How to make holes in a denim skirt. How to make jeans frayed and fashionable at home. Rubbed jeans: saving beautifully

In recent years the fashion for ripped jeans is becoming more active. Models in neatly torn and frayed jeans appear on the catwalks. Is it possible create a stylish thing from ordinary jeans, which every girl has in her closet? Yes, it is possible, and this article will show you how to do it.

The main thing in the article

How to make beautiful holes on old jeans at home: photo

Do not rush to throw out old jeans, because today "shabby" denim is in fashion, the main feature of which is ripped jeans. You can easily transform such a favorite and probably already worn-out thing like. How can this be done at home?

  • Holes. They can be made in any size and configuration. It all depends on the taste preferences of the fashionista. It can be small holes, "scattered" over all the pants, large holes in the half of the leg, small curly holes.

  • Patches... The principle of creation is still the same. Initially, holes are made, and then, to give the model a special zest, they are decorated with lace ruffles, or a bright fabric is hemmed on the inside of the hole.

  • Scuffs. The fair sex, who does not want such radical changes in old jeans, can make them spectacular scuffs. They will give the clothes the effect of industrial aging and used wear. Models with scuffs look impressive and they can be worn even with discreet things.

Having chosen one of the above options, you can get to work.

Master class on how to make the most fashionable ripped jeans yourself: video

How to make an insulated hole in jeans?

The relevance of ripped jeans does not diminish in the cold season. Of course, with bare parts of the body in the cold you do not resemble, and the holes on the insulated version of such trousers will look terrible. Therefore, the question of self-punching warm holes is so relevant. For work you will need:

  • jeans of medium density;
  • office or construction knife;
  • pumice;
  • needle and thread;
  • insulation material.

The principle of action is quite simple. Holes are made as described in the first paragraph of the article. Having received jeans with spectacular holes, we will warm them up.

  1. We are preparing material for insulation. There is complete freedom of action and fantasy. These can be fabrics with fun prints, pants fabrics, or knitted pieces. From the selected option for insulation, cut off pieces in the shape of the finished holes, increasing the patch by 2-3 cm on all sides.
  2. Attach the resulting piece to the hole in the jeans and sew it on. This will give you warmed ripped jeans that will not “blow out” on cold winter days.

How to make cuts on black jeans on your knees: step by step photos

At the very peak of popularity today are jeans with holes, cuts and even snakes on the knees. You can make such a podium thing yourself, while significantly saving on expensive similar trend models.

There are two options for exposing your knees:

  1. Make a big hole as described above.
  2. Cut holes-stripes.

Let us dwell on the second option in more detail. To make such slots, we perform the following actions:

It should be borne in mind that the larger the hole on the knee, the more attention it attracts to itself. Therefore, women of fashion who are not ready to show their perfect knees for general viewing will like the option with holes-cuts.

How can you make jeans with slits at the bottom?

For the first time, ripped jeans flashed on the catwalk ten years ago, but they did not go out to the masses. Today, such a thing is in every wardrobe. Such models are especially loved by lovers of the casual style, those who appreciate handmade things, and creative, daring persons.

If you do not want drastic changes in your favorite jeans, but at the same time you want to keep up with fashion, then you can make cuts at the bottom. This is especially popular this season. The slits should be in the front or back. And they can be done as follows:

  • cut a triangular piece of jeans in the front of the pants. Disheve the edges of the cutout or artificially age;
  • rub the bottom of the trousers to small holes;
  • make triangular holes with noodles using any of the above methods for making holes on jeans.

To complete the image, several scuffs and aging elements must be done in other places of the jeans (belt, pockets, trousers).

How beautiful to tear ordinary jeans at home: in stages

If you are in the mood to turn ordinary jeans into a fashionable model with holes, then you should prepare the following tools:

  • the jeans themselves;
  • sandpaper;
  • chalk or a bar of soap;
  • pumice;
  • sharp knife;
  • nail scissors;
  • bleach (the simplest).

