April Fool's jokes for husband. How to play a husband on the first of April

April Fool's Day is approaching, the onset of which in 2019 is awaited with no less impatience than in all previous years. This is the day when everyone has fun and jokes with each other. Have you decided how to prank your husband on April 1? We will suggest some ideas.

Surprises will be waiting for your spouse in the morning. Place a long thread under the sheet on the side where your husband sleeps and pull on the end. At the same time, it will seem to your missus that some kind of insect is crawling under him.

Stuff the toes of his slippers with crumpled newsprint or cotton and tape the slippers to the floor with double-sided tape.

Replace shaving cream in the bathroom with a similar can of whipped cream. Coat the bar of soap with clear nail polish. Your husband will try to soap his hands, but he will not succeed.

How else can you play your husband on April 1st?

Replace his computer mouse with a toy - plastic or soft. Attach a congratulation to the tail of the mouse: “Happy April 1!”

You can send an SMS to your spouse with the following content: “200 rubles have been withdrawn from your account. for greening Mars. Grateful Martians"; "Don't press anything! It's a virus, phone locked, phone locked, phone locked……#@!%$&*@?#……HA HA HA! Nervous? “Dear subscriber! Your debt is 1000 kisses, please return to your wife, ”etc.

How else to play a trick on your husband on April Fool's Day? You can congratulate him on the holiday by mail. Send your spouse a birthday card with a cool picture on behalf of some serious institution (pension fund, tax office, etc.). Please note that the address on the envelope should not be written by hand, but printed on a printer.

Another option to draw a husband on April 1. You can give him a funny gift. For example, present a piggy bank with different compartments for the wife and husband, and in the compartment for the spouse there is only a slot for lowering money, and in the opening compartment of the wife there is a savings scale.

The smoker will be amused by the ashtray, which coughs every time the ashes are shaken into it. A kerosene lamp, matches, an abacus, a notepad, a pen, and other useful items would make a Power Outage Kit, a baby scoop and pail would make a Money Rake Kit.

Don't play pranks by "accidentally" leaving a positive pregnancy test in plain sight, or sending your spouse a text message addressed to your imaginary lover, etc. The reaction to such a joke may not be what you expect.

New Zealand, Ireland, UK, Australia and South Africa only until noon. Anyone who dares to joke afterward is called "April Fools". April 1 is celebrated all over the world, but where did this holiday come from?

April 1: the history of the holiday

It is very difficult to establish exact facts and dates: fragments of stories that may be involved have been preserved.

In 1509, a French poet mentioned "Poisson d'Avril" ("April fish"), possibly referring to the holiday. It is known that in 1539 a Flemish nobleman played a prank on his servants by giving them joking orders.

The first direct mention of the holiday dates back to 1686, when John Aubrey (an English writer and antiquary) mentioned "Fools Holiday" ("The Feast of Fools"). Ten years later, several Londoners tried, calling for a "lion wash" in the Tower.

Until now, it has usually been explained by the reproduction of the fate of the Savior sent from Anna to Caiaphas, from Pilate to Herod. Why such an explanation: in the Middle Ages during (often in April), this scene was part of the religious performances (mysteries). Others saw it as only a hint of the variability of the April weather.

World famous draws on April 1

  • Apple Buys: A rumor started by some music journalists (it still circulates in the music scene)
  • On April 1, 1915, at the height of the First World War, a French plane appeared over the German camp and dropped a huge bomb. The Germans rushed in all directions, but there was no explosion. The bomb was emblazoned with the inscription "From the first of April!".
  • 1957 - The BBC published a report on the unprecedented pasta harvest in Switzerland. The company received a lot of response letters: people were surprised that, and not horizontally, someone asked to send seedlings and only a few expressed slight confusion - after all, until now they were sure that pasta.
  • Whopper (beef burger) for left-handed people: In 1998, Burger King announced that they had come up with a "Left-Handed Whopper" designed specifically for left-handed people. On the same day, many people, coming to their establishments, asked for an "old" right-handed whopper.
  • In 2013, Google played a prank on users by "launching" their new Google Nose service, which allegedly can transmit smells directly to the device the user is working on. A promotional video has even appeared on the official YouTube channel of the company. If someone was so interested that they clicked on the “Need help?” button, there he found out what all this was.

How to play a husband on April 1?

A prank on a husband who needs to be planned in advance: at night, pull cling film over the toilet. Waking up should be fun. (Just remember who is most likely to).

Also at night, after making sure that the husband is sound asleep, take the keys to his car and park it somewhere on the other side of the yard (or take it out of the garage). Let him think about the wonders of teleportation in the morning.

During breakfast, while your loved one is away, enter the kitchen with an open pack. Take a spoon and calmly begin to absorb the powder, keeping up small talk (and in the pack, of course, instead of the powder, there will be a children's one, for example).

