I have nightmares about what to do with folk remedies. Encourage pleasant dreams. Non-critical causes of nightmares

Often children experience nightmares, they wake up in tears and with a feeling of panic fear. Psychologists assure that this is a natural mechanism that accompanies development, and recommend parents not to panic. However, adults also have moments when they have nightmares. Every second person wakes up from creepy realistic pictures, and 2-4% of the world's population regularly experiences horror during sleep. Before you get rid of bad dreams, you need to find out what provoked their appearance.

Predisposing factors

Night terrors are a sleep disorder. Each person has his own specific themes of bad dreams: someone has a disease, someone sees himself without clothes in a crowded place, some people fall from a great height. The number of stories is huge, but they are united by high realism. Often the sleeper is completely sure that the horror that is happening to him is a reality. Also, the violation is characterized by a regular appearance - it can disturb sleep almost every night. There are factors that provoke night terrors:

  • mental illness (schizophrenia, manic-depressive syndrome, etc.);
  • post-traumatic stress disorder;
  • stress;
  • abuse of alcoholic beverages and drugs;
  • severe fatigue and lack of sleep;
  • poor sleep hygiene;
  • physical diseases (sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, etc.);
  • systemic use of psychotropic drugs or drugs that increase blood pressure.

Choice of therapy

To understand how to get rid of terrible dreams, you need to find out what exactly provokes their constant appearance. The reasons can be found out only with the help of doctors. A psychotherapist or a somnologist is engaged in the diagnosis and elimination of sleep disorders. Treatment is prescribed only when an accurate diagnosis is made. The disorder can have a different etiology, depending on it, the most effective method is selected that helps get rid of nightmares.

In the course of research, the doctor collects an anamnesis from the words of the patient, he finds out in which part of the night a person experiences horror, what plot is repeated in his dreams, is it fictional or autobiographical. Doctors also look for comorbidities that can cause nightmares.

An important factor is the study of the patient's daily routine, his pace of life, the presence of constantly used drugs and destructive habits. Based on all laboratory, hardware studies and conversations, a diagnosis is made and treatment is prescribed.

Medical assistance

Doctors will help you determine how to get rid of nightmares, self-medication in this case can only aggravate the situation. There are several therapies that have been successfully used to address the problem. They help to completely or partially get rid of sleep disorders.

Medical therapy

Most often, sleeping pills are used to help improve the quality of sleep and prolong it. This method of treatment is most effective if the nightmares were provoked by the use of psychoactive substances. Your doctor may prescribe these prescription drugs:

hormone therapy

A lack of melatonin in the body, a hormone that is responsible for the alternation of wakefulness and rest cycles, can cause a sleep disorder. With age, its production decreases, which causes overwork, decreased vitality, weakness, lethargy in the daytime. This provokes depression, one of the symptoms of which may be the appearance of nightmares. Artificially synthesized melatonin normalizes biorhythms and eliminates problems with falling asleep, which helps to eliminate nightmares and the horror that the patient experiences from them.

Psychotherapeutic treatment

Psychotherapy can help restore a normal night's rest. To eliminate nightmare visions, cognitive-behavioral therapy is used to change the script of the dream itself. It can be performed using various techniques, but the most commonly used method is the imagination or rehearsal of the plot of a dream, which causes horror in the patient. With the help of treatment, negative thoughts, emotions and actions are destroyed. For this, the patient must remember and write down on paper all the events that happen to him in a dream, and then the doctor tells how to replace the bad elements of the dream with good ones so that the whole scenario is directed in a positive direction.

Treatment with herbal remedies

Phytotherapy helps not only to improve the quality of sleep, but also to get rid of anxiety. The drugs have a sedative effect on the nervous system, which helps to get rid of nightmares. You can use the following remedies for treatment:

  • valerian roots;
  • melissa flowers;
  • lavender flowers;
  • motherwort;
  • St. John's wort, etc.

However, it is worth remembering that even herbal remedies tend to be addictive. If you use infusions inside, then strictly follow the doctor's recommendations regarding the dosage and duration of treatment.

When plant materials are used to flavor a room, carefully consider how much you need for your room (the dosage is calculated in drops per square meter).

Changing habits

People who have been tormented by the same nightmare at least once are probably interested in what it is connected with. Often the cause of the violation is our wrong behavior.

