Will working pensioners get their pension indexation back after leaving work? When did they stop indexing pensions for working pensioners? Will indexation of pensions for working pensioners be returned?

Working pensioners know that under the current moratorium, their pensions are not indexed. But if a person stops working, then the insurance pension begins to be indexed on a general basis. Is a pensioner allowed to resign, receive a monthly increase in pension due to indexation, and get a job again? Let's talk about it.

Restriction on indexation for working pensioners

For working pensioners, the size of the fixed payment to the insurance pension is not indexed and the cost of the individual pension coefficient is not adjusted. But if a pensioner resigns, he will receive the amount of the insurance pension and a fixed payment to it, taking into account the indexation and adjustment that took place during the period of his work, starting from the 1st day of the month following the month of termination of work.

Explanation of the Pension Fund about indexation upon dismissal

Here is how the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation comments on the procedure for indexing pensions after dismissal:

From January 2018, after a pensioner stops working, the full pension, taking into account all indexations, will be paid for the period from the 1st day of the month after dismissal.

Payment of the full pension amount will be implemented as follows. For example, a pensioner quit his job in March. In April, the Pension Fund will receive reports from the employer indicating that the pensioner is still listed as working. In May, the Pension Fund will receive reports in which the pensioner is no longer listed as working. In June, the Pension Fund will decide to resume indexation and in July the pensioner will receive the full pension amount, as well as the monetary difference between the previous and new pension amounts for the previous three months - April, May, June. That is, the pensioner will begin to receive the full pension the same three months after dismissal, but these three months will be compensated to him.

Indexation for working pensioners was suspended in 2016. Since then it has not been resumed. This measure was necessary, the Government of the Russian Federation stated, its purpose was to save resources of the Pension Fund.

It was previously planned that the suspension of indexing would last until 2020. But a revision of the deadlines is not excluded. Therefore, indexation for working pensioners may become a reality as early as July this year.

Now a pensioner has the right to indexation of pension benefits if he does not work. Payment of the insurance pension is carried out taking into account the planned indexation that took place during the working period. If a citizen goes back to work after indexation, the pension amount will not be reduced.

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Pension after dismissal

On January 1, 2018, amendments were made to the regulations, on the basis of which pension payments were indexed after the pensioner officially retired. Thus, pension provision, the amount of which is determined taking into account indexation, must be accrued from the next month after the application is accepted.

But the payment of the increased pension occurs only 90 days after that. However, pensioners will be compensated for the amount for these three months. When a pensioner resigns, indexation occurs automatically.

Retired citizens do not need to contact the Pension Fund and confirm the fact of their dismissal, since it will be reflected in the documents of the employer, which provides data to the Pension Fund.

Resumption of indexation for pensioners who continue to work

On March 1, 2018, Putin confirmed that the time had come to increase pensions for Russian pensioners.

According to the President of the Russian Federation, the tasks are as follows:

  • contribute to increasing pensions;
  • conducting regular indexing, which should be higher than the inflation rate.

On April 13, 2018, the issue regarding the indexation of pensions for pensioners who continue to work was also raised. When discussing this, the President of the Russian Federation gave a decree to consider the problem of lack of indexing. The decree is under consideration by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Medvedev also said that the question remains open. “We can return to this issue and consider it in detail, but everyone should understand that the income of a working and a non-working pensioner is significantly different,” Medvedev explained.

The implementation of pension reform requires an integrated approach

The dominant goal of pension reform is to increase pensions. In the Russian Federation, pension provision is 35% of salary. But if we focus on the international level, it should be 40%. If indexation is carried out only to the inflation level every 12 months, such an indicator cannot be achieved.

From the forecasts for the development of the Russian Federation, we can conclude that the inflation rate will remain at 4% for a couple of years. The insurance pension will increase every year by 450-500 rubles and less if a citizen receives 10-11 thousand rubles. The size of the insurance pension is more than 14 thousand rubles, and it is difficult to live on such funds.

That is why pension reform is needed for a comfortable life in retirement. And this requires a comprehensive approach.

The onset of a crisis situation in the country led to adjustments to legislation regarding the abolition of recalculation (increase) of pension benefits for those citizens who continue to attend their workplaces, despite the age limit.

In order to prevent any infringement of the rights of a pensioner who continues to conscientiously perform his official duties, the State Duma decided to postpone the indexation period until the termination of the labor relationship with the employer, and also to reduce the period for calculating the due additional payment to 1 month.

