What questions to ask your future boyfriend. Questions to ask a guy to get to know him better

What topic to talk about with a guy? Of course, about love! After all, when you like a man, that's what worries you the most, right? I will tell you what questions you can ask a guy about relationships and love that do not seem banal and boring.

Not all questions can be asked to a man on the first and even subsequent dates. Some may scare away a potential life partner. Let's figure out what questions to ask a guy about love, and what not to talk about.

Cool questions will be a little lower.

On the first date:

  • Do you think it is possible to fall in love in an instant?
  • Are you a loving person?
  • Does love inspire you to create?
  • Do you think it is possible to live a lifetime without love?
  • Love inspires or brings suffering?

In no case do not ask on the first date about his attitude towards children, weddings and mothers-in-law. You can scare. And ask questions casually, otherwise the guy may think that your only goal is to get married and urgently give birth to 10 children for him. I wouldn't call back after such a date either.

On the second and subsequent dates, you can already diversify the range of questions. Don't forget to flirt!

Here's what to ask:

  • Are love and passion the same thing?
  • What does "loyalty" mean to you? Could you keep it all your life to one person?
  • Do you think all couples in love are stupid and reckless?
  • Could you, in the name of love, pay off my mortgage for me? (joke, of course)
  • Relationships without obligations: yes or no?
  • What is the craziest thing you can do for the one you love?
  • Why do you think Snow White left the seven dwarfs for a prince?
  • Name two people you love besides me!
  • If the most beautiful part of a girl is her eyes, why does a guy always look at his breasts?
  • What do you think, is there a paradise in a hut with a loved one, an iPhone and Louboutins?
  • Do you agree with the statement: love is love, and lunch should always be on schedule?

Just don't ask a bunch of questions in a row! Give the guy a break. Maybe he also has his own list, and the interlocutor is eager to know your opinion about love.

The list of love questions for a guy is expanding every day after they met. If you already feel the magic of attraction, then it would be useful to ask a man about the intimate sphere. Just do not put pressure on the interlocutor! Not everyone likes to talk frankly about this.


  • Do you like erotic games?
  • Have you ever played spin the bottle?
  • Have you made love in unusual places?
  • What phrases get you excited? My favorite: this month you are entitled to a bonus.
  • Do you like experiments in bed? For example, I like to sleep with my feet on the pillow.
  • Would you like to be the subject of 50 Shades of Grey?
  • Do you have erotic dreams? Am I in them?
  • How would you describe yourself: gentle, passionate or theorist in love?
  • Do you love role playing games? I still have a snowflake and gnome costume from kindergarten.

Don't forget that there are shy guys out there who might be confused by your questions. Well, be prepared that your chosen one is also interested in your opinion on this topic.

That's all. I told you about what questions you can ask a guy about love. I hope you were able to choose the options for your conversation. More sincerity, smiles and honesty, and then the date will go off with a bang!

Girls are so fond of asking tricky and confusing questions for guys, especially when it comes to love relationships or a young man's past. What is it permissible to ask your lover or boyfriend, and what phrases is it better to refrain from in order to maintain a warm relationship?

To add to the list of outstanding and interesting questions, drive into the search engine “what can you ask a guy” and follow the links. Source: Flickr (katie_adele173)

The "Right" Questions for Guys

Every girl has a cunning nature and a rich imagination. At the slightest hint of a former relationship, or the presence of a close friend of her young man, the woman goes into the offensive phase. Hundreds of intrusive questions, unwillingness to accept the truth of the second half - such situations often lead to protracted conflicts. The "correct" questions are those that do not violate the guy's inner personal world. Do not try to get into the soul of the chosen one - this rarely ends well.

Important! Do not give in to emotions, do not try to find out everything about the young man's past. Psychologists on the topic "What questions can you ask a guy?" it is advised to build on his hobbies, desires, character as a whole.

Questions of a psychological nature

Here are some neutral psychological questions you can ask a guy without fear of repercussions:

  1. What is your ideal life?
  2. How do you feel about bad habits? Do you think you have bad habits?
  3. What positive traits are you proud of?
  4. Would you like to change your appearance or anything in your character?
  5. Do you have a favorite memory?

