Cold extremities in a child causes. Why does a child have cold hands when they should sound the alarm? Improving the circulation of the child

Every mother after the birth of a child finds any reason to be nervous and a little worried once again. One of these reasons for unjustified fears is the discovery of a violation of heat transfer in a toddler, which manifests itself in the form of cold legs and arms. But pediatricians assure that the fears of young mothers about this are completely in vain, since this is normal for babies up to 2 years of age. That's only if the mother does not discover that the cold hands and feet of a child over the age of 2 years. In this situation, such symptoms may indicate serious complications and justifiably alarm mothers.

What do cold extremities in babies over 2 years old indicate?

Despite the fact that infants are more susceptible to various negative factors, in the current situation, when a child over the age of 2 years has symptoms of heat transfer disorders, it is for them that special attention should be paid. The main reasons for such a phenomenon as impaired thermoregulation include the following factors:

  1. Vegetovascular dystonia. The human nervous system controls the work of all available internal organs and systems. With various failures, serious violations of the functioning of the body as a whole are detected. Such failures can lead to the development of vegetovascular dystonia, which is an involuntary contraction of muscle tissues and fibers. With the development of such spasms, a narrowing of the lumen in the vessels is observed, as a result of which there is a violation of blood circulation. With the development of circulatory disorders, symptoms are observed that manifest themselves in the form of cold extremities.
  2. Excessive excitability of the nervous system. If a child's hands and feet are frozen, then this phenomenon may occur against the background of recent stressful situations and violent emotions. If the child is very excitable, then the disturbances in his body are obvious. Excessive excitability manifests itself in the form of the main symptom, as a result of which the hands and feet become cold, and the palms sweat.
  3. Reduced immunity. If the baby's hands and feet get cold, then this may indicate a weakening of the immune system. Usually, weak immunity manifests itself in the form of symptoms such as fatigue and lethargy. Children with weak immunity are exposed to various negative factors.
  4. Iron-deficiency anemia. With iron deficiency anemia, a child may be diagnosed with signs in the form of cold hands. At the same time, the legs do not get cold, which is due to a lack of iron in the body.
  5. Low calorie food. If the child does not eat meat products, then cold hands and feet indicate an elementary lack of nutrients.

There are other reasons for the manifestation of this symptom, but often this is due to the first three factors. With the timely diagnosis of this manifestation, you can resort to conducting the necessary research with further therapeutic therapy.

How to be in a situation when the baby has cold extremities

Now it is known why the baby may experience cold hands and feet, but what to do in such a situation? After all, not every mother will be able to sleep peacefully, knowing that the child has signs of the disease. To exclude serious diseases, you must immediately go to the hospital for an examination.

Parents can influence the thermoregulatory process in their babies by doing the following:

  1. The first thing parents should do is to fill the life of their little one with activity and variety. Children love to explore the world, and not only in the first years of life, but all the time. This will not only improve the mood of the baby, but also strengthen the immune system. Children should definitely do gymnastics, play outdoor and gambling games with them.
  2. It is necessary to engage in children's hardening from childhood, which will not only strengthen the immune system, but also saturate the life of the baby with variety.
  3. Control your diet. Every day, the baby's body should receive in the required volumes such basic components as fats, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and trace elements. Children do not just need vitamins and proteins, they are vital.
  4. Look after your clothes. The baby should not be wrapped in warm blankets if the room temperature is maintained at a normal level. Taking walks in the fresh air, you should monitor the condition of the baby, if he freezes, then dress him warmer, and if he is hot, then take off warm clothes.
  5. Eliminate factors that interfere with normal blood flow. These factors include clothing and footwear. If the slimming socks block the blood vessels, then the legs will freeze even in the warmest clothes.

Above are the factors indicating the disease of children over the age of 2 years. With regards to newborns and infants, everything is much simpler here.

Cold feet and hands in infants: causes

Why a small child has cold hands and feet at normal temperatures, not many experienced mothers know. First of all, such a phenomenon in infants indicates that their body is adapting to the environment, resulting in temperature changes. Pediatricians assure parents that constantly cold feet and hands in infants is a normal sign that does not require parental intervention. In addition, parents do not need to perform warming procedures if the baby has cold legs. After all, if you do not calculate overheating, especially with the help of warm blankets and clothes, then you can overheat the child, resulting in a jump in temperature.

