An instructive tale about the naughty Alyosha, for reading in kindergarten. The story of the naughty girl The story of the bedtime of the naughty girl

Once upon a time there was a girl, her name was Alena. She lived with her grandparents and never obeyed anyone, but more than anything, she did not like to sleep at night. Another night has come, Alyonka is sitting on a chair, playing with dolls, grandfather comes up to her and says:
- Alyonushka, dear, the night has come, it's time to go to bed.
- Nonsense! - the girl was indignant, - it's not time at all!
Look out the window, it's already quite dark.
- So what, I don't want to sleep!
- What do you want? Grandma threw up her hands.
“I want to go for a walk,” Alena stamped her foot and began to pull on her coat.
“You can’t go outside,” her grandmother answered her, but she didn’t listen to anyone and ran out of the house.
Alena ran for a long time, until she suddenly noticed that she was lost. She was frightened and cried. Suddenly a crooked old woman comes up to her and asks her in an unpleasant raspy voice:
- Why are you crying girl?
She answers her:
- I got lost.
What are you doing out here alone so late?
- Went for a walk.
- You must be terribly naughty?
- But it's not true, I'm obedient!
- And obedient girls do not walk so late.
- You yourself can see that they are walking! Alena was offended.
- What's your name?
- Alyona.
- I'm Baba Yaga.
- Nonsense! Nonsense! - she shouted, - Baba Yaga does not exist, she is only in a fairy tale!
- Do you want me to show you my story?
The girl did not even have time to blink an eye when Baba Yaga put her in her mortar and dragged her to her hut on chicken legs. They flew over the mountains, over the fields, over the dense forests, and finally ended up in front of Baba Yaga's house.
- Hut-hut, - said Baba Yaga, - turn your back to the forest, and front to me.
The hut turned and they went inside.
- Sit while here, girl, and I'll go to heat the bathhouse.
- And when is the story?
- But in the bath you will wash yourself, evaporate, then you will see, and my black cat will guard you so that you do not run away anywhere.
With these words, Baba Yaga left, the cat went up to Alyonka and said:
- Girl, but girl, do you know what Baba Yaga will do to you after washing in the bath? Catch, fry and eat!
- Firstly, - Alena answers, - eating me, this is a bad idea, I'm thin and terribly not tasty, and secondly, I won't listen to you because cats don't talk!
What if I show you something?
- Well, what can a talking cat show me? the girl asked, crossing her arms over her chest.
- Look out the window and see for yourself.
Alyonka looked out the window and saw a whole mountain of bones, and the cat again said to her:
- These are the bones of those naughty children that Baba Yaga once ate.
- What should I do now? she got scared
I would tell you, but you still won't listen.
- Listen, listen! Kitty, dear, just help!
- Baba Yaga has a pot of sour cream in the underground, feed me, then I'll tell you.
The girl climbed into the cellar, took out sour cream and gave it to the cat. He ate and began to explain:
- You see the path, run along it and don’t turn anywhere, if you turn, you get lost and you don’t find your way home. An evil owl will fly after you and scare you, you don’t turn around, turn around, he will catch you and bring you back to Baba Yaga. Then there will be a river, you will sit on a boat and swim. She lives in the Kikimora River, Baba-Yozhkina's younger sister, she will pour water into your boat to drown you. Here's a bag of sand for you, throw a handful into her eyes, if you don't throw it, she will drown you, and you will remain forever in her swamp kingdom. Further there will be meadows, as soon as you get tired, a bay horse will run up to you and offer you a lift, you politely refuse and go on because this horse is Koshcheev’s servant. As soon as you sit on it, he will take you to Koshchei the Deathless for fun, and you won’t get out of there. Well, keep going, and remember, you need to return home before dawn, at least once you disobey - you will not see either home or grandparents.
Alyonka ran out into the street and rushed along the path with all her might. Baba Yaga returned, missed, - no Alyonka.
- Where is the girl? she yelled and, grabbing the cat by the scruff of the neck, began to shake him, - Oh, you venal soul, did you open the door for a pot of sour cream?! But it's okay, she can't get far!
She called the owl and told him to catch up with the girl, catch it and bring it back. An owl flew after Alyonka, caught up, flapped its wings over her head, was about to grab her. Alyonka became afraid, she really wanted to disobey the cat and see how far the eagle owl was, but there was no time for Alyonka to turn her head around, and she did not look back. So the owl flew after her until the forest ended, and returned with nothing back. Baba Yaga got angry, stamped her feet.
- But nothing, - he says, - there is a river, my sister Kikimora will quickly catch it, but drag it to the bottom!
The girl ran to the river, got into the boat and swam. The green monster Kikimora immediately surfaced, began to fill the boat with water so that it would sink. Alena was frightened and covered her face with her hands, and there was more and more water in the boat, then she remembered about the bag of sand, took a handful, and threw it into Kikimore's eyes. The monster screamed and began to clear her eyes and pick out the sand, Alyonka, meanwhile, quickly scooped out all the water from the boat and swam rather to the shore. Yaga stamped her feet again:
- And then got out?! Well, okay, okay! The road is long, you get tired of walking, then the horse Koshcheev will come to you!
Alyonka came ashore and went on. How long did she walk, how short, but she was very tired, tired, her legs began to give way. Suddenly a bay horse runs up to her and says to her in a human voice:
- Get on me, girl, I'll take you home.
She really wanted to climb the stallion and ride home, but she remembered the order and answered:
- Yes, how! I will sit on you, and you will take me to Koshchei! No, thank you, I'll get there somehow.
- Look at your feet, you erased everything, and before dawn, oh, how long is left, you won’t have time, but I would quickly take you.
Alyonka had no strength left, she was already about to mount a horse, but she was very afraid to fall into Koshchei's hands and not see her native home. Then she took off her uncomfortable sandals and, waving her hand, shouted:
“I don’t have time to talk to you here, it’s time for me to run home!” Don't worry, I'll make it! I'll definitely make it before dawn!
Alyonka is running, in a hurry, and the sky is getting brighter and brighter, it is becoming, the sun is about to come out from behind the mountain. She ran even faster. So the first rays appeared, blinding Alyonka's eyes.
“I didn’t have time, I didn’t have time,” she muttered, and suddenly she heard her grandmother’s voice.
- Where did you not have time, granddaughter? Well, wake up soon, look what day is outside the window.
Here Alyonka woke up.
- Grandmother, - the girl exclaimed joyfully and rushed to hug her grandmother, - it's good that you are here!
- Alyonka, yes, what is the matter with you?
- Grandma, I got it! Now I will always, always obey!
Since then, Alyonushka has become the most obedient girl.

