What is the real difference between cheap and expensive products, besides the price? The girl checked on herself whether the difference between expensive and cheap cosmetics is visible

Myth 1. Anti-aging products affect the deeper layers of the skin.

The skin is a unique organ that rids us of toxins, protects us from the harmful effects of the environment, so no cream can penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, as advertising claims, - Ekaterina Vasilyeva, MD, dermatologist at the Institute of Plastic Surgery and cosmetology. - And this is good. After all, if the substances contained in cosmetics could penetrate deeper than the stratum corneum of the epidermis (the upper layer of the skin that is updated throughout life), we would not have survived. After all, all the chemicals contained in the cream would get into the bloodstream: synthetic oils, petroleum products, fragrances, microbes from the hands.

Myth 2. Cream inhibits skin aging.

The skin is almost 90% water. With age, there is less moisture in it, by old age its volume is reduced to 40% - hence flabbiness and wrinkles. Cosmetics only help to look after the appearance - they cannot restrain the aging process.

Myth 3. Cosmetics are completely natural and medicinal.

There is no completely natural cosmetics, - continues E. Vasilyeva. - All products contain chemical preservatives. Natural cream, of course, can be made, but even in the refrigerator it is stored for only a few days. How many natural substances are in a cosmetic can be judged by reading its composition. The further down the list is the desired component, the smaller its share. Alas, there is no medical cosmetics. Only drugs can cure. The sale of cosmetics through the pharmacy network at one time became a well-thought-out marketing move by foreign companies.

For the naive - noodles on the ears

Myth 4. Expensive products contain the most effective ingredients.

If you read the composition of the cream with a magnifying glass for 15 thousand rubles. (and it is written in small, small and in Latin), it will almost coincide with the composition of the nourishing cream for 100 rubles, states Andrey Iskornev, plastic surgeon. - The base of the cream is always water and oil. The principle of pricing expensive cosmetics is the same as that of branded clothing. You pay for a well-known brand, where a third of the cost is taken by luxurious packaging. Unfortunately, youth cannot be returned with the help of a cream (no matter how much it costs). That is why plastic surgery exists and develops, hardware procedures that allow you to influence the deep layers of the skin and muscles, drugs that are administered by injection.

There is also no evidence that creams containing vitamins, hormones or collagen have any special effect on the skin, says Miriam Stopard, MD, member of the World Union of Pharmacists. - There is also no scientific evidence that creams that include expensive mink lard or tortoise oil are more beneficial than those that have added cheap vegetable oils. Medicine has no evidence that creams with natural or organic ingredients are more effective than those with synthetic ones.

We express ourselves so carefully that no court will find fault, - answers Andrey Arkhangelsky, author of advertising texts. - If it is said: nine out of ten women felt that their skin became elastic after using shoe polish, we can safely say that it "helps 90% of women." No one can dispute what they "felt". Or take nanoparticles. "Nano" means "very small". So, the oven soot, which was included in the cheapest Soviet mascara, was entirely made of nanoparticles! Add a drop of it to Vaseline, and here is an innovative remedy for you! And everything said about him is true.


How can you prolong youth?

Feed the beauty from the inside, - Andrey Iskornev advises. - Drink vitamins, get enough sleep, eat rationally, do not smoke, do gymnastics and massage, which improve blood flow, and therefore the nutrition of the skin and tissues.

“This cosmetics is completely natural and hypoallergenic”, “Thanks to the active substances, the cream penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin, wrinkles are smoothed out,” - you just won’t hear from advertising. What promises should be trusted, which should not, and what you need to know when buying cosmetics so as not to overpay in vain, says beauty blogger, beauty and health coach Yulia Sayfullina.


Myth #1 : Ingredients of luxury creams penetrate deep into the skin, providing a more pronounced effect.

In fact, the skin prevents the penetration of any ingredients deeper than the epidermis - the topmost layer.

Myth #2 : thanks to an expensive cream, the skin does not age longer.

In fact, no cream can stop age-related changes: over time, the skin retains fluid less and less, which causes wrinkles. Cosmetics (whether expensive or cheap) only take care of our appearance.

Myth #3 : expensive cosmetics - completely natural.

This just doesn't happen. To verify this, just look at the expiration date on the jar. No natural ingredients can be stored for a year or more without the help of chemical preservatives.


Myth #4 : only expensive creams have effective ingredients.

The basis of any cream is water and oil. Some additional components are available both in the middle market and in the luxury segment. Yes, there are differences, but! No matter how expensive the cream is, it is impossible to restore youth with its help. This is clearly evidenced by the popularity - and performance! – injection and hardware cosmetology, as well as plastic surgery.

