N. Kalinina's reading "About the Snow Bun". Topic: "Reading the story of N. Kalinina" About the snow bun

Elena Simonenko
Abstract of the GCD for the development of speech. Retelling of the story by N. Kalinina "About the snow bun"

Software content:

Coherent speech. To teach children hand over the content of the literary text is coherent, consistent, expressive, without leading questions from the teacher.

Dictionary. Develop the ability to select definitions; intensify use in speech adjectives.

Grammar. Strengthen the ability to form the genitive plural forms of nouns in difficult cases: boots, stockings, socks, slippers, mittens, mittens; teach children to correctly conjugate the verb want.

Sound culture speeches... Strengthen the ability to pronounce words loudly and clearly.

Doll clothes: boots, stockings, mittens, slippers, socks (it is possible to replace items of clothing with pictures with their image).

The course of the lesson.

Children, what time of year is it? (Children answer.)

Is it winter right now?

Listen to an excerpt from a poem by Ivan Surikov "Winter", which talks about the main sign of winter.

Fluffy white snow

Is spinning in the air

And quietly to the ground

Falls, lies down.

Children, what sign of winter is this poem talking about? (About snow.) Did you like how the poet wrote, what different words did he choose? (Children answer.)

As it is said about the snow, what is it? (White, fluffy.) What does snow do? What words do you remember? (Spins, falls, lies down.)

You, too, know how to choose different words that decorate your story and make it interesting. Tell me, what kind of snow is there? (White, fluffy, silver, sparkling, etc.)

You see what beautiful and expressive words you remembered about snow. (Repeats the words spoken by the children.)

Children, now I am you I'll tell you an interesting story, and you listen to it carefully.

The guys went for a walk, played merrily, blinded snow woman; the weather was sunny and frosty; the children came to the kindergarten in a great mood. How else can you say what they were like? (Merry, joyful, contented, laughing.)

Then the children had lunch, went to bed, and when they woke up and went to the window, they saw that the weather had deteriorated. What mood did they become? (Bad.) What kind of children have become, how can you say otherwise? (Sorry, confused, disgruntled, sad.)

Guys listen story by Natalia Kalinina"About snow bun» .

After the reading, the teacher asks the children questions.

What does it say story? What did the guys do during

yard? What happened to snowball? What is special to you

liked it in story? (Children answer.)

Listen carefully story again then you will be it retell.

For retelling three children are called. They agree on who will start story who will continue who will finish.

Text retold twice... After the teacher evaluates the retelling, involving children in the discussion.

Now we'll play. Do you want to play? (We want.) And you, Tanya, do you want? (Want.) Guys, listen to what an amazing word we said. This is the word to want. It changes in different ways. It all depends on whether we are talking about one person or many. About one let's say: I want, he wants, you want. And about many let's say: we want, you want, they want. (Children repeat the forms of the verb after the teacher.)

Do you want to play snowballs? Stand up and imagine that we are in the winter forest. Show how you bent down and pick up the snow. And now they made a lump. They threw it with their left hand. We take snow again, make a lump. We throw it with our right hand.

And now I will read to you a humorous poem by Samuel Marshak about pigs.

I give you my word of honor:

Yesterday at half past five

I saw two pigs

No hats or shoes.

I give you my word of honor.

Did you like the poem? Do pigs wear shoes? Or maybe the pigs wear stockings, socks, slippers, mittens? (Children answer.)

This really cannot be correct - this is a joke that Samuel Marshak composed.

You and I can also compose funny jokes about different birds and animals. I will begin, and whoever I point to will continue. To help you compose, I will show clue pictures.

We give you our word of honor:

Yesterday at half past five

We saw forty

Without. (boot) and. (stocking,

And no puppies. (socks,

And without titmouses. (slippers) and. (mittens).

Did we make funny jokes?

- Guess the riddle: "Woolen, warm, small - is it a sock or a mitten?" (Mitten.) Woolen - mitten, and sock -. (woolen).

On the desk hung up items of doll clothes.

Let's play a game now "What's gone?"... Take a close look at these items. Remember them. (Children close their eyes, and the teacher removes the socks, then the children open their eyes.) What's gone?

Two or three children are called. Each correct answer is followed by comment: "That's right, there are no socks".

