Who is Andrei Shlyagin, whom Diana Shurygina married? An employee of Channel One was scolded for marrying Shurygina. Is it true that Diana Shurygina is getting married?

» arrived from the hotel [video] Inna FEDOTOVA true_kpru

On the eve of the wedding, Diana Shurygina had a bachelorette party at the spa, and then went to spend the night at a hotel. The fact is that 18-year-old Diana has been living with 29-year-old Channel One cameraman Andrei Shlyagin for several months. Diana decided to spend the night before alone, and in the morning a makeup artist, hairdresser and mother came to her to help her get ready for the registry office.

Shurygina at the registry office behaved like an average bride - she was worried, had difficulty holding back tears, and did not take her eyes off the groom. Diana chose a dress with a white full skirt and an open lace top from the Italian designer Lorenzo Rossi - in the Aurora wedding salon, where Shurygina purchased the dress; it costs 75,500 rubles. The groom was no less worried - this was also his first marriage.

After the ceremony, the couple went for a walk in a limousine. Photo: Instagram.com true_kpru

After registration, the young couple and their friends went for a ride in a rented limousine around Moscow. In the evening, a banquet will be held in a restaurant serving Uzbek cuisine: Diana and Andrey invited friends and relatives, and journalists from one of the glossy magazines will also be there. The newlyweds chose the menu together; they ordered a cake two and a half meters high.

Diana Shurygina's husband is a Muscovite, and he has a separate apartment from his parents. By the way, the parents of the bride and groom tried to persuade the young couple not to rush to the registry office, but Diana and Andrey did not listen to them.

The couple met in the spring while filming a television project. At that time, he knew nothing about her past, that Diana was raped, after which she told her story in “Let Them Talk” and became known throughout the country.

“Andrey’s mom and dad received me well, we regularly relax together at their dacha. True, they believe that it is too early to sign. On the other hand, why wait? While passions are running high, we need to get married,” said Diana Shurygina on the eve of the wedding, “I moved to Andrey, he has a separate apartment from his parents. The other day we were having breakfast and he said: “ Dianka, marry me! I love you so much" I almost choked on my coffee in surprise and agreed.”

Andrei and Diana met in the spring of this year and almost immediately decided to get married. Photo: Instagram.com true_kpru

“Andrey is one of those rare people who did not delve into the essence of the hype associated with our family. Seeing Diana for the first time, he did not know the details that the whole country was discussing with gusto. But before meeting his parents, he watched all the episodes of “Let Them Talk” and concluded that Diana was, in fact, a victim of a scandal, the bride’s mother Natalya Shurygina said in an interview.

By the way, the mother of the bride Natalya Shurygina chose an Adrianna Papell cocktail dress with hand embroidery for her daughter’s celebration.

Now Diana calls herself a video blogger, but she is going to find a permanent job. She quit her job as a barista (the girl worked in one of the capital’s shopping centers), because journalists found out about her place of work and staged provocations. Now she plans to complete specialized courses and then immediately get a job. While Andrey will provide for his family, the Channel One cameraman films events in his free time.

Diana Shurygina, who was late for her wedding, arrived at the registry office.

On October 5, 18-year-old Diana Shurygina married Channel One cameraman Andrei Shlyagin. Andrey is 29 years old, and he met a girl during the filming of the “Let Them Talk” program. The young man admitted to journalists more than once that he fell deeply in love with a girl and three months after meeting her he decided to propose to her, although those around him dissuaded him.


Shurygina wore a classic white dress with a fluffy white skirt and a bodice encrusted with sequins for 75 thousand rubles. The girl was not wearing a veil; instead, a small tiara adorned her head.


The day before, the girl had a bachelorette party at the spa and stayed overnight in the hotel alone. On the morning of the wedding day, a makeup artist, hairdresser and mother came to her to help her get ready.


