Congratulations to the labor collective on March 8

Spring is an extraordinary time. After long and severe winter frosts, the first thaws come, everything around begins to come to life, turn green, blossom. Women, girls and girls look dreamy and inspired, men have a period of rapid heartbeat and a characteristic burst of energy. Representatives of the strong half of humanity, more than ever, want to fall in love, sing, give amazing compliments to ladies. And the first spring holiday "March 8" is an excellent occasion to realize all these "beautiful soul impulses." Having collected the most original gift ideas and congratulation scenarios, each man can surprise and indescribably please all female colleagues in the office. Even if there are a lot of girls in the team (more than guys), you can always give them a cool present in the form of your own song, a video about the work of women in the organization, beautiful poems or sincere congratulations in your own words in prose. Having picked up the most successful ideas on how to congratulate women on March 8 at work, the male half of the team will be able to create a real fairy tale for every smart, beautiful and talented ... Even if only for one day!

How to originally congratulate women on March 8 at work

Usually, along with the desire to congratulate women on March 8 at work, men have the question of how to do it in an original way. After all, you won’t surprise anyone with a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates, even if the flowers are the most luxurious, and the chocolate is insanely delicious. You have to turn on your imagination, stock up on inspiration and start preparing the holiday, taking into account the following factors:

  • the number of women in the work team;
  • age category of the heroes of the occasion;
  • type of activity and hobbies of employees;
  • financial base allocated to the organization on March 8 in the office;
  • the number of men who are ready to take on the design, program, gifts and buffet;

Given all of the above factors, you can draw up a short congratulations plan for the female half of the team. It may contain the following items:

  1. Morning greeting. For example: a beautiful congratulatory billboard near the office building, a nice screensaver on the PC desktop, a personal meeting with a costumed character at the entrance to the office;
  2. Short program. For example: ditties performed by men, personal poems for each employee, a funny scene or an unexpected flash mob;
  3. entertainment block in the form of a photo zone, an invited master class for women (culinary, cosmetic, handicraft, etc.), a light or sand show;
  4. Presentation of original gifts: individual presents or one common office for all girls;
  5. buffet. For example: Candy bar, tea party with themed cakes, light lunch with champagne and canapes, "sushi and rolls" menu.

If there are significantly more guys than girls, the holiday can include a maximum of various surprises. If there are much more representatives of the fair sex than men, you can stop at home-made posters, inexpensive, but symbolic personal gifts and delicious treats.

Ideas for original gifts for March 8 to women in the team

Thinking about how to originally congratulate women on March 8 at work, do not forget about gifts. They should also be pleasant, interesting and atypical. Here are some suitable gift ideas for colleagues on International Women's Day:

  1. personalized gifts. These are all sorts of useful or nice little things with the name of the recipient or her address data. For example: diaries, T-shirts, candy sets, cups, mirrors and more. Their advantage is uniqueness and originality.
  2. Nice souvenirs. Such as tilde dolls, cartoon portraits, handmade notebooks.
  3. Useful accessories. These include neckerchiefs, document covers, cases for gadgets, small clutches and more.
  4. Gifts-impressions. For example: tickets to a concert of a popular artist, excursions to interesting places, a visit to an amusement park.

How cool to congratulate women on March 8 at work: scenarios

Men are less prone to global creative impulses than women, so playing the full scenario of a cool congratulations on March 8 at work is a real punishment for them. If you don't consider yourself inventive and creative guys, use the most down to earth action plan. Simply put, organize a "profile" day.

  • flower day. Women treat delicate and delicate flowers with delight and awe, so they will be incredibly happy about them. Especially if they continue to receive them throughout the day: in the morning when meeting at the office, during an impromptu photo shoot, at lunchtime, etc .;
  • Paparazzi Day. Hire two or three photographers for March 8, let them take pictures of your employees in the most unexpected situations all day long. Review the result together at the next dinner;

  • A day of flavors. Pamper your employees throughout the shift with light and low-calorie snacks: oxygen cocktails, smoothies, fruit salads, rolls and other treats;
  • Day of idols. Make a list of the idols of all your female colleagues in advance and give gifts on X-day, reincarnated in their images. Masha - Dr. House with a cane, Dasha - Will Smith in self-tanning, etc .;
  • Queens Day. During a festive breakfast in the office, coronate all the representatives of the beautiful half of the team. Let them walk like queens all day long.
  • Magic day. From the very morning, give everyone a girl a magic wand. Let them make wishes all day, you will fulfill them.

