Scenarios for a bachelorette party before the wedding. The best ideas for a bachelorette party. bachelorette party with divination

Svetlana Rumyantseva

Gone are the days when future brides shed tears at bachelorette parties, imagining the future life with fear. Today this event is full. For many, it becomes the last breath of freedom before marriage. Organizational tips will help you to fully enjoy the bachelorette party, and creative ideas with an extraordinary scenario will turn the event into an exciting adventure.

7 rules for an unforgettable bachelorette party

It is best to hold the event 5-7 days before the wedding. If you arrange a bachelorette party on the eve of the wedding, stormy fun and a sleepless night will not have the best effect on the appearance of the bride on a solemn day.
Invite only close friends. At bachelorette parties, hidden secrets are revealed that outsiders should not know about.
All wishes regarding the dress code, voice in advance. Print out invitation cards and hand them out to your friends in person.
Decide in advance how much money you are willing to spend on a bachelorette party.
Determine who will be the organizer of the bachelorette party: you, your beloved friend, a future witness or an invited person from the agency.
Stock up on small symbolic gifts for your friends.
Clearly indicate the theme of the event: a quest, a photo shoot, a picnic, a vacation in the country or a visit to entertainment venues, so that the guests are prepared for the upcoming fun.


The choice of place depends on the amount of money that the future bride is willing to spend on a bachelorette party, as well as on the preferences and wishes of the girl and her friends.

The most economical option will be a house party, but this does not mean that the quality of the fun will deteriorate. Fantasy and warm company will make the evening unforgettable in any place.
The classic choice is going to the club. This is not surprising. Night parties with her husband are no longer so incendiary. In the last days of a free life, you need to break away to the fullest, so that it is enough for the rest of your life.
Restaurant, bar, karaoke occupies one of the leading positions as a venue for a bachelorette party. Here and food, and conversations, and contests.
A trip to the spa will be a wonderful way to relax, talk with friends and get unforgettable pleasure in the hands of a nice massage therapist. This is a rather unconventional choice for a bachelorette party, which has been gaining popularity in recent years.
The water park is a place where fun and a sea of ​​positive emotions are provided for both the bride and her friends.
A trip out of town in the warm season will bring a lot of pleasure. Renting a small cozy cottage for a couple of days to spend with your friends is a great idea. You will gain strength before the wedding fuss and calmly say goodbye to a free girl's life, remembering past adventures and crazy deeds with your friends.

The choice of location also affects the program of the bachelorette party.


Friendly competitions are a universal way to have fun and remember the comical stories of unmarried years. Tired of playing spin the bottle? Then you will love the original bachelorette party contests below.

Magic kiss

What should a girl do before marriage? Kiss an unfamiliar handsome man. But here's the problem: the future husband is jealous, and the courage to give a kiss to a stranger is not enough. This contest will solve the problem. Ask your friends to bring photos of attractive men: favorite actors, singers, businessmen, politicians. Choose one for yourself. Having pulled the rope at the level of the face, hang photos on it, fastening it on clothespins, make up your lips brighter and get down to business. Cast lots and take turns, blindfolding each other, go to meet the man of your dreams. Task: find and kiss your handsome man. Swap the photos for each participant. The one that finds the selected photo first wins.

Comic task options

During the quest, girls can arrange breaks with exciting contests.

best bride

Bridesmaids, using improvised materials, create wedding looks in 10 minutes. The bride chooses the winner and gives her a veil. As materials for the outfit, paper is suitable, including toilet paper, holiday wrappers, ribbons, lace, scarves, scarves and other accessories. You should take care of scissors and pins in advance.

The most extravagant hairstyle

Task: create an unusual hairstyle in 15 minutes. Materials: hair dryer, combs, varnish, styling products. The use of hairpins, crabs, elastic bands, ribbons, scarves is welcome. Creativity is doubly appreciated: to create a hairstyle, you can use sushi sticks, foil, and even a small vase along with herbarium elements. The prize is a hair styling product.

sexiest makeup ever

At the disposal of the ladies there is a cosmetic bag and 5 minutes. During this time, you need to create the image of a fatal seductress. The winner will receive lipstick.

