From junk material with their own hands. A useful activity from boredom - we make crafts from waste material with the children. Crafts from waste material - Making a site with crafts from waste material

Waste material gives a huge scope for creativity. To make something unique and unusual, you do not need to go to a craft store or to the forest for natural materials. It is enough to do a general cleaning.

In every home there is an egg container, an empty plastic or glass bottle, a juice or milk carton, a paper sleeve and much more. Craftsmen make handicrafts from waste material so skillfully that it is not difficult to guess what they are made of.

Autumn crafts

funny bees

The sweetest time is Autumn. For the manufacture of funny honey bees, drinking yogurt bottles are suitable. We paint the bee yellow and draw black stripes. Mica from the old bouquet will go to transparent wings. We also make our own eyes.

We take a blister from pills, for the eye we need one cell. We cut out a small circle from black cardboard - this will be the pupil. We cut out a circle from white cardboard along the diameter of the cell, insert the pupil and glue it with the cell. No one will distinguish such an eye from a needlework store bought in a needlework store.

Casket - apple

Autumn is famous for its fruits. Ordinary plastic bottles will make excellent apples - caskets. For one apple we take two bottles. Cut off the bottom at a height of about 7 cm. These are the parts we need. Red or yellow, choose an apple color and paint both blanks. To make the edge look more interesting, we glue lace or braid, but do not overdo it, the workpieces should overlap easily. It remains to glue a branch with a leaf. Do-it-yourself apple harvest is ready.

autumn garden

The brightest time of the year is autumn. Making a real autumn garden with your own hands is very simple, even a child can handle this task. We will need: a paper sleeve, a disposable cardboard plate, paints and scissors. The sleeve will be the trunk, we paint it brown. The plate is the basis of the future crown, boldly paint it in bright autumn colors on both sides. Now we make two parallel cuts in the trunk, and insert the crown. A wonderful autumn tree is ready.

Every woman dreams of decorating her dacha. Indeed, a cottage that is decorated with all sorts of items or some crafts looks prettier. Of course, it is most profitable to decorate a country house and a personal plot with things that were created by oneself. Today, for a summer residence, you can create a huge number of crafts on your own. But in this article we will tell you about what crafts you can make to give from waste material with your own hands. Here you will see photos of such crafts and you can find a description.

Waste material craft ideas

Beautiful and bright pendant.

If you delve into this topic in more detail, you can see that just a huge number of crafts can be made from waste material. A beautiful pendant in bright colors is also very easy to make. You should prepare:

  • Large and small paper plate
  • beads and plastic
  • Wool threads, pumpkin seeds, plastic straws,
  • Hole punch, scissors and glue gun.


  1. First of all, it is worth making holes in a large paper plate with a hole punch. From a piece of plastic, cut out the petals and glue them in a circle to the plate.
  2. Now it's time to color the petals and pumpkin seeds. Glue the pumpkin seeds that have already been dyed onto the plates.
  3. Then you should do the pendants. For this purpose, flowers must be made at the ends of the threads. They are made as follows: first you need to fix the bead on the thread. Glue pumpkin seeds to it.
  4. Then attach the finished threads with flowers to the plate. They are already fixed in ready-made holes.

So your wonderful craft is ready. She can easily decorate absolutely any country house.

Unusual clock for decorating the interior of the cottage.

In this article, you can meet more than one master class for crafts made from waste material. Creating such crafts will surely bring you happiness. If you have a mountain of old newspapers and magazines at home, then do not rush to throw them away. Remember that these things can be used to create original crafts that will be a wonderful interior decoration.

To create a beautiful clock, you will need to prepare:

  • strips from magazines and newspapers,
  • thick cardboard circle
  • pointer mechanism and glue.


  1. Newspapers or magazines are cut into small strips. Each strip is rolled into a roll.
  2. If the rolls turned out to be colorless, then they can be painted with bright watercolors. With rolls from magazines, such manipulation is not necessary.
  3. These rolls are glued onto a circle of cardboard with glue. Glue these rolls is denser to each other.
  4. When the work of gluing the rolls is completed, it is worth fixing the clock mechanism and hanging the watch in the kitchen or in another room.

