New Year's verses for children. The beauty-winter comes in a white fur coat. Poems about winter for children Murka asks to go home

Short New Year's poems for children 3-4 years old

Walks the street

Santa Claus,

Hoarfrost scatters

On the branches of birches;

Walks with a beard

White shakes,

stomping foot,

There is only crackling.

S. Drozhzhin

Where did the snowmen go?

What flew into the garden?

Yes, here they are, look, look -

On the cheeks of the guys.

N. Sokolova

Who meowed at the door?

Open soon! -

Very cold in winter.

Murka asks to go home.

O. Vysotskaya

Why is it snowing?

Why is there ice on the river?

This winter has come to us -

Got a lot of snow.

Why are we visiting

A tree with bright lights?

Because it's coming to us

Winter holiday - New Year!

N. Veresokina

There lived a bunny

Long ears.

Frostbitten bunny

Nose on the edge.

Frostbitten nose,

Frostbite ponytail

And went to warm up

Visit the kids.

It's warm and nice there

There is no wolf.

And they give carrots for dinner.

The bunny washes, going to the Christmas tree.

I washed my nose, I washed my tail,

He washed his ear, wiped it dry.

He put on a bow - he became a dandy.

I. Chernitskaya

Snow, snow is spinning

White all street!

We gathered in a circle

Rolled up like snow.

On a snowy meadow

Only the ground

Snow will cover -

We are going to three.

Having fun in the meadow -


The sled rolled down.

Hold on, baby doll!

You sit, do not fall, -

There's a groove ahead!

You have to drive carefully!

Otherwise, you can break!

O. Vysotskaya

Here comes the winter


Covered with white snow

the field is clean.

Happy ice skating with kids

everything is rolling

At night in the snowy lights


Writes a pattern in the windows

ice needle

And knocking on our yard

with a fresh Christmas tree.

R. Kudasheva

"Before the holiday winter ..."

Winter before the holiday

For the green tree

Dress white herself

Sewn without a needle.

Shake off the white snow

Christmas tree with a bow

And is the most beautiful of all

In a green dress.

Green color suits her

Elka knows this.

How is she on New Year's Eve?

Well dressed!

T. Volgina


Who are the snowflakes

Did you do these?

For work

Who is responsible?

I! Santa Claus answered

And grabbed me

G. Novitskaya


light, winged,

Like night butterflies

Circling, circling

Above the table by the lamp.

Gathered for a picnic.

And where should they go?

After all, they, too, icy,

I want to warm up.

I. Bursov


snowflakes fly,

Almost invisible

How many are always there in winter.

And here I am a snowflake -

fluffy piece of ice

Finally caught by hand.

I cried quietly

Crystal ice...

On a warm palm

There was a tear left.

A. Melnikov

Lived-were in a cloud of a point:

Points-daughters and sons -

Twenty thousand sons!

Twenty thousand daughters!

Forty thousand white dots -

Sons and points-daughters -

Hand in hand right away

And they rushed to the ground.

E. Moshkovskaya

Ate on the edge -

To the top of the sky -

Listen, be silent

Look at grandchildren.

And grandchildren-Christmas trees -

Fine needles

At the forest gate

They lead a round dance.

I. Tokmakova

Come on, Christmas tree, brighter

Shine the lights!

We invited guests

Have fun with us.

On the paths, on the snow,

Through forest lawns

Jumped on a holiday to us

Long-eared bunny.

And behind him - look at everything! -

Red fox.

The fox also wanted

Have fun with us.

Waddling is going

Toed bear.

He brought honey as a gift

And a big bump.

Come on, Christmas tree, brighter

Shine the lights

So that the paws of the animals

They danced on their own.

M. Klokova

Beads glitter on the tree,

Flappers and a star.

We love our tree

Yes Yes Yes!

Snow Maiden in a white coat

Always comes to us.

We sing and dance with her -

Yes Yes Yes!

And Santa Claus is cheerful,

gray beard,

Brings us gifts -

Yes Yes Yes!

