Oriental style - modern trends, trends, images. Oriental style: mystery is always in trend Oriental style in casual clothes

Surprisingly, this style is both understandable and quite difficult to understand. On the one hand, we all roughly imagine clothes with an oriental character, but we cannot describe it in a nutshell, because for everyone the very concept of "East" means completely different directions. Under the oriental style in clothing, one can mean the outfits of Chinese women, Arab women, Indian and Chinese. It is no wonder that there are so many colors and patterns that the cut will be so diverse.

Oriental clothing style for women and its recognizable features

The first thing that unites all outfits with an oriental touch is the attitude towards decorating. There is a special thrill in decorating a dress or any other part of the wardrobe. Beading or embroidery with gold threads, intricate pattern, rich pattern and many specific finishes. All this makes the clothes feminine and very elegant.

It is impossible not to notice the number of folds, draperies and unusual cut details. If we are talking about Japan and China, then there are just these very folds, but there is a traditional stand-up collar, a decorative cord lined with a complex pattern, as well as kimonos recognizable all over the world. The modern approach provides for the length of the product above the knee or an open neckline, but initially it was allowed to leave only the hands and feet open. And it must be admitted that this made the woman even more attractive.

You can not ignore the decorations. The main decoration on the head in the oriental style is considered to be a turban. As soon as now they don’t tie a scarf on their heads to make a real hairstyle out of it! Beautiful kanzashi-style hairpins have found their admirers in all corners of the world. And the famous hand jewelry, combining a bracelet and a ring, you will find today. It is clear that such jewelry cannot be called everyday, and we are talking about jewelry, but sometimes these details become the central part of the whole image.

Oriental style in clothes: the most used wardrobe details

Oriental motifs, although beautiful, are not so easy to fit into our everyday life. Most often, designers use several basic techniques so that a European woman can feel like an oriental beauty, but not look ridiculous.

1. An oriental-style women's shirt is one of the most common ideas for creating an image. It can be a product made of silk or satin with a stand-up collar and a Japanese clasp. Due to the colorful colors and features of the fabric, this option can be defined as an evening or informal business one. There are both short and long models. An Indian-style tunic shirt looks great. Now we are dealing with cotton fabric, this model is more suitable for everyday wardrobe.

2. Evening dresses in oriental style will almost certainly be long and with a very simple cut. The fabric does all the work. Rest assured, it will be the highlight of the whole image. Japanese motifs suggest an image of sakura or a crane, the Chinese version will be much brighter and always with red or black accents, and the Indian trend will give green to intricate patterns and complex weaves.

3. Not so long ago, at the peak of popularity, there were pants with a loose cut, narrowed down, but incredibly loose in the area of ​​the crotch. With what our women of fashion did not wear them! Now the wave is gradually starting to subside, but some details of the cut have remained relevant to this day.

4. Finally, let's talk about shoes. If we take the classic presentation of the oriental style, then these are low-speed shoes, with very small heels. Currently, this kind of outfits are most often combined with moccasins and ballet flats, low-speed sandals made of thin straps, sometimes these are elegant models with thin heels.

is an extremely capacious concept. After all, the East covers many countries from Morocco to Japan. And each country - be it India, China or Indonesia - has its own peculiarities in clothing. But some elements are common.

Modern oriental charm

Today, the fashion for oriental style is on the next rise. The mass enthusiasm for Vedic culture again drew attention to the mysterious and charming image of an oriental woman.

Oriental style captivates

Bold color combinations, harmony and completeness of the image, beautiful original patterns, loose flying cut - all this subtly emphasizes femininity and grace. And fashionistas, tired of demonstrating bare legs and chest, do not cease to conquer and amaze with simple, but at the same time luxurious outfits in oriental style.

Alluring image in oriental style

From East to Europe

For the first time, oriental style appeared in Europe quite recently - in the second half of the last century. Moreover, the acquaintance of Europeans with him did not begin at all with fashion catwalks. The first followers of the East were anarchic hippies, many of whom studied the philosophy of Buddhism and dressed in the style of Tibetan monks - in long shapeless robes.

Bright dress in oriental style

Passers-by treated them differently. Someone called it originality, someone fiercely criticized. But, one way or another, non-standard oriental images attracted attention. It was only in the 1970s that fashion designer Kenzo Takada, then practically unknown in Europe, for the first time officially presented a collection of women's clothing made in the traditional Japanese style on the catwalk.

Oriental style by Kenzo Takada

The new style was strikingly different from generally accepted standards and, despite harsh criticism, quickly won the hearts of fashionistas with its original free cut and excitingly beautiful flowing fabrics.

