Happy birthday Andrey. Happy birthday wishes

My apologies,
Didn't make it this time...
About your last birthday
I remembered a little too late.
Do not be mad at me, please,
And accept my congratulations -
May fate favor you
Doesn't spare a moment for happiness!

11.12.2013 | 14:20:29

I congratulate you
It's probably out of place...
But happy birthday to you
Still, I want to congratulate you!
I swear that next year
This won't happen anymore.
And among the first I will come,
Who will knock on your door.
I wish you earthly joy
Appreciate happy moments!
Do not be offended, my angel.
Kiss hard. Happy birthday!

11.02.2013 | 23:58:55

Late writing
Congratulations to you
I am guilty of forgetfulness...
I wish you all the best in your destiny.
Better late than not at all
Wish nothing.
I want to live without problems
And do not know despair.
And also, so be it with you
Will never happen.
And for my birthday
You can't not show up!

11.02.2013 | 16:43:32

I got a little confused and forgot this date,
And I'm very sorry, because I'm very guilty.
Happy birthday congratulations even belatedly,
It will also be a manifestation of my attention to you!
I want to wish a little, but everything that is very important:
May everything come true that you want for yourself, one day.
There is no such thing as a lot of money, that's a definite fact
Let them be enough for you to buy various goods!

11.02.2013 | 12:03:38

Sorry I'm a little late
I want to congratulate you on your birthday.
But the main thing, as they say, attention.
Please accept this congratulations!
Let everything in life be as it should be,
Favorite job, easy life ...
And all the good things about her are just beginning.
I wish happiness to receive and light to give ...

11.02.2013 | 01:18:23

Happy birthday! Sorry,
I'm a little late.
Smile and don't be sad
And accept my confessions!

Let dreams come true
In your life all the time
And gifts and flowers
Become a regular thing!

Smile, have fun
Always be so happy!
Just don't get mad at me
What about your holiday forgot ...

27.09.2012 | 17:52:13

I'm a little late
Congratulations on the holiday.
I'll try to justify myself
And now congratulations!

Don't hold grudges in your heart
Know that I love you!
And I wish that pepper
Your life has improved!

Let the smile light up
Your cute features...
I wish you happiness
Light, faith, kindness!

Happy past birthday!
good luck and luck
I want to wish
And do not know sorrows!
Always dream come true
Try to be happy
After all, happiness lives in us!
So let success come!

Happy belated birthday,
A little late.
And what are the beliefs
Invented who said
What, being late, is not necessary,
Shouldn't you congratulate?
But we are together
Let's keep celebrating
Yesterday's birthday
Passes with a bang!
Let's make moments with you
Birth that yesterday.

Happy birthday to you!
Health, good luck, luck!
Smiles of radiance and joy,
Happy languor and sweetness!
cherished dream of fulfillment,
Love, kindness and patience!
Roads through life are open,
With a carriage of pleasant events!

Happy past birthday friend
I congratulate you today.
Let the whole world around please,
Fortune favors.
Let trouble not touch
Your income will be multiplied a hundredfold.
And happiness and love always
Let them please you.

Happy belated birthday!
A little bit out of time
But in late congratulations
Special point!
The gifts are already stacked, all the words have been said,
A little more - a little from the holidays, the head is not normal!
And it seems that your holiday will come only in a year,
How suddenly my message will bring him back again!

Happy belated birthday!
So late, sorry.
After all, life's friction
I got in the way!
Your holiday is wonderful
Hope it was fun.
Confused today
I wish you strength
To make all dreams come true
Yours, and at the right time!
So that each time in advance
God gave surprises!

Happy holiday to you
I wish you long life and happiness.
May it always dawn for you
In the way of night salvation from bad weather.
There were no enemies, and there was no evil,
So that you do not know about the unhappy life.
Let the power of fire not go out in the eyes,
And there were only bright thoughts.

Happy birthday, congratulations
Forgive me for forgetting about it on holiday.
I wish you the best today
Let luck enter the house soon
Love you and always be happy
And, of course, love your life!
And make the world around you beautiful
And harmoniously, and worthy of living!

Happy belated birthday to you!
Let it be late, but I still wish
Love you, luck in everything,
And at the same time I send my greetings!

Congratulations, Sunshine, happy birthday!
An ocean of love and patience for you!
You shine for the joy of everyone - drive the clouds away,
And I'm sorry for being late...
Better late than never,
The snow will melt - there will be water:
Happy birthday congratulations!
Do not be sad. I love. I hug.

Hello! Belated but from the heart
I congratulate you! Read it, don't rush.
On your birthday I want to wish:
Shine with a happy smile more often
It's easy and beautiful to go through life,
By all means find the way to the dream!
Be strong, successful - in everything and everywhere.
I wish you mutual love!

I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday.
Let with the past, but from the heart!
Sorry, please, for being late.
Congratulations are always good!
Let once again, but I wish
Happiness in life, health, love!
This is the most important value
Although these words are very simple!
And I also wish you
Laughter, cheerfulness and kindness,
And, of course, let them come true
All your wishes and dreams!