N. Naydenova

Not a leaf, not a blade of grass!

Our garden has become quiet.

And birches and aspens

Boring stand.

Only one Christmas tree

Cheerful and green.

It can be seen that she is not afraid of frost,

Apparently she is brave.

O. Vysotskaya

Mom decorated the tree

Anya helped her mother;

Gave her toys

Stars, balloons, crackers.

And then the guests were called

And they danced at the Christmas tree!

V. Petrova

The most important guest

Who is in an elegant warm coat,

With a long white beard

Comes to visit on New Year's Eve

And ruddy and gray-haired?

He plays with us, dances,

With him, the holiday is more fun!

Santa Claus on our Christmas tree

The most important of the guests!

I. Chernitskaya

Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree

He lit the fires on her.

And the needles shine on it,

And on the branches - snow!

V. Petrova

Snow Maiden

At the entrance, on the site

I collected snow with a shovel.

Although there was not much snow,

I made a snowman.

I put it in the corridor

And she ... melted!

Y. Shigaev

"Santa Claus is carrying a bag..."

Santa Claus carries a bag

And there is a hood in the bag.

Oh you, grandfather, wrap up

Our girl Anyuta!

Untie the bag quickly

Give Anyuta a skin,

on the handles,

On the legs...

We need our granddaughter

Run along the track.

P. Voronko

Winter (excerpt)

Who is in a white down coat

Light step and bold

Out at one in the morning?

On her fluffy curls

Lots of gold glitter

Lots of silver...

She waved her mitten -

Once! Wherever you look

A white carpet is laid...

This white coat

Everyone knows, sorceress, -

Mother Winter.

With a light careless step,

With a veil of snow-white, -

Here she is!

L. Charskaya

Dad chose a Christmas tree

The fluffiest.

the most fluffy

The most fragrant...

Christmas tree smells so -

Mom gasps immediately!

A. Usachev

On furry prickly paws

The Christmas tree brings the smell to the house:

The smell of warm pine needles

The smell of freshness and wind

And the snowy forest

And a slight smell of summer.

Y. Shcherbakov

The Christmas tree is dressing up -

The holiday is approaching.

New Year at the gate

The tree is waiting for the kids.

Our tree


In the door crack -

You'll see

Our tree.

Our tree

Up to the ceiling.

Hanging toys -

From stand

Up to the top.

Who is this and where does it come from

Brought such a miracle to us?

What day is it in our garden?

It's the first day of the year!

E. Ilyina

The girls stood in a circle

They got up and shut up.

Santa Claus lit the fires

On a tall tree.

Above the star

Beads in two rows.

Let the tree not go out

May it always burn!

Herringbone (abbreviated)

Christmas tree, Christmas tree,

prickly needle,

Where did you grow up?

What did you see?

What's in the forest?

bare birches,

Wolves and bears

That's all the neighbors...

And we have New Year

Everyone sings a song...

M. Evensen

Our tree

Our tree is big

Our tree is high.

Above dad, above mom -

Reaches the ceiling.

How shiny her dress is

How the lanterns burn

Our Christmas tree

Congratulations to all the guys.

Let's dance merrily

Let's sing songs

For the tree to want

Come visit us again!

3. Petrova

Christmas tree in Moscow

Moscow river

in lanterns,

In the lights of Okhotny Ryad.

Christmas trees

All over Moscow are burning.

With stars, with crackers,

With fluffy tops

They stand everywhere.

Pushkin Square today

In the silver rain

I cherish the snow in my hands

And I warm with my breath.

Look my snowball

Turned into a stream!

Ah, stay out of the way!

He is in a hurry to find spring!

G. Novitskaya

#NewYear@detivphokuse #Development@detivphokuse #Older

Elena Matveeva
Selection of poems about winter for children of the 1st junior group

Where is my finger?

Masha put on a mitten

Oh, where am I doing my finger?

No finger, gone

Didn't make it to my house.

Masha took off her mitten.