Now about the stages of work:

  1. The first thing to do is mark the holes on the jeans. To do this, you need to put them on and draw the contours of the desired holes with chalk.
  2. Now you need to whiten these places. The procedure is not necessary, but thanks to it, holes and scuffs will look much more spectacular. Apply whiteness with a sponge or brush to localization of future holes and scuffs. Wait 2-5 minutes and wash the jeans as usual.
  3. If necessary, draw the contours of the holes anew on the bleached surfaces. Emery paper rubs the entire place where the hole will be located, going beyond the boundaries of the drawn contour.
  4. Horizontal incisions are made with a sharp knife in prepared, aged places. These can be just cuts, small holes, or holes with noodles inside. For the latter, it is necessary to get vertical threads between the cuts, leaving horizontal ones.
  5. At the last stage, we pumice the edges of holes, legs, side seams, pockets. Such light scuffs will make the look complete and organic looking.

Advice. Consider the individual characteristics of the figure. So, long-legged skinny beauties can afford models with holes of any style. For chubby girls with chubby legs, jeans with slots above the knee are suitable.

How to create a scuffed effect on jeans: video tutorial

How to scuff jeans seams?

Quite often there is a need to rub the seams on the jeans, both at the bottom and at the sides. The easiest way to do this is with a pumice stone. It perfectly thinns the fabric, while such abrasions do not look aggressive. Many needlewomen, who have already tried to make jeans with frayed seams, advise lightening the seams with whiteness before starting to create frayed seams. So the visual effect of worn seams will be stronger. You can use sandpaper to create more radical scuffs with protruding threads.

How to make a ripped jeans bottom?

A ripped bottom on jeans is considered relevant today. This will surely please those whose back seam on the legs is pretty frayed. Making a torn bottom is as easy as shelling pears. If you are making a ripped model of jeans, then it will be enough just to tear off the bottom seam around the legs. After that, ruffle the edge and that's it, this will be enough to create a general image.

It is fashionable to make a torn bottom on whole jeans (no holes). To create this version of the bottom of the jeans, you have to tinker a little. Initially, the bottom of the jeans needs to be cut off. The back should be longer, make the front 3-5 cm shorter. Now make a denim fringe in a circle, give it a shabby look, since the even version is not popular today.

We do the decor of holes on jeans: photo

You can use whatever you find at home to decorate holes on jeans. The main thing is to take into account the general style in which ripped jeans are made. Suitable for decoration:

  • ruffles, lace;

  • beads will look great on light ripped jeans;

  • drawings as decor will emphasize the individuality of this model;

  • you can use a colored marker and paint the bleached noodles in the holes in a bright color;

  • and finally, a creative approach.

Photo of fashionable and beautiful ripped jeans

And finally, I would like to note - before proceeding with the alteration of new or old jeans, decide on their model.

  • Holes in overly tight jeans can lead to completely non-sexual "falling out" and bulging of parts of the legs from these holes. This is especially true for ladies with curvaceous forms. They'd better take a closer look at straight jeans.
  • The straight slots of the vertical structure will make the chubby women much slimmer.
  • Jeans with wide enough horizontal holes, as well as options with holes in the knee area, will help skinny young ladies to visually “acquire” a few kilograms.

Experiment and you will certainly succeed in creating a fashionable and stylish thing with spectacular holes.

Sometimes it happens that a hole suddenly appears on your favorite, but already worn out jeans, or even on the newly purchased ones. Big, creepy or small, barely noticeable, but no less insidious from this. What now - your favorite thing in a landfill? And who then and why came up with the fashion for jeans with holes? Maybe just the same victim due to the loss of a comfortable, high-quality item. Or maybe it's just another funny guy who added notes a la homeless to fashionable everyday life. But be that as it may, the fashion for ripped jeans is both beautiful and profitable from the point of view of the ability to reanimate clothes that are very sorry to throw away.

Holes in jeans will help turn an already-worn item into a fashionable mainstream

Jeans with holes will help transform an already worn item into a fashionable mainstream.

Jeans with holes

And so it turns out that from old spoiled pants you can now build an ultra stylish little thing that at once can make its owner an object of attention for fashion fans. In addition, it is not too difficult, you just need to connect your imagination.

Jeans with holes love stars ...

and trendy girls like Ashley Greene and Rihanna….