The game is repeated two or three times. At the end of the lesson, the teacher encourages children: "Well done, remembered all the items, named them correctly".

Guys, let's remember story by Natalia Kalinina"About snow bun» ... What was said in this story? What did Alyosha find near his locker, on the floor, after sleeping? Let's draw a boy Alyosha with you, who found a puddle on the floor and was very got upset that his gingerbread man melted. (Children draw).

About snow bun... N. Kalinin

The guys were walking in the yard. They sculpted a woman out of the snow. Alyosha blinded snow bun... Found embers - made eyes; found sticks - made a nose and a mouth. The guys played, took a walk and went back to the kindergarten. Sorry for Alyosha leave the bun in the yard, he took it and put it in his pocket.

I came to kindergarten, hung my fur coat in the locker, and remained lying in the pocket of my fur coat snow bun... The guys had lunch, after dinner they went to bed, and when they woke up, Alyosha remembered about his bun... I ran with the guys to the locker, and puddle near the locker... What's happened?

They opened the door, looked, and from the pocket - drip, drip, drip, drip - water drips.

Alyosha looked into his pocket, but there is no kolobok.

There are two coals and two sticks in a wet pocket.

A kolobok where? What do you think?

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Topic: Story by N. Kalinina "About the snow bun"

Software content:
- To learn to emotionally perceive a work of art, to understand the content of the text
-Continue to teach how to answer questions, tell, develop coherent speech
- To develop cognitive and research, communication activities, memory, imagination
-to cultivate an interest in fiction

Preliminary work:
Observation of the properties of snow: white, cold, crumbly, soft;
pouring, spinning, concealing, molding
Conversation on the topic: "Snow fun"
Play activities during the walk: "Buildings made of snow - a snowman, a bun, a slide"

Types of children's activities:
- game
-cognitive and research
- communicative
- perception of fiction by N. Kalinina's story "About the Snow Bun"

Methods and techniques:
Verbal: reading, telling, talking
Gaming: physical education
Visual: observing a snowball

GCD move
Children stand in a circle

Educator: -Children, what time of year is it?
Children: - Winter
Q .: - How did you know that it is winter outside?
D.: - It's snowing outside, it's cold, frosty
V.: - Do you guys know that snow can go, spin, fall and melt.
-What happens to him when he falls on a warm palm?
D .: - Tait
V.: - Children, look what I have in the bucket
D .: - Snow
V.: - Sit on the chairs and listen to Natalia Kalinina's story "About the Snow Bun"

(Story text)
“The guys were walking in the yard. They sculpted a woman out of the snow. Alyosha blinded a snowball. I found coals - I made eyes, I found sticks - I made a nose and a mouth. The guys played, took a walk and went back to the kindergarten. It is a pity for Alyosha to leave the bun in the yard, he took it and put it in his pocket.
I came to kindergarten, hung up my fur coat in a locker, and a snow bun remained in the pocket of my fur coat. The guys had lunch, went to bed after dinner, and when they woke up, Alyosha remembered about his bun. I ran with the guys to the locker, and there was a puddle near the locker. What's happened? They opened the door, looked, and from the pocket - drip, drip, drip, drip - water drips.
Alyosha looked into his pocket - and there was no kolobok.
There are two coals and two sticks in a wet pocket.
Alyosha looks at everyone and asks:
- Where is my bun?
Where's the bun? What do you think?"

D.: - Melted
Q.: - Why did he melt?
D.: - Because the bun was warm

Physical education
Children stand in a circle.
Q .: -Let's play.
Prepared palms, we will sculpt snowballs.
-One two three four
- we made snowballs with you (they mold snowballs with their palms, changing the position of the hands)
- round, strong, very smooth (show the cam of one hand, stroking the other)
- and not at all sweet (threaten with your index finger)
- just toss
- two-we'll catch
- and put it in the basket (imitation of movements)
Children sit on high chairs, and the teacher asks questions about the content of the text

V.: - What did Alyosha do during the walk?
- Why did the bun melt?
- Why did Alyosha take the kolobok to the kindergarten?
- Where did he put the bun?
- What happens to the snow in the warmth?
V .: - Well done, children, you answered all the questions correctly!
Let's remember what the story is called?
D.: -About the snow bun!
V.: - Now look what we have with you in the bucket?
D .: - The snow began to melt.
Q: -And why?
D.: - Since it is warm in our group!

