Silver home cleaning. How can you clean silver at home. With the help of special cosmetics

Has your favorite brooch or earrings turned black? Do not know how to return such products to their former brilliance and beauty? It's OK! So that you can easily deal with such a problem, let's look at how to clean silver from blackness at home.

First, it is important to understand why the silver in the house turns black. This can happen due to a number of factors:

  • High humidity.
  • With constant contact of the product with detergents or cosmetic products, for example, hand cream.
  • With constant exposure to the metal of human sweat. For this reason, pectoral crosses, pendants, chains, rings and bracelets are most often blackened.

Since such factors can occur in any home, every housewife needs to know how to properly clean silver. Fortunately, today this can be done not only with the help of special formulations, but also through conventional home remedies.

How to prepare silver for cleaning

To make it easier for you to get rid of blackness on silverware, wash a ring or a pectoral cross from dark spots, the product must be properly prepared for cleaning. How to do it effectively? You should do the following:

  1. First you need to clean the thing from the fat adhering to it. To do this, it is enough to wash it in ordinary soapy water. At the same time, it is better to clean silver jewelry with a soft toothbrush - this way you can remove dirt even from exquisite jewelry with curves and stones.
  2. After that, the thing should be rinsed in cool water and be sure to wipe it dry with a paper towel.
  3. If necessary, this cleaning can be repeated.


if you don’t have soap on hand, you can dilute shampoo or ordinary dishwashing detergent in water instead. They will not spoil the material, but they will help you remove fat quickly and efficiently.

Immediately after that, you can start processing products with improvised means. Let's look at them in more detail.

Method 1 - ammonia

How to clean noble white metal with minimal effort? With vinegar! This tool is best used if you want to process a silver item without bidding. It should be applied like this:

  1. To begin with, you should prepare a solution of ammonia. For him, take 10 ml of ammonia and half a glass of cool water. These components must be mixed to a homogeneous consistency and poured into a shallow dish, for example, a ceramic bowl.
  2. Next, you will need to place your silver jewelry in this solution. It is recommended to leave it in this solution for a period of 15 to 30 minutes.
  3. After that, you should pull the product out of the solution and clean it from the remnants of blackness with a dry paper towel.


if you need to clean up a very dirty item, you can soak it in clean ammonia. Please note: you can leave the product in such a tool only for 10 minutes, no more.

There are also recipes for this remedy, in which ammonia is mixed with peroxide. They are quite effective, but not suitable for all varieties of the metal presented. In order to make sure that they can be used in your case, it is recommended to prepare such a solution, collect a small amount of it on a cotton swab and apply it to the back of the product. If at the same time the silver itself brightens, you can use it for cleaning.

Method 2 - tooth powder

How to quickly clean jewelry or silverware if it is not too dark? You can do this with a powder, as well as an ordinary fleecy cloth. You will need to act with these things like this:

  1. To begin with, you should wet a cloth and collect some powder on it.
  2. With this cloth, you need to gently wipe the product until the blackness completely disappears from it.
  3. After that, the thing needs to be rinsed in cold water and dried with a paper towel.

Video: cleaning silver with toothpowder:


do not press hard on the product during such cleaning. The fact is that silver itself is a rather soft metal that you can scratch if you work with it carelessly.

Method 3 - soda

How to effectively clean silver items if you don't have any special products on hand? You can use regular baking soda for this purpose. In this case, you will need to act like this:

  1. First you need to take a spoonful of soda and dilute it with water so that you get a thick slurry.
  2. You will need to collect this slurry on a cloth and wipe the product with the product until the black coating is gone from it.
  3. After that, the product will need to be rinsed and wiped with a paper towel.

Video: how to clean silver with soda?

You can also use another method of cleaning jewelry with baking soda. For this you will need:

  • 250 ml of water;
  • 20 grams of soda.

You will need to dissolve soda in water, and then put the resulting solution on fire. When the liquid boils, you will need to put in it, along with the foil, the product that you want to clean. All this should be left on fire for 15 minutes, after which it will be necessary to drain the solution and wipe the silver with a cloth. After that, your product will look like new.

Method 4 - citric acid

Silverware can also be cleaned with ordinary citric acid. For this you will need:

  • half a liter of water;
  • 100 grams of citric acid;
  • piece of copper wire.

You will need to dilute the acid with water, put the resulting solution in a water bath, put a piece of copper in a container with an acid solution and wait until the liquid boils. After that, you will need to put the darkened silver into the solution and leave it there for 15 minutes. After that, the silver product will need to be removed from the solution, rinsed under running water, and then polished with a cloth.

Video: cleaning silver with citric acid:

Method 5 - boiling

If your rings, earrings or cutlery could not be cleaned with citric acid, ammonia or soda, you can use the universal bleaching method. For it you will need:

  • half a liter of water;
  • 10 grams of salt;
  • 10 grams of soda;
  • 10 ml dish detergent.

You will need to mix water with soda, salt and detergent, put the thing you want to clean there, put the resulting solution in a saucepan on fire and bring to a boil. This tool will allow you to get rid of blackness on any thing without any effort on your part. You just have to wipe it with a cloth to remove traces of dirt.

Method 6 - olive oil

What is the best way to clean expensive jewelry when you are afraid of damaging it? It is recommended to use ordinary olive oil for this purpose. It is not difficult to apply it in practice: you need to take a rag, draw a small amount of oil on it and wipe the product well with it - it will remove blackness very quickly. After that, you will only need to rinse the item in cool water and be sure to wipe it dry.


Use this product on jewelry that has a slight build up. It may not cope with severe pollution, and you will have to look for another, more effective recipe for this purpose.

Method 7 - table vinegar

How to bleach the product if there are no suitable detergents at hand? Use vinegar in this case. To remove black plaque from the product, it will be enough for you to take a small container, pour half a glass of vinegar into it and put jewelry or cutlery there. They will need to be left in a container with vinegar for an hour or two, so that the product completely removes the black coating. After that, the thing will just need to be rinsed with water and wiped.


if your chain or ring is not very dirty, you can simply wipe it with a cloth with vinegar. But with the old plaque, this method will not cope.

Method 8 - lipstick

Earrings without inserts, as well as rings, can be easily and quickly cleaned with ordinary lipstick. To do this, you will need to take a piece of soft cloth, generously apply lipstick on it and wipe the product you need with it. After that, the jewel will only need to be rinsed in running water.


you can use this method even if you are working with rather fragile things. The fact is that the lipstick contains in its composition very fine abrasive components that will not leave scratches on the metal.