Your birthday has passed
Girlfriend, believe the words -
Congratulations can be good
Not only on the holiday itself.
By dinner, a spoon is expensive -
I won't forget again
Your birthday is never
I wish you health!

Better late, as they say!
Happy past birthday!
Let it sparkle in your eyes
Fire of pleasure!
Wish to dive
Only in the joy of the moment!

With the past you, my friend!
Let troubles pass by.
We often look for happiness not there:
It's like a shadow behind your back.
Happy birthday to the past!
So many years with you friends!
You are not a saint, and you are not a sinner,
Let everything be with you!

Happy birthday to you!
Belated but from the heart
I wish you to be carefree -
Hurry to live, dream and love!

Your birthday has passed
Dude, don't be offended
That I didn't find the time
Congratulate you. Exhibit!
Today I will congratulate
And I'll drink to your health
I want to wish you good luck
And live in harmony with love!

I'm sorry I'm late with congratulations
And only now I send congratulations.
What I didn't have time to say on your birthday
What I remember, understand and love.

Forgive me for this delay
For memory leaky calendar.
May all your wishes come true.-
I wish, and I'm a little sorry.

Forgive me for being late
For the fact that I did not congratulate you on time,
Accept your wishes today -
They are kept warm by these strings.
Let everything always work out for you
Health never fails
And let luck in life not end,
And may great love come!

Birthday passed, so what -
I'm in a hurry to congratulate you!
Be lucky and bold,
To take what you want from life!

Congratulations on passing!
Happy your glorious birthday!
It's just been a crazy day...
I sincerely apologize...
And I want to wish
Be the happiest in the world
Fly in the sky with love
The best thing to be on the planet.

Congratulations on the holiday,
With the one that only happens once a year.
I wish you immense happiness
Let troubles pass by.
Let bold hopes come true
Efforts will lead to the best.
The fresh wind blows impressions,
Only your days bring joy.

Happy, bright birthday to you
Delayed congratulations, sorry
But from the bottom of my heart I wish you inspiration
Good luck, bright joys, love!
And I wish fabulous moments
Flowers, gifts in life, compliments!

My congratulations are belated
Your birthday has already passed.
Anyway, I wish you good luck
And rest and peace of mind.
So that health grows stronger over the years,
Expected invariable success in business.
So that happiness shines in the eyes,
And your laughter rang out.

I run with all my might,
I fly on the wings of the night!
After all, I have no forgiveness!
Forget your birthday!

And let me spin
Couldn't even call.
You are always in my heart
And how else to be?

I wish you a bright life!
Without troubles and sorrows
And accept gifts
Not only on your birthday!

I'm sorry dear friend
Me for being late!
I congratulate you today
Happy birthday to me. punishment
You can nominate anyone
I am ready to fulfill it.
I will give a gift today -
Gifts are better than words!

Hello! happy past birthday
Want to congratulate. Though already
He passed. May congratulations
Balm will lie on the soul!
And belated wishes
Let my holiday rise,
So that his wonderful radiance
Drive away sadness from life!

Happy Birthday -
Even though he's already gone
I, without any doubt,
I would be glad now - at the table,
Drink for you, please
And wish you good health!
You can't be upset with fate -
She needs to be respected!

Do not be angry about the wonderful
We could forget the holiday!
We wanted, let's be honest,
Extend birthday.
Weekends and weekdays dear
So we want to wish
To have time in the morning
One more hour to sleep!

I just now congratulate you
Though your birthday, my friend, has passed.
There are downsides, and my oversight,
On the other hand, it's still good.
I can wish you once again
Health, luck and wealth a whole cart.
So that you give change to both trouble and the enemy,
And the world brought only the best for you.

Although the birthday was celebrated,
We keep having fun
Congratulations on passing!
Let the capital envy!
Let the days fill to the limit
Some nice moments
And what you wish for yourself
Everything will be the best without a doubt!

Happy birthday to congratulate
It's never too late.
Let's turn back time
Grandiose again
Celebration shines
Glasses will clink.
I'll raise my toast
Albeit belated.
I wish not to get sick
To have enough strength
Grab the stars from the sky
And become an ideal!

My friend, congratulations!
Sorry, I'm a little late.
I wish you health and happiness!
Beloved, most importantly, be.
You - sorry, sorry, sorry! ..
Girl's memory, friend ...
Bloom your eyelids,
Inspiration and friend!

Sorry for being late! I congratulate you
Happy birthday and happy birthday!
Let the soul be filled with radiance, goodness,
And let life be warmed by love and warmth!

My beloved friend,
Happy Birthday!
From happiness, let your head spin,
And the heart of love is fire.
Let the holiday died down recently
I wish you late
Success to achieve the main
Only pluses to find in fate.

My apologies,
Didn't make it this time...
About your last birthday
I remembered a little too late.
Do not be mad at me, please,
And accept my congratulations -
May fate favor you
Doesn't spare a moment for happiness!

I ask your forgiveness -
How it happened, I don't know.
I missed your birthday
And just now, congratulations.
I hasten to wish you good luck
Health, smiles and laughter.
Give back to all enemies,
Dreaming to be successful.