Attached files

Author details

Ovsyuk IV

Place of work, position:

Leningrad region. Gatchina MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 13 combined type"

Leningrad region

Lesson characteristics (lessons)

The level of education:

Preschool education

The target audience:


The target audience:


The target audience:


Item (s):

The purpose of the lesson:

Target: Formation of skills for retelling a short text using mnemonics and an interactive whiteboard.

Lesson type:

Combined lesson

Methodical literature used:

Book N Kalinin's story "About the snow bun"

Equipment used:

Interactive whiteboard, notebook.

Short description:

In this lesson, the children and I learn to retell the story using mnemonics. We develop dialogic and narrative speech. With the help of an interactive whiteboard, we create models in the course of the story. We develop memory, attention.

Tasks: Learn to analyze the text using questions and answers using mnemonics.

To develop dialogical and narrative speech, the ability to retell small works coherently, consistently and expressively.

Answer questions with a full answer, correctly formulating the proposal.

Develop memory, attention, thinking.

Build children's collaborative skills by working on an interactive whiteboard.

Course of the lesson:

Guys, guess the riddle:

I thought it was chalk
Because it is white
And he took it in his hands,
He became water. (snow)

That's right, it's snow. What is snow like? (Soft, cold, white, airy ...)

Do you like snow?

Do you like playing with snow?

How can we play? (Build slides, sledding, skiing, making a snowman, snowballs ...)

We all love to play with snow. Let's read with you a story about the boy Alyosha and what happened to him.

N Kalinin's story "About the snow bun"

The guys were walking in the yard. They sculpted a woman out of the snow. Alyosha blinded a snowball. Found embers - made eyes; found sticks - made a nose and a mouth. The guys played, took a walk and went back to the kindergarten. It is a pity for Alyosha to leave the bun in the yard, he took it and put it in his pocket.

I came to kindergarten, hung up my fur coat in a locker, and a snow bun remained in the pocket of my fur coat. The guys had dinner, went to bed after dinner, and when they woke up, Alyosha remembered about his bun. I ran with the guys to the locker, and there was a puddle near the locker. What's happened? They opened the door, looked, and from the pocket - drip - drip - drip - water drips.

Alyosha looked into his pocket, and there was no kolobok. There are two coals and two wet sticks in a wet pocket. Where's the bun? What do you think?

Did you like the story?

What were the guys doing on the street? (sculpted a snow woman).

Which of the guys blinded the snowball? (Alyosha).

How did he blind him?

Why did Alyosha feel sorry for the kolobok, what feelings did he have for the kolobok?

What was Alyosha thinking when he hid the kolobok in his pocket?

What did the guys see when they woke up, near Alyosha's locker?

Where did the gingerbread man go? (Melted).

Or maybe someone was joking and poured water into your pocket? Maybe it wasn't in my pocket.

Phys. minute: "Let's blind the kolobok"

For a long, long time we sculpted (we imitate sculpting a bun)

Our fingers are tired (shaking hands in front of us)

Let them rest a little

And they will start sculpting again

Together we spread our hands, (take your hands back-down,

And we'll start sculpting again. leaning back in a chair)

A now all the children get up,

Raise your hands slowly

Squeeze your fingers, then unclench,

Hands down and stand like that.

We all rested a little,

And went to the track.

Guys, who wants to tell the story that happened to Alyosha

And to make it easier for you to tell, let's go to our magic board and come up with small pictures of tips (models).

Get out as many squares as you will draw pictures (children work on an interactive whiteboard in the program: "ActiveInspire"

Julia Gvozdinskaya
GCD for the implementation of the educational area "Communication" in the middle group. N. Kalinina's story "About the snow bun"

Integration educational areas: « Communication» , "Reading fiction", "Cognition", "Socialization".

Types of children's activities: playful, productive, communicative, cognitive research, perception of fiction.


educational: teach children to understand the content of a work of art and retell it close to the text, teach form new cognate words, answer questions with simple common sentences.

developing: develop, memory, attention, thinking.

educational: to bring up in children the ability to empathize, benevolence, responsiveness.