The signing of bill No. 385-FZ by the President of the Russian Federation took place on July 1, 2017. It will be necessary to act in strict accordance with its norms and provisions from the beginning of next year.

What is it and why is it needed?

Pension indexing is in revising the amount upward due to rising prices on the market. Recalculation is carried out annually, and the increase directly depends on the current cost of primary goods (works, services) and the level of inflation.

The difficult economic situation of the country has led to the state is forced to stop indexing state-guaranteed payments to pensioners who have not yet had time to part with their jobs.

Federal Law No. 400, published in December 2013, namely Art. 26.1., prohibits upward revision of both the insurance pension and the fixed payment to it. If a citizen receives an insurance pension in connection with the onset of a certain age mark, due to the loss of a breadwinner or the establishment of a certain disability group, then the above conditions apply to him, and if we are talking about state pension provision, then indexing is carried out regardless of the presence or absence of an official place of employment.

As soon as his working life ends, the pensioner becomes the owner of a standard planned increase in state benefits.

By the way, a citizen who performs official duties longer than required should not be deprived of a single promotion.

On the official website of the Pension Fund, every working citizen of retirement age can familiarize himself with the amount of pension benefits due to him after termination of employment and recalculation.

By the way, if a pensioner decides to get a job again, then his indexed pension payment will not be reduced, although he will again become an employee, accordingly, he will fall under the norms of the adopted Federal Law abolishing indexation.

Unfortunately, the establishment of such requirements leads to the fact that pensioners are forced to either work informally or quit for the purpose of recalculation, and then re-employment. This behavior is caused by small pensions and a constant lack of financial resources.

Pensioners should be prepared for the fact that The indexation procedure may take several months due to the following circumstances:

  • submission of a monthly report on workers, which must be submitted by the 15th day of the month following the reporting month;
  • The pension fund needs time to consider the information provided by the employer and make a decision;
  • in accordance with the approved procedure, indexed pension benefits begin to be paid only from the next month.

Legal regulation

The size of the insurance part of pension provision regularly increases due to the fact that the fixed payment and pension coefficient are subject to revision in accordance with the norms of Federal Law No. 400 “On Insurance Pensions”, adopted at the end of 2013.

Federal Law No. 166 “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation” was adopted much earlier - in December 2001. It regulates the procedure for revising towards an increase in pensions provided to citizens by the state.

The latest changes on the abolition of indexation of payments deserved by many years of work affected this area, namely:

  • social pensions;
  • monthly allowance.

The procedure for indexing pensions after dismissal

Indexation consists of an annual increase in pension provision, caused primarily by a decrease in purchasing power. Information about the procedure can be gleaned from the provisions of Federal Law No. 166, which came into force at the end of 2001.

The insurance and social sums are reviewed in different ways. The increase in the fixed amount of the first type of benefit is strongly influenced by: inflation index and PFR profitability. When recalculating the second part, the cost of living, the amount of material allowance and allowances are carefully assessed.

Pension provision is:

  1. Strakhov. The source of funding is the Pension Fund (federal budget). The main part is represented by a fixed payment, directly depending on the reason for which the state provides the citizen: old age, a group that means some degree of disability or loss of a breadwinner. Its increase directly depends on the coefficient determined by the State Duma.
  2. Cumulative. Relies on citizens born in 1967 and later. The main source of savings is insurance contributions from employers.
  3. State. Such payments are financed from the federal budget. The following can count on government support: officials, astronauts, pilots, office workers, etc. This category also includes a social pension provided to everyone who does not have insurance.

According to current legislation, a pensioner who continues to follow one or another job description can receive a well-deserved pension, but does not have the right to have it recalculated in accordance with the level of inflation.

The last condition ceases to apply immediately after the rupture of relations regulated by the employment contract, and all missed indexations are compensated to the rightful owner over the next month.

A pensioner who fully enjoys his status is entitled not only to the resumption of regular indexations, but also to an annual review of state support, the exact date of which is set for August 1.

Increases in pension payments have always been regular. Thus, indexing in 2018 varies within:

  • 3.7% for the insurance part;
  • 2.9% - in the social part.

The lack of funds in the treasury in 2018 led to the fact that at the beginning of the year there was a decision was made to issue each elderly citizen 5,000 rubles, but without indexation.