Method 9 - ready-made products

If you are afraid of damaging products with cubic zirkonia or pearls during cleaning with household products, you can use special ready-made mixtures for this purpose. They can be purchased at jewelry stores along with special wipes for cleaning jewelry. With these tools, it is enough just to process the product, then gently wipe it, and it will look no worse than on the day of purchase.


if you have not been able to figure out how to clean silver at home, it is recommended to take it to the workshop. So it is worth doing with those things that have three-dimensional patterns or numerous stones. The specialists in the workshop will easily cope with any contamination on such things and return them to you in perfect condition on the same day.

How to clean stones

How to clean silver with stones? To work with such samples, it is recommended to use ready-made mixtures that can be purchased in jewelry departments: they remove any dirt well and will not damage your jewelry.

If you want to use only home remedies for such a thing, you can prepare a solution with soap chips. For it you will need:

  • 250 ml of water;
  • 20 grams of soap chips;
  • a few drops of ammonia.

You will need to dilute the soap in water, add ammonia there, put the mixture on fire, bring to a boil and turn it off (it is forbidden to boil such a mixture). After that, you will need to take a toothbrush, pick up such a tool on it and clean the darkened thing with cubic zirkonia well with it. After that, you will need to take an ear stick, also moisten it in a similar solution and wipe the area around the stones with it.


you should not try to clean items with pearls, amber or corals on your own - these stones are very easy to spoil. Almost all home remedies are not suitable for working with them. If you need to tidy up rings or earrings with such inserts, immediately give them to the workshop.

Blackened silver cleaning

Blackened jewelry silver requires a special approach to cleansing. If you are going to clean it yourself, you can apply one of the following recipes:

  • Soap solution with the addition of soda. You will need to add a small amount of soap or mild shampoo to the water, pour a little baking soda into the resulting mixture and put the thing you want to clean into it. The thing must be left in the solution for 20 minutes, after which it will need to be removed and gently wiped with a microfiber cloth.
  • Potato. To use this method, you need to take a few potatoes, peel them, and then put them in a small bowl of water. In the same bowl you will need to place the decoration that you want to clean in this way. The product should be kept in this water for up to 20 minutes, after which it will be enough to wipe it with a cloth.
  • Regular eraser. This tool is best used when you have already removed the main layer of dirt from the product, which has darkened, using one of the solutions described above. This will remove any remaining contaminants. Applying it is quite simple: you just need to wipe the dark spots with an eraser, and they will instantly leave the jewelry or cutlery.


In no case should jewelry made of blackened silver be cleaned with powders, soda, citric acid - all these products can damage the coating of the product, ruining it hopelessly. This should also be taken into account if you want to clean a gold-plated silver ring, chain or earrings.

How to deal with radiated metal

Radiated silver can only be cleaned with special jewelry mixtures. Often, to give them a spectacular look, just rinse the earrings or ring in warm water, and then wipe it dry with a special napkin.


in no case should you use toothbrushes or powders to care for such a thing. All these abrasive products will simply destroy the thin sparkling coating. In the future, in order to restore a thing damaged by such cleaning, you will have to turn to jewelers.

How to make sure that silver does not turn black

It is impossible to eliminate all the factors due to which silver turns black. But you can significantly reduce their impact on the product of this noble metal. For this you should:

  • Always wipe rings, earrings, cutlery immediately after washing. If you often leave them damp, don't be surprised if they turn black over time.
  • Pick up a special box to store such valuable items. Always put such things there after use.
  • Remove jewelry before shampooing, applying cream and other procedures. Rings should also always be removed before doing housework and washing dishes.
  • Use foil for long-term storage of such things. Only she can fully protect them from the negative effects of the environment.

Knowing how to clean blackened silver from plaque and stains, you restore the product without scratching or damaging its surface. Use soda, salt, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide. Prepare special cleansing pastes or solutions, following a specific pattern. Finally, be sure to rinse under running water and polish to a shine.

Silver belongs to noble metals that have disinfecting properties, so wearing silverware and using cutlery has a good effect on a person’s well-being (provided that they do not have a black coating). Knowing how to clean silver at home will restore the attractiveness of your favorite jewelry, spoons and improve their healing properties with a minimum of effort.

Reasons for the darkening of silver

Before cleaning silver, it is important to understand why it is prone to tarnish.

"Magical" reasons for the darkening of silver

Previously, it was thought that the reason for this is magical rituals, but scientists have proven that silver and cupronickel (a metal similar to silver) react to various elements (oxidize).

Blackness on the surface of silver-plated jewelry appears due to:

  • contact with wet skin;
  • being in conditions of excessive humidity;
  • improper storage;
  • interactions with household chemicals, cosmetics and some products;
  • sweating responses. If there is nitrogen in sweat, then silver will remain the same, and sulfur impurities lead to rapid blackening. Sulfuric matter appears in the body as a result of the progression of pathology or the use of medications.

If the product is of low quality, then it will oxidize, regardless of whether the sweat contains impurities or not.

It is better to avoid wearing such jewelry, because they do not even have a minimal beneficial effect on the body and are not restored.

Choosing a cleaning method

The principle of cleaning silver bracelets, crosses, rings and cutlery from black deposits depends on several factors:

  • product samples;
  • whether there are alloys in the composition;
  • the size of the decoration;
  • the presence of decorative elements, such as expensive stones, gilding;
  • blackening intensity.

Simple products that do not contain impurities, stones, gilding do not need special care, so the use of aggressive products is acceptable. As for expensive items with decorations, it is better to clean them with professional cleaners (pastes / aerosols) or go to a jewelry store.

Basic Rules

You need to clean silver at home, adhering to certain rules:

  1. Regularly clean jewelry even if there is a slight coating. Otherwise, the dirt will eat into the ornament, and it will be more difficult to clean it. This is especially true for white earrings or light gray chains.
  2. Do not use hard abrasives like a metal scraper. For simple jewelry, use a toothbrush with soft shields, for expensive ones containing stones, use a brush with bristles of natural origin.
  3. Treat high quality products with professional cleaners.
  4. Silver-plated accessories will not be damaged by chemicals, but it is easy to scratch with hard materials. If you don't have the necessary brush handy, clean your silver with a soft cloth.
  5. Be sure to rinse the rings with purified water if metal utensils / foil were used during processing. Otherwise, the surface will oxidize and form an unattractive spit of sodium sulfate.
  6. To make the decoration radiate shine, as in a shop window, sprinkle it with boiling water or lemon juice.
  7. After processing, dry the silver-plated jewelry with a hairdryer, polish with a suede cloth.
  8. Do not use cutlery and do not wear rings, chains for several days after processing.

To wash jewelry with decorative stones at home, use folk cleaning methods and these rules.

We clean silver with folk remedies

Folk remedies - substances regularly used in everyday life:

  • lemon acid;
  • vinegar;
  • toothpaste "Colgate";
  • ammonia;
  • vodka;
  • or food.
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • glycerol;
  • salt;
  • Coca Cola.