Miss seduction

This is a dance competition. The girls write the names of the songs on pieces of paper, and then draw lots, taking turns entering the impromptu stage. For the most seductive dance, the girl receives sexy stockings as a gift.

Shooting each other in competitive outfits will be a special pleasure. Photos will remind you of an unforgettable evening and take their rightful place in the album.

Street quest "Love story"

Conducting a street quest will require movement over long distances. To use a car, public transport or your own legs for this is up to the participants in the game.

To complete the quest, find out:

Where and when did the newlyweds meet?
Where did the first kiss take place?
What places are the happy memories of the couple associated with,
How and where did the bride and groom spend ...

The number of questions depends on the scenario of the walk. The more points, the longer the quest will last. For a long search, consider routes that include cafes and places of recreation: squares and parks with comfortable benches. A picnic can fit into the program of a bachelorette party if one of the destinations is a green park or other picturesque place.

The point of departure is the place of acquaintance. The bride needs to find a small envelope that contains a clue: a poem about the first kiss, a map with three marked addresses, and a drawing of a balloon. Having chosen the desired direction from the proposed ones, the bride goes on further searches.
After arriving at the place where the first kiss happened, the girl needs to find a balloon. Seeing him on a tree branch, on top of a fence, or tied to the bars of a second-story window, she must figure out a way to get her desired target. A note with a clue inside the balloon. It is enough to burst it to get the key to the next task. The name of the cafe where the first date of the future newlyweds took place is indicated on the paper.
Having reached her destination, the bride looks for a new clue. This time, the search will end when she remembers at which table she sat with her boyfriend. The goal of the search is the first love poem of the groom, attached to the back of the tabletop. Another possible option is a box with a gift from a loved one. You can put a soft toy, decoration or other thing in it and hide it on a chair or under a table. On the insert, write: “Where am I from?” The task of the girl is to remember where she received this gift and go there.
On the spot, she will meet numbers written on the asphalt or wall, indicating the date. On this day, the groom offered his hand and heart to his beloved. Having deciphered the riddle, the future wife will go for the long-awaited gift.

The bridesmaids actively help the bride during the quest. The participating team can wear identical dresses. If a car is used to move around the city, show your imagination and decorate it with identification marks. And don't forget the photos!

Reward Gift Ideas

You can break the tradition with couple gifts for spouses if you prefer handmade gifts to purchased gifts.

Photo album handmade.

Find joint photos of the bride and groom, get rare shots from the family archive and decorate them in an original way on the pages of a homemade gift. Future newlyweds will appreciate your efforts.

Decorative jar with wishes.

Put 365 wishes for the newlyweds into a vessel decorated with decorative paintings: one for each day of the first year of marriage.

Homemade book with comic recipes for family happiness.

On the pages of the book, in a humorous form, friends write the duties of the bride and groom, recipes for creating comfort, tips for raising children. Collective creativity will turn out to be similar to Auster's Bad Advice, which can be re-read on dull rainy evenings.

When choosing a scenario for a bachelorette party, do not chase fashion. Decide what your soul is drawn to: a quiet evening with friends or a crazy quest - the main thing is to leave a bright memory of the past time of a free life.

April 12, 2014, 14:45 In ancient Russia, the bride appeared at a bachelorette party in her best outfit. An obligatory ceremony was farewell to the girl's bandage, which was called "beauty" or "volushka". This rite was accompanied by tears and lamentations, because the transition to another family threatened her with complete obscurity. As a rule, in a new family, she was expected to be completely submissive to her mother-in-law, isolated from friends and relatives, and her husband was often chosen not by her, but by her parents.

Fortunately, most modern brides marry for love and no severe restrictions in the future threaten them, although, of course, freedom will be somewhat limited by household chores and raising children. In any case, today girls do not have much reason to be sad.

It's best to have a bachelorette party about a week before the wedding, not the day before. After all, at the wedding itself, the girl should look beautiful and fresh. I must say that during the bachelorette party, the bride and her friends not only relax, but often discuss the details of the wedding ceremony. Unlike the groom's friends, who "condolence" to him during the bachelor party, the girls are happy for their girlfriend, and sometimes envy her.

