When can I breastfeed my baby. Whole milk porridge. Porridge or vegetable puree

Child nutrition is a very important topic for parents. After all, the formation of his body, the development of the organs and life support systems of the baby, and his immunity depend on what kind of nutrition the baby receives during the first year of his life.

If the baby is on natural breastfeeding, then everything is easier. Complementary foods are introduced after six months. And when to start complementary feeding of a child on artificial feeding?

The timing of the introduction of complementary foods is different for each baby, depending on its development and on the nutrition received.

A few decades ago, when adapted mixtures had not yet been developed or not everyone could buy them, artificial foods began to be introduced almost from the age of one month. The child's intestines were accustomed to adult food, giving literally drop by drop, first fruit juice, and then vegetable broth.

By three months, fruit puree or juice and kefir were present in the baby's diet, and already from four months they began to introduce cereals and so on. In the future, scientific studies have shown that such an early introduction of complementary foods contributes to the development of gastroenterological diseases. Feeding dates have changed.

In modern conditions of a variety of adapted mixtures, it is always possible for a baby to choose the mixture that will satisfy all his needs in accordance with age and preferences.

The mixtures provide all the necessary substances (fats, proteins, carbohydrates), vitamins and trace elements necessary for the baby at a certain age. Therefore, if the child grows and develops normally, then even with artificial feeding, you should not rush with complementary foods.

According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the opinion of many doctors, Complementary foods do not need to be introduced up to 6 months for both breastfeeding and formula-feeding. It is recommended to start complementary foods at 4-5 months only if there are indications for this, for example, a formula-fed baby is not gaining weight well.

Principles for the introduction of "artificial" children

Dairy-free cereals or vegetable puree are most often used as the first product introduced into a child's diet. Where it is better to start should be based on the condition of a particular child.

The decision is made by the parents in consultation with the pediatrician. However, a number of rules have been developed that must be observed when introducing complementary foods:

  1. The first time a new product is given in a minimum quantity 5 grams or incomplete teaspoon. If the child tolerated the product normally, then on the third day the dose can be increased.
  2. Gradual increase in food intake. That is, add a little bit to the previous dose every day. For example, half a spoon, a spoon, two spoons ... 150 mg.
  3. You need to enter the products one by one y. The next product can be started only a few days after the previous one, making sure that the child does not have a negative reaction to it.
  4. Give the child an injectable product before feeding breast milk or formula.
  5. When introducing a small portion of complementary foods, supplement your baby with formula or milk, gradually replacing one of the feedings with complementary foods completely.
  6. Do not start introducing complementary foods if the baby is not feeling well.
  7. Food is prepared immediately before feeding. It must be prepared from fresh products in conditions of perfect cleanliness.
  8. The product must be ground to a liquid puree-like consistency., because the baby still can not chew.
  9. The temperature of the food should correspond to the temperature of the human body, i.e. 36-37 degrees.

Following these principles, the introduction of complementary foods will not cause any special problems.

First Products

There is a scheme for the introduction of complementary foods, developed by specialists. Therefore, you need to start complementary foods with those products that the doctor will advise, and not your mother or grandmother. According to modern standards, it is better to start complementary foods with vegetables, this is reflected in the table. In special cases, complementary foods begin with dairy-free cereals. In accordance with the WHO recommendations, the scheme for the introduction of complementary foods by months looks like this:


Chopped boiled vegetables are well absorbed by the baby's body, help get rid of constipation, establish the correct microflora in the intestines, and contain the necessary nutrients. Therefore, vegetables are usually the first product that a baby tries after milk or formula.

When introducing vegetables to the child's menu, it is better to choose from such vegetables like cauliflower, zucchini or broccoli. Start one thing, gradually expanding the diet. Later, you can introduce carrots and pumpkin. Potato is considered an allergenic vegetable. It is not recommended that it make up more than a third of the vegetables received. Prepare after soaking in water for 4 hours.

You can mix different vegetables only after they have been introduced into the diet in turn.

It is not difficult to prepare vegetable puree at home, but you can buy it in the store. When cooking, it is important not to salt the baby's food. The taste buds of a child are different from adults, and salt is harmful to a small organism. You can add 1-3 ml of vegetable oil to the puree.


Porridge is used as the first complementary food if the baby's weight gain is insufficient.

Weaning begins from gluten-free cereals (rice, buckwheat, corn). Be sure to use porridge without milk for the first feeding. Do not salt. Later you can add milk porridge.

It is better to buy baby dry porridge in the store. If ordinary cereals are used, then it must be ground in a coffee grinder.

Later, somewhere around 7-8 months, you can add oatmeal and a mixture of cereals - multi-cereal porridge.

From eight months you can add butter 1-5 gr.


Introduction to the diet of fruit in the form of puree or juice is recommended from 7 months. Sometimes they enter from six. However, if you introduce fruit puree first, then the baby may refuse vegetable puree.