Let belated congratulations
Let the birthday die down
I wish you inspiration
And only favorite things!
May every day be wonderful
Your dreams will come true
Let all doubts disappear
So that the heart sings from love.

Repentance and congratulations
Accept with the past holiday!
At least this time it's your birthday
Was met with other people,
But my thoughts were there
And now I just repeat:
Let there be the best rewards
In your fate, and also let
No doubts appear
In my love, in the love of friends!
Best moments in life
Give me champagne!

I congratulate you a little late,
After all, your birthday has just passed.
But still I want to send a wish,
So that everything is good in your life.
I wish, firstly, a lot of health,
Enough money, secondly.
Luck is always to help in business,
And the joyful laughter in your life has not subsided.

Sorry I'm a little late
I want to congratulate you on your birthday.
But the main thing, as they say, attention.
Please accept this congratulations!
Let everything in life be as it should be,
Favorite job, easy life ...
And all the good things about her are just beginning.
I wish happiness to receive and light to give ...

Better late happy birthday
Congratulate than ever
I wish you luck
Life for many years.
Friend, so that you do not lose heart,
And I did not know despondency -
You make relatives and friends happy,
To become happy!

Birthday has come and gone
But I still want to congratulate!
Wishes of joy, success
I hasten to send you from the bottom of my heart!

So what if it's a birthday!
Better late after all than never!
You accept congratulations from us,
We wish you happiness in life always!
And the best health to you,
This is the most important thing in life!
And a great frequent success,
After all, in fact, we live for him!

Late writing
Congratulations to you
I am guilty of forgetfulness...
I wish you all the best in your destiny.
Better late than not at all
Wish nothing.
I want to live without problems
And do not know despair.
And also, so be it with you
Will never happen.
And for my birthday
You can't not show up!

I congratulate you on your birthday
Let it pass - but now
I wish you the best!
So that you always make us happy.
Achieve new successes
And never know troubles
Try to be the happiest
More victories in life!

We have been friends with you for many years,
We know everything about each other, it's not a secret,
But I couldn't come to your birthday
There were urgent matters at work.
I congratulate you on the past holiday,
Good luck, joy, I wish you a lot of love,
Let the bird of happiness fly to you
May the Lord protect from troubles

Happy Birthday!
Sorry for the delay
I'm ready to redeem myself,
Drink a fine glass.
Let gifts be given every day
Cherish, cherish and PR!
Let happiness be over the edge
And in personal life - a personal paradise!

I ask your forgiveness -
How it happened, I don't know!
I missed your birthday
And now congratulations...
I hasten to wish you good luck
Health, smiles and laughter,
Give back to all enemies,
And of course be successful!

Forgive me, because I did not have time a little,
All things, I ran so hard, got worn out,
But now I want to get better as soon as possible,
So I came and ate delicious.
To knock on your door without shame,
Let's throw away, all prejudices,
Now, I promise that I will remember forever
Holy date of your birthday.

Happy birthday greetings belated funny

Twisted, twisted
I forgot - that's all.
I'm late to congratulate
Happy Birthday to You!

Don't pout and don't frown
Accept congratulations.
Let me congratulate you later
Just know that from the heart.

I wish you light
Peace, joy, warmth,
So that this whole planet
Was just for you.

And I also wish you love
To once and for all.
Congratulations, congratulations
Happy Birthday to You!

I'm a little late with congratulations,
You accept, friend, apologies,
Anything can happen in life
The main thing is to apologize in time.
May your birthday bring you good luck
Great love, good health in addition,
May fate always smile at you
So that your life is beautiful.

I can't catch up with your birthday...
Let the fanfare already sound
From me with a delay will sound.
The main thing is not to be sad.
Be healthy and lucky, be strong along the way,
Receive only good news.
Let the fanfare sound without ending, all your life.
Well, life goes on like a song!

Delayed congratulations, sorry
But from the bottom of my heart I wish you inspiration
Good luck, bright joys, love!
And fabulous moments for you
Flowers, gifts in life, compliments!

Congratulations, friend, happy birthday to you,
Forgive me dear for this delay,
The guilt is fully ready, in front of you, to atone,
I'll bring some good cognac to drink with you.
May they give you gifts every hour,
Cherish, love, cherish and PR everywhere,
Let love in the heart be over the edge,
And in personal life - just a personal paradise!

happy birthday passed
I congratulate you
And I'm sorry for being late
Strictly do not judge me.

They say it's better late
Than nothing and never.
I wish you happiness -
Every day and forever.

I wish true love
So that there is prosperity in the house.
And so that career success
The way up has been opened for you.

Let everything in life succeed
Let fate not let you down
Let luck smile
Joy will blossom in the heart.

Happy holiday to you!
Forgive me for being late.
I wish you loving
To make your wishes come true!
Let health not be naughty
And life will be like a show program.
I want to feel happiness
And relax in the Bahamas!

I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday.
Let with the past, but from the heart!
Sorry, please, for being late.
Congratulations are always good!
Let once again, but I wish
Happiness in life, health, love!
This is the most important value
Although these words are very simple!
And I also wish you
Laughter, cheerfulness and kindness,
And, of course, let them come true
All your wishes and dreams!

