Forgive a friend for the late congratulations. Funny birthday greetings late

Take my wishes from my heart
Love, prosperity, earthly joy,
Let me send them a little late,
But with sincere, sincere warmth,

I want happiness to knock on the house
And your life is filled with luck
Support of loved ones, tenderness, kindness,

So that every day gives different surprises,
Nice words, smiles, laughter,
So that all desires are not in vain
And all the cases were successful!

Congratulations belatedly -
Birthday trail is gone.
But even after the ball
The heart burns with joy ardor!

May love, like at sixteen,
Endlessly deprives you of sleep
Doesn't hurry to calm down in the soul
Crazy spring

Playing giveaway with you
The time is crying bitterly -
Given a year, but wins
Again and again your youthful appearance!

Who decided that it is correct to congratulate on your birthday strictly according to the calendar? It is not a sin to congratulate you on this magnificent holiday sooner or later. I wish you warmth, peace in your family, love and understanding! Smile and rejoice at every event, enjoying life!

There are no superfluous wishes.
Yes, it's a little late on the way,
But from long wanderings
The wish only became brighter!

Like wine, it absorbed
All kinds of bouquets of the world,
From love it became richer:
Showers, stars, swallows, sunrises!

I wish sunny happiness:
Juicy, desired, with peppercorns,
Roofs are safer from bad weather,
Cheerfulness with an invisible spring!

I apologize from the heart
For missing a date like this
Happy birthday,
Let life be rich with joy!

I wish you continued luck
Prosperity in the house, affection, warmth,
Love that cheers up
So that all cherished dreams come true!

Following the wise proverb that "better late than never", I hasten to congratulate you on your past birthday. I wish if takeoffs, then high and impetuous. If feelings, then sincere and mutual. If success, then loud and deserved. If rest, then paradise and long.

Sorry, a little late
I send congratulations to you
But let my all wishes
Will be fulfilled in your destiny:

May life be rich in happiness
And joy flows with tender laughter,
And even if now, and not once,
Luck will smile at you!

To life on a past birthday
Fate has already slapped the seal,
Giving you my permission
A century of pleasure to receive.

I am congratulations, blushing
For being late, I mumble
I wish you did not dare to raise your eyes:
You don't know the way to see a doctor

And the change of holidays is continuous
Boldly mark the calendar,
And drink the wine of love deeply
And for a dream to fall into the distance,

Let the energy beat like a fountain
Money flows into the house like a river
You are fatally lucky in everything,
And happiness rises like a mountain!

Dear friend! Despite the fact that your birthday has already passed, please accept my sincere congratulations! I wish that the next year of your life will open up the brightest prospects, so that even at first glance unrealizable dreams come true. I wish you health, family well-being and sunny mood!

Sorry for being late
I am sending my congratulations.
And there is no excuse for me
I will accept any reproach.

And yet, happy birthday!
Happy, long years
Health, prosperity,
Confident victories.

Love, good luck, joy,
Smiles from ear to ear
And all the adversity is gloomy
Drive quickly with your breath.

Happy birthday to you!
Bright, joyful days in destiny
And great mood
From the bottom of my heart I wish you.

Let the sun illuminate your path
Helping only go forward.
Let friends never quit.
And in everything, and always be lucky.

May all the stars shine for you
Let the years not scare you.
Happy Birthday! Sorry it's so late.
Better late than never.

Forgive me for being late
I congratulate you now
But, with a sincere desire,
I wish you happiness at this hour!

May your life be beautiful
Very interesting and full of miracles,
So that not a drop of sadness melts,
Heart beat, showing interest!

Let the soul laugh with joy
And cherished dreams will come true
Let the whole world smile sooner
Birthday by giving flowers!

Happy belated birthday
I hasten to congratulate you.
A little late
My words are resounding.

I congratulate you.
May your dreams come true.
Always be optimistic
Do not grieve for a long time.

