Lesson cognitive development 2 younger. Synopsis of a cognitive lesson in the second junior group. Topic: “Journey to the Winter Forest. Material and equipment

Rosa Shulgina
Abstract of the lesson in the second junior group on cognitive development.

Abstract of the lesson in the second junior group on cognitive development

Target: to activate the mental activity of children through game tasks.


Create conditions for consolidating knowledge about wild animals and their cubs.

Create conditions for the formation of the ability to classify objects according to groups find a common feature between them.

Promote attention development in children, thinking, sensitivity, responsiveness.

Subject environment: Kolobok picture, letter, pictures of various representatives of the animal world, wild animals and their cubs (wolf, fox, bear, hare, squirrel, road scheme, sets of geometric shapes, two hoops of different colors, Gyenesh blocks, "Magic Tracks", a set of numbers 1-5, circles with geometric shapes, symbols of signs, a magnetic board.

Course progress.

Guys, look, we are in group received a letter. Who wrote it? Kolobok. Let's read. / The teacher opens the envelope /. Dear guys, hello! The bun writes to you. Have you packed your toys yet? If yes, then I invite you to visit. In order not to get lost in the forest, I am sending you a map that will help you get to my house. I look forward to visiting you! Kolobok.

So guys, let's hit the road, shall we? AT group we have order? Our nanny won't have to clean up after us while we're visiting? /Children's answers/. Then go. Let's see the map. The road runs through the forest. And who lives in the forest? / Children's answers /. That's right, animals. I suggest you play the game "One, two, three run to me."/ The teacher distributes cards with the image of different animals, birds, insects. On command "1,2,3 run to me" children come to the educator with cards on which certain animals named by the educator are depicted /.

And now I will make riddles about those animals that live in our forest. Whoever has it in the picture comes out to me.

1. He slept in a fur coat all winter,

He sucked his brown paw,

And waking up, he began to roar,

This beast of the forest is…. (bear).

2. A fluffy tail sticks out from the top.

What is this strange animal?

Cracks nuts finely.

Well, of course, this is…. (squirrel).

3. Cunning cheat,

red head,

Fluffy tail is beautiful.

Who is it? (Fox).

4. Who is cold in winter

Wandering angry, hungry? (wolf).

5. He is afraid of everyone forest:

Wolf, owl, fox.

Runs from them to escape

With long ears... (hare)

Guys, look at the pictures. What are these animals called? / Children's answers /. Why do we call them wild? / Children's answers /. How many animals are in front of you? / Children's answers /. These animals have babies, let's find one for each of them. / The teacher invites one child at a time to the table, on which pictures with cubs are laid out; children take one picture, name the cub and stand next to the desired adult animal /. Well done guys, they did a great job.

Let's go further on the road. Look at the map. We passed the forest, ahead of the swamp. How can we get over the swamp, because you can get stuck there? /Children offer options/. You offered different options, or you can lay out a track from "stones". Shall we try? I have these "pebbles", let's try. /Children are divided into minigroups, approach the tables on which there are pictures depicting a swamp, plates with circles and squares /. What shape are your pebbles? / Children's answers /. Well done, lay out the track, put the figures in turn, do not quarrel.

And now I suggest you take a break and play a game "Find a house"./ The teacher distributes round and square Gyenesh blocks to children. Two hoops on the floor, inside puts cards with names signs "Color" and "The form"/. In the red hoop you need to live all the red figures, and in the blue all the square ones. /Children perform the task/.

We almost got to the kolobok's house, it remains to pass the field. Look how many beautiful flowers are here. We need to lay a path so as not to trample the flowers. Let's choose from the stripes. / There are strips of paper of different lengths and widths on the table, the children try on the map and choose the right one, while the teacher asks about the size of the selected strip /.

So we got to the kolobok. Here it is, a ruddy, beautiful bun. And what is he like? / Children's answers /. And let's give the kolobok a story in pictures about him. Want to? Let's take our "Magic Path" and tell a bun about it. / Children, together with the teacher, fill out the morphological path along featured: shape, color, material, parts, size. /

Guys, it's time for us to go home to kindergarten. We will return by bus. Miron will be the driver today, he will drive. I give you tickets with geometric shapes, according to which you need to find your place: The location is indicated by a number. /Children correlate the number of figures with the number, sit down/. Go. / The teacher turns on the song "Fun Journey"./

Here we are in the children's court. Did you enjoy our trip? Was it difficult for you? Were the games interesting? I want to praise you that you were friendly during the trip, helped each other, I want to thank you for being kind, making a good gift for the kolobok,

Thanks for your replies and knowledge. Well done.

