Natural honey - “Clarifying hair with honey is effective, convenient and simple! (recipe)". Lightening hair with honey: tasty and good for hair

Have you long dreamed of changing the shade of your hair to a lighter one? Now you do not need to go to the salon, spend big money and expose your hair to the risk of exposure to chemicals. Lightening hair with honey is a safe and budget method to achieve what you want!

You can buy directly from our apiary "Svіy honey".

How it works?

How to lighten hair with honey? The whole secret is in hydrogen peroxide, which is formed in a natural product under the influence of the enzyme glucose oxidase. Iron in honey oxidizes free oxygen radicals, releasing hydrogen peroxide.

When this substance interacts with a colored pigment in the hair, a special chemical reaction occurs. As a result, the melanin pigment changes its structure, and the shade of the hair becomes lighter. Of course, you will not be able to achieve complete bleaching of hair with honey. But even brunettes can lighten the tone a little.

For this reason, it is recommended to carry out procedures for applying honey masks regularly - and not only in order to lighten the shade.

Masks for lightening hair with honey

The main ingredient of all masks is honey. Lightening for hair is recommended to be carried out with a liquid bee product in order to facilitate the absorption of its constituent components. To this end, you can buy acacia honey, which retains its viscosity throughout the year, or melt candied bee nectar in a water bath.

To prepare a mask according to the classic recipe, you will need a natural bee product, apple cider vinegar and any hair balm:

Dilute honey with apple cider vinegar in a ratio of 4:1. Mix honey base with balm or hair conditioner in proportions 1:2. Mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. If necessary, increase the percentage of balm in the recipe to make the mask thicker.

Interesting fact: If you want to enhance the effect, you can add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide to the above honey hair mask recipe for lightening. The tool will lighten the curls by several tones at once. Please note: this procedure is recommended only for fair-haired girls, brunettes risk turning into redheads.

Related article: Honey mask - a classic recipe for hair of any type

Hair lightening mask with honey and cinnamon

Cinnamon is a natural peroxide agent. It will help lighten your hair by a couple of tones, improve their condition and give a spicy aroma.

Mix liquid honey and ground cinnamon in equal proportions - 4 tablespoons will be enough. Combine the mixture with 100 ml of conditioner or hair balm. Mix until smooth. To enhance the effectiveness of the mask, you can also add 1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice to it.

Interesting fact: Cinnamon combined with honey provides a warm undertone instead of a cold one. If this is not to your taste, then you should resort to another recipe.

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Lightening your hair with honey and lemon is the most popular method to achieve spectacular color. Citrus contains an acid that changes the pigment and gives a lighter shade.

Combine liquid honey and lemon juice in proportions 3:1. Add the same amount of balm or hair conditioner to the mixture. Mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Since the mask dries the hair a little, it is recommended to add 50 grams of glycerin to the recipe.

Interesting fact: Honey lemon hair mask works best when combined with UV rays. Citrus is a kind of catalyst in the burnout of curls. However, this procedure dries the hair, so it is not suitable for everyone.

Lightening hair with chamomile and honey

Chamomile will not only give curls a golden hue, but also significantly improve the condition of damaged hair. This mask is very easy to make:

Pour dry chamomile inflorescences with boiling water in a ratio of 1: 3. Insist 4-6 hours in a thermos. It is also recommended to add auxiliary ingredients to the recipe: lemon juice, glycerin, saffron or turmeric.

Mask for lightening hair from honey and kefir

Kefir penetrates the hair structure, slightly washing out its pigment. Thus, it gradually provokes the lightening of curls.

Preheat ½ cup of kefir to room temperature. Add 1 egg, juice of ⅓ lemon, 3 tablespoons honey and 2 tablespoons cognac or vodka. If the mask turns out to be too liquid, add a small amount of balm or hair conditioner to the recipe. Stir the mixture until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

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According to reviews, lightening hair with honey and kefir is an ideal procedure for those who have suffered from poor-quality dyeing or want to get rid of the yellow shade. This mask is suitable only for fair-haired girls, returning them to a natural light shade.