These products are gentle, and are therefore recommended by leading jewelers for light to medium-duty stain removal. Before scrubbing the blackness, remove the remnants of the cosmetic product, dust and grease. Prepare a solution by mixing dishwashing liquid, laundry detergent, or soap with water. Scrub the inside/outside thoroughly with a toothbrush. Rinse and dry with a soft paper towel.

We wash the darkening with tooth powder / paste

Paste or whitening powder for teeth washes blackness on silver-plated accessories, but refers to rough methods that are not recommended for cleaning expensive jewelry with inclusions of gold and precious stones (topaz, amber).

The method is well suited for cleaning coins. Dilute the powder with water until a paste is obtained, or apply the finished product to a soft fabric. Rub the product in a straight line. Do not press, otherwise you will damage the ornament.

Note ! After treatment with any cleaning agent, rinse the jewelry and dry it to avoid oxidation..

Did you know that toothpaste is used for and.


An easily accessible and highly effective tool that allows you to clean contaminated silver is soda. For ordinary accessories, prepare a gruel by mixing baking soda with water. Lubricate the contaminated area with the mixture and after 10-15 minutes rub with a soft cloth, wash.

If the jewelry contains impurities of precious metals or stones, use a different recipe:

  1. Boil 1 tbsp. water.
  2. Dissolve 20 g of soda in it.
  3. Place foil in the bottom of the pot.
  4. Place the decoration for 15 minutes.
  5. Wipe with a cloth.

Note ! We put the processed silver in hot, not boiling water!

How to easily remove blackness from a silver chain and restore shine, watch the video:

citric acid

With the help of acids, silver is washed from dirt, rust, yellowness, brown plaque.

At the end of processing, the silver ring will shine:

  1. Combine the ingredients in the indicated proportions: 2 tbsp. water and 100 g of citric acid.
  2. Place the solution in a water bath and put a piece of wire (copper) inside.
  3. Sweat the decoration for about 15 minutes.

A small and unpretentious product can be easily cleaned with a solution of vinegar. Apply a little product to the cloth material and wipe. Also use pharmacy sulfuric or formic acid. Add a little product to boiling water, place the product there and boil for 1-2 minutes.

Note ! Do not use pans even with minimal soot. They will further aggravate the condition of silver.


To clean silver with ammonia at home to a shine, just soak a cloth in a pharmacy solution and wipe the product.

If this is not enough, pour the jewelry with ammonia and let it soak for about 10 minutes.

Clean heavily soiled products with ammonia mixed with hydrogen peroxide:

  1. Mix ingredients 1:1.
  2. Place a ring or chain in the liquid.
  3. Let soak for about 15 minutes.
  4. Scrub with a brush or cloth.
  5. Dry and polish.

Real gemstones will not be damaged by contact with these components, but colored rhinestones may lighten or discolour.

Attention! If there are pearls or colored decorative inserts on the ring or earrings, be careful, because peroxide can discolor such materials!


A bath of salt will help to give the product shine and remove a slight yellow coating.

To enhance the effect, it is combined with tartar:

  1. Dissolve in ½ l. 10 g of stone and 25 g of salt.
  2. Leave the jewelry in the solution for no more than 20 minutes.

If you do not have cream of tartar on hand, pour half a liter of water into an aluminum pan, add dishwashing detergent and 10 g of soda / salt. Then sweat over low heat for half an hour, dry and rub the restored product.

olive oil

Regular olive oil will help remove minor plaque. Apply the product to a cloth, rub the ring and rinse with cold water. Regular treatment with olive oil does not harm, but will not allow the product to darken, so treat it 1-2 times a month.

Unusual methods

Unusual means include cigarette ash, powder, curdled milk, copper wire, foil, raw potatoes.

We clean with foil and copper wire

These materials enhance the effectiveness of the main components and remove minor plaque:

  1. Wrap the decoration in foil along with 1 tsp. soda and salt.
  2. Pour water into a metal container.
  3. Place the foil bag in the saucepan. If you are using wire, place it in the water along with the silver item.
  4. Boil 15 minutes.

Note ! An aluminum pan is a good substitute for foil, so you should not put a bag in such a dish..

Potato Peeling Technique

Peel some potatoes and cover with water. Put a silver item there and leave it for 2-3 hours. After this period, intense blackness will be less noticeable, and minor blackness will disappear completely.

cigarette ash

Pour some water into a saucepan and add cigarette ash.

Boil the solution and place the jewelry inside. Steam over low heat for 5-15 minutes and polish the product. To enhance the effect, add a little citric acid along with the ash.

curdled milk

Yogurt contains acid, only in a lower concentration than lemon, so the method is suitable for cleaning items containing inserts of gold and precious stones. Pour the yogurt into a glass, place the processed silver inside and complete the processing after 12 hours.

With the help of yogurt or sour milk, you can and.

Cosmetic powder

If you notice a slight darkening, rub the silver with ordinary cosmetic powder. It absolutely does not harm products of any quality, since it is a gentle, polishing abrasive.

Features of cleaning products with stones, gilding

Expensive jewelry, complete with stones, requires special care, because if you move it carelessly, you risk tearing off and losing topaz, amber or malachite.

For minor contamination:

  1. Soak a Q-tip in cologne or an alcohol-based product.
  2. Gently wipe all recesses.

To remove stains and stubborn blackness:

  1. Dissolve the shavings of laundry soap in water and add a little ammonia, citric acid, vinegar.
  2. Soak the jewelry in the resulting solution for 10-20 minutes, depending on the intensity of contamination, and rinse under running water.

For jewelry that has a complex ornament and stones, it is better not to use a toothbrush. Finish off by wiping with a soft cloth.

How to clean blackened silver

Blackened jewelry itself has a dark tint, so attempts to bleach them will be unsuccessful.

For blackened products, a combination of the following ingredients is well suited:

  • 2 tbsp. water;
  • soap chips (10g);
  • 1 tsp soda.

The solution does not need to be heated or boiled. Place the product inside and soak for 20 minutes, and finally polish.

How to clean matte silver

Matte products are easily cleaned with a raw potato or a bag of foil with soda. After the procedure, wipe the product dry with a dry cloth.

How to properly store silver

The frequency of washing silver jewelry and their service life depends on the correct storage.

  1. Each jewelry should have its own case - purchase it together with the product.
  2. Keep silver away from household chemicals, medicines, foods and medicines (especially iodine).
  3. Remove jewelry before showering/bathing and applying makeup. The less the product comes into contact with cosmetics and water, the longer it retains its shine.
  4. Rub wet rings and earrings immediately with a soft cloth.