Correction of lifestyle and habits in most cases helps to effectively eliminate problems with night rest.

Consider what changes need to be made in your life to get rid of nightmares:

In conclusion

Getting rid of nightmares is sometimes quite simple, you just have to trace the relationship between specific events and your actions with terrible visions.

Correction of the daily routine and lifestyle helps to permanently get rid of the violation. However, it also happens that it is impossible to do without the help of a somnologist or psychotherapist. In such a situation, you must strictly follow the recommendations of the doctor so as not to harm your health.

It would hardly occur to a person with a strong nervous system and a normal tempered psyche to wonder how to get rid of dreams, popularly called nightmares. But the catch is that the modern way of life gives little chance to remain always calm and confident in the future. People worry and worry about many aspects of their own lives, as well as those of their loved ones. These worries, of course, do not go unnoticed. And even if during the day a person controls himself, then at night, when darkness descends on the earth, they wake up - nightmares.

Nightmares wander through towns and villages, looking into the subconscious of everyone who sleeps. Nightmares find weak and not at all protected in a dream places in the imagination of the sleeping person and begin their destructive work.

Nightmares are not forgotten

Disastrous, because lack of sleep is fraught with all sorts of unpleasant consequences that happen to a person. Exhausting sleep, periodically repeated, does not contribute to either a good general psychological background or the restoration of health. And then people, mentally and physically exhausted, begin to worry about the burning question of how to get rid of obsessive dreams. After all, dreams not only come at night and leave at dawn, they leave heavy feelings. For a long time the nightmare is not forgotten. And as soon as the consciousness begins to erase the heavy vision from its nooks and crannies, the persistent and more cunning (stronger) subconscious mind returns sleep again. And the question of how to get rid of again becomes relevant.

Why do we have bad dreams

There is still a lot of controversy surrounding dreams. Great minds come up with theories and then disprove them. It is still not clear why dreams visit and disturb a person. How does our brain create nightmares worse than any horror movie? Many questions remain unanswered even today. However, there are two most common versions of why people (including nightmarish ones). Based on them, let's talk about how to get rid of dreams that do not contribute to the normal rest and general condition of the dreamer.

Nightmare - predictor?

Dreamers who are carried away by the other world are sure that disturbing heavy dreams are attempts by the Higher Forces to warn about something. Such people perceive the vision as a prediction or warning. I must say that their dreams tend to come true. No, not to the extent that they dreamed, although sometimes there are quite serious coincidences in numbers, names and other points called "déjà vu". Such dreamers also want to know how to get rid of dreams with an unpleasant scenario. They often try to soften the expected events and predict them, which, you see, also does not contribute to a quality life. Being in tension all the time, it is not long to drive yourself into a psychiatric hospital.

Logical explanation for the nightmare

How to get rid of nightmares in a dream, those dreamers who completely refuse to believe in otherworldly forces and other heresy (according to them) also want to know. They are more inclined to trust science and are supporters of the theory that dreams are a reflection of experienced events that happened today or many years ago. The brain tries to sort them out, and from here various dreams arise, including those that are not very desirable.

Causes of the birth of heavy dreams

The reasons for the emergence of unpleasant dreams are different.

  • Loss of a loved one. It doesn’t matter how life divorced the dreamer from his loved one: death, breakup, and similar phenomena. Also, the origin of a nightmare is promoted by the trauma of the sleeping person (or his loved one), poor health and some other factors that contribute to the emergence of anxiety, and then fear.
  • Loss of a permanent source of income. Resentment in the family and at work. Difficult moments in a relationship.
  • Media reports. Often they are rife with negativity and contribute to the growth of anxiety and worry.
  • Lifestyle. Smoking, addiction to alcohol and drugs, regular overeating, physical inactivity - can cause bad dreams. Therefore, questions about how to quickly get rid of sleep, which is exhausting and does not bring rest, are also relevant for these people.
  • Strong emotional stress and severe physical. This item is relevant for people working, for example, in the police or in the rescue service and the like. Also, bad and disturbing dreams are dreamed by artists and writers, poets and other creative emotional personalities.
  • A disease of the nervous system is an open gate for nightmares. Apnea, neurosis, schizophrenia and other disorders can be one of the causes of terrible dreams.

