How to crochet a tennis ball. How to crochet a bead: photo, description, master class. What thread is better to use

Doing different amenities to your loved one is great, and if you decide to surprise your boyfriend with something, then here are some tips on how to surprise your boyfriend or how to arrange a boyfriend's birthday (you can combine these two events).

You can, for example, book a table in a restaurant if you are going to celebrate the anniversary of your acquaintance, etc .;

You can surprise a guy by preparing a vocal or dance number. This is just in case you have such talents. Perhaps even involve your friends with him in such a production, if among them there is one who plays the guitar or sings. And when he returns home, give him such a surprise party. A simpler option is to contact an art agency that can arrange a party with numbers and other entertainment for you;

You can also contact an agency or organize a holiday for you and your lover in a club or on some public territory;

Play Roulette. Go to the casino. Just do it together so that you can follow the progress of the game and stop the man in time. But look at the kind of entertainment so that it does not go sideways for you, as men who are too reckless do not control themselves and will be able to get hooked!

Want to surprise your boyfriend? Buy tickets to a game of his favorite sports team or a concert of your favorite band or artist. It is very easy to make such a surprise for a guy;

Try to surprise the guy with your own hands. Or an entertaining surprise prank. It is not necessary to knit or embroider his name with a cross, it can even be a verse;

You can go on a trip or go out of town. Men are often very interested in the rest of the savages, with extreme conditions. When you decide to go with tents somewhere far outside the city, where there is beautiful nature, where there is fresh air, sea, river or lake, only you will be near, make sure that such a vacation will appeal to your loved one, and he would like to spend it this way time;

You can arrange a romantic dinner somewhere on the roof of a high-rise building. True, you can make such a surprise to a guy only in the warm season, so that the roof is not slippery;

Cook something out of the ordinary, especially if you have a guy cooking in your pair. Surely it will really be a good surprise for the guy.

Friends will help arrange a surprise for the guy

In the end, I would like to say that, probably, the best surprise for a guy will be an invitation from his friends, whom he has not seen for a long time, but really wanted. But situations developed in such a way that he did not find time for them or tried to spend time with you in order to please you or not to offend you.

The main rule of surprise for a guy is to use what your loved one loves very much. A well-planned and prepared surprise with your love will be the most pleasant thing you can do.

How to have an unforgettable birthday for a guy

Start your holiday early in the morning. You can prepare a delicious breakfast and serve it to your loved one in bed. You should not do this every day, but on a special day for your loved one, you can please him. It will be incredibly pleasant to him.

To arrange an unforgettable birthday for your boyfriend, you can decorate your house with balloons, posters or small notes with congratulations. You can collect congratulations from all your friends and hang them around the house.

To surprise a guy, you can record a video of congratulations from his friends and parents - it can be either a gift or just a surprise. Do not buy expensive gifts for a man, since he is still your boyfriend and may just think that you are appeasing him or obliging him to an expensive gift for your birthday.

If the birthday fell on a day off, try to arrange an unforgettable birthday for a guy outside the city in the company of friends and family. If your birthday falls on a working day, you can organize a surprise party with friends and family. Think in advance where you will hide and with whom you would like to congratulate your beloved.

If your man is a lover of noisy entertainment, you can organize a party in the club, here you can be helped by art agencies, or your friends.

Unusual morning

If you live together, then start the party in the morning. For an unforgettable birthday for your boyfriend, get up early before your loved one wakes up. Stick pre-prepared hearts throughout the room. Let tender and warm wishes be written on each of them.

This can also be done with balls, daisies or toy cars. In order to create a romantic atmosphere and pleasant memories, stick your favorite large-format photographs where you are together or his portraits everywhere. This will surprise and delight the guy when he opens his eyes.

Come up with a role play

To surprise a guy, dress up in a flight attendant suit and try to make him believe that you are on a plane. Offer a light breakfast or drinks on board. Naturally, your love flies in business class. To arrange an unforgettable birthday for a boyfriend, arrange a surprise for the boyfriend.

Or watch the sunrise in an African hut. Find a straw skirt, paint all over the body and face, and a special black make-up. String sausages on sticks, make a light breakfast. Chocolate fondues are also great. If the birthday boy is hot, fan him with a prepared fan.