Putting silver items in order is not difficult, but it is imperative to follow the sequence of processing and prepare cleaning solutions, ointments, starting from these recipes.

Larisa, June 30, 2018.

A tarnished silver cross or ring that has lost its luster is a familiar problem for many wearers of jewelry or other silver items. However, not everyone knows how to properly and effectively return them to their original appearance with their own hands at home.

After all, the reason for the deplorable appearance of silver jewelry can be very different:

  • high humidity;
  • increased sweating;
  • the use of cosmetics;
  • taking medication.

And, of course, you should not discount the most common dirt, which, when worn for a long time, invariably clogs all the recesses on the product. However, the most common cause of darkening of the metal is exposure to substances containing sulfur compounds. The degree of color change also depends on the copper impurities present in the silver alloy - during oxidation, it is they that change the color of the jewelry.

Based on these facts, many different methods for cleaning the noble metal have been invented and successfully used.

To return the products to their original form, various improvised means are used. And each affects the noble metal in its own way, depending on the nature of the pollution and the impurities it contains.

The most common ways are as follows:

hydrogen peroxide

This tool is used to clean not only silver products, but also gold jewelry. However, the nature of such an effect is a chemical reaction, which can have the opposite effect of the desired effect if the object contains foreign impurities. As a result, instead of a beautiful shine, you can get indelible black spots. Therefore, if there is uncertainty about the chemical composition of the product, it is better to refuse this method.


To give your favorite jewelry its original look, it is recommended to use a solution of ammonia in a ratio of 1: 10 with plain water. Keep the products, depending on the amount of contamination, for 30 minutes. (may be more or less). Then wipe with a soft sponge and dry with a cloth. If the spots are minor, you can wipe them with a rag soaked in ammonia, then rinse with water and dry.


To obtain a cleaning agent, it is necessary to dissolve soda (2 tablespoons) in 2 glasses of water, and then bring the solution to a boil. Place silver jewelry in the finished product for about 15 minutes. If the contamination is of a low degree, it is enough to wipe the product with a rag soaked in the solution. Or try cleaning it with a slurry of soda. However, this method, with intensive use, can cause scratches on the silver surface.

Soda and foil

The method is similar to the previous one, only to enhance the effect, a piece of aluminum foil should be placed on the bottom of the container with the solution and objects that need cleaning should be placed on it. Literally in 10-20 seconds. after boiling the solution, the product takes its original form.


Ordinary 9% vinegar is able to remove the most stubborn stains - you should hold a silver object in it for 15 minutes, then rinse with water, followed by drying.

Toothpaste or powder

Toothpaste is also suitable for cleaning, it is best without any additives. If powder is used, it is enough to add a little water to it. It is better to clean products with numerous recesses with an old toothbrush, after finishing, rinse the silver jewelry well from the paste residue and dry thoroughly.


You can also use ammonia as part of a mixture: equal amounts of hydrogen peroxide, liquid baby soap, ammonia and water. Place the contaminated object in the solution and hold until completely cleansed.

citric acid

A solution of citric acid (proportion: 100 g per 2 tablespoons of water) must be placed in a water bath, and after boiling, put the product that needs cleaning together with a small piece of copper wire into it. Withstand 15-30 min. depending on the speed of cleaning, then rinse and dry.

Important! When using any method, try to carry out the procedure carefully. If the silver object has become shiny before the specified period, immediately stop the procedure. After all, almost all methods are based on chemical reactions, which means that the product will become at least a little lighter.

How to clean a silver chain at home?

It is easy and simple to return a silver chain to its original appearance using various solutions, since the most effective rubbing (with vinegar or ammonia) may not give the desired result. After all, some parts of the product are difficult to access and cannot be cleaned.

An effective way is to use the following solution: add a tablespoon of ammonia and baby liquid soap to 200 ml of clean water. It is best to clean in a jar with a lid - ammonia is quite toxic. After mixing, place the chain in the solution and close the lid. Literally 5 minutes later. the chain will be like new.

Self-cleaning of a silver cross

A silver cross, like a chain, most often requires cleansing, since it is in contact with the surface of the skin - a constant source of various secretions (sweat, fat).

Before chemical exposure to an object, it should be thoroughly washed with an ordinary soap and soda solution - it may have darkened from ordinary dirt. Then you can apply each of the above methods.

Important! First of all, you should make sure that your jewelry is not made of blackened silver, where darkening in certain places is a necessary design element. It is not recommended to apply aggressive chemical or intense mechanical action to such a product.

Purification of a silver ring from blackness

At home, it is easy to shine on a ring without gemstones. You should first remove the usual contaminants: dust, dirt, grease. This can be done with a warm soapy solution with the addition of a tablespoon of ammonia to 1 liter of water.

If after this the blackness remains, you can perform the following manipulations:

  • soak the ring in warm soapy water for two hours;
  • wash it with clean water and wipe it with a dry cloth;
  • prepare a slurry of chalk and ammonia, it is allowed to replace chalk with tooth powder;
  • rub the mixture into the ring with a soft cloth until cleansing;
  • rinse with water and polish with a dry cloth.

Important! One of the most accessible methods is cleaning with potato juice. You can make a mixture of water and grated potatoes, or place finely chopped potatoes in water. When starch goes into solution, it has a cleansing effect on silver objects placed in the liquid.

Cleaning of silver items with stones (rings, chains, bracelets)

If there are stones in the jewelry, cleaning with aggressive products can cause irreparable damage to them.

Therefore, during the process, you should:

  1. Use only soft and gentle materials that prevent scratches and damage. It can be soft rags, old toothbrushes with natural bristles, as well as various solutions.
  2. Do not use dry powders such as soda or chalk, and even use liquid mixtures with caution.
  3. During the cleaning process, carefully monitor the condition of the jewelry and, when the desired effect is achieved, immediately remove the object from the solution.
  4. After cleaning, be sure to rinse the product with water and dry thoroughly.

Important! However, if the stone is precious or semi-precious, it is best to use the services of a jewelry salon. Here the product is guaranteed to be cleaned without harmful effects on it.

Silver coins: cleansing from black to shine

Old coins require special treatment. Sometimes even their value is special traces of age in the form of darkened spots. Therefore, the initial stage is the most gentle cleaning with a warm soapy solution.

A few simple guidelines should be followed:

  1. Do not use aggressive chemicals, especially at the beginning. First of all, you should try soda and soap solutions.
  2. When using dry substances (soda or chalk), do not use a toothbrush, but a rag, the most gentle tool.
  3. When the first stage is over, determine the approximate cost of the product and then draw a conclusion about further actions.
  4. During the cleaning process, do not allow coins to come into contact.
  5. High or low t is also a kind of aggressive impact, so it is better to exclude such methods.

