Secrets of hypnosis: how does suggestion work on the human psyche. Health damage from hypnosis

Perhaps the most common question that begins a meeting between a hypnologist and a patient is: why is hypnosis dangerous?

It should immediately be noted contraindications, in the presence of which it is not recommended to be exposed to the NLP technique. The list includes: epilepsy, mental disorders - schizophrenia in various forms and hysteria, a tendency to seizures, as well as alcohol, drug intoxication, fever, acute poisoning.

Despite the fact that there is a successful practice of treating colds using Ericksonian hypnosis, it is still worth refraining from the initial intake of people suffering from the indicated ailments.

At the mercy of the hypnotist

Speaking about the possible dangers of hypnosis, most patients mean the fear of being at the mercy of the hypnotist by turning off the person's will. Such fears are unfounded and often far-fetched. Consider the main fears.

The help of a modern hypnologist is aimed at solving the problems of normal, mentally healthy people, which may be associated with getting rid of various types of fears, problems in building relationships, finding a partner, and others. Many ignorant people are influenced by stereotypes based on films, stage performances, which rarely correspond to the real state of affairs.

Why is hypnosis dangerous for the human psyche?

Any person, plunging into a state of trance, has the intention to correct certain details of his own psyche, to make some improvements. At the same time, he has the full right and opportunity to exit this state at any time if he does not like something - for example, the patient hears settings that strongly contradict him, or experiences physical discomfort.

Today, on the Internet, you can see videos in which a hypnotist puts women into a trance, has violent sex with her, and then brings her out of this state. The woman, as if nothing had happened, dresses and does not remember at all what happened to her. However, experts deny the likelihood of such phenomena, the existence of which in nature is extremely unlikely.

Some may object, giving an example of gypsy hypnosis, with the help of which scammers take away valuables, money, and apartments from people. It is necessary to understand what gypsy hypnosis is. First of all, this is the usual chattering, aimed at overloading the human consciousness. As a rule, gypsies come up in a group - one demands to exchange money, the second asks something, the third clings, the fourth asks something else. Thus, a person’s consciousness is completely overloaded, as a result, he himself does not remember how he was deceived, having lost money.

Standard mind-boggling techniques are sometimes used by hypnologists to achieve maximum effectiveness in individual cases of therapy. To this end, the specialist begins to chatter the client or offers him to solve mathematical problems, to make some kind of calculation, overloading his mind and trying to turn it off.

An additional benefit of this practice is manifested in the formation of resistance in a patient who has managed to plunge into a state of trance with the help of a specialist, to attempts at deception by intruders somewhere on the street. Such a person is aware of the circumstances under which his brain begins to turn off and immersion in a trance occurs and, if he has confidence in the hypnologist, he does not resist, allowing himself to enter the desired state. If there is no trust, the person will not go into a trance state.

However, even while in a state of immersion, the patient can easily get out of it, feeling some physical or emotional discomfort. In practice, funny things happen. So, the client, being in a trance state, suddenly came out of it, having experienced a strong sexual arousal. Being deeply immersed, the young man decided to interrupt the session and came out of the trance on his own. It is noteworthy that during the session, the patient, with the help of a specialist, dealt with the issue of finding relationships, and, at some point, the body naturally reacted.

Is hypnosis dangerous for a person?

There are fears that the hypnotist is able to inspire a person with an obligation to carry out certain commands at a distance. Such an effect is called post-hypnotic suggestion and is characterized by the phenomenon when a person who has come out of a trance state can, after some time, begin to fulfill certain instructions that he received during immersion. In this case, it is necessary to understand that no one can connect to the consciousness of a person, but there is an attitude received by the patient during the session, which contributes to gaining confidence in certain circumstances and is part of the therapeutic behavior correction.

In addition, any specialist values ​​his reputation and is not interested in using any dishonest methods that may harm the patient or leave an imprint on the professional activities of the hypnologist. Subordinating the will of another person to oneself is a responsibility that requires a colossal investment of one’s own time, effort and energy of a specialist in order to lead a person through life.

The task of the modern hypnotherapist is to help the patient mobilize his own reserves, direct him on the right path and get rid of the aggravating circumstances that prevent all his individual abilities from fully manifesting themselves. So why is hypnosis dangerous for a person?