Let life flow like a river
Seething, making noise, boiling.
You enjoy it
While fate dictates.

Happy belated birthday!
Smiles and luck
Always be in the mood
Fulfillment wishes!

Sorry for being late
And my congratulations, accept.
What comes from the soul
More valuable than pennies.

Time flies by
Like an eagle across the sky.
Happy birthday, congratulations!
Even though I know what passed.

Just congratulate in time
Something I failed ...
Everything will be fine with you.
So that life is fabulous!

Sorry I'm late -
Better later than not at all.
Happy birthday, congratulations
It's not a trifle after all.

Be cheerful and happy
Both healthy and beautiful.
So that your every success
He made us all very happy.

I ask you to forgive me for being late,
Please accept my congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
I wish you always live happily
Let every moment be bright!

Let success await you in everything
Let things go up in your career!
And let comfort always reign in the house,
And your life will be full of warmth!

Late congratulations
Happy birthday, accept!
Every moment is near
Be with good people.

Admire this world
Delight the world with yourself
Be the sweetest in the world
Steal someone's heart!

Love dearly and passionately
Be softer than water
Everything will be fine in life
May it be today and forever!

Let the hour of birth pass
We wish in pursuit:
Good, luck, sparks of eyes,
About love of words incessantly!

Let the birth be behind
Let the feast be noisy.
Wish from the heart:
Live in abundance and expanse!

May all dreams come true
All hopes will come true.
Peace, happiness, beauty,
Be beautiful as before!

For most people, birthday is a special day. Not everyone celebrates their birthday, but usually people feel especially on this day. When we forget about the birthday of a loved one, we not only upset him, but we ourselves feel awkward. To make amends, you should apologize properly and let the person know that this will not happen again. You can apologize in different ways: help a person with something, do something for him with your own hands, devote all your time to him, postponing business.


Creative approach

    Know how to apologize. If you have offended someone (including forgetting about your birthday), you will need to explain that you understand that you acted ugly, and that you care how the person feels. To apologize correctly, you need to think about the person. How does he relate to you? What kind of person is this? What is most important to him? Answering these questions will help you find the right approach to solving the problem.

    Create and mail a personalized puzzle. If you want your words to be heard, try stretching out the apology for a few days. For example, you can use the services of sites that print photos of users on puzzles, and the puzzle can be of any size. Pick a photo of you together and consider if that image conveys what you want to say in your apology. When you receive your puzzle, write on the back of each piece an apology and, if you like, a message to the person.

    Make coupons. So that the apology is not a one-time action, you can make coupons for your services, which the person can use whenever they want. Think about the person's character and what will be useful to him. You can make coupons yourself from paper, print them on a computer, or use special services on the Internet that allow you to print ready-made coupons. On the back of each coupon, write which service it matches.

    Apologize on social media. A public apology will not only prove that you are modest (or that you are not easily embarrassed), but also that you are willing to take responsibility for your actions and try to make amends. If you think your actions will not offend the person you are apologizing to, post the apology on their page or tweet them. Consider the nature of your relationship by choosing the right words.

    Apologize on the radio. You can apologize publicly on the radio. If you know that the person is listening to the same station every day on the way to work or at any other time, try to call and apologize live. Ask for a song that has special meaning to both of you. It may be necessary to arrange this in advance. Explain exactly what you want to say and how important it is to you.

    • To make sure the person hears your message, ask someone to help you adjust the situation.
    • If this is not possible, call the person a couple of minutes before your speech and ask him to immediately turn on the radio.
  1. Make a calendar with a forgotten date. Make a calendar on any of the sites that allow you to edit calendar templates and circle the forgotten day. Invite the person over, cook their favorite meals, and place the calendar under their plate as a hot plate. If you can't arrange dinner, do it at lunchtime. A person cannot fail to notice the calendar.