Usually, it is not the bride herself who organizes the bachelorette party, but her friend, who will become a witness at the wedding. At the same time, the bride is required to have a script for the event, a list of invitees and funding. If most of the money was spent on the wedding and they are no longer enough for the bachelorette party, then you can spend it “sharp money”, of course, by agreeing on this with your friends in advance.

The choice of a venue for a bachelorette party may depend on the preferences, tastes and interests of its participants, as well as on financial capabilities. You can go to a cafe, bar, restaurant or sauna. In the summer, girls can go to the country. After all, there is an opportunity to sunbathe, swim, chat, cook barbecue, take a steam bath. In other words, different options are possible, but, in any case, time can be spent having fun and even with health benefits (and not to the detriment of it, as often happens at such parties).

How to have a bachelorette party at home

Of course, a bachelorette party can be arranged at home. This option is especially relevant in the presence of financial difficulties. In order not to be bored, you can hold a themed party, for example, in Japanese style. True, for this you need to prepare an appropriate table, outfit and decoration, as well as warn your friends about how they need to dress. If there is no particular desire to cook, you can buy sushi, rolls and other Japanese dishes that are so popular today.

A pajama party can also be a good option. It will be possible to sit comfortably on a spread out bed or sofa, among soft pillows and blankets and watch a comedy on a wedding theme, so as not to be too nervous in anticipation of your own wedding. Alternatively, you can order pizza or make sandwiches at home. It would be nice to arrange fortune-telling - not so much for the bride, because her near future has already been determined, but for her friends who dream of getting married.

Of course, there are also not-so-innocent options for bachelorette parties: with a lot of booze and inviting stripper boys. However, with the current fashion to capture everything on film and immediately post it on social networks, it is better for the bride not to risk her reputation and future family happiness.

The last party before marriage... Every bride should have it! Our advice will help organize a fun party that girlfriends will remember for a long time even after the wedding.

Who to invite?

If you can’t decide on the composition of your bachelorette party, because these are people from different companies, unfamiliar with each other, or just people completely different in character and interests, then break the bachelorette party into two parts. During the day, you can gather all the “Turgenev ladies” and arrange quiet gatherings in a cafe or a day of spa treatments, and in the evening call the most outrageous girlfriends to the club.

Book a date

Notify all the participants of your bachelorette party about a grand party in advance so that they mark this date in their calendar and do not plan anything for this day. A bachelorette party should be held no later than a week before the wedding, and in no case should festivities be held right on the eve of the celebration.

At whose expense is this banquet?

A sacramental question, but it is better to discuss it in advance. There are many options: the bride herself can fully pay for her bachelorette party, you can pay only a certain part, and the rest is divided equally between the bridesmaids by agreement. If you go to a club, the bride can rent a table and order snacks and drinks, and the girlfriends will pay for the entrance themselves, or vice versa.

It also happens that friends arrange a surprise for the bride and fully prepare her bachelorette party, but you still shouldn’t count on this and do nothing yourself. And there are also generous grooms who, as a gift, offer to pay for their beloved's farewell "unmarried" party.

Right place

Locations for a bachelorette party can be very different - from home gatherings to traveling abroad with a girl's company. It all depends on the budget of the party. If you can’t celebrate a bachelorette party on a grand scale, don’t be discouraged, because you can sit very sincerely in an inexpensive place or have a themed party at home, choosing decor and costumes on your own.

Do not compare yourself with others: a bachelorette party is your personal event and the main thing on it is a friendly, cheerful atmosphere, good company. The budget of a bachelorette party is not directly related to its quality. By the way, even a trip abroad can be spoiled by such a ridiculous fact as an expired passport or its absence. Therefore, such details should be clarified in advance.

Without separation from the team

A bachelorette party is a collective event, so it is desirable that all its participants like the idea. But don't ask everyone what they would like. It is more correct to offer your idea and ask to supplement it or give a couple of options to choose from. If you didn’t manage to please everyone, don’t be discouraged - after all, this is your bachelorette party and, most importantly, what you yourself want.

clear plan

A bachelorette party should not be left to chance. Develop a time schedule, especially if you plan to celebrate the whole day. Set aside time for daytime activities and evening breaks. You might want to visit a few places - that's fine, just don't be too focused on sticking to a strict schedule. Let everything go on as usual: if you especially liked somewhere, then you can stay there longer. And if you chatted and didn’t notice how time flew by, all the more so don’t worry - it means that the bachelorette party was a success!