Vocabulary work: revitalization-snow, Snowflake, snowman, Snow Maiden, Snow woman, coals, puddle, air.

Planned results: knows how to maintain a conversation, expresses his point of view, emotionally perceives the literary work of N. Kalinina"About snow bun» and expresses his attitude towards the characters story, shows positive emotions (interest, joy, admiration) when solving riddles. 0

Materials and equipment: book N. Kalinina"About snow bun» with illustrations, snow bun on a saucer, sheet with the image of a snowman, white crayons, tray.

Activity progress

Educated .: Guys, look how many guests we have today! Let's say hello to the guests. Now look at me and listen to what I have to tell you. We will have an interesting lesson today. I will ask you a riddle, and you try it guess:

Bel, but not sugar,

No legs, but walking ... (snow).

That's right, it's snow.

Let's go to the window with you and see why it's light and white on the street?

That's right, there is a lot of snow outside. It lies on the ground, on trees, on roofs.

Children, what snow? Well done! Right: soft, white, airy, light, cold, fluffy.

From the word snow, you can think of many different words.

What do you think snow is made of?

That's right, from snowflakes... Here is the first word that we came up with from the word snow. Snow- snowflakes.

Who did we mold out of the snow? Snowman.

Correctly a snowman. Here's another new word, snowman. It looks like it is the word snow. Snow snowman.

And what is our winter? Snowy.

On N. g with Santa Claus, who came to us? Snow Maiden.

Let's speak again the words that formed from the word snow(snowflakes, snowman, snowy, Snow Maiden).

Children, do you like snow?

How do you like to play with snow? (making slides, sledding, skiing, sculpting snowballs, snowman, build a fortress, etc.)

All children love to play with snow. And me too. I went to work today and blinded Gingerbread man... Look at who I am bun blinded? Snow! Repeat Vova ...

Let's snowball put on the windowsill, sit in our places and listen story about the boy Alyosha and his snowball.

The story is called"About snow bun» ". It was written by Natalia Kalinin.

Listen carefully.

(The teacher reads story for the first time) .

"About snow bun»

The guys were walking in the yard. They sculpted a woman out of the snow. Alyosha blinded snow bun... Found embers - made eyes; found sticks - made mouth and nose. The guys played, took a walk and went back to the kindergarten. Sorry to leave Alyosha in the yard bun... He took it and put it in his pocket.

I came to kindergarten, hung my fur coat in the locker, and remained lying in the pocket of my fur coat snow bun... The guys had dinner, and after dinner they went to bed. And when they woke up, Alyosha remembered about his bun... I ran with the guys to the locker, and near the locker - a puddle... What's happened?

They opened the door, looked, and there from the pocket - drip-cap-cap - water drips.

Alyosha looked into his pocket, but there is no kolobok.

There are two coals and two sticks in a wet pocket.

A kolobok where?

Questions about story:

1. What do you think, and where bun? (read excerpt)

2. Where did the children go?

4. What did Alyosha do? bun? (read out)

5. What did the boy make his eyes, nose, mouth? (read out)

7. What did Alyosha do? (It's a pity)

8. Where did the boy put snowball? (read out)

9. What did Alyosha do when he woke up? (read out)

10. What's left of snowball?

Children, I will read to you now story again, and you listen to it carefully and try to remember its content.

Then you will be tell our guests.

(Re-reading story)

Children, our long story, so someone will start it and someone will finish it.

Who wants tell a story about a snowball?

Start Angelina. Children, listen carefully and be ready to continue. story. (I suggest a word, a phrase if the child has forgotten).

Well done, Angelina. Go Ilyusha continue story.

(I ask 2 more pairs).

Well done, remember it well story, retold it as Natalia wrote Kalinin.

Now let's rest.

Physical education: "Let's take a walk in the yard, a little snow» .

Children, come to me, let's see how ours feels snow bun?

Yes, it didn’t melt at all, but did we get water in the plate? Why? True, the snow melts in the warmth. And our snow bun gradually began to melt and water appeared on the saucer. And what is our snow bun... That's right from the snow. And the snow? From snowflakes.

Let's spin with you like snowflakes... They spin easily, smoothly.

