A sign to meet the wedding in the church. How to celebrate a wedding How to Prepare for a Wedding in an Orthodox Church

Signs at a wedding in a church are important, and this is due to the nature of the event itself, which plays a significant role in creating a married couple. There are many rules about what and how to do at a wedding, and a lot of beliefs, which should be avoided in the process of preparing for the event, during the church ceremony itself and after it, so that the life of the newlyweds develops happily and successfully.

Preparing for the wedding

When preparing for an important event, it is important to fulfill a number of conditions so that the Orthodox wedding is approved by higher powers and preserves family happiness for many years.


There are a number of religious holidays on which wedding events are prohibited. Their church churches do not hold during fasting. According to popular superstition, they do not get married on a leap year. Religion allows weddings on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only in exceptional cases, because, as a general rule, it is not customary to get engaged at this time. According to customs, the best time is the first Sunday on Krasnaya Gorka after the Easter holiday.

Before the wedding

Three days before the event, the newlyweds observe a fast: they don’t eat animal food, they don’t drink wine, they try to get by with fish. They also go to the church temple before the appointed day to repent of their sins.


In addition to rings and wedding dresses according to folk traditions, among the mandatory attributes prepared in advance for the church procedure should be:

  • red wine bottle,
  • 4 church candles that are placed in the temple
  • scarves,
  • canvas (towel) under the feet of the young.

Requirements for the outfit

If for a modern wedding the color of a wedding dress does not matter, then religious Orthodox signs during a wedding in a church suggest that the bride's dress should be white, in extreme cases - its light shades.

According to an old folk superstition, a bride should not wear her purchased wedding dress at home, since such an unnecessary fitting can become an obstacle to the wedding procedure. It simply may not work. Yes, and to see the groom's wedding attire of his future wife is also a bad omen.

According to religious traditions, the bride's head must be covered with a veil or other similar elegant item, for example, an openwork scarf.

On the way to church

Of great importance for the event are folk signs for the wedding, as the future spouses went to the temple.

Health of the bride and groom

According to popular superstition, only those newlyweds who are healthy on that day can go to a church event. If on the day of the ceremony the bride or groom has any ailments worsened, then the wedding of the sick spouse can leave him associated with these sores for the rest of his life.

Leaving home

When a bride leaves her home, her parents, according to popular belief, wash the floors behind her so that her daughter does not return home to live. Before going to the church temple for the wedding ceremony, a castle is placed under the threshold of the house. As the bride and groom cross this threshold, heading to the church, the blood parents close this lock with a key that they throw away. The castle is then given to the newlyweds so that they keep it for life. Such a lock, locked with a key, keeps family happiness and will make the marriage long and strong.

If, before the wedding event, the young people stand in front of the well and, looking into each other's eyes, take an oath of eternal fidelity, according to popular belief, such a rite will not allow anyone to destroy their family life.


People used to say that rainy is always happy, because if it suddenly started to rain on the way to the church, it was always a good marriage.

Too hot weather on the day of the event is an unfavorable messenger. That is why, in order not to check this sign in practice, the young people try to set the date of the ceremony in the spring or autumn months.

in the temple

The chosen ones are present at the wedding in the church. According to church traditions, parents do not go to the church church for the wedding procedure itself. There are godparents of the newlyweds. The participation of blood parents ends when the young are taken out of the house, when they give a blessing. Blood parents stay at home to expect a young couple.

Among the basic rules for the wedding are the following:

  1. It is very important that no one crosses the road to the altar, as this is a bad omen. Crossing the road takes away family happiness from a young couple.
  2. At the wedding, according to folk traditions, a linen path spreads under the feet of the newlyweds. The groom must step on it first in order to be the master in the house. An ignorant bride should tell about this so as not to get into trouble.
  3. Signs during the wedding forbid looking the bride and groom into each other's eyes. This is for family quarrels, troubles and family betrayals.

wedding crowns

Crowns are put on the heads of the bride and groom. This church attribute is a prerequisite for the ceremony, otherwise it is believed that in their absence for the young, the wedding itself is not approved by God.

Despite the fact that church crowns are very heavy, witnesses must endure the entire wedding ceremony and not drop them, since according to popular superstitions, from whom such a crown is dropped, he will become a widow.


By the candles lit in the church during the broadcasting procedure, you can find out which of the spouses will live longer. Whose candle burns out further, he will live longer. Sometimes church candles begin to emit a characteristic strong crackle. In such cases, the people complained that the life of the young would be turbulent.