Classic prank: take it and use a red marker to draw on it. and with tragedy in your voice ask what you should do next.

A risky prank on a husband from April 1: when your beloved leaves for work, send him an SMS with the text: “Darling, I have been waiting for you! Come soon, otherwise my husband will return from work soon. The main thing is to stop in time and tell your husband that.

Set all the clocks in the house to different times (the main thing is to remember which one is correct so that you can return everything back later).

Have a good time on the Internet. Find models that look like you (shooting in the dark or from the right angle). Send them to your boyfriend with the text "One photographer was very insistent ...". The last photo you can really put is your photo: for example, with a mocking face, or an apologetic smile.

Take a screenshot of his desktop (with all shortcuts and folders). Make this screenshot your background screensaver. Hide all real labels and folders. Watch and count how many times it reboots the computer.

Dial the guy's number, give the phone to a colleague / girlfriend and first ask her / him to play along with you: let him say that the phone was found in a place you pre-set, and this number is the last one dialed. You can choose an extravagant place, like a "fitting room of a sex shop." Appoint a convenient meeting time and meet your loved one: such a April 1st.

On April 1, you can come up with many different jokes. If you have a drill, use it for a prank. Go behind your loved one, turn on the device several times, and then pause a little and turn on the drill again, while poking at your spouse's back with your finger. The emotions that your soulmate will experience at the same time cannot be expressed in words.

Go to the bathroom, take a syringe filled with mayonnaise with you. Squeeze out the toothpaste from the tube and send the contents of the syringe into it. When your husband starts brushing his teeth, he will be extremely surprised. In addition, you can switch the faucet to shower mode and direct it like that. so that the water pressure after switching on hit your beloved in the face. When he decides to wash himself in the morning, you can enjoy watching how his head is doused with running water.

Before going to bed, you can prepare a long thread and place it under the sheet on the side where your spouse sleeps. When he lies down in bed, pull the end of the thread, while your missus will have the idea that he lay down on some kind of insect.

You can also take a raw chicken egg, pierce it with a needle on both sides and blow the contents into any dish. Before your man leaves for work, defiantly place an egg in his trouser or jacket pocket and hit it sharply to make a crunch. Surely in the first second your lover will be very surprised and scared.

Another draw is suitable for families with children. Early in the morning, arrange with your neighbor or girlfriend about changing babies. Dress someone else's child in your child's pajamas and put him to bed. You yourself can go to another room and wait until in the morning your husband is surprised by a strange awakening next to someone else's child.

How not to joke with your husband on April Fool's Day?

Some girls choose rather strange prank options. They write messages to their husbands, the content of which is something like: "Beloved, my missus has gone to work, I'm waiting for you." Ladies rely on the fact that men will appreciate such a joke and have fun, but the reaction of the stronger sex can be completely unpredictable.

Also, do not joke about the appearance of your man. Do not shave off his beard in a dream, do not paint his nails and do not pluck his eyebrows. Such pranks are unlikely to cause laughter and fun in your beloved spouse.

I can’t help but share, while I was reading the article, I was rolling with laughter, imagining situations like it would be if I played it this way or that way!

The best congratulations on April 1 is a draw. Moreover, it is believed that it is necessary to congratulate everyone on April Fool's Day, because it will bring good luck and wealth in the future. So, if you have not played your beloved man yet, we offer you some interesting pranks for April 1st. Choose and implement any. And let your evening be funny in a good way.

1. So you came home, your beloved settled comfortably on the couch. And you suddenly send him an SMS with the following text: “Open the door for me, finally, I’m already frozen to stand here!” You can ring the keys before sending SMS.

2. You are already at home, relaxed after a working day, nothing portends problems. And then you jump out of the toilet shouting: “Our toilet bowl broke!” It should be fun: the husband, imagining a sleepless night with a wrench in his hands, will be incredibly happy that this is just a prank.

3. You can argue with your loved one, for example, that he will not be able to step over a pencil. Do you think it can? But no, if you put a pencil on the floor flat against the wall.

4. Does your loved one think that you are a very weak woman? Then argue with him that you can jump higher than your car, or at least And feel free to jump to any height, because it doesn’t matter, because the car won’t jump higher than you anyway.

5. In the evening, when your loved one returns from work, arrange a small water flash mob for him. You take a couple of glasses, fill them with water, cover them with sheets of paper, turn them over and put them on a flat surface. If there are glasses everywhere, he will certainly raise at least one. And get sick. The main thing is to be patient and understand that you will probably have to wipe the water after the draw.

6. You can play your favorite in a school way: smear the door handles with paste, soap, water-based paint or other smearing agent.

7. You can replace toothpaste with mayonnaise or sour cream. In the evening, when the husband goes to brush his teeth, it's time to congratulate him on April Fool's Day.