Give an unusual gift. You can donate:

Accessory: belt, wallet. The watch should not be given as a gift, as they say that they are given for parting;

Clothes: you can donate a shirt. Find out in advance the size of your loved one and the style that he likes;

For fans of extreme sports, you can give: protection, a ticket for a bungee jump or scuba diving;

For those who like gambling, you can give souvenir cards or a roulette wheel. You can give glasses - checkers. Such a gift will be very interesting for men;

Perfumes and socks are among the best gifts for men for the holidays. But if you are not his mother, then it is better not to give such a gift to a man - it is very commonplace;

If you want to surprise the guy, you can give him a private dance, if the relationship between you allows it;

If your boyfriend loves to do it himself, to arrange an unforgettable birthday for your boyfriend, you can donate a set of tools or a specific tool that your boyfriend needs.

Experiment, both in holding a holiday and in choosing a gift. Show all your imagination and love in spending this day. Do not forget also that on this day there was a smile, joy and happiness on your face. Tell me what kind of a good guy you have. And don't just do it on your birthday.

Throw a party with your friends

To surprise your boyfriend, try to invite as many celebrities as possible to wish the birthday boy a happy birthday. Of course, these will be friends in disguise and make-up. Make the young person feel significant and important.

You can also arrange a theme party: "punk style", "Mexicans", "aliens", "Greek dinner", "Hawaii". The party will have a specific dress code, fun contests for guests and a young man, and appropriate food. It is the party that plays an important role in answering the question: "how to arrange a birthday for a guy" and such a birthday will be remembered by a guy for a lifetime.

Contemporary art, primarily feature films, is a treasure trove of opportunities and options to perform an unusual act and surprise your husband. But a more interesting way in this direction will be independent fantasies, which should be based on knowledge about the spouse. As a result, an unexpected surprise should be distinguished by several important qualities at once in order to emphasize the enthusiasm and each individual person.

Features of the second half

Before proceeding with the implementation of the plan, it is necessary to once again remember all the important characteristics of the recipient of the surprise. A modest and not prominent spouse is unlikely to like the extravagant behavior of his wife, if, moreover, she was always caring and sweet before. A romantic surprise is perfect for this type. After the husband returns from work, a note with an invitation to a memorable place or cafe, restaurant, club should await him.

If a man has excitement, the organization of a city quest, where the main gift will be a quiet family evening with his beloved, will be a topical option. A joint dinner can also be prepared in advance: choose a thematic direction or cuisine of one of the exotic countries for cooking with your own hands.

Before that, ask friends and family to decorate the room in the required style. Even the most sophisticated husband will like such a romantic surprise. An active young man who loves extreme sports, who is not averse to trying many of them on himself, can be presented with a parachute jump, flying in an airship or hot air balloon, or a ticket to a wind tunnel.

General principles for most spouses

Many men are sports fans, so a ticket to a football, baseball or other sports game will help in making a decision.

Better yet, get a countermark for a concert by a famous performer, a theatrical performance, a humorous show or a banal movie. Thus, the woman will make it clear about her support and understanding. It is good to play on a sense of humor: to tell a poem of your own composition in a playful manner or draw a funny collage, even if there are no painting skills, it will turn out even more comical.

A surprise gift can spark a relationship with new colors. The main thing is not to overdo it and not turn everything into a quarrel. You need to carefully consider your plan of action and choose the perfect moment. After all, if there are troubles at work, then it is clearly not up to happy moments. On the other hand, this may distract a loved one from problems. It is important not to cross the line. A pleasant massage, a delicious dish and the right mood are the best options in this situation.

Five ideas for a modern woman for her wedding anniversary

It is more difficult to make unexpected gifts in our time every time, because there is practically nothing. On the other hand, with the advent of technology, the internet, and the mobile phone, the opportunities to surprise your husband on your anniversary have increased. But all the advice that you can find on the Internet or learn from your friends quickly becomes outdated, and in most cases they are suitable only for one single evening without vivid long-lasting sensations. Here are five great options that are distinctive and different:

  1. If the action takes place near the sea on vacation or the couple lives on the coast on a permanent basis, you can arrange a yacht trip or diving. The disadvantage of this offer is the inaccessibility for the middle class and the binding to a specific territory of the venue.
  2. A small excursion into the history of relationships will help you complete an album with photos. It is better to present everything in an artistic manner with elements of the game.
  3. Flash mob. The most difficult project to complete, but emotions will be much longer out of all five proposed options.
  4. A declaration of love and an offer to become spouses from a woman again is a real surprise for her husband. If for a loved one this is too pretentious style, then a little theatricalization is suitable: a mock performance, a small parody or presentation in a playful poetic form.
  5. A limited budget can be compensated for by an outing on the riverbank, a picnic on a hill). A sunset and a delicious dinner are the perfect gift.

