Rectangular glasses for square faces. How to choose sunglasses based on your face shape

Regardless of your goals, improving your vision or hiding your eyes from the sun, glasses should undoubtedly decorate your face. And along with makeup, eyebrow shape or hairstyle, glasses radically change the appearance and even the shape of the face. And so as not to play at a disadvantage, let's look at some points.

Golden Rule. The upper border of the frame should not be higher than the eyebrow line, and the lower border should not rest against your cheeks, even when you smile.

The easiest way is to choose glasses according to your face shape, or rather go against the shape of your face.

What does it mean? If you have strong, sharp features, choose frames that are round and sleek. And vice versa, the face is rounded - the frames are square and massive. More on this below.


Almost all frame shapes suit oval faces. Here you should only pay attention to the fact that your glasses and face are in balance. Not too big or small, narrow or wide. It is better that the width of the frame coincides with the widest part of the face.

Your forms: b butterflies, aviators, kitties, rectangular, round and oval.


It is better to highlight roundness with geometric, rigid and massive frames.Try to choose frames that are wider than your face.Opt for angular and more geometric silhouettes.A bright colored frame, perhaps with some decoration or print, is also your option. Another option: a narrow bridge, thin high arms, but the glasses themselves are large, with a wide upper part.

Your forms: Square, cats, butterflies extended on the sides, trapezoid, sports.

Not your forms: Round.


The opposite of the round shape. We choose soft, smooth shapes.

Your forms: Round, oval, droplets, cats, butterflies, rimless glasses, aviators.

Not your forms: square, small and narrow.

Inverted triangle (heart)

Often, girls with “hearts” have a very graceful small face. And you need to choose the appropriate glasses. The widest part of the glasses should be at the bottom. The frames and bridges are narrow. Light-colored glasses are also very flattering.

Your forms: round, trapezoid, aviator, rimless glasses.
Not your forms: cat, square, pointy, big and bulky frames.


The main task is to distract attention from the chin. Therefore, we choose glasses with the upper wide part. And the bottom of the glasses should in no case be sharp or square.

Your forms: cats, trapezoids, rimless glasses.
Not your forms: square, rectangular, narrow and small.


With a rectangle everything is simple, we need to visually expand the face. We choose large and massive glasses.

Your forms: round, aviator, square, oval and rectangular.

Not your forms: small, narrow, rimless glasses.


For a diamond shape, it is important to narrow the cheekbones and widen the forehead. We also smooth out the sharp chin with soft and rounded shapes.

Your forms: square, oval, aviators, trapezoid, rimless glasses.

Not your forms: angular, wide and miniature frames.

In the process of selecting frames that will ideally suit your face shape, you can make many mistakes if you don’t know what key points to pay attention to. The frame of glasses is their main element; it is the one that corrects imperfections and angularities of the face shape, gives a special style to the owner of the glasses, and emphasizes his taste. No matter what glasses frames are in fashion and trending, the right frames will always be relevant. It also happens that in pursuit of fashion trends, you can make a rash and irrational choice - buy glasses with frames that will not suit your face shape at all, and in addition, treacherously emphasize its imperfections.

What is a frame and why is it needed?

From an operational point of view, a frame is a kind of device whose main function is to fix lenses. A strong and high-quality frame securely fixes the lenses and gives them the correct position. How to determine the ideal position of the lens, and at the same time find out whether the frame fulfills its primary purpose? It’s very easy - the light openings, which are limited by the temples of the frame, or, more precisely, their middle line, should fall directly into the pupils.

In addition to the fact that the frame performs the task of securing lenses, it is also a decorative element of glasses and a means of correcting the shape of the face.

Read also about colored lenses for eyes.

Frame elements

Standard frame elements are:

  • frame (rims);
  • temples (or temples).

Frame - this is the element within which the lenses are installed and fixed. Temples or temples – These are the elements without which glasses would have turned into pince-nez, famous in bohemian circles. The main task of the temples is to ensure the use of glasses and position the frames in the desired position.

Types of face shapes and matching frames to suit a specific type

In addition to the standard parts of the frame, we can say that it the element is the bridge, connecting one lens to another, it is located clearly above the bridge of the nose. In glasses with metal frames, in order to regulate the fit of the frame and the bridge in the bridge of the nose, additional elements are installed - nose pads. They are made of silicone, which makes them soft and flexible.

A metal frame stays straight, fits perfectly to the face and does not create a lopsided appearance if the nose pads and temples are in the correct position on the face; if you prefer a plastic frame, its ideal placement will be determined by the width and strength of the hinges that hold the temples.

Read more about cat glasses for vision in.

Frame designs

According to the design features of the frames, they can be divided into the following: kinds:

  • rimless;
  • colon;
  • semicolic.