8. If you come home from work before your husband, you can tape his slippers to the floor. It will be fun too.

9. If you try hard, you can play a husband with balloons. On the way home, we buy more balloons, run before my husband, inflate the maximum number and launch into the bedroom. We are waiting for my husband from work with an innocent look.

10. If your husband is a big fan of video games, you can spoil his evening. First, you can seal the mouse from the bottom with tape. Secondly, you can hide the keyboard or any computer cable. Thirdly, you can send an SMS from an unfamiliar number with the following text: "The Internet has been disconnected and the connection cannot be restored for reasons beyond the provider's control."

11. After the husband leaves for work, send him an SMS (supposedly a wrong number) with the following content: “Well, where are you? I've been waiting for you! Hurry up, otherwise mine will be back from work soon. I'm exhausted already!"

12. Using a marker and a pregnancy test. You need to carefully draw 2 (two) red stripes.

SMS draws for April 1- the best option to congratulate friends on April Fool's Day. Therefore, do not waste time and send funny SMS on April 1 as soon as possible, and wait for the same witty pranks in return.

Rs 200 has been withdrawn from your account. for greening Mars. Sincerely, Martians.

Don't press anything! It's a virus, blocked, blocked,

blocked……#@!%$&*@?#……HA HA HA! Nervous?

Congratulations! You won a gypsy girl in the lottery! If you don't claim your prize within

14 days, they will send a whole camp!

Thanks for your order. The vibrator will be delivered tomorrow at 13.45 to the workplace. Sex shop on the street. Lenin.

The subscriber was disconnected for too much prepayment. The operator apologizes for the inconvenience caused.

The balance of your account is transferred to your neighbor's account to pay off his debts. The operator apologizes for the inconvenience caused.

The new year will bring you a child and a lot of good luck. City horoscope service.

Your number has been blocked for accessing prohibited sites on the Internet. Department of morality Google.

ERROR Battery and keyboard exhausted. Buy a new one immediately

News from MTS: you have been transferred to the new “Stop Tryndet” tariff - per second billing,

Every second is twice as expensive as the previous one!

I stand alone, washed and shiny, bored and cold. So many years served you faithfully,

and you didn't even take me to the office with you. Your car.

Prepare for the flood: buy two rubber for the price of one. Sincerely, Communication Store.

And how do you play your halves on this fun day! Let's share!

Smartphone jokes

1. Many credit card holders subscribe to the service of SMS notifications about the movement of funds in the account. If your boyfriend is one of them, and you have access to his cell phone, you can pull off the following prank:

  • Buy yourself a SIM card, the number of which he will not know (or arrange with a friend to use her number - in case this number is not recorded on him).
  • Write this number in his phone book and give it the name of the credit card issuing bank. In the case of Raiffeisen, it looks like this: *xxxx” (instead of xxxx 4 last digits of the account).
  • Now call your loved one in the middle of the day and claim to have found a coat made of mountain fallow deer skins / a life-sized chocolate horse / an antique stool from the time of Louis XIII. Show stormy enthusiasm and ask for money, huge! Let your whim be incommensurable with the amount, and then, most likely, he will ask you to delay the decision until the evening. Insist until hysterical, and then completely declare that you do not need his consent, you yourself will figure out how to get out! End the conversation in a disappointed tone.
  • Now wait 10 minutes and send SMS from a new SIM card. It is only necessary to pre-rewrite the message template that the bank has ever sent him. Raiffeisen has: "Map *xxxx; Spisano:yyyyyyyy.00RUB; Data:01/04/2008; Location: SNEZHNAYA KOROLEVA MOSCOW; Available Remaining:yyyyy.yyRUR. Raiffeisenbank. The rest, by the way, is minus, and how minus ...
  • I bet he'll call back faster than he can figure out what's what? Be prepared for the most inappropriate response. But how much he will be “let go” when he finds out that this is just a prank!

2. Shuffle all the phone numbers in his phone book so that the entries no longer match. (Do not forget later who and by whom they designated! After all, April 1 will pass, and it will be necessary to eliminate the consequences of madness). So, for example, under the name of his boss, let his mother's phone be, and under yours - just the boss. Use the most active numbers for him.

3. Call him in the middle of the day and tell him that you need to know what time he will be back from work today. Be specific, down to the minute. Ask him what he will be doing at the end of the working day, and is it possible that he will be released earlier? Take a promise from him that in this case he will certainly call you back. All this should instill doubts in him, on the basis of which you will build your joke: after finishing the conversation, write an SMS with playful content, in the spirit: “Lapusik, he will not come before 19-00, I arranged everything! Missed you - brutally!! Mmmmm... Don't be late! Your Lapusya” and send it to his number, as if “by mistake”. Everyone is waiting for a response. Scary? Oh!