It's nice to receive congratulations again
Happy personal name day, which has already passed!
No, this is not insanity, not doomsday:
Now I will start, and you will feel good!
Please don't misunderstand me now
And tremblingly listen to my simple words:
I would like to please you once again!
How to understand me? And here it's up to you!

Don't get angry, even if it's too late
I hasten to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
For kind words and words of recognition
All days are good!
Be happy every month
And every year younger
The goodness of your beautiful soul
Always make people happy!

Sorry for being late happy birthday

Congratulations, sorry it's late
And I'm sorry
I wish you a sea of ​​happiness
An ocean of luck.

Lots of money and health
Good luck and love.
To, of course, be fulfilled
All desires are yours!

Happy birthday to you
I want to wish you health and happiness.
So that you are in a cheerful and good mood,
We could happily walk through life!

We've been friends for many years - I can't remember anymore
But I can't remember the date.
Forgive me my dear friend
Today I congratulate you on your birthday.
I wish you many joyful nights and days,
And let love envelop you soon
Let a sincere faithful friend appear.
And the world will suddenly light up with happy rays.

Congratulations on the holiday,
With the one that only happens once a year.
I wish you immense happiness
Let troubles pass by.

Let bold hopes come true
Efforts will lead to the best.
The fresh wind blows impressions,
Only your days bring joy.

forget your birthday
Can't, can't, can't.
And I have no forgiveness
I burn with shame.

But still I wish
Though I'm late
To make life different
Better than it was.

So that joy burns in her,
The light of kindness
So that old age does not rush,
And beauty blossomed.

For the wind to carry hope
The rain of misfortune washed away everything,
And a ray of sunshine between
Those clouds gave warmth.

To help friendship
Love beckoned up
To inspire happiness
So that all dreams come true.

Twisted, spun, like a squirrel in a wheel,
And I forgot about your birthday, my friend,
Forgive me, please,
There were many family problems.
Happy birthday past, congratulations,
I wish you long and happy years
Let it always accompany you
A bright guiding star.

How could we let
What was your birthday like?
You can safely beat us
What a pity!
Twisted, you understand.
It's a pity it doesn't happen to anyone.
Accept congratulations!
We fill the glasses
And we wish from the bottom of our hearts -
Don't get sick and be happy!
Do something important!
And of course, definitely
Conquer everyone in the world!

I can't catch up with your birthday,
Let all the toasts have sounded for you for a long time,
And now they will sound from me belatedly,
The main thing is to be cheerful, without sadness.
Be healthy, happy, always be strong in life,
Receive only good news from friends and family,
May good glory be in your honor, sound all your life,
Well, life always flows like a cheerful song.

Don't be mad at me, it's late
But still I hasten to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
For words of forgiveness and great recognition,
May all days be good.
Be a little happier every day
And with every minute good and younger,
And may the goodness of your soul warm and beautiful,
Warms and still pleases loved ones.

A little late congratulations
But his sincerity is still fresh.
I want more patience
And so that your business goes uphill.

Meet the sunrises, see off the sunsets,
Holding a glass of Chateau Margaux in his hand.
And let life sparkle even brighter
Than the finest wine.

Sorry and sorry again
Please accept the best wishes.
I'm a little late with congratulations,
May your life path be successful.

Happy birthday to you
I wish you health, happiness.
So that you are in a cheerful and good mood,
They could happily walk through life.

I apologize for being late, routine work and a fast pace of life
kicked off the track. I congratulate you on the past birthday from all
soul I wish certainty in life and constancy of happiness, well-being
and stability of success. Let life give a lot of pleasant memories
and upcoming great events.

I apologize for the lateness, but still congratulations from the bottom of my heart. With day
birth. I wish you to glow with happiness and be inspired by love, to believe
into a dream and strive for success, achieve all goals and not lose
hope for the best.

With the fast pace of this life, it was not possible to congratulate you in time.
I'm sorry that I'm late, but I'm from the bottom of my heart
happy Birthday. I wish you unexpected gifts and surprises,
great and exciting journeys, great merits and life
awards, excellent health and good mood.

I apologize for being late, but still from the bottom of my heart - happy day
birth! Let the birds sing joyfully for you, let on your way
the sun is shining, let joy warm the heart, and rays of happiness penetrate
through your window.

I'm sorry for being late, but I still congratulate you. With day
birth! I want to wish a rich and vibrant life, good friends and
beloved relatives, beautiful deeds and high successes, wonderful emotions
and unquenchable happiness.

Sorry for the delay, but congratulations anyway. Happy Birthday,
great happiness, strong love, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bgood luck and inspiration. Let
your life will be bright and colorful, may your health be strong,
May any business you start be successful and prosperous.

Allow me, albeit belatedly, to congratulate you on your birthday! But
They truly say: “Better late than never!”. I follow everyone
wishes that have already been voiced, I wish you good health,
well-being, prosperity, self-confidence, understanding of loved ones and successful
career growth!

A bit late - for which I apologize, but still
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on your birthday. I want to wish you well
fairy tales of life and magical moments of happiness, bright joy and good
hopes, undoubted success and enduring success, good health and
gallant mood.