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Target: introduce children to the basic properties of water.

Program tasks:

· Educational:

To acquaint children with the properties of water (liquid, transparent, has no taste and smell);

Clarify its meaning for all living things;

· Developing:

Develop cognitive activity in the process of experimentation;

Learn to work with utensils (cups, straws, chopsticks);

Learn to work with solutions;

Develop mental operations;

Activate and enrich children's vocabulary;

Encourage independent formulation of conclusions;

· Educational:

Cultivate respect for water;

Develop the ability to work in a team.

Educational area: Cognitive Development

: speech development, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development

Equipment: transparent cups, cocktail tubes, aquarium stones, cards for the didactic game "Who needs water?", berry syrup, presentation "What do we know about water?"

Methods and techniques: game, visual (did. game "Who needs water?"), practical (experiments), verbal.

Lesson progress:

Let's join hands and smile at each other to create a good mood. To learn a lot in our lesson, you need to be attentive, not shout, listen to each other.

Listen to the riddle:

She is in the lake, she is in the puddle,

She is boiling in our kettle,

She runs in the river, rustling.

And who needs water? Now we will play the game "Who needs water?". Come to the table and look at the drawings.

Let's pick up the pictures "Who needs water?" and why do you think so?

Children come to the table and take turns choosing pictures: birds, animals, trees, fish, insects, people.

Conclusion: without water, all life on earth will perish.

Guys, I suggest you visit our mini-lab and learn more about water. What do they do in the lab? That's right, experiment.

I will ask you to come to my table. I have two glasses on the table: one with water, the other glass empty.

Experience 1 Offer to carefully pour water from one glass into another. Is water pouring? Why? Because it's liquid. If it were not liquid, it would not be able to flow in rivers and streams, would not flow from a tap.

Conclusion: Since water is liquid and can flow, it is called a liquid.

Experience 2: offer to try water through a straw. Does she have taste?

Conclusion: water has no taste.

Experience 3. Children sniff water. Does the water have an odor?

Conclusion: water has no smell.

Experience 4: -Guys, I suggest you play hide and seek. I have a stone in my hands. Now you close your eyes, and I will hide it. (I throw it into a glass of water). Open your eyes. Where is the stone? Why is it visible? That's right, because the water is clear.

Conclusion: water is clear.

Experience 5. Let's pour water from one container into another, different in shape. Water takes the form of the vessel in which it is located.

Conclusion: water has no shape.

Let's now recall all the properties of water:

liquid water;

Has no taste

· Has no smell;

· The water is clear;

Has no shape.

We lay out the scheme "Properties of water"

Listen to the poem and look at the screen.

Have you heard of water?

They say she's everywhere.

You will find it in the pond

And in a damp forest swamp.

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean,

And at the faucet.

Like an icicle freezes

Creeps into the forest with mist.

It's boiling on our stove.

The steam of the kettle hisses.

We can't wash without her

Don't eat, don't drink.

I dare to tell you:

We can't live without her!

Guys, do you want to make friends with water? What can be done for this?

We can't hug her, offer her candy. On the other hand, we can conserve water, do not pollute it, do not pollute rivers and lakes, close the tap tightly so that water does not flow in vain.

As a sign that you have become friends of water, I want to give you these medals. (in the form of drops).



Abstract of a lesson on cognitive development in the second junior group "For what, and who needs water."

Target : introduce children to the basic properties of water.

Program tasks:

  • Educational:

To acquaint children with the properties of water (liquid, transparent, has no taste and smell);

Clarify its meaning for all living things;

  • Developing:

Develop cognitive activity in the process of experimentation;

Learn to work with utensils (cups, straws, chopsticks);

Learn to work with solutions;

Develop mental operations;

Activate and enrich children's vocabulary;

Encourage independent formulation of conclusions;

  • Educational:

Cultivate respect for water;

Develop the ability to work in a team.

Educational area: Cognitive Development

Integration of educational areas: speech development, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development

Equipment : transparent cups, cocktail tubes, aquarium stones, cards for the didactic game "Who needs water?", berry syrup, presentation "What do we know about water?"