... and the most ordinary women of fashion. Jeans with holes are cool!

Ripped denim clothing has been an attribute of youth subcultures since the days of the hippies. Today they have partially lost this status, and now absolutely all lovers of original and shocking clothes are walking in them, which does not depend on gender or age. They are also made by all and sundry. Therefore, the results are so diverse. After all, if you just rip somehow even the most branded jeans, then they will look just like that. Therefore, even ripping jeans, it turns out, is necessary according to all laws and regulations.

The first rule of cutting jeans is that you only need to rip that part of them that is located on the legs, and not on the pelvis. The fact is that pants with rips at the fifth point, like them, do not look very aesthetically pleasing, if not indecent. After all, a normal person will definitely not like to look at your underwear, looking out of holes (although, a few years ago, torn jeans were considered clochard's clothes, so - who knows ...). Dangerous in this regard and a rupture on the hip joint, both in front and behind. It is better to do it a little lower, because if you even bend over a little or sit down in this outfit, then the hole will immediately corrode to the very waist. In the upper part of the trousers, only the use of back pockets for striping will be painless, under which the whole fabric will remain, and it will look great.

What's more convenient to ruin your jeans? A scalpel works best for this. The incisions made with it are very neat, and besides, it is easy to make them on the fabric with this tool. True, you can use a regular straight razor or simple blades. Scissors and a clerical knife are not so convenient, but in the absence of other tools, these will be fine too. You will also need something solid that you do not mind spoiling: for example, a piece of plywood or a board. The board is placed between the fabric of the legs so as not to cut through them. You can try to imitate the claw marks of a cougar, lynx, or something else.

Making stylish jeans: take scissors and cut holes

Then use a comb to fluff the edges of the cuts.

Before, how to make jeans with holes, they should be wet. Well, if only half an hour is left before the start of the party, then you can cut it dry. On the fabric, four cuts are applied in parallel, somewhere two centimeters from one another, about five centimeters long, with the middle ones being made slightly longer than the extreme ones. To prevent it from looking so neat, fringes are made around the edges. One of the easiest ways to fray the contours of a hole is to machine wash your jeans. If, again, you don’t have enough time for such manipulations, or maybe you just don’t want to wait long, then there is an easier way for you. A manicure file is taken, or sandpaper, or an iron brush, and these instruments of torture torment the incision in the pants. By the way, chic holes can be made with a small file or nail file, but this takes a lot of time. You can also do this: pull the pant leg on something rounded, just not on the leg, because from subsequent actions the fabric can be torn along with the skin, so it is better to use a piece of a water pipe. Now it remains only to carry the tool back and forth around the circumference of the hole, until you get an excellent abrasion and a hole in the center. If you choose an imitation of claw-torn fabric, it will look more civilized and tidy, and also suggest grunge. And one more thing: it is not necessary to grind jeans to holes, you can simply give them a worn look, which will be interpreted as vintage. Also, for this purpose, it will be convenient to use a piece of pumice.

A small file or nail file can make chic holes, but this takes a lot of time

Recently, trendy jeans with holes and lace can be seen at fashion shows. You can make the same exclusive new clothes yourself. To do this, you can sheathe the hole with a ribbon of guipure, collected in a ruffle. Or you can hem the lace fabric from the inside under the hole: this way, when moving, the lace will be very tempting to be seen through the hole in the leg, which will make the jeans more romantic. If there are scuffs on the jeans between the legs, then such a hole can also be refined. It's enough to take a piece of denim from other old jeans, and it's good if they are a few shades lighter and a little thinner. A square of the required size is cut out of this flap, which will cover the hole entirely and a little more, slightly shaggy the edges and sew on a shabby place on a typewriter with colored threads or manually with a decorative seam. For greater harmony, we sew jeans with several more of the same squares, picturesquely scattered over the most frayed places or on random sections of jeans. Such an outrage, if desired, can be torn up a little, you can whiten it or decorate it to your taste with rivets, blocks or rhinestones. If you don't like it yet, you can continue the execution until boring simple jeans become a real masterpiece in avant-garde art. However, one should not forget about the sense of style and measure, so as not to turn your jeans into a silly and vulgar outfit. And inspiration for work can be found on the Internet.