Another common fear is to give the hypnotist all your money and property under the influence of suggestion. It is based on the same gypsy hypnosis, the influence of which makes people give all their money to malefactors. A feature of this impact is its temporary nature. After waking up from hypnosis, the victims turn to law enforcement agencies, and unfortunate hypnotists get into trouble in the form of problems with the law.

A specialist who respects himself and his patients will never engage in such tricks due to moral and ethical principles, as well as the publicity that accompanies this type of activity, risking irreparable damage to his own reputation. True professionals use honest, legal methods in their work. In addition, as mentioned above, a person who has experienced immersion in a trance state with the help of a specialist is practically not subject to attempts to influence scammers, understanding the whole mechanism of what is happening.

Is hypnosis dangerous for a person? Real life example

A vivid example is the story of a client who turned to a hypnologist for help with a specific problem. The session was successful, the patient easily plunged into a trance, solved his own problems with the support of a professional and safely emerged from the hypnotic state.

After a short amount of time, this man, while meeting with a certain woman, felt familiar signs of exposure. Understanding what was happening on the basis of past experience, he turned off the state, having managed to prevent an attempt to influence him at the subconscious level. Thus, the session of a specialist helped the patient not only solve the tasks set, but also saved him from possible negative consequences of unwanted interference in his own psyche.

It is extremely important to responsibly approach the choice of a hypnotherapist. Be sure to pay attention to the presence of professional certificates confirming the possession of techniques. In addition, the specialist must be engaged in directed activities in a particular area.

Being engaged in the indicated specifics - for example, relationships, medicine and others, the therapist works with problems in solving which he has achieved mastery, provided by years of practice, special knowledge, research on specifics from different angles.

Thus, a hypnologist practicing health improvement must have medical skills. A relationship specialist has extensive experience in working with people, helping them build new relationships, understand existing ones and analyze past ones, help them make decisions about the advisability of continuing communication, returning former partners and ways to achieve the desired result.

A professional hypnologist in the field of gender interaction will help normalize your sex life, solve your own problems, get rid of negative attitudes, gain confidence, and so on.

Any narrowly focused question that determines the specifics of the hypnotherapist's activity actually includes a fairly wide range of related topics. The framework of intersexual relationships may well include the harmonization of sleep with the help of hypnotic and meditative practices, motivation and increased self-confidence, the search for one's life path.

An example of such a relationship is the desire of a client - a young man to meet a girl, the problem in the implementation of which is low self-esteem. To get rid of the inhibitory factor, it is necessary to find out the direction of life, earning opportunities, social desires. Solving all these issues will help increase self-esteem, grow in your own eyes and in the eyes of others, arousing interest in the opposite sex. The same applies to women. You need to find yourself, your interests, dreams and ways to achieve them - this will allow you to reveal your own attractiveness. These questions are interrelated, which is why hypnologists address them effectively in the context of a specific task.

1. Contrary to various myths, hypnotists do not have supernatural powers. They have only the necessary knowledge and skills. The hypnotist is just a "guide" to a trance state, helping a person to relieve himself of psychological clamps and relax as much as possible.

2. If a person is easily suggestible, he can be convinced that he is a brilliant artist or musician. When one person was told that he was a brilliant American chess player and offered to play chess, his first reaction was to demand a fee of 1 million dollars.

3. Popular hypnosis experience. In a large auditorium, a piece of cotton wool is wetted with some kind of liquid. At the same time, it is reported: “Now a rather strong unpleasant odor will begin to spread. Whoever feels it, please raise your hand." A few minutes pass, and hands begin to rise in the front rows. There are more and more of them ... Finally, the whole audience sits with their hands up: some of them hold their nose with their free hand. Someone from the first row is taken out of the hall: he became ill ... In fact, the fleece does not emit any smell at all: everyone can be convinced of this.

4. When a person is under hypnosis, any allergic reactions disappear from him. It turns out that allergy largely depends on consciousness.

5. In Austria, hypnosis courses for employees of banks and jewelry stores are successfully operating. They learn how to quickly hypnotize a robber in the event of an attack.