The absence of an upward revision of state provision, of course, led to growing outrage in society. But this is only because few people know that the state was seriously considering the issue of completely abolishing pensions as long as the citizen is able to follow the job description.

That is, an employed pensioner is entitled to a salary and pension that is not indexed until he breaks off relations with the employer. By the way, in order for a review of state security to occur, the employer who made the settlement with the pensioner must notify the Pension Fund about this fact.

This innovation applies only to those citizens of the age limit who terminated their mutually beneficial relationship with their employer after April 1, 2017. Until this time, each retired pensioner was required to send a written notice to the territorial fund with information about the termination of employment and a request to make a recalculation.

For clarity, consider the following example: citizen Shevtsova went on a well-deserved rest with June 30, 2018. She was entitled to state support from January 15, 2016 d. She is interested in: will the recalculation carried out in August change the size of her pension? How long will it take for points to be awarded?

For 2017, the Pension Fund will award points. Since at this time Shevtsova was a working pensioner, she is entitled to no more than 3 points, the value of each of which is equal to 81.49 rubles.

To find out the exact amount of the expected increase in pension benefits, it is necessary to order a certificate from the last place of employment reflecting the amount of monthly wages received, taking into account all incentive and bonus allowances.

Limit basic value in 2017, the amount of 755 thousand rubles was calculated for the maximum 10 points; accordingly, we obtain that 1 point is awarded for every 75.5 thousand rubles. annual salary received.

In accordance with a certificate issued by an accountant in Form 2-NDFL, employed pensioner Shevtsova received 206 thousand rubles in 2017. To calculate points, you simply divide this amount by the price reflection of 1 point:

206,000 / 75.5 = 2.728 points

Now we find out the amount of increase to the amount of monthly pension allowance:

2.728 * 81.49 = 222.3 rub.

Indexation period

After termination of an employment contract by a citizen who may no longer perform official duties due to age, Pension Fund employees are required to recalculate the pension taking into account each missing index in connection with the availability of a place of official employment.

Earlier on the procedure approximately 3 months were allotted. For example, citizen Fomenko resigns on March 10, 2017. The policyholder (employer), in accordance with PFR Resolution No. 83p, dated February 1, 2016, is required to submit a monthly report in the SZV-M form. Information on concluded and terminated employment contracts should be provided to the fund department by the 15th day of each month following the reporting month.

In this particular case, Pension Fund employees will learn about the dismissal of a citizen no earlier than April 15, since in March he will still be considered employed, although not for the entire month.

The provisions of Federal Law No. 400-FZ, dated the end of 2013, state that the decision to pay an indexed pension can be made in the month following the one in which the information was provided.

And a citizen will be able to hold the increased pension guarantee in his hands only in June, since payments can also begin only in the next period.

The latest changes have affected such a long decision-making process and the implementation of indexation, therefore, starting next year, pensioners who decide to fully exercise their right not to rest will be able to receive a recalculated pension payment as early as the next month after the termination of their employment relationship.

This video contains interesting and detailed information about the indexation of pensions for working pensioners. All information is up to date.

Insurance payment to working pensioners

Every citizen from whose income the employer makes contributions to the Pension Fund has the right to receive pension payments. Having worked until retirement age, he can go on a well-deserved rest, receiving income in the form of a pension.

With rising inflation, pension payments should increase annually. The state of the economy does not allow for increases to be made in accordance with its level for the previous year. In 2016, indexation was carried out at 8.9% below inflation. But not all older people received such an increase.

Over the past two years, insurance payments to workers have not been indexed. This led to a large number of elderly people retiring. There are cases when older people quit their jobs in order to index their pensions, and then get a job again. Or they are looking for a place where the employer does not make contributions to the Pension Fund for its employees.

Until 2016, all pensioners, without exception, could count on an increase in their pension. In 2015, the difficult economic situation led to the introduction of an “anti-crisis” measure. By decision of the Government of the Russian Federation, an amendment was made to Federal Law No. 400-FZ of December 20, 2013.

Despite the fact that the inflation rate increases every year, payments to working pensioners from January 1, 2016 do not remain unchanged. Every year in August, the pension increases due to the increase in length of service. This is the only increase in pension they can count on.

The insurance part of the pension and fixed payment are not indexed. Insurance benefits include surcharges for old age, loss of a breadwinner, and disability. This also applies to military pensioners who receive insurance pension payments.

The increase in social and state pensions remained unchanged. This means that the increase in these payments will be made to all pensioners without exception.

