Katya is pregnant. Hiding your belly is no longer possible! (A photo)

Bloggers on the network started talking about the pregnancy of a famous Ukrainian TV presenter with his colleague in the project "Voice of the Country" Yuri Gorbunov.

Assumptions about the interesting position of Osadcha in the comments are expressed by her fans - almost under every picture of her on Instagram, fans are wondering about a possible pregnancy.

“I don’t understand, is Katya pregnant?”, “Our favorite presenter, who has been in hoodies lately”, “In my opinion, Katyusha is in position”, “I noticed the same thing. It’s great”, “Katya, like Ksenia Sobchak, takes care of her happiness”, “I also noticed a long time ago. It seems to me that she is pregnant. Well, well done)) Happiness to her!”, “Katya, are you not pregnant for an hour? position? very similar ...)", "I'm watching the program now and I think, Katyusha is pregnant?! if yes, then it's super! Well, all the clothes are kind of strange, and in some it's clear that something is hiding !", "The dress is bombing! I also suspected during the last program that Katya was pregnant, and now I'm convinced of this. Congratulations, Katya", "pregnant!", "I thought it seemed to me, but it turns out I'm not one such”, “Beautiful pregnant woman,” bloggers tirelessly write on the network.

Note that the suspicion of the pregnancy of the presenter is also caused by her outfits, in which she has recently appeared at social events and plots of the “Secular Life” program.

To a greater extent, these are dresses and tunics or a free cut, or overalls, or clothes with peculiar voluminous accessories in front, which hides the waist in every possible way.

At the same time, cute home photos, as well as posts about various culinary achievements of the TV presenter, have recently appeared on the Osadchy photoblog.

The well-known restaurateur also added fuel to the fire. He ambiguously commented on the joint photo of Osadcha and Gorbunov: “Congratulations on Katya ... Soon we will catch up with you ...”, thus confirming the rumors that he himself is also in a relationship.

However, the TV presenter has not yet officially commented on either the rumors of an affair with Gorbunov or a possible pregnancy.

Note that the presenter is from marriage with a businessman and ex-People's Deputy Oleg Polishchuk.

Yuri Gorbunov, who, by the way, is 13 years older than Osadchaya, was married to ballet dancer and choreographer Lyudmila, with whom she raised her daughter Ksenia. The TV presenter has no native children.

As Lime reported,

TV presenter Katya Osadchaya is pregnant! And although the beauty does not comment on her “interesting position” in any way and wears only voluminous outfits, it is no longer possible to hide her rounded tummy!

Fans of the presenter can only guess - who will be born to her! On this occasion, whole discussions flared up in the social networks of the Osadchi - many fans really want Katya's 14-year-old son, Ilya, to have a sister!

The TV presenter, who knows the secret details of the personal life of all Ukrainian and foreign stars, does not talk about her pregnancy, and, moreover, about who the baby's father is! Although it is known that she has had a relationship with showman Yuri Gorbunov for a long time, and everyone calls him a potential dad. Sources close to the couple say that it is Katya who does not want to advertise new events in her life, while Yuri, on the contrary, is eager to talk about the upcoming fatherhood.

Judging by the active work of Katya and her frequent appearance at social events, we can conclude that the presenter feels great. We think that Osadchaya will not stay on the decree for a long time!

1. Katya Osadchaya

Pregnancy 33-year-old TV presenter. However, such rumors appear about Osadchy with enviable regularity. Somehow she even had to make excuses, saying that the holidays were not in vain, she got better, with whom she doesn’t happen.

Katya's current "pregnancy" is also very interesting. Even though she doesn't say "yes" or "no" herself.

A big blue marshmallow, - the TV presenter explained the airy dress in which she appeared in the show "Voice. Children".

"She's pregnant! You can feel it even from the TV screen, the energy is different!" - fans write under the pictures of the Osadchas on Instagram.

The father of the unborn child is called her colleague - actor and TV presenter Yuri Gorbunov, about the affair with whom they have long been gossiping on the sidelines of the Ukrainian show business.

And then there’s also a friend of the TV presenter, ex-MasterChef judge Nikolai Tishchenko, under one of Osadchaya’s photos, wrote: “Katya, congratulations. Soon we will catch up with you.” Who is "you" and what does "catch up" mean? We only have one version...

The romance between Katya and Yura was discussed in the summer of 2015. But lately, photos have appeared on Instagram taken in the same place, albeit from different angles.