6. No person can be hypnotized unless he wants to be. Without the necessary motivation and desire, it is impossible to enter a hypnotic state.

7. According to statistics, hypnosis is most often used in the world as a sedative, in second place is the treatment of depression, and in third place is coding for alcoholism.

8. Once a well-known English hypnotist was sued by a man who voluntarily went up to the stage and was there under hypnosis for about 2 hours. During that time, he conducted an orchestra, danced like a ballerina, acted like he was a bus conductor, and acted like he won $1 million in the lottery. After this event, the personality of Mr. man under hypnosis changed, and he began to appear strange behavior. Four doctors diagnosed him with acute schizophrenic syndrome. But the court sided with the hypnotist.

9. Many hypnotists prefer to demonstrate their abilities in huge halls, as if confirming their extraordinary abilities: they say, it's easy to hypnotize one or two, but you try a thousand! In fact, conducting an individual hypnosis session is many times more difficult than working in a large audience. For each person in a large crowd, suggestibility becomes higher, because others influence him. This is the so-called phenomenon of "mutual hypnosis".

10. When a person is hypnotized, his brain activity becomes more active. He does not lose control of himself, so the hypnotist cannot force a person to do anything.

11. Any person of the appropriate temperament can conduct hypnosis sessions: emotional enough, with the ability to figuratively express his thoughts. No "gift from above" is required.

12. The attributes of hypnosis are scientifically substantiated, although they are taken from ancient Egyptian medicine. Shiny balls, twilight, the rhythm of sounds close to the biological rhythms of a person, the construction of phrases and the intonation of the voice - all this is the hypnotist's arsenal.

13. Hypnosis really helps to quit smoking. However, it should be combined with other methods - diet and exercise. And the services of "healers" who promise to get rid of bad habits in one session of hypnosis should be abandoned.

14. Back in the 19th century, doctors proved that 80% of success in the treatment of physical ailments depended on whether a person tuned in to improve or not. Therefore, the attitudes communicated during hypnosis treatment set the person up for a positive outcome, for rapid improvement.

15. A hypnosis session affects everyone differently. For example, the suggestion of "pleasant warmth" in some people can cause reddening of the skin. And after one of the “mood boosting” sessions, two girls started laughing and couldn’t stop… for two days. The main condition for the safety of hypnosis is feedback from the doctor.

The practice of hypnotic influence on the human mind dates back about two millennia. During this time, scientists managed to learn a lot about the phenomenon of hypnosis and learned how to use it to alleviate the condition of patients suffering from serious illnesses.

However, most non-medical people continue to share misconceptions no less ancient than the method of hypnotherapy itself. Today we will dispel the most common myths about hypnosis.


Hypnotists use the help of external forces

About 200-250 years ago, even the most successful and talented hypnotherapists really believed that they put people into a trance state with the help of some mysterious external forces. In the early 19th century, scientists discovered that the hypnotherapist was not the root cause of trance. The specialist only helps the patient to concentrate, using techniques developed over the centuries, and a person falls into a hypnotic state on his own.

Confirmation of the conclusion is the fact that in order to master the skills of hypnosis, a person should not have any exceptional abilities. Of course, some people learn the practice of hypnotherapy more easily and apply it more successfully than others, but this applies to any area of ​​\u200b\u200bhuman activity.

In a state of trance, a person follows any instruction of the hypnotist.

The idea of ​​the unconditional controllability of a person subjected to hypnosis originated on the basis of theatrical shows conducted by not quite conscientious hypnotists, circus performances or movies. In fact, in a state of trance, a person is fully aware of what is happening. The hypnotist cannot force the patient to perform actions that are contrary to his moral and ethical principles or sense of self-preservation. Stories about how a hypnotized person jumped out of a window or robbed a bank are just nonsense fiction.

After careful study, the allegations that in a state of trance a person blurts out all the secrets turned out to be untenable. That is why hypnosis has never been used in forensic science: information obtained from hypnotized witnesses or suspects is often unreliable.

