Myths about the purpose of hair or why hair is needed? Why you need pubic hair and armpits

In the groin and armpits, in addition to the usual sweat glands, contain large sweat glands that release pheromones. Hair in these places is needed in order to increase the surface of evaporation (so that pheromones can evaporate not only from the surface of the skin, but also from the surface of the hair).

Why are pheromones needed?

long range pheromones(small volatile substances that are the same in all people) attract individuals of the opposite sex - not in the sense of "causing wild desire", but simply - they report that there are organisms capable of mating in the area.

short range pheromones(heavy, low-flying substances transmitted through close contact and) tell other people your private"genetic profile" - so that they can calculate how biochemically (genetically) compatible you and they are. And if the compatibility is high, and the body of the “sniffer” is ready ...

For a long time her imagination
Burning with grief and longing,
Alkalo fatal food;
Long hearted languor
It pressed her young breast;
The soul was waiting ... for someone

That may well turn the millstones of love.

And waited ... Eyes opened;
She said it's him!
Alas! now days and nights
And a hot lonely dream
Everything is full of them; everything sweet girl
Incessantly magical power
Says about him.

Introduction to Pheromonology

Pheromones- this is a large group of substances that provide chemical communication between individuals of the same species. With scents, animals can

  • tell each other about fear and danger,
  • mark the boundaries of the territory,
  • mark the way home and to the source of food.

In addition, pheromones play an important role in the organization of sexual behavior.

  • Male insects by the smell of pheromone can find a female at a distance of several kilometers.
  • The female pig, smelling the male's androsterone, arches her back, spreads her hind legs and stands motionless, waiting for something.
  • The male rhesus monkey, at the smell of the female's copulin, becomes wildly sexually aroused.

Exactly the same reaction is observed in these animals to a simple cotton wool soaked in pheromone. In humans, a similarly active substance (“wildly exciting” in its pure form, from a cotton wool) has not yet been isolated - perhaps we simply do not have it.

But what do we have?

According to "long-range pheromones, the same in all people"

  • The smell of the shirt allows most people to quite accurately determine the gender of the person wearing the shirt. The smell of the opposite sex is usually pleasant, the smell of the same sex is not.
  • There have been many experiments with androsterone (which pigs are so fond of). Men and women were asked to choose one of two items, of which one was treated with androsterone, and the other was not (and the concentration of the pheromone was very low, there was no smell). It is clear that men more often chose a clean object (a photograph, a chair, a rest room), while women chose a processed one.

By "short-range pheromones that convey a personal genetic profile"

  • Women's sensitivity to smells depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle: it is highest on the day of ovulation, when fertilization is most likely.
  • If women are offered to choose one with the most pleasant smell from a pile of men's T-shirts, then women choose men who are the most different from them in terms of the main histocompatibility complex.

Actually, everything. Despite the fact that the topic is very exciting, and the experiments are very inexpensive (a T-shirt is much cheaper than a collider), so far there have been no major breakthroughs in this area, and the number of newspaper articles is many times greater than the number of scientific papers. This is due to the fact that the reaction of people to smells is very individual, and patterns that are common to all can rarely be identified. However, a detailed study of human pheromones began relatively recently (in the 1970s), so we will wait.

Additional Information

The most impressive experience with pheromones was not included in the main text (because it is not very related to "sex") - I post it here: the smell of axillary sweat of some women can affect the duration of the menstrual cycle of other women. If women live in the same place (the study was conducted in a hostel), then their menstrual cycles are synchronized. Why this is needed is a dark question, they write that the simultaneous birth of several children allows women (together) to take care of them better - some very dubious explanation.

The vomeronasal organ may be able to determine not only genetic compatibility, but also other parameters of the intended sexual partner - such as the presence of various diseases, the level of stress, etc. - for example, see on "Elements" "The immune system helps animals to distinguish sick relatives from healthy ones by smell."

© D.V. Pozdnyakov, 2009-2019

Hair covers the entire human body, with the exception of the palms, soles and part of the genitals.
The amount of hair on the body depends on the individual, but on average there are about 100,000 hairs on the head.