The stores sell many different purees and juices for baby food for different ages. Still better to start with apple. If freshly squeezed juice is being prepared, then it must be half diluted with boiled water. A raw apple can be given from 9 months.

Dairy products

Some doctors recommend kefir and cottage cheese as a first meal. These products can be bought at the children's dairy kitchen. If there is no dairy kitchen nearby, then you can cook it yourself from boiled milk (it is better to take non-fat) and sourdough. Cottage cheese is easy to make from kefir. It is necessary to heat kefir until curdling and strain.


As a complementary food, first of all, use mashed potatoes. You can buy it at the store or make your own. To do this, boiled meat is carefully chopped with a blender or scrolled twice in a meat grinder with a fine grate. Dilute with decoction, water or milk to the desired consistency. Children from one year old can be given meatballs or steam cutlets.

    • If the baby does not like the proposed product, you do not need to try to feed him by force. You can start with a different product, and later try to return to the first.
    • Before cooking vegetables or fruits, wash them thoroughly with a special brush, and then pour boiling water over them.
    • When boiling meat or fish, put the product in boiling water, so more vitamins and nutrients will be preserved.
    • It is better to cook the baby for a couple or cook.
    • Thoroughly grind the finished product with a blender or meat grinder. Some products can be crushed well or rubbed through a sieve. Dilute the puree well with a decoction of vegetables or water (milk) to obtain the desired liquid consistency.
    • Do not introduce complementary foods in hot weather. The baby often has a poor appetite in the heat.
  • Store cooked food in the refrigerator, tightly closed, for no more than a day.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

The well-known pediatrician, author of many scientific papers on pediatrics, Dr. Komarovsky, believes that if the mother receives a full, varied diet, then the child does not need to introduce complementary foods for up to six months.

If the baby is artificial, then you need to purchase a good adapted mixture and then it will be possible not to feed the baby for up to six months.

Dr. Komarovsky advises to start feeding the child with low-fat kefir, better taken in the children's dairy kitchen. Increase the dose every day and after five days mix kefir with a small amount of cottage cheese. It is necessary to gradually increase the amount of these products in such a way that in a week you can replace one of the feedings per serving - 150 g of kefir and 30 g of cottage cheese. The doctor recommends feeding such food to the child in the morning.

The second product for complementary foods Komarovsky advises introducing milk-cereal cereals. Gradually completely replacing another of the feedings - evening.

Thus, it is clear that the opinions of various specialists about the timing of the introduction of complementary foods and products with which to start are different. Therefore, the decision on complementary foods should be made by parents, based on the recommendations of their pediatrician and on the developmental characteristics of their child.

Is your child growing up and ready to try new foods? It's time to diversify the menu and introduce complementary foods. Complementary foods are slightly different between breastfeeding and formula-feeding, as are the recommended ages for introducing new foods. Opinions of pediatricians, girlfriends and relatives do not coincide? We understand this issue.

For the normal development of a child up to a year, a prerequisite is the timely introduction of complementary foods into the diet.

Complementary foods - additional (other than mother's milk or formula) food, stimulating the digestive system and training the chewing apparatus of the child, while preparing him for eating "adult" products.

You need to start introducing new products from one type of vegetable, gradually expanding the diet and increasing portions.
  1. The child must be at least 3-4 months old: children under this age will not physically be able to accept food that is unusual for them.
  2. The child should be healthy: the introduction of additional tastes is stress for the baby, you should not aggravate painful conditions with additional worries.
  3. Consistency of products: starting with a liquid puree, gradually “complicate the task”, adding small pieces as teeth erupt.
  4. Monocomponent complementary foods: it is better to start introducing new products one at a time, gradually (in the absence of allergies) expanding the diet and increasing portions.
  5. Amount of food: start with 1 tsp, increasing to 150-180 g - a full serving.
  6. Complementary foods supplement, not exclude, breast milk or formula. How to store expressed breast milk.
  7. Do not introduce new products on the day of preventive vaccination.
  8. Feeding additional foods should take place in the first half of the day; complementary foods should not be given with the first and last feeding of the day.
  9. The expansion of the ration is done at intervals of about a week, after a good adaptation of the previous product.
  10. If allergic reactions occur and if the gastrointestinal tract is disturbed (diarrhea, vomiting), the product should be temporarily removed from the child's menu.

Approximate terms for introducing new products into the diet: for infants - 6 months, although some pediatricians adhere to an earlier introduction.

What and how to feed: menu options by month

From 4-5 months

  • morning feeding with the main food;
  • the first feeding with vegetable, fruit monocomponent puree or dairy-free porridge;
  • normal feeding.

From 5-6 months

  • main food;
  • porridge 150-200 g;
  • main food;
  • fruit or vegetable puree up to 150 g, then breast or mixture;
  • main food: breast or mixture.

6 to 9 months

  • the first morning feeding remains the main food;
  • complementary foods throughout the day: cereals, mashed potatoes, yolk, cottage cheese in acceptable quantities (according to the table);
  • in the evening and at night (if necessary) - the main meal.