Hypnosis is a strange and unusual state

There is nothing exceptional about hypnotic trance. Every day, each of us plunges into a similar state for a few minutes. This can happen while traveling in transport (a person is slightly turned off, thoughtlessly looking out the car window), listening to music, reading an interesting book, etc. We believe that at such moments we just dream or think, but in fact, the state of our brain is very similar to the one that occurs under hypnosis.

After coming out of a trance, a person does not remember his actions

Most people remember events that happened to them during a hypnotic session. Sometimes a person forgets about some of his actions during a trance, but memories are easily restored.

Under hypnosis, you can master skills of exceptional power

At this time, the patient's attention is maximally concentrated. He is really capable of actions that in reality represented a certain difficulty for him. In addition, hypnosis helps to liberate and do what in the normal state a person does not dare or is embarrassed to do.

In this case, we are not talking about some kind of awakening of superpowers, it is simply easier for the patient to do what he is capable of in ordinary life.

The practice of hypnosis is originally pagan and therefore condemned by the church.

The misconception is associated with the belief that shamans and some representatives of alternative medicine practice trance induction. Given that the hypnotherapist does not seek the help of external forces and cannot subjugate the free will of the patient, most of the world's religions refer to the practice of inducing a hypnotic trance without judgment. For example, the Roman Catholic Church recognized hypnosis treatment as acceptable as early as 1847.

Hypnotherapy itself does not carry any religious overtones. True, it is often used by representatives of totalitarian sects for unscrupulous purposes, but because of this, the method itself cannot be considered unethical.

Some people are not hypnotic

The only reason that creates the impossibility of introducing a patient into a state of hypnosis is severe brain damage. A qualified hypnotherapist can help almost anyone to concentrate and fall into a trance, but the susceptibility to this kind of effort (hypnotizability) varies from person to person.

To conduct a successful hypnotic session, the active cooperation of the specialist and the patient is necessary, since it is impossible to put a person into a trance against his will.

A weak person is easily hypnotized

The hypnotizability of a person has nothing to do with his moral and volitional qualities. Here, rather, the ability to quickly concentrate attention, rich imagination, developed imaginative thinking and high intelligence play a role.

It is easier for a specialist to put into a trance a person who is intelligent, well-educated and emotional, with a desire to cooperate with the hypnotist and the absence of prejudice against the method itself.

Hypnosis is a method of putting the patient into a state of deep relaxation, which enables him to confront his problems. Hypnotherapy is used to treat somatic diseases and mental disorders. Hypnotherapy is a method of treatment that enables the patient to counteract their problems by immersing themselves in a state of deep relaxation. Efficiency is achieved by the joint work of the doctor and the patient during the session. Currently, there are two main schools of hypnosis, representatives of which have different views on the nature of this phenomenon. Representatives of one school believe that during a hypnosis session the level of consciousness changes. Representatives of another direction believe that hypnosis is based on concentration. However, all experts agree that hypnosis is pleasant and interesting. How hypnosis affects the consciousness and subconsciousness of a person is the topic of the article.

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Who can be hypnotized?

The degree of susceptibility to hypnosis is individual: some patients are easy to hypnotize, others are more difficult. The depth of immersion in hypnosis depends on many factors, which include, for example, fear, prejudice against this method, religious beliefs. People with obsessive-compulsive disorders, such as those with obsessive-compulsive disorders, are practically not amenable to hypnosis. Hypnotherapy does not promise magical cures to patients, nor does it force them to do anything against their will or make a fool of themselves. A person in a state of hypnosis does not sleep and does not lose consciousness - he is in a state of pleasant deep relaxation.

Choosing a Hypnotherapist

Mastering the technique of hypnosis is quite easy. However, this skill alone does not make a hypnotherapist out of a person. Hypnotherapy sessions can only be conducted by qualified medical professionals or clinical psychologists working in this field. This is especially important in the event that a person has an unexpected reaction to hypnosis, which can only be handled by a qualified and experienced hypnotherapist. Hypnosis is used to treat many physical illnesses and mental disorders, to relieve pain and improve physical fitness. In a hypnotic state, the patient, placed in a calm and comfortable environment, is asked to imagine that he is in a real stressful situation. If at any stage there is emotional discomfort, the doctor stops the session, giving the patient the opportunity to relax. After a hypnosis session, there is a feeling of relief, which prevents the appearance of anxiety. As a result, when the patient again encounters a similar stressful situation, it becomes less traumatic for him. Many believe that with the help of hypnosis, you can get rid of pathological conditions that are not amenable to drug therapy. Since hypnosis is a natural method, it does not have the side effects that are often seen with traditional medicines.