Making holes in jeans

How to make holes in jeans: you need paper clips and sharp scissors

How to make scuffs and holes in jeans: you can cut beautiful holes with a knife with an uneven blade

How to make scuffs and holes in jeans

How to make scuffs and holes in jeans

Jeans with DIY holes will not be completely complete without signs of the effect of time on them - scuffs. As mentioned above, this result can be achieved with a file, a nail file, pumice stone, or even an ordinary kitchen grater. By the way, in the seventies, in order to give the new branded jeans already then fashionable light wear, they used a simple brick. Yes, yes, they simply crawled the tissue in the selected area until the desired result was achieved. For greater reliability, these places were also treated with a chlorine-containing agent - the same "Belize". In addition to the bleached effect, it made the fabric look more shabby, which is why beautiful natural holes appeared in the places of scuffs after several washes. The same tool now treats cut holes on the legs and their contours, making them seem more natural, and the fringe around the edges also looks quite natural.

Ripped jeans are a must-have for streetwear

These jeans make great photo shoots.

But the thing is not that simple. They require the right combination of them with other things in the wardrobe. So for ripped jeans with slots and holes, plain T-shirts and ballet flats are perfect. The top should be chosen simple, which will help avoid excessive clumsiness and clutter in the image. But if jeans have a minimal number of cuts, then the top can be colorful and bright. To add glamor to your look, you can choose more formal shoes, such as nice boots or stylish high-heeled shoes. You can throw a jacket over your shoulders to help you look more stylish and sexy. A satin blouse, a floral blouse and feminine shoes will help you create a romantic feminine look. This will add flirtatiousness and light emancipation to the image. In winter, for a more sexy look, you can wear a short sweater or a cozy long tunic. High-heeled boots are also suitable. Youthfulness and optimism will accentuate pink and lilac colors in the wardrobe as an addition to ripped jeans. Don't forget about accessories: long romantic beads, cute earrings and a stylish belt will help create a complete look.

Picking up, how to wear jeans with holes, you need to remember the inconvenience and discomfort that their overly open areas can cause. Therefore, the jeans themselves must be selected with a small number of gusts and cuts. A stylish sports jacket will suit these torn pants. You can also wear a blouse with a lot of buttons, and put on a jumper on top, or you can choose a cardigan with a beautiful bright top. A dark-colored shirt is suitable for light jeans, and a light blouse for dark jeans. It is advisable to choose shoes on a platform or with high heels. Shoes with an open toe will soften the image and make it more feminine and graceful.

With jeans, pumps and a peplum top will be appropriate.

Ripped jeans are an essential wardrobe staple for

And a confident, optimistic woman, even in accidentally torn jeans, will look as if this hole is the fruit of the creation of the best couturiers. Therefore, enjoy your outfits, and then you will inevitably become the most stylish and beautiful!

Jeans with holes photo

Ripped jeans appeared in the last century. Then and today they were and remain an integral part of the youth style.

And if in the days of hippies they were worn only by representatives of specific subcultures, nowadays jeans with scuffs and holes are loved by everyone, from movie stars.

Ripped denim pants haven't gone out of style for years. Jeans are classified as universal clothing, which allows both men and women to wear them. Only models and decor are changing.

Today, stores sell a lot of unusual designs of ripped jeans, but you can also make them at home.


The cost of such models often exceeds the cost of classic jeans.

However, this fabric has its own characteristics that allow you to create a unique thing yourself.

The main thing is to be patient and show imagination.

Where is the best place to place the holes?

Of course, you will be your own designer, but you can take any model found on the Internet as a reference.

As a rule, the holes on them are located from the knee and higher on the front of the jeans. Do not touch the seams, because with one unsuccessful movement you can be left completely without pants.

Don't forget about a sense of proportion. Bigger is not better. Sometimes even a couple of neat scuffs and holes give the thing a stylish look.

There are several standard options for the decor of denim pants:

  1. Small holes scattered in a chaotic manner.
  2. Large ones that take up most of the leg.
  3. Small curly.

Have a clear idea of ​​what you want before you get started.