From 9 months to a year

  • daily feedings are practically replaced by "adult" food, morning and evening feeding remains.

The introduction of complementary foods with artificial feeding begins as early as 4 months, in special cases, and these are: suspicion of anemia, insufficient weight gain and developmental delay.

Complementary foods are introduced from 3 months on the conclusion of a pediatrician.

It is better for underweight babies to start complementary foods with cereals, for artificial kids - with fruit purees
Formula-fed or mixed-fed babies are better equipped to digest foods other than breast milk.

That is why complementary foods with artificial feeding are introduced a month earlier, and in case of underweight and suspected anemia from 4 months.

Babies, especially if they are underweight, should start complementary foods with various cereals, and for artificial children, it is better to start getting acquainted with cooking with fruit purees, especially if the baby is a little overweight.

Of particular importance is also the scheme for the introduction of complementary foods with artificial feeding.. Very often, parents cannot accurately determine the required amount of food, and there are difficulties with feeding. we talk about it in detail.

To avoid this, use a simple calculation:

  • 4-6 months: 1/7 body weight;
  • 6-12 months: 1/8 of the child's body weight.

The introduction of additional food begins with small portions: ½ teaspoon of puree, 5 ml. juice.

At the same time, juice should be given after the main feeding, and mashed potatoes or porridge - before feeding. A large selection of ready-made canned food for children greatly facilitates the problem of cooking, but they should not be abused.

An excellent solution is factory-made instant cereals, but an already grown child can be gradually accustomed to an adult table.

The following table will help you navigate the averages of normal weight gain.

These figures, of course, will be very average, the average increase will depend purely on the characteristics of the body, genetics, the quantity and quality of the food received.

From the age of 7 months, rabbit, veal, turkey meat can be introduced into the complementary foods diet

Pediatricians also use a different calculation method: for the first six months, they add 800 g of weight every month, after 400 g.

It should be noted that these figures are approximate, many parents begin to panic, starting to intensively feed the baby, or vice versa, restrict food.
All these measures will not give a positive result, you should focus on the child himself: well-being, appetite, mobility and temperament.

We must not forget about heredity: if obesity is quite common in the family, one should not over-indulge the child with sweets and flour products.

In another case, an active and overly mobile child simply does not have time to “work up fat” and, in the presence of a healthy appetite, it is also useless to force feed him.

And in this article you will get acquainted with tips on how to enter. Very useful to know about myths that go among moms on this issue.

A big mistake will be the initial transfer of the child to ordinary food.: salt, spices and the technology of cooking many dishes familiar to us can adversely affect the baby's digestive system and the still insufficiently formed kidneys.

After 7 months, the child's diet expands by including meat products - minced meat from lean meat, turkey, rabbit, veal are perfect.

Already after 9 months, 1-2 times a week, meat is alternated with boiled fish (in the absence of allergies), suitable species would be: flounder, pike perch, saury and cod.

It is also very useful to give unsalted hard cheese, a large amount of calcium, protein and the most important vitamins of groups A, B.

It is better to start introducing cereals with rice or oatmeal, gradually adding buckwheat and semolina.

Already 2 months after the start of complementary feeding with artificial feeding, the child is given porridge in cow's milk (first diluted 1: 1), if there is an allergic reaction, the product is canceled.

Table of estimated weight gain for children by months

AGE, months




The following table will help to draw up an approximate complementary foods menu.

Table of complementary foods for a child by months with artificial and breastfeeding

BABY AGE, months

Fruit juices, ml5-30 40-50 50-60 60 70 80 80-100
Fruit puree, g5-30 40-50 50-60 60 70 80 80-100
Curd, g 40 40 40 40 40-50
Yolk, pcs. ¼ ½ ½ ½
Vegetable puree, g 10-100 150 150 170 180 180-200
Milk porridge, g 50-100 150 170 180 180-200
Meat puree, g 5-30 50 50 60-70
Fish puree, g 5-30 30-60
Dairy products: kefir, yogurt, ml 200 200-400 200-400
Wheat bread, g 5 5 10
Crackers, cookies, g 3-5 5 5 10-15
Vegetable oil, g 1-3 3 3 5 5 6
Butter, g 1-4 4 4 5 6
Whole milk, ml 100 200 200 200 200 200

We present, which take into account the above recommendations.

The most famous and extraordinary pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky, as always, breaks the generally accepted norms, offering his vision on the optimal composition of complementary foods for artificial feeding.

5 differences between the Komarovsky system and the traditional complementary feeding scheme

  1. Children under 6 months of age should not be given complementary foods.. This applies to both breastfed and formula-fed babies.
  2. As the first complementary foods, use low-fat kefir (special for children) and gradually introduce cottage cheese from the age of 6 months.
  3. The best option for evening feeding is milk-cereal porridge. Starting from 2-3 tsp, gradually bring the amount of porridge to the usual single serving - 200 g.
  4. The introduction of vegetables and fruits should be carried out after the appearance of the first teeth ( timing and symptoms of teething), then include meat, fish and yolk in the menu.
  5. For complementary foods, use products that are genetically “native” to our country and do not experiment with exotic delicacies.