The baby's vessels adapt to the environment, so over a certain period there is a temperature difference. If the peanut's arms and legs are frozen, but the skin remains pink, then there is no reason for concern. This means that the body is hardened, which in the future will eliminate endless colds.

Symptoms of pale and bluish skin on the hands indicate that blood circulation has slowed down due to vasoconstriction. To provoke such a phenomenon in infants could provoke such a factor as hypothermia. Although hypothermia for a newborn is less dangerous than overheating, since after birth and up to a year, the child's temperature is maintained elevated at 37.4 degrees.

It is important to know! Small children are arranged in such a way that overheating is the greatest danger for them, rather than hypothermia.

Many people do not pay attention to such a "trifle" as cold feet. For them, it has become a familiar state that does not cause much discomfort. In summer, you can warm your feet in the sun, but problems arise only in winter, when your feet get cold even in a warm room. Most often this is faced by women after forty years. But many people wonder: "Why cold feet?" and diligently looking for ways to solve this problem.


Before you start treating cold feet syndrome, you need to understand what is the cause of the cold. How often do feet get cold? Does this always happen or only under certain conditions? Perhaps this is due to the peculiarities of their structure. As you know, muscle mass is responsible for the function of saving heat, the amount of which in the feet is insignificant. Adipose tissue is completely absent, therefore, in the cold season, the legs begin to freeze, and this is not a sign of a disease.

Nowadays, many girls dress lightly: short skirts, open shoes that are not suitable for the weather, shoes that are too tight. These are all factors that cause cold feet. The problem can be solved by dressing warmer.

Circulatory disorders, vegetative-vascular dystonia and low blood pressure

Why are my feet constantly cold? The reason is not always the wearing of light clothing not suitable for the weather. Sometimes this condition indicates the presence of various diseases. Circulatory disorders, or vegetovascular dystonia, is another factor that provokes such a phenomenon. But only a specialist can make a diagnosis. Deviations in the structure of blood vessels, varicose veins and many other nuances indicate a violation of blood circulation. Pay attention to whether there are spider veins and edema on the legs. Low blood pressure is often accompanied by a symptom of cold feet, as the vessels are severely constricted, and blood does not enter the capillaries well.

In most cases, such a sign as cold feet is an unkind sign. The reasons that disrupt blood circulation can be different. They cannot be ignored, but, alas, a larger percentage of people consider this a trifle.

Lack of magnesium and iron

If you have cold feet, the reasons may lie in the lack of trace elements and other nutrients. Magnesium is one of the most important minerals in the body. About 50% of it is found in bones, and only 1% in human blood. It is not easy for the body to maintain this percentage constantly, but meanwhile magnesium is involved in all biochemical processes.

When there is a lack of iron, anemia occurs, that is, anemia. Do you know about such an illness firsthand? By adjusting your diet and adding more animal foods to it, you can correct such a disadvantage as cold feet. The causes that cause this phenomenon must be eliminated immediately, without wasting time in vain.

Heart problems

If there is weakness, shortness of breath, swelling of the extremities and upper eyelids, cold feet, it is likely that you have heart problems. So, you need to immediately contact a cardiologist.


A symptom such as cold feet is manifested in people with diabetes. This is explained by a violation of capillary circulation. As a result, this leads to insufficient blood supply to the peripheral nerves of the extremities. With the passage of the examination and proper treatment, the problem of cold feet can be dealt with without problems. The specialist will prescribe competent and adequate treatment.

Metabolic failure

With such a serious illness as indigestion, it is quite difficult to cope. If a person has diseases of the endocrine system, this can lead to obesity. Why can there be cold feet? The reasons are that they "carry" the weight of a person, so the blood flow slows down. The consequence of this is cold feet, swelling and varicose veins.

Sweating feet

Cold wet feet (the causes of the pathology, as already mentioned, are varied) are often the result of hyperhidrosis. Previously, they did not want to recognize this problem as a disease, considering it just a cosmetic flaw. Recently, it has become clear that this is still a disease that is directly related to the endocrine system and is inherited.

Other causes of wet feet

Excessive sweating is provoked by the following factors:

  • infectious diseases;
  • problems of the cardiovascular system;
  • thyroid disease;
  • oncological diseases;
  • consequences of a stroke;
  • menopause;
  • age changes.