How to lighten hair with honey at home?

Lightening hair masks with honey will be effective only if you have carried out the procedure correctly. We bring to your attention detailed step-by-step instructions:

Step 1: Wash your hair, but do not dry it, just pat it dry with a towel. The mask is recommended to be applied to clean and damp curls.

Step 2: Apply the mask gradually with light massaging movements: starting from the roots, gradually distributing along the entire length with a comb. And so on, until the entire surface is covered with the agent.

Step 3: Put a plastic bathing cap on your head or wrap your hair with cling film. You can also use a regular towel, but it is guaranteed to leave stains.

Step 4: Leave mask on hair for at least 1-2 hours. The longer the components of the mixture will be in contact with your curls, the more noticeable the effect will be. It is best to leave the mask on your head for 6 hours or overnight.

Step 5: Wash off the mask with plenty of warm water. As a rule, there is no need to wash your hair again after that. The only exceptions are those masks that contain oils.

Step 6: Repeat the procedure every time after washing the hair, leaving for 5-10 minutes. This is necessary to maintain a light shade.

How many procedures are needed?

If you did not see the effect after the first time - do not despair! To achieve a noticeable lightening result, the hair must absorb the natural product in sufficient quantities. Depending on the degree of porosity, this may take from one to several procedures.

Owners of light brown hair, on average, need about 8-10 procedures to see what is expected in the mirror. To lighten dark hair, masks will need to be applied much more often - get ready for 15 coloring sessions.

Interesting fact: it is best to combine the use of a honey mask and chamomile infusion. You will apply the first one for several hours in a row. A herbal infusion will successfully replace your conditioner - it can be used after each hair wash.


This procedure has certain contraindications, which depend on the chosen mask recipe - from honey, lemon or other components.

The first thing you should do is make sure you are not allergic to honey. To do this, apply a small amount of the prepared mixture to the skin in the wrist area. There the skin is the thinnest and most sensitive, so the result will not be long in coming. If within 20-30 minutes you do not have redness, itching, burning, rashes or other dangerous symptoms, you can apply the mask to your hair.

Related article: Is there an allergy to honey?

Please note: the use of a mask with cinnamon may cause a slight burning sensation, so owners of very sensitive skin are not recommended to resort to this recipe.


Wikipedia: Bee Honey

Video "Brightening hair with honey and cinnamon"

Almost everyone knows the beneficial properties of such a valuable product as honey. In particular, it can not only be eaten, but also with the help of this natural drug, nourishing masks are made and hair is lightened. The last property of honey is not known to many people. However, some girls successfully use honey masks to lighten their hair by two or more tones. Let's find out how to lighten your hair at home.

Properties of honey

Women mainly use paints that are known for their aggressive effect on the hair structure in order to become blondes. And in ancient times, natural clarifiers, including honey, were used for these purposes. Due to the content of proteins and enzymes in the natural dye, hydrogen peroxide (peroxide) is formed. With its help, you can get light strands. That's just one procedure from a dark brown-haired woman to turn into a bright blonde will not work. You will need patience and time, you need to lighten up in several steps.

How to carry out the procedure of clarification

The clarification process is carried out in several procedures. A honey mask should be done no more than once a week, in this order:

  • prepare nutritional composition;
  • wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo;
  • check if you are allergic to the prepared mixture;
  • apply a natural brightener to wet strands of hair, starting from the roots and along the entire length;
  • evenly distribute the mask;
  • put a plastic cap on your head so that the honey does not spread, and a towel on top;
  • if the mask is with honey, cinnamon, then there will be a burning sensation and, possibly, even redness of the skin, so try not to rub the composition into the skin;
  • after half an hour, remove the polyethylene, after that for another (4-8 hours) stay with the mask in one towel;
  • Finally, rinse your hair with warm water and your favorite shampoo.

Let the strands dry. For some time, the hair will smell like a medicinal composition of honey.