Indeed, there is a law that says: everything that is said in advertising must have a scientific justification. But in fact, most companies solve the problem ... with competent formulations. For example, during testing of the cream, 86% of women "felt more hydrated", "notice that the skin became more toned." But someone's personal impressions are not a clinical fact!


The effectiveness of your cream does not depend on the price at all! Compound! Here's what you need to pay attention to first! And, if you read the labels of inexpensive and luxury products, you will find that in many ways their composition is similar. What substances and components of cosmetics really "work"? Important: in a quality cream, all active and useful ingredients should be at the very beginning of the list. Because the earlier the component is specified, the higher the percentage of its content in the product.

In skincare, this : probiotics (live bacteria), trehalose (natural polysaccharide), lecithin, hyaluronic acid, phytosterol, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vegetable and essential oils, vitamins A, E, C, allantoin, squalene, silver ions, tretinoin, coenzyme Q10, placenta extract , seaweed, royal jelly, matrixyl, ceramides, acids (lactic, fruit, glycolic, AHA). This is far from a complete list!

In decorative cosmetics : base vegetable oils, peptides, hyaluronic acid, vegetable and flower natural waxes, aloe vera extracts, centella asiatica and green tea, vitamins A, E, C, white clay, caffeine, zinc oxide, boron nitride, titanium dioxide, ceramides, amino acids .

Well, is it time to draw conclusions? Based on all this, I can say with confidence that there is not much difference between inexpensive and expensive cosmetics. The middle market often offers decent products that do not have to overpay for the brand, packaging and advertising. And what you really should pay attention to when choosing is the composition: carefully study the label and make a decision based on whether the product contains useful active ingredients or not - and in what quantities.

Cosmetologists say that cheap cosmetics spoil the skin, so if you care about your health, it is better to avoid using them at all costs. True or not, let the professionals figure it out. We are just interested in the aesthetic side of the issue - is it possible to make a beautiful make-up with the help of affordable cosmetics, and will the difference be visible in comparison with the road?

wuzzup invites you to get acquainted with the results of a very curious experiment conducted by the model Dilyara Faizullina.


Cheap cosmetics (left),: The foundation is applied like a cream, the texture is very loose, does not even out the skin and also tightens it. The powder is also applied unevenly and makes the skin on the face orange, despite the fact that the right tone is chosen.

Foundation - 350 rubles, powder - 200 rubles.

Expensive cosmetics (right): Foundation lays down evenly and hides all skin imperfections. The same goes for powder.

Foundation - 3500 rubles, powder - 2590 rubles.


Cheap cosmetics (left): The texture of the shadow is quite dense. They lay down well, do not gather and do not crumble. The eyeliner has a comfortable brush, it applies well. The mascara is a bit clumpy, but not bad overall.

Eye shadow - 355 rubles, eyeliner - 150 rubles, mascara - 345 rubles.

Expensive cosmetics (right): The texture of the shadow is also quite dense and does not crumble. Eyeliner feels the same as the previous one. Mascara without lumps, lays down very well.

Eye shadow - 3150 rubles, eyeliner - 1800 rubles, mascara - 2200 rubles.


Cheap cosmetics (left): The lipstick is mother-of-pearl, has a specific smell. But overall it looks good.

Lipstick - 100 rubles.

Expensive cosmetics (right): Matte, with a pleasant smell. A little difficult to apply due to the fact that it is quite thick and dry.

Lipstick - 1330 rubles.

And here are the finished images.

From this angle, the eyes, made up with expensive and cheap cosmetics, seem to be impossible to distinguish. In our opinion, the first make-up loses a lot to the second one, mainly due to the loose foundation, because of which the whole make-up seems a little “dirty”.

But we decided not to stop there and arranged a few more tests for cosmetics. To begin with, we sent our model under a drizzle, and then asked to eat an apple to test the durability of lipstick.

After the rain

Cheap cosmetics (left): Even though the mascara was claimed to be waterproof on the packaging, unfortunately it didn't pass the test and leaked. The lining was also smeared. The tone as a whole has not changed, because initially it was not visible.

Expensive cosmetics (right): Waterproof mascara passed this test with dignity and retained its durability, as did the eyeliner. Shadows, unlike cheap ones, strongly gathered on the folds of the eyelids. The skin began to shine a little.

After eating an apple

Cheap cosmetics (left): There is practically no trace of lipstick left.

Expensive cosmetics (right): Lipstick rubbed off a little in the center, but remained on the lips.


1. Cheap cosmetics are not always visually inferior to expensive ones.

2. Still, it is better to choose a foundation of more expensive brands.

3. In the photographs, the differences are minimal, so if you need some kind of cosmetics to create an image at a photo shoot, you can get by with a cheap one.

