How to knit baby booties with knitting needles? How to simply knit adorable booties for a baby Knit booties with your own hands: what you need

Booties are the first shoes of a newborn baby. It is very important that the baby’s feet are warm, cozy and comfortable.

In this case, knitted booties made from soft, lightweight yarn are an ideal option.

How to connect them is described and shown in detail in this master class.

These booties are suitable for a child whose foot length is 8-10 cm (6-12 months).

Materials for booties

  • knitting needles No. 3 - 2 pcs.;
  • children's wool blend yarn 50 g/175 m (wool, bamboo, acrylic) green - 30 g, white - 20 g;
  • hook or needle for stitching;
  • white thread for sewing;
  • narrow ribbon or lace - 2 pcs. 30 cm each.


  • persons - front loop;
  • purl - purl loop;
  • chrome - edge loop.

How to knit booties step by step


We will make this part of the product using garter stitch.

We cast on 44 stitches on the knitting needles.

  • We perform rows 1 and 2 with facial loops.

  • 3rd row: chrome, knit 1, yarn over, knit 19, yo, knit 2, yo, knit 19, yo, knit 1, yo.
  • 4 and knit all even rows with knit stitches. We make yarn overs behind the front wall (twisted) so that there are no holes.
  • Row 5: knit 2, yo, knit 19, yo, knit 4, yo, knit 19, yo, knit 2, yo.
  • Row 7: chrome, knit 3, yarn over, knit 19, yo, knit 6, yo, knit 19, yo, knit 3, yo.
  • 9 row: chrome, knit 4, yarn over, knit 19, yo, knit 8, yo, knit 19, yo, knit 4, yo.
  • Row 10: knit all stitches. There are 60 loops on the knitting needles. We attach a white thread, do not cut the green thread.

The bottom border is “teeth”.

We will make this part of the product using stockinette stitch.

  • Rows 11 and 13: knit stitches.
  • Rows 12 and 14: purl stitches.

We make “teeth”.

  • Row 15: chrome, *yo, knit the next 2 loops together*. Repeat the pattern from * to * until the end of the row.
  • Row 16: purl all the stitches. We tie yarn overs behind the back wall to create holes.
  • Rows 17 and 19: knit stitches.
  • Rows 18 and 20: purl stitches. We cut the white thread.


We make this part of the product with green yarn. We knit 12 rows (from 21st to 32nd) in garter stitch.


We perform this part of the product with a white thread using stockinette stitch according to the principle of heel knitting.

We divide the loops into 3 parts: 24 (first side), 12 (central), 24 (second side).

On the right knitting needle we remove 24 loops without knitting. Attach a white thread.

We knit 11 stitches, and knit the 12th (the last loop of the central part) and the 1st (the second side part) together.

We turn the work over to the wrong side. We knit 11 loops purlwise, and knit the 12th together with the 1st loop of the first side part.

We turn the work over to the front side. We knit 11 loops again, and knit the 12th together with the next loop of the second side part.

We turn the work over and make loops on the wrong side in the same way.

We make such decreases until there are 14 loops left on the side parts.

As a result, you will get 40 stitches on the knitting needles (14+12+14). Cut off the white thread. A toe like this will form on the product.


We knit 6 rows of garter stitch with a green thread.

To form holes for the lace, perform the next row like this: edge, *2 stitches together, yarn over, k2*, repeat until the end of the row from * to *.

We knit the purl row with purl loops, yarn over the back wall to create holes. We knit the next 2 rows in stockinette stitch.

Using green thread we knit 4 rows with a 1x1 elastic band.

Using white thread we knit 2 rows in stockinette stitch.

We repeat the alternation of elastic and stockinette stitch 2 more times.

The result is a cuff with the effect of horizontal corrugated stripes.

Close the loops and cut off the thread. We fasten the ends of the threads and hide them on the inside of the product.

Product design. Using a needle and white thread we sew the jagged border.

We do this along the wrong side of the booties, grabbing the loops located one opposite the other.

We sew the booties with a crochet hook (single crochet) or a needle along the wrong side.

Insert the ribbon into the holes. We perform the second shoe in the same way.

How to crochet booties

One of the fun things to do is make things for babies and newborns with your own hands. As a result, you will only be touched, and these things will give you positive emotions. And when you see your efforts on little children, you definitely want to do more and more. For example, you can make booties for babies yourself.

When you first see them, you may think that this is a very difficult task, but in reality it is not so. You just need to know basic hand-crafting skills, of course, be patient, be careful when working and practice a little, and also know how to disassemble circuits.

For all beginners, before you start knitting booties, you need to know a few things:

  • If you are just starting to knit booties, then you need a light sample. If you prefer knitting needles, then choose garter or stockinette stitch,
  • If this is a hook, then there may be single crochets.
  • threads for knitting must be taken from special or natural children's yarn. This is necessary to prevent irritation or allergic reactions in the child.
  • the product is made exactly according to the child’s leg, they must be of the correct shape. The future fabric should not be tight on the foot, but at the same time not very loose, because otherwise the shoes will simply fall off.
  • It is best to make shoes without seams and one-piece, or you can make external seams, but they should not rub the feet.
  • the product itself should not have too many decorations. If you want to make beads or bows, they must be well secured. Do not forget. Even if your baby is still small, he is very curious.
  • if the shoes need to be warm, then buy thicker threads, such as acrylic or baby wool. If the booties are summer, then you need to take thin cotton yarn.
  • Before you start working, you need to measure the child’s leg, and then count the number of loops needed to start knitting.

Learning to knit booties with knitting needles

Many girls believe that it is easier to knit booties with knitting needles than with crochet. This is suitable even for beginners. There are several different ways: using additional knitting needles or taking only two, because this fabric will be very small. Below you will find several instructions for knitting baby booties.

How to knit booties with knitting needles instructions for beginners

This fabric that you are knitting is intended for a one-year-old baby. So take 40 or 50 g of baby acrylic thread and knitting needle number 3.



You need to start knitting from the top of the future bootie, which is called a cuff. For such a part, 1x1 is best, because thanks to it, it is fashionable to put the shoe on the foot freely, and at the same time the shoe will stay well on the foot. But if you want, you can also choose garter stitch, which works just as well. Cast on 39 stitches on the needles plus two edge stitches. If you knit with an elastic band, then in the front rows you need to do the front knitting, then purl, and in the purl rows do it as per the drawing. Only use knit stitches to make garter stitch. Depending on the height of the future canvas, the number of loops cast on will also be. You need to make 18-19 rows for average height.

