Congratulations on the day of the employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in prose. Congratulations on the Day of the Russian Police Day of the Interior Ministry of Internal Affairs congratulations

Police Day is a professional holiday of real crime fighters and defenders of the laws of the Russian state. So, on November 10, 2018, police officers accept congratulations on Police Day from their colleagues and relatives, and also address them to colonel chiefs and leaders. Cool and official congratulations, short SMS, pictures and postcards with inscriptions - here you will find a wide selection of wishes in verse and prose for Police Day in 2018 to brave law enforcement officers.

Official congratulations on Police Day in 2018 to employees

The tradition of celebrating the Day of the Police (Militia) dates back to the time of the Soviet Union, in 1962. The choice on the date of November 10 fell not by chance - after all, on this day in 1917, the workers' militia was established by the Decree of the People's Commissariat. In the post-war period, the police came under the control of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Today, official congratulations on Police Day - 2018 from the first persons of the state and leadership are addressed to the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

A selection of official congratulations to the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in prose for Police Day in 2018

Today I would like to congratulate police officers on their professional holiday. It is thanks to each of you that our streets are safe, and at night you can sleep soundly and calmly. The work of a policeman is no less important than that of a doctor or teacher. Therefore, on a professional day, we wish that work brings joy, and life is happy.

Honesty, loyalty, courage - this is what is inherent in the Russian police. You are always on the protection of our peace of mind. Today is your holiday, we sincerely congratulate you, wish you good health, perseverance, good luck, love and understanding in the family. May all sorrows and worries forget your address forever. All earthly blessings to you, well-being, prosperity. May every day bring you much joy and warmth. May all your cherished desires come true. Long and happy life to you, success in everything.

Your service is dangerous and difficult, But you fully give your duty to your homeland, often risking your life. Let me sincerely congratulate you on the holiday today. We wish you good health, patience, perseverance, may good luck always accompany you. May the good that you do to people be sure to return to you a hundredfold. May your work be noticed and appreciated. Long and beautiful life to you, prosperity and prosperity. May hope, faith and love always accompany you, good luck in everything.

Our dear policemen, your work is dangerous, difficult, but very important for each of us. On your professional holiday, with all my heart I would like to wish you health, good luck, prosperity, patience, energy. Let your work be appreciated, your career develops, and at home they are always waiting and loved.

Congratulations on the Day of the Russian Police, and I want to leave wishes for fortitude and iron endurance, calmness and balance. May health not fail, may the power of thought help to find a solution in the most difficult moments, may life be filled with happiness and fun, may justice and kindness reign in the world.

Beautiful short SMS congratulations in prose on Police Day for a woman and a man

Police Day is an excellent occasion to congratulate your relatives and friends who have chosen this difficult profession as their life's work. After all, the work of a policeman requires not only physical fitness, but also such qualities of character as stress resistance, responsibility and multitasking. Beautiful SMS congratulations on Police Day in prose can be sent to a woman or a man - husband, son, sister, brother, friend.

Short SMS congratulations on Police Day to a woman and a man

Dear brother, do you know that a great responsibility has fallen on your shoulders - you have to protect people, fight crime, keep public order? Of course, you know because being a policeman is your vocation, your profession, which you love and value more than anything in the world. Happy holiday to you, Happy Police Day! Always follow your calling!

Dear, today is your professional holiday. I want to congratulate you on this day and wish you always remain as strong, courageous, courageous. I am proud of you, you are a real man who stands guard over order. Happy Police Day!

Beloved, your work is both dangerous and difficult, but you continue to work for the benefit of mankind. I really appreciate and proud of you, you are my best and favorite man. When you leave for work, I pray that you are all right. I hope so. Happy holiday, dear, Happy Police Day!

Son, I always worry when you leave for work. It's not surprising because you have a really dangerous job. But you say that being a policeman is your calling, which you will never refuse. I have to support you in this because I am very proud of you. Today is your holiday, which will bring you only joy and many congratulations. My dear, Happy Police Day!

Be always successful and happy, mister policeman, comrade policeman! And we will try not to violate the law and order, so that you work less and rest more! Let's raise our glasses on Police Day!

Short funny SMS congratulations on the Russian Police Day for husband and brother

The Russian police is a complex multifunctional structure that performs tasks of national importance - from ensuring traffic order on the roads, and to combating extremism. Today, the staff of the police service of the Russian Federation has 1.5 million people employed in various departments. Short funny SMS congratulations on Police Day in 2018 will be nice to receive for your beloved husband, brother, and former retired employees.

Examples of short funny congratulations in the form of SMS on Police Day to a husband or brother

Happy Russian Police Day. May your work be neither dangerous nor difficult, may your life be long and wonderful. All criminals behind bars, and all the stars on your shoulders!