If even after the prompts it’s difficult for you to figure out how cool it is to congratulate women on March 8 at work, see the scripts in the next section.

Scenarios of cool congratulations in the office for women by March 8

How to congratulate women on March 8 at work if there are a lot of women (more than men)

The work team is completely unsuccessful in the ratio of "guys / girls". So, teachers are predominantly women, which means that the Trudovik and physical education teacher will have a hard time. The same can be said about employees of medical institutions, catering establishments, the beauty industry, etc. How to successfully congratulate women on March 8 at such a time, if there are a lot of them at work, and there are only two men?

Even for such a piquant situation, you can find a couple of solutions. To begin with, it is worth asking for additional funding from the management of the organization. If this option is unsuccessful, you can get by with inexpensive congratulatory souvenirs for each employee. For example, personalized chocolates, homemade postcards, photo posters, beautiful flowers in pots. An equally successful option is one present for all women. If the office doesn't have a water cooler, a coffee table for a seating area, or cups for morning coffee, give one of these gifts to the entire work team.

But the most suitable idea on how to congratulate women on March 8 at work, if there are a lot of women (more than men) - keepsakes that do not require any additional costs. For example, a home-made clip with congratulations to women from men, a funny flash mob, a photo collage of guys with congratulatory signs in their hands.

Unusual options for congratulating female colleagues by March 8, if there are more of them in the organization

How beautiful it is to congratulate women on March 8 in your own words in prose

If your work team is very small, congratulate women on March 8 beautifully in prose in your own words. Present each lady with a glass of champagne, present a bouquet of fragrant spring flowers, treat her with a sweet cake and say sincere wishes face to face. To beautifully congratulate women on March 8 in your own words in prose, you don’t even have to buy gifts and postcards.

Beautiful congratulations in prose to female colleagues on March 8

A team without women is like a planet without flowers! Dear ladies, thank you for having us, for saturating working days with an atmosphere of kindness, beauty and comfort! Always remain as tender and delightful as the first spring snowdrops! On March 8, the sun shines just for you, the sky turns blue and the bird choir chirps merrily! May all of you, our dear employees, have a hundred reasons for happy smiles today!

The beautiful half of our office - with a lovely holiday of Spring, Beauty and Love! I would like to wish the usual, but the most important thing for every woman: exciting love, a reliable male shoulder, the fulfillment of all desires and even whims, as well as rapid career advancement!

March 8 unites all women, of all professions and ages, into a single whole - on this day you are equally beautiful and respected. Let the women of our office be cheerful and carefree on March 8th. We sincerely wish love and understanding in family hearths, honor and success at work, as well as warmth and peace in your hearts. Beautiful flowers bloom every spring - just for you, beautiful ladies!

Entering the shift after winter, spring brings fervor and fun to the team with favorable activity. It depends not on the approach of sunny, joyfully clear days, but on happy, gentle smiles and the warm, sparkling gaze of the surrounding women who are on the eve of the holiday. Those women who are characterized by attention and support, help and care - from March 8!

Today, on the brightest and most feminine day of the year, we want to congratulate the beautiful half of our team. Dear women, thank you not only for the high professional qualities that you show day by day, but also for the moral support that you provide to us in difficult working days. I wish you health, optimism and true female happiness. Since March 8!

Options for the original congratulations of women on March 8 with the words of great people

Another version of the original congratulations of women on March 8 is a characteristic in the words of great people. For each employee, select the most appropriate winged saying of a writer, artist or philosopher and read it at the time of presenting flowers and a gift. Also, popular phrases can be printed on the desktop of each PC, beautifully drawn on stickers and pasted on monitors to all the heroes of the occasion. Look for the most original words of great people to congratulate women on March 8 in the next section.