Important! If you are unable to determine the value of a silver coin, contact a specialist. After all, for many old coins, it is their spots that are of particular value.

Gilded silver: plaque cleaning and renewal

Products with gilding require careful attention - after all, this layer is easy to erase with improper handling. But it is he who gives the jewelry a special value and a peculiar beauty.

To clean gilded silver you need:

  1. As a care item, use only dry soft suede.
  2. Pre-soaking in warm soapy water is a mandatory step in the process.
  3. Then you can use any liquid solution from the above methods. A good result can be achieved by wiping with alcohol or vodka.
  4. At the end of the process, thoroughly wash the product with water and wipe dry with suede.

Important! Gold-plated silver requires careful and frequent care, because if left unattended, it becomes dull, darkens and appears black. And it can be very problematic to return it to its original form.

Video tutorial on cleaning silverware

Cleaning silver items at home is at first glance a simple and not laborious process. However, for its proper implementation, you should have the necessary stock of knowledge and, at a minimum, follow the rules of careful attitude to products.

Before and after (photo)

Professional cleaning (photo)

Don't forget about gold jewelry:

Silver has always been valued and was a sign of wealth and good taste. The healing properties of silver help with digestion, thin the blood, and kill toxins in the body. It was from silver cups that the great leaders and kings drank in order to protect themselves from poisoning. Over time, dishes, jewelry and other products begin to change their color - darken, which is a natural reaction of the life of the metal. Cleaning silver seems like an insurmountable task. But thanks to folk and professional methods, the return of the natural color of silver will become commonplace.

Why does silver darken

Ancestors believed that the metal darkens when it absorbs all the bad things from the owner's body, thereby helping the person to cleanse himself. Now researchers have scientific proof of the color change of the precious metal. There are two reasons for the blackening of silver products:

  • Oxidation with oxygen. When interacting with oxygen, oxidation occurs, since now dishes are made not from pure silver, but from various alloys that give an organic reaction. In nature, expensive metals do not oxidize, therefore, the worse the sample, the darker the products become.
  • sulfide formation. High humidity and contact with a person releases hydrogen sulfide, for example, when the body sweats. It, in turn, forms a reaction with the metal and leads to a change in color. Upon contact, a thin film of sulfide is formed, which gives a dark color to the metal.

But not only a person can be a source of hydrogen sulfide content. Onions, eggs, cabbage contain chemical compounds that change the color of silver. Aggressive household chemicals can also cause discoloration.

General rules for cleaning

When choosing any method of processing silver, it is important to adhere to a number of general rules:

  1. Products should not be brought to a catastrophic state. If the first spots appear, the metal should be cleaned immediately.
  2. Before the main process, it is important to clean silver from dirt, grease, and cosmetics. To do this, place the products in a bath with soapy liquid and hold for half an hour.
  3. Radiated objects rarely change color, but they are easily scratched by soda, brushes and salt.
  4. 925 silver, the most expensive and valuable, must be given to professionals in a jewelry workshop, otherwise they can be damaged by home methods.
  5. It is better not to clean fragile products with brushes; a velvet cloth is suitable for argentum.

It is important to treat all precious metals with care, keep them in a separate, dark place and remember to check for the appearance of discoloration.

How to choose a method

There are two types of precious metal plaque removal: home and professional.

To clean silver, it is enough to audit the available tools at hand and choose the most optimal method. The use of aggressive impact methods is implemented only for the roughest alloys and simple jewelry, so as not to damage them. Complex, expensive things, with stones and engravings, require a careful approach. The choice of method is influenced by the sample of the product, weight, the presence of complex elements (gilding, stones, engraving) and the degree of contamination.

The lack of effects from home methods or difficult cases lead housewives to professional cosmetics, which can be purchased with specialized mixtures and pastes for removing stains from silver.

home methods

Housewives often choose home methods due to the simplicity and accessibility of folk recipes, as well as the ecology of the selected products that do not leave chemicals on precious metals.


Baking soda is one of the most effective ways to clean your kitchen. It is also good at removing tarnish on metals.

  1. Pour soda with liquid until gruel appears, apply it to a sponge or cloth and clean the products until plaque is removed. Then rinse thoroughly to remove stains. At the same time, you need to be careful with matte and smooth objects, traces of soda may remain.
  2. Dilute 2 standard tablespoons of soda in half a liter of water solution. Wait for the boil, remove from heat, put things in a container. You also need to add a piece of foil there. After 10-20 minutes, remove the products and rinse.

Soda baths and boiling are often used in the processing of not only silver, but also gold.


Cut kitchen foil into medium squares, add a teaspoon of moistened baking soda to the middle of each square. Then put things in and cover with foil to make an envelope. Throw in boiling water for 10-20 minutes, remove, cool, and then rinse and wipe with a special cloth.


The effectiveness of ammonia has been proven by more than one generation of housewives and jewelry lovers. To remove plaque, it is enough to take 2 standard spoons of the indicated alcohol, dilute with a liter of water, then send all the things of argentum to the resulting solution. Another way is to add a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and a drop of detergent to the existing solution. For 10-20 minutes, lower the products into it and then rinse.

Hydrogen peroxide

One of the aggressive treatments is suitable for simple things of a low standard. In a warm water bath, dilute peroxide 3% concentration. Put all the darkened metals there. After 5 minutes, remove and rinse and dry. Wear gloves when handling peroxide to avoid burns.


Pour vinegar (3% solution) into a deep plate. Then slightly warm up and lower the silver items into the liquid. After 15 minutes, remove and rinse in distilled liquid and polish. If there is no specified percentage of vinegar, you can take a 6% solution and dilute with water.

You can also wipe it with a cloth soaked in vinegar, but to achieve effectiveness, it is better to lower it into heated water.

Tooth powder and paste

Teeth whitener is great for cleaning cutlery. The paste removes the sulfide film well. You can take a small amount of paste, a soft toothbrush or cloth and rub gently.

Lemon acid

An aggressive substance that can even harm the noble metal. When used correctly, this is impossible. It is necessary to dissolve 100 g of dry acid per half liter of liquid. Simultaneously with the objects, throw a copper wire (a small piece), heat it up in a steam bath. After 15 minutes, remove and rinse with distilled liquid. After polish.

Other acid

Formic acid is used by lovers of cosmetic procedures, which helps to tan well. Like other acids, it can be used in the processing of precious metals. In a warm water bath, dilute formic acid 5% concentration. Hold for 5 minutes, rinse and dry.


Two tablespoons of salt pour half a liter of liquid. Drown everything blackened in the solution and let stand for 2-3 hours or bring to a boil for 20 minutes. After rinse and dry

Coca Cola

The famous lemonade has long been used to remove dirt and clean dishes. The drink is also effective in purifying precious metals. Immerse the products for 20 minutes in a container filled with hissing liquid. Another way is to bring the drink to a boil and put silver in it for 15-20 minutes.