I'm sorry for being late, but still I'm from the bottom of my heart
Happy Birthday to you. May all dreams come true, may
life will always be beautiful and happy, may luck never
turn off your path, let love and the wonderful move you

All congratulations have already faded, and the glasses are filled and drained to
bottom, but not all wishes are said: may luck not leave you, may
cherished dreams come true, and they are replaced by new ones, let
every day will be full of surprises and surprises, may health
allows you to achieve your goals. Let the words come to you
late, but sincerely and wholeheartedly.

With the past

I send you poems
And happy birthday
(Although with the past, unfortunately,
For that I apologize.)
Yes, the birthday is over
But the holiday feeling remains!
So look at life more cheerfully
Find friends everywhere
May only joy await you!

I congratulate you
Happy belated birthday,
I wish you love
And super mood
Success and good luck
And loyal friends
And in addition to everything
Ferrari and Harley.

My friend, believe me, I have not forgotten
That you had a birthday
Things have taken a lot of strength,
But I'll make it right
And I wish from the bottom of my heart
You health and success!
Live in love and joy
Not knowing grief and prohibitions!

I'm sorry, girlfriend, what to congratulate
I didn't make it at the right time.
I want to erase my guilt
A bouquet of pleasant phrases:
I wish you joy to drink
And feel full of happiness.
I want to be free like a bird
And young as spring!

Happy belated birthday!
I wish from the bottom of my heart
Under the spring sun
Bloom with happiness!
Let a gentle hand
Fate leads forward
And a smooth path
It will lead to success!

I will congratulate you with impatience,
Happy past birthday.
Let cherished desires
Come true without delay!
I wish you a lot of good
Be strong, strong and healthy
To be the cause of female happiness
In short, always be a man!

A woman with a past DR
You appeared - the sky became
Richer with a new star!
Let the congratulations be late
But your holiday will be eternal!
You are a woman, and for a man
You are the guiding star
Let there be reasons for resentment
But always be happy!
Love, love each other
Take everything from life in full,
Let life intoxicate uniquely
Like a cup full of wine!

happy birthday friend
Do you remember, without a doubt,
Your last birthday.
It so happened, twisted, it started -
I didn't have to say hello.
Accept, albeit later, but sincerely
Wishing you health in written form
Happiness, money, laughter and love -
Catch virtual kisses!

Birthday passed
Congratulations to him!
We want you to find
You treasured gin of luck.
We wish you better days
Feel the warmth and tenderness.
Let life become brighter
Let serenity reign.

birthday is so fast
Yours rushed this time:
I remember only sparks -
Fireworks in and out of the eyes.
To keep in memory
That he was still glorious,
I want to congratulate you
But now it's on its way!

happy birthday congratulations

Congratulations, Sunshine, happy birthday!
An ocean of love and patience for you!
You shine for the joy of everyone - drive the clouds away,
And I'm sorry for being late...
Better late than never,
The snow will melt - there will be water:
Happy birthday congratulations!
Do not be sad. I love. I hug.