White snowflakes in the air are spinning.

And quietly on the ground, they fall, lie down!

Well done! Now let's sit down in our seats and listen to me what we are going to do. Let's take our drawings and draw around the snowman snowflakes and snowdrift... And we will draw with you not with paints, but with chalk.

See how it should be done. I drew one snowflake and you draw a lot. And then draw a snowdrift. Like this, look? Now you can get to work.

Summing up the results of the teacher's lesson. You did a very good job today, came up with many words from the word snow, remembered story« Snow bun» and now you can tell your family at home... You have made wonderful drawings, you will present them to your parents.

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3 ad h i. Coherent speech: teach children to transmit a literary text coherently, consistently, expressively, without the help of a teacher's questions;

dictionary: to teach to select appropriate definitions (activation of adjectives);

grammar: reinforce the ability to use difficult forms of the genitive plural of nouns (boots, stockings, socks, slippers, mittens, mittens); draw the attention of children to the forms of verb change to want;

sound culture of speech: draw the attention of children to the volume and clarity of the pronunciation of words.

M ate r and l. Doll clothes: boots, stockings, mittens, slippers, socks.

X o d z a n y t i i

The teacher offers to listen to an excerpt from I. Surikov's poem "Winter".

Fluffy white snow

Is spinning in the air

And quietly to the ground

Falls, lies ...

Did you like how the poet wrote, what different words did he choose? As it is said about the snow, what is it? What does snow do? What words do you remember? Listen to this passage again.

You already know how to choose different words to make it interesting to listen to. Tell me what kind of snow it is. (White, fluffy, silver, sparkling ...)

You see what beautiful and expressive words you remembered about snow (repeats the definitions given by the children).

Let's go guys for a walk. They played merrily, sculpted a snow woman. The weather was sunny and frosty. The children returned to the kindergarten in a good mood. How else can you say what they were like? (Merry, joyful, contented, laughing.)

Then the children had lunch, went to bed, and when they woke up and went to the window, they saw that the weather had deteriorated. What mood did they become? (Bad.) What kind of children have become, how can you say otherwise? (Sorry, confused, disgruntled, sad ...)

The teacher reads the story of N. Kalinina "About the snow bun".

Questions for children:

What is this story about?

What were the guys doing in the yard?

What happened to the snowball?

What did you particularly like about the story?

Listen to the story again and then retell it.

For retelling, the teacher calls three children. He invites them to agree on who will start the story, who will continue, who will finish.

Why do you think the children lined up like this: Anya the first, Denis the second, Galya the third? (Because Anya will start the story, Denis will continue, and Galya will finish.)

Two retellings are heard. Then a comparative assessment of the answers is made, in which the whole group takes part.

Physical education. The teacher says: “Now we’ll play. Do you want to play? (We want.) And you, Tanya, do you want? (I want to.) Guys, listen to what an amazing word we said. This is the word to want. It changes in different ways, and when we talk about one person, and when about many. We will say about one thing: I want, he wants, you want. And about many we will say: we want, you want, they want.

Do you want to play snowballs? Show how you bent down and pick up the snow. And now we make a lump. We throw it with our left hand. We take snow again, make a bun. We throw it with our right hand. "

The lesson continues. The teacher offers:

Now we will remember the joke poem that we came up with in the last lesson. Help me. Pronounce the words clearly. - Reading a poem, he prompts the children with an intonation of incompleteness to continue, and demonstrates clue pictures or items of doll clothes.

We give our word of honor:

Yesterday at half past five

We saw a forty without ... boots and ... a stocking

And puppies without ... socks,

And titmouses without ... slippers and ... mittens.

There are items of doll clothes on the table. The teacher makes a riddle: "Woolen, warm, small - is it a sock or a mitten?" Yes, this is a riddle about a mitten. A woolen mitten, and a ... woolen sock.

The game “What has become of it?” Is being organized. The teacher draws the children's attention to the doll clothes on his table, then covers the objects with a screen and removes one of them, for example, socks. Asks what is gone. After each correct answer, he confirms: "That's right, there are no socks (scarves, etc.)."

The game is repeated 2-3 times. At the end of the lesson, the teacher encourages the children: "Well done, they remembered all the subjects, they called them correctly."