Force Majeure

If you want to gather a large company where not everyone is familiar, but someone will come from another city, you must certainly exchange numbers in advance and provide all the girlfriends with a bachelorette party route. And also it will not be superfluous to agree on a meeting place in case someone “fights off the pack”, drinking too much or getting lost.


You should not turn a bachelorette party into a race through all the fashionable institutions of the city. This is a vacation, so remember to rest: do not plan long hikes on foot, take care of drinks and snacks during the day. You don’t want your girlfriends to be so tired by the evening that they couldn’t light and dance until the morning, but dreamed that the bachelorette party would end as soon as possible.


Your main and indispensable attribute at a bachelorette party is a good mood. If not all of your girlfriends know each other, try to introduce them in advance so that there is no awkwardness between them. And if there are those who do not get along very well, then talk to them in advance and ask for your sake to forget about their differences for one day and have fun together for glory.

Have a fun and unforgettable bachelorette party!

We have prepared detailed instructions on how to organize the best bachelorette party. How to choose the right day, where to start preparing for the holiday, how to make a list of guests and send out invitations, how much a cool party will cost and what you can save on. We will answer these and many other questions in detail in this article.

Traditionally, the bachelorette party is organized by the bridesmaids or the bridesmaid. Usually, friends gladly respond to the offer to arrange gatherings and prepare a real surprise for the bride.

If a budget for a bachelorette party is not limited, it makes sense to contact a holiday event agency and get a professional organization of a turnkey bachelorette party. This will help you save time and effort. Specialists will arrange everything, agree with everyone, write a script, select hosts, photographers.

The cost of organizing a bachelorette party turnkey may vary depending on the venue and the number of services. On average, the price range is from 15,000-20,000 and above. But there is no need to be upset if you are limited in funds. A stylish, memorable bachelorette party can be held inexpensively and tastefully. Next, we'll show you how.

Who should pay for a bachelorette party

The second point that you should pay attention to is at whose expense the event will be held. Usually girlfriends discounted as a gift to the bride. All expenses for the party: rent of a restaurant or SPA center, photo session, car rental, usually paid by the bride.

How many days before the wedding to have a bachelorette party

Previously, a bachelorette party was held immediately before the wedding day. Today it is more convenient to do this, firstly, on weekends, when most of the guests are not working. Secondly, it is better to spend a bachelorette party in advance, since a sleepless night, fatigue, alcohol can significantly spoil the appearance of girls. Consequently, the best option is the next weekend before the wedding.

Getting ready for the bachelorette party

It is very important to start preparing for the bachelorette party at least a couple of weeks in advance. You need to carefully plan the meeting place, the format of the event, book a table in a cafe, write a script, negotiate with a photographer, a driver.

When the date of the bachelorette party is set and the place is chosen, we begin make a guest list and send out invitations. You need to invite really close friends to a bachelorette party, with whom it will be pleasant to spend time. You can make your own invitations for guests.

The invitation can be in the format of a short video or a presentation with photos that will notify friends about the event.

You can make classic printed invitations. The invitation should correspond to the general theme of the celebration and reflect its idea.

For example, bright, multi-colored invitations are suitable for a Hawaiian party. To go to a nightclub, make invitations in the form of entrance tickets.

In the invitation, include the date, time, meeting place and style of the event and the festive dress code.

Learn more about what must be specified in the text of the invitation.