To reduce sweaty feet, change socks daily and use foot baths, massage using essential oils. Air out your shoes every day. The material should allow the feet to breathe, so in summer it is recommended to wear sandals with a wicker top. Buy cotton socks. Change the insoles every six months, and even better - every three months, if possible.

If you spend most of your time on your feet, wash your feet thoroughly as soon as you take off your shoes to prevent infection.

Cold feet in children

Parents are often interested in the question of why the child has cold feet. And it's not that he got them wet while walking on the street. According to pediatricians, this is not at all the norm, but a symptom of a specific disease or malfunction of the internal organs.

If a child has a low temperature and wet feet, this indicates a violation of blood circulation. Probably, the baby has low blood pressure, and the blood cannot circulate well in the limbs.

Often there are cases with rickets. The opinion that children practically do not get sick with this disease is erroneous. Often it just flows in a mild form. In such a situation, the pediatrician prescribes the child vitamins and an individual diet.

cold feet syndrome

This syndrome never appears just like that. You should be especially wary if even in summer there are cold feet. The reasons in this case are far from harmless. The condition is determined by the presence of diseases characterized by an implicit course.

When the patient has poor elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, in the cold season the capillaries narrow, which slows down the blood flow even more. In this case, the body temperature may rise.

Why are cold feet an unkind signal that should not be ignored? If you do not treat this syndrome, then in the future, a person can get hypothermia, followed by inflammation of the appendages and the urinary-genital system. Due to obstructed blood flow, venous insufficiency develops, small knots of varicose veins appear, which begin to hurt from time to time.

What can I do to keep my feet warm?

If the feet are cold, the reasons must be eliminated, as well as follow a few rules:

  • Dress and shoes appropriate for the weather. Shoes should not be tight or, conversely, too large.
  • Sleeping at night is better in woolen socks.
  • A contrast shower will help you strengthen your blood vessels and at the same time improve skin condition.
  • After a walk in cold weather, make special foot baths.
  • Do a foot massage.
  • Exercise daily.
  • Adjust your diet, eat more protein foods.
  • Give up bad habits.

What is good for blood vessels?

Why can there always be cold feet? The reason may lie in an implicit disease. This is a signal that you need to immediately consult a doctor. With proper and timely treatment, you will have a positive result.

Follow the recommendations: dress warmly, eat right, be active, take foot baths, massage with warming creams or essential oils. This is not only useful, but also very pleasant.

From the moment the heir is born, our life is filled with new joy, happiness, which is necessarily accompanied by natural cares and worries about the little man. For any mother, the health, happiness and development of the child is the main desire and aspiration, so it is not surprising that young women pay a lot of attention to medical issues related to the child.

One of the most common problems that mothers come to the pediatrician with is the low temperature of the hands and feet of the baby.

Let's find out what can cause cold extremities in children, how dangerous this problem can be and how to deal with it.


Let's start with the smallest children. Heat transfer in the body of newborns (from birth to 6 months) is still imperfect, since during this period the little person is adapting to the new world around him. During the first months after birth, the temperature of the body and limbs of the baby
but it can differ significantly, and there is nothing unnatural in this. In this case, it will be enough to wear warm socks and mittens made of soft natural material, such as bikes.

If the newborn eats well, is in a good mood, you should not worry that his limbs are cold. But if this condition is accompanied by whims, a rash, other skin rashes, fever, poor appetite or lethargy, the baby should be shown to the pediatrician, since these signs may be the cause of any disease.

In an older child, at the age of 4-7 years, rapid growth may be the cause of constantly cold hands and feet. There is nothing terrible in this, since such a condition is caused by the active development of all organs and systems, and therefore the vessels often simply do not have time to adapt to this process, they shrink, as a result of which blood circulation is disturbed.

However, rapid growth is far from the only possible cause of the syndrome. "cold extremities" at the kids. Let's find out why even a preschool child and a teenager can have constantly cold feet and hands.

Decreased immunity. Cold extremities, accompanied by lethargy, apathy, pallor, fatigue, deterioration of brain activity (as a rule, children in such cases begin to lag behind in school) may be the result of poor nutrition.

