Conscious care of a kitten and adult cats. Cat Care - A Complete Guide

Loneliness has bound the soul
The wind howls outside my window.
But she came and it got better
My bundle of happiness, my cat!

You purr sweetly in my ear
It's like you're telling me stories.
I stroke my cloud of fluff,
And it closes its eyes from affection.

Cats are mysterious creatures. One can envy their independent character, graceful gait and equanimity. They know how to be affectionate and kind, loyal and have the warmest feelings for their master. A cat can love a person just like that, for the fact that he is, for the fact that he is near. But any pet needs not only mutual love, but also attention and good care.

Hair care


If we talk about the happy owners of long-haired cats, then, for sure, they have more than once faced the problem of molting, when there is no hiding from the wool in any corner of the house.
Shedding is seasonal or due to an illness of the animal, or maybe the pet's body simply does not have enough vitamins. Another reason for hair loss is hormonal imbalance. It is worth paying attention, first of all, to the abundance of hair loss. If there is too much of it, then most likely you need to show the pet to the veterinarian. Shedding can occur after the birth of kittens, stress experienced by the animal (travel, meeting with a dog, etc.), eating previously unfamiliar food.
In any case, whether it is seasonal molting or illness, the cat needs help. You need to pay attention to the diet of the animal, include vitamins and minerals in it.


Another problem of keeping long-haired breeds is the appearance of tangles, i.e. wool collected in small dense bundles. To avoid such formations, you need to comb the animal daily. It is better to do this with a special brush so as not to cause unpleasant or painful sensations in the cat. If tangles appear, do not immediately cut them off. You need to try to gently untangle the shreds with your fingers.
To prevent tangles, you can sometimes use a weak solution of citric acid.

Shorthair breeds

If a pet with short hair or no hair at all has settled in the house, this does not mean that there will be less care for him than for a long-haired friend. Speaking of Sphynx cats, it is worth paying attention to the fact that these pets seem naked only at first glance. In fact, by running your hand along the back of the animal, you can understand that he still has hair, only it is very short, velvety to the touch. Sphynxes need to be bathed at least once a week to avoid possible skin problems (stickiness, contamination of the skin).

What to feed a cat?

You can feed the cat what is in the refrigerator, but this is not entirely correct. She is not human and needs a different diet. In this regard, there are several important points to note:
  1. The animal must have a specially designated place for eating, where there must be fresh water.
  2. Do not feed your pet the same foods.
  3. During the meal, you do not need to disturb the cat (call it, approach it, stroke it).

Now about the cat's diet itself. If it is decided that food will be its basis, then it is worth approaching this issue responsibly. What food is best? How to choose it, because there is a huge variety on store shelves? When choosing food, you need to pay attention to:

  1. The nature and behavior of the cat (how active it is).
  2. Age and gender (a pregnant cat needs a special diet).
  3. Season.
  4. Taste preferences.
  5. Variety (periodic change of diet).
  6. The shelf life of the product and the integrity of the packaging.
Not every cat will eat food. What to do in this case? The tastes and preferences of cats are formed before the age of six months. If you have adopted a kitten, you still have time to think. Do not force a cat to eat fish or drink milk if she does not want to. Offering new products, over time, you can find a suitable option. Having decided on your pet's favorite food, you can cheat a little and from time to time add it to other foods, such as soups or cereals.

Do cats need to be walked?

A cat cannot sit “in captivity” all the time and needs communication, fresh air and new experiences. From an early age, you should teach her to walk. It is not necessary to walk her on a leash, this is not a dog, cats need freedom. You can take it to nature, to the country, let it soak up the sun, run on the grass or run through the fresh white snow.
Many veterinarians believe that walks are useful for pets, as a salvation from boredom and monotony. Such cats are less likely to get sick, active and cheerful. But you should not walk the cat in crowded places, in parks or on busy city streets, this will cause anxiety and fear in the animal.

If there is no desire or opportunity to walk with a cat, periodically you need to let it out on the balcony or occasionally go to visit neighbors. Having a cat at home means taking on a big responsibility. Proper care and kind attitude to the pet maintains its health and mood, prolongs life.

