Animated cards about the Nativity of Christ

Our life is unthinkable without a holiday, and especially without Christmas ones. This ringing of bells, kind smiles around, faith in the best and love in the air - all this is always expected with all my heart.

Christmas is the brightest event in our lives. This is hope for salvation, for something better and brighter. Merry Christmas greetings in cards, poems, and cute pictures can truly please those who are not close to you on this great day.

Christmas has its own traditions. First of all, it is the gathering of the whole family together at a common table. It is important to congratulate all those whom you value and love so much. But if suddenly someone close to your heart is far away, you can give them a little joy by simply sending a beautiful Christmas card with good wishes.

It is important to make peace with someone with whom you were in a quarrel. Don’t leave negativity in your life, get rid of it, open your heart and soul to goodness and love. A greeting card will help you. This is the simplest and most touching way to remind yourself and your feelings. You can download a postcard with Merry Christmas greetings on our website.

With the right word you can pour out your soul, confess your love, and beg for forgiveness. But happiness, as we know, is in the little things. You shouldn’t give pompous gifts on this great holiday; your attention is the best gift on this day. Those very right words can be found on Merry Christmas cards.

Sincere congratulations flow from the heart. This moment is important for any person who wants to reflect all the devotion, love, respect and attention in his wish. You can attach cards in verse with Merry Christmas greetings to these pleasant words. We bring to your attention an amazing selection of bright pictures completely free of charge.

Beautiful Merry Christmas 2019 greetings are usually chosen in the format of heartfelt poems or wishes touching to tears in prose and in your own words.

Beautiful cards and pictures with inscriptions are also popular for these purposes at Christmas. Next, we offer you a selection of the most beautiful Merry Christmas 2019 greetings for family, friends and relatives.

The most sincere and beautiful Merry Christmas 2019 greetings in verse - the best selection

Traditionally, the most beautiful options for congratulations on Christmas are heartfelt poems. They are used for personal wishes, thematic cards and even as table speeches. See the best selection of sincere Christmas greetings in verse below.

A selection of beautiful and sincere congratulations in verse for Christmas 2019

I want to wish you Merry Christmas

On this brightest day.

I want to wish you happiness

And always have wonderful days.

May Christ protect

From adversity and vanity.

May the angel take care of you,

It will give strength and kindness.

May you have a wonderful life

Let life make you happy and loving.

Human happiness

I wish you always.

Merry Christmas!

Open the doors to the house

Bring happiness into him

Yes, drive away the bad weather.

Rejoice and smile,

But try to have faith

Keep it carefully in your heart,

To pray to Christ for goodness.

Your soul strives for the light,

Be happy, don't be proud

Enjoy the smart word!

On Christmas Day

In the silence of the night

Happiness comes into the house

With the first star.

Angels on snowflakes

Will come down from heaven

The time is coming

Fairy tales and miracles.

Let it be in your soul

Clean and bright

All dreams will come true

On Christmas Day.

Beautiful and touching to tears Merry Christmas 2019 greetings - options in prose and in your own words

As an alternative to beautiful congratulations in verse for Christmas 2019, touching to tears wishes in prose and in your own words are suitable. This version of congratulations is always relevant and easy to remember. You will find examples of wishes in prose below.

Beautiful options for tear-touching congratulations in prose and in your own words for Christmas 2019

Christmas is a bright holiday. And on this day I want to wish you the most important thing in life - happiness that money cannot buy. Good luck that's hard to catch. And most importantly, health, without which it is impossible. Let this Christmas be another bright moment in life. Congratulations!

Merry Christmas! We congratulate you on this sacred holiday with all our hearts and souls. May God protect and protect. Let your table be full of dishes. Laughter and joy flow like a river, never drying up, and happiness illuminates your path in life. May God drive away evil people with dark thoughts from your home, and invite kindness and good luck to visit you. May your family become stronger and stronger and fill your every day with warmth.

I congratulate you on the bright and joyful holiday of the Nativity of Christ. May happiness, peace and kindness settle in your soul forever. Let your home be filled with love, and let your loved ones and family always be there. I wish that every day is rich in God’s blessings, and that your heart lacks nothing.

Funny beautiful greetings Merry Christmas 2019 in verse and prose - a selection of options

For lovers of funny congratulations for Christmas 2019, beautiful poems and wishes in prose with funny wishes will be ideal options. This format is perfect for friends and family. You will find some cool examples below.

A selection of cool and beautiful options in poetry and prose for congratulations on Christmas 2019

On a frosty Christmas day

I want to seriously wish:

1Strength, health, strength,

So that the cold does not “mow”;

Good thoughts and hopes,

Fashionable new clothes,

In finance replenishment,

And in general, good luck!

The tree is very askew -

She's drugged

As if I was fighting a zealous storm

Or drank wine!