Birthday for the body

Currently, in almost any city, especially a large metropolis, discounts are available for birthday people in shops, entertainment and sports facilities. In clubs or bowling alley, a party in the genre of youth America is a great option. You can time the holiday to go to the cinema for a loud novelty or hit of the season. A good decision would be to choose a modern spa salon or an institution of a similar type. It is better to order according to your choice, taking into account the preference of a man: a tea ceremony according to the custom of one of the Asian countries, peeling, massage, sauna or body wrap.

But the most unexpected and joyful surprise gift is sending the husband ready and with all the necessary accessories with friends to the bathhouse. In the meantime, the spouse will have fun, friends will help prepare a grand dinner and celebrate the solemn date in the company of guests.

Musical impromptu

If time is running out, but nothing interesting can be organized, replacing the ringtone on the phone of your beloved man would be a good option. A congratulation from an animated film or a famous motion picture is ideal; there is also the opportunity to take advantage of the help of pop stars and their vocal masterpieces. Crocodile Gena, F. Sinatra and others are able to surprise even the most sophisticated person. It will not be difficult to do this, however, it will not only give a lot of emotions to the birthday man, but also cheer up the whole company sitting at the table or relaxing in a restaurant.

Classics of the genre

Recently, a handwritten postcard is rightfully returning to the Olympus of the best gifts-congratulations. In the message, you can express your thoughts, which are banal to pronounce aloud. A declaration of love, a wish for anything, a secret discovery ... In this case, you don't have to think about how to tell your husband about your pregnancy, a surprise through a postcard will also be unexpected. He will make a happy young man do incredible things. In addition, it is good to preserve colorful messages, and then remember at will, at what period of life together, certain things were important. Sometimes reading postcards not only brightens up a cloudy or boring evening, but also brings back forgotten emotions and experiences.

If the beloved spouse is forced to work on this day, then placing small postcards in the pockets of clothes will help make even this state of affairs joyful. And in the evening, the act will perfectly complement the box with a surprise. Regardless of the specific thing, it will become even more a reason for happiness.

Choosing a gift

To give preference to one or another present, you will have to puzzle a lot. Guessing the specific desire of a beloved man is not as easy as it seems at first glance. But dedication and the set goal will help to cope with the task. There are many tips for the perfect gift. Almost all of them are based on the character traits and area of ​​interest of a loved one. The first step is to exclude clothing, perfumes, toiletries and other platitudes from the scope of potential gift items. If you have no time to think, a surprise box is perfect.

You can put some trinket there. Moreover, it should be memorable or interesting for the spouse. Here are some gift options that will suit almost every type of man:

  • Paired An excellent option with a pink color inside is for the wife, and with a bluish-blue color for her husband. In addition, your own family photos, posted on the outside, will nicely complement the entire decor. In this case, the female photo must be applied to the male cup, and vice versa.
  • Certificate for participation in a test drive of an amazing car (for car enthusiasts). Most car dealerships regularly offer this kind of service to the consumer.
  • If the couple is abroad as tourists, it is possible to surprise the husband as a travel guide. A gift copy would be a good option. In another case, a colorful panorama from photos of countries where you would like to go on vacation on your next vacation will do.

Fishermen and office workers

For those who like to sit with a fishing rod near the river, tackle or accessories for this hobby would be a good option. You just need to understand the hobbies of your faithful, and the specialized shops of your hometown will offer the whole range of necessary products. A surprise for a husband in the form of a tie can be made for a spouse, who practically cannot do without this garment and loves to wear it.

Bibliophiles and gambling addicts

If you give a book to a loved one, then it is better to do it in more than one copy. For example, buying three or four brochures, and five would be excellent. For people who spend a lot of time at the computer, a disc with a game or a subscription to the online version of entertainment is suitable. Such a surprise for the husband is available if the Internet is available.


In principle, there are not so few options with a gift. Ashtray for smokers. Camera - for those who like to capture family life digitally. Bath accessories - for those who regularly visit such an institution, meet friends and celebrate memorable dates and holidays in the steam room. Sometimes women wonder how to inform their husband about pregnancy. A surprise of this kind is the intimate side of the life of people in love. Therefore, it is better to do this in a calm, quiet atmosphere, staying tete-a-tete with your spouse, so that no one can interfere with the good news.