    • When you sit down at the table, point to the calendar and apologize. It will be hard to forget!
  2. Take over the cleaning in the country. Only a few really enjoy mowing lawns, bushes and weeding plants. Most people prefer to spend their weekends on the couch or shopping (where there is air conditioning). Therefore, if you invite someone to take care of his site, the person will be grateful to you. Think about the person's personality and decide how you will present your time as a gift.

    • For example, if you forgot about your father's birthday, go to the dacha when he is not there, clean up the area, and leave a note of apology on the table.
  3. Have a romantic evening. The most dangerous thing is to forget about the birthdays of romantic partners. This is very bad and very difficult to fix. However, a surprise candlelit dinner, bubble bath, massage, and whatever else you want to do afterwards will help you make amends to your loved one. Don't forget that you yourself will enjoy it!

How to prepare something special

    Make a surprise jar. If you are worried about forgetting about your birthday and want to make amends, this suggests that you care about the person and that you have a special relationship. A surprise jar can help you express your feelings. You will need a screw top jar, pen, and paper. You do not have to limit yourself to this, but only what you write will matter. On each piece of paper that you put in the jar, write about the memory associated with that person: something that binds you; something he said or did; how he looked on a particular day; the way you treated the person in the past, and the way you treat them now.

    If you live far away, bake a pie. You can always call, send an email, postcard, or a regular gift, but it's best to try something original instead. We suggest that you do the following: Record on video how you bake a cake or a cake for a person's birthday. You can make a funny recording and pretend you're the star of a food show. Perhaps the person will like it. You can even light candles and sing a holiday song and then apologize.

    • Burn the video to disk, rewrite the pie recipe and wrap everything in a gift wrap, and then mail it.
    • If you think the cake will survive the shipment, send it - for example, a small piece.
  1. Download the person's favorite music and burn it to a flash card. If you've never done this before, start by looking for a USB drive - they come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. There are even drives with characters from films and books. There are sites where you can order printing of any images on flash drives. Since the drives are small, you won't be able to fit a large image, so take a photo of the two of you or a symbol that is close to both of you. Record the person's favorite music on this card (remember that music should not be pirated).

    • Write down the photographs in which you are together. Create a custom playlist.
    • Before giving your gift, print out a sheet of music from the Internet. Write your apologies and birthday greetings on it.
  2. Use colored stickers. If you can get home to the person you need to congratulate, buy a pack of colored stickers and write many different messages on them that would take into account the person's personality and your relationship with him: memories, quotes, feelings, jokes. Place small photographs and other memorabilia all over the place (for example, a ticket to a concert you went to together. If the person is not at home, post stickers everywhere so that the person will find some of them only after a while.

How to spend time together

Pack your bags and go on a journey. You will have to think more nuances, and you will need more money, but traveling is an opportunity to escape and be alone with each other, and this is exactly what is sometimes lacking. You will have a good time with a loved one whom you want to remind that they are dear to you. You can go to a nearby city for a day, spend a weekend in a city you haven't been before, or go abroad for a week. The budget and direction may vary, but the meaning is different: you will spend time with the person who is important to you.

  • What's better than a travel invitation written on the back of an alarm clock?
  • If you can afford to spend a lot of money, buy a watch and have it engraved!
  • Arrange a game of hunting for objects. Decide where it should end. It should be a place that the person you are apologizing to very much - a beautiful alley, a movie theater, a restaurant, or even a river that you can take a boat ride. Then come up with clues that will matter to you and your friend. For example, it can be your special jokes, memories, affairs that you discussed. Write or print them on any surface that will fit the place. For example, the first clue can be placed on a piece of paper and attached to the bathroom mirror, while the second can be laminated (or even put in a jar) because you bury it under a tree that you used to play near as a child.

    • Although Facebook reminds you of friends' birthdays, you will have to constantly visit your page to see the alerts. Fortunately, there are tons of apps out there that will remind you of important dates.
    • Many smartphones have a built-in calendar that allows you to set alerts and reminders. Don't forget to make notes.
    • You can always buy a regular paper calendar (with animals, landscapes, flowers, cities or cartoon characters). Just circle all the dates you want with a pen.