But the preparations apparently took a long time, because Diana was late for her own wedding. Registration was scheduled for 13.30, and Diana and her “entourage” arrived only at 14.15. The registry office employees did not punish the unpunctual girl and signed her with Andrey.


After registration, the young couple and their friends went for a ride in a rented limousine around Moscow.


The evening banquet took place at the Duchess teahouse, which is located in the Butovo district of Moscow. Diana and Andrey invited 80 friends and relatives, and journalists from one of the glossy publications were also at the celebration.

There were also uninvited guests at the ceremony. So, at the entrance to Duchess, a popular Instagram blogger, whose channel is called “Bum on Hype,” was waiting for guests. A young man dressed as a homeless man pestered the guests of the ceremony with tactless questions. Afterwards, he and several other unknown teenagers began chanting offensive slogans under the windows of the restaurant. In particular, they demanded that he is now serving a sentence in a pre-trial detention center for raping Diana.

Another video blogger, Dmitry Torin, also came to the wedding. It was this young man who became hysterical in the coffee shop where she worked. The blogger began demanding to take a selfie with him and “brew him coffee on the bottom.” On the wedding day, he wanted to make a joke by giving the bride eight red carnations in a three-liter jar. Diana's newly-made husband did not appreciate Thorin's action - a fight ensued.


The guests ran out onto the stairs to separate them, and then came Diana, who, seeing what was happening, began to beg her husband to stop. In addition, a whole crowd of anti-fans, who arrived in several cars, was waiting for Shurygina near the teahouse building.


Despite the ill-wishers, the wedding took place, and the guests of the ceremony were satisfied. Diana's friends still post videos from the holiday online. Here, for example, is the dance of the young:


Diana Shurygina and Andrey Shlyagin

Media star Diana Shurygina announced her wedding to 29-year-old Channel One cameraman Andrei Shlyagin. The couple has already submitted an application to the registry office.

The scandalous TV star Diana Shurygina, who became famous throughout Russia thanks to her rape story, has found herself a groom.

And this is not the scandalous life coach Denis Baiguzhin, who in April announced his upcoming wedding with Diana Shurygina. Diana's fiancé is 29-year-old cameraman Andrei Shlyagin.

Diana Shurygina and Andrey Shlyagin

The couple met back in the spring during the filming of the reality show “Shura-mury with Diana Shurygina” for Andrei Malakhov’s YouTube channel. And last week they submitted an application to the Civil Registry Office No. 4 of the city of Moscow.

Marriage registration is scheduled for October 5, 2017 - unless, of course, Diana's fiancé rapes her by then and ends up in the police custody. Joke…

18-year-old Diana herself told reporters: “I liked Andrey for his cheerful and kind character and manner of communication. He supported me morally, because I am still plagued by haters. With him I felt like I was behind a stone wall. We’ve been dating for three months and haven’t been apart for a minute.”

The couple already lives together - in fact, as husband and wife.

“I moved to Andrey, he has a separate apartment from his parents. The other day we were having breakfast, and he said: “Dianka, marry me!” I love you so much". I almost choked on my coffee in surprise and agreed. We decided to choose the ring together so we could guess the size and design right away.”

Andrey Shlyagin works as a cameraman on Channel One and also films various events. Andrey is in demand in his profession and earns well, so he is quite capable of providing for his family.

Diana herself was forced to leave her position as a barista in one of the establishments in Moscow. In the future, the girl plans to take specialized courses and get a new job. While all Diana's thoughts are occupied with the upcoming wedding. Shlyagin has already introduced her to her parents.

“Andrey’s mom and dad received me well. We regularly relax together at their dacha. True, they believe that it is too early to sign. My parents are of the same opinion, although they are incredibly happy for us. On the other hand, why wait? While passions are running high, you need to get married,” Shurygina said.

The wedding is expected to be modest: after the registry office, the newlyweds will celebrate the joyful event in a restaurant, where they will invite their loved ones. Shurygina's friend, TV presenter Diana Bicharova, will act as the wedding planner. Bicharova is already helping future newlyweds choose outfits and a place to celebrate.