Even an adult and mature person needs a rational, nutritious diet to maintain vitality and generate energy. And for a growing and still such a weak organism, this need is doubly important, because in order to grow and develop properly, it needs vitamins, micro and macro elements, a sufficient amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Malnutrition, harmful foods such as chips, nuts, crackers, fast food, sweet soda, popcorn, negatively affect health, cause a decrease in immunity and, as a result, iron deficiency anemia.

A poor diet also causes a decrease in blood pressure, as a result of which the temperature of the hands and feet may decrease in children.

Problems with the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is a key link in the hormonal system of the whole organism. With a deficiency of thyroid hormones, metabolic processes slow down, manifested by the syndrome of icy limbs.

Girls are more likely to face this problem than boys (about 5 times), as well as children living in ecologically disadvantaged areas.

Neurocircular (or vegetovascular) dystonia. The autonomic nervous system plays an important role in the life of the body - it constantly controls heart contractions, the work of all systems and organs, respiratory rate, etc. That is why a violation of its work entails muscle spasm and circulatory disorders.

Dystonia, in turn, can be caused by various factors - increased nervous excitability, stress, anxiety, lack of sleep, drinking coffee, tea, energy drinks, alcohol, unhealthy lifestyle, smoking, chronic lack of fresh air.

Often this problem goes away with age on its own, however, with the wrong lifestyle, it can remain forever.

Lack of physical activity. The cause of cold extremities can be commonplace - hypothermia and wearing tight shoes. Often, children, especially teenagers, for the sake of dubious fashion or as a result of normal absent-mindedness, may neglect to wear gloves and warm socks during the cold season. As a result of being outside, the hands and feet of the child are cooled, which causes real horror among caring mothers, fathers and grandmothers.

What to do?

If you notice that the child has cold extremities, do not leave the situation unattended.

To make sure that there is no disease, take the baby to the pediatrician - a specialist will help you sort out the problem and prescribe the necessary tests and studies if necessary. If the cause of constantly cold hands and feet in a child is still a serious disease, it requires immediate treatment, because many diseases in childhood can become chronic and “grow up” with the person.

If the specialist does not find any pathology, pay attention to the lifestyle and nutrition of your heir.

To strengthen the immune system and get rid of the problem, listen to the following tips:

  • make your child's life active - do not let him sit for hours at a computer or smartphone, teach him to play sports and help him fall in love with an active lifestyle. Do not let physical education lessons be missed, walk more often together in the forest, park or near water bodies;
  • do not swaddle babies in thick blankets, this will only exacerbate the problem. Let the baby actively move the arms and legs;
  • do not wear tight and uncomfortable shoes on the baby. This is especially true for teenage girls who love to flaunt in high heeled shoes. When buying shoes for a preschooler, make sure that there is a space of at least one centimeter between the thumb and the toe of the product;
  • in the cold season, make sure that the heir is dressed in comfortable and warm clothes. But overdoing it, dressing up the crumbs like cabbage, is also not worth it, because this will lead to the fact that the baby will simply sweat in the cold;
  • monitor the nutrition of your son or daughter. It should be complete, rational, contain all the substances necessary for a person at this age - trace elements, vitamins, fiber, carbohydrates, fats and proteins. The daily diet must contain fresh and / or boiled vegetables, cereals, fruits and juices, greens, eggs, grain bread. Make sure that at least once a day the child eats a hot first course. Also introduce ginger (fresh or dried) into his diet - this fruit has wonderful "warming up" blood ability, and helps to strengthen the immune system;
  • monitor the psychological health of the crumbs. Be interested in his relationships with peers, friends, never refuse moral support, imbue his problems and be ready to take them seriously. Remember that emotional problems easily turn into physiological ones.

As you can see, there can be many reasons why a child has constantly cold feet and hands. If such a symptom is found, it is imperative to take the baby to the doctor in order to make sure that there is no serious illness or, if necessary, start treatment.

At the birth of a long-awaited baby, many parents worry about any slightest reason. And the well-being of their own children worries in the first place.

A small child cannot communicate what is bothering him, and therefore moms and dads are even more worried.

Why does a baby have cold hands and feet and what should new parents do?

In what situations is the advice of a pediatrician and examination of other specialists required for cold extremities of a newborn? Why do babies have cold hands and feet during a walk and is it necessary to reduce the time spent outside?