Happy police day - success and all the best,
So that your career goes uphill,
So that tasks are always successful,
The goals were certainly achieved.

You are a tough cop, we know that for sure
And today we want to congratulate you urgently.
May there be luck, respect, honor,
And a star on shoulder straps will certainly come!

Heroes serve in the Russian police,
When they live nearby, we are at peace.
We wish you great success in your work,
So that the criminals are not laughing at all!

On Police Day - in a growth career,
I just want to catch criminals
Good luck and colleagues are always wonderful,
Health, strength, good luck, a lot of happiness.

Cool congratulations in verse and prose on Police Day in 2018 for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

The police profession is one of the most dangerous and requires the most serious and responsible attitude. However, on Police Day, even the most strict law enforcement officers are “supposed” to smile and joke, receiving a lot of congratulations and wishes from colleagues and relatives. Funny congratulations on Police Day 2018 in verse and prose will cheer up everyone who guards our peace and security - women and men in dark blue uniforms of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

How cool to congratulate a woman or a man on Police Day 2018

No, I will save all the villains
From the native police.
These pros are immediately visible
Everyone in their ranks is a hero.

Congratulations on Police Day
We wish from the bottom of our hearts
To make your everyday life
Like a holiday are good!

On Police Day, accept my wishes - arrest troubles and misfortunes and take good mood, luck and love under your protection!

May the most secret dreams come true on Police Day. And hooligans and criminals will come with a front step with a confession and draw up the protocols themselves.

We wish you on the day of the police
heartfelt warmth,
So that life is like a boat
Float on the lake!

More friends, money
Green and simple
Silver and bronze
And even gold ones!

Happy Russian Police Day
We congratulate you friends
From precinct to minister
We honor and respect you all.

After all, your service is heavy bread
Catch, shoot and take risks.
In addition to risk protocols,
Fill out paperwork.

Let your salaries increase
The killers are all on fire
Don't let the bureaucrats get in the way
A thief should be in jail!

Congratulations in pictures on Police Day-2018 to colleagues, husband, brother

In Russia, on Police Day 2018, ceremonial events are traditionally held - speeches by representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the first government officials, presentation of diplomas and titles to distinguished employees. Beautiful congratulations in pictures on Police Day can be sent to a colleague, brother or husband who is in his service on his holiday.

Pictures with congratulations on Police Day in 2018 for husband and brother

The best congratulations in your own words on Police Day-2018 of the Russian Federation

Every year, police officers celebrate their professional holiday, approved in 2011 at the state level. By tradition, this day is celebrated on a grand scale - feasts are arranged, congratulations are exchanged, service veterans are honored. The best congratulations on Police Day can be expressed in your own words at the festive table or in the form of a postcard.

Words of congratulations in prose for Police Day

I congratulate you on the Day of the Russian Police and wish you to be a thunderstorm of the underworld, the pride of your country. Let it be easy to cope with any problem both in life and in the service, let every day give special luck and self-confidence.

Congratulations on the Day of the Russian Police and I want to wish the firefly good luck even in the darkest case, a brave solution to even the most difficult task. Let colleagues always support and understand relatives, let the criminal never be able to get away from you or hide anything. Be full of energy and have incredible ingenuity.

Dear law enforcement officers, congratulations on your professional holiday. Let there be fewer crimes in our country. We wish you to be in good physical shape and in good condition. To make work enjoyable.

Dear police officers! Please accept our congratulations on your professional holiday! You make our sleep peaceful and city streets safe. The work of the police is as important as the work of a doctor or a banker. On this bright frosty day, leave work, stay with your family, be happy! Happy holiday!

Every day you meet face to face with trouble, but this does not make your soul harder. You will never leave a person without help. Your heart and all your deeds are aimed at making the whole world cleaner and kinder. We congratulate you on the day of the police and wish that all your deeds receive a well-deserved appreciation, and unlimited happiness and peace reigned in your families.

Short congratulations on Police Day in prose to a retired man

Service in the ranks of the police is not an easy task, only the most courageous and hardy can do it. Therefore, former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, like no one else, deserve respect, sincere congratulations on Police Day in prose. We picked up short congratulations on Police Day - 2018 to a retired colonel or major.

Texts of short congratulations in prose to retired men, pensioners on Police Day

And even if retired, but still in the ranks, I congratulate you on the Day of the Russian Police and from the bottom of my heart I wish you to remain cheerful in spirit and brave soul, I wish you good health and prosperity, brave deeds and good goals, great success and good happiness, great respect and blessings in the family.

Congratulations on the Day of the Russian Police to a magnificent man, a retired hero. I wish you to remain cheerful in spirit and strong in body, I wish you to continue to fight for an honest and just world, I wish you family well-being and great respect, prosperity in the house and lasting happiness.