And here are psychological and rather difficult questions for guys that are better not to ask, at least at the initial stages of dating:

  1. How many girls did you have, for what reason did you break up with them? (Such questions can be confusing, besides, a person is not obliged to tell you about his past and reveal such sensitive topics).
  2. What are your plans for the future? (Such a question has a vague wording, so a person will not always be able to answer honestly and objectively).
  3. What is your attitude to psychological tests? (As a rule, most young people have a negative attitude towards psychologists and various tests. You should not force your boyfriend to answer numerous questions in questionnaires).

Non-standard questions to ask a guy

Want to be an interesting conversationalist? Topics for conversation have dried up, and the conversation seems more and more boring? You don't know what to ask a guy? Add a twist - ask an unusual question that is sure to interest a young person.

  1. Do you believe in a soul mate or in love at first sight?
  2. What would you do if you had to spend several days without electricity or hot water?
  3. Do you believe in intuition? Do you often make decisions based on a purely intuitive approach?
  4. If three of your wishes could come true immediately, what would you wish for?
  5. How do you feel about the political situation in the country?

Note! You need to be careful when asking such questions, because if you have different political views, there is a high risk of starting a pointless discussion or just quarreling.

Questions should not only be asked, but also answered by you! Otherwise, the interlocutor will simply lose confidence in your person. Source: Flickr (Donna_Muccio)

tricky questions

What questions can you ask a guy if you've known him for a long time? List of interesting and exciting options:

  1. What would (or who) would you take with you to a deserted island in the first place?
  2. What are some things you could never forgive a person for?
  3. What can you do for your loved one?
  4. Will you continue to communicate with a person if you find out that he is gay?

To add to the list of outstanding and interesting questions, drive into the search engine “what can you ask a guy” and follow the links. Carefully select and analyze the information at the same time.

  1. You don't have to be too intrusive. If a person finds it difficult to answer, it is better to postpone the topic of conversation and ask the question another time.
  2. Don't interrupt the guy. It will be better if he speaks out completely - so you can learn much more about the person.
  3. Be extremely honest and tactful. Remember that a carelessly spoken phrase can completely nullify communication and worsen even an ideal connection.
  4. If you're texting online, it's a good idea to let you know if you're busy or need to get away for a while. A sudden interruption in a conversation is a sign of disrespect for the interlocutor, even if it happens online.
  5. Are you planning to have a romantic or serious relationship with a person? In this case, all issues that are important to you (attitude towards marriage and family, bad habits) are recommended to be clarified immediately so that there are no unpleasant misunderstandings later.

Important! Questions should not only be asked, but also answered by you! Otherwise, the interlocutor will simply lose confidence in your person.

Now you know what questions to ask a guy to maintain a friendly and exciting conversation.

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What questions can you ask a guy during an acquaintance or on a date? What to ask a guy, what topic to start a conversation on when meeting? These 20 interesting and funny questions for a man will help you out.

Why is the topic of questions for guys so popular? Yes, because by skillfully asking the right questions, you can promote a man to be frank, and this will help determine his attitude towards you.

Of course, the soul of a man is dark. But they can also be illuminated with a ray of knowledge if you know what questions you can ask guys and which ones you can’t. At the beginning of dating, it is best to communicate on proven, calm general topics, avoiding disputes and conflicts. But the better a girl gets to know a new acquaintance, the more tricky questions she can ask him. And according to his reaction - how willingly he will answer her, explain his position, be able to determine his attitude towards her (whether he likes her or not).

However, bringing a guy to a frank conversation is not an easy task. After all, for this he must begin to trust you. After all, the fear of getting psychological trauma, another stab in the back, running into betrayal is holding back men. Therefore, they try to appear indifferent and uninterested.

To break the ice in a relationship and get closer to each other, try to gently ask the guy what he likes and what he doesn't like. And in return, willingly share information about yourself. Otherwise, it will turn out to be a one-sided game, and this is already alarming and discourages any desire to continue communication.