Quotes and sayings of great people to congratulate women in the office on March 8

“A woman is exactly the same force of nature as wind, lightning, electricity”

(Hugginson Torrey)

“Being a man is a lot, but being a woman is even more”

(Martty Larney)

“It’s very difficult to be a woman just because you mostly have to deal with men”

(Joseph Conrad)

“Beauty is also a virtue, a beautiful woman cannot have flaws”

(Johann Friedrich Schiller)

“A woman is like tea leaves: you never know her fortress until she boils”

(Nicholas Regan)

“I would not say that women do not have character, they just have a different character every day”

(Heinrich Heinrich)

“The hands of a kind woman, wrapped around a man’s neck, are a lifeline thrown to him by fate from the sky”

(Jerome David Salinger)

"There are two ways to command a woman, but no one knows them"

(Hubbard Frank)

“If a woman does not give up, she wins, if she gives up, she dictates terms to the winner”

(Karel Capek)

“In a woman lies an amazing, great secret, a great mystery of life, the source of all joys and all worries”

(Arne Garborg)

“A woman brought a man out of paradise, and only a woman can bring him back to paradise”

(Elbert Hubbard)

Ideas for cheerful congratulations of women on March 8 in verse

Forgetting for a second that the first spring holiday is the most tender and touching, you can see that it is also cheerful. Of course, on the beautiful day of March 8, it is important to compliment and admire female beauty, but it doesn’t hurt to joke a little. In the last section, we have collected poems for you for a cheerful congratulation of women on March 8. Use a couple of such congratulations during the working day, but do not overdo it. It's not good to offend girls on their professional holiday.

Funny and funny poems for congratulating women at work on March 8

With all my heart I want to congratulate
Happy International Women's Day!
Have some more fun
Gentle joke, but with fire!
I wish you in the flower sea
Can't find your bed.
With a loved one soon
You will crush the flowers until the morning!
And the path of the soul from pleasures
Screaming like a skinny cat in March!
I wish you new sensations
March 8th, all year round!

Comrades-in-arms I by the Eighth of March
I sincerely congratulate you!
Let dreams come true
For any day - so that the choice of fur coats,

Yes, diamonds to make it brighter
And a prettier limousine:
Whether in it to work, to the country
Riding will be more fun!

Chief - only compliments
Let him be able to speak
On the heart of your contenders
Don't let them be sad!

Women's holiday, men drink,
There is a reason and a reason.
The women became women
Stop whining and crying.
Super duper all models!
What did you want?

I was too lazy to wash the dishes today,
The cutlet turned out to be inedible,
Fuck International Women's Day
All hope for NIGHT International ...

Men on this day are a little "impotent":
Desires in a million! Opportunities - for a penny!
And in this paradox - the complexity of the moment.
Otherwise, your day is insanely good!
It is good that YOU are on a pedestal
Among the overseas flowers in the March garden.
It is good because men began to understand,
How to love you all the other days of the year!

Today we have offered you only a few original ideas on how to congratulate women on March 8 at work in the office. In fact, there are many more of them. And the choice of the coolest scenario is limited only by the budget of the team and the indecision of fellow guys. Even if there are many women in the organization (more than men), you can always congratulate them with beautiful poems or in your own words in prose.

A collection of sincere, beautiful, warm congratulations on March 8 for female colleagues (from men and women). The texts are written in their own words, in prose (not in verse) and are suitable both for public speaking (for example, at a corporate event or a private party of employees in honor of the holiday), and for personal congratulations.

Also, they can be printed and pasted on the office door on a holiday, to sign postcards for employees, cards for bouquets, sweets and other symbolic gifts.

You may find some soul samples useful.