18-year-old Diana Shurygina announced that she was getting married. Her chosen one was 29-year-old Channel One cameraman Andrei Shlyagin.

The couple met during the filming of the reality show “Shura-mury with Diana Shurygina.”

The girl said that she had recently moved in with a young man in his apartment. One day during breakfast, Shlyagin proposed marriage to Shurygina, which the girl gladly accepted.

The groom has already introduced his future wife to his parents, who approved of their son’s choice. The young couple is not going to have a magnificent celebration, but after the registry office they plan to celebrate the event only with close and dear people.

Diana Shurygina became famous after participating in the program “Let Them Talk” in the episode dated January 31, 2017. Now the girl accuses Andrei Malakhov of changing her worldview, but thanks that, thanks to him, she met her future husband.

Almost all Russians already know the story of a girl from Ulyanovsk who was raped twice. On April 1, 2016, she was raped in a country house. On January 31, 2017, she took part in “Let Them Talk” with host Andrei Malakhov. After this, Shurygina became famous not only in Russia, but also abroad. In her latest interview with the NTV channel, Diana said that she considers all people to be “sheep.” At the same time, changes in Shurygina’s worldview occurred after participating in “Let Them Talk.”

Experts noted that Diana Shurygina, even without such measures, can influence the fate of a young man. In the case of a request for approval of parole, the court is obliged to contact the injured party. In her own appeal, the girl’s 33-year-old mother states that her daughter’s abuser is “cheerful, happy,” and also feels like a television star. In addition, she focused on his participation in the show “Let Them Talk” during his stay on the territory of IK-3.

“Girls from all over Russia send him parcels, photographs, make dates, and he twice expressed the idea that he intends to forgive my daughter, the victim of his own crime. He intends to, but allegedly hasn’t forgiven yet. At the same time, helpful fans give him ideas about physical violence. In one of the TV shows, a voice-over was heard suggesting that the deadline for filing an application for parole would arrive in the fall of 2017, while the relatives of the criminal have no doubts about granting the corresponding application,” notes Natalya Shurygina.

Diana Shurygina, who gained fame due to the story of her rape, continues to enjoy her dubious fame and “delight” fans with frank statements.

So, the girl announced the day before that she was going to have her breasts enlarged. Probably in order to further attract the attention of the opposite sex to their “modest and defenseless” nature. The girl posted a video where she showed her fans a new look: she cut her hair, dyed it blonde and noted that now “for a complete set” she only had to change the size of her breasts. In addition, 18-year-old Shurygina added that she is afraid to undergo facial plastic surgery because she does not want unpleasant consequences. Users of social networks reproached the girl for being weak-minded and criticized the idea of ​​surgical intervention...

The infamous Diana Shurygina gave a new video interview in which she openly spoke about her pregnancy and wedding with a Channel One cameraman, who is 12 years older than her. Shurygina gained fame after the story of rape on the register, in which one of the rapists went to prison for a long time.

As the site learned, as part of a new interview, Diana Shurygina put an end to all the rumors about her pregnancy that began to circulate on the Internet after the fairly quick news of the wedding. As Shurygina herself stated, the decision to have such a quick wedding was made by the newlyweds due to strong feelings towards each other.

Publication from Starhit.ru|Show business news (@starhit.ru)Oct 5 2017 at 5:24 PDT

It is known that the wedding between Diana Shurygina and Channel One cameraman Andrei Shlyagin took place on October 5, everyone modestly celebrated in one of the Moscow cafes. It is known that the honeymoon will not take place as part of any honeymoon. Shurygina plans to make a career as a singer and is already preparing to present her first song by the end of October.

On October 2, 2017, the site wrote about a depraved bachelorette party that preceded the wedding of Shurygina and Shlyagin. The girl’s mother was present at the celebration, and she reacted quite calmly to the way young girls indulge in recreation while intoxicated.