If you are one of the people who, on Valentine's Day, are not used to confining themselves to giving a valentine, then you will definitely like the idea with a surprise! "Cross" gives a fairly complete answer to the question of what kind of surprise you can make your loved one on February 14th. Get inspired and start preparing! 🙂

Notes with declarations of love

A box with declarations of love

Let's start with the fact that on this Valentine's Day there will be more than one valentine! Buy a beautiful gift box (alternatively, print the template and fold the box yourself, or glue any gift paper available in the house ... with hearts)) and put a heart made of fabric in it.

Then cut out many, many multi-colored hearts from colored paper and on each of them write declarations of love in this form: "I love you for the fact that ..." or "Most of all I love you ...". Put all the paper hearts in a box and present on the day designated for this. Beloved will get every heart with interest! In the future, you can take out one or two hearts at random from the box at any time, read and remember pleasant moments)

Candy with declarations of love

A slightly modified version of such a surprise with love notes is that you buy a package of Mentos-type sweets, carefully open it, take out the sweets, and then put them back in the package, but alternating with the notes! Thus, taking out the candy, he will also get your message of recognition) Be prepared for a call from a loved one with words of gratitude for the surprise!

Love confession cookies 🙂

Anyone who is close to culinary art can bake cookies in the form of hearts and solemnly present them to their beloved, let them take them to work (study) and drink tea during a break. Of course, at this moment he will think exclusively about you)

Diary "Only for him"

It might be a little late to give the diary in mid-February, but you can still do it. The surprise will be that on the pages with memorable dates for your couple, you will write something corresponding to this day. You can go further and paste your own or yours with him photos on some pages, rewrite some of the sms sent to him or sent by you.

To implement this idea, buy a dated diary, otherwise you will have to put down the dates for a long time in search of the right one.

Or you can just write some pleasantness on each page of the diary) Then every new day for your beloved will begin with reading your parting words or ... declaration of love.

How it was…

Another similar surprise gift can be arranged like this. Cut a few large hearts out of paper and many, many small ones. Put big hearts in those places in the apartment in which you made love and be sure (!) Write a short story about how and when it was) The writing style can be anything: from comic to playful.

Then, starting from the front door, make paths of small hearts leading to large hearts.

When a loved one finds one heart, reads and understands the essence of the surprise, he will immediately want to find all the others! Men love to play in search of treasures) Well, then ... then no one has the right to prohibit you from repeating everything described in the hearts again)) A romantic surprise for your beloved will be a success!

You can give your man the opportunity to make you a kitty or other character who turns him on. How? Very simple. Buy body paint and a soft paintbrush, place it all in the room, turn off the lights, light candles. When your beloved comes home, blindfold him, lead him into the kitchen, feed him a light festive dinner, and then, blindfolded again, lead him into the room. Then you just have to undress and offer your services as a model. He will love it!

Crocheted wooden or plastic beads will come in handy if you want to make some kind of decoration with your own hands, for example, sling beads.

In addition, soft textured beads can be used to make homemade children's toys.

What do you need to get started?

All we need are threads (leftovers can be used) and a crochet hook.

Which thread is better to use?

In my opinion, cotton thread is the best material for tying beads. I often use Iris and cotton threads in my work. Melange cotton yarn also looks very good. When choosing the thickness of the thread, it is better to choose not very thin, since it is much more difficult to knit with them, but if it is a little thicker, then you just need to take a thicker hook.

What hook?

I use hook 1.3 in my products, then I get larger beads and embossed knitting - this is my style! In general, all craftswomen choose this tool within the size range from 0.6 to 1.5. To begin with, you should try to knit the pattern in several rows in order to understand whether the crochet and the thread fit each other in size.

Let's start tying!

Any crochet work begins the same way: we knit a chain of 3-6 air loops, we enclose it in a ring.

We tie the ring with single crochet columns:

We try on a bead for the resulting mug. If the diameter of the circle is slightly larger than the bead (that is, the circle is slightly visible around the edges, as in the photo), you can continue to knit without expansion, just in a circle.

We continue to knit in a circle without adding loops to the height of the bead, periodically trying on the bead in the "hat".