Methods and techniques : game, visual (did. game "Who needs water?"), practical (experiments), verbal.

Lesson progress:

Let's join hands and smile at each other to create a good mood. To learn a lot in our lesson, you need to be attentive, not shout, listen to each other.

Listen to the riddle:

She is in the lake, she is in the puddle,

She is boiling in our kettle,

She runs in the river, rustling.

What's this?


And who needs water? Now we will play the game "Who needs water?". Come to the table and look at the drawings.

Let's pick up the pictures "Who needs water?" and why do you think so?

Children come to the table and take turns choosing pictures: birds, animals, trees, fish, insects, people.

Conclusion: without water, all life on earth will perish.

Guys, I suggest you visit our mini-lab and learn more about water. What do they do in the lab? That's right, experiment.

I will ask you to come to my table. I have two glasses on the table: one with water, the other glass empty.

Experience 1 Offer to carefully pour water from one glass into another. Is water pouring? Why? Because it's liquid. If it were not liquid, it would not be able to flow in rivers and streams, would not flow from a tap.

Conclusion: Since water is liquid and can flow, it is called a liquid.

Experience 2: offer to try water through a straw. Does she have taste?

Conclusion: water has no taste.

Experience 3. Children sniff water. Does the water have an odor?

Conclusion: water has no smell.

Experience 4: -Guys, I suggest you play hide and seek. I have a stone in my hands. Now you close your eyes, and I will hide it. (I throw it into a glass of water). Open your eyes. Where is the stone? Why is it visible? That's right, because the water is clear.

Conclusion: water is clear.

Experience 5. Let's pour water from one container into another, different in shape. Water takes the form of the vessel in which it is located.

Conclusion: water has no shape.

Let's now recall all the properties of water:

  • Water is liquid;
  • Has no taste;
  • Has no smell;
  • The water is clear;
  • Has no form.

We lay out the scheme "Properties of water"

Listen to the poem and look at the screen.

Have you heard of water?

They say she's everywhere.

You will find it in the pond

And in a damp forest swamp.

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean,

And at the faucet.

Like an icicle freezes

Creeps into the forest with mist.

It's boiling on our stove.

The steam of the kettle hisses.

We can't wash without her

Don't eat, don't drink.

I dare to tell you:

We can't live without her!

Guys, do you want to make friends with water? What can be done for this?

We can't hug her, offer her candy. On the other hand, we can conserve water, do not pollute it, do not pollute rivers and lakes, close the tap tightly so that water does not flow in vain.

As a sign that you have become friends of water, I want to give you these medals. (in the form of drops).

Synopsis of a cognitive lesson in the second junior group:

"My family".

Program content:

To form an idea about the concept of "Family";

Teach children to name their family members; - cultivate love and respect for their relatives, a sense of affection for their family members.

org. moment:

hello hands, clap-clap-clap hello legs, top-top-top hello cheeks, plop-plop-plop hello lips, smack-smack-smack hello teeth, click-click-click hello my nose, beep-beep-beep Hello children!!!

Lesson progress:

Guys, listen to the riddles and guess what they are about?

Scallop on the head Two legs and two spurs He wakes us up at the same hour Early in the morning. (rooster)

Our good friend

Give us feathers for a pillow.

Will give eggs for pancakes,

Easter cakes and pies, (chicken)

Yellow crumb, Looking for bread crumbs.

If he meets a worm - Peck his sides! (chick)

Children, who is this? (chicken)

Children, who is this? (chickens)

Guys, who is the chicken for the chickens? (mother)

And for chickens cockerel? (dad)

And who are the chickens for the father-cockerel and mother-hen? (children)

How does a mother hen talk to her chicks? (ko-ko-ko)

And how does the father cockerel talk to his chickens? (coo-ca-re-coo)

How do chickens respond? (wee-wee-wee)

Guys, how do you think they have a friendly family? (Yes)

How did you guess? (they are all together, mom takes care of the chickens, dad protects them, etc.)

What do you think a family is? (children's answers)

Guys, I know that all our children also have a family, there is a father and mother. Let's listen to the poems and guess which of your family members they are about.

Many mothers live in the world,

Children love them with all their hearts.

There is only one mother

She is dearer to me than anyone.

Who is she? I will answer:

"This is my mommy!"

Who are these poems about? (about mom)

Of course, you guessed it was about mom.

Guys, look what a magic chest we have here. Let's pick the most tender, most affectionate words for our mother, and put them in this chest.