Features of the oriental style

Oriental style is almost impossible to confuse with any other. It has its own distinct features, which make it unique and eye-catching.

Oriental style in clothes is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent

Unlike most styles that emphasize sexuality, exposing fairly large areas of the female body, the oriental style creates a holistic image, the basis of which is femininity and mystery.

Oriental clothing style for women is intricate embroidery, colorful ornaments and exotic patterns.

In addition, the distinctive features of the oriental style are:

  • certain colors;
  • flowing fabrics and pleasant textures;
  • special style geometry;
  • appropriate footwear and accessories;
  • the presence of oriental flavor.

Oriental style of clothing does not lose popularity and continues to inspire famous designers who create collections of models with elements of traditional clothing.

From the totality of all these signs, that special charm is born that any woman who has dressed in oriental robes feels.

Color spectrum

Bright colors and contrasting combinations are characteristic of the oriental style. However, due to the harmony and integrity of the image, it does not look vulgar or defiant. The basis of the color palette is black, white, gold, scarlet, deep blue, emerald green, purple. However, for decoration and decoration, a rich range of colors is used in almost all possible shades.

Oriental style of clothing is one of the varieties of folklore style, reflecting the beauty of the clothes of the peoples of the world.

Since for the most part the patterns applied to the main canvas are somehow connected with nature or mythology, the most unexpected color combinations are acceptable. The main requirement is the harmony and completeness of the image.

Oriental style in clothes will make every girl charming and unique.

Flying fabrics

Oriental-style clothing always looks feminine and expensive thanks to the use of light flowing fabrics, often decorated with rich embroidery or prints. Impressive variety and original traditional patterns of the East. The most stylish clothes are those made from natural fabrics.

Oriental clothing style is a mysterious, unfamiliar world of burning spices and colorful flying fabrics.

Originally oriental fabrics are:

  • silk;
  • atlas;
  • chiffon;
  • crepe de chine;
  • brocade.

Embroidery and prints were traditionally done by hand, and only in recent decades, when the oriental style became so popular that it passed into the category of mass media, industrial equipment began to be used to apply patterns and designs to oriental fabrics. But of course, hand-made clothes are not comparable in beauty with factory ones and are many times more expensive. Oriental patterns are associated with nature, elements, mythology. They are beautiful, bright and easily recognizable.

Suit with oriental pattern on the fabric by Roberto Cavalli

Dresses and tunics are often decorated with sakura branches, lotus flowers, and other elements of vegetation. One of the most popular and recognizable patterns is the Indian cucumber. Images of tigers, dragons, cranes, mythological animals are often found on clothes. It is used for decoration and complex multi-color oriental ornament.

Oriental style combines the traditional outfits of Japan and China, India and Thailand

Free Geometry

Many women of fashion have fallen in love with oriental-style clothing precisely because of its free geometry. There are practically no tight-fitting outfits in it, however, as well as too bare parts of the body.

Oriental clothing style is bright colors, stylish jewelry and beautiful oriental women.

Characterize such clothes:

  • closed neck or stand-up collar;
  • loose fit sleeves - short or ¾ long, gracefully opening the wrist;
  • the absence of mini-dresses - they were replaced by beautiful tunics, under which trousers are necessarily put on;
  • the presence of translucent elements of clothing that do not open, but only draw attention to certain parts of the body.

Oriental style in clothes - modestly and elegantly dressed girl

Thus, the beauty and sexuality of the female body is not openly demonstrated, but only delicately emphasized, leaving room for the male fantasy to fly.

The modern oriental style of clothing appeared relatively recently, but has already managed to win the hearts of many fashionistas.

Almost all oriental outfits beautifully outline the figure, while not being too tight. The waistline is usually always distinguished by a thin belt or cut details. Trousers are quite loose, harem pants, wide straight trousers or, until recently, at the height of fashion, Afghani trousers are typical.Many women have fallen in love with bright kimonos, which have supplanted the traditional house dressing gowns in small flowers. A woman in a bright silk kimono looks at the same time cozy and attractive in an oriental way.

Long flying skirts made of thin and light fabrics look luxurious and seductive. Fully covering the legs, they nevertheless seductively emphasize the silhouette, which is slightly visible through the mysterious layering.

Blouses often leave the neck open, creating tenderness and fragility of the female image.

For Europeans, oriental clothing seems mysterious and very exotic.

And the versions with a stand-up collar are decorated with original buttons embroidered with silk.

Shoes and jewelry

Naturally, a woman in an oriental outfit with stiletto heels will look strange. Classic shoe options are also difficult to combine with the original oriental style. That is why sandals or shoes on a wooden platform will be an organic addition.

Oriental shoes on a wooden platform

Recently, they have become increasingly popular due to their convenience and versatility. Also, you should carefully approach the choice of jewelry.

Although the image of an oriental woman is associated by many with earrings with many ringing pendants, huge rings and heavy bracelets, this is more of a gypsy style that has nothing to do with modern oriental sophistication.

When choosing, it is better to opt for 1-2 stylish elements that will only emphasize the image without creating dissonance. It can be a wide bracelet, hairpins in the form of bamboo sticks, an original necklace or pendant.

Sweet flavors

An organic addition to the image will be the use of the appropriate aroma. In classical perfumery, a special line has long been singled out, which is called “oriental fragrance”. Aromas in the East have always been of great importance. It was from there that aroma burners, incense sticks and candles came to us. But if for us it is rather a tribute to fashion, then in the east it is a long tradition. With the help of aromas, the house was cleansed of negative energy, a special unique atmosphere was created. And Japanese geisha mastered the art of combining fragrances to awaken male and female sexual energy.

It is believed that the eastern direction is characterized by heavy sweet aromas. But it is not so. Rather, they are refined and sophisticated bouquets of heavy woody and musky aromas and light floral or citrus aromas. Applied to the body, they gradually, step by step, open from contact with the skin and change their shades.

It is for oriental fragrances that the so-called trail is inherent, which prolongs the presence of a woman for several minutes, following her with an invisible shadow.

In an oriental style office?

When you first get acquainted with the oriental style, it seems that such clothes are difficult to fit into everyday life. But this is an erroneous opinion. You just need to treat the oriental style with due attention and respect, and it will open up its new interesting facets. Moreover, by introducing elements of the East into routine life, a woman will again feel unique and beautiful, and her eyes will shine with a lively brilliance. Of course, in an office where a classic dress code is set, you should not appear in such clothes. However, for those who are not limited by such strict limits, experiments with the use of some elements of the oriental style are quite possible.

Bold oriental look for the office

For example, a silk blouse with a stand-up collar and ¾-length sleeves, decorated with a not too bright floral print, combined with straight wide trousers made of opaque silk, is quite suitable for the image of a business woman.

And the use of discreet accessories and a warm, unobtrusive fragrance, such as sandalwood in the company of rose and vetriver, will make it simply irresistible.

The exotic sweet-tart aroma of sandalwood can literally dissolve any stress and aggression, relieve nervous tension.

The East beckons with its mystery and mystery. How much beauty, sophistication and taste in one word!

Oriental clothing style is incredibly attractive, rich and bright. He attracted a large number of designers into his networks, who are trying to use certain elements of the east in their collections. Each piece of clothing related to this style is original and beautiful in its own way. Luxurious colors, intricate patterns embroidered with gold threads, expensive fabrics - all this causes incredible delight of girls and allows them to feel like oriental princesses for a while.

Clothing for women in oriental style has several subspecies, which differ in origin, but at the same time they have one thing in common - they all cover the charms of the female figure. Can't you find any short skirts or cleavage here? but the beauty and richness of the outfits will drive you crazy.

So, the oriental style is divided into the following areas: Indian, Arabic, Japanese and Chinese. Let's take a look at each of these styles one by one.


How many lovers of Indian films and TV series have turned their heads to the luxurious and incredibly decorated saris of heroines, especially wedding dresses, which are full of richness and brightness. Sari is a traditional Indian garment, which is a rectangular fabric up to nine meters long. To begin with, the fabric wraps around the hips several times, and then spreads to the back. In a mandatory order, either a short chori top or a T-shirt is worn under the sari.

Also, many Indian girls, for greater convenience, wear a suit called salwar kali, it is a long tunic at least knee-length and trousers.

The main characteristics of the Indian style are bright colors, light fabrics, incredible prints with beautiful patterns and rich decor.

White clothes are worn only by girls and women who have lost their husbands. The rest of the ladies wear exceptionally bright and flashy colors: red, blue, yellow, orange, green, purple and many others.

By the way, it is because of the hot climate in India that it is customary to wear clothes made of light fabrics. They are comfortable even in summer and they allow the body to get the necessary moisture. Linen, cotton, chiffon are mainly used, and elegant clothes are sewn from satin. Wedding and evening dresses are richly decorated with rhinestones, beads, embroidery and sequins.

The main accessories are bracelets: large or small, but there must be a lot of them. Large earrings and necklaces are also very much loved by Indian beauties.


Arabic style is the epitome of chic and wealth. The wives of Arab sheikhs drive many European fashionistas crazy with their outfits.

This style also has its own characteristics. First of all, these are deep and saturated colors, such as blue, blue, scarlet, wine, purple. Some designers play on contrasting combinations.

The style of clothing must be free, so as not to fit the female figure. Materials for tailoring dresses are usually silk, chiffon, satin, brocade, velvet or leather.

Arab outfits have a huge number of luxurious prints and decorative elements. The richer the outfit looks, the better for its owner. Luxurious embroidery, large stones, gold patterns and much more are an essential attribute of the Arabic style.

The main elements of the Arabic style are jelaba, abaya, tunics, bloomers, as well as hijab, caftan. Let's consider each element separately.

Jalaba is a long loose dress with wide sleeves and a hood with which you can cover your head. Abaya - the same as jeballa, only without a hood. A caftan is often worn over dresses - a long summer coat richly embroidered with patterns and stones. Some girls, in order to emphasize the harmony of the waist, put on a galloon - a wide belt.

In the Arabic style, accessories play an important role. Large earrings and rings, thin bracelets. Very popular are the slaves, which are a ring and a bracelet connected by chains. Silk scarves also add mystery to the image, and shoes are always in the form of sandals without a heel.

Japanese and Chinese

Elements of Japanese and Chinese styles in clothing have long been used by European couturiers in their shows. Traditional kimonos became the prototype for wrap dresses.

The styles of clothing for these styles are really very similar, but there are also differences. They are expressed in decor, prints and colors.

For example, Japanese clothing is characterized by red, orange, black, white and green colors. And for Chinese, shades of blue and pink. Styles are usually loose and flying, cutouts may be present in Chinese clothes. For their outfits, these two directions use chiffon, silk, satin, linen and cotton. In Japanese clothes, there are prints exclusively in the form of flowers; in Chinese, dragon designs are also possible.

Oriental style in clothing embodies mystery and femininity, this is a style where the curtain opens on female sexuality, without vulgar hints, oriental-style clothing will make you look fabulous and shine with magical charm.
The female body, wrapped in the charm of oriental motifs, looks passionate, gentle and, at the same time, bold for European concepts of beauty. The oriental image combines the motives of many countries, because each of them has a specific color and rules for using clothes.
Modern fashion has realized the style of the East and combined the traditions of most Muslim states, adding spice to the style. Now clothes in this style are more adapted to use for European women, but still beckons into the unknown. In contrast to the revealing outfits of Europe, Oriental-style clothing is distinguished by its special silence, modesty and mystery. It is not intended to expose the female parts of the body, so mini-length skirts or a deep neckline play the opposite role in creating the style of an oriental woman. Oriental clothing style is considered the most mysterious in the world. Clothing exposes only the ankles, hands, neck, leaving only the contours of a hidden silhouette.

Features of oriental style in clothes

All outfits in oriental style are thought out so that any type of figure will look good, because the emphasis is only on the merits of the female body. In any version, you can play with colors, select the desired drapery and decorate with decor on absolutely any part of the clothing.
Distinctive features of the oriental style are a loose cut, where only the silhouette of the female body is visible.
Flowing and light fabrics, playing with waves and folds while walking or oriental dance, it is difficult to imagine an oriental queen or dancer without airy pants - Aladdins made of guipure or shiny satin with numerous decorations on the body, without bright and massive jewelry - the image will simply be unfinished.

Embroidery from gold threads or beads, sequins, ringing of metal parts of the jewelry itself, creates a single image of the mystery and magic of oriental beauties.
Oriental style in clothing encourages a large amount of brilliance of precious metals or jewelry, you can use any number of bracelets, rings, earrings, necklaces in a massive design and bright frame. You can also decorate your nose with bright piercing earrings, in the East, this is considered a symbol of well-being and prosperity, although not all European representatives of the weaker sex are ready to radically transform into an Arab queen. The main thing is to create the right accent and character of the image.

Oriental style in clothes is a multifaceted and collective image

As for the choice of colors, in the East, preference is given to clothes of both rich colors and pale, calm ones, but they differ in each region, so you can create a collective, but most importantly harmonious image. The only thing that contradicts the style of the East is a combination of contrasts of black and white, any image should be blooming, optimistic and playful. The presence of thematic and ethnic oriental drawings, like a cherry blossom branch, a golden dragon, geometric ornaments and small ripples enclosed in a complex pattern like a “Turkish cucumber” will be relevant for many more years. It is the drawings that give an exotic character and even change the mood, if we compare a plain women's kimono and a kimono painted with bright flower buds. Even the fabric itself can completely shimmer with a bright sheen, which creates a sense of celebration. All decisions in clothing should be complex and bright. Large embroidery, mosaic decoration of fabric with patterns and bright patterns, or complex cut with pleats create a layered clothing in oriental style, and there is no place for minimalism here!

For the hot season, oriental-style dresses and sundresses are just a godsend, thanks to developing light fabrics, the skin breathes better and the chill effect when moving will be most welcome. In Aladdin style pants, a loose Japanese sari or kimono, you can look fashionable and sophisticated, easing and decorating a hot summer day.

Oriental style has become so popular that even clothes for wedding ceremonies are in demand among women. It is not necessary to dress according to all Eastern traditions and canons. You can use only elements of style for a white wedding dress, in the form of jewelry or unobtrusive patterns and embroidery on fabric. In fact, it is appropriate to wear a bright oriental outfit with notes of ethnic motifs for any solemn event.

Accessories and makeup to create an oriental look

Accessories play an important role in oriental style clothing. Scarves, belts with metal jingles, shawls and wraps complete the main outfit, making it layered. The accessories used are saturated with the brilliance of decor, embroidered gold and silver patterns and small details and create a sonorous sound at the slightest movement. All these elements, like the main outfit, should be flashy and catchy. You simply cannot do without these details, they create a playful mood and evoke the association of the East in those around you.

In terms of makeup, golden eyeshadow, jet black eyeliner, false lash effect mascara and skin cream will be indispensable, which creates the appearance of a bronze tan. Lip color is better to make gentle and natural tones. The main thing is that there should be an emphasis on the expressiveness of the eyes, which female oriental beauty is famous for.

The main touch to create an oriental look is shoes without a heel. The main thing is that shoes, as well as clothes, be richly decorated with embroidery and shiny inserts. The gait should not restrict movement, and the heel can make the step heavier. Oriental girls are distinguished by a light gait and small steps, which makes the whole image feminine and fragile. Therefore, the gait "from the hip" is not appropriate here, the oriental style of clothing should be in harmony with the movement of the body, creating mystery and sophistication.

Delicate matter: oriental style

The influence of Eastern culture on Western culture can hardly be overestimated. In a fashionable context, the East can be compared to an eclectic canvas that serves as the basis and inspiration for creating real masterpieces.

In 2015, Anna Wintour dedicated the annual Met Gala to China. The theme of "China: Through The Looking Glass" reflects the desire of both the Old and New Worlds to explore and strengthen the connection that has been built over the centuries.

clean lines

For the first time, the West turned its attention to traditional oriental costumes at the beginning of the last century. Silk and cotton, adorned with filigree embroidery, have become synonymous with high style. From cherry blossoms to the image of a dragon - each plot caused genuine delight, was considered exotic and flawless at the same time.

In 1929, the traditional Chinese qipao dress was especially popular. In its modernized form with an asymmetric cut and short cap sleeves, this dress reflected the spirit of the times and the struggle of women for their rights until the middle of the century, when the influence of the communist regime manifested itself in fashion.

In the 60s and 70s, the zhongshan suit worn by Mao Zedong appeared in the Western wardrobe. A laconic cut and an elongated silhouette were also liked by adherents of the punk style. For example, Vivienne Westwood, who already in the 21st century, built the concept of the SS12 men's collection around the Chinese suit.


Imperial China is associated with a rich palette and bright details, which are especially relevant for evening fashion. Zhongshan has repeatedly inspired designers to create red carpet looks. Pierre Cardin cited elements of this suit quite often in his exotic evening gown collections. In 2011, Anne Hathaway appeared in a blue dress reminiscent of Zhongshan in the romantic melodrama One Day.

The theme, set by Anna Wintour, revived interest in oriental culture in fashion. Elegant dresses reminiscent of kimonos immediately appeared on the catwalk, while imperial prints and shades, echoing the ornamentation of traditional porcelain, graced the men's lines. J.W. Anderson, for example, combined an oriental palette with English landscape motifs and presented a collection in the brand's signature androgynous style. Spring-summer 2016 will be remembered for men's kimono-like jackets and Christopher Kane wide-leg trousers, as well as Dolce & Gabban's attempt to combine Sicily and Shanghai in a single fashionable impulse.

From imperial heritage to the flair of street markets, the fashion industry's focus on the Orient continues unabated, penetrating deeper into the richest history, studying decorative elements in great detail and playing on contrasts with Western trends. So, for example, Chinese dragon prints appear on sportswear, and the zhongshan silhouette is effectively integrated into even the most minimalist design.