Hair is divided into three types: head hair, body hair (vellus), and hair that grows after puberty. The hair of the head resembles that of other mammals. The vellus are very thin and usually less pigmented. The third species grows around the genitals, under the armpits, and (in men) on the face. Their growth depends on male sex hormones, which are produced during maturation in both sexes.

Hair and hairline grow from skin tissues. They are formed, like the stratum corneum of the skin, from keratin cells. At a depth of 2.5-5.0 mm from the surface of the skin, there is a hair follicle, from which hair is formed. A hair papilla (papilla) is pushed inside it from the dermis, the surface layer of which forms equally rapidly dividing cells, as in the basal layer of the skin.

Hair acts as a protective barrier. The eyelashes protect the eyes, and the hairs in the nostrils and external ears intercept foreign bodies and prevent them from entering the body. Eyebrows protect eyes from sweat.

Hair also retains heat. The air trapped between the hairs envelops the skin and does not release heat. The more the hair is straightened, the more air it holds. Attached to each hair follicle is a flat muscle that, when contracted, causes the hair to rise, forming goose bumps. These muscles are excited by cold or emotional stress.

Most will answer - for beauty. Indeed, nature did not stint, decorating many species of birds with bright plumage, dressing most mammals in beautiful fur. Males are especially elegant: a peacock with a huge rainbow tail or a lion with a luxurious mane are different from everyday and gray females. In humans, on the contrary, hair is more magnificent and longer in women, which also has its own historical and aesthetic explanation.

In addition to beauty, hair had another purpose for human ancestors - protection from adverse natural influences, but in the process of evolution this function has disappeared. Therefore, the human body is covered with barely noticeable fluffy hair. In addition to vellus, two more types of hair are distinguished in a person: long real (hair of the head, beard, mustache) and bristly (eyelashes, hair in the nasal and auditory passages).

On the head of an adult, there are from 50 to 100 thousand or more hairs. For a month, hair grows by 3 - 15 mm, but they have their own lifespan, after which they die off and are replaced by new ones. About a quarter of the hair on a grown man's head is dead, and like withered trees, they are just waiting for a push to fall out. Such an impetus is given to them by young hair growing in the depths of the hair bag under dead hair. The average life expectancy of hair on the head is 2 - 4 years. The period of their growth in men is less long - from 6 months to 2 years than in women, and the growth rate too.

The hair has three layers: the cuticle - the outer layer - consists of overlapping transparent cells and provides shine (most often suffers from improper hair care), and also protects the inner layers; the bark - the middle layer - consists of filamentous fibers of the protein keratin. It contains a pigment that determines hair color and moisture content, providing elasticity and strength to the hair; core - the inner layer - the function of which has not been fully identified.

Hair is made up of keratin, a type of protein, and grows from a follicle in the skin. All these follicles are formed from birth, and in later life no new ones are formed. The hair root is its only living part: it grows and pushes the dead hair shaft out of the skin. Hair growth is cyclical, the growth phase is followed by a resting phase during which the hair falls out. Then a new hair grows in this place. Every day from 30 to 100 hairs fall out of the head. In an adult on the head, the growth phase lasts about 3 years, and the resting phase lasts 3 months. Hair growth throughout the body occurs unevenly, with different stages. The length of the hair on the head rarely exceeds a meter.

Hair color is determined by how much pigment it contains. Melanin, a skin pigment, is produced in hair follicles. The production of pigment in the follicle slows down with age and often stops altogether, so that over time the hair becomes colorless. Gradual "graying" is due to the fact that over the years, pigment production is slowed down by several follicles at a time, and not all at the same time. Gray hair contains a reduced amount of pigment; white hair contains no pigment at all - pure white hair is found in albinos. When the hair turns gray, the skin also loses pigment and brightens.