In specialized stores, there are shampoos for washing cats. These funds can be liquid or dry. The latter will make bathing easier if your cat is terribly afraid of water. Dry shampoo is applied to the coat and combed out along with unnecessary dirt. If you wash your cat with liquid shampoo, be careful not to get water in the ears. This could lead to her getting sick. A quality and good shampoo will give the cat's coat a beautiful look and help in combing it. Now cat shampoos are provided in a wide range. They can also be against fleas or against ticks.

How to bathe a cat?

First of all, choose a shampoo. If it's dry, you won't run into problems. You can not worry about the ears of the pet, because you will not use water. If you chose a liquid shampoo, everything is much more complicated here. It is necessary to prepare in advance, shortly before bathing, do not let the cat eat. Make the water as if you are bathing yourself, that is, not cold. Bathing is always stressful for a cat, so you need to take it in your arms as gently as possible and stroke it, and then slowly lower it into the container in which you will bathe, there should already be water. This is done so that later, when pouring water, not to scare the cat. There should not be too much liquid - the cat's stomach should lightly touch the water. After lathering the animal, rinse it in clean water. Watch your ears so that water does not get into them. After rinsing, wrap the cat in a towel. When the moisture is absorbed, release the animal, the cat will lick itself and after a while it will become completely dry.

Care for wool and measures for its care

We all know how our pets wash their faces. They are the cleanest creatures on earth, constantly licking their fur. But the process of washing them is not to lick off all the dirt, but to get rid of the smell. Cats really dislike being petted after the next wash, because they will have to wash again. We leave new smells on their fur, which irritate cats and they have to wash themselves again. Cats lick everything off themselves to such an extent that the coat becomes wet in some places. The animal takes care of its fur almost independently, it licks itself with a tongue and combs.

Now there are a huge number of tools with which we can help the cat care for the coat. Do you need to take care of your cat's coat? Homeless cats that no one cares for look quite beautiful. The coat of an animal will shine when it has a proper and balanced diet, as well as always high-quality food.

Long-haired cats require additional care, their coat must be combed out periodically. In this case, you also take care of yourself. Combed wool is not scattered by the cat around the apartment or house, which is an additional plus. Combing long-haired cats helps to protect them from tangles, which, if the coat is run and not combed, then have to be removed with scissors. Not all cats like to be combed and stroked. Some do not like this procedure at all, and every time they try to escape and hide from the owner.

The fur that is licked off by a cat gradually accumulates in her stomach, and from this she can have health problems. The question immediately arises, what about dirty stray cats that no one combs? What about their stomachs? They eat a huge amount of various herbs, with the help of which they cleanse their stomach of excess undigested mass. For the same reason, domestic cats constantly eat indoor plants, flowers. Therefore, if your pet starts eating some grass on the street, do not interfere with it.

A cat with stomach problems can be both hungry and full at the same time. She begins to eat food in small portions, but too often. Also, the cat tries to cough, or tries to induce a gag reflex in itself in order to burp the hairs that have accumulated as a result of cleaning the coat. If her intestines become clogged with shreds of wool, this is fraught with an operation. At risk are cats of such a breed as the Persian. Pet stores now offer a wide range of foods that help cats digest the hairs that have accumulated in their stomachs. During cleaning, the hairs can also cling to the teeth of the animal, and then grow into the gum, which leads to inflammation of the gums.

Cat hair care products

You need to take care of the coat with the help of various special combs and brushes. It is important to choose such things correctly and approach it responsibly. The brush or comb that you have chosen, in parallel with the direct purpose, should give the cat pleasure in the process of combing. On sale, these hygiene products are presented in a wide range and are made of various materials. There are brushes for combing, as well as for massage. If your pet is afraid of combs, you should purchase a brush mitt. Do not spare money for such hair care products.