Holes for lanyard

Holes for laces

After you have made the desired height of the cuff, you are allowed to proceed to the row on which you will make holes for the future ribbon or lace. You need to do it this way: knit two loops in the front row together with the front loop behind the back wall, then put a thread on the second knitting needle and make a yarn over, after which the rest of the row is knitted in exactly the same way. Future loops must be secured in the purl row, knitting with purl loops.

  • the next stage is that you divide all the loops into three even parts. This is necessary in order to make the sides of the booties and fronts. So take the third knitting needle and place 13 stitches on it, the other two knitting needles should have the same number. Next, using the fourth knitting needle, you begin to knit the front of the shoe. The beauty of your masterpiece will depend on this, namely on the chosen pattern. But if you are just a beginner in this matter, then you need to choose a simple pattern.
  • For example, you can make a front by doing a cool tangle stitch, which is very easy to do and looks really cute when it's done. Make it mono in this way: knit the first row like a regular elastic band, while alternating the purl and front loops. Second row - the front loop is knitted under the purl loop, and under the front loop - purl. Knit the pattern to the end of the row. You need to make 15 rows in order to lift the toe.

Connection of side parts and toe

In this tap you need to connect the toe and one of the side parts. So, along the left edge of the rise of the middle part, you need to pull out 8 new lifting loops (for easier work, you need to do this with a hook, and then throw the resulting loops back onto the knitting needle). Knit the knit stitches that are on the closest side in the direction of knitting to the knitting needle with the stitches set aside on the same medium needle. Next, unfold the knitting, take circular knitting needles and knit the knit stitches that are on the knitting needle with the toe. Next, the second side panel with the toe is also attached. So eight loops need to be knitted along the lifting edge of the front and knitted with the front loops of the loops that were left for the other barrel.

Side part


The sides are knitted from rows 1 to 6 on the front side with knit stitches, and purl stitches on the back side. In the 7th row there are purl loops, in the 8th row there are knit stitches, and from the 9th to the 14th row you need to knit the same as the first six.


In order to form the sole, it is necessary to divide all the loops into three parts again. Leave 21 loops on the sides, 13 loops on the middle knitting needle in order to knit the toe, as in the beginning. Next, with garter stitch, knitting begins with the loops of the middle part. Knit up to 12 loops in the first row, and the 13th loop is knitted with the first side loop. And the front loop must be knitted when it goes on the front side, or on the wrong side. Next, you need to unroll the knitting and continue with facial loops, reaching the last loop of the row. The same loop must be knitted together with the first loop of the other barrel. Until there are 6 loops on the side knitting needles, knitting must be continued.

Heel. Secure the remaining loops with a gypsy needle or crochet hook.

Product assembly

You need to sew the fabric with the seam facing outward using your own hands using a needle. Next, take a ready-made lace, ribbon or lace that you made yourself from simple chains and loops, and thread it into the special holes left. Well, the first shoe is ready.

Ready booties

The second product is made independently according to the same scheme.

How to knit booties on two knitting needles

If you make booties on two knitting needles, then this is also not a difficult job, and maybe even much easier than when you use additional knitting needles, because nothing else will get in the way. So you can try to make a more colorful product with your own hands and experiment a little. To do this, you must take circular knitting needles and acrylic baby thread in blue or white colors. You also need an embroidery needle and a strip of cardboard for the future pompom. Once you have completed all the preparations, you can look at the diagram:

Knitting the sole

  • Take white yarn and cast on 33 stitches. The middle - seventeenth loop is marked with a thread of a different shade, so that you do not get confused and know throughout the knitting where the middle of the product is.
  • 1-2 rows go with facial loops.
  • in the third row, discard the edge stitch, then there is one yarn over, 15 stitches go with knit stitches, then the following pattern follows: yarn over, knit stitch, 15 knit stitches, yarn over, edge stitch.
  • 4 rows of all received loops are made with facial stitches.
  • From rows 5 to 8, you repeat knitting as from 1 to 4. Next, you will get 45 loops on the knitting needle and a finished sole.

Booties on knitting needles

We knit the cloves

We knit a bootie front

Before making a toe, you must first visually divide your product twice, to begin with there are 45 loops that already exist into three parts: left, middle and right 15 loops each, 5 loops for three times the middle part. You need to continue with white:

  • remove the edge and knit 19 stitches of the row, then two purl stitches (21 and 22 loops), two knit stitches (23-), and then knit stitches (25,26).
  • turn the knitting and knit the next rows of the toe like this: purl two loops, two loops together, then turn the fabric again. You must knit the front of the booties until the middle loops are reduced to 5, but the number of loops that you left at the edges should remain unchanged, 15 pieces each.
  • when you have made the toe, knit the 15 side loops that you did not touch, unfold the product and knit all the loops again with knit stitches. At the end there should be 25 stitches on the knitting needles.

The front of the bootie

Making holes for the lace

One row must be made according to the pattern with your own hands: two loops together with a knit stitch, one yarn over until the end of the row.

Holes for laces

The next eight rows are knit stitches. Next is another row with teeth, but this time you don’t need to change the white thread to blue. There is no need to leave the first edge in the row where the teeth are attached, but you need to start throwing the loops from there, you also need to pull out additional loops from the blue dotted line, which is located directly under the white color, and not from the white one. The product must be sewn along the sole and back side; the seam should only be soft or external. After this you knit the second shoe.

When you have made both shoes, you need to make two laces in the form of a chain of air loops or a braided braid. We thread the laces into the holes that you specially prepared.

If desired, the fabric can be decorated with pom-poms, which are attached to the edges of the lace, or you can sew them in the middle of the front. The pompom is made using the following scheme:

  • take a thick cardboard or cardboard box, for example, toothpaste or cream. The size of the box should be equal to the size of the future pompom.
  • Wind the thread around the box yourself; the more turns, the fluffier the product.
  • if you want bells on the laces, then you need to take a needle with a strong thread, which is similar in color to a pompom, and fasten it at one end of the lace. Next, remove the threads carefully wound around the box, do not tangle them, then pull them tightly in the middle with the thread that is attached to the lace several times. Next, the thread is secured and torn off.
  • At this stage you need to cut the turns of thread on the sides. Then straighten the threads and shape the product, make it voluminous and fluffy.
  • the second canvas does exactly the same. The finished pompom looks something like this:

Knitted booties

How to knit booties and boots with knitting needles

Below is another video with instructions on how to knit booties:

How to crochet booties

Some people still continue to say that crocheting booties with your own hands is much more difficult than knitting. You can also make very beautiful types of products with crochet, which do not require spending a lot of time and effort; you can find a huge number of patterns such as boots, small sneakers or booties. So don’t immediately say that it’s difficult and refuse to work. Below you will see several different simple instructions on how to knit booties for newborns and older children.