After the wedding

When leaving the church, the wedding procedure for the young does not end. There are a number of signs that determine how favorably they will complete this process for their future family life.

  1. Before leaving the church after the ceremony, the young couple is obliged to give a donation to the temple. Usually they are pre-cooked fresh bread wrapped in a linen towel.
  2. After the wedding is over, according to folk signs, the newlyweds should look at the same mirror at the same time, so that luck will always be present in their life together.
  3. A towel placed under the feet of a young couple, symbolizing the family road, should not be given to anyone. It is kept at home for the whole family life and is not shown to anyone. A similar rule applies to other items tied and used in the ceremony, which after the church no one else should see.

A wedding is a very serious step for newlyweds. A wedding is a blessing in heaven, as the people say. With witnesses - relatives, friends and, of course, God - a marriage takes place.

There are a huge number of signs about the wedding, about marriage, about the wedding. This does not mean at all that everything will happen as the sign says - not at all. It all depends on the circumstances and time, as well as on the strength of your heart and soul. Let's try to reveal the main signs of the wedding.

Wedding signs can be divided into general signs. Signs before, during and after the wedding, signs about the road to the wedding, signs about the wedding ring, about the clothes of the bride and groom and much more.

Signs during the wedding in the church

According to one of the main signs, the parents of the newlyweds at the wedding are only godmothers mom and dad. Only they, according to a sign, should be in the church, their parents should meet the bride and groom at home, according to existing traditions.

During the wedding, it is very important to observe the tradition of wearing a crown. Although it is heavy and uncomfortable, you can’t take it off - a bad omen. And there is also a sign during the wedding - if the wreath falls from the head of the newlywed - that will be the first widower.

Candles need to be lit by the newlyweds themselves. Do not allow someone to do this instead of the bride and groom. All candles that were used during the wedding must be kept as a talisman. Usually they are kept for life, candles also help with childbirth, give good energy.

If candles crackle during a wedding in a church, this is a sign of the hectic life of the newlyweds. And if they are calm, then the marriage life will be like that. Also, whoever has a candle burns slower and longer will remain the first widower. Candles are blown out at the same time - by the bride and groom - to happiness and a long life together.

There is a sign that during the wedding process - you can not look into each other's eyes. If this is violated, short love, short relationships and marriage, even betrayal.

During the entrance to the altar in the church, whoever of the newlyweds steps on the headscarf will be the head of the family. This is worth noticing and fixing.

The towel on which the newlyweds stood during the wedding is kept at home for the whole family life. This is for the happiness and health of the family.

The newlyweds, according to one of the traditions and signs, should give the church in which the wedding took place a gift - usually it is fresh bread wrapped in a linen towel.

It is also worth looking at the weather during the wedding on this day. If it is raining or cloudy - to the health, happiness, wealth of a young family.

Signs before the wedding in the church

The bride and groom in strict order before the wedding need to take the blessing of their parents.

Also, according to the sign and tradition, if the newlyweds have already chosen a wedding in the church, then, before the process itself, both of them need to go through the service and communion in the church.

After the bride leaves for the wedding process, the house was put in order, the floors were washed. The sign symbolizes eternal marriage, not a return to the parental home.

There is a good sign about a long and happy marriage - before the wedding, the young should promise each other eternal love, standing in front of the well. The well is a symbol of bottomless happiness.

A sign for the better - if the bride goes to the church for the wedding one way, and returns in a completely different way.

Fortunately, if the bride cries before the wedding. Tears are not from grief and problems, but from, for example, kind and good words of parents.

Before the wedding, you need to be careful and the guests - you can not cross the road to the spouses. Also, this should not be allowed during the process itself.

Before the wedding in the church, young people should not turn around - a very bad omen.

Signs on the dress at the wedding

A small pin is put on the bride's dress, as well as on the groom's suit before the wedding - from the evil eye of a young family.

The sign that a wedding dress should be worn only on the wedding day is by no means earlier. There is also a sign that completely in a wedding dress - the bride should not see herself before the wedding ceremony.

It is desirable that the bride wears a veil before entering the church so that her eyes are not visible. Only in the church it can be removed.

During the wedding, the bride usually wears a headscarf. So, according to one of the signs - she should carefully follow him. If he falls, the husband can change or leave her.