The introduction of complementary foods is an important and responsible matter! Late exposure to regular food may delay the development of the child; earlier feeding with "adult" food - problems in the unformed digestive system, in particular, and an unbearable burden on the internal organs.

In any case, a sound approach and consultation of a pediatrician at such an important stage in a child's growing up are simply necessary.

Complementary foods for children on artificial feeding begin to be given earlier than for infants. The first complementary foods for babies on HB are recommended no earlier than six months from the moment of birth, I for children on IV - at about four months. Artificers are more in need of vitamins, minerals and useful elements, which are fully provided only by breast milk. Therefore, they need an early transition to adult food, which can saturate the children's body as much as possible.

Among the main reasons for artificial feeding are the intake by a nursing woman of antibiotics and medicines dangerous for the baby, the complete absence of breast milk, the long separation of the baby and mother. But even in such cases, doctors recommend not to stop breastfeeding completely. So, for example, when treating and taking medicines, breast milk can be expressed. In addition, breastfeeding can be resumed after a break.

When and why artificial feeding is introduced, how to properly feed the baby with a mixture, read. And in this article we will consider the rules and features of complementary foods with artificial feeding.

Complementary feeding rules for artificial feeding

  • Complementary foods for formula-fed babies begin to be given at 4 months (according to WHO recommendations). But sometimes complementary foods are introduced at 3 months;
  • Be sure to consult your doctor before introducing complementary foods;
  • The introduction of complementary foods does not mean a complete transition to adult food. The baby should be supplemented with formula milk. How to choose the right milk formula, read the link;
  • You can introduce complementary foods only if the baby is healthy. Postpone the entry if teething has begun or the child is under stress (during a long separation from his mother, when moving, etc.). It is also recommended to refuse complementary foods in extreme heat;
  • Complementary foods start with apple juice or puree. First, fruit and then vegetable purees are introduced (for infants, on the contrary);
  • The first serving is 5-10 grams (0.5-1 teaspoon). Then the dosage is gradually increased every day by 10 grams until it is brought to normal;
  • Don't force your baby to eat. If the baby does not eat some dish, offer a new one, and return to the old one in one to two weeks;
  • Do not force the child to eat the entire portion at once if he does not want to;

  • Between the introduction of new products, take a break of 3-7 days to determine the reaction of the body;
  • If you notice, remove the product from the diet and consult a doctor;
  • Re-introduction of the product is possible after one to two months and only under the supervision of a specialist;
  • Better to cook your own meals. When cooking, do not use salt, sugar and various spices!;
  • Products are given to the baby only after heat treatment (boiled or steamed) in a liquid consistency. A slightly grown up baby can be given thicker food;
  • If you buy ready-made meals, make sure that it is appropriate for the age of the baby. Check the expiration date, composition and integrity of the package before buying;
  • If the baby does not eat complementary foods, add breast milk or formula to the dish for flavor. For an older baby, you can use vegetable or butter;
  • Give complementary foods on an empty stomach, and only then, if necessary, supplement the crumbs;
  • The consumption rate depends on the characteristics of the development and needs of the child. The supplementary feeding table below will tell you more about the norms.

Table of introduction of complementary foods for children on IV

Dishes 4 months 5 months 6 months Seven months 8-9 months 10-12 months
vegetable puree 5-30 gr 10-100 gr 150 gr 150-160 gr 170-180 gr 200 gr
fruit puree 5-30 gr 40-50 gr 50-60 gr 60 gr 70-80 gr 90-100 gr
Fruit juice 5-30 ml 40-50 ml 50-60 ml 60 ml 70-80 ml 90-100 ml
Dairy-free porridge 10-100 ml 10-100 ml - - - -
Milk porridge - - 50-100 ml 150 ml 150-180 ml 200 ml
Vegetable oil - 1-3 ml 3 ml 3 ml 5 ml 6 ml
Butter - - 1-4 gr 4 gr 5 gr 6 gr
Egg yolk - - ¼ pc. ¼ pc. ½ piece ½-1 piece
Kefir - - 10-30 ml 50-100 ml 100-200 ml 300-400 ml
Cottage cheese - - 10-30 gr 40 gr 40 gr 50 gr
baby biscuits - - - 3-5 gr 5 gr 10-15 gr
Meat puree - - - 10-30 gr 50 gr 60-70 gr
Fish puree - - - - 10-30 gr 30-60 gr

Introduction of complementary foods by month

Complementary foods at 3 months you can start only on the advice of a doctor. It is important that by the beginning of the moment the introduction of complementary foods has already ended, and the child's digestion has stabilized. Then the crumbs can be given in small quantities natural fruit juice, preferably from a green apple. Start with half a teaspoon and work up to two tablespoons. The juice is made without pulp and is first diluted in half with drinking water. The drink must be warm. After apple juice, pear, apricot and peach juice are introduced.