For some people, the process of "graying" begins as early as their thirties, and the hair may turn gray within a few years. Others retain their hair color into old age. The graying process can be determined by genetics. Hair cannot turn gray or white overnight or even weeks as a result of stress, as is often the case in novels. There is no known way to stimulate the production of pigment after it has stopped, but various cosmetic products are available that, with regular use, can restore hair color.

For You formed my inward parts and knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise You, because I am wonderfully made. Wonderful are Thy works, and my soul is fully aware of this. My bones were not hidden from Thee, when I was formed in secret, formed in the depths of the womb.
My fetus has been seen by Your eyes; in Your book are written all the days appointed for me, when none of them were yet.
How exalted are Your thoughts to me, O God, and how great is their number!
(Psalms 139:13-18)

The Heavenly Father created the Human body, which has all the necessary protective functions, because there is a rule that God did not create anything superfluous.

Why do you need hair on your head?

You have all the hairs on your head.”
(Matthew 10:30). How intimately our Savior knows and loves us! But what is hair for?

Hair acts as a protective barrier; they play a protective function, and a multifunctional one. Hair on the head protects from overheating as well as from hypothermia of the head and from injury. Curly hair retains air better, which is a good thermal insulation and protects against heat stroke.

Why do you need eyebrow hair?

Eyebrows are part of every person's face and also help us express our emotions. Due to the arched shape of the eyebrows, sweat and dripping rain flows down the edges of our face, preventing moisture from entering the eyes. Due to this, sweat or rain does not prevent us from seeing. Without eyebrows, it would be difficult for us, because sweat contains salt, which irritates the shell of the eyes, which causes the eyes to hurt and itch. For example, when sweat was pouring down, the eyebrows prevented it from getting into the eyes.

Why do you need eyelashes?

The eyes are a very vulnerable human organ, and it is necessary to protect them because people receive information about the world around them, relying on vision more than on other abilities of the body. (We do not have such a keen sense of smell, i.e., the ability to distinguish smells, like dogs, or such excellent hearing as cats.)

Eyebrows protect the eyes from sweat, dust and dirt. Eyelashes do the same, protecting the delicate surface of the eyeball.

Why do you need nose hair?

We often have to pull out the hair in our nose, but the latest research by scientists shows that this is absolutely impossible to do. Nose hair is an important air filter in our body.

After conducting radiopaque studies, scientists have found that the hairs trap and hold dirt, viruses, bacteria and toxins until we blow them out or sneeze.

Researchers at a medical university in Turkey have determined that patients with little nose hair are almost three times more likely to develop asthma than those with dense nostril hair.

Why do we need hair in the ears and why do we need earwax?

So that flies, mosquitoes, beetles, spiders, ticks and other evil spirits cannot get into the ear. Earwax cleans and lubricates the ear canals and is a defense against bacteria, fungi and insects. And the hair in the ears is also an important filter of our body.

Why do you need hair in the groin?

First of all, hair in the groin is needed to protect the body from various negative factors. In the groin, a hairline of long, coarse hair protects the delicate skin and genitals from damage. The most important thing is from small insects that can get inside.

Why do we need armpit hair?

Hair in the armpits prevents the tight fit of the skin of these areas, thereby protecting against diaper rash, abrasions, infections, etc.

Why do you need hair on your legs?

Hair on the legs is one of the protective functions against insects. Remember the moments when you were in the forest or in the country, every time insects or ants will dress up to climb on you, but the hair holds them well. For example, there have been cases where it was more difficult for ticks to get to the groin or other important organ because of the hair on the legs.

Why do you need hair?

There are only two places on the human body where hair does not grow: on the palms of the hands and on the soles of the feet. There is hair all over the rest of the body. They are needed for touch. That is why each hair relies on a nerve ending.

Why do you need fingernails?

Fingernails grow twice as fast as toenails. Men's nails grow faster than women's.

God did it this way because men are more often employed in hard work and nails wear out quickly, so the nails must grow quickly to compensate for the loss. For example, in animals, nails, claws and hooves grind off by themselves, since animals constantly use them, so do men who are busy with work and work as carpenters, builders, etc.
For many, nails are a very convenient tool necessary for professional or ordinary household activities. In conclusion, we note one more function of human nails - protective. Nails are a kind of armor for our fingers and toes, protecting them from getting wounds and bruises.