Ilya is 7 years old, he is a student of the 1st "A" class of the secondary school. Sokolov, Saratov region.

"A fairy tale for naughty children"

Once upon a time there was a husband and wife, they had two children - a son and a daughter. Parents went to the market to buy new clothes, and children - toys. Parents give instructions to the children: do not go out, do not open windows, do not light the stove. So the parents left, and Polinka says:

Bored, hot, let's go outside.

Mitya answers:

Parents gave orders: do not leave the house, do not open the windows.

Well, everyone in the village is familiar. What will become of us!

Thought, thought Mitya and agreed.

Yes, let's go for a walk.

They opened the windows to ventilate the house, and they themselves went outside.

Look, the cows are grazing in the distance, and the shepherd is playing the pipe!

Let's go to them! Mitya suggested.

They came to the pasture. We met a shepherd, he treated them to fresh milk, allowed them to play the pipe. The guys forgot about the open window, and in the meantime a witch flew in through the window. And let's steal everything in the house.

The guys returned home, and everything was scattered there, valuable things were gone. They grieved and went to the shepherd for advice. The shepherd gave them a magic whip, put them on a golden calf, and the brother and sister went to the country of the evil witch.

The witch, meanwhile, was preparing a potion of witchcraft herbs, preparing to meet her friends, and wanted to show off her jewelry and new clothes.