Dear women! Every year we gather here to congratulate you on March 8 and once again bring our sincere wishes to all the brightest that exists in the world. And we have long noticed that all our wishes come true ... So let's use this great opportunity to beg fate for many more gifts. This time we wish you (on behalf of the entire male team) to get younger every year more and more, travel more and more every year, live richer every year, enjoy life even louder, smile more and more and be loved every year more and more. Happy holiday to you, our kind, brilliant, sincere, charming, caring, strict, practical, mysterious, wise and correct women.

Congratulations to the beautiful half of our team on the holiday of spring on March 8. Girls, always remain as beautiful, smile, and continue to delight us every day with your beauty. All the very best to you!

Dear girls (girls, women)! Spring is the best time for such a feminine holiday as March 8th. We congratulate you on it and wish this spring to give you many happy, bright and joyful moments. So that winter takes away the blues and drowsiness. May your beautiful heads always be filled with beautiful ideas. And so that vitamin deficiency leaves your organisms, and new forces, on the contrary, get into it. And so that your path to new goals is easy and enjoyable.

Girls, today, on this festive spring day, we want to confess to you ... We are happy to work with you in the same team. We are proud of our female half of the team and you know, we help as much as we can not only on holidays, but also every day. We congratulate you on the onset of spring, on your Women's Day and wish you great, real, female happiness, love, satisfaction with your destiny, children, appearance ... In general, girls, contentment to you, prosperity, prosperity and well-being. We love you always and for who you are, because you are always beautiful.

Dear colleagues! I congratulate you on a wonderful spring holiday and wish you professional prosperity, the fulfillment of all your plans, new successes and new victories. And most importantly, the easy receipt of all these benefits. Because a heavy burden makes a woman harsh, and you don’t need it at all. So, ease to you, my dear, spring freshness in business and in your head. Be happy!

Favorite colleagues! Winter is finally gone and together with spring the most tender holiday has come to us - March 8th. I congratulate you on him and wish you:

  • Always conquer time, remaining as beautiful, fresh, blooming and healthy;
  • Always win the crisis and be just as smart, fashionable, stylish. May your wardrobe never be empty of new, wonderful outfits;
  • Always defeat gravity and let all parts of the body always be elastic, smooth and toned, despite age and abandoned sports (fitness);
  • Completely and successfully ignore the laws of nature, eat a lot and tasty, spitting on diets and at the same time remaining graceful, graceful and light;
  • Always be loved, protected, adored, respected by your man and kids;

In general, dear ladies, I wish you real, genuine and eternal female happiness.

Dear Colleagues! We wish your career achievements, successes and victories to be in demand, appreciated and bring you pleasure and satisfaction. So that your dreams come true, the world around you pleases and that your professional path only contributes to strengthening your female happiness. I'm sure this is possible. Happy holiday, our precious ones!

Dear Colleagues! All of you are great smart people and we love you very much, appreciate and are proud of you. We congratulate you on a wonderful spring holiday - Women's Day and promise that we will always provide you with strong, reliable support on your professional path. We wish you eternal youth, freshness, endless flowering, serene female happiness until the most advanced years.

Our dear women! On behalf of the entire team, I congratulate you on your truly, women's day. I wish that your professional efforts bring you fruits that will amaze even yourself. And so that you have enough of these fruits to satisfy absolutely all (and even more) of your female needs, whims, requests and dreams. Girls, I wish you enough not only for bread with black caviar and a sable coat complete with a Bentley, but also for a new liver, kidneys and heart (if necessary). And so that you owe this not to your oligarch husband, but to your beloved. This will give you incomparable satisfaction with yourself and what you do. I wish you success!

Dear Colleagues! We congratulate you on the new spring, on the departure of winter and on the new wonderful March 8th. We wish you that all your female ambitions will always be satisfied. So that your female happiness always accompanies you on the path of life and that those who are still waiting for it get it the way you want. So that your husband is not only rich and generous, but also beloved and loving. So that children make you happy and give you a sense of pride for yourself and for them every day. To make the hearth warm, cozy and give a feeling of reliability and stability. May light and joy always illuminate your home and your life, and may harmony fill your hearts forever and never leave.