Congratulations on the Day of the Russian Police to a brave man. And even though you are already retired, the fire of courage and courage still burns in your soul. I wish you strong strength and good luck, excellent mood and vigor of the body, high goals and indestructible success.

Congratulations on Russian Police Day. And even if you are retired, even in this case your service is both dangerous and difficult, because the work leaves, but the vocation remains. I wish you long years of happiness and good health, interesting activities and hobbies, family well-being and love, contentment with life and good luck.

Congratulations on the day of the Russian police to a man who retired after many years of hard work! We wish you calmness, peace, order and a pleasant rest from all the hustle and bustle of working days. Be healthy, enjoy your free time and your achievements!

New congratulations in verse on Police Day - 2018 to my beloved husband, boyfriend

In honor of Police Day - 2018, I would like to express my best wishes to the men serving in the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. New congratulations on Police Day in verse will appeal to your beloved boyfriend or husband - from a girl, wife. Congratulations, dear policemen!

Poems with congratulations for the husband (boyfriend) on Police Day in 2018

Happy Police Day, love!
Never be sad -
Be persistent, kind, sweet
And do not know trouble at all!

Let you be your boss
See it in all its glory!
Let happiness sparkle with light
Nightingales sing in the shower!

I also wish you a lot
Kindness, light and kindness!
Let the road be smooth
And good luck!

My favorite is a policeman, and I want to wish
Be cheerful, sociable, quickly become a general!
So that you are not too lazy to observe safety at work,
So that everything is fine, no problems to know!

Let the work succeed - this is important to you,
Let luck smile, true friends will be.
Let everything be fine, doubly surprising,
Let life be safe! Stay true to me!

... I ask you: on these days of yours,
When you are again on duty in the country,
At least sometimes, at least for a moment
Do you remember, my love, about me -
I'm waiting for you, and the unquenchable light
It burns, it burns always in my chest:
We are together ... Happy Police Day, my love!
Please come quickly!

Happy Police Day
I am you, dear husband,
Be healthy and happy
Remember I'm always with you
Be bold and courageous
Honestly, you always serve
Take care of yourself my dear
And treasure your family!

Happy police day, I congratulate you
And I wish to be at home more often
Called to work day and night
Know that I'm waiting, I love and miss you!

To increase your salary
So that we have enough for life and rest,
Stay strong and healthy always
And come home early!

On your professional holiday, express your sincere congratulations on Police Day of the Russian Federation 2018 to familiar employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and colleagues in the service - official in your own words or in finished prose, cool in verse and pictures. It is appropriate to send short SMS congratulations on Police Day by phone. Also, do not forget to say congratulatory words to the head of your district police on the day of your professional holiday.

Official congratulations on Police Day in 2018 - for superiors and colonels

You can send the official congratulations on Police Day 2018 that we have selected to the chief of service or a retired colonel. Prose with good wishes is sure to please every recipient.

Official congratulations to the chief and colonels on Police Day 2018

I congratulate a serious, important, courageous, invulnerable man, a reliable comrade and an excellent boss on Russian Police Day. I wish for the family to be a kind, loving and caring person, and for the underworld - a thunderstorm, failure and a hurricane, sweeping away all attempts at illegal actions and conspiracies.

I congratulate the man of honor and great deed, the head of the fighters against the underworld on the Day of the Russian Police. I wish in any situation and in any business to remain a fearless and strong person, worthy of good fame and respect as a person. Good luck in solving even the most complicated cases and simple human happiness in life.

Cooler than James Bond, smarter than Colombo, you truly deserve to be the head of the guardians of the law. I congratulate you on Russian Police Day and sincerely wish you to prove yourself wise and courageous in your work, to go through life confidently and easily, to achieve victories and success, big stars for shoulder straps and excellent reviews for your reputation.

Congratulations on Russian Police Day. And even if you are retired, even in this case your service is both dangerous and difficult, because the work leaves, but the vocation remains. I wish you long years of happiness and good health, interesting activities and hobbies, family well-being and love, contentment with life and good luck.

And even if I’m retired, I’ll still build it, I congratulate you on the Day of the Russian Police and from the bottom of my heart I wish you to remain cheerful in spirit and brave soul, I wish you good health and prosperity, brave deeds and good goals, great success and good happiness, great respect and good in family.

Funny SMS congratulations on Police Day in prose - for employees in the service

Beautiful congratulations in short prose are ideal for sending on Police Day. The texts selected by us can be sent to all employees in the service.

Cool congratulations in prose for SMS on Police Day to all employees in the service

Congratulations on Russian Police Day. I wish you a faithful and safe service, a high and easy career ladder, bright stars on shoulder straps and shining rays of glory, a successful fight against crime and strong friendship with good luck.