Complementary foods at 4 months involves the introduction of fruit juices, if they have not been introduced earlier, and fruit purees. First, an apple is also introduced, then a pear and a banana, a peach and an apricot. Exotic and rare fruits, such as mango or kiwi, melon or watermelon, should not be given to the baby. Such products are very allergenic and dangerous. Fruits are boiled, stewed or steamed, then ground and diluted with water or fruit broth.

After applesauce, they begin to give vegetables. Zucchini is the most valuable and safest vegetable for young children. Then broccoli and cauliflower are introduced, a little later - potatoes, carrots, pumpkin and green peas. And eggplants, tomatoes and cucumbers, beets and white cabbage should not be given to children under one year old.

At four months, it is allowed to introduce gluten-free cereals on the water. First of all, it is buckwheat and rice. But keep in mind that rice strengthens the stool, so this cereal is not recommended for children who suffer. Then introduce corn porridge on the water. At 3-4 months, complementary foods are given only for the second morning feeding in the region of 9-11 hours. After that, the baby is supplemented with milk formula.

Complementary foods at 5 months complements vegetable oil, which is added to baby puree and porridge. Food at this time is cooked already thicker and includes a second complementary food in the evening feeding. By the way, fruit juice can be replaced with dried fruit compote. Dried fruits have a lot of useful elements and vitamins, have a positive effect on the functioning of digestion, are easily absorbed and digested. But in the first weeks, it is also better to dilute the compote with water until the baby gets used to it.

Complementary foods at 6 months characterized by an increase in dosage. The baby is gradually transferred to milk porridge. First, the milk is half diluted with water, then gradually completely transferred to milk. In addition, the menu includes egg yolk. But pediatricians do not recommend using protein earlier than a year, as it contains a strong allergen. By the way, if a child is allergic to chicken protein, you can use quail eggs.

The diet of a six-month-old baby includes butter, kefir and cottage cheese in minimal quantities. By the way, the well-known pediatrician Komarovsky believes that complementary foods should be started with cottage cheese and kefir, since dairy products are more similar in composition to formula milk or breast milk. Therefore, according to Komarovsky, adaptation to adult food will be easier. You can read the recommendations of the pediatrician. However, many doctors do not agree with this and advise starting complementary foods with vegetable and fruit purees.

Complementary foods at 7 months topped with meat puree. For cooking, choose lean meat without fat, bones and veins. A suitable option would be chicken, turkey, rabbit or beef fillet. The fillet is cut into pieces, boiled, stewed or steamed. Then scroll in a meat grinder or beat in a blender. The resulting mass is mixed with porridge or ready-made vegetable puree. The consistency of dishes for this age should be moderately thick. Meat broth is not recommended for children under two or three years old!

Complementary foods at 8 months can be supplemented with gluten cereals, including oatmeal and pearl barley, millet and barley groats. But it’s better not to rush with semolina porridge, pediatricians do not recommend introducing such a dish to children earlier than a year. The fact is that this is a very high-calorie, allergenic and least useful porridge. Semolina contains the largest amount of gluten compared to other gluten cereals. This negatively affects the work of digestion and often leads to allergies. In addition, semolina provokes the appearance of excess weight.

At this age, meat can already be given not only in the consistency of mashed potatoes. Steamed meatballs are prepared for children. The first dish in the form of vegetable broth or a light vegetable soup is also added to the daily feeding. The dish should contain well-cooked and finely chopped vegetables, which are already included in the child's diet.

Complementary foods at 9 months expands to include fish puree. They begin to give fish from low-fat varieties (hake, cod, perch). It should be a boneless fillet, steamed, boiled or stewed. First, fish puree is given instead of meat once a week, then twice. Fish and meat complementary foods should not be given on the same day! Fish broth or soup, like meat, is not recommended for children under three years of age.

Complementary foods at 4-9 months will look like this:

Approximate feeding times sample menu
4-5 months 6-7 months 8-9 months
6:00-7:00 milk formula
9:00-11:00 buckwheat, rice or corn porridge on water (100 ml) + fruit juice (30-50 ml) + supplementary feeding with a mixture milk buckwheat, corn or rice porridge with butter (100-150 ml) + egg yolk (¼ pcs.) + fruit juice (60 ml) Milk porridge with butter (150-200 ml) + egg yolk (0.5 pcs.) + fruit puree (40 gr)
12:00-14:00 formula feeding vegetable puree with vegetable oil (150 gr) + meat puree (10-30 gr) + supplementary feeding with a mixture soup or broth with vegetables (150-200 gr); vegetable puree with vegetable oil (170-180 gr) + meat (50 gr)
17:00-19:00 puree from vegetables or fruits (50-100 gr) + supplementary feeding with a mixture fruit puree (60 gr) + cottage cheese (10-30 gr) + kefir (50-100 ml) + cookies (3-5 gr) fruit puree (40 gr) + kefir (150-200 ml) + cottage cheese (40 gr) + cookies (5 gr)
21:00-22:00 milk formula

Complementary foods at 10-12 months means larger portions. In addition, the last feeding is replaced with whole milk or kefir. Be prepared that the introduction of complementary foods can cause a number of negative phenomena, including stool and digestion disorders, food allergies. In addition, the baby may refuse complementary foods. Be patient and pay close attention to how your body reacts. Do not yell at the child and do not force him to eat!