Rimless frames– these are frames whose design does not include a frame. They are lighter, more invisible, suitable for almost any face shape and look very elegant from the outside. Such frames are connected to the temples with a barely noticeable small screw, which is mounted on the inside of the lens, and on the outside it is decorated with some discreet elements.

These frames are very fragile and must be handled with great care and precision.

Bezel frames– frames whose lenses are limited on all sides by a rim. There are such types of headbands(by material type):

  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • alloys;
  • natural materials.

Semi-rimless frames- a type of frame in which only one part of the frame is located in the rim, most often the upper one (the “clubmaster” type of frame) and very rarely the lower one (used mainly by designers for limited collections or catwalk appearances).

Example of semi-rimless frames

Just like rimless, semi-rimless frames can be made of metal, plastic, or a combination.

Read about glasses with diopters in.

Frame sizes

In order for glasses to look good on your face and the frame to keep its shape perfectly, it must be the right size. How to define it? It’s very simple - before buying new glasses, you need to compare them with your ideal frames. And if you don’t have it at hand, then you need to look for clues in the form of numbers.

There are numbers right on the inside of the temples that will give you all the information you need.

Closer to the end of the temple there is usually a number displayed that indicates the size of the light opening, the next number is the length of the bridge and the last number will tell you the length of the temple.

The length of all elements is indicated in millimeters.

It may turn out that these numbers are erased, then help in choosing the appropriate frame size comes normal fitting.

To determine whether the size suits you or not, just look at how the frame fits. If it fits you and you don’t feel any discomfort, then it’s your size.

Selection of frames taking into account individual characteristics

Choosing a frame may not be as easy as it seems at first glance. An incorrectly selected frame can spoil the appearance, be conspicuous, and even create physical discomfort while wearing. Therefore, in order to choose the right frame, you need to learn some rules:

  1. Determine the shape of your face.
  2. Determine your color type.
  3. Based on the style you usually wear or choose frames for.

Determination of face type

There are at least 10 types of face shapes, but traditionally the most common are the following:

  • Round(characterized by smooth outlines, lack of straight lines and convex cheeks);
  • Oval(an almost ideal face shape, characterized by symmetry of lines, a smooth transition of the lines of the forehead to the cheekbones and then to the chin);
  • Square(characterized by angular jaw lines, a wide forehead, rough facial features and the presence of clear parallel temple-chin lines;
  • Heart-shaped(characterized by a wide forehead, narrow chin, all lines smoothly taper from the temples to the chin).

Face types

To determine your face type, do next steps:

  1. Pin up all your hair to clearly see the contours of your face;
  2. Go to the mirror, lean your face against it and trace its outline as carefully as possible.
  3. Move away to a distance of up to a meter and take a closer look at what shape of face you see.

Read about how to choose the right one.

When you clearly know the shape of your face, choosing the right glasses frame for you will be very easy.

Determination of color type

As for the color type, opinions here are very controversial. After all, by and large, it does not depend in any way on the type and color of the skin, but a correctly selected frame of the right color, ideally suited to the color type of the owner of the glasses, will create a stunningly harmonious ensemble, emphasize the style and appearance of a person in the most skillful way.

To determine your color type, just look at the color of your skin and hair in the autumn-winter period and evaluate whether your color type is spring, winter, summer or autumn. People with fair skin and blond hair dark frames without frills or decoration are suitable; for those with dark skin, colored and transparent frames, as well as richly dark ones, are perfect.

Frames suitable for people with fair skin and blond hair.

Preferred clothing style

The type of frame you can choose depends on what style of clothing is typical for you. paying attention also to the shape of the face. For a sporty style, glasses with small lenses in non-massive frames, which themselves do not cover half of the face, are good. For a round face type and sporty clothing style, square or rectangular frames that do not cover the cheekbones are suitable. To complement the classics, those with a round face can choose large, massive frames that do not hide their cheekbones.

When choosing a frame that matches your clothing style, also consider the color scheme of the frame and the material from which it is made.

Frame materials

Of all the variety of frames that are presented on the market, unfortunately, they cannot boast of a variety of materials.

Frames are made from the following materials: such as plastics, metals and alloys, less often natural materials.

  1. Plastic– the material from which large massive frames, retro glasses, swallow glasses, cat eyes and fox glasses are made.
  2. Metals and alloys typical for more expensive glasses of fine jewelry work, which themselves are very fragile, as well as for aviator, Lenon and partially Clubmaster glasses.
  3. Natural materials are used for the manufacture of expensive designer frames where, in addition to traditional plastics and alloys, wood, precious stones, and even precious metals can be used.

Frame shapes

For round face type

A round face shape does not easily tolerate all types of frames, so if you have this type of face Be careful with the following frame shapes:

  • Aviator;
  • Lenons;
  • Any round shape, and even a “dragonfly”, is not always appropriate;
  • Very narrow frames (half-moon glasses);
  • Frames with a wide bridge.