How to crochet booties description for beginners

The following diagram, which describes the description step by step, is suitable for those who are just starting to make booties for little ones:

How to crochet booties - sneakers

If you are a lover of unusual things, then here you can knit booties - sneakers that look very cute and interesting. In this scheme, the booties are designed for a child from 3 to 6 months, but if you want. Then you can calculate the size of your child’s feet and simply reduce or increase the loops.


To start knitting, you need to take iris in blue, white, red shades and hook No. 2. You need to start your work from the sole, and specifically from the center. The diagram below will show you how to crochet sneakers correctly:

Booties scheme

Let's look in a little more detail at how we can do all this:


  • at the beginning of the work, you need to make 20 air loops plus one loop to raise the row using white yarn.
  • 1 row. Knit sequentially into each loop, starting from the second main chain stitch: 9 stitches b\n, 9 stitches c\n, 7 stitches c\n in the last stitch of the row. Turn the product and continue knitting in the circle on the other side of the cast-on braid, while following the sequence: 9 single stitches, 9 double stitches, 6 double stitches in the final stitch of the row. Make a connecting post at the end of each row.
  • 2nd row. Knit three lifting loops, then there are 19 stitches with\n, five times increase, in each loop we knit a loop of 2 stitches with\n, then there are 20 stitches with\n, five times there is an increase at the end of the row - two stitches with\n n in each of the 5 remaining stitches.
  • 3rd row. Three lifting loops, 19 stitches with \n, 2 stitches with\n in one loop and 1 stitch with\n - repeat twice, 2 stitches with\n in one loop - repeat twice, 1 stitch with\n, 2 stitches s\n - twice, 20 stitches s\n, 2 stitches in one loop and 1 stitch s\n - repeat twice, 2 stitches in one loop - repeat twice, 1 stitch s\n and 2 stitches s\n in one loop - repeat twice.
  • 4-6 rows. Three lifting loops, 72 columns with \n behind the back wall of the loops. Connecting half-column at the end of the sixth row with red thread.
  • 7 row. The sole must be turned inside out, shaping and straightening it. After 3 lifting stitches, all the loops of the row are again made with a red thread using s\n columns, then the connecting half-column is white.
  • 8 row last. It is knitted in the same way as the previous one, starting with 1 rise and white thread.

Top part

Change to blue, white thread. Find the center of the sole and count the seventh loop on one side of the center, then mark it with a thread of a different color, and do the same on the other side.

  • 9 row. Start making the top part from the next one after the marked one, this is 8 from the center loop. There are three rises, then columns with \n in each loop of the mark.
  • 10 row. Turn the product, one loop for lifting and knit stitches with\n to the first mark.
  • 11 row. Turn the fabric, make 4 air loops, starting from 4, make stitches with\n, while the last three loops are not knitted. Work a double crochet stitch into the last stitch of the row. The resulting holes will be needed for the future laces in the sneakers.
  • 12,14,16 and 18 rows. They are made like row 10, and 12,15,17 and 19 like 11r.

Tongue bootie sneaker

Bootie tongue

  • 1 row. Knit 6 double stitches into the first stitch of a chain of 4 stitches.
  • 2nd row. 3 lifting loops, 1 stitch with \n in the first loop, 2 stitches with\n in the second and all other loops to the end.
  • 3rd row. Loop for lifting, column s\n to the end of the row-arc.
  • 4 row. Lifting loop, 11 columns with\n along the straight part of the tongue, which is its top. Fasten the white thread and cut it.
  • 5th row. The thread is blue, there are three lifting loops and 11 stitches are knitted along the top of the tongue.
  • 6th row. Air loop, 11 columns b\n.
  • From 7 to 19 rows. Odd rows go like the fifth row, and even rows go like the sixth.

After you have made all the parts, you need to sew the tongue to the front of the sneaker with white threads with the convex part on the wrong side. Tie the sole with a crochet hook and sew the holes with white thread using a needle. From 190 air loops, make a lace in which there are single crochets, and then thread the lace into special holes. Using the same scheme, you need to make a second bootie-shoe.

It’s not such a difficult job to make booties for little kids. After all, when you start working, you will understand that it is fun and interesting, especially since it is always nice to make things for your cute little one. Now you can easily knit or crochet booties for your little one.

Clothing for children should be as comfortable and safe as possible. Unfortunately, purchased items do not always meet these requirements 100%. You need to be especially careful when choosing clothes for newborn babies. Everything is important here - style, material, workmanship. In this article we will take a step-by-step look at how to knit the first shoes for a child - booties. When choosing yarn for work, give preference to natural threads with a natural color. It is better to knit booties with knitting needles for beginning craftswomen, starting with simple patterns. Be sure to tie the sample, wet it and dry it. After washing, items knitted from natural yarn “shrink”, decreasing in size. Therefore, it is better to calculate the knitting density on a dried sample. Or there is a second option - to knit shoes of a obviously larger size, taking into account future shrinkage. See below for approximate baby foot measurements.

There are many knitting options - on two, five knitting needles, crochet, a combined version - knitting needles and crochet hook. Let's start with the simplest model - booties - shoes.

Shoes - unisex

These simple booties are suitable for both girls and boys. It is designed for a baby of 10-12 months.

We will need:

  • yarn of one color – 50g;
  • a little yarn of a different color for the lace;
  • set of socks No. 3;
  • hook for tying lace.

Patterns used:

  • elastic band 1 knit x 1 purl;
  • stockinette stitch - in straight knitting, odd rows - knit, even rows - purl. P.;
  • shawl pattern - with straight knitting, all rows are knitted. P.

Description and master class

We will work on 5 knitting needles, in two threads. Cast on 37 stitches and move on to circular knitting, placing 9 stitches each. on each sleeper At the same time, we knit the first and last stitches with one stitch. Continue with an elastic band 12 rubles. Then we make a row with holes for pulling the lace. To do this, alternate 2p. together in 1 person, 1 yarn over. Let's move on to faces. smooth stitch and knit 2 r. At the same time, we redistribute the loops on the knitting needles: 11, 7, 11, 7 loops.
Further work will be shown step by step - see master class and photo.


Knitted at 11p. one knitting needle. 18 rub. We do it with a scarf pattern.

Side parts

It is knitted on 25 set aside loops, plus on the sides of the toe we cast on 9 loops on each side. We make 10 rubles. scarf pattern.