Look, I found it!

Seek, seek and find.

Hello finger!

How is it going?

N. Saxony

The tree is dressing up

The holiday is approaching.

New Year at the gate

The Christmas tree is waiting for the kids.

Who meowed at the door?

Open quickly!-

Very cold in winter.

The cat wants to go home.

O. Vysotskaya

White snow, fluffy,

Spinning in the air

And the earth is quiet

Falling down, laying down.

I. Surikov


Quietly the snow is falling

White snow, shaggy.

We will clear the snow and ice

In the yard with a shovel.

M. Poznanskaya

Snow, snow, snow, snow!

Stop spilling, my friend!

Everything around is so white

All roads are covered.

Can't even see the trail

How can I go for a walk?

V. Laktionov

V. Laktionov

Ah, you are a winter-winter!

White snow fluffy

Scattered at home

And the ice is clean.

And sparkle in silence

white snowflakes,

And draws on the window

Santa Claus pictures.

G. Kruzhkov

Outside the window, winter is coming

There is a cold.

Like a white elephant is walking

Blows into a strong trunk.

It's amazing that the snow

So much falls

What a lot of people

Everyone has enough of it.

A. Romanova

Light white snow

It looks so much like cottage cheese!

I just won't eat it.

After all, snowflakes are amazing!

Aunty Au

Decorated winter

White cotton at home.

Cotton wool there and cotton wool here -

The city is covered in snow!

We went for a walk

Taking shovels -

Too Much for Winter

This same cotton wool!

S. Borodyanskaya

snow bunny

O. Vysotskaya

We made a snowball

Ears made later

And just

Instead of eyes

We have coals.

The rabbit came out alive!

He has a tail and a head!

They are from straws!

Long, shiny

Exactly real!

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New Year's poems for reading in kindergarten, at home. New Year's poems for the holidays.

R. Kudasheva


The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,

She grew up in the forest

Slim in winter and summer

Green was.

The blizzard sang a song to her:

"Sleep, Christmas tree, bye-bye!"

Frost covered with snow:

"Look, don't freeze!"

Coward Bunny gray

Jumped under the Christmas tree

Sometimes a wolf, an angry wolf,

Ran through.

Chu! Frequent snow in the forest

Creaks under the runner;


Hurry runs.

The horse is carrying firewood,

And in the woods - a peasant.

He cut down our Christmas tree

Under the spine.

Now she is elegant

Came to us for the holiday

And many, many joys

Brought it to the kids.

O. Vysotskaya


Who meowed at the door?

Open soon! -

Very cold in winter.

Murka asks to go home.

O. Vysotskaya


The sled rolled down

Hold on, baby doll!

You sit, do not fall, -

There's a groove ahead!

You have to drive carefully!

Otherwise, you can break!

O. Vysotskaya

snow bunny

We made a snowball

Ears made later

And just

Instead of eyes

We have coals.

The rabbit came out alive!

He has a tail and a head!

Don't pull -

They are from straws!

Long, shiny

Exactly real!

Zoya Alexandrova


little Christmas tree

Cold in winter

Christmas tree from the forest

We took it home.

How many on the Christmas tree

colored balls,

pink gingerbread,

Cones of gold!

How many under the Christmas tree

Little guys!

Stomp, clap,

Cheerfully shout:

"Christmas tree, Christmas tree,

Bright lights,

blue beads,

Christmas tree, call!

Let's stand under the tree

In a friendly round dance.

fun, fun

Let's celebrate the New Year!"

Korney Chukovsky

Christmas tree

Would be at the Christmas tree

She would run

Along the track.

She would dance

Together with us,

She would knock


Would spin on the Christmas tree

Toys -

colorful lanterns,


Would spin on the Christmas tree

From green, from raspberry

Would laugh at the Christmas tree


And they would clap for joy

In the palms

Because at the gate

The New Year has arrived!

new, new,

With a golden beard!