    A terrible thing happened: you forgot to wish your dear person a happy birthday. Or they just didn't have time. Or they got confused in the calendar numbers - with the current rhythm of life, such situations are not surprising at all, everyone falls into them, so there is no need to talk about senile sclerosis. But do not worry and worry. It is never too late to please a loved one! Or rather, better late than never! Go to the section of our website and choose a congratulation suitable for this occasion - we have prepared them especially for such "latecomers". In a humorous way, you can apologize for your mistake and congratulate the birthday person with dignity. On our website you can find the best late birthday greetings

    Forgive me, because I hardly had time,
    All things, I got so busy, I got worn out,
    But now I want to improve so soon,
    So I came and bought some tasty things.
    To knock on your door without shame,
    Let's throw away all the prejudices
    Now, I promise I will remember forever
    The holy date of your birthday.

    Congratulations, friend, Happy Birthday,
    Forgive me dear for this delay,
    I'm ready to redeem my guilt in front of you,
    I'll bring a good brandy to drink with you.
    May they give you gifts every hour
    They cherish, love, cherish and advertise everywhere,
    Let love in your heart be over the edge
    And in personal life - just a personal paradise!

    Don't be angry with me, because it's too late
    But still, I am in such a hurry to congratulate from the bottom of my heart,
    For words of forgiveness and great recognition,
    May all days in a row be good.
    Be a little happier every day
    And with every minute, good and young,
    And may the good of your soul be warm and beautiful,
    Warms and still pleases loved ones.

    I can't catch up with your birthday,
    Let all the toasts for you have sounded long ago,
    And now they will sound from me with delays,
    The main thing is to be cheerful, without sadness.
    Be healthy, happy, always be strong in life,
    Receive only good news from friends and family,
    May the good glory in your honor, sound all my life,
    Well, life always goes on like a funny song.

    No, I have no forgiveness
    I pay tribute to mistakes
    I forgot about my birthday
    And I confess, it's a pity.
    Forgive me for omission
    I want to improve
    And wish you a happy birthday
    I'll find a new way.
    Accept congratulations
    My joy and love,
    For your birthday
    I want to congratulate you.

    Sorry and sorry again,
    Please accept your best wishes.
    I was a little late with congratulations,
    May your life be successful.
    Happy birthday
    I want to wish you health, happiness.
    So that you are in a cheerful and good mood,
    They could happily walk through life.

    Birthday is a day of fun and excitement,
    It is special, the best holiday on Earth.
    And of course, I will apologize
    That a little later I brought you a present.
    I want to congratulate you on the last birthday,
    Wish you good luck in life.
    And never take offense at anything,
    Do not hang your nose and do not lose heart.

    Slightly but late, I want to congratulate you,
    We will celebrate a beautiful birthday now,
    Only do not be offended that you have forgotten a little,
    And the solemn date, a little, but missed.
    I wish you had fun and well,
    And momentary problems, nothing in front of joy,
    I promise that I will not miss my birthday,
    And on the solemn date I will definitely congratulate you.

    Everything turned out by accident, it is impossible to make out,
    Never had to miss a birthday
    I apologize to you, I confess, I admit my guilt,
    Happy birthday, I love you with all my heart.
    Be a happy person and fall in love with life forever,
    Every year you only become more beautiful and cool,
    Well, I will not forget the next time,
    I will arrange congratulations on your holiday - super, class.

    On a clear day, such a thing, I did not have time to congratulate,
    Birthday has passed, time has passed a little under the bridge,
    Without excuses with regret, but with an impulse, soul zeal,
    I was looking for that moment to show my compliment:
    Beauty, love and joy, a clear mind and sweetness in life,
    I wish you everything on your birthday.
    And let the resentment rush away and not hide in my soul,
    I apologize and take into account the mistake.