We examined complementary foods by months with artificial feeding. The introduction of complementary foods for infants is significantly different. The rules can be found at the link. The article considers the order and features of the introduction of products, the monthly diet for each age of the child on breastfeeding.

Before any mother raising a baby, sooner or later the question arises: “When and how to start feeding the baby?” In this article I will talk about the introduction of complementary foods with artificial feeding.

We, artificial people, have everything in our own way.

When to start?

There is no specific time frame for when to start introducing other foods. Only approximate recommendations can be given.

All doctors agree that artificial people should introduce the first complementary foods a little earlier than babies who receive mother's milk.

This is due to the fact that babies receive all the necessary substances with their mother's milk. And the artificial ventricle is used to receiving someone else's, not mother's, milk, so it is easier to tolerate the introduction of other food.

Why do we start complementary foods before six months?

It is better to introduce solid food into the child's diet before he reaches six months of age. Why?

Your pediatrician, taking into account the child's appetite and the readiness of his digestive system, decides when to start complementary foods. If the baby's stool is constantly watery, it is better to wait with the update of the diet.

The doctor knows where to start complementary foods for a small patient.

Complementary feeding scheme

This complementary food table will help you consistently, in compliance with the norms, introduce new foods into the baby's diet by months.

Products Baby's age, months
0 — 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 — 12
Milk mixture, ml 550 — 850 750 — 850 850 — 900 850 — 900 650 450 350 — 450 300 — 350 250 250
Juice or compote, ml 5 — 40 50 — 60 60 — 70 70 80 90 100
Fruit puree*, ml 5 — 40 50 — 60 60 70 80 90 100
Vegetable puree, g 10 — 50 50 -150 150 180 200 200
Whole milk porridge, g 50 — 150 150 150 170 200
Curd, g 10 — 40 40 40 40 50
Yolk, piece 0,25 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5
Butter, g 1 — 4 4 4 5 6
Meat puree, g 5 – 30 50 50 60 70
Whole milk (for cereals), ml 100 200 200 200 200
Fish puree, g 5 — 30 30 — 60 70
Cookies, g 5 5 5 10 10 15
Kefir, other fermented milk products, ml 200 — 250 250 — 300 350 — 400 400
Vegetable oil, g 3 3 5 5 6 6
*Introduced two weeks after juices

Rules for the introduction of new products

  1. Start with half a teaspoon, gradually bringing the dose to normal.
  2. You can introduce new food only if the baby is healthy.
  3. I'm healthy and cheerful, which means I can try something new!

  4. Carefully observe the reaction of the child's body to a new product. In case of indigestion, remove it from the baby's menu until the normal functioning of the stomach is restored.
  5. Keep a food diary, where you will enter the newly introduced products, the reaction of the baby's body to them. This will help you and your doctor if any of the foods cause an unwanted reaction (indigestion, allergies).
  6. It is better to give a new product before milk or formula.
  7. It is not recommended to give two new, unusual products to the baby at the same time.
  8. While feeding mashed potatoes and other products, the child should sit.
  9. Food is digested better when the child is sitting.

  10. At the beginning of weaning, all food should have a purée-like appearance. Only after the child develops a chewing reflex, you can move on to thicker dishes.
  11. You can start complementary foods with either vegetable or fruit puree - which one will be better for the baby to eat. From vegetables it is good to start with zucchini, cauliflower or potatoes. Add some vegetable oil to it. From fruits, it is preferable to start with applesauce.
  12. The child's body is able to absorb only liquid and puree foods.

  13. Between feedings, it is necessary to give the baby to drink boiled water.
  14. The next type of food is introduced only after complete addiction to the previous one.

How best to introduce new food

Introducing new foods to your child's diet

Teaching fruit

You can give puree from them at any feeding. It is better to boil or bake them first (except for bananas). Start with an apple, gradually introduce pears, peaches, apricots, pineapples.

Observe the reaction of the child's body to each of the new fruits. If everything goes well, fruit puree can be given twice a day.

Adding vegetables

Eggs in baby food

Egg yolk can be given from six months.

Increase hemoglobin with yolks!

  • The yolk contains iron, which is essential for the formation of red blood cells (hemoglobin).
  • The yolk is not as allergenic as the protein. Protein is best given to a child after a year.
  • Boil the egg for at least 20 minutes. After all, the longer you cook any product, the less allergenic it becomes.
  • The yolk can be diluted with milk and given separately, or crumbled into any puree.