List of questions to ask a guy to get to know him better:

  1. What city are you from? This question can be asked to a guy to start a conversation, in order to somehow relieve awkwardness. The theme of origin is quite impersonal, on the one hand, because you can talk about your hometown, some childhood memories. On the other hand, this is a deeply personal question that shows the guy that you care about him. Usually in response to it you can hear a story about your family, school, study, friends.
  2. What films do you like to watch? Everyone watches films. Even those specimens that claim not to watch TV at all - they watch movies on the Internet. Therefore, each person can talk on this topic for hours, talking about their favorite movie masterpieces, actors, genres. Being interested in the topic of cinema, in fact, you can learn a lot about the interlocutor. For example, a lover of horror and thrillers longs for an emotional jolt in real life. Romantic nature watches melodramas, love comedies. A real man chooses action films and life stories.
  3. Do you love sports? Usually men breathe unevenly towards sports. They like football, volleyball, boxing, biathlon, triathlon. And if they don't like anything from this list, then they like to ride a bike, walk or work out in the gym. A rare guy will not be able to say even a couple of interesting phrases about sports. After all, sports games are team games in which there is a clear leader and everyone else. Why ask a guy how he feels about physical activity and sporting events? Because according to his answer, you can answer whether he is a team player and whether he is a good family man. If he enjoys team sports, such as football or hockey, then he most likely has many friends and good family relationships. And if he chooses solitary sports, such as cycling or swimming, then this means that he most likely prefers a solitary lifestyle. Although, of course, such a division is conditional.
  4. Do you read books? And if you read, what are they? Well, what other questions can you ask guys on a first date, so as not to be considered the first fool and show off at least some intelligence? In addition, this is by no means an idle, but an interesting question for the development of your further relations. So, for example, if a man loves fiction, novels, fiction, descriptive literature, then he perceives the world creatively. And this means that you will be inspired to lie - a lot and beautifully. And if a guy has read 2 books on literature in his whole life, and even then in parts, but he knows the technical manual for the operation and repair of a car from cover to cover, then there is a chance that he will be faithful and honest with you. But again, this is not a guarantee. Everything in life is more individual and more complex.
  5. What do you do? What is your occupation? This question should be asked to a man as delicately as possible, without a mercantile gleam in his eyes. Ask a guy about his profession out of interest in what he does, and not wanting to know, but how much money does he earn per month? If the interlocutor feels financial interest in your question, then he will lose trust and respect for you as a girl with whom you can have a serious relationship. If this interesting question is asked diplomatically to a guy, then the answer to it will help you understand the level of ambitions and aspirations of your counterpart, determine his priorities in life, plans for the future and what he is like as a person in the present. If a person is now most passionate about his career, then it is best not to count on a serious relationship with him right away. And if he has already decided on a job, settled down, does not fight to the death with competitors, then he may be able to find a place for you in his schedule.
  6. Do you like delicious food? What exactly are the dishes? The theme of food is a win-win. Unless, of course, you are dating a model boy who dreams of losing another 10 kilograms. Men love to eat and love to talk about what they like to eat. Yes, yes, the way to the heart of an ordinary man still lies through the stomach. And the ability to cook deliciously will be a plus in your resume of a potential bride. If you invited a guy home for a date, be sure to ask him what kind of food he prefers and try to cook for him a luxurious romantic dinner, after which his mouth will spread in a smile of pleasure.
  7. Do you like animals? Which ones? There are men who don't like animals. But they don't even love themselves. Usually, when asked about their favorite animals, guys answer that they like cats or dogs, birds or rats - or something like that. Tell him about your preferences, tell him some heartfelt stories about your relationship with pets. Or remember some funny, really cool jokes on this topic. It will bring you closer.
  8. What kind of music do you prefer, in what style? Everyone loves music, but everyone is different. Asking a guy about his musical preferences should hurt him to the core. After all, music and love are almost equivalent concepts. After all, when there is no love in a person's life, it is replaced by music. And even when love is born in the heart of a man, it is the music that accompanies its brightest moments. A man may like chanson, pop, rock or metal. If his hobbies are unfamiliar to you, then asking him to let him listen to his favorite music is an excellent occasion to gently invade his inner world. If you managed to win at least a drop of his trust with the previous not funny, but meaningful and interesting questions to the guy, he can invite you home to listen to his favorite band. Do not rush to accept this invitation, because. this can betray your great interest in a guy and crumple the beginning of dating - too fast sex does not contribute to the development of full-fledged, great love at an early stage of communication. Thank you and say that sometime next time is a must. And ask the guy to do something nice for you - let him tense up and record you a CD with his favorite songs. If he does this for you, it will mean your small victory, because. not for every girl a man will sacrifice his time and music discs.