How to get rid of bad dreams

Here are some of the most affordable ways to get rid of difficult visions.

  • Sleep norm. One of the most important points. An adult needs eight hours of sleep to feel alert and active. Daily late sitting in front of the TV or in social networks takes away the necessary time, so you should not devote many hours to them. In addition, there is often a lot of negative information on the network. It is undesirable to see her before going to bed, otherwise the brain will "catch" on the plot and develop its own scenario for the development of events.
  • Unhealthy habits. They must be decisively abandoned. Smoking and alcohol lead to the fact that less oxygen, blood, enters the brain, and this is the cause of nightmares. The same applies to any kind of drugs.
  • A lot of tea and coffee drunk during the day, and even more so at night, deprive a person of normal rest, due to the fact that the composition of the drinks contains invigorating caffeine. Do not drink strong drinks if you are having nightmares at night.
  • Try to be more stress resistant. Don't take to heart the sad stories told by a colleague at work. Do not "savor" the sad news broadcast on television. Cleanse your living space of such negativity. Before going to bed, think only about what gives you pleasure. Dream - this will contribute to the emergence of pleasant dreams.
  • Remove everything from the bedroom that clutters up the space. Sleep with an open window if possible. Ventilate your bedroom more often. Create comfortable conditions for yourself and the temperature at which you sleep well.
  • Noise. You need to get rid of noise. If a loud TV in the next room is keeping you awake, ask your family to turn the volume down. If it is impossible to cope with the noise on your own (a party at the neighbors, serenades under the windows, the rumble of cars, etc.), get ear plugs.
  • Walk outside a lot. Especially before bed.

What if the problem is more serious?

The above methods of how to get rid of dreams that cause discomfort are suitable for relatively healthy people. If the dreamer has psychological and mental problems, he needs to seek help from a specialist.


Suddenly appearing, nightmares envelop the human soul with networks of fear. Immediately after sleep, the sleeping person cannot come to his senses for 2-4 minutes, thinking “Where is the dream, and where is the reality?” This problem is irrelevant if horrors appear rarely. But when nightmares are constant, a person begins to think, "How to get rid of nightmares?".

Most often, terrible pictures appear during REM sleep. This phase lasts from 2 minutes to 30 minutes and ends, as a rule, with the awakening of a person. At first he is frightened, his eyes wide open, his body covered in sweat, his heart pounding. A person experiences, which gradually returns to normal. Terrible pictures do not remain in the memory, but a feeling of horror and painful fear is fixed for a long time. How to get rid of this problem and when you need to see a doctor? Let's try to find answers.

Who has nightmares?

Many believe that nightmares are the prerogative of children. Statistics prove that teenage children and adults experience. Moreover, terrible visions during sleep are visited by 50% of adults. It is estimated that 2 to 8 percent of adults suffer from recurrent nightmares. For some, it has become a chronic pathology.

During night vision, a person is visited by terrible pictures, he experiences strong emotions that make the heart work 2-3 times faster. Sometimes the pictures are so vivid and real that a person wakes up and does not understand where the dream is and where the reality is. The images remain in the memory for a long time, making a person shudder every time they remember.

This leads to mental breakdowns, stress, physical fatigue.

Differences between nightmares and horrors

Night terrors are compared with horror, although these are 2 types of irritants.

Horrors are visions characteristic of the deep sleep phase. Night terrors visit a person during the first 120 minutes of sleep. A person experiences an indescribable feeling of fear at this time. Some horrors are characterized by movement. A person can twitch an arm, a leg, all muscles can tremble. awaken and make a person in reality experience a strong shock.
Nightmares occur during REM sleep, towards morning. A person does not know how to get rid of nightmares, because these are disturbing dreams with terrible pictures. They differ in the reality of what is happening. Each person sees their images, but most often these are traumatic events that happened in real life.

Sources of Night Terrors

In adults, terrifying dreams are more likely to occur spontaneously. But often they are the result of psychological trauma (depression, or anxiety).

Remember what negative moments you experienced. Maybe you lost your job, a child or a loved one fell ill, you have an operation. If such events have taken place in your life, then you should not think about how to get rid of nightmares in a dream. They will leave with the traumatic situation.