For a round face shape, those frames that are good are those that visually elongate the face and will not emphasize the cheekbones, as well as those that are wider than tall, frames with pointed corners (a la chanterelles). For round face shape cat eye and butterfly frames, panto, clubmaster and fox glasses will also be ideal, the main thing is that the frames visually lengthen the face, do not widen the already round cheekbones and do not look massive.

Read about the correct selection.



Choosing something is not easy if you don’t know what face shape you have. Although it is worth paying more attention not to the issue of frames, but to consult a doctor about which ones are better, because... Aesthetic appearance is not the most important issue in the selection of optics. The question “like it or not, fashionable or irrelevant” in this case may be inappropriate, because you may like some frames, but when you try them on, it turns out that they do not suit you at all. For every face shape, there are frame options that will not only fit well, but also disguise the angularities or roundness of your face, and even such obvious features as a square chin, wide cheekbones or chubby cheeks can be completely invisible with the right frames.

For round face shapes, choose butterfly glasses, fox glasses or cat eyes; they will hide imperfections, hide round cheeks and visually lengthen the face.

When choosing glasses, we pay attention to their quality, brand, and degree of protection. But perhaps the decisive factors are the shape of the accessory and how it fits us. Each person's facial features are unique, so you need to take into account the individual characteristics of your appearance. We have already written about that. In this article we will talk about models that are suitable for owners of an oval type.

Which face is considered oval?

The oval face type is considered the most common and proportional. He has no visible flaws, and his facial features look symmetrical and harmonious. This type is a favorite among many hairdressers and stylists. How do you know if you are an oval type?

  1. The length of your face is greater than its width.
  2. Your cheekbones are defined and your forehead is slightly wider than your jaw.
  3. The chin is slightly rounded.
  4. Overall, the face looks like an oval, like in the picture.

Eyeglasses for oval faces

Not all frame shapes suit oval face shapes. When purchasing, be sure to consider the following nuances:

  • do not choose glasses that are too massive;
  • make sure that the upper part of the frame coincides with the line of the eyebrows;
  • If you want to buy glasses for vision, pay attention to models with frames with smooth angles.

Take a closer look at the following models that will suit an oval face type.

Sunglasses according to face shape

When choosing sunglasses, you should follow the same tips as when choosing vision accessories. But while obeying the rules, you shouldn’t give up experimenting. For an oval face, not only classic Aviators are suitable, but also decorated accessories, products in the shape of stars and hearts. If you want to buy sunglasses for an oval face type, we recommend that you pay attention to the following models.

Now you know which glasses are suitable for an oval face. You can order these and many other models on our website. Which frame shape to buy - rectangular or Aviators - the choice is yours. Remember that a correctly selected accessory is the key to self-confidence. Wear glasses with pleasure and comfort, emphasizing your individual style :)

These days, the range of stylish and attractive eyeglass frames is very wide. The first rule of choosing the right frames is to choose something that you like and makes you feel confident. One way to find the right frames for yourself that highlight your best features is to choose frames based on your face shape, skin tone, and fashion trends. This article will help you choose a frame that matches your beautiful face, so that your new glasses will accentuate its best features!


Part 1

Determine your face shape

    Learn basic face shapes. Although everyone's face is different, there are seven basic shapes: round, heart-shaped (an inverted triangle), triangular (a triangle with the base at the bottom), square, rectangular, oval and ovoid.

    Look in the mirror to determine your face shape. Pull your hair back or pin it back away from your face so you can get a good look at it.

    • Many faces cannot be clearly attributed to only one of the specific forms; they can simultaneously combine features of two or even more types. If this is your case, then you are in luck! You will have greater freedom in choosing your glasses frames.
  1. Use a dry erase marker (for marker boards) to trace the outline of your face directly from your reflection in the mirror. To accurately draw the contours of your face in the mirror, you need to relax your face and outline the outer line of your forehead and cheeks all the way to your chin. There is no need to circle the ears.

    • Then, without moving from the spot so that the face does not fall out of the contours, outline its contours again, but at the moment of the widest white-toothed smile. Draw a new outline directly on top of the one already drawn.
    • Two contours will allow you to understand whether and how much the shape of the face changes when you smile. For example, some people with an egg-shaped face may take on a heart-shaped shape when relaxed when smiling broadly (like Kim Kardashian). For other people, like Jennifer Lawrence, the face can be strictly rectangular when relaxed, but when smiling broadly it can become heart-shaped.
  2. Determine whether your facial features are soft or angular. In many cases, when choosing glasses, this is even more important than the face shape itself. Based on the contours drawn on the mirror, you should be able to tell whether the face has rough edges and angles or is more rounded.

    • Many people with noticeable angular features highlight the angles of their temples and jaws, but a very sharp chin is also considered an angular feature. Faces with rectangular, square, heart-shaped and some ovoid faces can be considered angular.
    • Round, triangular, oval and some ovoid faces have softer features and rounded contours.