I congratulate you a little late,
After all, your birthday has just passed.
But still I want to send a wish,
So that everything is good in your life.
I wish, firstly, a lot of health,
Enough money, secondly.
Luck is always to help in business,
And the joyful laughter in your life has not subsided. So what if it's a birthday!
Better late after all than never!
You accept congratulations from us,
We wish you happiness in life always!
And the best health to you,
This is the most important thing in life!
And a great frequent success,
After all, in fact, we live for him! My beloved friend,
Happy Birthday!
From happiness, let your head spin,
And the heart of love is fire.
Let the holiday died down recently
I wish you late
Success to achieve the main
Only pluses to find in fate. Forgive me for being late
For the fact that I did not congratulate you on time,
Accept your wishes today -
They are kept warm by these strings.
Let everything always work out for you
Health never fails
And let luck in life not end,
And may great love come! The candles went out, the holiday is over -
Your birthday has passed.
How many different congratulations -
Get more from me.
Girlfriend, I sincerely wish
Happy, carefree days.
To have enough money and love,
The world around you has become kinder. Happy past birthday friend
I congratulate you today.
Let the whole world around please,
Fortune favors.
Let trouble not touch
Your income will be multiplied a hundredfold.
And happiness and love always
Let them please you. With the past you, my friend!
Let troubles pass by.
We often look for happiness not there:
It's like a shadow behind your back.
Happy birthday to the past!
So many years with you friends!
You are not a saint, and you are not a sinner,
Let everything be with you! Your birthday has passed
Dude, don't be offended
That I didn't find the time
Congratulate you. Exhibit!
Today I will congratulate
And I'll drink to your health
I want to wish you good luck
And live in harmony with love! I'm sorry dear friend
Me for being late!
I congratulate you today
Happy birthday to me. punishment
You can nominate anyone
I am ready to fulfill it.
I will give a gift today -
Gifts are better than words! Your birthday has passed
Girlfriend, believe the words -
Congratulations can be good
Not only on the holiday itself.
By dinner, a spoon is expensive -
I won't forget again
Your birthday is never
I wish you health! I'm sorry I'm late with congratulations
And only now I send congratulations.
What I didn't have time to say on your birthday
What I remember, understand and love.
Forgive me for this delay
For memory leaky calendar.
May all your wishes come true.-
I wish, and I'm a little sorry.
Author: Antina_Tina I'm running with all my might,
I fly on the wings of the night!
After all, I have no forgiveness!
Forget your birthday!
And let me spin
Couldn't even call.
You are always in my heart
And how else to be?
I wish you a bright life!
Without troubles and sorrows
And accept gifts
Not only on your birthday!
Author: Tosya777 Happy holiday to you,
I wish you long life and happiness.
May it always dawn for you
In the way of night salvation from bad weather.
There were no enemies, and there was no evil,
So that you do not know about the unhappy life.
Let the power of fire not go out in the eyes,
And there were only bright thoughts.
Author: Paladinodin Hello! Belated but from the heart
I congratulate you! Read it, don't rush.
On your birthday I want to wish:
Shine with a happy smile more often
It's easy and beautiful to go through life,
By all means find the way to the dream!
Be strong, successful - in everything and everywhere.
I wish you mutual love!
Author: Yulia Timofeeva Birthday passed, so what -
I'm in a hurry to congratulate you!
Be lucky and bold,
To take what you want from life!
Author: Yulia Timofeeva My congratulations were a little delayed on the way. It is like good wine
gaining endurance to please you with a delicate delicate taste!
Let everything be just the way you want! Is always!
Author: Lyudmila Nikulina Happy birthday to you
Delayed congratulations, sorry
But from the bottom of my heart I wish you inspiration
Good luck, bright joys, love!
And I wish fabulous moments
Flowers, gifts in life, compliments!
Author: Fursova Olga Forgive me for this delay,
I can't help but congratulate you!
May wishes come true on your birthday
And heaven will make the dream come true!
Author: Fursova Olga Better late, as they say!
Happy past birthday!
Let it sparkle in your eyes
Fire of pleasure!
Wish to dive
Only in the joy of the moment!
Author: Tudan Alena Do not be angry about the miraculous
We could forget the holiday!
We wanted, let's be honest,
Extend birthday.
Weekends and weekdays dear
So we want to wish
To have time in the morning
One more hour to sleep!
Author: Olga Naumova Sorry, I forgot about your birthday, but this is only because you
you don't age at all. I wish you always look as young from the year
by the year!
Author: Evgenia Klade Birthday has come and gone,
But I still want to congratulate!
Wishes of joy, success
I hasten to send you from the bottom of my heart!
Author: Yulia Timofeeva

Congratulations on the past birthday - a woman, a girlfriend, a man, a friend, a girl

I annually this date
I take a red pencil.
Everyone makes mistakes sometime
And this is not an empty whim -
Your birthday is in the red circle.
Out of network coverage
All thoughts are congratulations to a friend.
Sorry for being late!

Forgive me, I am writing late.
It happens in life so, I did not have time,
I will tell you about the most important thing:
About what I really wanted to say.
I congratulate you with all my heart,
And it doesn't matter that I'm late
The main thing is that you have not forgotten
The main thing is that after all, he said!
Happy birthday I congratulate
I want to wish a lot
Happiness, joy, success, strength
And if there is no light, then you light a candle!

Hello my dear friend!
Come with me to the warm room;
Yes ... There will be a day and there will be food -
I'm late with my congratulations.
Accept the gift wholeheartedly
May he always keep you;
May your every day be bright
Be strong like granite.
We all run the risk
And we have important dates
Can be erased from memory;
You thought: "Tomorrow", no - now.
Accept, my friend, a modest gift
And don't look at the sleepy look;
It is small on the outside, huge on the inside.
Which is sure to surprise.

With work, with deeds and with vanity,
I completely forgot to congratulate you.
The other day they celebrated their birthday,
I want to correct the mistake now.
I wish you Siberian health
Soul never grow old.
The family supported, so that you are always dear,
In business, undertakings - to succeed in everything.

It happened, unfortunately
I was late for my birthday.
I did not have time to say a toast,
I didn't eat cream from the cake.
Well, why were you in a hurry -
Born ahead of time?
Belated congratulations
I sincerely wish
For you to live in peace
He was healthy, dreamed, loved,
And made wishes come true
All their own ... without delay.

I apologize for the late bows,
But he wrote congratulations on feelings,
And there will be a whole ton of wishes,
So forgive me for being late
After all, with a kind word it's never too late,
So let me wish you happiness
And without health it is also impossible,
Prosperity will not have to wait long.

Accept congratulations on a slight delay,
I hope very much that it does not overshadow,
A slightly misguided confession
In love, sits in my soul,
With an unhappy face, hefty guilt,
It gnaws at my troubled conscience
But, I pray - believe that I have one,
You are the only story in the world.
In which, only, with you one plot,
And the main events, and nights,
Well, I didn’t have time, again the whole world,
Can't live without me, by the way.

Happy belated birthday
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
Forgive me for this
And don't get angry!
I have things to do, worries
A swirling swarm of questions
I'm sorry again
And a present for me.