Bright lanterns.

By the New Year, people make paper lanterns to decorate the Christmas tree. But did you know that almost the same lanterns can be made from plastic bottles? Such products will be a wonderful decoration of your summer cottage and will attract the attention of many. All you need to turn a simple bottle into an original gift is:

  • bright colors,
  • scissors, sharp knife and thread.


  1. At the beginning of the bottle, we paint it in a bright color. To make them look even more attractive, you need to depict some kind of ornament on them.
  2. When the paint dries with a knife, you need to make cuts in the bottle. Bend these strips and lightly press the flashlight.
  3. Now make a hole in the cork and fasten a thick thread in it, which will be a loop.

Picture of pistachios.

It is worth noting that making crafts from waste material is a great activity for those people who love creativity. Any even the most unnecessary material today can be used. Pistachio shells are the very material from which you can create original products. For example, pictures from this material look quite beautiful and unusual. For their manufacture, you need: the pistachio shells themselves, glue and paints. Also, you can not do without your skills and imagination.


Peacock for a summer residence.

Above, we gave those crafts that could be made to decorate a country house. Now it’s worth bringing a few crafts with which you can decorate your summer cottage. Craft - a peacock is a great option. To make it you will need:

  • 5 liter plastic bottle.
  • Film and wire.


  1. At the beginning, a frame is made from a bottle of wire and film.
  2. Many strips are cut from the film, from which a fringe is made.
  3. These strips are glued to the bottle and to the tail of the bird.

Pots from rubber boots.

Even old rubber boots can be adapted to decorate a summer cottage. They can be pots for different plants.

  • To make the boots look decent. They are painted in a certain color, a hole is made for hanging and earth is poured into them.
  • Now you can plant any plant you want in such peculiar pots.

Made from old flower pots.

If a lot of old flower pots lie idle at home, then with the right approach they can be put to good use. Of these, you can make a beautiful craft that many of your guests can enjoy. If you look at the photo, you can understand that this craft is extremely simple.

Flower pots in the design of a flower garden can play their main role. But if you add a little fun element and decorate them with paints, you can get something original.


Old tires will also work to create something original. For example, you can make a minion out of them, to whom you will hand over a rake and a shovel.


Ordinary plastic bottles of 5 liters can turn into funny pigs. They are simply dyed pink, cut out their ears and make eyes.

Such pigs can be decomposed throughout the summer cottage. On green grass, they will look great.

Ideas for giving from bottles.

In this article, we continue to list crafts from waste material to give. Plastic bottles, perhaps, are available in every home. However, you don't need to get rid of them quickly. Today, many interesting products can be made from them.

For example, you can make a beautiful lamp out of glass bottles. You will need glass bottles, light bulbs and wires.

Another idea is a plastic bottle tree. Such a product, for sure, will look very attractive at any summer cottage.

Bottle caps are suitable for decorating a fence or any wall in a summer cottage.


We hope that you were able to learn how to make crafts from waste material with your own hands. Use our ideas and decorate your cottage with beautiful products.

Want to make some crafts, but do not want to purchase expensive materials? Do you want to give old things a second life? Learn how to make crafts from recycled materials. Our article will help you with this.

What is waste material?

Waste material gives a wide scope for imagination. Most importantly, it is always at hand! In order to make crafts from waste material, you do not have to go to the store or wander through the forest. Everything you need can be easily found in the pantry, garage and even in the wastebasket!

Old newspapers, cardboard boxes, egg containers, plastic bottles, juice and milk bags, metal cans and lids - all of these are useful for making children's crafts from waste material, as well as products that will be useful for yourself. Working with unusual materials will not only develop your imagination, but also teach you to see new sides of ordinary things.

Crafts from disks

Probably, each house has a pile of unnecessary CDs that no one has been using for a long time. Disks can be an excellent material for creating many interesting things.