As a rule, grooming is a labor-intensive process, and, first of all, it all depends on the length of the coat. If it is not long, then it is enough to comb the coat a couple of times a week. If your pet has long hair, it needs to be combed every day. All you need is patience and respect for your pet. If tangles have formed on the wool, they must either be cut off or combed with a special comb. To accustom a cat to such procedures, it is better to do this from the moment when she is still small. The cat will gradually get used to the brushing process. When the animal begins to shed, it is necessary to comb it twice as often.

How to take care of your cat's eyes and teeth

The eyeball of all cats should be clean. If the eye is watery, and a thin film covers the entire eye, this means that something is wrong in the body of your beloved pet. The body temperature of a cat during this period may increase, and this, in turn, indicates the presence of an infection in the body. You need to consult a veterinarian who will prescribe eye drops.

A cat's teeth are brushed as a preventive measure, to prevent plaque and to rid its mouth of hairs that it licks off its fur. Tartar causes great harm to a cat. To make it less delayed, cats are allowed to gnaw bones as often as possible, on which they sharpen and brush their teeth. From the very beginning, the stone appears near the gums, where there is less friction. A rough surface is formed, and then bacteria accumulate there due to food. The stone may be so large that it looks larger than a tooth. Bacteria gradually get to the roots, and all this ultimately leads to the inflammatory process of the gums - gingivitis. The cat develops bad breath and stops eating due to pain. The only way to fight stones is to brush your teeth regularly.

Caring for a Cat You all know very well such animals as cats, because in almost every house this cute creature lives, which pleases everyone with its presence. Cats are very good and kind animals that can even cure their owner. But in order for a cat to be beautiful, you need to take care of it. Not long ago, salons were opened in cities where you can take good care of a cat so that it is beautiful and thank you with its warmth and purring. So today you have to take care of the cat. To begin with, you will need to wash the cat, then dry it with a towel and comb it. Also, do not forget that you will need to feed the cat so that it does not have a good mood. After that, you will need to dress the kitty in the best clothes that will suit the style of the kitty.

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With the advent of the animal, life in the house changes - new chores and worries begin to appear. For some, this is part of the gray everyday life, but for some, pleasant duties with the realization that the owner of the pet is the whole world.

But in any case, you need to know how to care for a cat, not only her state of mind, but also her health depends on it.

Cats can be fed both professional and semi-professional food. At the same time, it is forbidden to give products from the table, since many of them are not suitable for the cat's stomach and the body as a whole.

In nature, these animals feed on mice and birds, which means that the diet at home should contain meat, cereals, and offal - these are the components that are included in cat prey.

If you decide to cook your own food, then you can add the following products to the diet:

  • boiled meat of low-fat varieties;
  • boiled vegetables;
  • dairy products;
  • boiled fish;
  • chicken eggs.

If it is not possible to cook food for your pet, you can use industrial feed. At the same time, it is important to realize that low-quality products and their waste are used in cheap options. Such food can cause serious harm to health and shorten the life of cats.

If with all the variety of feeds it was not possible to find the best option, you should seek help from a veterinarian. It will help you choose the brand and type of food that is right for your pet.

How many times a day should you feed?

The kitten needs to eat every 2-3 hours, which is 5-6 meals a day. At the same time, portions should not be large. With a properly selected amount of food, the animal eats most of it in 5 minutes. In this case, it is recommended to remove the remnants of food before a new intake.

As the kitten ages, the distance between meals will increase, as will the volume of the servings themselves. At the same time, he no longer needs night feedings, it is enough to replenish the bowl of food 3-4 times a day. Upon reaching 1 year, the number of meals is reduced to 2-3 times.

Optimal serving sizes

Some owners measure the volume of a serving for a cat using a kitchen scale, and some are guided by the rule "the portion should be such that it is eaten without a trace."

At the same time, it is the second group of owners who are right for the most part. With a sufficient amount of food, the cat will eat the entire portion and, satisfied, moves away from the bowl, starting to wash. If the animal is malnourished, it will sit near an empty plate.


In addition to the fact that cats need regular food, they also require compliance with the drinking regimen. Water should be available and always fresh. This rule is especially true for those cats that eat industrial feed.