With a calm state of the baby, good appetite and peaceful sleep, parents should not have reasons for nervousness and anxiety. The system of functioning of the blood circulation in the body of the baby is also defective, as well as thermoregulatory processes.

After birth, the "extrauterine" blood circulation, functioning as in adults in a small and large circle, fully matures by 7-8 months in the absence of pathologies. Closer to a year, the symptom of constantly cold extremities in a newborn begins to disappear. The temperature of the hands, feet and nose of the baby is only the temperature of the skin. Warm extremities indicate active blood flow in the peripheral vessels.

Consultation with a specialist for a baby with cold hands and feet will be necessary if the general state of health worsens. Especially if the baby is sad, lethargic, drowsy, moody, he has a poor appetite and intermittent sleep.

Up to 2 years, cold hands and feet in a child without the above symptoms are considered the norm due to an inferior thermoregulation system of the body. But if cold hands are noticed in a child of 2 years old and even at 3 years old, then it is worth watching the baby.

What to do if the newborn has a high temperature and at the same time the arms and legs are cold? Immediately call a pediatrician who will prescribe the appropriate treatment. If this condition is accompanied by a blue nasolabial triangle, pallor, "white" lips and lethargy, lethargy and lack of crying, you should contact an ambulance. Vasospasm leads to "white fever". You can not offer the baby antipyretics, this can only worsen his well-being.

For older children, the situation and actions are similar. Before the arrival of the doctor, you can massage the limbs with light movements, which will begin to restore blood flow.

According to E.O. Komarovsky, cold hands and feet in a baby during high temperature numbers are an indicator of dehydration. All peripheral blood thickens, heading to the internal organs, due to the presence of leukocytes and viruses in it.

The child may have cold hands and feet even at normal temperatures. The skin of the arms and legs of a baby up to a year is the first to freeze, since there is direct contact with the surrounding atmosphere. The vessels and capillaries of the skin narrow or expand only depending on the air temperature.

You need to focus on the color of the baby's skin, and not on the temperature. According to Komarovsky, if a newborn has cold hands and feet, but their color remains pink, then you should not worry. The skin adjusts to the outside temperature. The small organism is hardened and the heat exchange system works properly.

Parents should be alerted by the skin of a pale blue hue and the icy legs of the baby. Blood circulation in the extremities becomes slow. The reason lies in hypothermia, narrowing of peripheral vessels. Blood is sent to the internal organs, so the skin turns pale.

The cause of cold and wet extremities in infants aged 2-3 months may be rickets - a lack of vitamin D. Other symptoms are sure to accompany: irritability, sour smell of sweat, changes in biochemical parameters and a characteristic "bald head" on the back of the head. If detected early, rickets can be treated.

The causes of cold and wet hands and feet in a child of 2-3 years old can lie in various diseases:

  • Vegetovascular dystonia. In case of violation of activity, spasm and vasoconstriction occur, the movement of blood flow slows down, which leads to increased sweating of the palms and cold hands in the child. "Ice" hands after sleep in a child become the most common symptom up to 5-7 years. The older the preschooler becomes, the less often this anomaly appears.
  • Negative emotions and stresses are involved in the violation of thermoregulation.
  • A decrease in immunity, accompanied by general weakness, pallor, dizziness, can cause cold extremities in children.
  • Endocrine system disorders. In diseases of the thyroid gland, the child sweats and his hands, legs become icy, dryness of the skin appears. In this case, consultation with an endocrinologist is necessary.
  • Anemia (iron deficiency). Cold hands are noted. Feet can stay warm. This is explained by the fact that all thermal energy is consumed faster due to a lack of iron in the baby's blood.
  • Wrong nutrition. A banal lack of nutrients will lead to icy skin of the hands and feet.

With cold extremities of a child, consultation with a specialist is necessary, especially when there are the following accompanying symptoms:

  • high temperature 38-39˚С, pallor, lethargy of the baby;
  • wet hands and feet in a 2-3 month old baby with a sour smell, tearfulness and irritability;
  • wet hands and feet in a preschooler, shortness of breath, frequent thirst, dry skin.

Parents, having discovered cold limbs in their children, begin to intensively warm them in various ways: wrap them up, put on socks, mittens for newborns, and even body wraps.

But such actions only worsen the condition of the child. Only a pediatrician can choose the right warming measures.