Wedding - signs and customs

Wedding - signs and customs

After the wedding, the newlyweds are greeted in the church by their parents, with bread, loaf, throwing hops under their feet. Bread should be eaten in half - husband and wife. Hops means a cheerful and carefree life. And bread is the head of everything, as they say. Symbolizes love, fidelity, harmony. After the wedding process itself, the bride must give alms to the poor - a trifle. The sign symbolizes the rejection of various troubles in family life.

After the wedding, the newlyweds are supposed to look in the mirror at the same time - also for family happiness.

At the festive table, the newlyweds should also carefully look after each other. For example, there is a sign that you need to intertwine each other's legs - so that no one can separate them.

In no case should an engagement ring be allowed to be measured and worn by other people, as well as sold or melted down.

It is also worth knowing the sign and tradition that it is impossible to get married a second time before the death of the former spouse.

Therefore, you should carefully consider all the traditions, customs and signs of the wedding.

A wedding is a very serious step for newlyweds. A wedding is a blessing in heaven, as the people say. With witnesses - relatives, friends and, of course, God - a marriage takes place.

There are a huge number of signs about the wedding, about marriage, about the wedding. This does not mean at all that everything will happen as the sign says - not at all. It all depends on the circumstances and time, as well as on the strength of your heart and soul. Let's try to reveal the main signs of the wedding.
Wedding signs can be divided into general signs. Signs before, during and after the wedding, signs about the road to the wedding, signs about the wedding ring, about the clothes of the bride and groom and much more.


According to one of the main signs, the parents of the newlyweds at the wedding are only godmothers mom and dad. Only they, according to a sign, should be in the church, their parents should meet the bride and groom at home, according to existing traditions.

During the wedding, it is very important to observe the tradition of wearing a crown. Although it is heavy and uncomfortable, you can’t take it off - a bad omen. And there is also a sign during the wedding - if the wreath falls from the head of the newlywed - that will be the first widower.

Candles need to be lit by the newlyweds themselves. Do not allow someone to do this instead of the bride and groom. All candles that were used during the wedding must be kept as a talisman. Usually they are kept for life, candles also help with childbirth, give good energy.

If candles crackle during a wedding in a church, this is a sign of the hectic life of the newlyweds. And if they are calm, then the marriage life will be like that. Also, whoever has a candle burns slower and longer will remain the first widower. Candles are blown out at the same time - by the bride and groom - to happiness and a long life together.

There is a sign that during the wedding process - you can not look into each other's eyes. If this is violated, short love, short relationships and marriage, even betrayal.

During the entrance to the altar in the church, whoever of the newlyweds steps on the headscarf will be the head of the family. This is worth noticing and fixing.
The towel on which the newlyweds stood during the wedding is kept at home for the whole family life. This is for the happiness and health of the family.

The newlyweds, according to one of the traditions and signs, should give the church in which the wedding took place a gift - usually it is fresh bread wrapped in a linen towel.

It is also worth looking at the weather during the wedding on this day. If it is raining or cloudy - to the health, happiness, wealth of a young family.

The bride and groom in strict order before the wedding need to take the blessing of their parents.

Also, according to the sign and tradition, if the newlyweds have already chosen a wedding in the church, then, before the process itself, both of them need to go through the service and communion in the church.

After the bride leaves for the wedding process, the house was put in order, the floors were washed. The sign symbolizes eternal marriage, not a return to the parental home.

There is a good sign about a long and happy marriage - before the wedding, the young should promise each other eternal love, standing in front of the well. The well is a symbol of bottomless happiness.

A sign for the better - if the bride goes to the church for the wedding one way, and returns in a completely different way.
Fortunately, if the bride cries before the wedding. Tears are not from grief and problems, but from, for example, kind and good words of parents.
Before the wedding, you need to be careful and the guests - you can not cross the road to the spouses. Also, this should not be allowed during the process itself.
Before the wedding in the church, young people should not turn around - a very bad omen.

A small pin is put on the bride's dress, as well as on the groom's suit before the wedding - from the evil eye of a young family.
The sign that a wedding dress should be worn only on the wedding day is by no means earlier. There is also a sign that completely in a wedding dress - the bride should not see herself before the wedding ceremony.

It is desirable that the bride wears a veil before entering the church so that her eyes are not visible. Only in the church it can be removed.
During the wedding, the bride usually wears a headscarf. So, according to one of the signs - she should carefully follow him. If he falls, the husband can change or leave her.