When mom hugs you, kisses you. What is she? (affectionate)

When mom dresses fashionably. What is she? (beautiful)

When mom smiles, laughs. What is she? (cheerful)

And if you love your mother, then what is she like? (darling)

Well done! That's how many wonderful words we have collected in a chest. In the meantime, we will close it so that our words are not confused and forgotten.

Can you tell me what mom does to keep the house clean and comfortable? (cleans, erases, etc.)

Are you helping your mom? But as? (yes), (children's answers)

And who else helps mom in the family? (dad)

How does dad help, what does he do? (vacuuming, washing dishes, etc.)

Guys, what wonderful dads you have! And what things in the house can only dad do? But mothers do not know how (to saw, plan, repair a TV, etc.)

Let's play the game "What dad can do" with you.

Game - imitation: What dad can do


Vacuuming - woo

Hammering nails - knock-knock,

Plane - chik-chik.

Guys, does your dad love you? How did you guess? (children's answers)

What affectionate words do dads and moms call you? (children's answers)

Let's open our magic box and put there affectionate words for dad, (children pick up words)

Well done boys! You picked up a lot of words for dad. Now let's close our chest (it will still be useful to us). And now we are going to play.

Fizminutka: We were engaged, tired,

We all quietly stood up.

Hands clapped - one, two, three!

They stomped their feet - one, two, three!

Let's wave, wave, wave,

Let's dance, dance, dance!

Guys, let's remember who we talked about today? (about mom and dad)

Guys, who has a grandmother? (children's answers)

Do you love grandma? (Yes)

For what? (she is kind, walks with her grandchildren, buys sweets, etc.)

And let's put affectionate words for grandmother in a chest? (children choose words)

And now we will play with you!

Game "Okay"

patties - patties

Where were you? Grandma's (clap hands)

And grandmother's hands

In wrinkles are collected (show hands with palms up)

And grandmother's hands

Kind - kind (stroke palm on palm)

All worked palms

For many years (tap fist on palm)

Good palms smell

Schami, pies (bring palms to face, sniff)

Your curls will be stroked

Kind palms (stroking themselves on the head)

And with any sadness they will cope

Warm palms (hugging their shoulders)

Okay, okay!

Where were you? By Grandma! (clap hands)

Guys, who else lives in your family? (grandfather)

Do you love your grandfather? (Yes)

What does the grandfather do with the children? (walks, plays, reads books) -Let's collect affectionate words for grandfather in our magic chest? (children's answers)

Our chest is filled with words. Let's remember for whom we collected affectionate words? (for mom, dad, grandma, grandpa)

And all together - who is this? (a family)

It's good that you all have a family!

Guys, are you loved in the family? (Yes)

How do you know that you are loved? (kiss, pity, say kind words, etc.)

Why are you loved in the family? (I obey mom, dad, clean toys, etc.) - Well done, it means that you also take care of your family: obey, help, put away your toys, do not want to upset your family. How nice it is when every person has a friendly family! And if in a family everyone cares about each other and loves each other, then peace, friendship and love always live in such a family.

And at our fingers, look, a friendly family. Let's play with our fingers:

Finger game: This finger is a grandfather,

This finger is a grandmother,

This finger daddy

This finger mommy

This finger is me

That's the whole family!

And now let's open our magic chest. But first, we’ll agree to remember affectionate words more often and call them our mothers, fathers, grandparents, (I open the chest and show hearts made of colored paper)

Guys, look, every kind word has turned into a heart. Now I will give you all hearts, and in the evening you will give it along with a kind word to any member of your family!

A comprehensive lesson on cognitive development in the 2nd junior group "Journey to the village"

Target: Formation in children of primary preschool age of a value attitude to the animal world.
Continue to acquaint children with domestic animals known to them - a cow, a horse, a pig, a sheep.

To form ideas about what animals are fed, how they are cared for, what they receive from them; clarify ideas about adult animals and cubs, who how screams.
Learn to distinguish a rooster from chickens by characteristic features (a rooster has a large red comb, a beard, a multi-colored tail; a rooster cries).
Enrich and activate vocabulary. Build goodwill in communication.
Develop attention, imagination, the ability to enter a game situation, distinguish colors.