How to make beautiful holes on jeans: the standard way

To create holes in jeans you will need:

  • Jeans;
  • Scissors;
  • Pumice;
  • White chalk;
  • Tweezers;
  • Pad for the backing board.

First you need to make the markup. With chalk or, if there is none, with soap, draw the outline of the future hole.

Remember to draw a smaller volume initially. More can not be reduced, and besides, the holes will begin to deform over time under the influence of wearing and washing.

In order not to accidentally cut through the leg, put a board prepared in advance in it.

When all the preparations are complete, start making the cuts, strictly parallel to the floor, so that they turn out to be even. In order to avoid problems in the future, it is recommended to place the holes at a distance of 2-3 centimeters from each other.

Denim is composed of a mix of blue and white threads. Using tweezers, after making the cuts, slowly pull out the blue threads, leaving the white cross threads. This way, you remove all the blue, and only a neat hole remains.

It remains only to process the edges. To do this, you will need a pumice stone or alternatively a pedicure file. Diligently start rubbing the hole around the edges, thus hiding any traces of handwork.

Do-it-yourself knee holes

Making holes in your knees yourself is not entirely easy.

This type of holes tends to creep out almost immediately as soon as the fabric is pulled.

Therefore, the previous method is not suitable.

You will need:

  • Jeans;
  • Chalk;
  • Scissors;
  • Pad for the backing board.

Put on your jeans before you start marking.

Knee holes can be made in two ways.

  1. First, draw a line and cut along it. You will get a usual cut, which will "open" when walking.
  2. Secondly, you can put a small dot in the center of the knee, and then mark the hole in the shape of the eye. Carefully cut the fabric along the lines.

Edges can be finished in two ways.

  1. The first is with a nail file or pumice stone.
  2. The second is to wet the edges, roll them up, but quite a bit and fix with a pin.

In the second method, it is necessary to allow the fabric to dry, thus fixing the edges.

This shape of a self-created hole allows it to retain its original shape as long as possible.

You can also sew a stitch on a sewing machine, stepping back a little from the edge.

Under the hole in the knee, you can make a backing. It is created using any fabric, the main thing is to take care of it in advance.

The fashion for ripped and frayed jeans has existed for more than one year. They are loved to wear not only by young people who want to stand out, but also by all those who like originality and originality in clothes.

These jeans can be quite expensive. But making holes in jeans is not difficult with your own hands. But do not forget, in order to beautifully transform jeans, you need to adhere to the rule: everything should be in moderation.

Where to begin?

For work you will need: jeans, a blade or a stationery knife, a piece of plywood (thick cardboard, a simple cutting board will do), nail scissors, chalk.

Before making the holes, you need to put on jeans and chalk the places where future cuts are planned. It is undesirable to make holes on the knees, since it does not look very aesthetically pleasing, and over time, even small holes can turn into huge frayed holes. Better to choose a spot above or below the knee.

Two ways to make beautiful holes

So, to make leaky jeans at home, you need to follow these steps.

  1. All jeans have a layer of white thread that runs parallel to the bottom edge of the legs. Make two cuts (shallow) parallel to the white threads. This can be done with a blade, but it is much more convenient with a thin stationery knife (be sure to insert plywood into the leg) or with a scalpel.
  2. With the tip of scissors or something sharp, you need to pick up and pull out the white threads. This must be done carefully so as not to tear them.
  3. A layer of dark threads runs perpendicular to these threads. They need to be picked up and pulled out, first one at a time, then they can be bundled. The resulting hole with white threads is ready.

By the same principle, you can make beautiful holes in the form of various shapes, for example, a heart. Most importantly, the shape of the cut should be parallel to the white threads. To prevent the hole from losing its shape from washing, from the inside it must be glued with non-woven fabric and the edges must be stitched.

You can sew on a bright fabric from the inside, making jeans with holes even more original and stand out.

You can make cuts with "noodles" - long and frequent cuts - you get a bright, unusual model.

If the first method did not suit you, then here is another master class with a different type of slots:

Thanks to the holes, you can give a second life to old and worn jeans that you just wanted to throw away.