Hair care

Despite the fact that the cat often licks itself, its coat requires additional care. For short-haired breeds, combing is recommended to be done weekly, and for owners of thick and long hair - every day.

It is worth accustoming to such a procedure as early as possible, only in this way combing will take place quickly and without problems. For the molting period, combs with metal teeth are suitable. They are able to penetrate deep into the undercoat and remove the falling hair.

cat toilet

An important condition in the question of how to care for a cat is its attitude to the toilet. If the animal does not acquire the proper skill in time, you can forget about a comfortable life for a long time.

The kitten is taught all the necessary things by the mother, but “trouble” can happen in the new house. In this case, one should treat the little creature with understanding and patience.

To help in this matter, it is enough to soak a napkin in a puddle and place it in a tray. The next time the kitten should orient by its own smell. The place for the tray also plays a significant role: it should be quiet and secluded.

Equally important is the type of filler. For breeds with long hair, it is better to take large granules, they will not stick to the coat and create tangles. The filler layer should be an average of 5 cm.

Purchased formulations are able to quickly absorb moisture and unpleasant odors, without creating discomfort to the animal and people around.

"Folk" compositions for the toilet, such as sand, newspapers, sawdust and others, it is better not to use. Paper does not absorb moisture well, which means that the cat will spread its urine throughout the apartment, and sand and sawdust easily stick to its paws, also creating a mess in the house.

The tray should be removed in a timely manner, followed by the addition of the composition. If necessary, a complete change of the filler is made, while the container itself is cleaned with weakly smelling agents.

Cats are very clean animals, but there can also be “incidents”.

The animal spoils for several reasons:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • lack of attention;
  • jealousy;
  • period of sexual activity, etc.

Ear Care

Ear ailments can cause a lot of trouble for the cat and its owner, and many of them are due to insufficient care.

Part of caring for a cat is regular examination of her ears and brushing 1-2 times a month. To carry out this procedure, you will need ear cotton swabs and a special cleaning agent sold at any pet store.

Before the procedure itself, in order not to cause pain to the animal, it must be securely fixed. You can reduce the risk of being scratched by wrapping the animal in a towel.

The cleaning itself involves wetting a cotton swab in the acquired composition and gently cleaning the ear from the inside out.


Another care procedure that is best started as early as possible.

To carry it out you will need:

  • cleanser;
  • cotton pads;
  • special nail clippers;
  • napkins;
  • blood stopper.

Most cats do not like this procedure, and depending on the nature, each of the animals reacts to it differently. Before proceeding with it, the claws are treated with a cleanser.

The cutting should be done at a slight angle so as not to touch the pulp. If such a nuisance happened, the nail will begin to bleed. To stop the bleeding, treatment with a pre-prepared agent is required.

The frequency of the procedure depends on the growth rate of the nails and averages no more than 2 times a month.


If the cat eats solid industrial feed, then brushing the teeth occurs in a natural mechanical way.

Those animals that consume predominantly soft food or natural food are advised to brush their teeth regularly. To do this procedure correctly, you need a soft toothbrush and veterinary toothpaste.

To begin with, the animal is given a taste of the paste, the next time a finger is gently run over the gums, and only then a brush is used. You should not try to clean the entire mouth for the first time, it is important to let the cat get used to this procedure.

The brush is held parallel to the gum during brushing. The teeth are processed, starting from the far ones, towards the front incisors. And with the same direction, the entire mouth is processed.

Eye Care

In a healthy animal, there is no discharge from the eyes. In extreme cases, small transparent accumulations in the corners are possible. The owners should be alerted by abundant brown discharge, as well as red, inflamed eyes.

Such symptoms in most cases indicate the development of an inflammatory process and require immediate veterinary care. Before visiting the veterinary clinic, it is allowed to treat the eyes with cotton wool soaked in a solution of chamomile. The same procedure can be performed with a preventive purpose.