The calf mooed away the witch, and Mitya and Polinka made their way into the witch's hut, took their things, and mixed the witch's herbs. The calf brought the boys home safely. They did not talk about the adventure, but they no longer violated the orders of their parents.

That's the end of the tale, and who understood - well done!

The work was sent by Zizevskaya Nina Vasilievna,
teacher MOU secondary school r.p. Sokolov, Saratov region.

There was one woman. And she had a little son, and his name was Yegorka. He was very curious and stuck his nose everywhere.

Somehow his mother went somewhere on business, and left him alone at home. And he was strictly forbidden to go outside without her, and even more so to approach the old cellar forbade.

But as soon as she disappeared from sight, Yegor immediately jumped out into the yard, and headed to where he was not allowed to climb.

Approaching the door, he began to turn the turntable, which did not allow the door to open. And then he heard someone calling him from the darkness.
The boy was overcome with curiosity. But he was also afraid that if his mother found out that he had disobeyed, then he might have a great flight later.

Finally, his mischief, spurred on by interest and who knows where the voices came from, took up.
He opened the door, and lifted the heavy lid to see who was sitting there in the dark, and even talking, when suddenly someone's strong hand grabbed his pants and dragged him down ...

When the boy woke up, he saw that he was in a fairy forest in a large sun-drenched clearing, which was strewn with various unusually beautiful flowers, and around various large and small animals. They danced around him and sang songs, and even the big bear was benevolent. He smiled at Yegorka, and tried to cheer him up with his bizarre dances.

And on the other side sat some people he did not know. They spoke in an incomprehensible language, and even laughed terribly, pointing at him with their huge hairy hands.

The boy became scared, and he began to cry loudly, and call for help, his mother, but she did not respond. Then he stood up and ran, pushing the good cheerful little animals with his hands. And they shouted after him so that he would not hurry, that the good fairy would come and help him. But Yegorka was a stubborn child, he always did the opposite. And then one little white hare shouted.

Run, run, here the demon will be more fun for you. And the boy immediately stopped, but he was still scared.

He froze as if rooted to the spot, and bitter tears flowed down his cheeks. And then a beautiful sorceress appeared from somewhere. She began to calm the child, stroked his head, offered to take bright balloons from her magic basket, treated him with sweets, but he still did not calm down and kept calling for help from his mother. Then the fairy tells him.

I will let you go home, but remember, if you ever dare to disobey, or do the opposite, I will take you back. And even then, I will turn you into some kind of animal, and you will live here forever, and no tears will help you! - And she clapped her hands three times, uttered some magic words, and the boy opened his eyes already near the very door, to which he was strictly forbidden to approach.

And since then, Yegorka was unrecognizable. He always obeyed his mother, helped her around the house, did his homework on time, and even washed his hands before eating without being reminded. And he began to study better than anyone, he had many friends who respected him very much and asked for help in difficult times, and he helped them with great joy.

Here and fairy tales end who read that fellow.

Dear readers, for some reason my daughter really likes this story. Sometimes I scold her: "Oh, you are my little Naughty" and it has an effect. But I never draw a parallel and say that we will leave her if she does not listen to us. It's just a story about some other naughty girl. Of course, it is not suitable for all children, but someone may like it.

Once upon a time there lived a Naughty. She lived with her father and mother, who loved her very much. But Naughty village behaved very badly. She never listened to mom and dad, she did the opposite. Her mother will call her for dinner, and she turns her nose up: “I don’t want to.” And it doesn't go to any. Her mother will ask her to remove the toys, and Naughty will specially scatter them even more around the room. Mom puts Naughty to sleep, but she does not sleep, jumps on the bed, throws a pillow, a blanket and a sheet on the floor. Grandmother came to visit Naughty, and Naughty is rude to her and upsets her grandmother.

Mom and dad were very worried, no matter what they did, nothing helps. Then mother asks Naughty:

"Naughty, why don't you ever do what we ask you to do?"