The pensioner, while continuing to work, does not lose the indexation amount due to him as a result of these changes. In case of dismissal, a recalculation will be made and all increases will be accrued starting from 2016.

If a pensioner gets a job again, he again ends up on the list of non-indexed persons. In this case, insurance payments increased after the last one will not be reduced.

2018 didn't bring much change. An amendment has been made to Art. 26.3 on changing the period for recalculating pensions. According to the adopted changes, the pensioner will receive indexation already next month after termination of the contract.

Indexation calculation procedure

The procedure for recalculating pension payments is quite simple. To do this, you do not need to submit information to the Pension Fund yourself. All data is submitted there by the policyholder (employer).

For self-employed pensioners, information about their termination of employment is submitted to the Pension Fund by the Federal Tax Service. The self-employed include citizens who make contributions on their own.

The law stipulates the right of such a citizen to personally submit an application to the Pension Fund through the territorial office or through the MFC. But this will only allow you to find out the exact timing of payment of the increased pension.

A personal appeal to the Pension Fund will not in any way affect the speed of recalculation and payment of the increased pension. The pension fund does not begin processing a personal application without the necessary data submitted by the employer or the Tax Office.

After dismissal, the elderly person will receive a pension taking into account all missed increases. But he will be able to receive the increased payment only after three months. This long period is due to the procedure for calculating indexation. It was approved by the Law “On Insurance Pensions” and includes several stages:

  • Every month, before the 15th day, the employer submits to the Pension Fund information about the employees employed by him in the previous month, which means that the retired pensioner will be listed among the employees for another month;
  • based on the information received, the Pension Fund decides to initiate the recalculation procedure;
  • the insurance pension, increased by all required increases, is paid from the next month after the Pension Fund of Russia makes a decision.

For example, an elderly person quit in August, in October the employer will submit information to the Pension Fund about the termination of his employment contract, in November the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will make a decision and in December the payment will be made taking into account the increases.

As a result, the time spent recalculating and paying pensions to citizens is not compensated in any way. Therefore, in 2017, the Government of the Russian Federation decided to reduce the period for calculating indexation.

Working pensioner

According to the changes made, indexation is accrued in the next month after dismissal. But since the procedure itself has remained unchanged, from January 1, 2018, an elderly person will receive an indexed pension three to four months after termination of the contract, but the registration period will be compensated in full.

For example:

  1. the pensioner retired in June;
  2. in July, in the employer’s reports, his salary is still accrued and therefore he is listed as working;
  3. in August, the Pension Fund will receive information about the termination of his labor activity;
  4. in September the Pension Fund makes a decision on recalculation;
  5. in October, the pensioner will receive a payment taking into account the required increases and the additional accrued difference for July, August, September.

When do you need to quit in order for your pension to be indexed?

On June 1, 2017, an amendment was made to the law “On Insurance Pensions” to reduce the time frame for calculating increases. And at the end of 2017, the question became relevant: when is it better to quit so that the time spent on processing the recalculation is compensated. From January 1, 2018, the date of dismissal will not affect the amount of the increase in any way.

But it should be taken into account that in the month following the dismissal, the employer is still listed among the employees in the reports. This suggests that it is better to quit at the end of the month in order to receive wages for a full month of work. After all, stopping work at the beginning of the month will in no way speed up the recalculation of your pension.

Regardless of when the pensioner retired, he has the right to an increase in insurance payments. The amount to which the recalculation will be made depends on when the right to payment was received and when indexation was suspended.

Recalculation example:

  1. in 2015, the right to receive a pension was obtained;
  2. employment continues until April 2018;
  3. in May, the pension will be indexed taking into account the percentage increase for 2016, 2017 and 2018.

How does the calculation work?

Pension indexation

To correctly determine the increase, you should remember that the components of the pension are fixed and insurance payments. The amount of the insurance pension depends on the number of accrued pension points and their value.

Every year, the Government of the Russian Federation approves the value of the pension point and the size of the fixed payment coefficient, which are influenced by the level of inflation. The number of points depends on the amount of deductions in a special PF savings account.

The calculation of the insurance part of the pension is prescribed in Federal Law No. 400 dated December 28, 2013 and is carried out according to the formula where the individual pension coefficient is multiplied by the cost of the pension coefficient (point).