In such cases, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Other sources of nightmares:

Overeating before bed. The routine of a modern person assumes that dinner is the only full meal. A person after work is so hungry that he is ready to take a double serving before bed. During sleep, the body digests food, it becomes difficult to breathe, the heartbeat increases, which causes terrible visions. How to get rid of nightmares in a dream in this case is up to you. Eat your meals earlier or take a walk before you go to bed.

Inner restlessness and worries. Try keeping a diary of your nightmares and previous events. Establish a relationship of events. To understand what scares you in a dream, draw images and think about what it looks like. Record all events, no matter how important they are. Reread the list and highlight the things that really bother you. So you will understand what causes anxiety not only during the day, but also at night.

Some of these experiences become the cause of the appearance, which negatively affect the quality of sleep. Try to distract yourself from problems and rest. Eat on time, go to bed, moderate the labor impulse. Give, gymnastics, introduce new foods into the diet. After all, even the strongest organism needs rest and variety.

In part, they remain in the subconscious, even if you do not think about them. At that moment, when a person is as relaxed as possible, they make themselves felt. To drown them out, try to remember pleasant moments before going to bed, scroll through them in your head and fall asleep in a favorable mood.

Sometimes, in order to understand how to get rid of night fears, you need to think about your own secret desires. You drown out and suppress, but dissatisfaction manifests itself in nightmares that come in a dream. Do not force yourself to do something that you absolutely do not like.

How to rid yourself of nightmares?

Night fears and terrible pictures knock a person out of a working state and do not allow him to fully rest. If you see them regularly, find a way to get rid of them. In cases where nightmares in a dream are the result of restless leg syndrome or breath holding (apnea), you need to get qualified help. Medications and therapy will also help you get rid of nightmares - the result of depression, stress and post-traumatic disorders. The doctor individually prescribes treatment that will eliminate anxiety and panic disorders.

Try to identify the causes of nightmares and eliminate them. Eat no later than 2 hours before bedtime. The food taken can speed up the metabolism, giving signals to the brain, causing it to activate. Please note that food with a lot of sugar acts on the subconscious more intensely.

If during the day you experienced a strong shock, try to do some relaxation exercises before going to bed:

Reading pleasant literature, knitting are simple activities that perfectly calm the nervous system.
- calm exercises help to purify thoughts and. Practice at home in the evening. It only takes a few minutes to relax.
Hot bath with salt - after a physically and mentally hard day, hot water perfectly relaxes. Feel how the negative emotions of the past day are washed away, and your mind is filled with calm thoughts.

Nightmares can be the result of drug therapy. Check with your doctor if you think this is the source.

Reducing the dose or canceling the drug can cause nightmares at night. Horrors will disappear as soon as the body gets used to the new changes.

Drugs for hypotension or hypertension, antidepressants can also cause nightmares. Consult a doctor who will change the drug to another drug.

Relaxing atmosphere for restful sleep

Lack of healthy sleep can cause depression and lead to nightmares. It turns out a vicious circle. Try to break the chain by creating a complete atmosphere for healthy sleep. To do this, create a pleasant aura in the bedroom:

clean things, dust, wipe the floor in time;
ventilate the room before going to bed;
lay bed linen, causes pleasant sensations;
install a white noise generator that will block unfavorable sounds;
use the bedroom only for relaxation, not for work.

Do physical exercises before going to bed, which will give a pleasant fatigue. Just choose an activity that will bring you joy:

load exercises;

Do exercises up to 6 times a week a few hours before bedtime.

Nicotine, alcohol, caffeine content excites the brain, preventing good sleep. Reduce the amount of these substances or stop using them no later than 4 hours before bedtime.

For a better association, try writing a script or drawing a happy ending to a bad dream.

Encourage pleasant dreams

Set yourself up before bed. Imagine a place where you were calm: a beach, a forest glade, a summer cottage. Recreate sounds, smells, colors in your thoughts. With every minute, plunging into the abyss of sleep, think about the good. Imagine yourself in the image of a positive hero: a princess, a superhero, an actor, a traveler. Try to focus on your goals. Imagine how you take a long-awaited position, find a loved one or acquire a figure of your own dreams.

In Europe, it is customary to discuss problems with a psychotherapist. In Russia, the best psychologist is a friend or girlfriend. Talk to them about your nightmares and tell them what scares them. Start a diary and write in detail the images that come in a dream. This will help to look at fears from the outside.