Wedding - signs and customs

Wedding - signs and customs

After the wedding, the newlyweds are greeted in the church by their parents, with bread, loaf, throwing hops under their feet. Bread should be eaten in half - husband and wife. Hops means a cheerful and carefree life. And bread is the head of everything, as they say. Symbolizes love, fidelity, harmony. After the wedding process itself, the bride must give alms to the poor - a trifle. The sign symbolizes the rejection of various troubles in family life.

After the wedding, the newlyweds are supposed to look in the mirror at the same time - also for family happiness.

At the festive table, the newlyweds should also carefully look after each other. For example, there is a sign that you need to intertwine each other's legs - so that no one can separate them.

In no case should an engagement ring be allowed to be measured and worn by other people, as well as sold or melted down.
It is also worth knowing the sign and tradition that it is impossible to get married a second time before the death of the former spouse.
Therefore, you should carefully consider all the traditions, customs and signs of the wedding.

A wedding, entering into a church marriage is a very serious ceremony by which believers show that they are now spouses before God. The priest conducts the wedding ceremony, but still, preparing for this event, you need to find out how the wedding usually takes place in the church, the rules that the wedding people, their friends and boyfriends, as well as the parents of the newlyweds should follow.

A small educational program on this issue offers a site site.

What do you need to get married in a church?

The wedding ceremony requires the advance purchase of certain items, each of which has a symbolic meaning. What to buy (and also - what you can do without) - the site "Beautiful and Successful" will tell.

First - about what will be superfluous, What is not needed for a church wedding:

  • The bride's bouquet. This is not an Orthodox tradition at all - to carry a bouquet with you on your wedding day, especially to church (we already wrote in detail about the traditions associated with). In the church, during the wedding, the bride has a candle in her hands - and the bouquet would have to be given to someone to hold for quite a long time ... If the bouquet is already there (for example, the newlyweds want to get to the registry office and the church on the same day) - then it’s really better postpone the entire wedding ceremony.
  • Bouquets and gifts from relatives and friends in the church. After the ceremony is over, the young couple can be congratulated, but it is desirable to hand over something outside the church, before or after the ceremony itself.
  • A hat, a voluminous rigidly fixed hairstyle, large flowers and other accessories on the bride's head. Since crowns will be carried over their heads (and sometimes they are even put on the heads of young people), the hairstyle is desirable to be smooth on the crown, but always covered with a veil or cape - it is indecent to be in church with an uncovered head!

What do you need to get married in a church?

It is worth taking care of the following items in advance:

  • Rings. Traditionally, men's wedding rings are silver and women's are gold.
  • Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos and Christ the Savior - they must be consecrated in advance in the temple.
  • Two church candles (take thicker ones to burn longer).
  • Two towels - for icons, one more, wedding - under the feet of the young. Previously, these towels were embroidered by the bride by hand with special ornaments, but now there are no such strict requirements, you can buy ready-made ones (for example, in a church shop) and sometimes even just a rug is spread under your feet.
  • Two white handkerchiefs with which the young people will hold lighted candles, and two more - those with which the friends will hold the crowns. However, sometimes the crowns are held with bare hands - discuss this moment with the priest in advance.
  • Wine (cahors, by no means champagne!) - a symbolic cup is filled with it.

The chalice and crowns are church utensils, they do not need to be purchased. Of course, young people, as well as best men (and ideally, all guests present in the church) should wear pectoral crosses.

Church rules allow weddings only if there is a marriage certificate, as well as documents confirming the termination of the previous marriage, if any (certificate of divorce or death of the spouse).

If at the time of registration for the wedding, the marriage has not yet been registered, because. planned on the same day with the signature in the registry office, then you need to present a copy of the application to the registry office.

How does a church wedding take place?

In the modern version, the wedding is combined with the betrothal (exchange of wedding rings).

Previously, these were two different events that were separated in time from each other by a month or more - like a trial period. The betrothal could be canceled before the wedding, breaking off a church marriage was almost impossible. Now it is a single ceremony.

The couple stands in front of the altar - according to the rules of the wedding in the church, the future husband stands on the right, and the wife on the left (friends and relatives of the bride and groom also stand on both sides).

With the blessing of the priest, the young people take the lighted candles from his hands. Candles should not go out throughout the ceremony, they are a symbol of purity and warmth of hearts, and if they go out, then this is considered a bad sign.

Then a prayer is read for the young and their future offspring.

After that, the actual betrothal will take place - the priest puts the rings on the fingers of the young (not an exchange of rings, as in the registry office!). The bride and groom join hands (or rather, the groom puts his hands on the hands of the bride - betrothal!).