Jeans with bleached holes look quite impressive. To achieve this, you need to treat the desired areas with whiteness or chlorine solution. To do this, apply the prepared liquid to jeans with a tampon, leave for a while, and then wash them thoroughly.

It will be very interesting to look if you make holes not only on the legs, but also apply several cuts on the belt and pockets. You can also fringe the hem of the leg by rubbing with a pumice stone or sandpaper.

Torn jeans need to be washed manually or in an automatic machine: put in a special bag for washing delicate laundry or in an old pillowcase and only then load into the drum of the machine. Otherwise, the embossed drum walls can tear the jeans completely.

For those who do not like ripped jeans with large holes, you can suggest making graceful scuffs at home.

In order to make scuffs on jeans, you need to take: pumice stone, sandpaper, a plank, an emery block, a grater.

  1. First you need to determine the place where the scuffs will be, mark them with chalk or ordinary soap.
  2. Place a plank in the leg and rub in the marked place until the desired effect. Do not press hard: a hole may form.
  3. Using a pumice stone and a grater, you can achieve a frayed wear with a slight fringe. And if you wipe the jeans with fine sandpaper or a bar, you get a worn effect.
  4. It is better to handle wet jeans, as friction will generate fine dust, which is very laborious to remove from carpets and furniture.
  5. Torn and frayed jeans can be decorated with rivets, rhinestones or paper clips.

What to wear with?

Washed and leaky jeans should be properly combined with other wardrobe items. If there are a lot of holes, plain T-shirts and ballet flats will be the optimal addition. With a small amount, a heavier and brighter top is acceptable.

Nice boots or high-heeled shoes will give the look a complete look. A satin blouse paired with feminine shoes will help create a romantic and flirty look. Open shoes, beads, beautiful earrings, a fashionable belt will make the fairer sex graceful and feminine.

Some hand-made admirers resort to creating holes and scuffs on jeans to revive their favorite thing, to give it a second life, others try their hand at this art in order to save money on expensive models of simple denims with holes that have been incredibly popular for many seasons in a row.

It is not at all necessary to make an aesthetic-looking hole on jeans, now denim jackets, shorts, vests and much more that are made from the notorious denim are used.

Making holes in jeans at home

Holes in jeans at home can be made with your own hands, even if a person has not tried to do anything like this before. The main principle of work in this matter is do not overdo it... In everything, you need to observe the measure, including when creating a harmonious style of updated jeans. Even sloppiness and negligence can look beautiful if you know in advance by what principle they are "interspersed" into the image.

A few general rules before starting work

  • We take into account the fabric of jeans

Types of denim.

It is important to consider what kind of fabric the jeans are made of: coarse or fine, dense or stretch... Scuffs and holes on tight-fitting jeans should be made not too close to the edges, so that with constant tension they do not tear, and the thing does not look sloppy.

  • We think over the concept in advance

How you can distribute the holes over the jeans.

The exact location of scuffs and holes may depend on the type of person for which they are being altered. Some prefer holes in the knees, others distribute them in small "islands" along the entire length, thereby visually lengthening the figure, while others do not hesitate and cut out huge "windows" on the hips, and even on the buttocks. The main thing to consider here is the following: what to distract attention from and what to attract.

Options for creating scuffs and holes in denim.

Many experts are of the opinion that do not make slits on your knees at home, since most often these actions for non-professionals end up in spoiled jeans and a bad mood. The thing is that this place is especially demanding, and even if you can make a beautiful hole, then after a while it will grow and become huge.

  • We fix the thought

How to outline future holes on jeans.

At the initial stage, it is important to "deal" with the concept in order to have an accurate idea of ​​the result. Therefore, you need literally outline a goal... Should mark with chalk or felt-tip pen on jeans, the exact location of future holes and put on jeans to make sure that the location and size of the future hole is well chosen.

  • Choosing the right tools

How to make holes in jeans?

Holes and scuffs can be made using one or more tools, which will have different effects. First of all, which method and tool would not be chosen, you need to prepare a small board , which is inserted into the leg of the jeans directly under the place of work, so as not to damage the back of the pants.