“And I know better what I need to do,” Naughty answers.

- How so? - Mom is surprised, - It turns out that you don’t need us at all.

— No, they are not needed.

- Well, then my dad and I will probably go to the forest to live.

- Of course, go. I can manage without you,” says Naughty.

Dad and mom gathered to live in the forest, he was just not far from home. They say to the Naughty:

We are going to live in the forest, we will build ourselves a hut there. We leave food on the table. Don't forget to have lunch.

And they left. Naughty was delighted that she was now her own mistress, she would do what she wanted. She began to jump, run, throw toys around the house. She remembered lunch and said:

“But I won’t eat.” I don't want to and I won't.

There was food left on the table. Ants came and, while Naughty played, they took all the food to their anthill. And Naughty played, played, and was very hungry. She looks, there is nothing on the table, only dirty dishes.

“It’s okay, we’ll eat sweets,” says Naughty.

She moved a chair to the locker, climbed on it and pulled out a whole bag of sweets. Naughty began to eat sweets, and throw candy wrappers on the floor. I ate 30 pieces! I decided to go paint. I've been looking for pencils but can't find them. I looked around, all the books and toys on the floor were scattered. Where can you find something here? Suddenly, Naughty's tooth ached, and then his stomach. After so many sweets! She became sad. No mom, no dad. Nobody will regret, medicine will not give. He thinks I'll go to sleep better. I went to the crib, and the pillow, sheet, blanket and even the mattress were on the floor. So don't sleep! Naughty went to the sofa, and on the way she stepped on a cube that was lying on the floor.

"Ay," said Naughty.

She picked up her legs, sat down on the sofa and began to cry. Outside the window, someone howled:

— Woo, woo.

Probably wolves. It became frightening to Naughty. She is home alone. He hears someone scratching at the door. Suddenly the door opened, and on the threshold appeared .... Father and mother! How delighted Naughty was, she began to kiss them, hug them and ask for forgiveness:

“Forgive me, Mommy, Daddy. I behaved so badly. I really need you! I love you so much, I won't hurt you anymore.

Mom gave Naughty medicine, helped brush her teeth, made a bed for her. They put the toys away together, and Naughty went to bed. In the morning, mother woke up Naughty and said:

- Naughty, go have breakfast.

"Mom, I'm not Naughty anymore." Now I'm a listener.

Obedient brushed her teeth, then went to have breakfast. I ate everything and said "thank you".

A seven-year-old boy lived in the same house with his mother, whom he never listened to. He scattered things in his room and never folded them. Mom asked him and persuaded him to clean up after himself, but the boy was very naughty. Until one day something happened to him.

It was very warm outside and the sun was shining. The boy returned from a walk, went to his room and, undressing, as always, began to throw clothes right on the floor. And did not notice how one of his socks fell behind the bed. And the next day it started to rain outside. The boy was delighted, looking out the window, and began to get ready to walk. But he couldn't find the second sock anywhere.

Mom told her son that if he cleaned the room, he would find not only a sock, but also other missing things. But the boy did not listen and ... did not put on socks. I decided not to wear rubber boots either. I didn’t even take an umbrella and ran out into the street barefoot. I ran through the puddles and ... fell ill.

Mom put her naughty son to bed, put a thermometer on him, poured tea with raspberries and strictly ordered him not to get out of bed. And it was very difficult for the boy, because the children, wearing rubber boots and taking umbrellas, ran in the rain and had fun.

Taking pity on the sick child, the mother herself began to clean his room. put it in the basket, put the books on the shelf. She hung her clothes neatly in the closet. Then she brought a broom and swept a sock out from under the bed, which we already know how it got there.

When the boy recovered, it got colder outside. He put on socks, rubber boots and went for a walk. Now he learned to listen to his mother and never threw things around the room again. And if he scattered, he immediately cleaned up after himself. The boy no longer wanted to lose his socks, or his hat, or his mittens. After all, no one wants to get sick!

Personal experience

Comment on the article "A sock under the bed, or the Tale of a naughty boy"

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