Warm up the disc a little over the fire, bend it like a bowl - the original candlestick is ready! You can stick pieces of fabric - you get interesting coasters for mugs and glasses. From disks you can make a lamp or a floor lamp.

Round, with a convenient hole in the middle… Yes, this is a finished watch! It remains to insert the clockwork and decorate to your liking. Watches can be both real, functional, and decorative.

The circle is already a finished shape. Excellent crafts from waste material for kindergarten can be obtained if you add it with a muzzle, paws and tail, or fins, or a beak and wings using colored paper, fabric, felt. Bright exotic fish, birds, lion cubs, tiger cubs, cats, dogs can live in your house - that's enough imagination.

Finally, you can cut the disk into small pieces and decorate many things with a mosaic pattern. Thus decorate vases, Christmas decorations, photo frames and even walls! What other crafts can be made from waste material? Photos show that the scope for imagination is truly limitless!

Crafts from plastic bottles

It's no secret that crafts made from waste material are often made from plastic bottles. They are limited by flower beds, flowers are cut out of them, palm trees are made. All this has already come. Let's try to give you some interesting ideas that can surprise you.

Plastic palm trees are boring. But have you ever seen a Christmas tree made of green bottles? With a little work and patience, you can get a real fluffy beauty. And not only desktop: the size of the tree depends only on your free time and desire.

Take two bottles, cut in half, connect the two lower parts. And now let's get down to paint - and boring plastic will turn into funny animals. You can do the same with a bottle of unusual shape.

Accumulated containers of shampoos and shower gels? You can make a real flotilla of them for games at home and on the street. Make a sail from a long skewer, stick it into the half of a wine cork. Now, using rubber bands, attach this design to a closed bottle. The unsinkable ship is ready!

Why not go bowling? There is always a ball, and skittles can be made from plastic bottles. In order to prevent them from being blown away by the wind, pour some sand on the bottom. With the help of paints, such skittles can be turned into funny little men or funny animals.

Crafts from waste material for school in the winter can also be made from plastic bottles. It will be very unusual to decorate the class with the help of Christmas decorations with your own hands. Cut the bottle into rings a centimeter thick, form a ball out of the rings. The base is ready, and you can decorate a light ball with a Christmas tree rain, sequins, rhinestones. The bottom of the bottle is an almost finished snowflake, it remains to apply a pattern with white paint, and excellent bumps will turn out from a brown bottle.

Crafts from covers

So, we used the bottles, there were a bunch of multi-colored caps left. Do not rush to throw them away! Covers will be an excellent material for children's creativity. The smallest ones can draw muzzles on them, add ears, tails - you get a whole zoo. Stick a few covers on a sheet of cardboard - and they will become the heroes of an unusual pattern, for example, fish in an aquarium.

Caps - an excellent element of a mosaic. They can make an excellent panel with a geometric pattern or an animal figurine. Such a craft will become especially bright if paints are used.

And if you make holes in the lids with a hot awl, you can string them on rubber bands and create interesting little robots.

Crafts from newspapers and magazines

Do you have a pile of old unwanted newspapers in your house? Show a little imagination, and it will melt like snow under the spring sun! For example, they can make an excellent storage basket for ... newspapers, for example.

The main way to work with newspapers is to twist them into thin tubes and weave like a vine. By the way, things made by this method are outwardly indistinguishable from wicker products. After painting, of course.

And what to do with a pile of glossy magazines? Read our master class. Crafts from junk material, namely magazines, can become an original decoration for your home. Twist the tubes from the pages, make flat stripes out of them, roll them into spirals of different sizes. Now inflate the balloon and use it as the basis for the future round vase. After all the spirals are glued together around the balloon, deflate it. Form the bottom of the vase on a flat surface.

Crafts from cardboard tubes and egg cartons

Toilet paper rolls and egg trays are the things that go straight into the trash can. Meanwhile, they can also turn out to be crafts. Very interesting things come out of junk material (photos in the article demonstrate this).