Agniya Barto

It was in January

It was in January

There was a tree on the mountain

And near this Christmas tree

The bad wolves roamed.

Here once,

night time,

When it's so quiet in the forest

Meet the wolf under the mountain

Bunnies and bunnies.

Who wants in the New Year

Fall into the clutches of a wolf!

The rabbits rushed forward

And they jumped on the tree.

They pricked their ears

They hung like toys.

ten little bunnies

They hang on the tree and are silent.

The wolf was deceived.

It was in January,

He thought that on the mountain

Decorated tree.

Agniya Barto

In defense of Santa Claus

My brother (he outgrew me)

Brings everyone to tears.

He told me that Santa Claus

Not Santa Claus at all!

He told me:

Don't trust him! -

But here by myself

The door opened

And suddenly I see -

Grandfather enters.

He has a beard

Dressed in a sheepskin coat

Toe loop to the very heels!

He says:

And where is the tree?

Do the children sleep?

With big silver

sprinkled with snow,

In a fluffy hat

And the elder brother

Says secretly:

Yes, it's our neighbor!

How can you not see: the nose is similar!

Both arms and back!

I answer: - Well, so what!

And you look like a grandmother

But you're not her!

Samuil Marshak


In December, in December

All trees are in silver.

Our river, as if in a fairy tale,

Frost paved the night

Updated skates, sleds,

I brought a Christmas tree from the forest.

The tree cried at first

From home warmth.

Stop crying in the morning

She breathed, she came alive.

Her needles tremble a little,

The branches were on fire.

Like a ladder, a Christmas tree

The fires fly up.

Flappers glitter with gold.

I lit a star with silver

Run to the top

The bravest bastard.

A year has passed like yesterday.

Over Moscow at this hour

The clock of the Kremlin tower strikes

Your salute - twelve times.

Samuil Marshak


Opening the calendar

January begins.

In January, in January

Lots of snow in the yard.

Snow - on the roof, on the porch.

The sun is in the blue sky.

There are stoves in our house.

Smoke rises into the sky.

Sergei Mikhalkov


There was a Christmas tree in the snow

green bang,



One and a half meter.

An event happened

On one of the winter days:

The forester decided to cut it down! -

So it seemed to her.

She was seen

She was surrounded...

And only in the late evening

She came to herself.

What a strange feeling!

Gone is the fear...

Glass lanterns

Burning in its branches.

Glittering decorations -

What an elegant look!

At the same time, without a doubt,

She is standing in the forest.

Not cut down! Whole!

Beautiful and strong!

Who saved, who undressed her?

The forester's son!

Sergei Mikhalkov

White verses

The snow is spinning

Snow falls -

Snow! Snow! Snow!

Happy snow beast and bird

And, of course, the man!

Happy gray titmouse:

Birds freeze in the cold

Snow fell - frost fell!

The cat washes its nose with snow.

Puppy on a black back

White snowflakes are melting.

The sidewalks are covered

Everything around is white-white:


Enough business for shovels,

For shovels and scrapers,

For big trucks.

The snow is spinning

Snow falls -

Snow! Snow! Snow!

Happy snow beast and bird

And, of course, the man!

Only a janitor, only a janitor

He says: - I am this Tuesday

I will never forget!

Snowfall is a disaster for us!

All day the scraper scrapes,

The broom sweeps all day long.

A hundred sweats have left me

And the circle is white again!

Snow! Snow! Snow!

Valentin Berestov

black ice

Does not go and does not go

Because ice.

Falls great!

Why is nobody

Not happy?

Ya Akim

First snow

morning cat

Brought on paws

First snow!

First snow!

Taste and smell

First snow!

First snow!

He's spinning

The guys over their heads

Down scarf

spread out

On the pavement

He turns white

Along the fence

I crouched on the lantern -

So, soon

Very soon

The sleigh will fly

So it will be possible

build a fortress

In the yard!

V. Orlov

Evening song

Sweeps outside the window

Evening snow.

Hurry up with a blanket

Shut up, friend!