An effective folk method is potato peeling. Grind a couple of potatoes until gruel is formed, add water to the resulting mixture and soak for 10-15 minutes. Then strain the solution and lower the objects into it for 20 minutes.

This method works well for small stains.

Olive oil

Olive oil is used when it is necessary to clean expensive silver items with a slight coating. You should apply a little oil to cotton wool or a rag and wipe the places of contamination on the products with it. This method is suitable only for minor darkening, in other cases, the oil may not cope.


The eraser is used as the last stage of cleansing, for example, after boiling or soda treatment. The eraser simply erases the remaining stains on the products until they disappear completely.


Boiling is used for deep contamination, when other methods do not work. Most often, when boiling, soda and saline solutions, as well as foil, are used. Some housewives add household chemicals.

For boiling, take 2 tablespoons of soda, 2 tablespoons of salt, a little dishwashing detergent. Place all this in a saucepan and pour 0.5 liters of water. Bring the solution to a boil, and then place silver items in it. Remove after 5 minutes, rinse and dry.


Chalk is crushed and mixed with ammonia. The resulting mixture is applied to silver with a brush or sponge and rubbed until plaque is removed.


Place the decorations in the liquid in which the eggs were boiled before and leave for 15-20 minutes. Take out and wipe with a cloth.

Take a raw egg, separate the yolk from the protein, then soak the yolk into cotton wool and wipe things with it. Leave for a while in the yolk, and then rinse.

Ashes and ashes

Dip a damp cloth into ashes or ashes and apply to things, then rub with ashes until dirt and stains are completely removed. After rinse and dry.

curdled milk

Place silver items in ordinary yogurt and leave for 20 minutes. After rinse and dry.


Put things in ketchup for 15-20 minutes, take a sponge or cloth and wipe all hard-to-reach places, as well as dirt. Leave for another 5-10 minutes. After washing in soapy water and polishing.


No matter how paradoxical it may sound, but lipstick cleans small objects well: rings, earrings, pendants. You need to apply lipstick on a napkin or cloth, and then wipe the jewelry with it, then rinse it enough.

Cosmetic powder

Ordinary women's powder cleans silver things well. You need to pour a little powder on a cloth and rub the jewelry with it until the stains disappear. The method is well suited for small silver jewelry.

professional tools

Jewelry cleaners are highly effective, so they are used not only among professionals. Solution, wipes and paste can be bought in specialized stores.

Cleaning liquid

Professional fluid is sold in a set with soft brushes. It is enough to lower things for 20-30 seconds into the finished solution. Then rinse and dry. The liquid is refillable and can be used multiple times. The only negative is the not very pleasant smell.


Special, professional napkins will help to achieve a mirror shine. They are impregnated with active substances that remove cloudy deposits from objects. Napkins can be used for any items with precious rocks. Each metal has its own wipes, so you should not wipe gold.

Cleaning paste

Cutlery and other things from argentum are well processed with professional paste. It removes all oxidation, cloudy deposits and other defects, forming a transparent, protective layer.

Special devices

The market for goods is not limited to professional products. Jewelers have created small, professional, ultrasonic jewelry cleaners. It is enough to place things in a special bath, fill with water and press the "start" button. Remove after 20 minutes, rinse and dry.

Features of cleaning products

Some types of jewelry items require a special, careful attitude, as they have a high quality alloy, as well as additions in the form of stones and workmanship.


The pectoral cross, a complex item with engravings and dressing, requires careful handling. It is forbidden to use hard sponges and brushes. First you need to soak the cross in a soapy liquid, then proceed to the processing process. Make a slurry of soda and water, blot the resulting mixture with a cloth, clean the cross until the stains are completely removed. Lipstick and olive oil are also suitable.


The chain, like the cross, darkens most often, as many people take a bath without removing silver items. Line the bottom of the pot with foil. Pour water into it, add 2 tablespoons of soda, put items and put on fire. Boil 5 minutes. It is important to carefully and evenly lay out the chain without tangling it, as you can break the chain when unraveling. You also need to pay attention to the hidden and reverse sides of the weave, as there may be remnants of dirt and darkening.


As mentioned above, earrings with stones should be taken to jewelers for processing. For home treatments, gentle methods should be chosen. Take lipstick, add it to a rag and clean the earrings, if stains remain, soak in soapy water. Allergy sufferers should treat the locks with alcohol so that suppuration does not appear.


Rings should be treated in gentle ways, paying special attention to the inside. If the ring is engraved or with stones, then it is better to take it to professionals. At home, lipstick and olive oil are suitable.


Kitchen appliances are made from the cheapest alloys, so they can be treated with acid, vinegar, boiled and soaked in soda. Nothing is guaranteed to happen to the products. The only exception is a matte appliance, which can be damaged due to brushes.


The processing of blackened products must be approached as carefully as possible so as not to damage the fragile top layer. Such decorations are suitable in 2 ways:

  1. Soap and soda solution. Dilute 1 standard spoon of baking soda and a small bar of soap in a water solution. Place the Argentum items there for half an hour. After this bath, remove and rinse with water.
  2. Potato cleansing. Peel 2-3 potatoes and place them in a container of water. Put blackened silver there for 3-4 hours. Then rinse and dry.


Tools and jewelry with a matte finish should not be treated with any acids, as this can damage the fragile material. Also, brushing can damage the surface and leave marks. The ideal option for home cleaning is a gentle, soapy solution in which you leave the jewelry for about an hour. Then take out and rinse.


Gold in the composition is one of the types of complex alloys. For him, you need to prepare a soapy bath and leave for 15-20 minutes, then add a teaspoon of ammonia and hold for 5 minutes. Then rinse, dry and rub with an eraser if stains remain.

With rocks

Accurate and painstaking work will go to the owners of jewelry with stones. Some rocks with high density can be boiled and treated with acids. These include emerald, sapphire and aquamarine. Others are better treated with specialized means and not subjected to heat treatment. As good tools suitable: olive oil, lipstick and eraser. From professional products, you can choose napkins.

with pearls

Pearl jewelry and ivory items are not allowed to be processed at home. There is a risk of damaging the stones. You can purchase professional cleaning wipes. They will not harm the stones and will bring objects to a mirror shine. Many housewives give things with pearls to professionals in the workshop to protect jewelry from processing defects.

with enamel

The fragile and sensitive material does not allow for heat treatment, as well as the use of aggressive acids. Folk advice allows you to use a soap solution. Among professional products, you can choose cleaning wipes.