I congratulate you on the Day of the Russian Police and I want to wish you safety at work and success in your work, strong strength and excellent health, great luck and luck, resounding victories and personal happiness.

Congratulations to our respected human rights activists on their professional holiday - Russian Police Day! We wish you a brilliant career, high achievements, simple and understandable service in complete safety, with reliable comrades and with maximum results!

I congratulate you on the Day of the Russian Police and sincerely wish you great luck on the way, successful and safe work, high achievements and significant marks in your work, good health and a large supply of optimism.

Police, police, whatever you call it, you still always remain the guardians of order. I wish your life to be in order in everything: with health, with finances, in business and in your personal life. Happy professional holiday to you!

Short funny SMS congratulations on Police Day - in verse

You can send the verses we have selected to friends working in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Short funny congratulations can be sent on Police Day in SMS or instant messengers.

Short funny verses for SMS congratulations in honor of Police Day

Serve in the police

Maybe not everyone can.

We wish you health

This holiday is important.

Let work bring

Joy, pleasure.

We wish you love - the sea,

Good luck and luck.

The police are the guarantee of honest protection,

I wish the service easy and successful,

Always in everything, let there be only luck,

Health will never fade

Worthy achievements, good everyday life,

And know that people really need you!

Happy Russian Police Day to you,

You are an excellent employee, brave,

I wish the dream come true

And that in life there was no problem.

I wish you good health,

And promotions

To always live in abundance,

Came to the rescue if needed!

Being a police officer is not easy.

After all, it takes courage

To put your life at risk

Overcome all barriers.

With the Russian police during the day

We congratulate you, colleague,

We will overcome all difficulties

We wish you all the best.

Keep law and order

The profession says

The police make us happy

Caring, keeping.

We wish our employees

Do not drown in work

As it should be today

Rest mentally.

Don't be sad with your heart

Rejoice in love

Bring good everywhere

And warmth in my chest.

Cool verses congratulations on Police Day - for men and women

Since both men and women work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, we have selected different types of wishes. You can choose cool congratulations on Police Day from the examples below.

Cool poems with congratulations for men and women on Police Day

May today

Will be the best for you

(Though he touches you,

I don't know how)

Russian Police Day -

big holiday,

Well, we'll meet him

With an open mind!

Happy Police Day

I want you, colleague.

Your mission is holy

Do not interrupt your run.

May there always be desire

To stand for the peace of people.

I wish you strength, happiness,

In everyone's business, win.

You are a handsome cop

Superlady and fighter.

Meet a criminal on the way -

Anyway, consider it finished.

Congratulations on a big holiday,

Honey, I'm in a hurry.

To be strong, to be feminine

I want to wish you.

You are brave, you are not afraid of anything.

Police Day is your holiday

Let it serve easily!

Don't let work get in the way

shine with your beauty,

Be healthy and happy

Don't shed tears in vain!

Lady in uniform - a special honor,

You can be proud of yourself.

Let success come - do not count,

Happy Russian Police Day!

Noble work, sometimes dangerous

May it bring you success

To work is always difficult

The world solved the questions!

Beautiful congratulations in pictures on Police Day - a selection of postcards

A selection of beautiful congratulations in pictures for the holiday Police Day

Touching congratulations in your own words on Police Day 2018

You can beautifully wish the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs health and happiness with our examples of short prose. Congratulations on Police Day, written in your own words, will help express your care and respect to the recipients.

Examples of congratulations in your own words for Police Day 2018

Congratulations on your professional holiday - Happy Russian Police Day! I wish you great prospects, career growth, opportunities for implementation and development. Let working days be safe, reliable - the partner's shoulder, strong - willpower and convictions. Health, prosperity and all the best!

Congratulations on Russian Police Day! I wish you complete order in your personal life and respect in society, fair decisions, strong relationships and more reliable connections. Let health not fade away, only grow stronger over the years, and let the heart always prompt the right choice in difficult moments. Special blessings and prosperity to you.

Our dear policemen, your work is dangerous, difficult, but very important for each of us. On your professional holiday, with all my heart I would like to wish you health, good luck, prosperity, patience, energy. Let your work be appreciated, your career develops, and at home they are always waiting and loved.

Dear policemen! Congratulations on Russian Police Day! I wish you powerful health, strength of body and spirit, confidence in your actions, good male hearts, honesty, sincerity, wisdom and great authority! As well as high professionalism and devotion to our hard work! Love to you and understanding from relatives and friends, good luck and good mood!

Congratulations on your professional holiday! Happy Russian Police Day! I wish that honor and courage, valor and observance of laws, honesty and faith in your work bring you satisfaction and harmony. You are a reliable support and support of millions of citizens! Thank you for your hard work and dedication! I wish you easy working days, prosperity and professional growth!