Part 2

Choose your frames according to your face shape
  1. Choose frames that complement your face shape. In general, frames look more interesting and less awkward when they contrast with natural facial features, meaning most round faces look better with angular frames, while faces with angular features go better with rounded glasses.

    Choose a frame size that will best suit your face. Faces come in all different sizes, and glasses also need to be the right size to fit properly on the face and be in proper proportion to the face itself so as not to detract from the person's appearance or cover their entire face.

  2. Choose a frame color that suits you. Depending on your skin, eye, and hair color, certain frame colors may look better on you and enhance your features.

    • Find out whether your skin tone is warm or cool. If you have a cool skin tone (often expressed as blue eyes, pale skin with blue veining), you'll do best with cool-colored frames that complement your face. Cool colors include silver and gemstone colors such as amethyst, ruby, emerald and sapphire. If you have a warm skin tone (shown by brown eyes, a tan, and greenish veining), then warm-colored frames are best for you. Warm colors include golden color, as well as natural shades such as beige, orange, yellow and mustard. People with neutral skin tones can wear frames of any color.

Part 3

Understand when you can break some selection rules
  1. Choose glasses that suit your needs. Remember that glasses may be a great fashion accessory, but for most people they also serve an extremely important function - helping them see better. If the glasses don't meet your needs, they simply aren't right for you.

    • Start by asking your optical consultant to recommend frames that will suit your eyeglass prescription (for example, some people who need high-power glasses will need thicker frames to fit the lenses well, rather than thin metal frames). in this case, they may simply not be suitable).
    • Ask your consultant to measure your head and demonstrate which frames will fit you and which will not. Having your glasses fit well on your head will help you make a specific choice more confidently.
  2. Be unique, even if it means breaking certain rules. You can express your personality and sense of style through your glasses, so you shouldn't be too restrictive about the color or frame shape you choose if something else suits your style better, or if your personality is better highlighted by a different shape or model of glasses.

    • If you decide to go for big square glasses for your square face, then go for it! Olivia Wilde is known for this, and her confidence makes her glasses look like they were made just for her.
    • A similar example is Ginnifer Goodwin with her round face shape. Journalists have more than once managed to film her wearing sunglasses as round as her face, which she wears without any embarrassment.
    • When Daniel Radcliffe made round glasses fashionable with his role as Harry Potter in a series of popular films, his character started out as a chubby boy before growing into a young man with squarer features. At the same time, he always successfully wore his round glasses.


A square face gives its owners a lot of trouble. Excessive massiveness of features, angularity, rigidity - is it possible to look attractive with such characteristics? Without the ability to change your external data, it makes sense to take care of the right choice of hairstyle and choose the right glasses for a square face shape, which can correct proportions and soften hard lines.

Selection rules

The main rule to follow when choosing glasses for a square face is to avoid hard and massive features. In this regard, it is necessary to ensure that there are no sharp corners, geometric lines and angular shapes.

Oval and round glasses will look great. “Aviators” will also look good, as they can not only visually correct the oval of the face, but also lengthen the nose, and this, undoubtedly, will only have a positive effect on the overall impression of facial features. The peculiarity of such glasses is that they focus on the middle part of the face, enlarging the eyes, softening the line of the cheekbones and chin.

When choosing dark glasses, you must follow the general rules described above. But here you can play by choosing the color of the lenses, which can have any shades, even the most fantastic ones, from pink to purple. However, it is better to opt for dark glasses, since horses can visually reduce facial features.

Choosing a frame

When choosing frames, you need to make sure that there are no square, triangular, diamond-shaped geometric lines that can only emphasize the squareness of the face.

It is best to take smooth, soft lines as a basis, which do not burden the image, but, on the contrary, soften the contours of the appearance. When choosing this accessory, it is important to ensure that all boundaries do not protrude beyond the face, otherwise undue attention to the shape will be ensured.

It is advisable that the frame be equipped with bright elements at the corners or in the upper area of ​​the accessory.

The “cat eye” model, so common these days, with slightly raised upper corners, will look great on a square face.

What you can't choose

When choosing glasses for women with a square face, there is also a taboo, that is, information regarding which glasses to avoid when purchasing.

  • You cannot opt ​​for options with a clearly defined geometric shape and square frames;
  • Narrow, miniature glasses will not work either;
  • An accessory with a frame wider than the face itself should be ignored;
  • It is important to ensure that the frames are not colorless, as in this case the glasses will simply merge with the face.
  • The use of multi-colored, ornate frames is not allowed. They can only harm the image, and even if all other attributes are selected succinctly, the image can still be damaged.
  • Representatives of the fairer sex with a square face should refrain from using red lipstick. If glasses are destined to become the central element of the image, there is no need to pay too much attention to the lower zone.