Nastya Stotskaya gave birth to her second child. Anastasia Stotskaya gave birth to a girl. How Sasha reacted to the appearance of his sister

Nastya tolerated her second pregnancy well. Until recently, she attended events and worked, led an active lifestyle - just a week before giving birth, Nastya came to the Kremlin for a grand celebration of the anniversary of Philip Kirkorov to congratulate him personally. In an interview with HELLO! she admitted that, unlike some mothers, she prefers not to focus on what hurts somewhere, but “pulls” somewhere, and think positively. Therefore, the birth of the long-awaited daughter was successful and on time.

HELLO.RU contacted Anastasia Stotskaya the day after she and her newborn daughter were discharged from the hospital and returned home.

Nastya, congratulations on such a pleasant event! Tell me how you feel and how was the birth?

Thanks, I feel good. Everything went according to plan - she gave birth herself, naturally, which I am very happy about. These births, by the way, went faster than the first, when I gave birth to a son. The daughter was born on May 7 at 15:18, height 53 cm, weight 3.370 g.

Who does the baby look like?

All at once. The eldest son Sasha, when he was born, was very similar to his grandfather - my dad Alexander Dmitrievich. It was clear even when we first saw him on the ultrasound. The husband looked then and immediately said: Alexander Dmitrievich! And my daughter never showed her face on ultrasound, so I really looked forward to meeting her. Now she looks like her husband, and grandfather, and my mother, her nose is mine. And Sashenka too. He himself remarked: "Mom, why does she look so much like me?" (Smiling.) Well, to my great-grandmother, my grandmother Vera, who is no longer alive.

I know that you named your daughter after her.

Yes, the daughter was named Vera Sergeevna.

Probably, at first you will be helped by a nanny?

While I do not plan to hire someone, my husband and mother will help me. And Sasha has a nanny, so we don't need a second nanny.

How did Sasha react to the appearance of his sister?

He was really looking forward to the birth of Verochka, so positively. I try to do everything so that he is not jealous: I set him as an example to her, I say: "Vera, Sasha does not cry, and you do not cry." He likes it. He helps me, great fellow. And he treats her very touchingly, they have love. Anastasia Stotskaya with mother Anna and daughter Vera

When do you plan to return to work?

I do not plan to go on maternity leave, I feel good and ready to work. I already know everything, it’s not the first time I became a mother, so this time it’s a little easier. There are, of course, difficulties. At night, for example, I stay alone with the children, the nanny does not live with us. But Sasha is already an adult and, as I said, even helps me. So I think we can do it.

The famous Russian singer and actress became a mother for the second time. On your page in Instagram On May 8, the star posted the first photo of her newborn daughter, saying that she was brought by a stork on May 7 at 15:08 Moscow time. Stotskaya also said that her daughter was born with classical parameters - a height of 53 cm and a weight of 3370 g.

Anastasia Stotskaya gave birth to a daughter in one of the maternity hospitals in Moscow, where she was supported by relatives and friends, as well as the husband of the artist and the father of the newborn girl Sergey. It is noted that the firstborn of the star, 6-year-old Alexander, who even prepared a surprise for the baby, was also looking forward to the appearance of the sister.

Recall that it became known at the end of 2016. Unlike many Russian stars, Anastasia did not hide the fact of the upcoming replenishment in the family for a long time and shared news about her interesting position with her Instagram followers. The star willingly showed her pregnant photos to fans, not even hiding the gender of the unborn baby.

For Anastasia Stotskaya and her husband Sergei, the newborn daughter became the second child. After the wedding in 2010, they immediately began to complete their family and in 2011 became parents for the first time. Then their firstborn and heir Alexander was born.

July 4, 2015, 23:20

For several months now, the public has been wondering why the heirs of Stotskaya and Kirkorov look like twins. And the other day the Internet was blown up by a photograph in which the sons of the artists are captured nearby. Commentators once again stated that the star offspring are like two drops of water. This again gave rise to a large number of rumors that it was Philip who became the father of Anastasia's child.