After a visual examination, a specialist can prescribe a therapy appropriate to the disease:

  • Massage and gymnastics. With such procedures, the baby additionally takes an air bath, which contributes to hardening. You need to trust your child only to a qualified massage therapist who has a certificate of manual therapy and the ability to work with young children. It is better to choose a medical worker with experience.
  • If an appropriate disease is detected, it is necessary to treat it with a narrow specialist: an endocrinologist, an immunologist, a hematologist, a psychologist.
  • Improving immunity by hardening, taking vitamins and mineral complexes, spending more time on the street.

By following simple rules, you can minimize the risk of hypothermia in the limbs of the baby:

  • Physical activity. Organize more activity for the baby, which will contribute to normal blood circulation and increased sweating, eliminating the possibility of hands and feet being constantly cold.
  • Hardening, air baths. If the house is warm, and the child has cold hands, this is a normal condition. The mechanism of thermoregulation learns to adapt to the environment.
  • Proper diet. The presence in the diet of all important vitamins, proteins, minerals, carbohydrates and fats in accordance with the energy consumption rate will save the baby from ice hands.
  • Loose clothes. All clothing made from non-natural fabrics and tight-fitting children will certainly lead to impaired blood flow.

In any case, if the newborn has cold hands, feet and nose, then this issue should not be ignored. After all, the health and well-being of children is in the hands of their parents.

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In the last article, we found out that the hands can normally be cooler than the whole body. The legs have the same right - like on the hands, they have almost no subcutaneous adipose tissue, but a large surface of the skin that gives off heat. Therefore, the legs are rarely warm, especially the shins and knees. When we are cold, the vessels in the legs contract and “push” blood to the internal organs, thus the body saves itself. The limbs immediately become an order of magnitude colder. There is nothing wrong with this if a person nevertheless moves towards warmth, and does not continue to passively freeze.

The average winter walk is one and a half hours. In a child dressed for the weather (in winter shoes), during this time, the legs may freeze for the following reasons:

Poor-quality shoes of the company "China-on-the-knee", the so-called "noname". No one knows exactly what materials are used by private artisans from Eastern countries (not necessarily from China). But the fact that the cheapest and most environmentally dirty, no one doubts.

Tight shoes - or shoes that are too big. If the shoes are tight, the fingers in it are immobilized, they do not warm each other, blood circulation is disturbed. The same effect is possible when warm socks are put on tight tights, and the feet become cramped in shoes. There should be space for air circulation, but reasonable (no more than 1 cm).

Shoes are not suitable for temperature conditions. For example, boots are worn at temperatures above -10°C. Or vice versa - leather boots are worn by a sedentary child at temperatures below -10 ° C.

Wet shoes, wet feet. When it's slushy outside, shoes can get wet. Any boots and boots that do not have a special water-proof mark on the label get wet. The reason, on the other hand, is that the feet sweat, from which the insole and toe become wet. How to determine why shoes get wet: lift the insole. Or feel from the inside along the edges (the junction with the sole). If the boots get wet, the edges will be wet. If there is light moisture inside the boot, while there is no excess moisture around the edges, most likely the child’s feet are sweating, and the shoes have nothing to do with it. You can also test the boots by immersing them in a bowl of water for a couple of hours. Naturally, this applies to shoes that are declared as water-proof (waterproof). For example, membrane This is how - with the help of a basin - they check shoes for examination.

Pure delusion. Feet don't get cold, but they always seem to be cold. Increased suspiciousness in the mother, manifested in the constant palpation of the legs after a walk, the categorical warming of the legs of a small child at the first snow, and so on. Projecting one's own feelings onto a child: in adults, due to malnutrition, stress and bad habits, circulatory disorders occur in 99% of cases. In other words, mothers on the street get cold feet much more often than their children.

Health problems. Vegetative-vascular dystonia, iron deficiency anemia, thyroid disorders. Children often outgrow these problems. It is very important to harden the legs from birth: massage of the fingers and feet, walking barefoot at home, massage mats, contrast showers, rolling the “prickly” massage rollers with the feet.