Blizzard carousel


Wing is hiding

Hedgehog took cover

Autumn leaf.

fluffy squirrel

Warm tail.

With his clubfoot

With my shaggy

Bushes and trees

Fall asleep around

They took refuge

Blue silver.

Only the gray wolf

Can't sleep

He walks through the forest

And gets angry.

And you know, my friend

Why is he not sleeping?

He is looking for

who is not covered yet.

And you cover yourself with a blanket

And don't be afraid of the gray wolf.

S. Mikhalkov

New Year's Eve

They say: on New Year's Eve

Whatever you wish -

Everything will always happen

Everything always comes true.

Maybe even the guys

All wishes come true

All you need, they say

Put in the effort.

Don't be lazy, don't yawn

For your pain.

They say: on New Year's Eve

Whatever you wish

Everything will always happen

Everything always comes true.

How can we not guess

humble desire -

Perform "excellent"

School assignments.

So that the students

Began to work

To deuce in diaries

Couldn't get through!

A. Usachev

New Year's greetings snowman.

Snowman sends a letter to a friend:

"I wish you a blizzard.

So that the blizzard all year chalk.

Ice, snowdrifts, snow slides,

And frost "minus forty" ...

And warmth!"

E. Uspensky

About the cold

The cold enters the yards,

Roaming in search of a hole.

Where the frost creeps through

Everything immediately freezes.

We won't release the heat

For window glass.

Let's deal with the cold...

Cotton wool, brush and glue -

Short poems about winter for children 3-4 years old in an easy, interesting way convey the whole fabulous atmosphere of winter fun. Toddlers can quickly memorize simple rhymes and tell them at matinees or family gatherings.

Who meowed at the door?
Open soon!
Very cold in winter.
Murka asks to go home.
(O. Vysotskaya)

Bear, bear!
What happened to you?
Why do you sleep in winter?
Because snow and ice
Not raspberries and not honey!
(V. Orlov)

Snow everywhere
Laughter everywhere
Snow everywhere
And snowballs
Everywhere laughter
And laughs!
From high
On the guys
Like fluff,
Not snowflakes
are flying,
And the laughs!
(V. Orlov)

Does not go and does not go
Because ice.
But it falls great!
Why isn't anyone happy?
(V. Berestov)

The sleds are going down by themselves,
But they have one whim.
So that the sleigh races from the hill,
We drag them up ourselves.
(S. Ostrovsky)

Three on a snowy meadow
Me, Winter and sleds.
Only snow will cover the ground -
We are going to three.
Having fun in the meadow
Me, Winter and sleds.
(A. Bosev)

Oh my dear
Bullfinches, titmouse!
I made a feeder for you -
Eat up, birds.
(I. Ageeva)

— Who are the snowflakes
Did you do these?
For work
Who is responsible?
- I! Santa Claus answered
And grabbed me
For the nose!
(G. Novitskaya)
Frost is magic!
This is immediately visible:
I haven't opened my album yet.
And he already
No brushes, no paints
He painted all the windows for us overnight!
(K. Bilic)

Children on a sled in the snow
Rushing down the hill like the wind.
Who is afraid to fall into the snow -
Don't get on the sled.
(Yu. Garey)

Snow fell on the threshold
The cat baked himself a cake.
In the meantime, sculpted and baked -
The pie flowed in a stream.
Bake pies for yourself
Not from snow - from flour.
(P. Voronko)

Winter, winter, winter
Snow huts.
Brought us joy
Snowballs, rides.
(A. Maltseva)

We want to play in winter
throw snowballs,
Drive sleds down the mountain
smile a lot

winter trees
Dressed up in coats
From needle to needle
Hoarfrost covered
(A. Maltseva)

Hello white winter
Snow beauty.
We are your gifts
Very, very like it.
(A. Maltseva)

We love winter for snow
Mittens and sleds
For a hot pie
And with bagel tea
(A. Maltseva)

Poems about winter for the little ones: children from 1 to 4 years old. 34 poems by different authors for children's holidays, classes, games with kids, winter walks.