Experts have invented an alloy that includes rhodium in addition to the main composition. This alloy practically does not darken. Rhodium-plated silver is cleaned only by professional means, so it is better to contact a jewelry workshop and buy ready-made products. At the same time, if the plaque is small, you can hold the metal in a heated liquid for several minutes.

It is impossible to process rhodium-plated silver with any acids, powders and detergents. Otherwise, they may destroy the alloy.


Olive oil, soap solution, soda, salt, citric acid, tooth powder are suitable for silversmiths for cleansing.

Moisten a cloth with ammonia, wipe the coins, then take a slurry of soda and wipe the pieces of silver until the stains are completely removed. You can also boil coins with foil as described above.

For small stains, rub with olive oil and soak in soapy water.

The nuances of removing contaminants

There are impurities that appear only on precious metals, such as horn silver. To get rid of it, you should pay special attention to the types and causes of pollution.


Blackness is the most common contaminant of the precious metal. To get rid of it, you can rub the product with soda, soak in saline, clean with lipstick, eraser or olive oil. The vinegar removal method is also effective.


Soap infusion will become an indispensable bleach. It is necessary to grate the soap, dissolve in water, lower the products for 30 minutes, then rinse and dry.


One of the most common types of stains. Yellowness can appear even after going to the pool. The reasons for the appearance are the organic reaction of chlorine and iodine. To remove the yellowness, you need to put the decorations in a solution with raw potatoes. You can also remove stains with baking soda, olive oil, toothpaste, or soapy water.


Raw potatoes, soapy water, soda, salt, toothpaste will help destroy iodine stains. You can also use foil envelopes.


Grind 1 potato on a grater, place potato gruel with juice in a separate bowl. Put items there, leave for 2-3 hours. After rinse with water.

After hydrogen sulfide

“Foil envelopes”, as well as saline and soda solutions, will help restore shine and whiteness after hydrogen sulfide. Also, housewives note the effectiveness of tooth powder.

Horny plaque

The dull, purple hue of jewelry or coins indicates the appearance of horn silver. When handling such things, you need to be extremely careful or turn to specialists, since the risk of irretrievable loss is too great. Add ammonia at a concentration of 5% to the water bath, remove after 5-10 minutes, wipe with a sponge or a special brush. After rinse and dry.

How to achieve shine after cleansing

After the cleaning procedure, immediately remove all water or remaining liquid, and then polish the products. To do this, you can purchase a special professional polish or cream to create a mirror shine.

Apply liquid to a cloth and polish products until a mirror effect appears. After that, the polish must be washed off, and things should be thoroughly wiped until the stains disappear.

Another method is special polishing wipes. They polish the metal to a shine, while it is important to remember that napkins for gold are not suitable for silver products and vice versa.

How to keep silver pure

To prevent the natural color of various silver items, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Create a separate enclosed space, such as a box. Put ordinary foil in it, and already put things on it. Close the lid. It is important to put the box in a harmonious, room temperature.
  2. It is important to remove jewelry before cosmetic procedures, going to the shower, pool and sauna. Before putting things back on, you need to dry yourself properly and minimize the amount of moisture, creams and other unwanted aggressors.
  3. Every evening, you can wipe all items with specialized wipes and polish to minimize the risk of contamination.
  4. After eating, you should immediately clean all things and polish. Also, never put cutlery in the dishwasher. In this case, there is a threat to lose metals.

Jewelry and cutlery made of silver are popular all over the world. They require special attention, because over time, blackness appears on their surface. There are many industrial and folk care products. How to choose the right method and clean silver at home quickly and efficiently?

Reasons for the appearance of a black coating on table silver and jewelry of various samples

Silver often darkens. Why is this happening? The main reason for the appearance of black plaque is sulfur. When reacting with it, silver sulfide is formed, due to which the products darken.

Blackening is similar to rust on iron. However, the noble metal does not rust, it just darkens due to the appearance of plaque.

In everyday life, silver can darken due to contact with cosmetics, mercury, alkali, and sweat. Products that are in direct contact with the neck oxidize most quickly: chains, crosses. When silver comes into contact with water, hydrogen sulfide is formed, another cause of plaque. Experts recommend removing jewelry from the body when doing chores or swimming, this will help to avoid their darkening.

The degree and rate of plaque formation depends on the composition. Pure silver is not suitable for jewelry, it is easily deformed. Copper is added to increase hardness.

  1. Alloys with a high copper content (800 and 830) have a yellowish tint and are commonly used to make cutlery and coins. Such silver oxidizes more strongly than high-grade products, so cutlery requires systematic care.
  2. The highest quality material for making jewelry is 925 sterling silver with a small amount of copper. This metal is used to make both cutlery and jewelry.

Silver cutlery, unlike most dishes, cannot be washed in the dishwasher. The consequences of such a departure are sad. Products become stained, can completely lose their beauty, become unusable.

Silver items should not touch rubber, as it contains sulfur. Upon contact, the metal quickly blackens and becomes ugly.

High-quality cleaning of silver with ultrasonic devices, napkins and folk methods

In order to get rid of plaque, silver products can be given to a jewelry workshop or cleaned on their own.

How to clean darkened and matte silver in a jewelry workshop

  1. Jewelers carry out professional cleaning using ultrasound, it cleans plaque and completely removes dirt. The effectiveness of this procedure is several times higher compared to conventional means.
  2. In addition to ultrasound, professionals often use a steam generator. It is suitable for removing grease, hydrogen sulfide deposits, residues of polishing pastes. With the help of a steam generator, all organic and inorganic contaminants are removed where ultrasonic baths do not guarantee complete cleaning.
  3. The final stage is polishing with special napkins. They are impregnated with finely dispersed active substances, perfectly remove plaque, give silver shine.

The right means to remove blackness from silver at home: acid, potato broth, Coca-Cola, soda, ammonia, foil

  1. Acids. Silver is a noble metal and has low reactivity, but nitric or hot sulfuric acid can dissolve it. You can clean the product by immersing it in warm 6% vinegar.
  2. Lemon acid. There is a known method of heating silver for 20 minutes in an aqueous solution of citric acid (2 tablespoons per glass of water). However, exposure to acids can damage stones in jewelry.
  3. Ammonia. Dip the jewelry in it for a few minutes, then wipe dry. The tool is quite aggressive, not suitable for products with stones. In addition, ammonia has a pungent odor.
  4. Laundry soap. It is suitable for gentle cleaning of jewelry with stones.
  5. Toothpaste. It removes darkening on silver well, but it is rarely recommended to clean products with paste, as microcracks may appear.
  6. Lipstick. It does not leave scratches, although it contains microscopic abrasive particles. Lipstick should be applied to the fabric, rub the product, and then wash it with soapy water.
  7. Paste GOI. This is a special polishing agent designed for cleaning different surfaces. Its use requires special care; if used incorrectly, scratches may remain on the jewelry.
  8. Cleaning with a solution in an ultrasonic bath. There are ultrasonic baths on sale that are used at home, but it is better not to clean products with stones in them.
  9. Potato decoction. A good proven tool for whitening jewelry without stones.