  9. Ask a personal question to the guy: What is his ideal partner? You need to find the courage in yourself and ask him what qualities he values ​​\u200b\u200bmost in girls? What should a girl be like for him to want to date her? This is valuable information, because will give you an idea of ​​whether you have a chance for a future with this man. From his answers, you will find out who he is looking for and what he wants from a relationship. You can even jokingly ask: “Can I claim to be your ideal partner? Do I have too many shortcomings? In return, open up your thoughts about how you envision the ideal guy of your dreams. This will be an important step in your mutual knowledge.
  10. What are your hobbies, what do you do in your spare time? Our hobbies reflect our essence. They help us to let off steam, relieve stress, give vent to emotions.
  11. Do you believe in God? The question of piety and religiosity is very important. He will help the girl to draw conclusions about the spirituality of her partner and whether he has at least some moral principles.
  12. What do you love most about yourself? This question to the guy will allow him to show all his boastful selfishness and perform an act of narcissism right before your eyes. A narcissistic man will surely fluff his tail and begin to praise himself like a rare commodity. And a normal, restrained interlocutor will honestly tell not only about his merits, but also tell about some of his shortcomings.
  13. How do you feel about outdoor adventures, camping, mountaineering? Is he an adventurer at heart? Are you ready for adventure? How does he react to difficult life situations - does he run away from them or is he not afraid of them? This topic can be developed for a very long time and productively, because. even non-extreme personalities love the forest, nature, rivers, seas and oceans, in general - relaxation. Whether active or passive is another matter.
  14. What is your biggest achievement in life? This question is worth asking a guy to find out if he has achieved anything significant in life? Did he have such victories that he can already be proud of? Or does he just go with the flow of life and does not resist obstacles?
  15. Please answer the question about your romantic relationships in the past - did you love? Why did they break up? Each of us has a past. You don't ask a guy about how many partners he had before you. Are you just wondering if he loved, if he had a deep, long, serious relationship - or is he not capable of great love? His answers will let you know if you can count on something more than just sex in a relationship with him.
  16. What do you dislike about yourself? Is there anything you would like to change about yourself? Every person has flaws - without them, all dignity would have no value. Our flaws make us unique and make us different from others. They spur us to perfection, awaken the desire to become better, more honest, kinder, gentler, more tolerant. Be sure to ask this question to a guy if you are planning a future with him. Since if a person does not see shortcomings in himself and / or does not want to change himself at least a little, it will be very difficult to become a happy woman with him, if at all possible. Smart people never freeze - they are always changing and striving to become better.
  17. Do you have a best friend, girlfriend? Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are. Ask what the guy likes about his friends? Why is he talking to them? How long does their friendship last? Did his friends betray him? And did he forgive them? A person chooses the best friend himself - he himself determines whether he wants to rely on the support and opinion of this person or not.
  18. What is the wildest thing you have ever done in your life? You can ask guys different questions, some you may not ask, but you should definitely ask about what the craziest thing he did in his life and why. After all, with its help you will understand how impulsive, unbridled, cruel or romantic a man is sitting in front of you. In addition, this will help you, together with the interlocutor, plunge into his past, which means provoke memories of the pleasant moments of his life on you, and, as it were, make you complicit.
  19. What would you do if for one day you became completely invisible to people and could move freely in space and time without restrictions? This is the most interesting question a guy can ask on a date, believe me. He makes you think. And to know a man very well - to identify his weaknesses. If he answers it in detail and in detail, it means that he is almost in your hands. What will be the answer to this question, such is the essence of this man. He can be noble and vile, turn out to be a thief or a sinner, a gambler or a deceiver, doubting himself and striving to correct his past mistakes ...
  20. Describe yourself in just 1 word. Let me sum up your interview with one phrase, a word. He characterizes himself harshly and harshly. Will be able? Want? Thanks to these questions, which I recommend asking guys on the first or second date, you can get to know the interlocutor well, determine the degree of psychological and social, and even biological compatibility with him.