Dear women! On behalf of the entire male half of our office, I congratulate you on March 8. Let me give you these holiday bouquets along with a sincere wish never to repeat their fate ... I wish you to bloom forever, enjoy every day you live, enjoy the fact that you are women and may your professional duties never interfere with you in this, but only help. Happy holiday!

Dear Colleagues! On behalf of all men, I congratulate you on the holiday of spring and wish you to always remain loved, adored, cheerful, creative and professional, as you are now. Let winter take away despondency and illness, and spring will bring new strength, new energy and new ideas. We are glad that we work together with you and next to you, because you are the best.

Dear women! Winter is finally gone, and spring has brought with it the most joyful holiday - women's! I want to tell you that winter sleepiness, colds and dullness would be completely impossible to survive without you. Every day you make us happy at work with laughter, hot coffee, care, attention and female support. Therefore, we love you, appreciate you and absolutely cannot do without you. We wish you joy, satisfaction with life, stable income and simply - female happiness. As long as you have it, we will have it too. So, believe me, we are sincerely interested in making our wishes come true. So, they will definitely come true. Welfare and prosperity to you. Happy holiday!

Colleagues! They say that no brilliant career will make a woman happy if she does not have female happiness - a family hearth, love and contentment with her appearance. You have already become excellent professionals, and therefore we wish you that your female happiness comes to you and becomes a faithful companion forever. May your beauty never end. May your husband's adoration never waver. May the gratitude of your children never fade. So that outfits never end up in your wardrobe and so that your family comfort always gives you strength and illuminates your life path. So that stability becomes a faithful friend, and prosperity adores you no less than your husband. Happy holiday to you, dear ones, and - be happy both in your career and outside it.

Dear Colleagues! Especially the female part of our team. I congratulate you on the holiday of spring and wish that along with spring warmth, the first flowers and the sun, miracles will come into your life, your hearts will be filled with warmth and light, so that your days are full of bright moments, things go uphill. And let the outgoing winter take away everything dark, dull, difficult and sad. You deserve all the very best.

Dear female colleagues! Please accept these flowers and gifts from us along with sincere congratulations. We wish that your mirror always reflects only your beauty. So that your home is always filled with only joy and laughter. So that your life is bright and dynamic and does not leave you a chance for sad thoughts and despondency. And so that you get not only a career, but also excellent children, grandchildren and a friendly family. Happy holiday!

Our dear girls! We sincerely congratulate you on the end of winter and the onset of the most beautiful time of the year - spring. And also - with Women's Day on March 8. Why, we congratulate ourselves on spring and the holiday ... Because the most fruitful period for our team is coming: winter beriberi and hibernation will soon leave us completely and our creative team will begin to generate great ideas in full force. This means that new successes, victories and achievements will come to us. We congratulate you on these upcoming, wonderful changes in professional activity and wish you to enjoy this productive period, to reap the benefits of your competence, skill, efficiency and high professionalism.

Congratulations to our lovely, feminine, always great-looking, elegant, charming colleagues on the spring holiday of all women. We wish you always and in spite of everything to remain the same cheerful, inventive, multifaceted, talented, extraordinary, unfading, dazzling. And most importantly, that life endlessly gives you opportunities and resources to stay that way effortlessly. Since March 8, you precious ones!

Dear ladies! You are not only colleagues for us, but also friends. We highly appreciate this and are grateful to the leadership (administration) and fate for the quality of the female half of the team. We congratulate you on the holiday and wish you successful professional implementation. And also, we wish you successful realization of yourself as a woman so much as to envy yourself. Yes, in fact, why waste time on trifles ... We wish you such a sweet life (in all its aspects) so that it sparkles and makes the devil feel sick. You are capable of it, I assure you. After all, you are the most life-affirming, life-loving, active and energetic women's team of all that I have ever known.

Dear women, colleagues! Congratulations on this truly feminine spring day! We wish you unlimited power and complete control over your destiny, as well as over men. And so that this gift brings you only buzz. And the buzz to last forever! Since March 8, our beautiful ones!