Knitted on 11 central stitches on the toe of the faces. satin stitch In this case, we knit each of the outermost side loops together with the loops of the side part. Continue until the side sts are completed.
Loops with two sp. transfer to one, alternating evenly. We close all sts, knitting them in threes.
Cut the thread, fasten, and carefully tuck in the end.
Now let's decorate our children's shoes. To do this, tie a lace and tuck it through the holes of the shoe. We tie beautiful bows. The shoes are ready!

White booties with a pattern: video master class


This master class will help you knit the most original and comfortable shoes for your little princess.
Dimensions are calculated for the feet of a one-year-old child.

To work you will need:

  • yarn of two colors - only about 50g;
  • set of sp. No. 3;
  • beads and flowers for decoration.

Patterns used:

  • garter stitch - all stitches;
  • two-color elastic band, knitting in the round:
    Row 1: *k1, purl 1* – until the end of the row;
    2 rows: *Slip 1 p., 1 yarn over, 1 p.* – whole row;
    3rd row: * knit the removed loop together with the yarn over, purl 1* – the whole row.

Description and master class

For “Caramel” booties, the sole is knitted first. The rest of the shoe is tied to it. Our detailed master class with photographs and descriptions is at your service!


We dial 8p. the first color (in our case, white) and knit it with a scarf pattern, making increases - see the diagram in the photo. One cell corresponds to 1 p. and 1 p.

Side parts

We lift the loops along the edges of the sole and distribute them into three sts: 21 sts. on the sides and 18p. on the toe - only 60p.
Let's move on to the second color, in our case pink, and knit a row of faces. loops
From the second row we knit 14 r. two-color elastic band.
16p.: white yarn - 15 knits, 2 knits. – 1 person – 15 decreases, 15 faces. Ours is 45p.
from 17th to 21st. - shawl pattern with alternating colors.
Close off all sts except 20 sts. on the heel.

On these 20 sts, knit 2p. persons.p.
Dial another 20p. for the strap. At 40p. knit 8 r. Don't forget to make a hole for the button. Close the loops. Cut the thread and carefully thread the end. Make the second shoe a mirror image. You can decorate “Caramels” as you wish - with beads, flowers.

Summer booties: video master class

Ugg boots

We suggest you knit booties with an original pattern - ugg boots.

The model is designed for a foot size of 11cm - see master class.

We will need:

  • white yarn – 50g;
  • some threads in two shades of brown;
  • set of sp. No. 2;
  • hook No. 2.5;
  • needle with a large eye.

Patterns used:

  • persons satin stitch: when knitting straight - odd rows - knits. p., even - purl; when knitting in the round – all sts – knits;
  • “rice” pattern: alternate 1 face. from purl 1, in the next row we shift the pattern by one stitch.

Description and master class

We start knitting from the sole. For these boots it will be double, so that knitted ugg boots are warmer and more comfortable. We crochet with a white thread 18 VP plus 3 VP for lifting - see the diagram in the photo.

We will knit three rows according to the pattern, in the 4th row we will knit 72 s/n stitches without additions. We do not cut the thread. Similarly, we will make the sole from dark brown yarn.

Ugg top

We collect 72 stitches along the edge of the white sole. and we will complete 5 rubles. persons Ch. We outline 21 stitches for the toe of the boot. Next we will knit in the round. The loops of the side parts and the back are simply knit, and the loops of the toe are according to the pattern:
6p.:*2p. in 1 person., 1 person.* – 7 repetitions. Total – 14 p.;
7r.: according to the drawing;
8p.: 7 times 2p. in 1 person;
From 9th p.m. the scheme changes:

Knit the loops of the side parts and the back without finishing 1 stitch. to the toe, knit it together with its outer loop, k5, 2p. in 1 person 10th r. -similar. We will knit the reverse row, turning the work.
11p.: remove 1 p., 5 p.., 2 p. in 1 purl. (grab 1 stitch from the side stitches) Turn the work.
12r.: 1p. remove, knit 5, 2 p. in 1 person U-turn.
From the 13th. repeat the 11th and 12th rows three times.

Ugg tongue

We knit it at 7p. toe, casting on an additional 1 stitch on both sides. It turns out 9p. We knit 8 cm with a “rice” pattern and close the st.


We knit on the side loops of the faces. satin stitch 32 rub. In the 33rd and 34th r. To create a rounding, close on both sides twice, 2 stitches each. At 35 rub. close all the loops.
Decorate ugg boots with embroidery - see diagram.


Using a RLS crochet hook, tie the tongue and sides of the boot - 2 rows. Make 4 loops for lacing on the boot: 4 ch for 1 st. grounds. Tie the top with a crayfish step. Weave a lace - a braid of 4 threads. Sew on the second sole, leaving the raised edging of the white sole visible. Thread the lace and tie a bow.

Doggy booties on two knitting needles: video master class

Booties - sneakers

We invite you to knit the simplest, but very original children's sneakers.

To work you will need:

  • yarn of three colors - white, blue and carrot - approximately 50g each;
  • set of sp. No. 3;
  • hook No. 2.5.

Pattern used:

  • garter stitch: when knitting straight, all stitches are knit.


Cast on 6 stitches in two white threads and knit 7 stitches, adding 1 stitch to each even row. at both sides. In total we get 12p. We continue 34 rubles. with an even canvas, then decrease by 6 stitches. - mirror the increase.
Raise along the edge loops 58p. Knit 2 p. in the round. garter stitch. Then from the middle of the backdrop in one direction 23p. we knit in blue, in the other - 23p. carrot, sock – 12p. – white. In places where you change to a different color, cross the threads so that there are no holes. You need to knit 10 rubles. To decorate the toe, decrease 5 times on the white area, 1 stitch on each side. Close 13p. on blue, 2p. on white, 13p. on carrot plots. On the remaining loops of the blue and carrot sections (10 stitches each, 20 stitches in total), knit two rows in white with a garter pattern. Close the loops.


Crochet two laces from white threads - 140 VP. Thread them through and tie bows. Knit decorative balls for decoration - two blue, two carrot. To do this, make a chain of 6 chain stitches with a crochet hook, connect them into a ring. Knit 15 columns of s/n into the middle. Tie the outer edge next to the sc. Sew on the balls based on the photo. The sneakers are ready!

Mouse booties on two knitting needles: video master class

As you can see, knitting booties with knitting needles is a very real and very exciting task for beginner knitters.

Booties are a kind of sock-shoes sewn from fabric, leather or knitted from yarn, which are intended for children under one year of age.