The best ideas for a bachelorette party

Today, the possibilities for a bachelorette party are endless. It all depends on your imagination and budget. We offer you the top 10 ideas selected by us:

  • Outdoor picnic in Boho style, Rustic. This is a summer event. An evening of bohemian outdoor recreation with friends. Dress code - light lace dresses, loose-fitting light-colored sundresses. The abundance of jewelry, wreaths of flowers in the hair, ribbons. You can organize a small table with snacks and cocktails. A wonderful holiday will be complemented by interesting competitions and a photo session.
  • Sauna or SPA-salon. Ideal for girls who love to take care of themselves. Here you can combine business with pleasure - relax with close friends before a serious event, as well as tidy up your appearance and relax. Book a massage or beauty treatment. A small amount of light cocktails will set you up for an atmosphere of friendly conversation. Rest in the sauna with a swimming pool and relaxation procedures will refresh and give positive emotions.
  • Snowboarding and skydiving- classes are not only for brutal men. For lovers of adrenaline, we offer to arrange a bachelorette party in the most unusual place. Book a parachute jump or learn to fly in a wind tunnel. Play paintball, go to the skating rink. There are many options for holding, the main thing is that friends share these hobbies.
  • Home bachelorette party. This option is perfect for those who do not want to turn the celebration into an evening of wild follies. Arrange a culinary battle or invite a specialist to conduct a master class for the bride and guests. One of the varieties of the "home" bachelorette party is the popular "Pajama Party". In a cozy atmosphere, in the circle of only your closest ones, look at old photographs or some kind of film. Arrange a competition for the best story about meeting the bride, play board games.
  • Bachelorette party in a creative workshop or dance studio. This is an option for the most active and inquisitive. Have fun and have fun - take dance lessons. Then you can surprise the guests at the wedding. Or visit a seminar, a master class on some interesting topic.
  • Amusement park. A bright and creative way to spend a bachelorette party. Dress code: colorful dresses, suits. Ride the rides and have fun. If desired, the amusement park can be replaced, for example, with a water park.
  • Quest around the city. This is the most mysterious and intriguing option to celebrate a bachelorette party. Following the prescribed instructions, move from one point to another. It can be a walk through the places of memories, or the pursuit of an interesting prize. You can continue the celebration in a cafe or restaurant.
  • Rent a limousine or a small bus for the whole evening. Ride around the city, take a bunch of funny photos. Along the way, you can stop by various bars and clubs. If your city has navigable rivers, you can arrange a bachelorette party on a yacht.
  • Bachelorette party in the style of "Queen of the dance floor". Book a table at a nightclub and have a night of dancing. Light up the dance floor! Well, what is a bachelorette party without a hot male striptease? As an alternative, it could be going to a bowling alley or a karaoke bar.

When developing an event plan, you need to take into account, first of all, the interests of the bride.

Organization of a theme party- more painstaking task. Choose a theme, for example, "Hawaiian Party", "Hipsters", "80s Style Party", "Retro Party", "Mafia". Let your guests know ahead of time so they can pick out outfits and accessories. An integral part will be a fantastic photo shoot in costumes and a visit to the Jazz Club.

Dress code

The main highlight - same part each girl has a toilet: a hat, ribbon, bow, hairpin or veil. The bride and her bridesmaids wear the same things: t-shirts, shorts or dresses of the same color.

Often, a light mesh fabric is used as an addition, gathering at the back of the head with a hairpin and depicting a bride's veil. Girlfriends "veil" can be of different colors. How to quickly make from improvised materials - detailed, step by step instructions.

Organza skirts, reminiscent of ballet tutus, are also popular.

If possible, order the same t-shirts in different colors with cool slogans on the back: "Waiting for proposals", "I'm next", "My mother needs a son-in-law."

You can get by with minimal costs if you sew skirts with your own hands or use a denim style. Jeans are in the wardrobe of every girl, and they are very well combined with white T-shirts or T-shirts.

Be sure to read the article in which we have collected.

You can spend an unforgettable bachelorette party at home. You can read about how to do this on the website.


Pay special attention to choosing a photographer. In a couple of years, you will want to recreate good memories, and good quality photographs are best suited for this.

Choosing a photographer carefully view his portfolio. Some photographers specialize in portrait photography, while others specialize in street or studio photography. Choose a professional who is close to you in spirit. He will be able to capture not only the events of the day, but also to capture your mood, emotions. Arrange in advance with him for the date you need.


The next thing to take care of is transport. If you decide to order a limousine or a yacht, you need to book a date in advance and make an advance payment.