Lovely girls! Today is a wonderful holiday - March 8! We congratulate you on it and wish that your work brings you only pleasure, more paid vacations, fat bonuses and joy. And also, so that in addition to professional realization, it gives you time and opportunities for self-realization, self-development, self-improvement and personal creativity. And, of course, great happiness to you, women.

Our dear girls, women, colleagues and friends! Congratulations on the most feminine day of the year - March 8. We wish you dizzying romances, stunning men, fairy-tale love, lots of amazing outfits, luxury knick-knacks and enchanting stories of your life ... such that they stagger the imagination of all your descendants. And we also wish you that all these miracles happen not to the detriment of home comfort, a strong family and healthy offspring. Good luck to you, happiness and joy.

Dear, dear, wonderful colleagues! Please accept the warmest and most sincere congratulations on March 8 from our male (and female, too) half of the team. We wish you forever to remain women who inspire any man, those for whom men achieve success, move mountains and adore until the end of their days. Feminine, sparkling, huge, stellar happiness to you, our dear ones!

Dear ladies! You can't even imagine how much you are dear to us and how much we need you ... It is thanks to your evaluating glances that we put on a fresh shirt in the morning. It is thanks to you that we shave in the morning and put on a tie. It is thanks to you that we manage not to slurp at the common table during lunch in the office. And the fact that we express ourselves exclusively in censored language during working hours is 100% your merit. You ennoble us, make us better, make us control ourselves, grow above ourselves, monitor our habits, improve, adapt ... in short, girls, our self-improvement is to a large extent your achievement. We thank you, appreciate, love, enjoy working with you and hope that we do not disappoint you. Please remain always the same creators, bloom and be happy.

Let's tell you a secret, dear colleagues, March 8 is our favorite day of the year. After all, it is on this day that everyone talks only about beauty, eternal youth and beautiful women. And this day also gives all men a reason to give more compliments, it is full of kindness, the aroma of the first spring flowers, spring freshness, new plans and new hopes. We congratulate you, dear girls, on the holiday and wish you that this day will be just as joyful for you. And also to bring you many bright, positive minutes, good health and beautiful dreams come true.

Lovely women! I congratulate you on your truly holiday and on this joyful spring day I would like to wish you inspiration. May it come to you and become a faithful companion forever. With his help, you understand, you will not be lost in life. May the inspiration be with you! Since March 8, dear ones.

Dear colleagues! I congratulate you on the coming spring and the Women's Day of the calendar. I already wished you a lot ... Everything came true and therefore I will not repeat myself. This time I wish you courage. So that he enters your life and becomes a devoted friend and helper. With his help, you know, everything in life turns out - by itself. This is a valuable gift, which, I believe, fate will generously pour out of the bag for you, starting from this day. My sincere respect, gratitude and admiration to you. Yours sincerely…

Colleagues! Happy holiday to you! May every spring give you all its youth, all freshness, new energy, the beauty of the first flowers, the warmth of the first sunny days and the joy of murmuring streams.

Colleagues! Women are the generator of movement not only in our office, but throughout the Earth. Romances are sung in your honor and poems are composed. Thanks to you, wars happen and great things are invented (like the automatic transmission). For you, engineers endlessly improve technology, and designers - clothes, fashion and style. What is there ... without you, life in this world is impossible. You are our great value, capital, the engine of progress and simply joy. We wish you to prosper, grow younger, love and be loved. Happy holiday to you, princesses, from March 8!

Let me congratulate you girls
Since March 8 and wish
So that for each of you there is a time and an hour,
When you could drown in love.
Health and kindness to you,
Care, comfort and warmth.
Success, good luck and comfort,
Let life seem like a sweet cake to you.

Congratulations on March 8 to you,
We wish happiness and love from us.
May your life be bright and pure,
And the road of fate is due and simple.
Love and be loved,
Neat and beautiful.
Make everyone around you happy
Good luck, success, with an easy fate.