Gently bend the ends of the tube inward. Reminds me of ears? From such a blank you can get a beautiful owl or cat. Or maybe you see another animal in this silhouette?

From an old sock or a small piece of fabric, make a hat. Put it on a tube, draw a face - you get a little man. The hub easily becomes a racing car or an airplane.

Do you have an egg carton left? From it you can make a lot of animals and insects. These are spiders, caterpillars, bats, chickens and cockerels. Blossom under skillful hands and beautiful bouquets of bright voluminous flowers.

Crafts from packages, boxes

Did you get a juice bag in your hands? Crafts from waste material in this category will pleasantly surprise you. For example, you can make a cute wallet for storing small things, and besides, it will be closed! Take a close look at the milk carton. See the almost finished bird feeder? It remains only to cut holes on the edges with a sharp knife. You can decorate such a feeder with self-adhesive paper, then it will last longer in the street. It will turn out from the package and a house for a small doll, furniture for Barbie, a ship, a car.

But from a large box of household appliances, you can build a real castle for dolls, a house, a car, an airplane, a ship for a child, a bed for a big doll, a toy TV or an aquarium.

Panels and key holders

Making crafts from waste material is not just for kids. From all sorts of garbage you can make an excellent key holder or just a pretty sign. Stick accumulated little things on the board - old keys, puzzle pieces, gears, small plastic figures and other things with an interesting texture, attach key hooks. Now everything needs to be primed with black paint, and then apply bronze from a spray can. The keychain is ready!

Waste material

Waste material gives great opportunities for the implementation of fantasies. The most interesting thing is that such material for crafts in this case is at hand. D To make something fun, you don't have to go to the store, go to the forest or go to the park and collect natural material. Everything you need can be found in your household solid waste or in a dusty far corner of the garage. Egg containers, shells, plastic and glass bottles, solid dairy bags, juice bags, and more make great, free craft supplies. In the process of work, children acquire labor skills and abilities, develop creative imagination and constructive thinking, master ways of working with various tools that are suitable for the material they are currently working with. Thus, crafts from waste material will help your kids appreciate every little thing. And most importantly - include your imagination and fantasy regarding how you can use this or that waste material.

Master Class

Master Class (MK) - this is the transfer of his professional experience by the master (teacher), his consistent, verified actions leading to a predetermined result.

To publish a master class, the work must be the author's (invented and made by you). If someone else's idea was used, then the author must be indicated. (A link to the source should not lead to a site containing the sale of goods or services, since links to commercial sites are prohibited under clause 2.4 of the PS).

Your master class should not completely duplicate the one already available in the Land of Masters. Before publishing, check through the search that there are no similar MKs on the site.

The process must be photographed step by step (see Tips for Photographing Crafts) or filmed (see How to Upload a Video).

Registration procedure: the first photo is the finished work that is proposed to be done, the second photo is the materials and tools necessary for the work (or their detailed description), then the stages of the MC from the first to the last. The final photo (the result of the work) can repeat the very first one. Photos must be accompanied by clear and competent comments on the process.

If you have already published your MK on another site and you also want to publish it with us, then you need to follow all the rules for issuing an MK described above. In other words: in a post with the MK type, you can’t just put a photo of the finished product and a link to a master class on another site.

Attention: all master classes in the Land of Masters are checked by site assistants. If the requirements of the Master Class section are not met, the record type will be changed. If the User Agreement of the site is violated, for example, copyright is violated, the entry will be removed from publication.

In addition to natural material for crafts, there is a so-called waste material, which is always at hand. With it, you can create amazing things, interesting figures, toys and various models. Such material includes all kinds of egg containers, juice and milk boxes, plastic and glass bottles, bags, jars, etc. With a little imagination, you can make exclusive crafts that you will not find in any store.

Children's crafts from waste material: 3 popular options

You will need:

  1. Disposable plate;
  2. Colored paper (red, orange);
  3. Yellow paint;
  4. Brush;
  5. yellow feathers;
  6. Toy eyes;
  7. Scissors;
  8. PVA glue.