Screen, tape recorder, sound recording "In the village", flannelograph; soft toys: calf, cow, horse, sheep, pig, rooster, piglets; pictures with lambs, green circles; e / game "Give a cockerel a feather."
For the application - the background picture of the village, pets cut out of colored paper, sticky pencils.

Lesson progress

Knock on the door. A calf comes to visit the children.
Calf. Hello guys. You recognized me? I am a calf. I got in trouble. I walked and walked and lost my mother. I can't find her at all. Please help me find her. Can we help Calf find her mother?
Children. Yes.
Educator. Do you remember what your mother looks like? How does she scream?
Calf. No, I do not know.
Educator. Guys, the calf lives in the village. To find his mother, we have to go there. Do you agree?
Children. Yes.
Educator. Then we'll hit the road. Dress up (imitation of movements).
We go along the path (tread the path).
Over large snowdrifts (raising your knees high).
We are approaching the village. (The sound recording of "In the Village" is turned on.)
Can you hear the pets screaming?
Whom did you hear? (Children list).
Towards the guys is the Cockerel. (Poem. “Cockerel, cockerel, golden comb ...”)
Calf. It must be my mom!
Educator. Guys, do you agree with Calf?
Children. No.
Educator. And who is the child of the Pope Cockerel?
Children. Chick.
Educator. Who is the mother of the chicken? How does a rooster crow?
What does a hen call her chicks?
Calf. Then you need to go looking further.
Cockerel. No, play with me first.
My friend the cockerel has lost his feathers, help him.

D/game:"Give the cockerel a feather."
The cockerel says what color to give him a feather.

Cockerel. Thanks guys for the help.
Educator. We set off on a journey further, to look for the mother of the Calf.
We go through a narrow bridge. We go up the hill.
See who's running towards us? (Lamb).
Calf. This is my mom!
Children. No. This is the mother of the lamb.
Educator. How does she scream, call him? And what is she, how can you say about her? (Selection of adjectives).
Calf. Sheep, have you seen my mother?
Lamb. Feed my lambs, then I'll tell you where she went.
Educator. And what do they eat? (In summer - grass, in winter - hay).
There are pictures of lambs on the tables. It is necessary to give everyone "hay" (green square).
So that everyone has enough (it was equally).
Lamb. Fed, well done, everyone had enough.
Calf's mother went over that hillock.
Calf. See. There my mother is running!
Children. This is a horse. She has a baby foal.
Calf. Cries. Well, where is my mom? I want to visit my mother.
Educator. Don't cry baby, we'll find your mom.
Let's ride Calf on a horse, have fun with him.
Educator. Look, whose mother is this?
Children. Piglet. And her name is a pig.
Pig. Oh, guys, all my piglets ran away. Please help me find them, collect them all.
Looking for in a group. (Attention exercise).
Educator. Everyone was collected. Well done.
Calf. Tell me, Aunt Pig, have you seen my mother?
Pig. I saw. She went to the farm.
Calf. Hooray! I found my mom! Here she is, my mother.
Educator. Guys, tell me, what kind of cow?
Educator. And what does the cow give us?
Educator. What is made from milk? What are useful products?
- sour cream
-cottage cheese
Educator. That's what a wonderful mother cow the Calf has.
Now it's time for us to go back to kindergarten.
Cow. Thanks guys for helping my calf. For this, I will treat you to milk. (Serves.)
We go through snowdrifts, along a narrow path. Here is our kindergarten.

In the next lesson:
Educator. Children, whom did we meet in the village? (list).
Let's, in memory of our trip, make a picture and stick all our friends on it.
I suggest you choose the animals you like and stick them on this picture. Do you agree? Choose and get to work.

Collective application "In the village".

We have a wonderful picture. We will hang it in our group.

Synopsis of a cognitive lesson (social world) in the 2nd junior group.

Topic: Toys of our group

Tasks: 1) introduce the names of toys in the group room, encourage children to carry out an elementary classification of toys according to purpose, color, shape.

2) Develop curiosity.

3) Cultivate a careful attitude to toys, accuracy.

Equipment: Dunno doll, group room toys: dolls, cars, cubes, balls, dishes.

Lesson progress:


Educator: Reading a poem by E. Monosova "In our kindergarten."

Educator: Who is waiting for the children in kindergarten?

Children: Toys. (Knock on the door).

Educator: Oh, who came to us? Brings a Dunno toy. Who is it guys?

Children: Dunno.

Educator: What happened to you, stranger?