Excuse me, I'm very twirled,
Deeds, deeds - yes, just vanity,
I managed to forget your birthday
Well, you see, the card lay down like that!
But now I congratulate you
You are so beautiful, in general, the best,
With all my heart I wish you happiness
So that cheerful ringing laughter does not stop!
I want to be not just loved,
And adored, in the world only one,
Immensely, surprisingly happy,
I still want to be with you all the time!

Accept an apology
With a bouquet of red roses
Accept congratulations,
We tried, but still...
A bit late
All kind words
But don't let it stop
Good luck streak.
And there will be a lot of happiness
luck, love,
And rejoice more
Good days.

With the past

congratulations on being late

"Better late than never…"
Is it worth saying that
Is it amazing to receive gifts on your birthday? Generally DR without
doubt is an important holiday, only the New Year can be compared with it,
but it does not count, because this is a universal holiday - this is one and two -
people often congratulate each other "on the machine", that is, you go along
street and to the right and to the left "With the coming!" - "And you!" Or sms one
Compiled for all and sent out according to the contact list. Fast, efficient. BUT
if I didn’t congratulate anyone, I forgot, then in a couple of days you can congratulate
boldly with the coming. But on the birthday, accuracy and
timeliness matters. Especially growing up, we understand the price
attention, gifts are nothing, but the fact that you are remembered is
is worth a lot. Relatives, relatives, colleagues congratulated - and immediately
warmer at heart. But it is doubly pleasant if I received congratulations from those
with whom you rarely see, once a year, or even less often. And here already
understand - remember, do not forget!
Unfortunately, we all once
we forget something, we are late for something, and birthdays are no exception,
you can get yourself a notebook, enter all the holidays, days
births of relatives up to the fifth generation, friends, their children, anniversaries
weddings and a bunch of other dates, but this does not give an absolute guarantee that
you will not forget to look in the notebook.
Therefore, if so
happened - late with congratulations, then you should take care of
excuse, and as an apology to present congratulations on
late in verse. In other matters, in prose or poetry, a big role
of course, he won’t play, the main thing is from the heart, with feeling, investing in
congratulations to a piece of yourself! Soulless words can often have
reverse effect. Below is a selection of late congratulations with apologies.

I'm sorry, I didn't have time -
I ran, got tired;
Now I want to fix:
Here, loaded with toast,
To pour them without shame
And without prejudice:
Now I will remember forever!
Happy belated birthday!

congratulations on being late
Happy Birthday!
Sorry for the delay
I'm ready to redeem myself,
Drink a fine glass.
Let gifts be given every day
Cherish, cherish and PR!
Let happiness be over the edge
And in personal life - a personal paradise!

happy birthday belated
Don't get angry, even if it's too late
I hasten to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
For kind words and words of recognition
May all days be good!
Be happy every month
And younger every year.
The goodness of your beautiful soul
It blooms and makes people happy!

I can't catch up with your birthday...
Let the fanfare already sound
From me with a delay will sound.
The main thing is not to be sad.
Be healthy and lucky, be strong along the way,
Receive only good news.
Let the fanfare sound without ending, all your life.
Well, life goes on like a song!

Happy holiday to you!
Forgive me for being late.
I wish you loving
To make your wishes come true!
Let health not be naughty
And life will be like a show program.
I want to feel happiness
And relax in the Bahamas!

Happy birthday wishes
I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday.
Let with the past, but from the heart!
Sorry, please, for being late.
Congratulations are always good!
Let once again, but I wish
Happiness in life, health, love!
This is the most important value
Although these words are very simple!
And I also wish you
Laughter, cheerfulness and kindness,
And, of course, let them come true
All your wishes and dreams!

How could we let
What was your birthday like?
You can safely beat us
Only chur, without frenzy.
Twisted, you understand.
It's a pity it doesn't happen to anyone.
Accept congratulations!
We fill the glasses
And we wish from the bottom of our hearts
Don't get sick and be happy
Do something important
And in business to get lucky!

Happy belated birthday!
A little bit out of time
But in late congratulations
Special point!
The gifts are already stacked, all the words have been said,
A little more - a little from the holidays, the head is not normal!
And it seems that your holiday will come only in a year,
How suddenly my message will bring him back again!

Neither flowers nor gifts
Won't help me now
No peonies, no violets,
Nor the ornateness of phrases.
Won't help because
I forgot to congratulate suddenly ...
Orally, in writing, by mail,
Happy birthday to you, friend!
Let me be a little late
Congratulations and surprise
But accept my confessions
In friendship, fidelity in life.

It's nice to receive congratulations again
Happy personal name day, which has already passed!
No, this is not insanity, not doomsday:
Now I will start, and you will feel good!
Please don't misunderstand me now
And tremblingly listen to my simple words:
I would like to please you once again!
How to understand me? And here it's up to you!

Happy birthday to a belated man

You are a man anywhere, and handsome as God,
Happy birthday greetings I saved for the future.
But I couldn't come, yesterday I was late,
And now, for congratulations, I signed up first.
I wish happiness always smiles
To make everything easy in life.
Friends are good to be near,
Sorrows and troubles are far away.