The main purpose of such shoes is to keep children's feet warm, and, of course, beautiful.

Booties always have a soft sole - it does not cause discomfort to a child whose feet are not yet strong. They become the first shoes for newborn babies - they are not boots yet, but they are no longer socks.

With the help of booties, the baby, who has already begun to crawl and sit, gradually gets used to walking and wearing shoes.

How to choose the right yarn for baby booties?

When choosing yarn for booties, you should pay attention to those varieties that were originally developed for knitting children's products.

This yarn is hypoallergenic, is subject to stricter safety and quality control during production, and is also marked by the manufacturer with a special sign.

How to understand that yarn is intended for children? Most often, this is indicated by the name: “Baby”, “Baby”, “Fidget”; in foreign brands you can see the word “baby” in the name of the yarn.

Basic requirements for children's yarn

If you cannot find such threads, yarn for booties should be selected according to the following criteria:


The threads should predominantly consist of natural fibers, for example wool or cotton. As a last resort, you can take acrylic. Remember that yarn made from synthetic components can impede air circulation and become electrified.

Booties knitted from natural threads will easily absorb moisture and allow children's feet to breathe.

However, when working with natural yarn, it is necessary to take into account that after the first wash the knitted product will shrink slightly in size, so baby booties should be a little too big for the feet.


You should not choose yarn that is too bright or toxic. When wearing such shoes, there is a risk that particles of the dyes used will be released, having a negative effect on the delicate children's skin.

However, there is no need to go from one extreme to the other, dressing the child exclusively in white knitted socks.

Modern stores offer a huge selection of yarn in pastel colors, and psychologists recommend paying attention to shades of yellow, green or orange, since these are the colors that little children love most.

Thread thickness

The thickness of the yarn should be selected based on the season of wearing booties. However, even in winter, you should not choose threads that are too coarse and thick, which can damage the baby’s sensitive skin.

How to determine the size of future booties?

In order to take measurements from the baby's legs, you should take a sheet of paper. Stepping back two or three centimeters from one of the edges of the sheet, you need to draw a straight line.

You need to attach the child’s heel to the resulting line and mark on the sheet with a line the place where the baby’s big toe ends. In order for the measurements to be taken fully, it is also necessary to mark the widest part of the foot.

To the resulting width and length, so that the booties fit loosely, you should add 1.5 centimeters.

On average, a newborn baby up to three months has a foot length of 9 centimeters, a baby from three to six months has 10 centimeters, and a baby from six to nine months has 11.5 centimeters.

For knitting you will need from 55 to 75 meters of yarn and knitting needles number 2-4.5 (we select them depending on the thickness of the yarn; the thicker the thread, the thicker the knitting needles).

Knitting simple booties on 2 knitting needles: instructions for beginners

Knitting booties with knitting needles is not at all difficult. We offer a simple master class for beginners on making warm shoes with a lapel, which, if desired, can be decorated under UGG boots or even under children's sneakers.

For knitting you will need to prepare:

  • semi-woolen, wool or acrylic yarn;
  • two knitting needles number 2 (or number 3).

Knitting starts from the sole. The initial number of loops that will be cast on depends on the size of the baby's foot.

Thus, if you decide to knit shoes for a newborn or for a two- to three-month-old baby, you need to cast on thirty-five loops on your knitting needles, two of which will be edge stitches. (If your child is older, the starting number of stitches will need to be increased).

The further scheme of work is as follows:

  1. The first row is knitted completely with knit stitches. The first loop is removed, and the last one is knitted.
  2. Second row: the 1st edge loop is simply removed and yarn over. 15 loops are knitted with knit stitches, a yarn over, three knit stitches and a yarn over, fifteen knit stitches and a yarn over, after which the edge stitch is knitted. There should be thirty-nine loops in total.
  3. The 3rd row is knitted.
  4. Fourth row: the first edge loop is removed, after which a yarn over is made and 16 loops are knitted, then a yarn over and 5 loops are knitted, again a yarn over and 16 loops are knitted, a yarn over. The row ends with an edge loop. There should be 43 loops in total.
  5. In the fifth row, all stitches are knitted.
  6. Sixth row: the first loop is removed and a yarn over is made. Next, 17 loops are knitted and a yarn over is made. Then knit seven and yarn over, knit seventeen and yarn over again. The row is completed by an edge loop. When completed you should have 47 stitches.
  7. In the seventh row, all loops are knitted.
  8. Eighth: edge stitch, then yarn over and knit 18, yarn over and knit nine, yarn over and edge stitch. The result should be fifty-one loops.
  9. The ninth row begins with removing the edge loop. Twenty-five are knitted, a yarn over is made and another 26 are knitted. A wedge is knitted for rounding.

  1. Next we knit a rise from the tenth to the twentieth row, it needs to be knitted. The edges are knitted as usual (see point 1).
  2. To knit the upper part, you need to divide all available parts into three parts: 21 loops on the sides and ten in the center.

  1. The twenty-first row is knitted with an edge loop, followed by 29 knit stitches, then two are knitted together with a knit stitch. After this, the knitting is turned over.

  1. The twenty-second row begins with removing the first loop behind the back wall, then 8 are knitted purlwise, and then two together are knitted together purlwise. Turn.

  1. The 23rd row begins with removing a loop behind the front wall, then eight knit stitches follow, two loops are knitted together. The product rotates again.
  2. Row 24 begins by slipping a stitch behind the back wall, purling eight, then purling two together. To knit rows 25 - 36, you need to alternate the 23rd and 24th rows in shifts.

  1. The 37th row begins with removing the first loop from the front wall, then nine are knitted with knit stitches, the next twelve are knitted again, and finally the edge stitch. In total, after knitting the 37th row, 36 loops should remain.

  1. Next, an elastic band is knitted. The 38th row is knitted with knit stitches (except for the edge stitches), and from rows 39 to 58 an elastic band is knitted: knit and purl stitches alternate 1*1.
  2. The final stage is the closing of the loops.

  1. Then the resulting bootie is sewn along the back wall, and the elastic is tucked outward.

  1. The second bootie is knitted using the same pattern.

Warm shoes for a newborn baby are ready!

The following video will tell you in detail how you can knit improvised sneakers based on the above master class:

Marshmallow booties: step-by-step master class

Marshmallow booties can be called one of the most attractive varieties of knitted baby shoes. They owe their name to a well-known sweet - marshmallows, which they look very similar to in appearance.

In order to knit “marshmallows” you will need yarn of 2 colors and two knitting needles with a diameter of 2.5 mm.