Dunno: (the teacher speaks on his behalf in a different voice): Guys, please tell me about your favorite toys. And I know very little about them. You help me, do the tasks.

Educator: Guys, tell Dunno about toys, will we fulfill his tasks? Then go ahead.

    Main part

Educator: (speaking on behalf of Dunno, holding a toy in her hands)

1 task: Guys, tell me about your favorite toys that live in your home.

What is Kira's favorite toy at home? Andryusha? Sasha? Masha?

Educator: You see, Dunno, what favorite toys our children have at home.

But we have different toys in the group. We will tell you about them now.

(The teacher starts the story first):

Friends, look how many toys we have, they all have their own houses:

The cars are in our garage. They are different. What guys do we have cars? / The teacher helps with leading questions / (Large and small, trucks and cars)

The cubes are in boxes. Our cubes are also different: See how they differ? (Showing 2 dice)

These cubes vary in size. How?

Children: one is big, the other is small.

Educator: But these are different colors. Tell Dunno and show what kind of flowers we have cubes.

Children: blue, red, yellow, green.

Educator: These cubes differ from each other in the material from which they are made. Feel this cube, what is it?

Children: wood.

Educator: What is this cube?

Children: plastic.

Educator: Dunno on this shelf, dolls live with us. Tell the dunno guys, how many dolls do we have?

Children: a lot of.

Educator: What is the difference between a Masha doll and a Katya doll? (shows two dolls)

Children: One is big, the other is small.

Educator: What is the difference between Olya doll and Tanya doll?

Children: Olya is dressed. Tanya is naked, naked, naked.

Educator: What toy helps us roll our dolls, show Dunno. Children This is a stroller.

Educator: Dunno, the stroller is made of iron, fabric, plastic.

Educator: on this shelf we have balls. Tell guys what they are.

Children: big and small

Educator: showing: prickly, smooth, multi-colored, soft - made of fabric, knitted, rubber.

Children: And where is our dishes. Tell about her.

Children: we have a kettle, pots, plates, saucers, tea cups, glasses, spoons, forks, knives

2 task from Dunno: "Physical education"

Here is a big pyramid (stretch up)

And a cheerful ball is sonorous (jumping in place)

Soft bear clumsy (steps in place, on the outside of the foot)

Everyone lives in a big box (show big box)

But when I go to bed (hands under the cheek, close my eyes)

Everyone starts to play (depict any movement)

3 task from Dunno:

Educator: dunno guys says that he, like you, also has his favorite toys. He wants you to solve riddles and find out what toys he likes:

1) Hiding from you and me

One doll to another.

Peas on kerchiefs.

What are the dolls? (Matryoshka)

2) Dunno has a lot of them:

Passenger, cargo and special such.

In this I open the door

Sand is loaded into this ...

Me guys to be honest

I play with them all day.

What am I playing with, tell me, friends? (Cars)

Task 4 from Dunno: “Name the toy affectionately”

A car is a machine, a ball is a ball, a hare is a bunny, a bear is a teddy bear, a bear, a squirrel is a squirrel, a cat is a cat, a stroller is a stroller.

5 task from Dunno: Guys, tell me how you should treat your toys?

Children: they must be protected, they must not be broken, thrown, they must be removed

Dunno: That's right, toys are our true friends.

How many toys in the world

And of course everyone loves them.

All children in the world.

You need to play

have fun, make friends

And cherish every toy!

Love them kids

Appreciate, keep

They love to play with you

But they don't like

When they are dirty, bitten,

Throw, tear and break.

Take care of them children!

Dunno: And now it's time to play with them, kids. And I have to go. Goodbye guys, you helped me a lot, now I know a lot about toys. I'm leaving, but I'll come to visit you again. And in parting, I leave you the prizes "Coloring toys".

    Final part

Educator: Guys, did you like helping Dunno? What good fellows you are.

After the lesson: “Story-role-playing game “Let's treat friends to tea”

The teacher distributes roles among children:

Who will lay the tablecloth on the table?

Who will put teacups on the table?

Who will lay out the spoons?

Who will put cookies and sweets on the table?

Who will put napkins on the table?

Who will invite guests to the table, what words should he say?

Game "Tell me about your favorite toy"

1) It's a car. She is red. This is a fire truck, it puts out the fire.

2) This is a doll. She's beautiful. She has a bow tied on her head. There is a beautiful dress, shoes on her feet.