Advantages and disadvantages of honey clarifier

If you use honey compositions to lighten curls, then in addition to the main action, you will gain additional effects:

  • beautiful, healthy strands;
  • hair will become stronger, stop falling out;
  • and it is important that it is simple to apply such a method;

The disadvantages of this method include:

  • the duration of the process (the mask must be kept on the hair for a long time);
  • allergic rashes may appear;
  • should not be done with hypersensitivity of the skin to honey and other components in the composition.


Consider popular recipes for mixtures for lightening hair.

Composition of honey and cinnamon

If the honey is thick, then slightly heat it in a water bath to 39 ° C. Pour half a glass of honey, a third of a glass of water, one and a half small spoons of cinnamon, one and a half teaspoons of vegetable oil into a bowl, mix everything thoroughly. Before use, do an allergy test on the wrist.

Burdock oil with honey

For short hair, it is enough to take two large spoons of honey and a little bit of burdock oil, mix the components and apply to the curls with a special brush for coloring the strands. Keep the mask on all night, wash off in the morning.

Conditioner mask

In a glass bowl, mix equal parts (two and a half tablespoons) of conditioner, honey, cinnamon, olive oil. Apply as described in the second paragraph.

So, as you can see, the use of honey masks for lightening hair has a number of advantages over paints. Therefore, if you want not to spoil your hair, but rather to improve their condition, use nutritional formulations from a natural healer.

You can lighten your hair with the help of affordable and safe components. We have already talked about clarification with ox honey, and now we will consider in more detail how to use honey and lemon to lighten hair. You will not only give your curls a light shade, but also heal, improve the appearance and add shine. Even if you are very careful about your hair, you can safely try lightening your hair with honey and lemon.

Beneficial features

Honey is a unique product that has collected more than 400 microelements, vitamins and nutrients. Honey wraps give curls softness, hydration and a healthy look. And also, the bee product is able to eliminate flaking and dryness of the scalp, and has a beneficial effect on hair follicles.

Lemon is good for curls due to the content of vitamins and essential oils. It helps to eliminate the problem of oiliness, dandruff, nourishes the strands and gives them a glossy shine. Effectively works on any type of hair.

How to get lightening

Honey contains a chemical component that, under certain conditions, releases hydrogen peroxide. Oxidizing agents in chemical paints work on a similar principle. Thus, honey will not only restore and moisturize the strands, but also make them a couple of shades lighter.

The whitening properties of lemon have been known for centuries. Oriental beauties used lemon to lighten their beautiful curls. All thanks to the acid, which penetrates the hair structure and partially discolors the dark pigment.

These components can lighten strands both individually and in mixed form. You need to understand that natural ingredients can lighten the strands by no more than three shades. Dark-haired girls will get a dark blond color, on fair-haired heads the method will work more efficiently and give a more obvious lightening. On black, the result will be almost invisible. The reaction of each organism is individual, so it is quite difficult to predict the final result. You can test dye on an inconspicuous strand.

Lightening methods

Clarification with honey is done by a course of wraps (preferably at night) of 5-10 procedures. To do this, liquid honey is applied to clean and naturally dried curls. Next, the strands must be wrapped with a film, wrapped in a towel and kept for several hours, then washed off with shampoo.

Lemon works best when paired with the sun. A spray of freshly squeezed lemon juice and water should be sprayed liberally on the strands. Sunbathing for at least 2 hours. After rinse your hair with shampoo and nourish with balm.

Perfectly brightens curls at home lemon essential oil.

Attention! Lemon has a drying effect. In order not to damage the hair, a little conditioner should be added to the spray. During and after clarification, use moisturizing masks.

A mixture of two products allows you to effectively lighten and improve the strands, improve their structure.

Lemon honey mixture

For cooking, you need to mix lemon juice, honey and olive oil in equal proportions. The mass should not come into contact with the metal, otherwise green shades may appear on the hair. The mixture should be applied with a brush or cotton sponge to the strands along the entire length. Next, they need to be fixed, wrapped with polyethylene or film, wrapped in a towel and kept for 2-4 hours. Complete the procedure with shampoo and your favorite skin care product.