Kind short congratulations on Police Day in prose - for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

You can also use the examples of short congratulations in prose for Police Day below to write new wishes. They can be supplemented in your own words or sent without changes.

Short kind congratulations in prose in honor of Police Day to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Dear Comrade Policeman! We thank you on behalf of the authorities and all the citizens whose peace you protect. We wish you as many joyful moments as possible, fewer misunderstandings and extreme situations at work, as well as more time for family and loved ones.

Happy Police Day! May your life be happy, may there be more grateful people who appreciate your work every day, and work will bring more satisfaction.

On the Day of the Russian Police, I wish a respected employee dexterity and courage, courage and patience, vigor and inspiration, health and good luck. Let every business be brave, let the right solution be found for every problem, let ingenuity and intuition always work.

Day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation (Police Day) is a professional holiday for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, regardless of rank, position and length of service. The date is marked by employees of the operational-search, investigative units, precinct, patrol, veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Their relatives, friends, acquaintances, close people join the event. The professional holiday is considered by teachers, students, graduates of specialized educational institutions.

Meaning: the holiday is dedicated to the adoption of the resolution of the NKVD of the RSFSR "On the workers' militia" on 11/10/1917.

On this day, a concert is traditionally held at the State Kremlin Palace. Distinguished employees are awarded certificates, medals, orders, promoted in ranks and positions. Rituals of washing the stars are carried out in work collectives.

The content of the article

history of the holiday

The celebrations begin on November 10, 1917. Then the Soviet government adopted a resolution of the NKVD of the RSFSR "On the workers' militia", creating a power structure. The event began to be celebrated in 1962, and at the official level, the celebration took place for the first time in 1980 after the signing of the corresponding Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The tradition of the disintegrated country has been preserved in the Russian Federation.

After the renaming of the police in 2011, it was decided to change the name of the memorable date. Her month and date remained the same. The event was fixed at the official level by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2011 No. 1348 “On the Day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation”. The document was signed by D. Medvedev.

Holiday traditions

The day of the employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation gathers all employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the festive table. Congratulations to the workers. An important part of the celebrations was the ritual of the so-called washing of the stars.

There are wishes of health, success in hard work. The leadership awards those who have distinguished themselves with medals, orders, certificates of honour. Orders for promotion in positions and ranks are signed. Thematic programs are broadcast on television. They tell about the everyday life of the police, interviews are taken from veterans, heads of departments. It tells about high-profile crimes, the course of the investigation and their disclosure.

On Police Day 2020, the State Kremlin Palace hosts events dedicated to the event. Creative groups, stars, top officials of the state perform on the stages.

Task for the day

Watch a feature or documentary film about the work of the police in the Russian Federation.

  • The Russian police originated in the 16th century. She was in the maintenance of the inhabitants of the cities. In large cities, police officers were called Zemsky yaryzhki. In Moscow they wore red and green uniforms.
  • During the Russian Empire, there was a palace police. The main function of this body was the external protection of palaces, the king and princes.
  • There are streets in Moscow that are named after policemen who were wounded and died in the line of duty. This honor was awarded to Lev Lvov, Konstantin Tsarev and Vasily Petushkov.
  • There are several versions of the origin of the word "ment". According to one of them, it came from the Polish expression mente, which means soldier. According to another version, this word comes from the concept of "mentik" - the so-called guards. According to the third version, the uniform jackets worn by policemen in Austria-Hungary were called "mentik".
  • Policemen are often referred to by the slang word "garbage". It comes from the abbreviation of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department (MCC).
  • According to statistics, 20% of Russian police officers are women.


“Congratulations on your professional holiday - Happy Worker's Day of the Internal Affairs Bodies! I wish you great prospects, career growth, opportunities for implementation and development. Let working days be safe, reliable - the partner's shoulder, strong - willpower and convictions. Health, prosperity and all the best!

“Thanks to all employees of the internal affairs bodies for the fact that we can sleep peacefully, take a walk on a dark night under the starry sky and the bright moon. May there be more sincerity, peace, as well as joyful, bright, wonderful and good moments in life.

“We raise a glass to the employees of the internal affairs bodies with a holiday. Let the troubles and problems pass by, and luck and success will become your inseparable companions. A fast-paced career, the realization of goals and the realization of grandiose plans.


Portrait. A portrait or cartoon of a policeman in uniform will be an excellent present for a professional holiday. Such a portrait will decorate the office and will remind you of the donor.

Sports Equipment. Employees of internal affairs need to maintain good physical shape. A home simulator, balls for sports games or a subscription to a gym will help with this.

Hobby gift. A police officer will appreciate a gift that will match his hobbies. A fisherman or a hunter will be pleased to receive equipment for outdoor activities as a present. The car enthusiast will be delighted with the accessory for the car.