Many children who attend nursery suffer from. If you notice acne on the child’s body, he often gets sick with tonsillitis and tonsillitis, it’s time to sound the alarm. According to statistics, staphylococcus aureus is diagnosed in 100%, but microbes remain passive. If the conditions are favorable (for example, SARS), the disease can acquire an aggressive form.

The first crisis in the life of a newborn baby is the crisis of the first teeth. The baby is constantly haunted by unpleasant painful sensations, which he signals with strong crying. How to help the child will tell.

Cottage cheese - a supplier of calcium

A healthy baby needs calcium to grow and strengthen bones. Therefore, along with milk, from 5.5-6 months we introduce into the diet - no more than the indicated norm. Otherwise, there may be a strong protein load on the baby's kidneys.

All kids love this dish!


While the child does not yet have a sufficient number of teeth, we also give it in a wiped or scrolled form in a meat grinder.

Meat compensates for the lack of vitamins that are not found in plant foods.

  • Enter it from seven months. When the child already eats cereals and vegetable purees well.
  • At eight months of age, you can give meatballs. By the age of one, the artificialists are already getting steamed cutlets.
  • Meat broth is currently not recommended by doctors for children under one year of age.. Not having a great nutritional value, at the same time it can act as a strong allergen.

The skin of the head in newborns is very delicate and thin. The sweat glands are not able to work at full strength, and the sebaceous glands, on the contrary, work too actively. This gives rise to . Crusts are a fungus that needs to be treated in a timely manner so that it does not turn into a serious problem.

Did you know that tight swaddling is a thing of the past? Now doctors recommend dressing children in loose clothing that does not hinder movement. Improper tight clothing can lead to development in newborns. How to prevent the disease, and what to do if dysplasia was detected, experts will tell.

What to do if your child hiccups? The causes of hiccups and how to deal with it are described on this page.


From the age of eight months, start giving your child white lean fish such as cod, sea bass, hake. You can replace meat with it in one feeding. Fish is rich in B vitamins. It is better absorbed than meat food.

Fish cakes piping hot!

Dairy products, kefir and whole milk

Include kefir and dairy products in your diet from six to seven months. If there is intolerance to milk, then earlier. Use whole milk up to a year old only in cereals and mashed potatoes.

Not all babies love dairy products.

Why is solid food important?

What is your best indicator that you are doing everything right? This is the monthly increase in height and weight of an infant who is bottle-fed, in accordance with the norms. As well as a healthy, cheerful, harmoniously developing child.

Until a certain age, the main food of the newborn will be breast milk or infant formula. But the moment comes when the child needs other food. Age depends on the infant's previous food. The first complementary feeding with artificial feeding begins from 5 months earlier than with breastfeeding - in infants this age comes later.

Many doctors of the Soviet era advise introducing complementary foods from 2-3 months, which is fundamentally wrong, since the baby's body is not able to perceive such food. Often, mothers, looking at how their baby looks with interest at adult food, also begin to introduce complementary foods early, and from a common table. This is even more dangerous and can lead to indigestion, volvulus or intestinal obstruction.

But if the baby does not have enough of it or he does not add enough weight, then you can start introducing other products at five months. This is especially safe on artificial feeding, as the digestive system is used to heavier food than mother's milk.

Before starting complementary foods, you should consult with your pediatrician. The decision is made based on the following factors:

  1. The baby gained weight, doubling its original weight after birth.
  2. The child has teeth.
  3. The child can now sit confidently.
  4. The baby shows interest in the contents of the mother's plate.
  5. After feeding a baby from a horn or breast, the baby cries, making it clear that he did not have enough milk.

These factors are optional. Every mother feels with her instinct when the baby needs complementary foods. The main rule at the moment is to do no harm. And take your time.

Where to start feeding

Previously, pediatricians advised starting with juices at 2-3 months. At first they gave a couple of drops, reaching up to several spoons. To date, it has been proven that juices are unacceptable on the menu until the baby reaches 1-1.5 years. The old scheme was aimed at the speedy transfer of the baby to general nutrition. This was due to the fact that in the year the mother had to go to work, and the baby - to go to the nursery. But such a scheme is unfavorable for the digestive system and subsequently threatens with gastrointestinal diseases.

Now pediatricians are advised to accustom to new products with vegetable purees or cereals. Vegetables are preferred to start zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower. Others like them (squash, green peas, white cabbage) are not recommended for initial complementary foods, after which colic and flatulence may appear.

Also, at a later date, it is worth leaving red and yellow vegetables. They can cause an allergic reaction. But even if such a reaction appeared, this does not mean that this product should be forgotten for life. Just try again in a month or a half.

In case of a large shortage in weight, doctors suggest starting with dairy-free cereals. Initially, they take gluten-free: rice, buckwheat, corn. Later they try oatmeal, millet, rye, barley. The very last manna is introduced. Although it was previously considered the most important for babies, recent studies have shown that not only does it not have any beneficial properties, but if it is introduced early, it can clog the intestines, creating obstruction.