The specified coloring composition is the basis to which you can add other components. This will make the hair even more vibrant and elastic. You can use your favorite oil instead of olive oil. You can include in the composition:

  • kefir;
  • chamomile decoction, read more about chamomile hair lightening;
  • cinnamon;
  • vinegar;
  • egg yolk.

All products are affordable and easy to use. They should be introduced into the mixture in the amount of 1-2 teaspoons per 100 g of the base.

The lemon-honey mixture works best at a warm temperature. To avoid overheating, it should be left on a hot stove for 15-20 minutes.

The composition may not wash out the first time. The remains of the mask can be left on the curls and removed with the next shampoo. For this reason, bleaching is best done on the eve of the weekend.

Do not use the mask in the presence of wounds, severe irritation. A contraindication is also individual intolerance to any component.

For naturally dry hair, we suggest using

Oddly enough, but even at the present time, when stores offer us the widest range of various coloring and bleaching agents, including professional ones, lightening hair with honey remains a popular and popular way to lighten hair. What is the reason? First of all, it is widely known that bleaching hair with chemical compounds is a rather harmful procedure, especially if the hair does not already have thick, shiny and healthy tips. Most bleaching products for hair contain which only exacerbates the situation, making the hair much thinner and more brittle. Instead of exposing your hair to the negative effects of paint, you can use honey. However, it should be noted that this procedure, as a rule, does not give radical results. That is, honey is not able to turn a burning brunette into a blonde. Let's also say that none of the safe folk remedies is capable of this. However, it is possible to lighten your hair by one or two shades and still strengthen it, and lightening your hair with honey will help with this. Reviews of many women who have tried this method confirm this.

As you know, honey is the most useful product containing B vitamins that promote hair growth, ascorbic acid, which strengthens the immune system, which ensures blood clotting and the development of the skeletal system, vitamin E, necessary for beautiful skin, as well as carotenes, folic acid and many other useful trace elements. . Honey is widely used not only in traditional medicine and cooking, but also in cosmetology. Honey massage, various honey masks for hair, face and body give excellent results.

Mask Recipes

There are several basic recipes for preparing honey-based brightening masks. All of them are able to even out and refresh the color of the hair, give it a beautiful golden hue, and with a fairly long exposure, lighten the hair by an average of 1 tone. Also, masks with honey help to get rid of coloring pigments accumulated in the hair as a result of exposure to dyes, prevent dandruff, split ends, make hair smooth, shiny and manageable.

Recipe 1

This is the easiest, albeit rather time-consuming way. Before applying the mask, you need to wash your hair with shampoo, adding a quarter of a teaspoon of soda to it, and if desired, a little salt as a peeling. Then blot your hair with a towel and apply natural honey along the entire length. Since it is quite sticky, you can slightly dilute honey with water or heat it in a water bath. Lightening hair with honey is a slow process, so the mask must be kept for 7-9 hours, the more time passes, the better. You can wash off the mask with ordinary warm water, as a rule, there are no difficulties with this.

Recipe 2

This is a mask based on honey with the addition of cognac, which is also an excellent tool for growth and For it you will need: honey - 1 tablespoon, cognac - 1 tablespoon (for long hair - more). Leave the mask on your hair for a long time, preferably at night.

Recipe 3

A mask with a more complex composition: natural liquid honey (preferably linden) - 100 ml, lemon juice - 2 tablespoons, pharmacy - 2 teaspoons. Mix all the ingredients, apply to the entire length of the hair and keep for about 3-4 hours. This mask can be done once every two weeks or more, but without lemon juice, which can irritate the scalp.

There is no doubt that there are many advantages to lightening hair with honey from other methods. However, keep in mind that this method is not for everyone. It is better to refuse the use of honey masks for people who are allergic to bee products, with any inflammatory processes on the scalp. In addition, the use of honey is contraindicated in diabetes.