What to ask, what to answer - each of you chooses for yourself. But these questions to the guys and their answers will help you understand whether it is worth meeting again - or is it better to close the relationship at this stage so as not to waste your time and nerves.

Is it true that a person can be unraveled by facial expressions, gestures, or, for example, lines on the hand? Non-verbalism really lifts the veil of the secrets of the human soul, but it is much more convenient, easier and faster to talk. About life, about love, about sex. Ask questions, get answers, analyze and try on yourself. Nothing complicated. Except that the question may turn out to be so uncomfortable that instead of a tool of knowledge it becomes a stumbling block. We'll talk about the right and inappropriate questions for the guys.

Ask him yourself: Questions for a guy to get to know him better

Compare means and ends. If the blue dream is Mendelssohn's march, don't ask about the attitude to threesomes and blowjobs. At the same time, to arrange an interrogation with an addiction to a topic that excites you, but an extremely narrow one, is at least short-sighted. Take it generally and broadly - about hobbies, goals, dreams. And casually drop it - about the family, kids, betrayal. And most importantly - do not crush erudition, even if you are seven spans in the forehead. A man should feel equality, and better - superiority. However, a balance is also needed here. Sometimes pretending to be a fool is a good thing. Being a chronic fool is already an amateur. Here are some questions to ask a guy to see his inner world or just fill an awkward pause in a conversation.

Parent topic: Questions to help you get closer

They say that relationships are work, and both need to work so that everyone has happiness, love and orgasms. Another question is, how is it to work on relationships? One of the means that strengthens the bonds of the heart is a heart-to-heart dialogue. That very moment when you can and should get out of your comfort zone and talk about burning things - about hidden grievances and unfulfilled desires. Here are a couple of questions, honest answers to which will help develop and deepen communication with a partner.

Keep your mouth shut: Questions you shouldn't ask guys

“Which shoes should I wear today – these or these? As these? These have an uncomfortable heel, and those are perfect for the dress. On the other hand, I bought these recently, and those are already pretty worn out. So which ones? With inquisitorial ruthlessness, we women can torment our men with stupid questions. And some of them cause clammy cold sweat (“Can I have a serious talk with you?”). Or they just put them in an awkward position (“If you had the opportunity to sleep with Scarlett Johansson, would you sleep?”). In general, sometimes it’s better to chew and not run into trouble than to ask and get the truth straight out.

What questions to ask a guy, we found out. We’ll also tell you where to get a guy who can be interrogated - on. Click on the link and go to the rating page, where you will find out all the details and pitfalls of dating portals. And if you bookmark our site, you will learn a lot about how to pick up guys and what to do with them later. Happy dating!

You met through the Internet, and you were captivated by his appearance or communication style? Do you want to continue dating, but don't know where to start? We have compiled a list of questions that will help you get to know the guy better and decide whether there is a need for a personal meeting or your communication will remain only on a virtual level.

To find out by correspondence whether a young man is right for you, try not to scare him away with your excessive interest. Move smoothly from general questions to more complex and intimate ones.

But don't overdo it! Remember that you are not interviewing a candidate for a responsible position of your boyfriend, but only trying to find out if you and your new acquaintance have common interests, views and goals.

Simple, general questions

Having learned the name of the interlocutor, you can continue the conversation. This will help you with simple questions that you would not hesitate to ask when you meet in person:

  1. How old are you?
  2. You study or work? Do you like your job?
  3. What city do you live in? What attracts you the most about it?
  4. What was your mood today?
  5. What are you going to do tomorrow?
  6. How often do you meet on social networks?
  7. Date of your birth?

Questions about hobbies, hobbies

It can be said that the primary data has been collected. It's time to move on to questions that will more fully reveal the character of your interlocutor. The answers to them will help you get to know him better and decide if you have similar topics for communication:

  1. What kind of music do you listen to? What is your favorite musical style? Group?
  2. What's your favorite movie or series? Actor? Genre?
  3. Do you read books? Which one made the strongest impression on you?
  4. Do you have a hobby, favorite pastime?
  5. Do you attend any sports section?
  6. How do you feel about extreme sports?
  7. What is your zodiac sign? Do you trust horoscopes?
  8. Do you have a lot of friends? Where do you like to spend time?
  9. Share what interests you the most in life?

Advice! No need to ask one question after another without interruption. It is necessary to have a dialogue - ask, but do not forget to also tell about yourself. If a guy is interested in you, it will be important for him to find out about your interests and hobbies.

His family, religion

So, do you feel close? Have you laughed at the same jokes and are you still interested in continuing the conversation? Then it's time to learn about the more personal aspects of his life:

  • Do you consider yourself a believer? If yes, what church do you attend?
  • Are you alone in the family or do you have brothers or sisters? If yes, what is your age difference?
  • Do you live with your parents? If not, how often do you see each other?
  • Did you grow up in a complete family? Do you like the relationship between your parents?
  • Do you love family feasts? How are your holidays?
  • Do animals live in your house? Who exactly? Do you like messing around with them?
  • Do you love yarn? Who usually does the cleaning in your family?
  • Do you talk heart to heart with your family? Do you share issues and events that are important to you?
  • Do you feel the support of loved ones?