How easy it is to clean tarnishes and give shine to silver products: lipstick, ammonia, GOI paste, salt, ultrasonic bath - gallery

Lipstick quickly removes blackening from silver Weak Vinegar Solution - Homemade Silver Jewelry Cleaner Citric acid cleans the surface of silver products without stones Baking soda paste removes stubborn stains on silver Toothpaste - a time-tested silver cleaner Paste GOI - a special tool for cleaning and polishing surfaces Laundry soap solution gently cleans silver items Ammonia is an effective but aggressive agent, it is used only to remove stubborn dirt. Ultrasonic bath for home use perfectly cleans silver

According to reviews, professional cleaners (Silver Cleaner, etc.) are considered the best. They not only do not damage silver products, but also create a protective film.

Recipes for solutions and mixtures for bleaching oxidized silver spoons, blackened chains, earrings, crosses and other jewelry

Required Ingredients How to prepare and apply Application restrictions
ammonia + toothpaste
  1. Apply the paste on the product, clean with a soft brush.
  2. Wash jewelry with warm water.
  3. Soak in 10% ammonia for 15 minutes.
  4. Rinse under clean water.
The recipe is not suitable for silver jewelry with stones.
Citric acid + ammonia
  1. Take 9 parts of ammonia and 1 part of citric acid.
  2. Dissolve in a small amount of water.
  3. Place the silver in the solution for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Rinse in water.
Cannot be used for products with stones.
Raw potatoes + water
  1. Grate potatoes, add water.
  2. Soak the jewelry in the solution for 10 minutes.
  3. Rinse with water.
Suitable for all types of silver products, including those with stones.
Toothpaste + baking soda + ammonia
  1. Mix the components in equal proportions.
  2. Apply to the product, hold for 10 minutes.
  3. Rinse thoroughly with warm water.
The composition is recommended for cleaning silverware.
Foil + soda + boiling water
  1. Cover the bottom of the pot with a piece of aluminum foil.
  2. Place a piece of silver inside.
  3. Pour the container with a hot solution of soda (1 tbsp per 0.5 l of water).
  4. Wait 20 minutes, the black coating will completely disappear.
  5. Wash off the remnants of the product with water.
The recipe is effective, but not suitable for blackened silver and jewelry with stones.
Coca Cola
  1. Pour soda into a container with decorations.
  2. Keep 5 minutes on low heat.
  3. Rinse off cola residue with water.
The product is not suitable for products with stones.

Which way is better: professional cleaning or homemade recipe? It is necessary to look at the degree of contamination and the composition of the alloy. The decision whether to give the product for cleaning or not depends only on the desire of the owner, but it will be useful to consult with professionals before starting the procedure.

How to clean silver and gold items from plaque with vinegar

Often, jewelry is made from both metals at once. Silver products with gold inserts are usually made of 925 sterling silver and gold. Their combination gives the jewelry an unusual elegance.

Owners often have a question: is it possible to clean silver and gold together? Methods for removing contaminants from these metals are different, but, if necessary, they can be cleaned at the same time. To do this, soak the products in food vinegar for several hours, and then wash with a mild detergent.

We add shine to yellowed jewelry under silver, jewelry with cubic zirkonia, pearls and silver-plated products

Modern jewelry under silver is not inferior to the beauty of jewelry made of precious metals. However, over time, it, like silver, ceases to shine, becomes dark and matte. Can this problem be dealt with at home?

  • if the jewelry is made of metal without spraying, then it is cleaned with toothpowder. You can use baking soda with a little water for bleaching;
  • silver-plated jewelry should not be rubbed strongly during cleaning. It is better to use a soap solution in which a little ammonia is added;
  • black deposits on jewelry with cubic zirkonia or pearls can also be easily removed with a soapy solution. After processing, the jewelry becomes shiny and clean again.

How to wipe dirt and oxidation from blackened silver: the use of delicate products

Blackening is a complex process and is done in a variety of ways that have been known for hundreds of years. Real blackened silver is valued more than other types of processing of this metal. Products from it have a noble dark shade.

Blackened silver jewelry should be regularly cleaned of dirt and dust. At the same time, they should not be boiled, abrasive agents, aggressive chemical solutions (for example, ammonia) should not be used. You can gently rub some areas with an eraser.

It is best to wash blackened jewelry with delicate products: water from boiling potatoes or a soda solution (1 tsp per glass of water).

Effective ways to clean rhodium sterling silver earrings, rings and bracelets

Currently, new methods of making jewelry are being applied. There is a way to cover silver with a thin layer of rhodium metal. This gives the jewelry a brilliance and brightness that is superior to pure silver. Increases resistance to corrosion and scratches, because rhodium has a high strength. The coating does not react with acids, sulfur, it is not afraid of aggressive environments.

Rodirovanie is the thinnest protective layer. It is necessary to clean such products with extreme caution, in no case using caustic powders and other abrasive agents.

The best option for caring for rhodium-plated silver is professional cleaning in a jewelry workshop.

What composition copes with the blackening of gilded silver plated

Electroplating gilding gives silver jewelry an elegant look and protects it from darkening. A layer of gold is deposited on the surface of the product from a solution of its salt. For silver earrings, brooches, rings, the coating is approximately 1 micron.

To clean such products, only non-abrasive products are used: special wipes, professional sprays to remove plaque. They do not destroy the gilding, returning the decoration to its original form.

Quick cleaning of silverware with enamel using toothpaste and ammonia

Decorative enamel coating is very sensitive to acids and alkalis. For cleaning jewelry with enamel, any detergents are completely unacceptable.

  • jewelry can be washed in cold water with a small amount of ammonia;
  • enamel can be cleaned with tooth powder using a soft brush, then wiped with a napkin.

How to remove iodine stains and restore shine to dull jewelry after cleaning

It happens that spilled iodine or other liquids turn the jewelry yellow-brown. To remove stains, put the silver item in a soapy solution with ammonia, and then rinse with water.

If the product is dull after cleaning.

  1. Take a sheet of foil, 1 tbsp. l. baking soda, 1 tbsp. l. salt, 0.5 liters of hot water.
  2. Put foil on the bottom of the container, pour salt, soda and pour hot water.
  3. Place the silver in this container for a few minutes, the plaque will disappear.

Good ways to wash old silver, inlaid jewelry and blackened silverware - video

Known methods of cleaning silver products should be used carefully so as not to damage the jewelry. Then jewelry and cutlery will delight you with its beauty for many years.