Find time during the day to relax. Unload thoughts from negativity, relax to avoid stress.

How to prevent nightmares?

Customize yours: watch comedies, read classic literature. Avoid unpleasant conversations, negative news. Recall the pleasant events of the current day, week. Make plans for the weekend when you meet up with friends or relatives. Avoid thinking about possible bad things that might happen.

Ventilate the room before bed. Excessively hot or cold air creates discomfort and leads to nightmares. Remember that nightmares are not real.

Relax and calm down before going to bed, discuss with loved ones what torments you. The hugs of a loved one will definitely help if you are scared. If you have been following these rules for several months and still do not know how to get rid of nightmares, consult a doctor.

March 15, 2014, 10:49 am

Nightmares- not such a rare phenomenon that children often suffer from, but adults (about 10% of the population) often experience a pronounced frightening dream, forcing them to wake up and then move away from it for a long time, trying to fall asleep again. Regular nightmares have a negative impact on the quality of night sleep and contribute to the development of diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system, affect mental health. If sleepless nights reason for the nightmare become the norm, it is necessary to identify the factor that causes these frightening visions, without understanding which get rid of the nightmare unlikely to succeed!

Causes of a nightmare

Causes of a nightmare quite a lot, but most often nightmares annoy those who have suffered a serious illness or received a deep mental or physical trauma, forcing them to subconsciously experience it again, but only in a dream. Subject nightmare each person has his own (falling from a height or drowning in a river, as the most frequent), but in any case, this is a realistic dream, painted with bright colors, forcing to interrupt the deep sleep phase. Nightmares are accompanied by an increased heartbeat and occur at the moment of rapid movement of the eyeball under the closed eyelid, they suffer, as a rule, before waking up in the morning, as the REM phase increases.

Why do you have nightmares

So, why do you have nightmares , from which it is not so easy to get rid of without determining the factor that provokes them. Most frequent the cause of the nightmare is stress caused by various negative life situations (conflicts on work or in the family, after a divorce or breakup of close relationships, worries about children, after watching a “horror movie” or the consequences of disasters on TV or reading a scary book, etc.). Nightmares can be called and post-traumatic stress , even after a year, a person can relive a traumatic situation that has been deposited in the subconscious for a long time, but only in a dream. More often than others nightmares torment people under power fears and phobias.

Cause of nightmares it may also be the intake of certain groups of drugs, which include chemical antidepressants and psychotropic drugs, as well as antihypertensive drugs (lowering blood pressure). Nightmares torment people suffering from sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome, as well as various inflammatory processes in various parts of the body, and may also precede the onset of the inflammatory process caused by various respiratory infections.

Improper diet, bad habits, alcohol abuse, strong tea or coffee can also turn your dream into a nightmare. You can not get carried away with heavy and spicy food less than 2-3 hours before bedtime, the above drinks should also be taken and bad habits should be excluded forever!

External irritants will also help you forget about healthy sleep: flickering bright lights shining through windows, a leaking tap, loud music from neighbors - all these factors may well provide you with a night of nightmares.

Get rid of nightmares not so difficult if you know their etiology.

How to get rid of nightmares?

So, first of all, you should take care of hygiene and sleep patterns. Going to sleep, as well as waking up should be at the same time, do not leave different manifestations insomnia without attention, as sleep disturbances cause its lack, which can also provoke anxiety states , which will result in nightmare. The bed should be comfortable and located in a well-ventilated room. It is better to replace watching TV shows, films with a negative plot or reading similar books with a walk before going to bed, try to maintain sufficient physical activity during the daytime, and if the work activity involves a sedentary lifestyle, it is recommended to return home on foot or walk some distance to the house.

To reduce anxiety and stabilize the work of the autonomic and central nervous system, decoctions and teas of natural natural are useful for the night. herbal remedies with sedative and anxiolytic effects. Therefore, it is necessary to replace drinks that excite the nervous system with fruit decoctions. wild rose and hawthorn, chamomile flowers and Hypericum perforatum , grass oregano, Ivan tea(fireweed) and motherwort, mint leaves and lemon balm, seedlings of hop, root valerian officinalis or cyanosis blue, the anxiolytic effect of which is much higher than that of valerian (10 times).