Cats by nature are clean animals, so washing their hair is required only in two cases:

  1. Preparing for the exhibition.
  2. With obvious contamination.

If such a need arose, a special shampoo is used, suitable for the type of coat. The use of a conditioner will prevent tangling of the coat and facilitate combing. For exhibition animals, a whole series of hair care products are produced.

In the process of washing, both shampoo and conditioner are diluted in water and lathered thoroughly. Such a composition is much easier to evenly distribute throughout the body of the animal.

The procedure itself includes the following steps:

  1. Preparation of all necessary products: shampoo, conditioner, towel, comb, hair dryer, etc.
  2. Inclusion of water and its regulation under the optimum temperature.
  3. Rinsing the cat's fur.
  4. Distribution throughout the body of shampoo, followed by massage movements.
  5. Thorough rinsing of the foam.
  6. Application of foam conditioner.
  7. Washing wool and flushing foam.

About health

An attentive and caring owner of the animal will immediately pay attention to changes in behavior. But they are the first to signal the beginning of the development of a disease.

If a cat has the following symptoms, it should be taken to the veterinarian as soon as possible:

  • loss of appetite;
  • repeated diarrhea or vomiting;
  • elevated temperature;
  • reduced activity;
  • blood clots in urine or stool;
  • mucous discharge from the nose or eyes;
  • profuse salivation.

Walking on the street

Some cat owners do not limit them in the space of the apartment, releasing them outside. Right or wrong - each owner determines for himself.

If the animal is still allowed to walk, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:


During the period of molting and low content of nutrients in the body of animals, they especially need an additional intake of a vitamin complex. This situation is observed mainly in the spring and autumn months.

At this time, the immune system is prone to failures, the digestion process worsens, all other systems also reduce the activity of their work.

The intake of the vitamin complex normalizes the work of the whole organism, improves the appearance of the coat and has a beneficial effect on the whole organism.

Pregnant and lactating cats feel the greatest need for nutrients.

It is important to bear in mind that cats fed with industrial high-quality feeds receive all the necessary substances from their composition, therefore, they do not need additional intake.

Vitamins must be added to the diet of cats eating natural food. The course of admission usually lasts one month and is repeated twice a year.

Caring for domestic cats is quite simple and does not require special skills. Elementary procedures are understandable and accessible even to beginners. And as a result, a healthy and well-groomed animal will surely thank the owner with its attention, love and affection.

- insanely clean animals that devote a lot of time to caring for themselves. They not only diligently lick their fur and wash their faces every day, but they also treat the order in “their” places in the house very responsibly.

The instinct of cleanliness is inherited by small kittens. The owner must help the animal by developing certain habits in it.

litter box training

Raising a pet should be from its first days. As soon as the baby gets a little stronger and opens his eyes, you must immediately indicate where his tray will be.

It usually takes two to three weeks to develop a habit. And already by the age of 4-6 weeks, the kitten is able to independently follow its instincts.

Here are some important tips to help you toilet train your pet:

  • Carry your kitten to the litter box after every meal. This will help him “link” two physiological processes together and independently understand when he needs to go to the toilet;
  • Moistened wet swabs can be used to stimulate the passage of urine and feces. Lightly rub the anal area, which will cause a discharge;
  • Determine in advance the place where the tray will be located. You should not first put it in one corner (for example, closer to the sleeping place of the animal), and then rearrange it to the right place. This can confuse the animal and lead to unnecessary problems;
  • Install the toilet in a quiet corner where no one will interfere with the animal. Cats, like many other individuals, do not really like to go to the toilet in plain sight;
  • If you take an already adult animal that was previously in another family, it is advisable to take the pet's "native" tray as well. So the cat can easily determine the place of the toilet, finding it by smell;
  • If you use sand as a filler, first add a little more than you need (about 3 cm), and then gradually reduce the amount.

Once the animal has been litter box trained, your "work" is not over yet. The main task is to always keep the cat's toilet clean by systematically changing the filler.

Remember that clean animals, having found a dirty tray, can go to the toilet in the master's slippers or, for example, under the bath.