Comic profile

Take a break from your serious "information gathering" business. Give the interlocutor time to relax, smile, and cheer yourself up with a frivolous conversation.

Here are some unusual and original questions that will help you with this:

  1. What character are you in a computer game?
  2. Do you believe in ghosts?
  3. What funny things have happened to you or your friends while traveling?
  4. Do you sing in your soul?
  5. What stupid or funny thing have you had to do on a bet?
  6. Do you like walking in the rain?
  7. What's the funniest text you've ever written or received?
  8. What is your first thought when you see your reflection in the mirror in the morning?

Questions about personal

If you think that you already know enough about each other and questions on personal topics will not confuse a young man, you can ask him this:

  • Do you often change girls? Are you dating anyone right now?
  • Do you have an ideal woman? Is it a collective image, or was a living person its prototype?
  • What flaws in a person would you not be able to reconcile under any circumstances?
  • What actions would you never forgive your friends or girlfriend?
  • Do you think that “sex is not a reason for dating” or is it an important step that involves a serious relationship?
  • Can you fall in love at first sight? Have you had something similar in your life?
  • Do you consider yourself a romantic?
  • Do you think there is a chance to build a family life by meeting on the Internet?

Tricky questions

Do you consider yourself to be a liberated young girl, are you not afraid to ask provocative questions, and do you answer them with pleasure yourself? Then take a chance and find out everything that interests you.

Just don't ask frankly vulgar questions to the guy. Despite all the freedom of morals, it is still not worth going beyond the framework of civilized communication.

  1. How do you feel about open relationships? Do you consider physical infidelity a reason for breaking up?
  2. Could you have sex with multiple partners?
  3. Are you afraid of other people's homosexuality? Does it make you aggressive?
  4. Do you like sex that involves risky situations? For example, in crowded places?
  5. Do you always use condoms or should contraception be a concern only for a girl?
  6. How do you feel about watching pornography?
  7. Do you think it's normal to use the services of a "call girl"?

Advice! Conversations on a sexual topic affect very intimate aspects of life and not everyone is ready to discuss them, even with virtual communication. If you notice that your partner is feeling awkward and withdrawing into himself, slow down and switch to lighter topics.

Questions - answers

Play a game with your interlocutor. Ask questions and offer multiple answers. For this test, choose interesting and tricky tasks that will help you find out in a playful way what is important for your new friend.

Question Answers
1. What is the best time of the year for you? 1. Winter - I love skiing. Every year I try to go to the mountains with my friends.
2. Spring - I like to watch the awakening of nature, walk in a flowering park and listen to the birds singing.
3. Summer - the sea! Parties! Party until the morning!
4. Autumn - what could be better than sitting at home in front of a computer game, when dull rain drums outside the window.
2. What color attracts you? 1. Red is the color of passion.
2. Blue - deep as the sea. The color of meditation.
3. Orange - "crazy" color. Not for all.
4. Black. Why all these excesses. Our life will not interfere with a little rigor and conservatism.
3. Assuming that humans are descended from animals, who was your "ancestor"? 1. Of course the lion. Can't you see from my habits - I'm a real king!
2. Wolf. Dangerous and lonely.
3. Probably a cat - I also like to appear from nowhere and disappear about my business.
4. The bear is peaceful, but it's better not to touch me. I love to eat and especially sleep.

Advice! Try to keep the conversation light and casual. It has been proven that a person is best revealed in a conversation on a frivolous topic, but the requirement to answer complex and unpleasant questions is likely to lead to the fact that your communication will be interrupted.

Do not be afraid to start a dialogue first to interest the guy, but do not be intrusive. Do not interrupt the interlocutor, otherwise he will go astray, and you will show your bad manners.

Let your friend speak, but if his views on the main life issues are unacceptable to you, cause misunderstanding and distrust, it is better to end the conversation. Remember, no one has the right to impose their opinion on another person, especially in an aggressive form.

Well, if every day you feel that a young man is getting closer to you, you have many common interests, you agree on family and universal values ​​- perhaps your online dating has a real chance to grow into a real relationship.

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