Main items of expenditure

In each case, the budget of the bachelorette party is calculated individually. The most budget option is to have a house party, or a trip to a nightclub with free entry.

Consider the main expenditure for a bachelorette party. Prices may vary depending on the city.

  • Limousine rental– from 1500-2500 rub/hour
  • Rent a yacht, boat– from 7000-10 000 rub/hour
  • Photographer- from 1000-2000 rubles / hour, depending on the degree of professionalism
  • Cake order– from 1000 rub/kg
  • Program in the SPA-salon- from 2000-4000 rubles / person.
  • Stripper Order- from 2500-3500 rubles / hour or program
  • Master Class- from 1500-2000 rubles. no material
  • dance lesson- from 300-500 rubles / person.

For budget savings You can make some things yourself, such as photo props, costumes, accessories. Note: the so-called fixed price stores, where all goods are about the same price, are a storehouse of inexpensive props for theme parties. You can find many interesting things in them.

The easiest option is to gather at someone's house, have a couple of cocktails, watch a good movie and just chat with the girls to your heart's content. Maybe among your friends there is someone who wants to conduct some kind of culinary master class. Making your own treats will significantly reduce costs.

The perfect bachelorette party is a carefully planned event in advance. The most important component of his success is the pleasant sincere company of his closest friends. The rest is your imagination and a little creativity. Don't be afraid to experiment! This day must be one of the best days of your life!

The tradition of organizing a bachelorette party before the wedding has come to us for a long time. Ever since the time of Kievan Rus, it was customary to spend the last evening of the bride (or one of the last) in the circle of her closest friends, sisters or other representatives of the fair sex. True, the scenario of the holiday has changed significantly. Between us girls: we offer you a rating of the most interesting ideas for organizing a bachelorette party.

According to tradition, the bridesmaids decide how to spend the bachelorette party. The entire organization is also placed on their shoulders, and sometimes even material costs. If you are a friend, then we recommend making a surprise for the bride. However, it is better to warn the girl in advance that she should carve out a free evening in her schedule.

Remember: this is a holiday for the future bride and you need to take into account her tastes. For example, if a girl is shy, you should not drag her to a male striptease. And vice versa: a lover of noisy parties will be bored drinking tea at home under a Disney cartoon.

In some cases, the bride herself does the work. If you are one of these girls, then you have more options in planning. No surprises: you can choose the perfect place, the right time, and generally arrange everything to your liking.

There is a third option: arrange a bachelorette party with the help of the organizers. They will help you find the best option: both according to the scenario of the evening and at the prices of contractors.

If you still decide to act on your own, then first of all you need to decide on the idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba bachelorette party. We suggest doing this - read on for the most fun options for holding.

Ideas for a bachelorette party before the wedding

How to celebrate a bachelorette party? A question that is equally difficult to answer for both friends and the bride herself. We offer you a selection of our favorite options - you may be able to find something useful for yourself.

Many underestimate the option of a home celebration, considering it too boring. But, if you think about what to do at the bachelorette party, then everything will be very fun.

The first thing that comes to mind in this context is a pajama party. If space permits, it was good to leave the girlfriends at home with an overnight stay. The standard dress code is robes, pajamas, funny hair pyramids and no makeup. You can treat guests with homemade cocktails and pizza ordered at home. As entertainment, you can put your favorite cartoon, a romantic comedy, or review old photos with your future husband.

The advantage of such a bachelorette party is that you are not limited by any framework - do what you want and how you want. You can play games, share secrets, fight with pillows, take pictures and make faces, jump on the bed ... In a word, play like children.

A party

Already a classic, a variant of a bachelorette party in a nightclub. You can go to a club, a karaoke bar or even a male striptease! The taste and color, as you know ... You will walk all night long - such entertainment is sure to be remembered by every invited guest.

You can set a specific dress code: for example, all girls must come in short dresses or make up their lips with red lipstick.

This version of the celebration is what is called “to break away in full”. Even if you are not prone to such noisy entertainment, perhaps at least once in your life it is worth a try?

Bachelorette party in a certain style

Now it has become fashionable to use a certain style or theme as part of the celebration of a bachelorette party. The first option - you can use the plot of any work or movie. For example, to organize a bachelorette party in the style of "Alice in Wonderland" you do not need to rent a table in an expensive restaurant - you can arrange a tea party in nature.