“You know, I myself am shocked, because Martin is really insanely similar to my son. When Philip showed his son before, there was no such resemblance, but now it’s just one face,” Stotskaya admitted the obvious, stunned.

After celebrating the third birthday of the son of the king of pop, the singer showed a photo of Martin to her child and asked who was in the photo. To which Sasha replied: "I am."

"They are really very similar, but each has its own mother, I have nothing to do with Philip's children. Perhaps our creative love with him gave such fruits."

It is not known for certain who is Martin's genetic mother. Some bloggers managed to call her Anastasia, revealing a striking resemblance between the three-year-old son of the pop king and her child, four-year-old son Alexander.

And in May, information appeared in the media, according to which his close friend Natalya Efremova became the mother of Philip Kirkorov's children. It is she who is called the mother of the first-born artist Alla Victoria. After the sensational broadcast, in which the popular performer Philip Kirkorov showed his children - the three-year-old Alla-Victoria and the then two-year-old Martin, and the kids announced all over the country that "Mother Natasha" lives with them, the public asked a logical question: how could one woman give birth two children seven months apart? Journalists tried to understand the complicated story.

It turned out that Kirkorov's children call their godmother, a close friend of the singer, 48-year-old businesswoman Natalya Efremova, their mother. The woman has been in the shadows for three years. Kirkorov and Efremova have known each other for more than ten years. Once upon a time, Natalia owned a huge fashion brand store in the center of Moscow, where Philip often visited. Soon the acquaintance grew into a strong friendship. Recently, Efremova has retired from business and devoted herself entirely to the role of the keeper of the hearth in a friend's house. In circles close to Kirkorov, they are surprised at the step that Natalya took. Many have noticed another interesting detail - the clear similarity between Efremova and Kirkorov's daughter Alla-Victoria, assuming that it is Natalia who may be her genetic mother.

Stotskaya in childhood:

Kirkorov in childhood:

Kirkorov and son Stotskaya:

In her Instagram, Anastasia posted a photo of her father, whom Sasha looks like:

The husband of Anastasia Stotskaya Sergey, his singer carefully hides:

On Instagram, Nastya has only such photos with her husband:

The singer and her daughter are doing well. The celebrity gave birth to a girl in a Moscow clinic. Now a happy woman accepts congratulations from fans, relatives and friends.

The famous singer Anastasia Stotskaya gave her husband Sergei a girl. The heiress of the star was born on May 7 at three o'clock in the afternoon. Anastasia herself spoke about the joyful event to microblog subscribers.

“Yesterday at 15:08 the stork brought us our princess 53 cm 3370 kg,” the musical star said.

Next to the young mother are now the closest ones, among whom is the singer's lover. Note that the couple is already raising five-year-old Alexander, who is looking forward to his sister home. Perhaps the boy even prepared a pleasant surprise for the newborn.

“Congratulations! Good luck to you and your little infant. Grow big, healthy and smart”, “Nastenka, with the addition of your wonderful family. Happiness to the princess!”, “Congratulations! Let it be happy! Recover, Nastya, rather, strength to both of you, ”congratulate the singer on the addition to her family of her fans.

The public learned that Stotskaya was expecting a baby only after a while. The woman did not want to advertise an interesting position and continued to hide the good news from the fans while she managed to mask her rounded tummy. But attentive admirers of Anastasia's work noticed changes in the figure of their favorite and began to congratulate her on the upcoming addition to the family right in the microblog.

Later, the singer's friend Alena Petrovskaya confirmed the followers' guesses in a conversation with a StarHit correspondent. The girl also noted that the expectation of the baby brought the second halves even closer.

“The second pregnancy made the relationship between Nastya and Sergey even more ideal, although they are already crazy about each other. The husband fulfills any whim of Nastya, tries to please her in everything. But how else, because she needs peace and harmony - a new life is born in her, now you can’t be sad and nervous ... ”- said a friend of the family.