We perform the following steps step by step:

  1. On the knitting needles you need to cast on twenty-five loops from yarn of the main color (our main color will be blue).

  1. Next, using the garter stitch method, a fabric 15 centimeters long is knitted, after which ten loops are closed.

  1. Then you need to take threads of an additional (in our case yellow) color and knit four rows in stocking stitch (1-3 rows - front, 2-4 rows - purl).

  1. Next, with blue yarn you need to knit two rows with knit stitches, one row with purl stitches and one with knit stitches.
  2. Thus, it is necessary to knit eight stripes of yellow and seven blue.

  1. Then the loops are closed, and the resulting striped “accordion” is sewn to the beginning of the knitted runner.

  1. In order to sew the sole, you need to sew a blue part at the bottom with thread, then gather the lower part of the “accordion” with thread and pull it completely, but not pull the top part all the way, so that the remaining opening is visually sufficient for the baby’s foot.

  1. We knit the second “marshmallow” in the same way. Then, if desired, we decorate the resulting booties: knit and sew on a bow, flower or other decoration.

A master class on making “marshmallows” can be viewed in even more detail in the following video:

The simplest booties-socks for a newborn

We bring to your attention another simple step-by-step master class on knitting booties and socks for a newborn.

The pattern for knitting booties described below is designed for a baby’s foot aged 3 months, six months and a year - the numbers for the last two ages will be given in parentheses.

To work, you will need 55 (65-75) meters of yarn, the thickness of which is 150 meters per 100 grams, and two knitting needles number 4.5.

So, let's start knitting.

  1. We cast on 27 (35-43) knit stitches.
  2. The first and each subsequent odd row is knitted.
  3. The 2nd row starts with 1 knit stitch, yarn over, 12 loops (16-20) are knitted, 1 loop is added, 1 knit stitch is knitted, yarn over again, 12 (16-20) loops are knitted, yarn over again and one knit stitch. There should be 31 stitches left in the row (39-47).
  4. The fourth row begins with one knit, then yo, 14 knit (18-22), yo, 1 knit, yo, then 14 knit (18-22), yo, 1 knit. At the end of the row there should be 35 stitches left (43-51).
  5. The sixth row starts with a knit stitch, then a yarn over is made, 16 are knitted (20-24), yarn over again, knit one, yarn over, 16 knit stitches (20-24), yarn over, the last knit stitch. Upon completion, 39 loops remain.
  6. Eleven rows are then worked using the garter stitch method.
  7. In order to decrease the toe on two knitting needles, you need to knit:

Row 1: knit 15 (19-23), then knit 2 together, knit five, slip one, the next one knit stitch is knitted through the removed stitch, slip off. The knitting turns.

2nd row: two knit stitches are knitted together, five knit stitches, 1 knit loop is removed, 1 knit stitch is pulled through the thrown one, the thread is in front of the work, 1 is slipped off as a purl. The knitting turns over.

3: knit two loops together, knit five loops, slip off one loop, knit the next one through the removed one, remove the loop and thread again before work. The product rotates.

4: knitted as the second row.

5: two knit stitches are knitted together, five knit stitches are knitted, a loop is dropped, one knit stitch is pulled through the removed loop, the last loop is removed. Turn.

6 - 8: knit the same way as rows 4 - 5 were knitted.

9: knit two stitches together, knit five stitches, slip off one loop, knit one loop, pull through the slipped loop. Next, knit stitches are knitted until the end of the row.

The second sock is knitted in the same way.


Master class for beginners. Knitting booties from 0 months.

I bring to your attention a master class on knitting booties for babies from birth. They are very easy to knit, so even novice needlewomen can handle them)))

So, let's begin...
Thread consumption 50g. Cast on 28 stitches on straight needles using the main color using a regular cast-on. Knit 52 rows in garter stitch (the size of the bootie varies depending on the number of rows knitted). Then close 8 loops on the right side in one step. The number of loops is 20. Then continue knitting with the second color: perform 4 rows in stockinette stitch, 4 rows in purl stitch. Repeat rapport 7 times, ending with knit stitches. Close the loops in one step.
Next, connect (sew) the part as shown in the photo. Sew the main part of the bootie, lay a basting stitch along the rest of the part and pull it towards the center.
Also decorate the top of the booties. Turn away the protruding edges.
Decorate the top according to your taste and imagination.

Knitted baby booties

See how you can knit baby booties with knitting needles, knowing how to knit only knit and purl)) very simple in my opinion.

Knitted baby booties "colored caramels".

Knitting pattern, photo and detailed description of knitted baby booties for babies.

Booties are one of the most popular items knitted by craftswomen for children. Moreover, if just a few years ago booties were considered the first footwear and replaced expensive leather sandals and boots, which were simply impossible to find in conditions of shortage, today booties are a source of pride for mothers who know how to knit or received such a treasure as a gift.

Nowadays, booties are a reflection of style and originality, so on the Internet you can find a lot of interesting options for knitting this product, both knitting and crocheting.

Yarn used

Knit the sole according to the garter stitch pattern. (white thread)

Cast on the soles of the loops in a circle so that there are 18 loops on the toe, 21 loops on the two side knitting needles (60 loops in total)

1 row (pink thread) - all knit (60p)

2nd row (white thread) - purl 1, slip 1 double crochet stitch, etc. round.
Row 3 (pink thread) - p1, k1 (yarn over with loop together), etc. round
Repeat rows 2 and 3 6 more times.

Row 16 (white thread) - k15, knit 2 with a crossover (repeat 15 times), k15. (total 45p)
Row 17 (white thread) - 45 purl.
Row 18 (pink thread) - knit 45.
Row 19 (pink thread) - 45 purl.
Row 20 (white thread) - knit 45.
21 row (white thread) - 45 purl.
Close the loops with white thread, a little tighter on the toe.

Strap. Cast on 20 stitches on one needle (10 on each side of the seam)

1st row - 20 persons
2nd row - 20 faces
3rd row - knit 20 + dial 20 extra

Next, knit in garter stitch, not forgetting to make a hole for the button.
Knit the second strap in a mirror manner.
Decorate. I make the decorations myself. Good luck!

Knitted baby booties

We knit baby booties for boys and girls. A very simple method. The booties turn out to be very comfortable and beautiful.
Dial 15p. knit with an elastic band of 1/1 7 cm. Next, knit in circular rows. Cast on 60 sts. and distribute 15 stitches onto the knitting needles. Knit in 2 cm stitch. In the next row, knit the loops together with the first cast-on circular row; for convenience, take a hook.