Happy birthday, congratulations
Anything you want, I wish
Guess any whim
And you will receive a surprise.
From myself I can say
Strengthening the syllable with deeds,
Male friendly wish
And don't lose love.
Stay free eagle
And in communication free,
And please, forgive me
And let go of resentment.

Birthday rushed off, I forgot to congratulate
Just don't be offended and don't scold me,
Now I agree to be with you always,
Neither bitterness nor trouble will knock on you.
You stay strong, real boy
And celebrate your holiday by gathering friends all over the house,
Let the birthday be in the past, but you can repeat it,
For happiness and health, pour a little white for us.

How could I not take this date out of my head,
And lose a friend's birthday in notes,
Of course: ashamed, ashamed, I shed tears at night,
I won’t calm down, I won’t forgive a mistake,
But there is a glimmer of hope that you will forgive me,
And again, repeat the birthday for a friend,
I take all the waste in my big pocket,
The male! I promise you'll be drunk for sure
Remember this holiday, and you will remember
How did you and I manage to catch up with your holiday.

Men appreciate punctuality in people,
And I always forget something
As I knew it was necessary to write down a birthday,
Well, now you have to congratulate later.
But I see in my eyes that I'm not offended,
I've always liked the company of a man
I wish not to part with you
And sometimes we met from time to time.

I have no excuse, no matter how much you look for,
I confess honestly, I missed my birthday,
Forgive my dear, and wave your hand,
Accept congratulations from my person.
Happy birthday bro, don't blame me
With all my heart, I love you,
You have always been a smart, intelligent man,
And you do not need to chop a lot of words.

I promise that from now on, I will never forget,
And men's name days, I will always remember,
We are the male half of the country's population,
Dates of birthdays are very, very important to us.
Birthday is a date, every year is like an anniversary,
You collect a cohort of the closest and friends,
Forgive me that this is a holiday, I forgot a little, but
Do not invent in vain, I have not stopped loving you.

A friend of a man has a birthday,
I'm late and I apologize.
My belated wishes
Very sincere and outspoken.
I wish you the simplest
Good health, great happiness.
May all your dreams come true
And let life be a gift of fate.

Happy birthday my beloved man,
Congratulations at the wrong time, there is a reason for this.
I sincerely wish you happiness and kindness,
Love, health, luck and warmth.
May you have a lot of luck and success
Always helping along the way.
More mood and laughter for you,
And the best is ahead of you.

Our dear colleague celebrates his birthday,
I've got a free kick, that's for sure.
Without guilt, I'm guilty of being a little late,
I stood in a traffic jam for a day, let down the track.
I want to raise a toast for you, and drink this glass to the bottom,
Health, how many stars in the sky and happiness to you without a bottom.
Let dreams always come true
And the path is illuminated by a lucky star.

The neighbor has a holiday today, a birthday,
Loop laughter, fun, congratulations.
I was invited and I'm glad
Plans changed quickly - I need to dress up.
Happy past birthday, congratulations to you,
Good luck, happiness in life, neighbor, I wish you.
May only joy and success come to your house,
More happiness and warmth always to be in it.

Happy birthday to my colleague
And I beg your pardon
That I could not come to the holiday with everyone,
I was delayed for a day on the way.
I wish Siberian health
Happiness, peace for ages.
Let life pass warmed by love,
Friendship is strong and family is strong.

Let belated congratulations
Let the birthday die down
I wish you inspiration
And only favorite things!
May every day be wonderful
Your dreams will come true
Let all doubts disappear
So that the heart sings from love.


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

It's better to remember too late
Why not congratulate at all
Apologize with heart
Thank you, wish you success.
For good health
The house is always full of friends,
And desire is sure
Fulfilled quickly.


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

Happy past birthday...

Here's a Happy Birthday
I congratulate you
And I always wish you
Only a sunny day!
Happiness, joy, health
And wealth, of course,
May everything you dream of
Executed instantly!


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

Though with the past, happy birthday
Congratulations and please
Forgive me my forgetfulness
In defense I will say:
Let the holiday last longer
Than one day a year!
Let the outfits - only from Dolce -
They keep you in sight
Let the car be a Lexus
From Armani - wallet.
And around friends without flattery,
And love is always a stream!


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

Happy belated birthday!
So late, sorry.
After all, life's friction
I got in the way!
Your holiday is wonderful
Hope it was fun.
Confused today
I wish you strength
To make all dreams come true
Yours, and at the right time!
So that each time in advance
God gave surprises!


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

Although the birthday was celebrated,
We keep having fun
Congratulations on passing!
Let the capital envy!
Let the days fill to the limit
Some nice moments
And what you wish for yourself
Everything will be the best without a doubt!


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

Accept with the past wishes -
Although a little late -
Let your holiday last a week!
Rejecting all the fate of the blizzard,
Meet friends, relatives
And smile serenely!
So that no friction in life
Don't lose your temper!

Happy birthday wishes

Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

May your birthday pass
The phone does not stop,
Delivers congratulations
He is from me today.
I wish you bold dreams
To bring them to life,
And reliable, faithful friends,
And reach your goals quickly!


Purchased and owned by the site.