A broader example is to organize everything in a cheeky pin-up style. Having made a choice, you will make it easier for yourself to choose a dress code, a place and treats. Please note that even the most extensive topic obliges you to follow it in the smallest detail. Therefore, think over everything to the smallest detail.


Among all the ideas for a bachelorette party, the quest claims to be the most original. This is a series of fun tasks that a bride has to go through in order to become a good wife. For example, from the proposed ingredients, choose the ones necessary for making borscht. Or from a dozen black socks to collect 5 pairs.

Friends are planning competitions for a bachelorette party. If the bride goes through everything successfully, then at the end a surprise will await her - for example, coffee and sweets.

Bachelorette party at the SPA

A great way to combine business with pleasure! If you choose this option for a bachelorette party, then you can schedule it just a few days before the wedding. Relax, enjoy relaxing treatments, and at the same time arrange a holiday for your skin and hair. As a result, you will be able to spend the whole day with your friends, and on your wedding day, you will look just fine!

A word of advice: don't experiment with beauty treatments. If you haven’t bleached your hair before or haven’t gone to the solarium, don’t try it right now. The result may not be exactly what you expected. And it will spoil the mood of any bride.

Another option for having fun and having fun. Why not take your friends to a cooking or pole dance class? The lesson will become for you a little preparation for family life, you will learn something new and will be able to surprise your new husband. Plus, no one canceled the fun - everything will be unforgettable in the circle of best friends!


The longest version of a bachelorette party - to organize it, the bride and friends need at least 2 free days. A trip in a purely female company can be scheduled for the weekend. It is not necessary to go far - you can go to a neighboring city or just go out into the countryside with tents.

This option is considered the most difficult in terms of organization: everything needs to be foreseen in advance, book tickets and accommodation, take time off from work, etc. However, such a girls' weekend will be a real reward for all efforts - you will stay with your friends, have fun, and a little separation from the groom before the wedding will only inflame your feelings more.

How to arrange a bachelorette party: preparation

Preparation for the bachelorette party takes place in stages. First you need to think through all the details and only then proceed to the organization. So, let's begin?

Set the date. We recommend avoiding surprises at this point. It is better to check with the bride/guests in advance whether this date is free. It is better to arrange a bachelorette party 1-2 weeks before the wedding, because the future wife has yet to have a good rest before the most important day in her life. We also do not recommend scheduling a bachelorette party on a weekday - after having fun at night, it will be very difficult for girls to return to normal working hours in the morning. The best option is Friday night.

Make a guest list. When compiling a list of invitees to a bachelorette party, remember: this is not a wedding yet. You do not need to call all the girls you know, including former classmates, classmates and colleagues. The holiday implies a narrower circle - only best friends or closest relatives. Unless you're planning something provocative, like going to a strip club, it's a good idea to include your mother and future mother-in-law on the guest list. I'm sure they will be pleased.

Buy a veil. Or several at once - if there are few girlfriends. To distinguish the bride among her friends, you can buy her a white veil, and the rest of the girls - a different shade. The veil should be of short length - maximum to the shoulder blades. The effect is guaranteed: you will attract a lot of attention from others, and the photos will turn out great!

Choose a venue. Please note that the place must match the theme of the bachelorette party and accommodate a sufficient number of people. It can be a picnic in nature, a table in a cafe or a small hall in a cinema. Alternatively, you can even spend the holiday at home by having a pajama party.

Write a bachelorette party script. Transfer to the place of celebration, treats, style and competitions for a bachelorette party - all this should be thought out in advance. It is better to prescribe an hourly timing, which will contain all the necessary addresses, phone numbers and names. So you make it easier for yourself the process of controlling the holiday.

Order invitations and cake. Not mandatory, but a very pleasant item in organizing a bachelorette party. In invitations, you can specify the desired dress code if the holiday takes place in a certain theme.

Rent transport. The classic option for a bachelorette party is a white limousine. But, if you want to save money, you can rent any modern foreign car. An even simpler option is to order a taxi for the bride to the place of celebration.