Section: Useful

In this article, we will look at the difference between an expensive and a cheap HDMI cable and decide whether to buy an expensive HDMI cable.
Today, the price range of HDMI cables is quite wide. The cost of one cable starts from 100-something rubles and reaches several thousand. There are different opinions from many people about the value of buying an expensive HDMI cable.

One willing to prove this questioned theory is Zsolt Malota, who has owned an audiovisual installation company since 1995. Using a series of expensive devices, Malota has obtained several results that shed some light on this issue.
The tests themselves cover concepts such as image brightness and color space. Malota wanted to prove that four different priced HDMI cables would output the same picture regardless of the price or implied quality. Achieving this result can be considered a significant feat, since it requires expensive equipment.

Tools and tests


Universal cable supplied with Toshiba BDX1200Y
Universal HDMI cable 2 meters ($12)
Cable Cabac 5 meters (~ 20$)
Audio Dimension cable 5 meters (~ 200$)

Plasma TV Samsung PS50C7000

Despite the good measurement tools, the display did not have much effect on the results. Melota only sought to prove that all cables would lead to the same results, rather than the quality of an individual cable playing any role.

Simply put, a spectrophotometer measures the intensity of light, while a colorimeter determines the amount of apparent color saturation. When used together, these devices can prove whether the colors on the display are reproduced accurately. Given the fact that color space is a TV's primary function when displaying images, these tests should provide enough data to compare display over HDMI cables that are of varying quality and price ranges.


The images below show the results of two main tests: CIE Gamma and RGB Balance. The CIE gamut on the left of the picture shows where the three primary colors and three secondary colors are located on the color spectrum.
The RGB balance chart shows that the three primary colors have almost equal values. Ideally, we want the tops of all colored columns to line up and have the same height.

As you can see, there is no significant difference between the cheapest and most expensive HDMI cables in terms of color space. There are some minor changes, but they are all within the acceptable range.

Other criteria to consider:

Each HDMI cable has a limited maximum length to avoid signal distortion.

Other major differences between HDMI cables come down to which category of cable is tested. In this case, all supported 1080p resolution transmission, meaning they were categorized as HDMI 1.3 or HDMI 1.4. When buying a cable, the actual price and manufacturer are irrelevant, but it should be noted that each HDMI cable has a limited maximum length to avoid signal distortion. Trying to increase the length of the cable can be a bad idea. Your best bet is to spend the extra money on two cables and a repeater to maintain signal quality.
From this article, it becomes clear that there is no point in buying an expensive HDMI cable. It's smart to spend the extra money on a longer cable if you're running it through walls or ceilings, but if you're paying extra for gold-plated cable contacts, you're putting hard-earned cash into the walls of your home. Therefore, the price of an HDMI cable should depend on its length, and not on the gold-plated contacts and the manufacturer.

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It is believed that cheap cosmetics cannot be compared with the expensive ones and are not able to have the desired effect. Is this really so, and is there any point in overpaying?

We are in website decided to check it out. Naturally, the question of how expensive and cheap cosmetics affect the skin was not even raised. We just wanted to see if it was possible to get beautiful makeup without spending a lot of money.


Cheap cosmetics (left), : The tonal base is applied like a cream, the texture is very loose, does not even out the skin and also tightens it. The powder is also applied unevenly and makes the skin on the face orange, despite the fact that the right tone is chosen.

Foundation - 350 rubles, powder - 200 rubles.

Expensive cosmetics (on the right): The tonal foundation lays down evenly and hides all skin imperfections. The same goes for powder.

Foundation - 3500 rubles, powder - 2590 rubles.


Cheap cosmetics (left): The texture of the shadows is quite dense. They lay down well, do not gather and do not crumble. The eyeliner has a comfortable brush, it applies well. The mascara is a bit clumpy, but not bad overall.

Eye shadow - 355 rubles, eyeliner - 150 rubles, mascara - 345 rubles.

Expensive cosmetics (on the right): The texture of the shadows is also quite dense and does not crumble. Eyeliner feels the same as the previous one. Mascara without lumps, lays down very well.

Eye shadow - 3150 rubles, eyeliner - 1800 rubles, mascara - 2200 rubles.


Cheap cosmetics (left): The lipstick is mother-of-pearl, has a specific smell. But overall it looks good.

Lipstick - 100 rubles.

Expensive cosmetics (on the right): Matte, with a pleasant smell. A little difficult to apply due to the fact that it is quite thick and dry.

Lipstick - 1330 rubles.

And here are the finished images.

From this angle, the eyes, made up with expensive and cheap cosmetics, seem to be impossible to distinguish. In our opinion, the first make-up loses a lot to the second one, mainly due to the loose foundation, because of which the whole make-up seems a little “dirty”.

But we decided not to stop there and arranged a few more tests for cosmetics. To begin with, we sent our model under a drizzle, and then asked to eat an apple to test the durability of lipstick.