Next, knit with an elastic band of 1/1 2 cm. We will conditionally divide the work into 23 stitches. front and 37p. back. In every 2nd row, decrease 1 stitch. 2 times on both sides of the front and back work. 52 sts left on the needles
Next we knit separately. On the back side (33 stitches) we knit in stockinette stitch 2 cm.

On the front side we continue to knit with an elastic band of 1/1, decreasing 1 st on both sides. in every 2nd row until 5 stitches remain. Close the loops. Fold the back side, hem. Thread the lace.

So these wonderful booties are knitted on knitting needles, isn’t it simple?
Children generally enjoy knitting, because everything is very quick and simple. And children's things in stores are unreasonably expensive. So pick up your knitting needles and good luck...

Knitted booties - Svetlana's work

To make booties, we need yarn, preferably half-wool, a set of needles No. 2.5 and a hook.

First we do the sole. All rows are LP. We put 7 loops on the knitting needles and knit one row. In the 2nd, 4th and 6th rows, we make yarn overs near the edge loops; in odd rows we knit them with a knitted loop, so that there are no holes. There are 13 loops on the knitting needles. Further. we knit 13 purl stripes without additions (26 rows). Next, we make one yarn over on each side and knit 15 loops without adding, so you get 23 stripes or 46 rows. After this, we gradually decrease the loops: on each side, at the beginning and at the end of the odd rows, we knit two loops together, and perform such decreases until there are 7 loops left on the knitting needles. Then close the loops.

Next, using a white thread, we cast on four knitting needles in a circle around the sole of the loop so that there are 12 loops for the toe, and an even number of loops on the remaining knitting needles. We knit in circular rows with facial loops. In the 2nd row we proceed as follows: knit 2 together, yarn over. Repeat this way until the end of the row. The 3rd and 4th rows are performed with facial loops. Tie a white thread and cut it. Further. knit in circular rows with pink thread, forming “teeth”. To do this, we connect the loops of the next row with the red loops of the last row, which is in front of the white
We knit nine rows in a circle.
We perform the toe

We perform the toe on the front 12 loops as the heel of a sock. We transfer the 123rd loop to the second knitting needle and knit two loops together with a knit stitch. Let's turn the work around. Next, the thread before work, remove the first loop, and purl the remaining loops, but don’t knit the last one, but transfer it to another knitting needle and purl the two together. Let's turn the work around. Slip off the first stitch and knit the rest. We repeat in this way until there are 30 loops + 12 toe loops left on three knitting needles. We stop on the wrong side.
Next we knit the bootie in a circle from the inside.

Two rows - purl stitches.
Seven rows of elastic (1x1).

One row - purl stitches.
Seven rows - facial loops.
Then we tie a white thread.
We knit one row with knit stitches, 1 row with purl stitches, 1 row with knit stitches, 1 row with purl stitches. Next, use pink thread for two rows of knit stitches. Then use a white thread: 1st row - LP, 1st row - PI, 1st row - LP, 1st row - PI. We close the loops.
We make the ears. For them, we cast on 22 loops with a white thread, and purl the first row. Next, use a pink thread for 6 rows, alternating the front and back rows. We cut the pink thread, leaving a long tip. We then sew the ears to the booties with this tip. White thread 2 rows. We close the loops. We connect both edges with a hook. The final touch is to embroider the NOSE.

Baby booties

The “Krokha” booties are knitted from soft polyacrylic. They took about 50 grams of yarn, I made the insert red, but you can choose any other color. Knitting needles 2.5 cm.

Cast on 34 loops. 1 row. remove all knit stitches row 2, knit one, then yarn over, knit 14, yarn over, knit 2, yarn over, knit 14, yarn over, knit one, edge stitch. On the wrong side, knit all the loops, knit the yarn overs with a crossed loop so that there are no holes.
4 row chrome. 2 persons Yarn over, 14 persons. Yarn over 4 knits. Yarn over 14 knits. Yarn over 2 persons. chrome and so add at the beginning and in the middle on the sides until there are 54 loops on the knitting needle, do not forget to knit the purl rows with the front rows.

Then we knit as anyone wants, you can use a 1x1 rib, you can use a honeycomb, you can use an English rib, you can just knit, anyone who wants can take a thread of a different color. We knit 2 cm to the toe. Knit only the middle 10 loops as a heel, and on the sides of these middle 10 loops, gradually decrease the loops, knitting 2 together until the original 34 loops are on the knitting needle. Then knit the lapel to the desired height. Decoration at your discretion

Knitted white and pink booties

Booties White and pink marshmallows. Knitted with needles No. 2.

Yarn-Alara Lanosso Türkiye. 175m in 50grams. 50% cotton, 50% acrylic.

I took the description ““ as the basis for knitting.

Apple blossoms decorate these wonderful tops.

Knitted white booties

Booties with raised cuffs are knitted from wool and cotton.

Booties size: for a child 3-6 months.

To knit booties you will need: 50 grams of cream-colored wool and cotton yarn, knitting needles 3.25 mm and 4 mm thick.

Description of knitting booties with knitting needles

The combination of red and white is classic, but the booties will look great in other color combinations. Try, for example, blue with yellow, blue with white.

Knitting booties, size 6-9 months.

To knit booties you will need: 50 grams of red cotton yarn, some white yarn. Knitting needles 3 mm thick, 2 small buttons

Density of knitting booties with knitting needles: 28 stitches x 32 rows = 10 x 10 cm (ornamental knitting, knitting needles 3 mm thick).

knitting description

Knitted booties - the work of Maragrita

To knit such booties, you will need 40g of yarn, with a length of 200m. We knit in 1 thread, knitting needles No. 3.5, a hook and 2 ribbons of 50 cm each.

We cast on the knitting needles 26 stitches + 2 edges, knit 2 rows in garter stitch, then 4 rows in stockinette stitch, then 1 row in garter stitch and 4 rows in stockinette stitch, then 2 rows in rib stitch back and forth. If you wish, you can make holes (2 together, yarn over) for ribbons, but I don’t. Divide the knitting into 3 parts (10-8-10). We knit the middle 8p, 14 rows, then cast on the square (let’s call it that) on the sides with 7 loops, we get (10-7-8-7-10). There are 42 loops in total. And we knit 6 rows in garter stitch. Divide again into 3 parts (17-8-17). We knit the middle 8 loops, while knitting 2 together on each side. At the end we leave 8 loops and close. Then we sew the booties together, remove the excess threads, and make a crochet tie from air loops. We thread the ribbon with a pin. That's all!!!