Women who want to make a change in their appearance, first of all change the appearance of their hair. Colours, haircuts and perms are only a small part of the regular procedures of many girls. However, more and more often, the desire to change your curls coincides with the dream of their recovery and filling with useful substances. Knowing the features of lightening hair with honey will help you get an attractive shade without chemical violence on your hair.

Advantages of the product as a care product for curls

From time immemorial, honey masks have occupied leading positions among face and body skin care products, hair structure. Oriental beauties and nobles around the world admired the velvety skin and tight elastic braids, using various mixtures with the addition of this product.

Of course, at that time, few people knew about the vitamins contained in this remedy, based only on the result. Today, the secrets of honey and its components are revealed and amaze with a rich palette of useful components.

Vitamins important for the structure and lightening of hair:

  • group B components improve hair growth;
  • vitamin E takes care of strengthening and overall health;
  • folic acid is an essential element in the cellular formation of the hair follicle;
  • the enzyme glucose oxidase, which is converted in a certain environment into hydrogen peroxide in a low concentration, causes a slow lightening of the hair, which occurs without any harm to it.

Who will suit?

It is worth noting that not every curl is able to respond positively to honey procedures. For example, dyed strands, when exposed to honey with a component such as cinnamon, can turn into an unknown tone, reducing the benefits of the procedure to zero.

The strands of a burning brunette will certainly answer with a zero result. Alas, the amount of hydrogen peroxide concentrate here is very small and cannot cope with the procedure for lightening dark hair.

The best results will be satisfied with:

  • natural blondes;
  • owners of all tones of blond curls;
  • red-haired beauties.

It is on such hair that honey is able to have a brightening effect, giving it a luxurious golden tone.


Despite the complete naturalness of the bleaching composition, pleasant honey joys are not available to everyone.

Allergy is the main obstacle to the procedure. It is impossible to ignore this fact, because the highly allergic component will affect the strands and scalp for several hours.

Possible allergic reactions:

  • redness of the skin;
  • peeling;
  • long-term itching.

Needless to say, after such experiments, the hair will recover for a long time, and irritated skin will react to the slightest pathogens. The simplest experiment by applying a honey composition on the wrist or bend of the elbow will dispel all doubts and fears.

It is important to remember that honey applied to these areas should not cause any concern.

In addition, you should seriously think about the rationality of the procedure for diabetes. The fact is that the sweetness with a long stay on the skin is able to penetrate through the pores, causing an increase in blood sugar. Open wounds, burns and inflammation will also react negatively to such treats getting into them.

How to choose?

Today on sale you can find many varieties of honey. At the same time, each of the sellers sincerely assures of its naturalness, however, taking care of the beauty of your hair, you should carefully check the product. Unfortunately, the exact definition of quality will be possible only after the purchase. However, perhaps an honest seller will agree to conduct simple experiments "on the spot".

There are several methods for determining the naturalness of products.

  • A drop of honey on a metal spoon or knife edge is ignited, after which a reaction occurs. A quality product melts slightly, while a low-grade product burns and turns into caramel from childhood, leaving a bittersweet smell of sugar in the air.
  • A drop of iodine is added to honey. A further change in color, with the exception of yellowing, is a sign of an unscrupulous seller and poor quality of the goods.
  • A spoonful of sweet treat dissolves in a glass of high temperature water. Any precipitation is an indicator of a purchase that should be abandoned.

Remember that a low-quality product does not contain the vitamins and important enzymes described earlier in order to lighten hair with high quality.

Using it in masks is a useless and sometimes harmful exercise.

The double task of choosing honey is faced by the owners of a natural dark blond shade, which is not easy to lighten with natural means by 1-2 tones. In this case, you only need to purchase acacia honey. In undiluted form, it has a strong effect compared to other varieties.

Rules for the preparation and application of masks

Any of the mixtures used requires the preparation of strands. The algorithm of the procedure consists of several steps, which must be strictly observed in order to achieve the maximum clarification result.