Bottle for alcohol. A damask for alcohol with the emblem of the Russian police will serve as a stylish themed present for the holiday.


Know yours
Two teams with the same number of participants take part in the competition. Their task is to recall and name the heroes of fiction books or films who were policemen by profession. The team with the longest list of names wins.

Banquet charter
All interested guests of the holiday take part in the competition. It can be done at the table. The host invites the heroes of the occasion to announce the charter of the banquet. Those gathered at the table should come up with and take turns pronouncing the charter. After the charter is announced, the heroes of the occasion raise their glasses.

Synonyms for profession
An arbitrary number of players can take part in the competition. The host gives the contestants leaflets and pens and offers to write a list of synonyms for the word policeman. For example: policeman, detective, detective, district police officer, detective, etc. After the end of the allotted time. The contestants read out their lists. The one with the longest list wins the competition.

About the profession

The tasks of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation include patrolling the territory, responding to calls, conducting operational search activities, and interacting with citizens. To work in the ranks of the police, you must complete military service or have a special education. It is obtained in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Applicants must carry out training in the profession, have knowledge of the laws, the procedure for performing duties. You need to demonstrate the ability to handle weapons. The state body has ranks and insignia identical to military ones. Occupation of positions takes place in strict accordance with age and stars on shoulder straps. The work of a police officer is classified as life-threatening. Dozens of law enforcement officers die every year while on duty.

This holiday in other countries

In Ukraine, July 4 is National Police Day. On March 4 Belarus celebrates Police Day. April 16 is the Day of the Police Officer in Armenia. June 23 is celebrated as Police Day in Kazakhstan.

  • Various departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have their memorable dates. Transport police of Russia - February 18, patrol service - September 2, district commissioners - November 17, river police - July 25.
  • April 6 is the Day of Investigative Bodies.
  • April 17 is the Day of Veterans of Internal Affairs and Internal Troops.
  • July 3 is the Day of traffic police.


    We would like to sincerely congratulate you on Police Day,
    We are ready to glorify your hard work every day.
    And we want to wish your boss not to be strict,
    It was less so that you have force majeure and anxiety in your service,
    In the country, crime began to actively decrease in order to decrease,
    And so that your dreams begin to come true all at once.

    Happy Police Day! I wish you luck
    May good luck visit you often.
    May the mood be good in the morning
    And every day and hour will be happy.

    Let our people respect the laws
    And every citizen will be exemplary.
    May it always be calm on the streets,
    And work will not add gray hair to you.

What date is the Day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation in 2021, 2022, 2023

2021 2022 2023
November 10 WedNovember 10 ThuNov 10 Fri

Happy Police Day!
May the service and fate be successful.
All crime will disappear like smoke
May you be happy, love and be loved!

You serve in the police with us,
And there is no order on earth without you.
Always obey the laws
In all matters, both in life and in work.

I want to sincerely tell you
That I will wish you good luck.
Let the dream come true soon
I wish you to truly fall in love!

Dear police officers and veterans of the internal affairs bodies!

Congratulations on your professional holiday! A holiday of strong and selfless people on whom the peace of the citizens of Russia depends.

On this day, we honor those brave and courageous people who always come to the rescue in the most difficult circumstances. For the most part, the police are dedicated specialists, for whom duty and justice are not just words. Today, the well-being, safety and tranquility of an individual, society and the state as a whole depend on each employee, from an ordinary to a general.

We sincerely wish you good health, happiness and success in your difficult but noble service. And for your families, personal well-being and peace of mind for loved ones.

Employees of the internal affairs bodies
We wish you successful, brilliant service!
To stand guard over order is your lot,
Before your courage - the enemies are unarmed!

The police are hard work.
Criminals, danger is near.
Still badly called
Send more where they don't need to.

Well, today is your holiday
And I congratulate you on it.
You, most importantly, be proud of yourself,
After all, there is a reason - I know for sure!

Congratulations on your professional holiday - the Day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation! On this day, we honor courageous and courageous people, those who are entrusted with protecting the life and peace of citizens, the interests of the state. Citizens turn to you for help at critical moments, you are looking for support and protection in the most difficult situations. The fight against crime, ensuring law and order and the rule of law - this is just one side of the dangerous, responsible service of employees of the internal affairs bodies. You give a lot of time and effort to preventive work to prevent illegal and unlawful actions.

On this day, we express special appreciation and gratitude to veterans, whose personal qualities and invaluable experience are always in demand and allow us to educate a new generation of professionals.

We wish you good health, good spirits, confidence in the future! Patience, health and prosperity to you and your families!

Day and night, rain and snow
Protects our peace!
It's in the shape of a man
Every day he goes to battle.
At the police station today
Their honorable, glorious day.
It's like a birthday
Up another step.