Children's poems about winter. Part 1.

Poems about winter for the smallest (children 1-3 years old).

N. Sakonskaya. Where is my finger?

Masha put on a mitten:
— Oh, where am I doing?
I don't have a finger, I'm gone
Didn't make it to my house!
Mom took off her mitten.
- Look, I found it!
Seek, seek and find.
Hello finger!
How is it going?

In this poem, you can change the name to the name of the child - “Tanya put on a mitten” or “Nastya put on a mitten”, etc.

N. Pikuleva. Felt boots

Felt boots came out of the hut,
Walked around the yard
Danced at the feast
Lie down on the stove
Save the pies!

I. Tokmakova. Bear

Like on a hill - snow, snow,
And under the hill - snow, snow,
And on the Christmas tree - snow, snow,
And under the tree - snow, snow.

A bear sleeps under the snow.
Hush, hush... Don't make noise

With this poem, you can play catch-up with a teddy bear. Saying the words from the poem, we go with the baby to the teddy bear. At the end of the poem - the game, the awakened bear catches up with the child. The child runs away to the "house" (the house must be designated in advance - before the game).

You can also play hide and seek. Then the task of the game is different. First, we read a poem together. Then you need to pass inaudibly past an adult who holds a bear sleeping in a den on his knees. If the bear hears sounds, he wakes up and catches up with the baby. The kid runs away to the "house".

O. Vysotskaya. Cold

Who meowed at the door?
- Open quickly! —
Very cold in winter.
Murka asks to go home.

V. Orlov. Why does a bear sleep in winter?

Bear, bear!
What happened to you?
Why do you sleep in winter?

Because snow and ice
Not raspberries and not honey!

V. Khorol. Bunny

There lived a bunny
Long ears.
Frostbitten bunny
Nose on the edge.
Frostbitten nose,
Frostbite ponytail
And went to warm up
Visit the kids.
It's warm and nice there
There is no wolf.
And give carrots
For lunch.

T. Elchin. winter song

Where are you, sun
We are quite
Were numb.

Without you
The water is frozen
Without you
The earth is frozen...

Come out, sunshine
Cuddle up and warm up!

Z. Alexandrova. snowball

Snow flutters, spins,
It's white outside.
And the puddles turned
In transparent glass.

Where the finches sang in summer
Today - look! -
Like pink apples
On the branches of snowmen.

The snow is cut by skis,
Like chalk, creaky and dry.
And the red cat catches
Cheerful white flies.

I. Pivovarova. Hare

The hare lay down on a hillock,
Decided to take a nap.
And while he slept sweetly,
The first snow fell on the ground.
Here the gray hare woke up,
Surprised what's wrong?
I was gray, but I became white!
Who changed my clothes?

Who dressed up the bunny? Why does a bunny change its coat? More about this - fairy tales, pictures, poems, developing tasks for children.

O. Vysotskaya. snow bunny

We made a snowball
The ears were made later.
And just
Instead of eyes
We have coals.
The rabbit came out alive!
He has a tail and a head!
For the mustache
Don't pull -
They are from straws!
Long, shiny
Exactly real!

O. Vysotskaya. Sledging

The sled rolled down.
Hold on, baby doll!
You sit, do not fall -
There's a groove ahead!

You have to drive carefully!
Otherwise, you can break!

Z. Alexandrova. In little mittens

In little mittens
Hidden palms.
Help for boots
I have to wear boots...

The first snow fell at night.
We got dressed first.
I'm rolling a sled
I want to play.

V. Lunin. Who is hot in winter?

cold feet,
Freeze hands
coats are cold,
Such a cold -
Even the ice
And he has a cold.
Only blizzards and blizzards
Sweat from zeal:
Blizzards and blizzards lay
Snow-white beds
Lie down in the yard

V. Orlov. Merry snow

Snow everywhere
Laughter everywhere
Snow everywhere
And snowballs
Everywhere laughter
And laughs!
From high
On the guys
Like fluff,
Not snowflakes
are flying,
And the laughs!