4. Dial his number, pass the phone to a colleague and ask him to pretend to be a person who accidentally found your device and is ready to return it to the owner. Like, the last number dialed from the mobile is this one, your boyfriend. If your man specifies exactly where the device was found, let him be called a place where you really could forget the phone, or something extravagant: “in the fitting room of a sex shop,” for example. Set a meeting time and place that is convenient for you. Meet your beloved there, and let the evening end with a pleasant date.

5. By using anonymous sms service you can implement an infinite number of ideas. He may receive text messages from the "former" who suddenly remembered him at once and are eager for dates. From the boss who suddenly decided to raise his salary. From a friend who "confesses" to him that he is in love with his girlfriend (i.e. you). Free your mind! (By the way, the same service can be used in trick No. 1 instead of an additional SIM card, if you always have the Internet at hand).

10 Most Violent Pranks You Shouldn't Repeat

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With a car

6. If you live together and your man has a car, get up in the middle of the night when he is asleep and park the car on the other side of the yard. (Do not do this if you are not sure that you will do it easily - a showdown with the traffic police will add little pleasant to the first April day). When in the morning he misses the car, enjoy his panic, and when you think that it’s already enough, charge him a forfeit for information about where his car is. You can do the same by offering your help: “You must be tired, sit down, I’ll take the car to the garage” ... Repark and return “with nothing”, claim that you didn’t find the car ...

7. Cut out a simple template (a hole in the form of a heart or a star on a piece of paper) or simply write with a large brush with a water-based emulsion (if the car is dark) or water-based car enamel (namely, water-based - this is important so that the drawing can be easily washed off with water!) Declaration of love. A suitable enamel is produced by Shtandox, it is sold in the form of a dry mixture, which you can dilute with water by eye. According to Andrei Simon, IGP-motors car service specialist, if it is not varnished, it will be smeared and washed off from the first rain. But Yandex-Weather claims that April 1 this year is a day without precipitation, with partly cloudy weather. But by Wednesday, April 2, rain is promised, which will destroy the consequences of your reveling fun.

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Prank with computer

8. With a good deal of digging through the erotic photo sections of amateur photographer sites, you can find photos of models that look like you (shooting in the dark or with a tricky angle). Copy them all into one letter and send him to his work mail with the text “One photographer friend very insisted ...” - and then a tape of several screens with shocking photographs in which he should “recognize you”. Last put really your photo, in which you show him the tongue.

9. Take a screenshot of his desktop - with all shortcuts (Prt Scr) and assign it as a background image. Hide all real labels. Now count how many times it restarts the computer.


10. If you do not feel sorry for your efforts to eliminate the consequences of a small flood, you can arrange such a joke. Pour water into a large saucepan or a three-liter jar to the top, cover with a sheet of paper and turn it over (the school physics course included an experiment with a glass, proving that water does not spill, and the paper holds like a lid!) Put it upside down on the table and carefully pull out the paper to the side. That's it, now the pot / jar is waiting for the first person to put it in its place in order to throw all the water on his feet!

11. Pour dry ice into the sink or tub drain. Then complain to him that the drain is clogged, and arm him with Tiret. Shampoo must first be poured into the container from under Tiret. When the shampoo comes into contact with dry ice, so much foam is formed! No, SO MUCH FOAM! That he will certainly call for help. Hurry - bring your camera!

12. Pretend to be very tired, and fall asleep literally on the go. "Sleep" before him, tossing and turning restlessly and mumbling something incoherent. Say the name - it will attract his attention. And start confessing to something. You know better what exactly shocks your man the most. In the middle of a revelation session, “suddenly” open your eyes and laugh if you can. (We hope he has time to hide the noose).

13. Call him from somewhere and tell him that you are standing at his entrance, but the intercom does not work! Let him come down and meet you. He, of course, will come down, but, not finding you below, he will immediately call you back. Confess: “Listen, since you got out of the house, maybe you can get to me ??”


14. Bet him that in one minute you can cut off all the buttons from his shirt and sew it back on. Bet $100. He will most likely refuse - because if you offer, then there is some kind of trick, and you will succeed. Then invite him to bet for 1000 rubles. Like, you can't wait to show how you do it. He will refuse again, once again making sure that you will win if you insist so much. Agree to argue for 1 ruble! Like, what's the difference, greedy-beef, how much to argue! Is it a pity for the ruble ?? And if suddenly he agrees, cut off all the buttons from his shirt, and then take out the ruble and hand it along with a handful of buttons and the words "I lost." It is very impressive if this shirt was on him, and the dispute fell on the height of the working day in the office.

And be prepared for unexpected discoveries in the character of the one they decided to play a trick on. Nerves, force majeure - not everyone is able to show themselves exclusively from the best side.

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