Booties size: 0-3 months.

To knit booties you will need: 50 g of thin white acrylic yarn, 10 g of blue silk thread, 80 cm of blue satin ribbon and 6 matching buttons. Knitting needles No. 2.


Elastic band: knit alternately k1, p1. Out. R. knit according to the pattern. Knit stitch (knit stitch): knit. R. -persons p., out. r.-iz. P.

Purl stitch (purl stitch): knit. R. - purl p., out. R. - persons P.

Fantasy pattern 1: 1st and 4th row: ace st.; 2nd and 3rd rows: all sts. Repeat from 1st to 4th row.

Fantasy pattern 2 (number of stitches is a multiple of 3 + 2): silk: 1st row: purl all stitches; 2nd row: all stitches; acrylic: 3rd r.: 2 p., *1 yarn over, 1 knit., 2 p.*, repeat until the end of the r.; 4th row: k2, *p2, k2*, repeat until the end of the row; 5th r.: 2 p., * 2 knit., 2 p.*, repeat until the end of the r.; 6th row: k2, *p3, k2*, repeat until the end of the row; 7th r.: 2 p., * 2 p. together knit., 2 p. *, repeat until the end of the r.; 8th row: k2, * purl 1, k2 *, repeat until the end of the row. Repeat from 1st to 8th row.

KNITTING DENSITY OF BOOTS: 10x10cm = 37p.x50r.


Cast on 41 sts and knit 1 p. persons Track. R. knit: 1 knit, 1 yo, 19 knits, 1 yo, 1 knit, 1 yo, 19 knits, 1 yo, 1 knit. Then knit faces. stitch, adding every 2nd p. 5 times 4 p. Knit with blue thread 1 p. purl, 1 p. persons and continue with white thread 14 r. pattern 1. For the toe in the next. R. knit: 24 persons. with a blue thread, 2 stitches together, knit 9, 2 stitches together, tilting to the left and leaving 24 stitches for auxiliary stitches. knitting needle Turn the work, remove 1 stitch without knitting, knit 9, purl 2 stitches together, return, leaving it as auxiliary. knitting needle 23 p. Continue knitting the central 11 p. with pattern 2, grabbing on both sides and knitting a loop with an auxiliary stitch together with the last central p. knitting needles On the 19th From the beginning of knitting, remove the toe with auxiliary. knit the remaining stitches and knit the bootleg trace. in the following way: 1 r.: 2 p., * 1 yarn over, 1 p., 2 p. together purl.*, Repeat until the end of the r., knit 16 r. pattern 1 and close all sts.


Make seams. Thread the satin ribbon through the holes at the beginning of the boot.

White and pink booties - shoes are knitted for babies.
You will need: 25 g each of white and pink SuperBaby yarn (70% polyacrylic, 30% sheep wool, 105 m/25 g) or Cornelia yarn (100% polyacrylic, 195 m/50 g); straight knitting needles No. 2 and 2.5.
Elastic band, knitting needles No. 2: knit alternately 1 stitch in stockinette stitch. 1 p. purl stitch. Knit all subsequent patterns with knitting needles No. 2.5.

Front stitch: front rows - front loops, purl rows - purl loops.
Purl stitch: front rows - purl loops, purl rows - front loops.
Fantasy pattern: * 3 r. face stitch, 3 r. purl stitch, repeat from *.

Garter stitch: knit and back rows - knit stitches.
Description of work: cast on the heel knitting needles with pink thread, 17 stitches each, and knit between the edges as follows:
1st row: facial loops.
Row 2: k4, p1, k12.
3rd row: facial loops.
4th row: add 1 p., k4, p1, k12.
5th row: knit stitches.
6th row: add 1 stitch, knit 5, purl 1, knit 12.
7th row: facial loops.
8th row: 6 persons. = sole. 1 purl, 12 knits. Repeat 7th + 8th row 13 times.
The straight part of the shoe is finished. Next, knit 6 stitches of the sole in garter stitch, purl 1, the next 12 stitches = the upper part of the shoe - in a fantasy pattern, starting from the 3rd transverse strip of the purl stitch, knit the loops of the sole in shortened rows as follows: in every 2nd r. knit only 3 stitches of the sole, turn the work, knit 3 stitches in the opposite direction, turn the work and knit all 6 stitches. Starting from the 7th transverse strip of the purl stitch of the upper part of the shoe, finish the work with shortened rows, i.e. e. knit all 6 stitches of the sole as usual. After 57 r. For a fancy pattern, knit all the stitches of the upper part of the shoe in garter stitch. After 28 r. subtract 1 x 1 st on both sides of the sole loops, knit another 1 p. and close all loops.

Assembly: attach a white thread on top of the fantasy pattern of the upper part of the shoe and cast on 25 sts along the right edge, starting from the heel. Add 2 sts to them and cast on 25 sts along the left edge = 52 sts. Knit 4 cm with an elastic band, then bind off all the loops. Sew the seams of the upper part of the shoe and the sole; for the lapel, sew half a seam along the front side of the shoe.

Master class on knitting booties - shoes with knitting needles from Alena Volkova.

Booties size 3-6 months (6-9 months).

You will need:

Knitting needles No. 3;

About 50 g of medium-thick yarn and a little yarn of a contrasting color for embroidering the muzzle and piping the edgings and edges;

Beads or buttons for eyes (I used ready-made eyes)


Needle for embroidery on knitwear

Colorless glue “Moment” for gluing eyes.

Time - about 6 hours. Difficulty - 3.

See the full master class on the website “ “.

Booties “Natalie”, knitted on 4 knitting needles

These soft pink booties with a bow are knitted on 4 needles and decorated with a hooked border. We need it for work
knitting yarn, for example, “Cartopi”, straight knitting needles No. 3 and hook No. 1.6.

For a complete master class on knitting booties, see the website “ “.

On the Internet I came across a master class on knitting booties with knitting needles from Tatyana Vladimirova. The booties are knitted on 5 needles, without seams.

Booties are designed for ages from birth to 3-4 months. Photos of the master class can be viewed on the website “ !”

Booties size: for ages 0-3 months, length 9 cm (for ages 3 - 6 months, length 10 cm).
The booties are knitted.
To knit booties you will need: threads of medium thickness (50 g / 130 m) - 3 colors (blue - main, yellow, white), approximately 1/2 skein of blue yarn. Knitting needles 3.5 mm, hook, needle with a wide eye.
Working time: 6 - 8 hours depending on experience.

A master class on knitting booties can be viewed on the website “ “. Author - Olga Mareeva.