It is interesting that, despite all the signs, Stotskaya and her husband purchased everything necessary for their youngest daughter in advance. A few weeks before the birth, the apartment already had a fancy transforming bed, a snow-white stroller, a rocking horse, several dozen toys, nipples and bottles, fashionable clothes and even special gadgets that make life easier for young parents.

03 May 2017

In these May days, the singer will become a mother for the second time (perhaps while you are reading this interview, Nastya is going to the hospital). On the eve of an important event in the life of Stotskaya, we learned all her family secrets.

“I went to the ultrasound with my husband”

- Nastya, how were the last days before the birth? How is your second pregnancy different from your first?

- During the first pregnancy, I spent the last months sitting at home, reading books, including literature for expectant mothers, and, well, waiting for my beloved from work. This pregnancy proceeded in a completely different way, because I already knew how everything was going. I have yoga twice a week. Almost every day - photo shoots, shooting, events. I go to the theatre, explore baby clothes stores. Since March, I stopped playing in the play “The Flying Ship”, but events periodically appear, for example, charitable ones, where I can even go on stage and sing. My son Sasha will turn 6 in June - I try to spend as much time with him as possible.

- Did you experience it during your first pregnancy? Are you less worried now?

- I remember, two weeks before the birth, I stood on the balcony at night and worried: “How will all this be? What if it starts now? However, when it all began, the fear disappeared. Nature is so arranged that all female internal resources are tuned to help her during childbirth. There is no fear, but the second time is just as exciting as the first.

Was your husband present at the birth of your first child?

- Yes, it so happened that both mother and Sergey were nearby during the first birth. This time, they did not plan in advance whether he would be or not. At some point, yes, he can be nearby, support morally, but then it’s better for Sergey to leave. Still, childbirth is not an easy process, and not every man will be able to endure it. However, circumstances may vary. And I would not categorically state whether or not a man should be present during childbirth.

Are you for or against epidural anesthesia in childbirth?

- I gave birth to Sasha in a separate room, where there was a bath with aromatic oils. Like the first time, I will give birth without anesthesia. I believe that a child should be born naturally - as nature intended. Overcome the first difficulty and be ready for the next. I am not a doctor, but any intervention, in my opinion, should take place only according to indications.

Anastasia and Sergey prepared their firstborn Sasha for the birth of their sister. They explained that his parents would love him just as much. Photo: Personal archive

- Did you take your spouse with you for an ultrasound?

- Yes, Sergey went with me for an ultrasound scan. In the first pregnancy, my husband really wanted a boy, and I knew it would be a boy. This time he madly wanted a girl, and I immediately felt -. Everything was as ordered, and there was no doubt that it could be otherwise.

- Recently there was disturbing information that you. How are you feeling?

- Everything is fine with me. She did not notice the stairs behind her tummy, she stumbled, fell. Fortunately, there was an assistant nearby. I was a little scared, but I secured myself by leaning on my hands. Everything worked out. She got off with a bruise on her knee.

- What was the most difficult during the second pregnancy?

- Quite severe was toxicosis, which tormented me for a month and a half: constant drowsiness, an unpleasant headache, nausea. Distracted from this state of rehearsals in St. Petersburg - in the musical "Flying Ship". I was drawn to sweets, but I tried to replace sweets with fruits.

- Nastya, did you send your husband to the store at night for something tasty?

- I was not capricious either this time or this time. Although Sergey is always insanely attentive. Now my husband works a lot. But, as in the first pregnancy, brings breakfast in bed. I feel great, so I don't need special care. In addition, we have an au pair and a nanny for Sasha.

Nastya is not a superstitious person, so she chose her daughter's dowry on the eve of the birth. photo: Personal archive

Is Sasha ready to share his mother's attention? How did you prepare your son for the appearance of a sister?

- Sashenka is waiting for when he finally feels like an older brother. Together we make plans: how we will walk together, play. I try to spend as much time as possible with Sasha, already now I give him the opportunity to feel his importance in the life of a little man. For example, my son and I were choosing toys for the baby. I let my son know that I can’t do it without him, that he will be the eldest, and therefore an example.