Why do we need toenails?

The nail protects the sensitive upper part of the fingertip. Just in this place there are a lot of nerves. Toenails help distribute pressure and make the toes stiffer at the fingertips. If there were no toenails, they would look like soft sausages. Toenails play an important role, and if someone did not have a toenail or fingernail, he can remember the problems that he had to face in everyday life.

Why do Asians have narrow eyes?

Have you ever wondered why East Asians have narrow eyes? Why is their appearance different from that of a European? The fact is that God created an amazing human mechanism that adapts to the climate in which he lives.

The Mongoloid race is not considered ancient. A narrow section of the eyes was needed by a person because of the desert area where this race originated. Constant sandy winds narrowed the slit of the eyes, and the eyelashes became even thicker.

The Chukchi, who live far from the Mongolian steppes, received a thin slit in the eyes due to the snowy terrain. As you know, white color reflects the entire spectrum of the beam. And in order not to go blind from the bright light, nature took care of their eyes, making them narrower.

Any young girl at least once thought about the question: why do we need hair on the pubic part? To remove them or not is everyone's business and is purely personal. However, before doing this, it is better to ask your partner how he feels about such an intimate haircut.

The nature of pubic hair

It's no secret that humans evolved from monkeys. Initially, the females of these animals had a bare vulva, so the male could immediately assess the degree of excitation of his partner. In women, this part of the body is covered with hair on the pubic part. This means that the existing vegetation is designed to facilitate the search for a partner and excite him. This opinion has persisted for a long time. At the same time, pubic hair in men perform a completely different function. They regulate the release of pheromones, which are also released in the armpits. It is thanks to the hair that women from afar can feel the representatives of the stronger sex.

what are they?

Regardless of the hair on the pubic part are different. They can be thinner or thicker, and their structure differs in density. Also, the hair on the pubic part can be curly or straight. Their appearance is very dependent on the race of the person and the color of the vegetation itself. The darker the shade of pubic hair, the more curly it is.

Interestingly, when pubic hair first begins to grow, it is light, and darkens a little over time. It is impossible to compare the vegetation on this part of the body in shade with the curls on the head of a person. The color of the hair on the intimate parts of the body is very similar to the natural tone of the eyebrows. Due to the difference in hormonal levels in men and women, the area of ​​hair on the pubic part is different. Intimate places in girls are much less covered with hair than in boys. Moreover, pubic hair in men often extends its borders to the abdomen and thighs.

Function of pubic hair

In addition to being involved in the production of pheromones in men and making a woman more attractive, they have other functions. Why do you need pubic hair? It's simple: they are actively involved in the thermoregulatory process. Vegetation creates an air cushion between underwear and the pubis, thereby protecting intimate places, including nearby lymph nodes, from sudden changes in temperature. Also, the hair on the intimate part of the body helps to absorb the sweat that forms during intercourse.

Hair is also very important for the female body. The fact is that their presence is able to protect the microflora of the vulva from the effects of bacteria. Many doctors are convinced that a completely shaved pubic part adversely affects the condition of the reproductive organs of the young lady and her reproductive system as a whole. Despite the fact that hair has an important function in the human body, many women and girls try to completely get rid of them. They wrongly believe that their presence can prevent them from actively searching for a partner. Young ladies do not even suspect that many men like them and even excite them.

Shaving or intimate haircut?

Of course, knowing why you need pubic hair, you can easily decide which is better: a complete shave or. The positive side of the first scenario is the complete removal of vegetation from the bikini area. In some countries, only this is considered beautiful and sexy. However, not all men agree with this.