  • The application of the mask should be carried out exclusively on clean hair. By thoroughly cleaning the strands with shampoo with a pinch of soda, you can maximize the hair scales.
  • It is forbidden to use conditioners and balms before applying the mask: their smoothing effect will lead to the re-closing of the hair with a protective sheath.
  • Before the procedure, the curls should be slightly damp, and therefore it is advisable to dry them naturally or with a hairdryer.

  • Each of the masks must be prepared in plastic, ceramic or glassware without the use of iron objects that react with the composition and can lead to the most unexpected results.
  • Any of the following masks should be distributed over the entire length of the strands and scalp. For the best effect, the hair roots should be massaged with gentle movements.
  • The procedure is completed by wrapping the hair with cellophane or a shower cap. Invisibility and hair clips will help from honey smudges, with which it is necessary to fix the entire structure.

After applying the mask, it is forbidden to cover your head with a towel, as well as fall asleep with it, despite the long time the mixture stays on your hair.

A more reasonable solution would be to slowly carry out the procedure on a weekend, because it can take up to 10 hours for individual ingredients to act.

The honey mixture on the head is washed off with water at a comfortable temperature using shampoo at the end of the procedure. For smoothness and obedience of curls, they are moistened with conditioner or balm.

Best Recipes

Today you can see many recipes with honey that will help in lightening hair.

However, it is worth remembering that no matter how good the recipe is, its effect can be seen only after 2 or 3 procedures with an interval of 3 days.

Sometimes up to 10 regular procedures are required for a visible effect. Perhaps such a frequency will surprise and become a reason for refusing such manipulations, however, treating them as healing and extremely useful, you can reduce all the negative from the duration of the process to nothing.


The traditional recipe for a brightening mask belongs to the category of monocomponent. For its implementation, you only need honey in combination with pure water or apple cider vinegar. There are no strict proportions in this recipe. The water or vinegar should make the honey more pliable, so very little is needed.

The finished mixture is slowly applied to each strand, and then to the hair roots. Exposure time - 8-10 hours. The result of regular manipulations will be a light shade with a golden tint.

With chamomile

Probably every blonde with a natural tone has heard about lightening hair at home with the help of pharmacy chamomile. Indeed, this active natural ingredient is able to remove the yellowness of the hair, make it lighter and fill it with inner radiance. The combination of chamomile and honey will only enhance the effect.

For lighting you will need:

  • 150 ml of chamomile decoction;
  • 3 art. spoons of honey;
  • juice of half a lemon.

Chamomile is poured with boiling water and insisted for 15-20 minutes. The finished broth is filtered and mixed with honey and lemon juice. It should be noted that the mixture is quite liquid, and therefore it is recommended to fix the cellophane or cap on the hair as tightly as possible.


For the mask you will need:

  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of honey;
  • 1 teaspoon olive or almond oil for excessively dry curls.

The resulting mixture with cinnamon and honey is gently applied to the hair without rubbing into the scalp, as cinnamon has a pronounced exfoliating effect. The procedure can take from 3 hours, but the mask can be left for a time twice as long as indicated.

The end of the procedure is washing your hair with shampoo with warm water. Applying a balm or conditioner will greatly facilitate combing.

With kefir

Another natural brightening component is kefir. Its harmonious combination with honey will speed up the clarification time, as well as reduce the number of procedures.

Required Ingredients:

  • a glass of kefir of any fat content (for a thicker mixture, it is better to use a fatty product);
  • dry yeast - a teaspoon;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. spoons.

The resulting liquid mixture is evenly distributed over the hair, fixed on the head with a rigid structure. The exposure time, as in the version with cinnamon, is reduced to 3 hours. Longer procedures are also welcome. After the allotted time, the head is washed with shampoo and moisturized with care products.

With lemon

Acacia honey and lemon mask is considered one of the strongest in its composition and suitable for lightening dark curls.

For its preparation you will need:

  • juice of half a lemon;
  • 3 art. spoons of honey;
  • 1 teaspoon burdock oil.

All ingredients are mixed and carefully applied to each strand, after which they are aged for no more than 7 hours.

The mask is effective, however, with regular use of traumatic curls, therefore it is recommended to carry it out no more than 1 time per week.