There are many wonderful holidays
But there is one favorite of all -
The one that suddenly became the police,
Celebrate your success!
Employee of the bodies of the brave,
Accept today a toast from us,
Everyone needs you and it's clear
You saved people many times!
Let it be hard in the service of that
Are you ready to do your duty?
Your health! Be okay!
Save you from grief, God!

On the day of the internal affairs officers
Congratulations to all those whose destiny
To protect peace of peaceful citizens,
Protect them from criminals!
We wish you health, warmth,
Life to be light and bright,
Every year - in pursuit of a star,
And good luck always and everywhere!

On this festive day, we praise lovingly,
Gathering a feast here
General li, sergeant, we praise you
For hard, but righteous work!
With you next to me - calmness, silence,
Let the path of struggle with the lads only be begun,
You will protect mothers from punks,
From rapists - our girls;
Establish order in the country
Know a lot about victories over the mafia! ..
Be loved and completely happy
Fulfilling your duty to us!!!

Even though you call the police now,
Your service has not become easier.
You are also bravely rushing into battle
Protect us all from crime!
Round the clock stands guard over the truth
Your strong and friendly family.
Policemen, we are very glad to see you all,
Happy Police Day to you, friends!

Glorious employee of internal affairs!
You are impeccably honest and brave,
Our support, protection forever,
Wise, always worthy man!

We select the words of congratulations,
So grateful for your work without laziness,
Happiness, good luck, less work -
Let only worries be pleasant!

Let luck and success
They go through life with you
Today is a holiday of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
The whole Fatherland will celebrate!

And I, my love, will say
You are my best man
I appreciate and love you
And it's all mutual!

Today you are elegant, beautiful,
Let crime fall asleep forever
We say to you for everything: "Thank you!",
We are grateful to you, gentlemen!
You are the protection of the people,
You stop crimes
And you are engaged in solving cases,
You are in perpetual motion...
And on your day - from the bottom of our hearts we wish
To make the country calmer
So that you are at home more often,
To appreciate you in your family!

Who walks together in a row?
Our Police Squad!
Everyone is beautiful and smart
Honest, modest and slender.

We are everywhere, always and everywhere
Helping good people
If something suddenly goes wrong -
We'll call you an outfit.

But today is a special day
Because on the threshold
Dear Police Day -
Happy Holidays, dear friend!

I congratulate my colleagues!
So that you do not know all the troubles,
To increase wages
And crime has gone down!

On the day of police officers
Today I wish uncle
All the best in your work,
You don't work for money

And for the honor of the native country,
Be worthy of a policeman
Let good dreams dream -
Sleep peacefully with a clear conscience!

Times, names changed, -
You have always worked well
Fought valiantly against crime
To live in peace in your native country,
And today you are the bulwark of order,
Solve complex problems
Let things go smoothly in the service
And luck accompanies everything!

Let me congratulate you on Police Day!
And wish you success from the bottom of my heart!
Today, according to the established tradition, we
Let's celebrate the holiday together!

We wish you ups at work,
Promotions, all kinds of awards!
And so that in his personal life - like clockwork -
Everything went smoothly, smoothly, without obstacles.

Who protects
Our restful sleep?
Who brings peace
In every house?
Faithful Police
Bold guards
Like medieval
Warriors and Riders
You are on watch
Every day and night
Ready every day
Something to help
Be you happy
Peace to your homes!
Health and good luck
We wish you!

Happy Police Day, I want to congratulate
The most reliable man!
Let friends be with you shoulder to shoulder
Conquer a new peak!

Honey, on Police Day, I want to say
It is difficult to find what is stronger than a defender!
I am calm and always warm with you,
I'll be with you next to all the winds in spite!
I will surround with care, I will give my heart,
After all, I love you more than anyone in the world!

Let the most recent bully
Do not dare to hooligan on this holiday,
Let him lift a hundred grams for you,
And it will never fail again.
We wish you easy service and success
We are in every day and every hour of service.
Let the authorities notice as soon as possible
Let him sign an order for an increase!

You are the guardian of our life,
Protecting my city
Serve the Fatherland with honor
Heart, body and soul,
Don't let words describe everything
But the whole country is proud
daily feats,
Fully saluting!

Happy police day, I congratulate
Noble work of a fighter!
I wish you infinite luck
A lot of happiness, love without end!

I wish you patience and strength
Many small stars and big ones,
Thanks, certificates and awards,
New titles, cool finances!

And I wish you health
May your life path succeed!
Let the insidious criminal be afraid
You don't let him rest!

There is the tenth number in November,
We must not forget him
And the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a wonderful date
It's time to congratulate.
You are strong and brave people
And don't be afraid of anything
You are doing something important
And thank you for it!