According to the rules, the wedding in the church goes like this - the young people step on the towel in front of the lectern and confirm that they are voluntarily getting married and taking a vow of fidelity to each other. At this time, crowns are held over the heads of those who are getting married. Then, after prayer, they are placed on the heads of the spouses, and from that moment the marriage is considered completed.

In the center of the temple, where this happens, they take out a cup of wine - it means the joy and bitterness of family life, and both spouses take three sips from it.

Then, with crowns on their heads, the young people go around the lectern in a circle. Then the priest reads an instruction to them, and the wedding ceremony is considered completed, the crowns are removed from their heads.

At this moment, it is appropriate for those present to come up and congratulate the newlyweds. After the church ceremony, it is customary to go to celebrate the wedding in the house of the young.

Wedding in the church: rules and signs

Previously, the wedding ceremony had many detailed rules, due to beliefs and signs. Now even the church does not require strict observance of them, but if they seem important to you, then you can continue the old traditions.

  • Until the moment of laying the crowns, no one was supposed to see the bride (her face), even the groom. The face was covered with a thick veil. Now you can perform this custom symbolically - the veil can be transparent, openwork.
  • At the table, the young were seated on a fur coat lying upside down - to prosperity.
  • The wedding ring was taken smooth, without carvings, inserts and stones - so that family life was smooth.
  • During the wedding, the young people were not advised to look each other's eyes - supposedly this made it possible to avoid betrayal.
  • After the wedding in the house of young friends, the bride's hair was twisted - from one braid to two, which were hidden under the headdress of a married woman.
  • Before leaving for church and after returning from there to the husband's house (or to a separate house of a young family), the newlyweds were showered with hops and grain (wheat, millet, rye - but not coins, as is customary now!).

If there are other signs for a church wedding - do you need to observe them, decide for yourself, because among them there are those that are clearly difficult to fulfill in our time (for example, a wedding "train" with horses and a team, etc.), or absolutely absurd and contrived.
Author - Dasha Blinova, website www.site - Beautiful and Successful

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Various signs are associated with such an event as a wedding in a church. How to make sure that the celebration was a success, and the rest of life was happy? You need to learn about the most important signs and do everything right.

signs before the event

Parents must give their blessing. It has very great power. Parents should wish the young a happy and long life.

On the day of the ceremony, early in the morning, the mother of the bride or groom must place an unlocked padlock under the threshold of the family's home. When the young ones return, she closes it and throws away the key. This item should be kept by the married. It is important that it is not shown to anyone. This will ensure a strong relationship.

If you see a well on your way to the church, stop by it. Young people can swear allegiance, then love will be "bottomless".

The way to the wedding and out of the church should be different. And you need to calculate it in advance.

Church wedding: signs during the ceremony

During the wedding, the young should not turn back, otherwise discord and divorce will soon await them. Also, under no circumstances should anyone pass between them. Otherwise, they will not live long. You need to put on wedding rings calmly, without haste. If one of them falls, do not count on a long marriage. During the ceremony, the bride is not allowed to drop her handkerchief. Otherwise, the spouse may get sick, or family life will not be long.

The wedding is not performed on the eve of Friday, Sunday and Wednesday throughout the year, i.e. on Thursdays, Saturdays and Tuesdays. It is also not allowed to hold a ceremony before the Twelfth, Great and Temple Feasts.

During the wedding, you need to look at each other more often, then in the future life you will pay much attention to each other.

Wedding in the church: signs after the ceremony

When the wedding procedure in the church has passed, you need to wear a ring on your hand. Under no circumstances, even the most difficult, do not sell it or give it to be melted down for the production of earrings, crosses and brooches. Otherwise, the marriage will surely fall apart. If it cracked, big troubles will inevitably await you.

After the ceremony, it is advisable to thank the church with a fresh loaf, which must be wrapped in Then life will be rich and full.

Wedding in 2013: signs

If you want the ceremony to be successful, take communion and attend at least one service before the wedding. If the future spouse refuses such an idea, sometimes this is evidence that he or she is engaged in "dirty deeds". If you didn’t take communion before the wedding, you may be in for an unpleasant surprise. Some begin to shiver and shake. It happens that a person begins to speak or scream in a strange, wild voice, or even loses consciousness. If you do not trust your partner too much, make sure that he has received it at the sacrament. It is believed that some "black" people pretend to take the sacrament, but put it under the tongue and spit it out if possible. To find out the truth, pay attention to the Adam's apple. If he twitched, then the sacrament was taken.