Congratulations on March 8 to everyone,
May there be success in your life.
May your hearts always burn
And let the men only talk about you.
Give warmth and happiness to everyone
So that there are no problems in life.
Be happy and joyful
Leave you troubles and muck.

On the day of March 8, we want to congratulate
All those who want to be loved.
Beloved by the whole world, burn and suffer,
You still want to wish you good health.
May success never leave you.
Let Fortune hover over your head.
Be always beautiful and gentle,
Bright and white.

We congratulate you women
Happy March 8 and wish this day.
Happiness, health, love and good luck,
And more often look at a different angle, otherwise.
Always be in good shape
At work and on the bus.
Be a leader in life.
And your everyday life will become bright.

On the day of March 8 we want
Congratulate you all, stay beautiful.
Always be charming
Bright and attractive.
Wish you all the best,
May there be more warmth in your life.
Family happiness and comfort to you.
And let life change abruptly and abruptly.

Beloved, beautiful, goddesses!
We will only call you that from now on!
Seeing beauties in such a cluster,
We fall on our knees before you.
We honor you with all our hearts,
Almost like a creator of worship!
May you never find reasons
You offend you loving men!

We give congratulations today
We are our employees
We congratulate you today
Happy holiday for everyone,
Since March 8, you relatives,
Happy Ladies Day,
Let the gifts not be big
Only you will be happy
There are many wishes, we want to wish
And most importantly, health
Let you have "5"
Peace and happiness
Let it reign in the family
And you are always at work
You will be valued.

From year to year you are congratulated,
Wish you happiness and warmth
And this year I wish
Tell you kind words.
May the spring holiday bring
Only joy, happiness, warmth.
Let all sorrows disappear
There will be no unnecessary quarrels in the house.
You smile and worries will go away
Like spring water.
Let only joy be near
Always, always, always, ALWAYS!

You are with us at work
Although household chores
Sometimes they still lie on you
We, the entire male half,
Forgive us today
Because often we, men,
We make noise and argue for no reason,
Really annoying you.
Let's decide forever
Today, tomorrow and beyond,
Men take care of women
To save the men.

It should begin with dressing up to a woman or the entire women's team in a respectful manner. Sometimes they also use more touching appeals to emphasize their positive attitude towards the person you are.

Official congratulations on March 8

Our lovely and charming women!

I congratulate you on the holiday of spring - March 8. We sincerely wish you good health, unfading youth and a lot of mutual love! Let wonderful feelings warm your hearts, and you always remain as unique as you are now. With all my heart I join all the congratulations that you have already received, and once again I wish the fulfillment of all your desires.

Let me tell you that today you are especially good. It is on this day that all women flourish and reach unearthly heights of perfection. You are no exception and at the same time you are exceptionally beautiful. Congratulations on Women's Day March 8. Let your thoughts be joyful, your feelings elevated and any sensations pleasant. Thank you for your exceptional intelligence, outstanding professionalism, diligence, composure and accuracy. Thank you for being with us. We wish you all the blessings of the world. May everything be fine with you.

Dear ours!

Congratulations on International Women's Day!
Centuries and millennia of world history, illuminated by your wisdom and tenderness, charm and beauty. And only thanks to your vitality, inspiration and long-suffering from century to century, the human race continues on earth. Mother, sister, beloved - the female source accompanies us until the last breath. And if beauty will save the world, then it will be your beauty. After all, you turn it into a magical pearl, which we put at your feet. On this festive day, we wish all women good well-being, lifelong happiness, passionate love and constant well-being. And may all dreams come true, because the desire of every woman is the law that we, men, gladly obey.

Dear women!

I am happy to congratulate you on International Women's Day on March 8 and assure you on behalf of our entire company that you are our greatest wealth. It is your skillful hands that create the benefits for people for which we all work together. Thank you for your tireless work, for your warm smile and kind look. I wish you good health, personal well-being and the fulfillment of your most cherished desires.

Congratulations on March 8 in official prose

Our dear women!