The native militia became the police,
However, she did not change her position:
For a brave deed stands a mountain,
Catch up, neutralize the bandit in a hurry!
Decision can be made quickly
And give the victim a hand!
On your holiday, of course, we want to wish
Responsible affairs, promotions,
Strong family and devoted friendship!

I'm on the country's police day
I want to wish my beloved
So that you, full of dignity,
Were able to achieve goals.

With friends - do not spill water
You stay forever.
Help each other in business
And never be discouraged!

This is the job of the police.
To eradicate crime in Russia,
On a festive day of success and good luck
A huge country wishes you
people are saying thank you
For difficult and very important work,
May there be more happy days in life
And troubles will bypass you!

I wish you today
Victory in your work
Let there be true friends -
After all, life is more beautiful with friends

So that the opera shoulder to shoulder
Fighting crime
I sincerely wish -
So that sorrows rush away!

Dear police officers, dear veterans of the internal affairs bodies, I heartily congratulate you With Russian Police Day !
The role of law enforcement officers in our country and the interest that the public has shown in this service throughout the history of the existence of internal affairs bodies is evidenced even by domestic cinema. From the classics of Russian cinema, it is enough to recall “The Village Detective”, “And Again Aniskin”, “The Investigation is Conducted by Experts”, “Born by the Revolution”, “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed”, “Petrovka, 38”, “Ogaryova, 6”, and even modern numerous TV series and not count - "Deadly Force", "Kamenskaya", "Cop Wars", "Streets of Broken Lanterns", "National Security Agent", "Capercaillie" ... And in all these films we see that law enforcement officers were and remain a reliable shield of Russians, protecting their life and health, honor and dignity, rights and freedoms, legitimate interests and property from criminal encroachments.
The police and its daily service, which, as the song says, is “both dangerous and difficult,” is a guarantee of order and stability in society, faith in the law, and confidence in the future. And the profession of a policeman for many years remains one of the most significant and in demand in our country. Law enforcement officers are not in vain called brave and noble warriors of peaceful life. After all, doing their job, the police are daily exposed to danger from the underworld, which wages a dishonest, and often vile war against them and society.
On this day, we rightfully honor those who, regardless of personal time, fight corruption and terrorism, crime and delinquency, stop economic crimes and counteract the spread of drugs, ensure public order on the streets of our cities and towns.
Being a real policeman is honorable and difficult. He must not only know jurisprudence and be a worthy representative of the law. A police officer must be courageous and dedicated, honest and uncompromising, fair and humane, polite and helpful, have a good understanding of people and be able to find an approach to them, think ahead and understand the essence of life. In general, a true professional policeman should have many virtues. And the defenders of law and order must show their best qualities in their daily work, while understanding that the social, political and economic situation in their city, region, as well as the peace and security of people largely depend on the operational and professional actions of the police.
In recent years, and this is gratifying, the public's trust in representatives of law and order has been steadily growing. Our citizens have become more active and willing to turn to them for help when they feel danger or aggression, are subjected to violence or deceit, see injustice or turn out to be accidental witnesses of how someone was offended. Increasingly, the civilian population helps police officers to prevent crimes and contribute to their disclosure. Growing mutual understanding and trust between civilians and law enforcement officers is a big step towards creating a safe society, because by joint efforts it is much more effective to fight the underworld, which, unfortunately, is still quite large in our country.
Dear employees of the internal affairs bodies! I wholeheartedly congratulate you Happy Russian Police Day ! On this festive day, let the hearts of all law enforcement officers be filled with pride for the difficult, but noble work that they are entrusted with! May loyalty to the motto: “Serving the law - serving the people” become fundamental for each of you and help you honestly and flawlessly serve. And may you be accompanied by success and good luck.
We are all infinitely grateful to you for your service to the Fatherland. Thank you for protecting the peaceful life and creative work of the citizens of Russia, and for contributing to the security of our state. I am sure that you will continue to actively fight crime, remaining uncompromising and tough in relation to those who violate the Law, and humane and fair in relation to all law-abiding citizens.
Dear police officers! Remember, Russians with deep respect and love remember the names of those who, in fulfilling their duty, sacrificed their lives. They are rightfully proud of the professionals who have chosen dangerous and noble work for themselves; we are grateful to the veterans of the police who devoted many years of their lives to difficult police everyday life, made a worthy contribution to law enforcement, and today pass on their rich experience to a new generation of police officers. They admire women in uniform, who carry on their fragile shoulders the burden of responsibility for human destinies.
All of you, dear law enforcement officers, on your professional holiday! Fewer disturbing calls to you and more calm shifts. May your hearts be forever young and the desire to make the world a better place, free it from crime, not dry out. Good health, good luck, happiness, good spirits, optimism, family well-being, support and understanding from relatives and friends, all the best!