Purchased cereals are usually with the addition of sugar or sweeteners. As a result, unleavened vegetable purees may not be to your taste after sweet cereals.

In addition to the two feeding schemes described, a new one has recently appeared, proposed by the notorious pediatrician Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky. He suggests complementary foods from fermented milk products, explaining that they are closer in properties to mother's milk and formula. First, give kefir, gradually doubling its amount. Then soft cottage cheese is added there. This technique is quite controversial, many doctors do not recommend it. Dairy products can begin to ferment in the stomach, causing increased gas formation and other unpleasant consequences.

How to introduce complementary foods

Having decided, with, you need to remember how to enter it.

So, the main rule is one product per week. First, a new product is given half a teaspoon. Follow the reaction. The next day, the portion is doubled, i.e. give me a spoon. At the end of the week, the serving is 10-15 tablespoons. Remember that this is just food! The main food for a baby up to a year is milk or a mixture. That is, after feeding the baby with mashed potatoes or porridge, it must be supplemented with a mixture. In this case, there will be no problems with digestion and there will be no stressful situation for the child.

It often happens that the baby refuses the offered food, without even trying it. This does not mean that he is not ready to feed. It's just that many children are very cautious about the new. You need to offer 7-11 times. But there are also cases when the baby, having tried, spits out the food. It's also because of the new taste. For a more familiar taste, you can add a little mixture (or breast milk) to the puree or porridge. But if he doesn’t want to eat this either, then you shouldn’t insist - offer another product.

You need to offer a new product in the morning, and this is done only once a day. In this case, you can notice the reaction of the body (rashes, redness), and even with food non-perception, it is easier to endure this during the day than at night.

You should not start giving a new product if the baby is sick, soon to be or just got vaccinated, and he just doesn’t feel like it. It will only add stress. It is better to wait until everything is fine and let the baby try something new.

An approximate scheme for the introduction of complementary foods by day

The first product is introduced according to the following system:

day of the weekamount of complementary foods, tsp (tea spoon)

The following products can be administered in the same way as indicated in the table. But the baby is already getting used to this amount of food. Therefore, it is better to use the following system.

day of the weekthe amount of the first (already introduced) product, tspthe amount of the second (new) product, tsp
Monday14 0,5
Tuesday14 1
Wednesday13 2
Thursday11 4
Friday7 8
Saturday4 11
Sunday0 15

If the child does not eat this amount of food, no need to insist. In this case, you just need to reduce the proportions in the same proportion. The initial dose remains unchanged.

Store bought food

Easier and much more attractive for many mothers is food sold in stores. The main thing is that the puree is homogeneous and hypoallergenic. In addition, all products must be certified. Do not forget to check the expiration date and the condition of the food cans (boxes).

In addition, do not forget that the baby's food should be fresh. Open puree can be used no more than 24 hours. Therefore, from an open jar, food can only be given twice. The remaining contents are either thrown away or eaten by yourself. In this sense, it is easier with porridge, since you can simply dilute the required amount.

home food

Many mothers decide to make their own food for the baby. This is connected not so much with savings, but with caring for the health of the baby, since only well-known products are used in home-made mashed potatoes or porridge. In addition, often the child refuses canned food, but eats with pleasure what the mother has prepared. Whether this is due to the fact that mom cooks with love or prefers to taste is unknown.

If you decide to cook vegetable puree, then the products must be thoroughly washed, cut and left to boil in boiling water. Boil until soft and puree with a blender or rub through a fine sieve. It is necessary to look so that there are no pieces or fibers in it, since for complementary foods at 5 months it must be homogeneous.

To cook porridge, the cereal must be finely ground. After pour the flour into boiling water, cook until smooth. You can do the same as with mashed potatoes by cooking porridge according to the usual recipe and wiping it with a sieve or blender.

A little later, they are allowed to add vegetable oil. Do not add salt or sugar.

Further feeding

After you have entered, and everything went well, you can gradually begin to give other products. If porridge was given first, then vegetables come next and vice versa.

A 9-10-month-old child is given to taste puréed boiled meat. It is better to choose from lean varieties: turkey, rabbit, beef, veal or chicken. After a couple of months, you can give a try to various offal: liver, heart, lungs, stomach.

The scheme for introducing products into the child's diet looks something like this:

5 monthsvegetablespossible interchange
6 monthsporridge
Seven monthsdairy products (kefir, cottage cheese)but not milk
8 monthsfruits (apples, bananas, pears, prunes)Juices are banned for up to a year!
9 monthslean meatpork is undesirable
10 monthsoffal (liver, heart, etc.)pork giblets are also undesirable
11 monthsvegetable soups with meatin vegetable broth
12 monthssoups in meat broth, possibly with the addition of cereals and pasta

When feeding a baby, the main thing is to remember that this is only complementary foods. Do not refuse the baby in the mixture and milk, he needs it psychologically. And there is no need to rush to completely replace feeding with regular food. This can impair digestion and weaken the immune system. Listen to your child, he will prompt and show what he needs right now.