- What is Sasha passionate about and busy with at the age of six?

Sasha goes to gymnastics. Regular training instills discipline in the boy. I recently started attending the theater studio. We attend these classes not to push our son to choose the profession of an artist. Theater lessons are good for developing memory, figurative thinking, and adapting a child to public speaking. From time to time Sasha goes to chess, plays the piano, and my husband and I want to take him for swimming. But we do not strive to make a megawunderkind out of Sasha. Everything should be joyful. If the baby gets tired and says: “Mommy, I don’t want to,” I don’t put pressure on him so as not to beat off the desire. The task of parents is to give the child the opportunity to try to prove themselves in different areas. So the child will understand what he is interested in. I am glad that Sasha knows English. For example, while walking in the yard, he communicates with the guys in English: many of our neighbors have nannies, like us, Filipinos, so they speak English with children.

“I don’t want it by calculation - I want it out of love!”

- Who has the last word in the family?

The final decision is made by the husband. I try to listen to my husband. Gradually I learn this wisdom. I'm not the most submissive wife (laughs). If you want something, I hint and competently lead to what I need. There is a strong man next to me. This is what he conquered me with - the inner core, endurance, responsibility.

photo: personal archive

- You said that you met your spouse in a difficult period of your life and he helped you. Did Sergey fall in love at first sight or was it just friendly support at first?

- I am grateful to fate that our paths with Sergey crossed. But it wasn't love at first sight, neither on my part, nor on his. At first we saw each other in common companies, exchanged a couple of phrases, but no more. And then we ended up in the same company - in Dubai, and our relationship began there. As a girl, I wanted to draw the attention of this pretty horseman to myself. And he was so modest ... As he later admitted, he could not even imagine that such a spectacular famous girl like me could pay attention to him. When he realized that he was not indifferent to me, he did everything to win my heart. The candy-bouquet period was unforgettable for us. Sergey knows how to look after beautifully. True, at first I doubted the seriousness of my attitude towards him, I was afraid: “What if she plays with me? Still an actress! But my feelings were sincere. The more I got to know this person, the more the thought strengthened in my mind: I want to create a family with him, give birth to a child from him.

You have been together for seven years now. Have you experienced relationship difficulties? Who goes first to reconciliation?

“There were times when it was difficult. In any normal family, such situations happen, it seems to me. The first of us to put up is the one who is wrong. Now it is customary to easily disperse, scatter if a conflict or problem arises. I think this is wrong. It is much easier to destroy a relationship than to maintain it - it's a lot of work. The main thing is that we have love, respect for each other. If there is love, then there are emotions, and jealousy, and a showdown. I am a person who lives with emotions, sensations, heart. As my heroine Zabava sings: “I don’t want it by calculation - I want it out of love!” I believe that I have an ideal husband, and if something happens, it is only my fault - because of my incontinence, emotionality. I am not an easy thing, so my husband has a hard time with me. But my man is the best. If it were otherwise, then I would not be with him, would not give birth to the first and second child. I always use dad as an example for my son: Sashenka knows that dad is the smartest, most courageous. I remind my son: no matter what happens, he should always turn to dad for advice, I want the child to remember: parents are his best friends.

Private bussiness

Anastasia Stotskaya was born on October 7, 1982. Graduated from the Russian Academy of Theater Arts. At the age of 18, she played Fleur-de-Lys in the musical Notre Dame de Paris. She sang in the Choir named after M.E. Pyatnitsky, played in the Theater of the Moon. There she was noticed by Philip Kirkorov and since 2002 became the artist's producer. Stotskaya played in the musicals "Chicago", "Zorro", "Singing in the Rain" and other musical performances. Laureate of the Golden Gramophone music award. The winner of the show "", a participant in the TV project "".

- What is your character? They wrote that you are a scandalous girl.

- They wrote a lot about me, composed stories, to some extent even provoked by me. It's a fact… I can't unambiguously say what I am. Polar personality, I have a lot of contradictions. Wise and naive, calm and quick-tempered, flirtatious and passionate, a domestic cat and a wild lioness, tough and at the same time vulnerable.