As a filler, you can use torn pieces of paper, sand, as well as a special filler (wood or absorbent granules), which is sold in the departments for animals.

Be sure to keep an eye on the presence of bedding. The right amount of materel for a cat's toilet should always be "at hand".

There are also certain requirements for choosing a tray:

  • Do not use cardboard or wooden boxes as a tray. The former quickly dampen, while the latter absorb all unpleasant odors. It will be optimal to buy special plastic toilets for cats. Large pallets are also suitable;
  • Take care of the product size. The toilet should not be too small. Pets like to sit down and rummage for a long time, for which they need additional space.

It is recommended to wash the tray about once a week. Free it completely from the bedding and rinse thoroughly. At the same time, use vinegar diluted in hot water, which can eliminate unpleasant odors. Gloves and a long-handled brush will help you avoid damaging your hands.

But in the first weeks, you should not “interrupt” the smell - it is from it that the cat will learn to find its toilet. So the first month should refrain from using vinegar.

Many owners allow their pets to use the toilet and, in some cases, the sink as a toilet. This is very convenient, because care for the tray in this case is not required.

In their own homes, animals are happy to go outside. This is considered the best and "natural" way. Residents of apartments also practice this. But, in this case, one of the owners must be at home for the maximum amount of time.

Causes of uncleanliness

As a rule, after getting rid of stress and other ailments, pets again begin to visit their usual place.

Also, uncleanliness can be associated with the wrong behavior of the owner - the constant absence in the house, indifference to the animal. Some cats begin to “revenge” for the temporary transfer of pet care to acquaintances, the appearance of a second cat or other animal on the territory, etc. The reason may even be the appearance of a small child.

The "carrot and stick" method

If the veterinarian has not identified any obvious problems, and the animal does not go to the right place “out of harm” or has not yet got used to the new place, in no case should aggression be included! This will only lead to worse results.

Be patient with the training, gradually explaining to the animal that this is bad.

If the kitten went to the toilet in the wrong place, strictly tell him "fu!". Be sure to bring him to the "crime scene" and show how angry you are with his act.

You can poke a kitten with its nose so that it understands the “gravity” of its misconduct.

Then be sure to bring it to the tray. Plant in the right place and try to appease with caress, create a pleasant impression. Stroke the kitten, praise for sniffing. He must understand that going here is good.

It is ideal to use small gifts after the first successes. After the kitten goes to the right place, treat him with sweets, and be sure to caress him.


Do not forget that attention is important for a kitten. Play with him, run around the apartment, build a butterfly on a string with your own hands or buy a special toy.

Make time for developmental activities. Teach the kitten to the name, train to resort to the call. Some breeds are happy to carry out some commands - they bring thrown toys, etc.

Nail care

In order for the animal not to spoil the furniture in the house, you need to purchase a scratching post, read here. Such devices allow you to reduce their length, as well as clean them from dirt.

Trimming of claws with the help of special tweezers is also welcome.

Ear and eye care

Use cotton swabs to remove dirt from your ears. Do this carefully, because an awkward movement easily causes discomfort. After that, it is necessary to wipe the ears with a damp cloth and grease with a hygienic cream.

Pay attention to eye care. Constantly remove hardened secretions, if any. In case of severe discharge, be sure to contact your veterinarian.

The eyes should also be wiped with a damp cloth or cotton pad.

Hair and skin care

Don't forget periodically. To do this, prepare warm water (25-30 ° C), moisten the animal's hair and use a special shampoo.

Rinse off the foam thoroughly! Since what you cannot wash off, the cat will simply lick it off.


For long-distance travel in cars, trains and other transport, you must purchase a special bag for animals. Some prefer plastic carriers in which the cat sits like in a house. Through a comfortable grill, the animal can observe everything that happens, which leads to less stress. It will not be superfluous to get a harness so that the animal can take a walk on a long road, learn about it from this lesson.

You should not feed your pet for about 6 hours before departure. Do not give food during the journey. If the duration of the trip is more than 24 hours, you should feed the animal once during this time.