What needlewomen most often use to create holes on jeans:

  1. Scissors;
  2. Stationery knife;
  3. Kitchen knife;
  4. Tweezers;
  5. Manicure scissors.

What is used to create scuffs:

  1. Blade;
  2. Razor;
  3. Sandpaper;
  4. Pumice;
  5. Kitchen grater.

To make it easier for beginners to understand the specifics of creating beautiful holes on jeans with their own hands, you can familiarize yourself with some simple schemes for working with different tools.

For the first experience at home, it is advisable to take old jeans or leg trimmings and practice on them.

Neat "white threads"

Classic holes in jeans decorated with white threads.

For, to create a fashionable effect of sticking out white threads with your own hands , professionals advise only to carefully free the intended place of holes from dark threads.

The whole trick is based on the fact that denim fabric almost always consists of layers of white and blue threads stitched together. White threads are located horizontally, namely parallel to the bottom edge of the leg, and blue stitches the leg vertically. To make everything work out correctly and aesthetically, even at home, you need to carefully pull out some of the blue threads, leaving only light... But this also has its own subtleties.

  • Jeans;
  • Plywood or cardboard;
  • Stationery knife or scalpel;
  • Scissors;
  • Tweezers.

How to do it right:

How to make neat holes on jeans with your own hands.
  1. We take suitable jeans, determine the future location of the slot, which we mark with soap, chalk or a felt-tip pen.
  2. Insert a piece of thick cardboard or plywood into the leg just below the marked area.
  3. We take a clerical knife or scalpel, and make two shallow cuts parallel to each other, marking the upper and lower boundaries of the future "white hole".
  4. We take thin scissors and, with neat movements, pick up the first few white threads, first at one of the incisions, then at the other. It is important not to tear these threads, but to carefully release them from the blue streaks.
  5. Now that the upper and lower boundaries are clearly outlined by the white loose threads, you can proceed to free the remaining central part of the white hole from the blue threads.
  6. We take tweezers, and carefully begin to pull out the blue threads that are perpendicular to the white ones (Figure 4 in the photo above).
  7. A white slit in regular jeans will be ready when all the space is free of blue threads.
  • Advice!

If you want make a large "white hole" hole, it is worth removing the blue threads from the white ones in separate blocks, as shown in the photo above.

Rebellious "my rags"

Extravagant ripped holes are perfect for casual wear.

An interesting way to create a trendy effect of sloppiness with your own hands, which adds to the image sometimes just the necessary note of rebelliousness - a sloppy look of a hole. The haphazard mess looks great in casual or street style, and is quite easy to do at home.

Hole making tools:

  • Jeans;
  • Plywood or cardboard;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Sandpaper.

How to do it right:

A way to create "crazy" holes on jeans at home.
  1. In order not to damage the back of the leg, we put thick cardboard or plywood under the place of work.
  2. We mark the approximate size of the future hole, its general shape and rounding. If after fitting the plan does not change, you can get to work.
  3. We take a thin clerical knife, and make 5-8 transverse cuts of different lengths one under the other, not very rarely. You can forget about accuracy with this method of work for a while, the main thing is that there is some kind of systematics, harmony in chaos. Slots don't do it too close to the hem of your jeans so that the thing can last as long as possible.
  4. Using imagination and a sense of style, we release the white cross threads from the longitudinal blue ones. This should be done not as carefully as in the first example of work, but haphazardly, leaving the edges unprocessed, with protruding blue ends of the threads.
  5. If you wish, you can cut out some white threads to make the holes appear more expressive and larger.
  6. The final touch will be sandpapering the edges of the slots. This must be done carefully so as not to erase the connection between the white threads.
  • Advice!

Holes in denim of different shapes.

If the needlewoman has the idea of ​​creating themed holes, like hearts, suns, moons, stars or anything else, you don't need to ignore it. The main thing is to outline the future shape of the hole in advance, and work on it. The edges can be sewn with a sewing machine or basting with a needle, or they can be left fluffy.

Fashionable "holes-windows"

Popular among the stars jeans with large holes.

Huge holes in jeans not covered with white thread are also very popular among young people who do not know shame. Large holes in the knees or hips are no longer a surprise. This DIY decorating method will appeal to those looking for an uncomplicated yet stylish way to change old jeans.