Some representatives of the stronger sex are convinced that a neat haircut looks much more beautiful than a completely shaved pubic area. This is partly true. The fact is that inept shaving of the pubic vegetation, which is very tough, injures the delicate skin in intimate places. As a result, bruises appear there, and by the way, Marilyn Monroe was the first to bring into fashion the dyeing of pubic hair. At that time, she actively bleached it, wanting to be blonde from head to toe. Since then, the dyed intimate haircut has not ceased to be fashionable. Shades of hair can be chosen in a variety of ways. But the stronger sex prefers naturalness.

Doctors about pubic hair removal

If you turn to doctors with a question why hair is needed on the pubic part, then they will answer unequivocally: nature would not create something unnecessary. Many scientific medical staff have investigated the issue of removing intimate vegetation. Workers at Harvard University found that this process, for example, leads to obesity.

In addition, it has been proven that women who regularly have intimate haircuts or completely shave their pubic part are more likely to experience menstrual irregularities, infertility, and menopause catches them much earlier. The absence of pubic hair also negatively affects the hormonal background of the girl. As a result, her skin becomes more flabby, and masculinity also appears. Of course, these effects are not always very pronounced. And people just can not notice them. However, doctors say that shaving the hair on the pubic part is necessary as little as possible.

Hair on the arms and legs is a pride for most men and a curse for most women. Why did mother nature reward us with vegetation on the body? The answer is given by scientists who deal with the problems of evolution.

Our distant ancestors were very similar to monkeys. It took millions of years for man to evolve from an ape to a modern space explorer and inventor of the Internet. The ancient ancestors of Homo sapiens did not have clothes, but they needed to withstand bad weather. Wool helped our distant predecessors cope with cold, heat and rain. A long, thick coat was considered a sign of health and good nutrition. In that era, modern man would have been considered sick, starving, and very ugly. But time passed, people developed: we learned how to make clothes, warm ourselves by fires, escape from bad weather in caves, and then houses. Wool was not needed, and evolution began to gradually rid our furry ancestors of it. But she didn't get rid of it until the end. Why? There are several reasons.

The hairline develops rapidly and intensively in adolescents aged 14-18, especially in young men. This is a sign of growing up, the formation of an adult body and an increase in testosterone levels. No need to complex or be afraid of increasing body hairiness - this is a normal, natural process.

A question of aesthetics

The aesthetics of hair on the arms and legs in men and women should be discussed separately.


As noted above, intense hairline is associated with high levels of the male hormone testosterone. This means that masculine (masculine) traits are also associated with hair on the legs and arms. Perseverance, determination, aggressiveness are qualities that help to survive and succeed in society. And, seeing dense vegetation on the body, we unconsciously, at the level of instincts, understand that its bearer is a strong and self-confident man who can repel the enemy and provide his wife and children with everything necessary. In ancient times, women chose just such men.

However, it must be borne in mind that, no matter how strong unconscious drives are, a person is not an animal and is not guided by instincts alone. So, excessively thick hair on the arms, legs and chest scare away, give a wild look. Not everything that was good for primitive people is good for Homo sapiens. Today, moderate hairline is considered aesthetic for a man. In order, on the one hand, not to look like an inexperienced youth, and on the other hand, not to have anything in common with a savage far from civilization.


Intensive vegetation on the female body today is considered unaesthetic. The blame again lies with evolution. If women from ancient times preferred confident, strong, determined men, then the preferences of men were different. They liked caring, calm, affectionate women - the keepers of the hearth. The reason is in the instinct of dominance: men experience unconscious pleasure when they obey. Therefore, increased testosterone, and therefore thick hair on the legs and arms, has never made women more attractive.

The instinct of caring for offspring also played an important role. Children's traits include an instinctive program in a man that calls to protect, help and protect. And why protect a masculine female, who herself looks intimidating? Therefore, men often preferred women with childish, rounded features, of course, without excess body hair.

Thus, we can briefly summarize all of the above. Hair on the arms and legs is an evolutionary legacy from our ancestors. They give the skin sensitivity and help to notice dangerous insects in time, protect against overheating and hypothermia. Thick hair on the body is an evolutionary sign of masculinity, its absence is a sign of femininity.