I sincerely congratulate you on March 8. A woman is the most beautiful thing in this world, so continue to make it the best, bringing goodness and love to this world. Smile more, because by doing so you cheer up everyone around you. Be always happy, satisfied, successful, and most importantly, loved!

We wish you a spring blooming mood, wonderful words and deeds, pleasant memorable surprises. Dear women - you are wonderful creatures! Ease to you, tenderness, attention, warmth, care and kindness. You are precious gems in our lives. Love to you and all the best!

On behalf of our entire team, I congratulate you on the International Women's Day on March 8. I wish you professional success and personal well-being. Let no absurd accident spoil your good mood either on holidays or on a weekday. Thank you for your contribution to our common cause and for the warmth of the soul.

Dear women!

Congratulations to the beautiful half of humanity on Women's Day! Let all the aromas of flowers smell fragrant for you, give you their tenderness and beauty. May this spring day pamper you with warmth, and men with attention. May life give you only pleasant moments, warm tender meetings and loving hearts. Congratulations, colleagues!

Dear (Name)!

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on Women's Day on March 8 and let me, on behalf of the entire team of our company, wish you success in your work and happiness in your personal life. Let prosperity become your constant companion, life's path be smooth and carefree, and your companions good and sincere friends.

Lovely women!

The most gentle, bright and beautiful day of the year - March 8! The beginning of spring, the beginning of life in nature, the first warmth. Dear women, let this warmth settle in your homes and souls. Let the beauty of nature inspire. And the beginning of spring symbolizes the beginning of something very desirable and beautiful in your life! Happy holiday!

Our dear ladies,
I want no reason
Showered you with flowers
And the gifts of a man

Took more often
All household chores
Set the table brilliantly
While you are all at work.

I wish you the sun, light,
Joy, love, excitement,
Caress were to warm
On Women's Day - March 8!

Let the sun warm
Love and warmth
Simple female happiness
Comes to each house.

Let your career take off
Salary will be added
Favorite always
May they be with you.

I wish you happiness
Colleagues, from the bottom of my heart,
So that you are like roses
Fresh and good.

Congratulations on Women's Day
Beautiful girls.
I wish you always
The boss just loves it.

Let it just get better
Our wonderful team.
Heels to wear and mini
May there always be a motive.

Let work be a joy
Let the awards rejoice.
Labor indicators
Never fall.

Comrades women, dear ladies,
Beauties, smart women, the most-most,
Desirable, tender, simply loved,
Beautiful, kind, idolized,
Native, good, sweet, passionate,
Without you on Earth it would be just terrible.
For our employees we will drink now
And Happy Women's Day, we congratulate you all!

Our women today
Let's say a lot of tender words.
We want you to swim
In a sea of ​​happiness and flowers.

From the source of luck
Drink sweet wine.
All year round, not only in March,
With a salary bonus.

Happy Spring Festival,
We are grateful to you without falsehood,
After all, we need women so much,
Without you, all life loses its colors.

And our entire male team
So sincere and so sincere
Wishing you happiness from the bottom of your heart
And to last forever.

Our lovely women
You are beautiful and good
We appreciate your advantages,
And we praise you from the bottom of our hearts.

Let the holiday smell of flowers
Let it sound like laughter
Wine and champagne, candles,
Will swirl with words of love.

May your dreams and desires
Everything will become a reality for you
women's day charm
May it always be, not once.

Dear women, our colleagues,
Congratulations to everyone now.
May happiness be with you forever
Lots of joy for you!

Many gifts, pleasant smiles,
Let the nightingales sing to you.
Everyday life is easy for you, noble holidays,
Very hot love!

Be loved and love yourself
Enjoy life always.
Find your happiness forever
And don't count the years!

My wonderful colleagues
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
I wish you trembling happiness
Charm and love!

May this day be March 8,
Brings all the best
Smiles, laughter and excitement,
Success is stable and income.

Dear ladies, our colleagues,
It's our turn to congratulate you.
Each on this March holiday
A nice gift at home let it wait.

Let everything be smooth at work -
Success, prospects and job growth.
Decorate our team with:
Your smiles are shining stars!