period that they think about what kind of girl will become a suitable wife, with whom he will feel happy and self-confident. Many girls are desperately fighting for their hearts, so they have studied their habits and feel "hunters" a mile away.

Appearance of a girl

How to meet a rich man and charm him at first sight? A rich man values ​​​​his image, so he chooses young and beautiful girls as his companions, who serve him as another way of self-assertion in society. A wife does not have to be able to cook, do housework, because there are servants for this. However, the wife must be wise enough, appreciate and respect her man, be able to create the necessary psychological microclimate in the house.

Confident men, spoiled by female attention, believe that they are worthy of the first beauties, which is why they tend to choose girls of model appearance and perfectly well-groomed. A beautiful girl accompanying a wealthy man is an addition to his presentable image, a way to assert himself in the eyes of friends, colleagues, business partners.

Attitude towards children

Wealthy men have much more opportunities for the birth and upbringing of heirs. That is why the future wife should want to have children. You need to be prepared for the fact that it is the woman who will have to take care of the upbringing of children, since the husband will be busy all the time.

The wife of a rich man should not strive to build a career and spend too much time on self-realization. She should have free time to devote to her beloved husband, children, take care of herself, attend social events.

Character and temperament

The character should be stress-resistant, balanced, calm. A quiet and wise woman will never fight for leadership in the family, throw tantrums, or demonstrate her intellectual superiority.

The desire for self-development

So that relationships do not develop into domestic ones, a woman should engage in her self-development, do what brings her pleasure and allows her to realize her talents and abilities, only in this case she will feel happy. It is about such self-sufficient, self-confident, versatile women who are able to maintain a dialogue with deep inner content that wealthy men dream of.

If you don't know how to meet an oligarch then feel free to ask for help elite matchmaker, which organizes acquaintance with rich men for romantic meetings or a strong marriage.

Here are the 12 most important qualities of a woman, because of which a man will never let her go from him.

After all, they are really important!

What are the qualities of an ideal woman? We will discuss this in our article.

Once upon a time, men still get that rare lucky chance to meet the woman of their dreams. It's always unexpected and sometimes it's not quite a convenient moment for us, but one way or another, this woman appears and changes lives forever. The dynamics of relationships between a man and a woman have gradually changed over the past few decades, but, in general, their essence has remained the same. It is so established by nature that two opposites can unite and create one whole. If you are the one who was lucky enough to meet this rare flower in the middle of the desert, do everything to never let it go. Not every one of us behaves wisely, having met true love, and then bitterly regret it. If SHE is the owner of these rare 12 qualities, you should not let her go.

1. She is smarter than you.

No matter how you deny it, every man needs a smart woman who will help him on his life path. No wonder they say that behind every great man is a great woman. Without a woman, the path of a man is just a path of self-affirmation.

As soon as a woman appears in life, suddenly this self-affirmation takes on meaning, direction, and a wise beginning.

2. She is beautiful

The beauty of a woman is reflected in the eyes of a man. And how long your admiration for your beloved will last, so long will her beauty bloom.

It is felt that these days there are those who put too much emphasis on beauty, and those for whom it is not important at all. Beauty is something to be enjoyed from the very moment one opens one's eyes; it is not something to be ashamed of, on the contrary, it is worth learning to appreciate it properly.

3. She is kind and caring

Good people are good people. If SHE is not good, then it is not worth taking a part of your life. It is important to be a woman, a caring woman. There are relationships in which a man is more caring than the fair sex.

Although some families cannot have children, despite this, women still develop maternal instincts with age. And if you want to have a strong family in the future, make sure that your woman wants and can become a good mother.

4. She is cheerful.

Life gets very difficult sometimes. It can become boring and monotonous.

Of course, women were not created to entertain men, but being with a cheerful, energetic, adventurous woman is pure pleasure.

5. She knows how to love with all her heart

This is one of the main qualities of a woman - the ability to sincerely love, with all her heart. This is not the kind of love that men can often experience. Their love sometimes becomes more self-centered than the love of a woman.

Women, for their part, can love selflessly, devoting themselves completely to the person with whom they have a relationship. If you have found a woman who sincerely loves you, then this is the greatest gift of fate.

6. She's willing to compromise

People tend to be stubborn - equally, both men and women. We love things the way they are and are not always open enough to make concessions. And relationships, sooner or later, require compromises.

This is how the world works, what can you do. But finding a woman who is willing to compromise is only half the battle. You too, for your part, must learn to do this.

7. She feels at home.

Being deeply in love is like finding your place in the sun, your home. This is the feeling when you know for sure that you are in the right place at the right time. If, looking into her eyes, you feel that your soul is reflected in them, then you are “at home”. And you don't have to go anywhere else.

8. She enjoys pointing out your mistakes.

Every man, without exception, needs a woman who would "read" him for his recklessness. Guys tend, by their simple nature, to do rash, often stupid things.

Therefore, we need a woman who could control it.

9. She is strong but feminine.

Everyone has different tastes in what an attractive woman should be, but they all come down to one thing - a combination of strength and femininity. A strong woman is a reliable partner.

A feminine woman is a great woman. And by combining them into one, you will get one that can stand up for itself and, at the same time, be proud of its thin, vulnerable nature.

10. She is passionate.

Life without passion is no life at all. But to live thanks to one passion is also not an option.

The whole subtlety of passion lies in the fact that it is "contagious", that is, it tends to be transmitted through love.

11. She's "advanced"

It is clear that some men prefer exclusively homebodies. And many women have nothing against it.

But being the keeper of the hearth does not mean sitting at home all the time, cooking food and looking after the children. Everything has to be driven. Being a housewife means being a better housewife, being knowledgeable and wanting to develop. The highlight should be in everything.

12. She means everything to you

Sometimes we love a person without even knowing why. But truth be told, you don't need a reason. If you love her, don't let any stupidity ruin everything. Very often, people realize how much they need love only after losing it. We always think that there will still be a second chance, that “at the behest of a pike” everything will one day fall into place. Maybe you are right. But there is also a high probability that this will never happen. It is better not to risk losing the most valuable thing that you have found.