  • Take an unnecessary disposable plate (you can use it), cover it with a thick layer of yellow paint.
  • Cut out legs and feathers from orange paper, and a beak from red paper. Glue the cut out chicken parts to the back of the plate.
  • You can glue a toy eye or draw it yourself.
  • Cover paper feathers with real ones. You can also paste over the chicken itself with feathers - this way it will turn out fluffy.
  • The finished craft can be hung in the nursery or on the refrigerator instead of a large magnet.

You will need:

  1. Plastic bottle caps;
  2. Glue "Moment";
  3. Flat boxes of different sizes;
  4. Scissors;
  5. Brush;
  6. Dye;
  7. Thick cardboard;
  8. Colored cardboard.


  • In the larger box, cut out a window slightly smaller than the area of ​​the smaller box.
  • Make a small hole in the small box. Glue a small box to a large box exactly above the hole.
  • Make a tube out of cardboard and secure it in a small box. This will be the muzzle of your tank.
  • Paint the body and muzzle green. Cut out strips from black cardboard and glue them on the sides of the model, insert the caps inside, imitating caterpillars.
  • Cut out flames from red cardboard and insert them into the muzzle.
  • Any child can make such a tank, even without the help of parents.

You will need:

  1. An empty bottle of yogurt (for example, "Agushi");
  2. PVA glue;
  3. Threads;
  4. Cotton buds;
  5. Scissors;
  6. Buttons on the leg;
  7. Simple pencil;
  8. Black marker;
  9. Plasticine;
  10. Color double-sided paper;
  11. Balloons;
  12. Awl;
  13. Centimeter;
  14. Ruler;
  15. Blue self-adhesive.


  • Take an empty yogurt bottle, wash it well and dry it. Measure 4 cm from its base, draw a line and cut it off.
  • Measure the circumference of the middle part of the bottle, put the resulting size on yellow paper. Cut out the detail.
  • From black paper, cut out a thin and long strip (about 0.6x20 cm), glue the bottle shape to the bottom.
  • Paste the bottle with a yellow rectangle. With a black felt-tip pen, draw stripes on the body of the future bee (you can also cut it out of paper and glue it, but it will take longer).
  • Take 4 stick sheets, draw ovals and cut them out - these will be the wings of your bee. Glue them on the back of the insect.
  • Make a bell out of a thread and a button: fold the thread several times, tie a button on it. Put the "bell" in the bottle and screw on the cap.
  • Poke holes for the antennae. Put balls on cotton buds and insert into holes for antennae. Draw eyes on the balls.
  • Blind the mouth from red plasticine. Your bee is ready!

Crafts from waste material: photo

You will need:

  1. Disks;
  2. Napkins with various patterns;
  3. brushes;
  4. Thick cardboard;
  5. Simple pencil;
  6. Scissors;
  7. Putty for acrylic;
  8. acrylic paint;
  9. Palette knife;
  10. Glue "Moment crystal";
  11. PVA glue;
  12. Golden glitters;
  13. Acrylic varnish (matte and glossy);
  14. Sandpaper;
  15. Craquelure varnish.


  • Circle the disc on the cardboard, cut out the circle. Glue the blanks together with the Moment Crystal, placing a cardboard circle between them.
  • Using a palette knife and acrylic putty, prime the workpiece. Wait for it to dry and sand with sandpaper until smooth.
  • Coat the primed circle with white acrylic paint in 2 layers on 2 sides, then again bring it to smoothness with sandpaper.
  • Choose napkins with the right pattern. Cut out the desired ornaments or the desired motifs according to the size of the workpiece.
  • Dilute PVA with water (1: 1) or use special decoupage glue. Carefully glue the napkins to the base of the coaster.
  • When the napkins are dry, paint the ornaments with acrylic paints. Wait for the paint to dry, after which you can start aging using craquelure varnish.
  • It is applied in 2 layers. After drying, your coasters will crack.