- Your former producer Philip Kirkorov often spoke about you - "talent". Friends now? Does your son communicate with Philip's children?

- Our children communicate at common holidays. We are friends with Philip, I love him as a native person, friend, teacher, who believed in me, helped to reveal the potential not only on the theater stage, but also on the stage, in the cinema. I never dreamed of being a singer. And since Philip Kirkorov himself suggested trying himself in this field, how could he refuse? So, after the musical "Chicago" was over, we went to the "New Wave", I won the Grand Prix there, and then everything started spinning and spinning. Songs, videos, tours, filming… I don’t know how my life would have turned out after the theatrical institute, but maybe thanks to him we are talking with you now.

Sasha waited 9 months for his sister to be born and he would walk and play with her. photo: Tatiana LUCHEZARNAYA

- Are you consulting with Kirkorov now?

- I can call, ask: “How do you like my new song?”

- And how did your husband react to the articles and “investigations” that your son Sasha is very similar to Philip? Are you already used to the increased attention to your family life?

Well, we laughed together. And how should it have been treated? Babies are really similar: dark hairs, eyes, small noses. I think that over time the children will change and the similarity will go away ... A person understands perfectly well that I am an artist and therefore there is such attention to my person. How many times I asked him to take a picture with me on the cover, walk the red carpet, give an interview. But Sergei is from a completely different field of activity, he is engaged in business - being in the rays of his wife's glory is sincerely alien and uninteresting to him. Serious, humble man. In our family, one star is enough, as he says.

Expert opinion

(twice mother) helps prepare for the arrival of a new family member. Often a man worries: will he be able to feed his family and become a good father? A woman is afraid that after giving birth she will lose her attractiveness in the eyes of her partner ...

If in the last trimester of pregnancy a man is next to a pregnant woman, then the level of the hormone oxytocin, the hormone of attachment, rises in his body. Nature cares so much about the interest of a man in relations with the mother of his child.

Imprinting (that is, a close relationship between parents and a child) is formed in the first minutes and hours after birth. Therefore, it is desirable that a man immediately after childbirth could take the child in his arms, be close to the woman, sharing joy and happiness. For fathers, this is the perfect chance to get a strong cosmic connection with the baby. It is not necessary to be present at the birth - you can just be there. A man goes to the delivery room with his wife to support his wife and meet the baby. But it also happens that the presence of a father at childbirth affects the attraction to a woman in the future. A woman who gave a child in agony evokes respect and reverence, but this image may be devoid of sexuality in the perception of some men. Everything is very individual.

The period after childbirth is a difficult time for a sexual life. A woman avoids intimacy, as she has not yet returned to prenatal physical form. In addition, fatigue is exacerbated by a disrupted night's sleep. I advise you to select for yourself “hours of beauty” (men are selfish in these matters, the visual picture is important to them); ask your husband for small gifts and surprises, thank him for them. Do not replace the genre of personal conversation with everyday conversation about needs and obligations. Talk to your husband about his interests, try to praise more, because he perceives constant attention to the baby as a betrayal of him personally. Get out at least for an hour and a half somewhere, but together with your husband. In these moments, emotional intimacy is created: you will forget about the obligations of dad and mom and become people in love again.

Because of the terrible fatigue, women often turn to their husband with a claim, irritation. And the man already feels abandoned, because his woman pays almost all the attention to the baby. The more irresponsible a man is, the faster he will begin to take offense. Resentment is the easiest way to negotiate with conscience: the wife does not love as before, so you can stay at work, go to a cafe. Sometimes men start looking at other women. And the wife gets the feeling that she is abandoned by her husband and takes care of the child alone, so she begins to notice the infantile features of her partner, which causes her irritation. Men who are involved in the care of the baby by women go through this period more easily. Come up with rituals of communication between dad and child (for example, in the process of bathing) - this brings them together. Determine the time that the husband will spend daily with the baby.