It is interesting that a year ago, when asked by "KP" in Ukraine "about what he lacks in life, Yuri Gorbunov answered:" I only lack children. The roles of the project are distributed: I am a father, and Katya is a mother.


2. Vera Brezhneva

“I don’t have a photo with Trump, and I’m not pregnant ... In short, not in a trend. But I can inflate my stomach like this!”. Photo: Instagram.com/ververa

Vera married Konstantin Meladze in October 2015. In social networks, where the pregnancy of stars is one of the most discussed topics, many are interested in the singer: “Are you planning common children?”

Brezhnev, who has two daughters, decided to answer a boring question. And she did it with humor. Vera posted a "picture with her belly" on Instagram, signing:

I don't have a photo with Trump, and I'm not pregnant... In short, not in trend. But I can inflate my stomach like this!

The photo received 125,000 likes and nearly 1,500 comments in a day.

Maybe 34-year-old Vera is still preparing to give 53-year-old Konstantin Shotevich a son or daughter, but is she still training?

3. Ani Lorak

The 38-year-old singer puzzled fans in earnest. At one of the events, Ani Lorak appeared in a brilliant dress with a neckline from Ukrainian designer Lilia Litkovskaya.

But not all fans appreciated the image of Carolina: it seemed to many that the singer was preparing to become a mother for the second time. The fact is that the miniature artist (weight - 50 kg) has a "tummy". Or Lorak just picked up the wrong dress?

In an interview with KP in Ukraine in February, Karolina admitted that her and Murat's daughter Sonya constantly asks if she will have a brother or sister. And when asked if her plans to give birth to a second child in the coming years, she replied:

Of course. But it’s not worth talking about it - everything is in the hands of God ... From a young age, I thought to myself that when I have a family, there will definitely be more than one child in it. Therefore, God bless.

For the first time, Katya Osadchaya's pregnancy was discussed after the release of the first issue of the Social Life program in the fall of 2016, where the star appeared in a tight-fitting silver dress, which emphasized Katya's tummy. The outfit caused a lot of controversy among her fans. It is no secret that she does not want to show the public (and this is hardly Yuri Gorbunov, with whom she is). Therefore, there is every reason to think about the star's pregnancy. In any case, after the summer holidays, Osadchaya surprised everyone with her appearance. True, there were those who blame the style and texture of the dress for everything, arguing that and.

screenshot of the issue of "Civil Life"

But if previously the always slender Katya Osadchaya wore fitted outfits on the air of the program, now she is increasingly appearing in free-cut dresses.

Time will tell whether her fans were right in their assumptions about Katya Osadchaya's pregnancy. But if so, we sincerely congratulate the TV presenter.

Numerous fans of Katya Osadchaya are sure that she is pregnant. Moreover, they even call the father of the unborn child - Yuri Gorbunov. Users of social networks noticed changes in the appearance of the host of the projects “Svitske Zhittya” and “Voice.Children-3”: Katya used to prefer outfits according to her figure, but lately she has been wearing exceptionally voluminous clothes that hide her belly.

Fans are incredibly happy about the changes in Katya Osadchaya's personal life and ask her to reveal her secret. “In my opinion, Katyusha is in position”, “I also noticed this. It’s great”, “Vagіtna!”, “Katyusha, if you see the mystery?”, “Katya kolu baby byde?”, “Katya, like Kseniya Sobchak, take care of your happiness!”, “Beautiful pregnant woman”, “I also noticed a long time ago . I think she is pregnant. Well, well done)) I wish her happiness! Tse miracle camp "- write Internet users under the photos in the host's blog.

Despite the fact that Yuri Gorbunov and Katya Osadchaya have not officially confirmed their romance, fans confidently call them a couple. And the restaurateur and TV presenter Nikolai Tishchenko has already managed to congratulate Osadchaya, writing in the comments: “Katya, congratulations! Soon we will catch up with you, ”thus declassifying not only her secret, but also hinting at replenishment in her own family.

33-year-old Katya Osadchaya is raising her son Ilya from her ex-husband, businessman and MP Oleg Polishchuk. Recently, the host's family celebrated the boy's 14th birthday.

Yuri Gorbunov, 46, has no children. The actor was married to a ballet dancer, choreographer Lyudmila, who was 10 years older than him. From a previous relationship, the woman has an adult daughter.