Hole making tools:

  • Jeans;
  • Plywood or cardboard;
  • Stationery knife or scissors;
  • Choice of sandpaper, razor or tweezers.

How to do it right:

  1. To begin with, you should outline the location of future windows in small jeans, put them on, and make sure that they will look good. The holes should be drawn taking into account whether the holes will be framed by protruding threads or cut off sharply.
  2. We put a thick board under the workspace in the leg and with the help of scissors, or better with a clerical knife, we cut out a huge space of denim on each leg in one or several places. It is important not to overdo it with the "windows", and not to scatter too large holes from each other, as this may look ridiculous.
  3. Now that the "windows" have been cut out, you can process the edges of the holes, decorating them with fringes. To do this, you can use one of the above tips for separating white threads from denim and removing blue threads with your own hands or with tweezers. You can also leave just a few long, white, torn threads around the edges.
  4. A more complete look can be achieved by sanding the edges with sandpaper or a lady's razor.

Elegant openwork

Glamorous and delicate holes on jeans that can be worn to evening events.

Lace holes are another type of interestingly decorated holes on jeans, which can be achieved at home in several ways at once, including the simplest ones:

  • Jeans decorated with openwork fabric-lining;
  • Lace patch over jeans;
  • Tights with a lace motif for jeans with ready-made holes.

If for the first two options it is necessary to make cuts on the pants in advance according to one of the previously described schemes and be able to use a sewing machine, then the last method is provided for those who like to change images and want to wear jeans with holes both without lace lining, and with them.

  • Advice!

Ways to decorate jeans with your own hands.

To add a touch of elegance to jeans , you can use the tricks of the designers and decorate them:

  1. stripes;
  2. patches;
  3. buttons;
  4. rivets;
  5. rhinestones;
  6. beads;
  7. bright paint applied over a figured stencil.

Diy scuffs on jeans

With the help of scuffs, you can quickly and easily make trendy jeans out of ordinary jeans at home.

Neat scuffs easily replace large holes in denim, giving an interesting effect, but at the same time they allow not to focus on sloppiness and rebelliousness ... or to do it - it all depends on the author's idea.

Faded jeans are an alternative to holes.

The big plus of creating scuffs is that they bring to perfection both the holes themselves and make separate accents on the whole part of the fabric. : rubbing the bottom line or side panel of jeans, decorating the back and front pockets.

Fringe and scuffs you can do on your favorite jeans with your own hands.

All this is done in factory conditions, but you can create it yourself at home, moreover, using improvised means.

Choosing the right tool

Different tools create different fancy wash effects on jeans.

As mentioned above, the most popular and at the same time affordable ways to create scuffs on jeans are :

  1. Razor or blade;
  2. Sandpaper;
  3. Pumice;
  4. Kitchen grater.

How are they different and which one is right for you? Their differences lie in the end result, since each of these items has a different effect.

  • The final look of jeans after working with blade and razor may vary depending on the degree of pressure, which is why it is worth working with them very carefully.
  • The maximum abrasive effect is fixed to itself kitchen grater... Of course, and they come in different sizes, however, graters are considered the roughest tools for creating scuffs on jeans.
  • Pumice does less damage to fabrics, however, quite large scuffs remain after it.
  • Have sandpaper the smallest effect that looks neat and calm.

A way to create scuffs with improvised means

Options for working on jeans scuffs.

How to properly scuff jeans with your own hands? You need to work here according to the same principle as making holes:

  1. To begin with, we outline the desired area for future wear. Putting on jeans to make sure the adjustments we make look good.
  2. We take off the jeans, insert thick cardboard or a plate into the pants under the working area.
  3. We choose one of the tools at hand, necessary for the work, and work carefully, from time to time cleaning the surface of the jeans from excess threads.
  4. Important stop in time ... In order not to overdo it, you need to periodically stop and evaluate the resulting result in order to understand that the scuff is ready. Otherwise, you can get a hole.
  5. The scuffed edge can be trimmed with scissors, making a slight fringe effect, or left as it is.