Hypnotherapy is used:

For the treatment of psycho-emotional disorders;

For the treatment of somatic diseases;

To improve physical fitness.

Conditions of treatment

With the help of hypnotherapy, you can get rid of such an unpleasant symptom as excessive sweating, which is one of the manifestations of anxiety. The treatment is that patients in a state of hypnosis are exposed to various factors (from simple to more complex) that cause a feeling of fear. If a person experiences excessively strong dust, the doctor stops the session and gives him the opportunity to relax. Treatment continues until the patient responds calmly to the stressful situation. This technique is also used for impotence, fear of travel, post-traumatic stress disorder.

Hypnotherapy is used in cancer patients:

To reduce pain;

To relieve nausea and vomiting during chemotherapy;

To improve motor functions;

To increase appetite. Hypnosis is also used in other situations, for example:

In anxiety states (for example, before passing exams); with migraine; with skin diseases.

In addition to cancer patients, hypnosis is used to reduce pain in other patients suffering from various somatic diseases, as well as in dentistry. Some hypnotherapists believe that they can replace anesthesia with extensive surgical interventions. However, the presence of an anesthesiologist during such an operation is mandatory. Hypnosis is believed to improve athletic performance and personal achievement. For example, hypnotherapy has a beneficial effect on athletes involved in sports such as golf, football, shooting, skiing. Some Olympic gymnasts have used hypnotherapy to achieve better results, and professional singers have used it to improve the quality of their singing. Hypnotherapy has also been used to increase endurance in wrestling. During the first consultation, the hypnotherapist asks the patient to talk about their problem. The doctor explains the essence of the upcoming procedure and how to achieve the best result. Patients often don't know what to expect from a meeting with a hypnotherapist. At the first consultation, the doctor tries to understand the essence of the patient's problems as best as possible.

First consultation

The amount of time needed to take the history depends on the nature and complexity of the problem. Sometimes the entire first consultation is devoted to this. However, a hypnosis session can often be carried out already, but the time of the first visit. When taking an anamnesis, the doctor should pay attention to the possibility that the patient has a severe mental illness, which is a contraindication to this procedure. Before the session, the hypnotherapist explains the essence of the method to the patient and answers all the questions he has. The most common concerns are:

Can I lose control of myself during hypnotherapy? Can a hypnotherapist control me? Loss of control during hypnotherapy is a myth. In fact, the state of hypnosis is just a form of deep relaxation.

Will I be aware of what is happening around me during hypnotherapy? The patient is conscious and feels only pleasant relaxation.

Is everyone susceptible to hypnosis?

Most patients can be put into a state of hypnosis that is deep enough for hypnotherapy. However, susceptibility to it varies. For example, patients with obsessive-compulsive disorders have difficulty agreeing to hypnosis - and it is difficult to put them into a hypnotic state. Hypnotize people with obsessive-compulsive disorder only in rare cases.

Who is most susceptible to hypnosis? People capable of impersonation, such as actors and extroverts.

Does the depth of immersion in a hypnotic state affect its effectiveness? The depth of hypnosis does not directly affect the results of treatment.

Will hypnosis help me? Hypnotherapy is a collaboration between doctor and patient. In addition, in some cases, patients are encouraged to independently repeat what they did during the sessions. One of the prerequisites for immersion in hypnosis is the patient's readiness for this, which can be checked at a trial session. There are many methods for inducing a hypnotic state. All of them are based on the fact that the patient focuses on a part of the body or an external object (real or imaginary).

Deepening Hypnosis

Once the patient is relaxed enough to begin treatment, the hypnotherapist can deepen the hypnosis. He begins to slowly count from one to ten, during which the patient becomes more and more relaxed. Instead of counting, the hypnotherapist may suggest that the patient imagine how he walks in the garden, feeling increasing relaxation with each new step.