If cause of nightmares associated with taking medications, you need to consult a doctor where you can solve the problem nightmares replacement of medicines.

During the day, try to avoid stressful situations or study to rule your stress level up stress resistance . The situation is more complicated with post-traumatic stress, both physical and psychological. In this case, an important role is given to psychotherapeutic assistance when behavioral (cognitive-behavioral) therapy is needed. In treatment neuroses, fears and phobias, depressive disorders are widely used herbal medicines as well as mental illness as adjunctive therapy.

To get rid of nightmares haunting you at night, take phytopreparations of sedative and anxiolytic action, produced with the help of cryoprocessing at ultra-low temperatures in a familiar and convenient tablet form: Valerian P, Motherwort P, St. John's wort P, Ivan tea P (fireweed) and biologically active complex Nervo-Vit including fee best sedative herbs , allowing you to get a faster and longer sedative and hypnotic effect. Preparations of the series "

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night, relieved to realize that everything terrible and terrible that you have just experienced is just a nightmare?

Nightmares and fears

Night terrors should be distinguished from night terrors (fears). A nightmare is a nightmare that occurs during REM sleep and occurs most often in the morning hours.

Despite the absurdity of the plot and the absurdity of the situation, such dreams are so realistic that they seem to be actually happening.

They are very rarely accompanied by physiological reactions in the form of increased breathing and heart rate or increased sweating. The awakened person usually remembers the content of the dream.

The situation is different with night terrors or fears. They occur in delta sleep - the deepest phase of sleep, so they appear during the first hours of rest. Night terrors are characterized by the absence of any pictures or images; at its core, night terror is a short and relatively simple dream.

The duration of the night terror can be from one to several minutes. Often it is accompanied by pronounced reactions of the body: trembling, palpitations and motor movements.

Waking up a person and talking to him at this moment, reassuring him, is very difficult, because he simply does not notice the presence of other people. After some time, he falls asleep, and in the morning he cannot remember anything about what happened to him at night.

Causes of night terrors and nightmares

It is difficult to pinpoint the cause of a nightmare; most often, terrible dreams arise on the basis of acute psychological experiences caused by illness or the loss of a loved one, a serious illness, a complex medical operation, a car accident, a change or loss of a job.

Often they are the result of anxiety, prolonged depression, or an unresolved psychological problem.

Sometimes the cause of a nightmare can be restless leg syndrome or. The predisposition to nightmares is often inherited at the genetic level.

Night terrors in children are very rarely signs of deep psychological problems, in most cases they are observed during periods of life that are extremely saturated with new impressions, emotions and experiences.

Most often they occur during trips and travels, visits to entertainment events, even a banal overnight stay at a party, sanatorium or boarding house can be their cause.

A completely different reason for night terrors in adults. Night terrors are a wake-up call that something is wrong with the nervous system. Their causes, in addition to an aggressive state, anxiety or excitement, may be serious changes in the state of mental health of a person.

Getting rid of nightmares and fears

Frequently recurring nightmares and horrors require serious attention from the psychotherapist.

Even a simple discussion with a specialist of your night dreams and life problems will help you gain a sense of confidence and forget about nightmares, if not forever, then for quite a long period.

If necessary, the doctor will help you choose the necessary doses of tranquilizers, which will help get rid of post-traumatic stress disorders, anxiety and panic.

Consult with your doctor about the medications you are taking. Some antihypertensive and hypertensive drugs, in addition to correcting blood pressure, may increase the likelihood of nightmares. The same goes for antidepressants.

If night terrors and nightmares are not of a systemic nature and appear quite rarely, it makes sense to reconsider your daily routine and lifestyle, giving up late snacks and nightly trips to the refrigerator, taking up physical education, yoga and.

Spend the evening with your family or loved one, read, craft, watch quiet TV shows or movies.

A warm shower or bath taken before bed will allow you to relax after a busy day, find peace and tranquility. Create a cozy and relaxing atmosphere in your bedroom. The room where you sleep should be fresh, comfortable and quiet.

Avoid or minimize your nicotine and caffeine intake. Falling asleep, imagine a pleasant and calm picture of the natural landscape, add sounds and smells to the visual images. Think only good things.

Sweet Dreams! Be always healthy!