S. Marshak. Throws, throws snow in armfuls

Throws, throws snow in armfuls
Winter on the fields.
To the eyebrows covered with hats
In the courtyards of the house.

At night the blizzard played tricks,
Snow knocked on the glass
And now - look how fun
And white-white!

O. Vysotskaya. Winter has come

For young children, the first quatrain from this poem is suitable. The whole poem is for children of senior preschool and primary school age.

Winter came with frost
With frosts, with snowstorms.
Snowdrifts under birches,
White-white under the fir trees.

On the elms outside
White beaded dress.
And the air burns and pricks,
And it smells like watermelon.

Invigorating winter has come
Ringing, crispy,
With school tasks
And hot ovens.

We love frosty days
Elastic ice rink,
night sky starry
And a noisy New Year!

Winter came with crackers
With sweets, toys
And festive, prickly,
Decorated Christmas trees.

Winter with a cheerful mask
He comes to our houses.
Magical, good fairy tale
We think it's winter!

I. S. Nikitin. Fragment

Burning frost crackling,
It's dark outside;
Silver frost
Launched the window.

V. Berestov. Snowfall

The day has come.
And suddenly it got dark.
The world was lit. We look out the window.
Snow falls white-white.
Why is it so dark?

M. Sadovsky. Winter coat

It will snow
And it will stop
He will melt.
White winter coat
She tries on everything herself.
Fur coat
white hare,
Fur coat
Forest and meadow
Fur coat
Lena and Nicole
Fur coat
Oak in an open field,
Fur coat
Poplar and elm.
I'm already<
I'm stuck in a snowdrift,
But everyone has this
Fur coat,
What to wear all winter

Winter has come (folk song)

We pronounce the text with stretching of vowels. On the last lines we “drop” the baby from his knees.

Winter has come,
She harnessed the horses to the sleigh,
On the way - you made the path,
Ice on the river vyyyyyymela,
Connected with the shore
Chained to the ground.
Snow icing,
Small guys on the sledge seated,
Famously from the mountain roll! Oooooh!

Like in the snow (folk song - nursery rhyme)

Like snow in a blizzard
Three sleds flew.
And they make noise and they roar
The bells are ringing.

In the first sledge - grandfather,
In other sledges - grandmother,
In the third sledge - aunt.

Our Katya ran out,
I met dear guests,
Opened the gate for them
She led me to a new burner.

Felt boots. Folk joke.

We will buy boots for our son,
Let's put on the legs
Let's go down the road.
Our son will walk
New felt boots to wear.

Our Masha (folk rhyme)

Our Masha is small,
She is wearing a scarlet fur coat,
Beaver fur.
Masha is black-browed.

In the nursery rhyme, you need to replace the name of the girl with the name of the child - for example, "Our Tanya is small."

Zimushka (folk nickname)

You, winter, winter,
The winter was stormy
All reveled, all chalk,
Kalinushka with raspberries

Poems about winter for children 4 years and older

G. Lagzdyn. Freezing

The sun just touched the roof
Santa Claus left the house
Frost hastened to the river
With a white cloud in my hand.
On the paths, on the paths,
Where there were puddles
Santa Claus throws ice
And spinning on the ice
It slides along the river, it freezes,
Gray hair breathes in the willows,
Snow throws under the skids
Ice gauntlet,
And then, grabbing an armful,
Pours on the porch
Hits the glass with a frozen hat,
Mischievously dusts in the face.
And catch up? Go! Try!
Frost will lead into snowdrifts,
And in the snowdrifts - a tower.
Winter lives there.

V. Berestov. black ice

Does not go and does not go
Because ice.
Falls great!
Why is nobody
Not happy?!

V. Stepanov. Stars - snowflakes

Winter evening
The stars are falling
Are falling from the sky
The city is frosty.