Yes, everyone has such Christmas trees

After drinking on Christmas Day!

Tinsel lies, needles...

So there was a celebration!

So, every day is wonderful

I received my congratulations.

Sipping a beer is good for you

At least once on Christmas!

At Christmas we are waiting for Happiness,

Let it come to the house

Slowly, at dawn,

In a snowy, quiet January.

Let him come in without keys

He will find us like children,

And Luck is like white

I want a mushroom in a basket!

Let's go for a walk in the winter park,

To find Health.

Let's sit down for a family dinner

And we would discover Love,

Money will find us on its own

Our career route is simple:

Become a director of miracles

Five, four, three, two, one...

Merry Christmas, guys!

Short beautiful Merry Christmas 2019 greetings for SMS - options in verse

Short poems are perfect for beautiful Merry Christmas 2019 greetings via SMS. Usually these are wishes in quatrain format. The following selection contains options for short and beautiful poems for SMS for Christmas.

Short poems for beautiful Merry Christmas 2019 greetings in SMS format

Merry Christmas to you,

Prosperity in the house and goodness,

May the Lord bless

And it will save everyone from adversity!

Good luck, joy, kindness,

Warmth, love, luck to the house.

So that life is happy,

All the best to you in the family. Merry Christmas!

p>Happy Christmas!

Let happiness come to your home.

Let hearts melt with love,

The eyes sparkle mischievously.

May God reward you with luck,

Will give you strength and inspiration.

History of the Nativity 2019

From the very conception of Christ, Mary knew that her child would be the very Messiah who would bring happiness to all believers and instill faith in the souls of the pagans. Despite the fact that Mary was married, she remained immaculate until the end of her life and was able to conceive through the holy spirit. The Immaculate Conception marked the advent of a new era - an era in which believers could calmly worship the Lord without fear of Herod.

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According to the prophets, Christ was born in the city of Bethlehem in 5508 from the creation of the world during the reign of Emperor Augustus (Octavius). The events of the Nativity of Christ are reflected in the Gospels of Luke and Matthew. According to legend, Mary and her husband Joseph lived in Nazareth, but were forced to go to Bethlehem to appear for the census. At that time, the emperor decided to conduct a complete census of all his lands, which included Palestine.

This census was conducted according to each clan that lived in a certain city. Since Mary and Joseph's hometown was Bethlehem, they were forced to set out immediately, despite Mary's situation. In Bethlehem at that time, all the hotels were occupied, since many came to the census. Mary and Joseph could not find accommodation for the night, so they decided to sleep in a limestone cave. However, before the couple had time to settle down, Mary began to give birth.

It was there, among the straw, that a baby named Jesus was born. Immediately after the birth of the child, shepherds began to come to Mary’s cave, who learned about the birth of the Messiah thanks to the angels. Matthew also mentions a miraculous star that led the wise men to the baby Jesus, who presented gifts - gold, incense and myrrh. These gifts carried a deep meaning, because gold is offered to the king, incense to God, and myrrh to the deceased. Thus, the Magi recognized Jesus as both a king, and as the Son of God, and as an ordinary mortal.

News of the birth of the Messiah also reached King Herod, who was afraid that Jesus would overthrow him from his throne. To prevent this from happening, Herod ordered his soldiers to go to Bethlehem and destroy all the newborns. However, Joseph received a warning in a dream and managed to take Mary and her newborn to Egypt, where they lived until the death of Herod.

Beautiful cards Merry Christmas 2019

Animated cards Merry Christmas 2019

Collection of the most beautiful Christmas greeting cards for Christmas

Below is a beautiful collection of Christmas greetings in verse and simply with best wishes. Choose any animated postcard you like, download it to your computer or phone, and then send it to a friend or loved one by email or SMS on your mobile phone, on a social network page or in a personal message. From postcards you can also find congratulations for children - more child-themed images.

(right-click and select “save as”, “send” or “download” in the menu that opens)

Christmas is a great Christian holiday established in honor of the birth of Jesus Christ. It is celebrated throughout the country along with the New Year, and it falls on January 7th. Whether you are a believer or not, you probably take a break from work on this day. So why not congratulate your friends and loved ones on this holiday? Moreover, we have already collected “Merry Christmas!” gifs for you. All you have to do is select the appropriate GIF animation and send it.

You can download our GIFs by launching any of them with a click of your finger or mouse. Then hold your finger longer (right mouse button) to bring up a menu in which you need to select either “Save image as...” or “Copy image URL”.

Holiday Christmas Gifs 2018

“Merry Christmas” GIF with a beautiful village landscape

Merry Christmas! GIF with a beautiful wooden church in the snow

Animation depicting the Virgin Mary, angels, newborn Jesus

The girl prays and finds herself in her fairy-tale world

Children skating on a skating rink at Christmas

Merry Christmas! A woman with a child on the snow-covered ground is visible through a thawed window.