Bottom line: if the feet are a little cool, the child is NOT cold. This is the normal temperature for the feet. If your toes are icy, these are bad shoes for you (tight or vice versa large). It is impossible to judge by individual areas of the skin about the freezing of the entire organ! Feel the leg above the joint. In cold feet, the skin above the ankle will also be very cold. And not just on the feet. Any mother will distinguish a frozen (ice, red) foot from an ordinary cool foot. Feet icy and red require replacement of shoes or revision of layers under shoes.

And now, attention, the sacred truth (only to anyone!): if the child’s legs are cold, you must ... WARM them. You returned home from a walk, found icy feet in a child, wrapped them in a blanket or put on warm socks, drank hot tea. All! There is no problem. Really, great? For this advice in the circle of young mothers of children from zero to three years old, you can pay with your life, because the hour is not far off when interest clubs will arise: “what are we STILL doing with cold feet.”

We warm the legs: a good mood for a walk

A rare mother will allow a child to have icy legs all the time. She will buy other shoes, put socks on the child, think of something else. One-time cooling does not threaten anything if on the same day the child does not catch an infection, if his immunity is not weakened after any serious illness, if the mother does not shout “oh, you will get sick, oh, my legs are frozen”, giving the child valuable ideas on how to get more attention.

Many have observed how some mothers - and especially grandmothers - incessantly pull their children for walks. Others with the best intentions. Most of all goes to children under 3-4 years old. "Are you cold? Where did you go? Go out there. Don't touch that, and that too! Don't ride down the hill, your pants will get dirty!" When a person is kept in tension, his blood rushes to the internal organs and to the brain, which allows him to quickly concentrate and come up with moves to retreat. Accordingly, the hands and feet begin to freeze.

Keep your child in a good mood on a walk - do not yell at him, do not pull, do not feel or embarrass him with questions about freezing, and he will actually be less cold.

We warm the legs: THERMONOSKI

One point should be emphasized with particular cruelty: NO NEED TO WEAR SOCKS! You really can send a child in boots or felt boots without socks. And your feet will be much warmer.

The feeling of warmth does not depend on the number of layers, it depends on their quality.

The need for warm socks is dictated to us by Soviet precepts. Then all the shoes were of average quality, and children without socks really got cold. If you put socks on your child for a walk at temperatures above -10 ° C, and his feet are still cold - try to do without socks next time. Perhaps the foot is just sweating and cooling.

In each article this fall, we analyze the newfangled items of children's clothing. Let's not ignore thermal socks. What are these amazing socks? Thermal socks have a different composition depending on the needs of the buyer: cotton (for low activity), synthetic and woolen (for high activity and walks in the cold), as well as mixed. They are worn both on the naked body and on tights. In winter, socks with merino wool are more often used, this is the best option for walking in the cold. Thermal socks wick away moisture well, keeping feet dry and warm. It is desirable that tights also remove moisture, that is, they contain synthetics. If they are pure cotton, then moisture will be absorbed, and thermal socks will not help.

Merino wool is hypoallergenic, does not roll and perfectly retains heat. The addition of synthetics allows the socks to hold their shape better and increase their durability. What are the advantages of thermal socks over socks from the “grandmother” company: they can be worn equally under membrane shoes and regular ones, they stretch well - some last for 2-3 years of frequent wear, do not lose their appearance (the more synthetics in the composition, the less they roll), have fun colors. Well, and, of course, thermal socks with wool perfectly warm. Temperature range for such socks: from -10°С to -35°С.

The most popular brands of thermal socks:

Guahoo Comfort Heavy (Finland)

Compound: 40% merino wool, 40% acrylic, 18% polyamide, 2% elastane.

Price:~280 rub.

Janus (Norway)

Compound: 95/5 merino wool/lycra.

Price:~350 rub.

Norwegian Kids" socks (Norway)

Compound: 70% merino wool, 13% polyamide, 11% thermal light, 5% elastic, 1% lycra.

Price:~from 400 rub.

We warm the legs: SHOE

In what kind of shoes will the foot definitely not freeze? Good question. Everyone has their own preferences in choosing. For some, cost is important, for others - design, others are chasing high technology, and others buy a fourth pair of boots with galoshes and do not hesitate at all.

As you prepare for winter, think about what is your priority in choosing shoes. The second is to determine the degree of activity of the child. Third: if you decide to buy something new, previously unknown, collect information on this brand and read opinions about it.