"Safe place"

The hypnotherapist then asks the patient to imagine a situation in which the patient feels most comfortable - to imagine a "safe place". For example, in the ashes of train travel, the patient first imagines himself walking towards the train station (although for some even this can be very stressful). At the doctor's command, instead of a stressful environment, the patient is mentally transferred to a "safe place". Over time, once again in a similar situation, he will perceive it as less disturbing.

Self-hypnosis and the end of the session

Before entering a state of hypnosis, many hypnotherapists teach patients self-hypnosis so that they can help themselves when a specialist is not around. Almost everyone can master the technique of self-hypnosis, but this requires special skills. After leaving the state of hypnosis, the hypnotherapist inspires the patient with a feeling of cheerfulness, helping to get rid of drowsiness. This technique is not used in the case of self-hypnosis. Before allowing the patient to leave the office, the hypnotherapist must ensure that the patient has fully emerged from hypnosis. During the session, the doctor asks the patient to imagine an environment in which he feels comfortable. This method is used to alleviate anxiety and fear in a state of hypnosis. Patients imagine this place in different ways: some see it in bright colors, for others auditory sensations are more important; some smell and taste, while others can feel how they move objects, or touch them. In some cases, there is no visual picture, but patients clearly feel that they are in a certain place or participate in some events. Regardless of the patient's feelings, imagining a place during a hypnosis session is an important factor in recovery. The sooner after a hypnotherapy session the patient will be in a stressful situation, the more effective the treatment will be. This approach allows you to cope with even the most complex problems. During a hypnosis session, the sense of time is often lost. For example, patients who have spent 40 minutes or more in a hypnotic state believe that only 5-10 minutes have passed.

If you are afraid of hypnosis and think that the secret services are using it to extract information from people, perhaps our article will help you take a different look at this phenomenon. We will talk about whether hypnosis affects consciousness, in what areas it is used and whether it is harmful to health.

Hypnosis is the intentional introduction of a person into a trance, an altered state of consciousness. And this technique is intended to provide patients with a more intense understanding of the present moment. In fact, the clinical state of hypnosis has nothing to do with all the famous movie tricks. At the same time, a person does not fall into a deep sleep and does not lose control over his behavior. In general, patients are aware of what is happening and remember everything that happened during the session and after the end of the procedure.

Opinion of a leading expert

Dr. Andrew Weil is a leading expert in Integrative Medicine. The safety and efficacy of this therapy has been clinically proven. According to him, further study of this aspect can bring many benefits for medicine. Previously, hypnosis was not widely studied and was perceived by the general public, rather, as a charlatan method of influencing suggestible patients. In addition, the research community was in no hurry to study the problem and debunk the stereotypes that had been established among the people. However, Dr. Weil, in his direct work with patients, was able to see the advantages of this method. Patients with stress-related skin conditions, smokers, and patients suffering from autoimmune ailments have benefited most from hypnosis.

What diseases can hypnosis help with?

Employees of the Center for Complementary and Integrative Health share their opinions. According to experts, hypnotherapy can give positive results in eliminating the causes of headaches, irritable bowel syndrome and smoking cessation. The scientific institution refers to some of the latest research in this area. Clinical hypnosis is also known to help women cope with menopausal hot flashes. There is evidence that hypnosis can help in relaxation therapy, in particular in the elimination of pain.

Form of mental state

Hypnosis cannot be considered a cure, it is only an altered mental state. People mistakenly think that trance takes control, in fact, the picture is completely different. During a hypnotherapy session, the patient is able to increase control over the perception of things such as stress, addiction, anxiety, and even pain.

How does this happen

The practicing doctor puts the patient into a trance and then works with him. At the same time, a person shares his thoughts, experiences with the doctor, talks about his feelings. And while the patient is in a state of trance, the therapist asks to visualize the situation. Patients are even trained to go into trance on their own. In the future, they can cope with the problems that have arisen without the help of doctors.


Self-hypnosis can indeed be used in some diseases for good purposes. The patient does not need to continue sessions with the doctor to get the situation under control. Many patients, having assessed their own hypnotizability and mastered the methods of changing consciousness, cope perfectly with their illness on their own.