A GIF with the inscription “Merry Christmas”, which means “Merry Christmas”. In the picture there is a girl angel with a kitten in her hands and a dog carrying a letter

Christmas tree toy

Merry Christmas! GIF animation with poetic wishes

Merry Christmas! Russian outback with a single house

Santa Claus examines the newly born Jesus

Great Merry Christmas greeting animation

The night before Christmas. Fairy tales, short chapter. GIF as a title for a fascinating Christmas story

Christmas GIF with congratulations and all the familiar characters

May your guardian angel protect you and your loved ones on Christmas and throughout the year!

Merry Christmas greetings for several people

GIF “Merry Christmas”, which shows the silhouette of an angel near a candle burning on the windowsill

This GIF has minimal animation, but the image itself is very high quality. Merry Christmas!

Christmas GIF in blue tones

GIF for Christmas with a big and beautiful greeting

An interesting gif, made as if on papyrus, very beautiful!

Merry Christmas wishes by a cute hare in a red cap and mittens

Candles burn against the background of frosty Christmas patterns

Beautiful architecture tops the background for this Christmas angel gif.

“Merry Christmas” GIF showing light shining down on a church from heaven and a girl striking flames from her palm

A Christmas tree should be up until at least Christmas, which is what it does in this festive GIF.

GIF with a bird, a fieldfare, sitting on a branch near a small, pretty village

Epic Merry Christmas

Snowflakes curl around, the snowman wishes Merry Christmas

Angels are trumpeting the coming of the Nativity of Christ!

Another epic congratulations, but in different colors, more red

GIF for the coming Christmas with a cozy homely atmosphere

Wishing you a delicious and plentiful Christmas

Jesus was born, as this GIF animation shows. Everyone came to see - the cow, the sheep, and the donkey.

Animated greeting card “Merry Christmas!”

Candles burn, spraying Christmas magic

Lights fly in the air, creating a festive atmosphere in the animated picture

A picture with as many as two Merry Christmas greetings!

Scene after the birth of Jesus, woven in shimmering gold

Rowan tree and Christmas tree decoration are illuminated by a flurry of star shining dust

Human kindness and friendliness on a purple scroll illuminated by candles. The inscription "Merry Christmas!"

Beautiful, smooth snowfall and congratulations

Merry Christmas from the snowman and his team

Santa Claus conjured a mighty snowfall for Christmas

Three toys are like the holy trinity, and the fourth is the wish “Merry Christmas!”

A beautiful Christmas GIF to send to believers.

The domes are shining, Christmas is foreshadowed

Christmas snow covers the village church

Christmas card with four angels who, however, look alike

Merry Christmas wish, twig and notes with the words of a well-known song

A Christmas scene staged with cute figurines

Snowy village house and wishes for a Merry Christmas!

GIF for Merry Christmas. Beautiful trees in the snow, snow-white church domes

Magic flies around the tree. It is ready to be transferred to whoever is the recipient of this GIF animation! Have a magical Christmas!

Even more magic revolves around the Christmas tree. The signature in the lower left corner is Elena, so it’s better to send this GIF only to Elena.

A simple house in a snowy field. Nearby there is a Christmas tree twinkling with New Year's lights. In the sky there is a star inscription with a heart

Winter festive still life and wishes for a Merry Christmas!

Angel got a job as a cab driver, and even less miracles happen on Christmas Eve!

Santa Claus rides on a sleigh through the snowy wilds, wishing people a Merry Christmas

Wishing you a Merry Christmas. A home filled with joy in an oval mirror

Students sing Christmas carols outside under the snow

A cute toddler angel is holding a Christmas tree with a star on the top of his head. In the background is a snowy road and a biblical scene after the birth of Jesus.

Beautiful New Year's landscape and the inscription "Merry Christmas"

Portrait of the Virgin Mary holding the newborn Jesus in her arms

An angelic duet performs for you, from which magic emanates

A shining New Year's tree toy with the inscription "Merry Christmas!"

The inscription "Merry Christmas" hovered in the sky above the village

Psychedelic GIF with hypnotic patterns and congratulations

Two angels walk hand in hand along the ground from the church

Merry Christmas in English

Golden church domes and Merry Christmas greetings

Merry Christmas, which includes a scene after the birth of Christ, a church, and a Christmas tree decoration.

Miracles happen on Christmas Eve. So in this GIF the statue of an angel came to life and began to play the trumpet!

A simple Merry Christmas greeting - just an inscription. Beautiful red letters on a black background and in a red frame. Snowfall superimposed on top

Christmas bustle - all in one GIF

Merry Christmas greetings in icon painting style

Starlight illuminates the birth of Jesus

An angel showers the evening city with snow before Christmas

Sparkling card with biblical scene