In our country, for a very long time, they thought about limitations. These limitations still show up in the details. For example, it used to be believed that if a person lies down, then he is lazy. He does not think, does not dream, does not rest, does not want to be alone, but is simply lazy. Definitely. Everyone had to do something (work, study or hobby). In matters of personal comfort, the same unambiguity prevailed. If a person is cold, then he had to warm himself. Don't undress, but put on even more layers. Especially if it's a child. Nowadays, clothes have acquired the concept of "functional". We learned that a person gets cold not only because the cold wind “blows off” the heat generated by the body from him. It turns out that overheating, poor removal of moisture from the skin is to blame for freezing - and in most cases.

Wet skin freezes ten times faster than dry skin. If certain parts of the child's body are overheated, they become slightly damp and quickly freeze. And it's hard to tell by touch.

Careful monitoring of forums, letters, complaints and other information from consumers shows that young mothers almost never associate the freezing of a child with overheating. It's just hard to believe: it's cold - yes!, but in order to overheat ... As well as the fact that a frozen child needs to be undressed, and not dressed in three more layers. For example, the theme that heads the charts: a child's feet in felt boots froze STILL at -5 ° C. And woolen socks.

No, not like that: put on membrane boots with fur with a pure wool sock, came home - your feet are getting cold!

In both cases, most likely, the leg was sweating and cooling, but the stereotypes are strong - we believe only in one direction, that is, in the cold. After all, the manufacturer, the party and the government, the nasty weather will be to blame for the cold. And it is very difficult to blame yourself for overheating childish legs.

And furtherone"sacred" truth. Each child is individual. Any child's feet can freeze in a membrane, in Finnish boots, ordinary boots.

If your stroller baby has cold feet while walking, cover them with a blanket. If he already walks on his own, but comes with frozen feet, shod in expensive imported shoes, buy ordinary felt boots for 200 rubles and see what happens. If "everyone" does not get cold feet in Kuom, but your child does, this is not a phenomenon and not a reason for ridicule. This happens. Everyone has their own comfort.

The main thing - what, in fact, this article tells about - the main thing is not to accumulate anxiety about this.

Many people get cold in winter, but not everyone gets sick from it. The human body is quite adapted to temperature extremes, and a slight degree of freezing trains it, rather than weakens it.

Types of children's winter shoes

Leather boots with fur

The oldest and most popular option. Genuine leather as a material is permeable to air and moisture, so leather boots should be treated with water-repellent impregnations and models made of thick leather with thick soles should be chosen.

"Pros": a huge selection of models, colors, you can pick up boots for any clothes and for every taste. Low price. The ideal option for a "carriage" child is light, breathable, warm.

"Minuses": skin gets wet. These shoes are not designed for frost, at temperatures below -10 ° C, an inactive child's feet may freeze.

Textile boots with a membrane (thermal boots)

Modern shoes that consumers will get used to for a long time. The presence of a membrane does not guarantee 100% waterproofness, it improves the breathability of the shoe. Wetting depends on the materials of the upper and the quality of the seams.

"Pros": light shoes for active walks, a high degree of waterproofing (depending on the quality of the shoes and manufacturer's guarantees), savings on seasons - membrane shoes are worn from October to April.

"Minuses": poor choice, poor quality of domestic membrane shoes, high prices for imported ones. The need to wear tights with an admixture of synthetics under these shoes. The direct dependence of the warming of the legs on the activity of the child.


Layered boots or rubber boots. At the bottom they are rubber, on top - textiles or rubberized suede, insulation - wool, felt.

"Pros": low price, the ability to adjust the leg with the help of drawstrings. Low wettability.

"Minuses": there are few colors; for some, the look of snow boots seems unaesthetic, rude. Low "breathing" properties.

Rolled felt boots

Traditional Russian footwear for cold weather, which has recently been replaced by Australian Uggi boots and Finnish Kuoma boots. They also include felt boots with rubber soles, although, strictly speaking, they are not felt boots, and they have a different temperature regime.

"Pros": low price for Russian boots, high quality of imported analogues. Reliable shoes for frosts below -15. °С

"Minuses":"Market" felt boots get wet, suitable only for dry frosts. You need to buy another pair of shoes for a slushy winter - or galoshes. Not an option for active children, the foot sweats quickly. Imported boots have a high price.