The stars are falling
On the house and paths,
Melting at Katya's
On a warm palm.

Melting inaudibly
snowflake stars
And on the palm
Shine like tears.

Katya from a walk
Return home -
white fairy tale
She will dream at night.

A. Fet "Mom, look out the window"

Mother! look out the window -
Know that yesterday it was not for nothing that the cat
Washed the nose
There is no dirt, the whole yard is dressed,
Apparently it's cold.

Not scratchy, light blue
Frost is hung on the branches -
Just look at you!
Like someone with a beef
Fresh, white, plump cotton
Removed all bushes.

Now there will be no dispute:
For the sled, and uphill
Have fun running!
Really, mom?
You won't refuse
And you might say to yourself:
"Well, hurry up for a walk!"

I. Surikov. Winter (detail)

White snow, fluffy
Spinning in the air
And the earth is quiet
Falling, laying down.
And in the morning with snow
The field turned white
Like a veil
All dressed him up.
Dark forest with a hat
Covered up wonderful
And fell asleep under her
Strong, unshakable...
God's days are short
The sun shines a little
Here come the frosts -
And winter has come.

M. Lukashkin. First Snow Festival

Not everyone knows this modern poetess. It's a pity. Check out one of her wonderful poems.

Take a look at the calendar
You won't believe your eyes!
There is none ... After all, the number
He chooses himself.

And about the month to us
It remains only to guess.
Will it come in October?
Will December wait?

But known, however,
Immutable law:
Not empty handed
He appears.

Give, as always,
Everyone! And in full measure.
Look around!
The day is no longer grey.

Holiday, like a painter,
Snow-white paint
I splashed everyone in the window,
Everyone was delighted with a fairy tale.

Opened our eyes
Gave hope for a miracle -
And went nowhere
Coming from nowhere.

Amazing day!
It has both freshness and bliss ...
The best holiday ever
First Snow Festival!

A. Barto. Not alone

We didn't eat, we didn't drink
They made a snow woman.

February snow, weak-weak,
Crumpled at hand
But just for the snowman
We need one like this.

We were hot to work
It's like there's no winter
As if took February from March
Warm day on loan.

Smiling as if alive
In the park, in silence
The snow woman got up
In a white coat.

But it's getting dark - that's a shame! —
The light of dawn goes out
The boys need to go home
Whatever you say!

Suddenly Natalka frowned,
She's only five years old
He says: - I feel sorry for the woman,
Why should she stand there? -

Soon the sound of the tram will subside
And the moon will rise
There will be a snow woman
Alone under the moon?!

We crowded around the woman,
Thought - how to be?
We have a friend to her at least
Need to get it.

We didn't eat, we didn't drink
They made a new grandmother.

Soon the sound of the tram will subside
And the moon will rise
Our snow woman
Will not be alone.

I am Akim. First snow

In the morning the cat brought on its paws
First snow!
First snow!
It tastes and smells
First snow!
First snow!
It is spinning, light, new,
The guys over their heads
He had a downy handkerchief
Spread on the pavement
It turns white along the fences,
He crouched on the lantern.
So soon, very soon
Sleighs will fly from the hills,
So it will be possible again
Build a fortress in the yard!

S. Kozlov. Winter

I will draw today
Winter, snowy.
forest, road
Everything is covered in snow.
Black raven on a stack.

And fences, and gates,
To the black hole of the path ...
Smoke from the chimneys, in the snow of the house -
Real winter!

I wave a brush -
And from the sky
Suddenly flakes of snow fall.

Here the forest disappeared behind the snow.
The raven on the haystack disappeared.

The road is no longer visible.
Now you can't see the haystack...

No fences, bullfinches,
Swallowed fields and forests,
Only the snow is falling more and more,
Thicker, happier, more generous!

And you people know (folk)

And you people know
Equip the sled!
Meet winter!
Praise frost!
With deep snow!
Long evenings!

Continuation - poems for children aged 5 years and older can be found in the article

You will find more New Year's poems for children in the articles: