Analysis of parents' questionnaires on the topic “Introducing preschoolers to a healthy lifestyle. Test (preparatory group) on the topic: Questionnaire for parents "Healthy Lifestyle"

Parents questionnaire

"Healthy lifestyle"

  1. How do you assess the state of health of your child?

a) good

b) normal

c) bad

  1. How often do you check your child's health?

a) once a month

b) every six months

c) once a year

d) this is not necessary

  1. Do you exercise and do sports?

a) constantly

b) often

c) very rarely

d) I don't

  1. Is your child involved in physical education and sports?

a) constantly

b) often

c) very rarely

d) is not engaged

  1. How do you feel about the use of alcoholic beverages?

a) I consider it unacceptable

b) moderate consumption during the holidays is possible

c) it is unacceptable in the presence of a child

d) I do not think this is a problem

  1. How do you feel about smoking?

a) this is a bad habit

b) it is unacceptable in the presence of a child

c) I do not think this is a problem

  1. Do you consider your diet to be rational?

a) yes

b) partly

c) no

d) I find it difficult to answer

  1. Do you think your child's nutrition outside of kindergarten is rational?

a) yes

b) partly

c) no

d) I find it difficult to answer

Questionnaire for parents.

doing sports

lack of bad habits

healthy sleep

personal hygiene

balanced diet

positive emotions

adherence to the daily routine

full spiritual life

watching TV late

3. What are you doing to improve the health of your child? (You can choose multiple answers)

fighting bad habits

I send to the sports section

I try to make sure that the child gets enough sleep, does not overwork

I monitor the observance of the regime and diet

I follow the daily routine

I send to fitness classes, shaping, dancing

I'm sending to the pool

I am hardening

4. Choose one answer option.

Conditions of stay in kindergarten

Quite acceptable

Needs improvement

group and recreational lighting

cleanliness and order in the group and recreation

safety of children, safety of their property

condition of the preschool area

psychological atmosphere in kindergarten in general

psychological support of the educational process, help of a psychologist

optimal temperature conditions in the group (depending on the season)

atmosphere of coziness and comfort (interior design, landscaping)

group furniture and equipment

sanitary condition and equipment of toilets

availability and quality of drinking water

Questionnaire for teachers.

1. What is a healthy lifestyle? (You can choose multiple answers)

doing sports

lack of bad habits

healthy sleep

personal hygiene

balanced diet

positive emotions

adherence to the daily routine

disease prevention, hardening

smoking moderately cigarettes a day

reading magazines and newspapers about a healthy lifestyle

full spiritual life

watching TV late

2. Why do you think you need to lead a healthy lifestyle? (You can choose multiple answers)

4. What are you doing to improve your own health? (You can choose multiple answers)

I try to be more outdoors, in nature

avoid bad habits, fight them

doing sports

I try to sleep well, not to overwork

doing exercises, gymnastics

I follow the regime and diet

I try not to overuse work on a computer, TV

I follow the daily routine

doing fitness, shaping, dancing

swimming in the pool


I regularly visit doctors, I follow their recommendations

6. Choose one answer.

7. Choose one answer option.

8. How do you personally assess the state of health of modern preschoolers?(Choose one answer).

10. What, in your opinion, most of all influences the formation of the health culture of modern preschoolers?


Parents questionnaire

1. Where do you get knowledge about healthy lifestyle

A) from special books

B) from the media

C) from a conversation

  1. You lead a healthy lifestyle

A) yes

B) partly

B) no

D) I am at a loss

  1. You instill a healthy lifestyle in your children

A) yes

B) I find it difficult to answer

  1. If you vaccinate, in what way

A) through conversations

B) by personal example

B) jointly

D) with the help of sports activities

  1. Do you drink alcohol

A) very rarely

B) I do not use

C) I often use

  1. Do you smoke?

A) no

B) very rarely

B) often

D) threw

  1. How children spend their leisure time

A) at my grandmother

B) walk in the yard

C) watching TV

D) with friends

D) playing sports


The attitude of parents to the health and healthy lifestyle of their child.

Dear parents, we ask you to answer the following questions:

1. Has your child been sick in the last six months? _________________________

If sick, list the diseases __________________________________


2. How many days has your child been ill? __________________________________

3. What caused his illness? ____________________________________

4. Does the child have a regular daily routine? ______________________________

5. Does your child do morning exercises every day? __________

6. Does he brush his teeth daily? _____________________________________

7. How much time does the child spend outdoors every day? ______


8. Does he eat fruits, vegetables? How many times a day? __________________


9. Does the child respect the people around him and does not argue over trifles? ___


10. Do you regularly harden with your child? _________________

11. Do you always dress your child for the weather? ______________________________

12. Is the child engaged in a sports section, dancing or other types of physical activity for at least 1 hour a day (in addition to physical education in kindergarten)? _______________________________________


13. Does the child have books about health and healthy lifestyle? ____________


14. Do you have a fitness center at home? _________


Analysis of the survey of parents on the topic "Introducing preschoolers to a healthy lifestyle"

The survey was carried out on the basis of the middle group "Alenki" GBDOU No. 23 Krasnogvardeisky district of St. Petersburg within the framework of one of the themes of the program.

Objectives of the survey:

  • Clarify the level of knowledge and understanding of children of the concept of a healthy lifestyle;
  • Assess the degree of parental involvement in introducing children to a healthy lifestyle; understanding and awareness of the importance of this issue;
  • Find out whether work is being carried out to introduce children to a healthy lifestyle at home.

The number of respondents was 11 people.

The questionnaire was conducted by the teacher of the middle group of GBDOU No. 23 Melnik Maria Nikolaevna.

Analyzing the parents' answers, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • 95% of the respondents believe that the concept of a healthy lifestyle includes - proper nutrition, absence of bad habits and sports.
  • All parents consider it important to introduce their children to the methods of a healthy lifestyle; The personal example of adults is considered important.
  • 20% of respondents regularly go in for sports and outdoor activities, the rest - often, on holidays and weekends;
  • About half of the families have physical education equipment at home;
  • 90% consider the cultivation of cultural and hygienic skills, exercise limitation, ventilation and wet cleaning, as well as adherence to diet and sleep patterns, are important aspects.
  • Physical education and health work in a preschool institution is important for all parents.

General conclusion:

The role of parents in strengthening the health of children and introducing them to a healthy lifestyle The conditions in which a child lives in a family are no less important for the formation of his health than the conditions of his stay in kindergarten. Generalization of the research materials, according to the questionnaire survey of parents, made it possible to assess the quality of adherence to the daily regimen and health-improving and hardening activities in the family. It was noted that the issue of physical education in many families is being solved quite successfully. However, in a number of cases, all the necessary conditions have not been created to improve the health and development of children. For example, many parents do not pay enough attention to walking, sleeping, and physical activity of their children. Children watch TV until late, play computer games not only on weekends, but also on workdays. That is why the problem of strengthening the health of the child in the family should take the most important place among the various educational measures that parents use. Analysis of personal data showed that the evening walk of children with their parents is carried out irregularly, even in favorable weather. Citing the lack of time, many parents do not go out for walks or do not go out with their children at all on weekends. In many families, children are not put to bed during the day on holidays and weekends. This creates the preconditions for overstrain of the child's nervous system, which occurs as a result of excessive wakefulness. It is known that a systematic reduction in the duration of night sleep leads to chronic lack of sleep, which can cause neuropsychiatric disorders, and reduces the protective reactions of the child's body. The reason for the late falling asleep of children is most often the abuse of watching TV. Many children spend up to 2 hours or more watching TV. Such a pastime for children is not a rest or entertainment, but an additional load on the nervous system, organs of vision and the musculoskeletal system. The most important condition for the full development of preschoolers is sufficient physical activity throughout the day. In the family, the overwhelming majority of parents pay the main attention to the mental education of the child, teaching him to read, write, and count. During walks, such important sports exercises as sledging, skiing, scooters, which are important for the development of the child's motor skills, are not used enough. As you know, hardening measures can be effective only when they are carried out in a complex, systematically, both in a preschool educational institution and at home. However, as it turned out, in many families, children do not regularly comply with hygiene rules - they do not brush their teeth, do not perform the simplest water procedures that older preschoolers can carry out on their own. It is the duty of every family and the introduction of children to a healthy lifestyle. In addition to generally accepted recommendations for the implementation of hygienic standards, a healthy lifestyle involves the education of children in an active life position in relation to their own health. The development of healthy lifestyle habits, as a rule, does not occur spontaneously, but in the process of systematic, purposeful upbringing and education. The formation of a healthy lifestyle is the upbringing of a complex of various skills, rules, abilities and knowledge that children can apply in practice. The healthy lifestyle skills formed in early childhood are retained in the future. A child, growing up, will always be protected from a variety of harmful influences with which he will inevitably have to

The most valuable thing in any survey is the information that we receive as a result. It is very important to be able to draw the correct conclusions based on the results of the survey. This is why a thorough analysis of the data obtained is needed. It allows you to identify the problem and then, accordingly, outline the ways to solve it, plan the work on adjusting the educational process and interaction with parents. I bring to your attention a questionnaire and an analysis of the results of a survey of parents on the topic "healthy lifestyle"



Municipal government preschool educational institution

"Borodino kindergarten of general developmental type No. 2" Teremok "

administration of the municipality Kireevsky district


results of the survey of parents "On a healthy lifestyle"

The survey was conducted from 12 to 17 October 2014 in all groups of the kindergarten.

The parents showed high activity and interest: 85% of the completed questionnaires were returned.

Conclusions: according to the parents' answers, it can be judged that they do not always clearly understand what indicators make up the concept of "healthy lifestyle", the idea of ​​the factors affecting the child's health is one-sided. They mainly indicated proper nutrition and walks. Several people pointed to the ecological situation and the quality of food. Only 10% of parents answered that it is necessary to provide the child at home, in the family and in the preschool educational institution with a healthy lifestyle in the complex. 20% indicated the need for hardening. However, walks in the fresh air and water procedures were mainly mentioned as hardening procedures, which indicates a lack of knowledge about the methods and techniques of hardening.

90% recognize the importance and priority importance of physical development in preschool educational institutions and at home.

90% noted that they need help from the kindergarten in the process of strengthening and maintaining the health of children.

1. educators of groups to conduct additional consultations on the topic "healthy lifestyle";

Deadline: November 2014 Responsible: group educators.

2. to carry out joint activities with parents of a sports orientation.

Deadline: before the end of the academic year. Responsible: group educators.

Parents survey

on health issues

Purpose of the survey: analyze the work of the kindergarten and family to improve the health of children and reduce morbidity.

Parents of all kindergarten groups (48 parents) took part in the survey.

To the first question Does your child often get sick?

A. does not get sick at all - 40% of the parents answered, B. rarely gets sick - 50%, V. often gets sick - 10%.

2. Parents consider the causes of the disease :

A. insufficient physical education of a child in kindergarten - 21%,

B. insufficient physical education of the child in the family -25%,

B. heredity, predisposition - 54%.

3. Do you know the physical indicators by which you can monitor the correct development of your child?

A. yes - 38%, B. no -12%, V. Partially - 50%.

4. What, in your opinion, should the family and the kindergarten pay special attention to, taking care of the health and physical culture of the child?

A. compliance with the regime - 56%,

B. proper sleep - 34%,

B. sufficient stay in the fresh air - 5%,

D. healthy hygienic environment - 5%,

D. favorable psychological atmosphere - 0%,

E. physical activities - 0%,

G. hardening activities - 0%.

5. Do you spend joint family active leisure (hiking, walks, etc.)

A. yes - 67% B. no - 2% C. Sometimes - 31%

6. Do you know how to improve your child's health?

A. yes - 62%, B. partially - 37%, V. No - 1%.

7. Do you need help from a kindergarten?

A. yes - 50%, B. partially - 44%, V. No — 6%.

8. Are you interested in information about nutrition in kindergarten (menus, consultations, classes for parents, information boards, parent meetings, etc.)

A. yes - 75% B. no - 25% C. Sometimes - 0%

9. How does your child feel about kindergarten nutrition?

A. good - 92% B. bad - 8%

10. Are you familiar with the concept of "balanced diet"

A. yes - 88% B. no, but I want to know - 12% C. this is the concern of specialists - 0%

11. Do you prefer to cook vegetable dishes in your family?

A. yes - 23% B. no - 19% C. Sometimes - 33%

12. Is food in kindergarten organized rationally, in your opinion?

A. yes - 63% B. no - 27% C. I cannot answer - 10%

13. What products do you think should be mandatory in the daily diet of a child?

A. meat - 49% B. fish - 19% C. Vegetables - 17% G. cereals - 7%

Other - 8%

14.Your feedback and suggestions for nutrition in preschool

Include more fruits and meat (chicken), fried fish in the diet.

In this way less than half of the respondents read the literature on healthy lifestyles, only a few are engaged in exercise, only half of the respondents are interested in hardening issues, and as a result, in half of the families surveyed, children often get sick.

The task of strengthening the health of pupils remains one of the main tasks of the teaching staff, we hope for close cooperation with the parent community in solving it.

Questionnaire for parents.

Dear Parents!

We invite you to take part in the survey. Your answers will help to make the physical culture and health-improving work of our kindergarten more effective and organize meetings with specialists based on your requests.

Pay attention to the formatting of the answers. They suggest the possibility of text filling or the choice of one of the proposed options.

1. "Healthy lifestyle" - how do you understand this?

Proper nutrition

Compliance with the daily routine

Favorable environmental conditions

Harmonious family relationships

Physical education

Other _________________________

2. What factors, from your point of view, most affect the health of your child?

Environmental pollution

Hereditary diseases

Insufficient level of physical activity

Improper nutrition

Bad habits

Other _____________________________



I am at a loss to answer

4. How often did your child get sick during the year?

Yes, (_______) times?


What do you see as the causes of diseases? ___________________________

5. How do you spend your weekend with your child?


6. What, in your opinion, should educators, kindergarten staff pay special attention to, taking care of the health and physical education of the child?

Compliance with the regime

Balanced diet

A good sleep

Adequate outdoor exposure

Healthy hygiene environment

Favorable psychological atmosphere

Hardening activities

Other ________________________________

7. Is there a daily routine for your child at home?



If "Yes", indicate the times of its main components.

Weekdays Weekends


Night sleep

Daytime sleep


8. List your child's activities at home (Weekdays, (evening), weekends)

Drawing, modeling, construction

Outdoor games

Hiking with parents

Listening to stories, fairy tales

Watching children's television programs

Other ____________________________

9. What measures are you taking to improve your child's health?

Visiting doctors



Breathing exercises


Walks in the open air

Proper nutrition

Other ________________________________________________

10. How often do you pay attention to strengthening your child's health?


From time to time

I don’t pay

11. Are there any reasons that prevent attention from being paid to the health of the child? If so, which ones?

Lack of special knowledge and skills

Lack of time due to high professional employment

The reasons are in their own inertia

Other _______________________________________________

12. What is the main source of information for you about the possibilities of physical development and health improvement of a child?

In kindergarten:


Medical workers

Parents of other children

Visual-textual information

Other ___________________________________________

Outside kindergarten:

Mass media


Own life experience

Advice from parents, friends, acquaintances

Medical consultations

Other ___

13. What information do you need in this area?

Prevention of colds

Organization of rational nutrition

The motor regime of a preschool child

Prevention of posture disorders and flat feet in children

Hardening a preschool child

Preschooler's day regimen

Physical and psychological readiness for school

Other _________________________________________________

14. What forms and types of physical activity do you personally use?

Morning work-out

Hardening procedures (water, sauna, etc.)

Classes in health-improving groups (physiotherapy exercises, swimming pool, etc.)


Sports activities


Other __________________________________________________

15. How often do you exercise?

Regularly From time to time I do not practice Other ______________

16. Continue with the following statement: “I believe my family follows a ______% healthy lifestyle because _________________________________________

17. Age: - Your _________- Your child __________

18. Education: - Higher - Secondary

19. Family composition ____________

20. Number of children _____________

Thank you for your cooperation!