    Has started to spin, to spin,
    Forgotten - all the cases.
    I was late to congratulate
    Happy Birthday to You!

    Don't pout or frown,
    Congratulations, accept.
    Let me congratulate later
    Just know that from the heart.

    I wish you light
    Peace, joy, warmth,
    That this whole planet
    Was just for you.

    And I also wish you love
    To once and for all.
    Congratulations, congratulations
    Happy Birthday to You!

    As the proverb says:
    "Better late than nothing."
    The one who later congratulates
    May I be forgiven for the joint.

    Congratulations on being late
    After many kind words,
    Like a miracle spell
    Will bring love with it.

    I wish you health
    And financial success
    Everything will come true with interest
    Most of all and the coolest.

    Shine in the eyes, in business - luck,
    The house of peace and goodness.
    Happy Birthday.
    Late Hurray!

    I apologize for being late with congratulations, but, atoning for my guilt, I sincerely congratulate! I wish that the best and most cherished dreams come true and bring a lot of joy, so that there are always beloved and loving relatives and friends around who are ready to lend a reliable shoulder every minute! May the world around you always be blooming, clean, kind and considerate! I wish you success and prosperity, love and adoration, good luck in your deeds and plans!

    Happy birthday, congratulations!
    Even if not on time - but still:
    I wish you a sea of ​​joy
    And impossible successes.

    Happiness, joy, health,
    Long years and bright days
    Warmth, kindness with love -
    Let life be more fun!

    Sorry for being late
    But I congratulate you all the same.
    As you know, it's better late
    Congratulations than never.

    I only want light
    Warmth, earthly love,
    So that sadness and bad weather
    They didn't catch up with you.

    I beg your pardon
    I started to wobble a bit,
    But I'm carrying a happy birthday
    Arrived congratulations.

    You will understand, I believe in it,
    And I hasten to wish
    Happiness to you to the fullest
    To fly with joy.

    To strive for the best,
    So that life is in full swing.
    Do not hurt, do not fuss -
    Enjoy every day.

    Congratulations, sorry it's late
    And I beg your pardon
    I wish you a lot of happiness
    An ocean of luck.

    A lot of money, and health,
    And good luck and love.
    So that, of course, they are fulfilled,
    All your desires!

    Happy birthday past
    I congratulate you
    And I ask for being late
    Don't judge me strictly.

    They say it's better late
    Than never and never.
    I wish you happiness -
    Every day and forever.

    I wish true love
    So that there was prosperity in the house.
    And so that career success
    The way up has opened for you.

    May everything in life be successful
    May fate not fail
    May luck smile
    Joy will bloom in the heart.

    Accept an apology
    With belated congratulations,
    Better late than nothing
    Forgive what is wrong!

    Happy birthday from the heart
    Only with a sincere soul
    May the sun warm on the way
    Peace reigns in the soul.

    May there be a lot of health
    May fate not be strict
    May they be crowned with success
    All the things that you want!

    Happy birthday! Forgive me for being late -
    Better later than never remember.
    And I'll start, perhaps, with wishes -
    I wish you happiness!

    And also good to you, patience,
    So that all things work out.
    To sadness, bad mood
    Never met in my life.

    And I also wish you health
    Joy and live without troubles at all,
    Whatever grief happens in life,
    To live for you another hundred years!

    Forget by birthday
    You can't, you can't, you can't.
    And I have no forgiveness
    I am burning with shame.

    But still I wish
    Even though I'm late,
    So that life becomes different
    Better than it was.

    So that joy burns in her,
    Kindness shone
    So that old age does not rush,
    And beauty blossomed.

    So that the wind carries hope
    The rain of trouble washed away everything,
    And a ray of sunshine between
    It gave warmth to those clouds.

    So that friendship helps,
    Love beckoned upward
    So that happiness inspires
    So that all dreams come true.