Knowing these indicators, it is possible to compare changes in the pension of a working and non-working pensioner. For example, a citizen received the right to receive pension payments in 2015, but continued to work until 2018. Number of assigned pension points for example: 114.

Example of pension indexation:

Non-working pensioner

Pension amount

Fixed payment

Insurance pension

Working pensioner

Pension amount

Fixed payment

Insurance pension

In this example, you can see how the pension of an elderly person increases if he does not work. Pension payments of a pensioner who decided to continue working remained at the 2016 level.

For a more accurate calculation, it is also necessary to take into account that a pensioner who continues to work continues to increase his work experience. This means that once a year the number of pension points will be recalculated.

The employer also continues to make transfers to the Pension Fund for the pensioner who continues to work for him. After dismissal, the amount of these deductions will be taken into account when calculating indexation.

Any citizen who receives a pension has the opportunity to find out the size of the pension, taking into account all additional payments due to him, on the official website of the Pension Fund in the “Personal Account” section.

Is it possible to return pension increases to working people?

A question that concerns most older people. An employee approaching retirement age is thinking about how much he will receive if he continues to work. Of course, this is true for working pensioners. Some of the older people who have retired would like to start working again.

According to the Government of the Russian Federation, this problem is constantly discussed. According to the latest data, a project for indexing pension contributions for working pensioners on July 1, 2018 by 3.7% is ready. It remains to wait for the decision on the adoption of this project.

The introduced “anti-crisis” measure did not help solve the problem of saving budget funds. Therefore, it is possible that in the future pension indexation will be returned to all pensioners.

Video about reducing the period for reviewing pensions for retired pensioners:

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Many pensioners continue their working activities even after they have acquired pension rights to the payment of social benefits based on age and length of service. This means that the employer continues to pay insurance contributions to extra-budgetary funds, including the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, on behalf of the working pensioner.

For pensioners who are working, their pension benefits are increased due to newly received insurance contributions from the employer, calculated from the employee’s income. For pensioners who do not work, the increase in the amount of payment occurs due to its annual two-time indexation by the state. Indexation occurs at the level of officially established inflation, that is, at the actual increase in consumer prices. In 2016, the state pension was indexed once by 4%, rather than by the inflation rate.

Indexation of pensions since 2016

In 2016, in Russia, Federal Law No. 385 of December 29, 2015 imposed a moratorium on the indexation of social benefits for working pensioners. While the pensioner continues to work, contributions in the form of pension points are received towards his insurance pension (the distribution element of the pension system). As long as a person maintains the status of a working pensioner, revision of the pension amount is suspended. But after he stops working, his pension will be indexed to the amount of all the points and coefficients he earned during this period.

Social benefits for working pensioners are de jure indexed, but de facto the amount of the pension does not change; the pension will be recalculated upon the dismissal of a working pensioner.

In order for a pensioner to be recalculated after his dismissal, there is no need to personally contact the Pension Fund. From the second quarter of 2016, all employers are required to submit simplified reporting to the Pension Fund for each employee, and the Pension Fund, in accordance with the data received, is obliged to index pension payments to dismissed pensioners. Therefore, a personal application for pension recalculation is no longer required.

Terms of pension indexation after dismissal

If the employer's data is submitted to the Pension Fund on time, the recalculation of the pension upon dismissal of a working pensioner will occur within three or more months from the date of dismissal, in the following order: if the pensioner left his place of work in July, then in August the Pension Fund will receive reports indicating that the pensioner is still listed as working (since the information is submitted in the reporting period for the previous month). In September, the Pension Fund will receive reports in which the pensioner is no longer listed as working. In October, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will decide on indexing the amount of the insurance pension and fixed payment for this pensioner. And only in November the Pension Fund will recalculate the pension payment.

Should we expect that the Pension Fund will index the three months in which the pensioner no longer worked? You shouldn’t have counted on such compensation until 2018, but as of January 1, 2018, an addition to Art. 26.1 of Law No. 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions” (introduced by Law No. 134-FZ dated July 1, 2017), and pensioners began to receive recalculation taking into account all indexations, starting from the 1st day of the month following the month of termination of work, and no later than 3 months after retirement.

In the event of a pensioner’s next employment, the amount of pension paid to him will not be reduced, but will remain at the level of the new recalculation. That is, after quitting and waiting for your pension to increase, you can get a new job with a new pension amount. However, it should be remembered that if the next pension indexation occurs, the newly working pensioner will again not fall under it.