When the bead begins to taper noticeably, leave it in a knitted hat and start decreasing the loops. To do this, we knit one loop in two: grab the thread and pull it through the loop, then grab another thread in the next loop. Through everything at once and stretch the main thread. Thus, we combine the two loops.

Immediately position the hole in the bead so as not to look for it when the bead is all tied around. The last loop must be pulled through the penultimate one so that the edge lies flat - and as a result, our bead is closed with a knitted fabric. Cut off the thread, pull the tail through the canvas to hide it there.

Everything! Hooray! The bead is ready!

Here's a bead turned out in the end. According to the above scheme, we knit beads of other colors.

A bead tied with threads of different colors will look great. The strapping can be thick textured, or thin, jewelry - it will depend on how thick the thread you used and what hook you took for work.

How to crochet a bead quickly and efficiently, and why do it at all? Knitted beads, or rather, knitted beads, are an original and very beautiful element that can serve as a material for creating designer jewelry. You can crochet a bead with yarn, and it is quite possible for novice needlewomen to do this.

In addition, a fairly popular application of this handicraft is its use as a so-called slingbus. Sling, perhaps, is precisely the product that provides the maximum intimacy between mother and child, while leaving the woman's hands free. This closeness inevitably follows the child's ardent interest in mother's hair, earrings and other jewelry. Jewelry made of beads tied with yarn will be an excellent, and most importantly, safe alternative for the child's entertainment and development.

How to crochet a bead in a step-by-step master class for beginners

As a starting material for such needlework, absolutely any beads, even the most shabby and unsightly, are suitable. The main requirement for the base is its correct round shape, without chipping or chips. As for the yarn, it all depends on how you will use the tied beads. If the needlework is intended for a child, then it is best to dwell on natural threads, with a small addition of synthetics. The following types of yarn are suitable for such knitting: cotton, linen, mohair, microfiber, polyamide, wool. The main tool for such knitting is a very small hook - 0.9 cm.

A few tips for those who already confidently hold the hook in their hands, but are faced with tying beads for the first time.

  • The knitting itself should be tight and dense, otherwise, the bead itself will be visible between the threads, and the contrast between the threads and the base can be depressing.
  • The optimum yarn thickness is 400 m per 100 grams.
  • The pattern and counting of loops in this knitting are mandatory, otherwise you risk getting different-colored beads, and the overall appearance of the product will be far from ideal.
  • If the purpose of creating such elements is sling beads, then only natural wood beads, not painted or varnished, should be used as a base. The yarn, in turn, must be natural and tested for shedding. it is best to collect such beads on a tape, since any thread from constant moisture and tension will sooner or later break.
Knitting process.

A small master class, after studying which you can make original jewelry on your own. There is no clear instruction as such, there are general principles, guided by which you can tie any bead. The number of columns and rows directly depends on the thickness of the yarn you choose, as well as on the size of the base bead. Knitting is carried out with air loops, single crochet and air lifting loops. The process is described in more detail below.

For work were used:

  • beads with a diameter of 2.5 cm
  • hook No. 0.9
  • microfiber yarn (250m, 50g)

First step. The first row is a ring of three air lifting loops, the second row is an air lifting loop, six single crochets, and a connecting post. The third row is an air lifting loop, in each loop of the previous row you need to knit two loops without a crochet, and complete it all with a connecting post.

Second step. Fourth row. Air lift loop, 1 single crochet, 2 single crochets with a common base, and so on until the end of the row, complete which with a connecting post. Every second column is doubled. Fifth row - air lift loop, one single crochet, another single crochet, two single crochets with a common base, repeat to the end of the row, connecting post. Doubles every third single crochet (for a total of 27 single crochets).

Step three. You can put in the resulting flat circle, try on a bead.

Circular knit without air lifting loops, one single crochet, knit the second and third single crochets together, repeat to the end of the row.

The finishing touches are to knit together the first second single crochet, repeat until the fabric shrinks to one loop. Cut the thread and tuck it into the canvas very tightly so that nothing blooms.

Tied beads look very impressive, but such beads tied with different colors look even more original.

One of the simplest options that allows you to get a colorful and effective result without much effort is the use of the so-called ombre or gradient yarn. This is a one-piece skein of yarn in which the color changes from a lighter to a darker shade.

This kind of yarn is not uncommon, and greatly facilitates the effort. Other options are illustrated in the tutorial video below.

Supporting and visual video