Candles with belladonna extract, or when poison becomes medicine. Candles with belladonna during pregnancy

“Why do we need candles with belladonna during pregnancy before childbirth?” - a question that arises in many women in a position to which doctors prescribe this remedy. The fact that the treatment of hemorrhoidal problems is the main purpose of rectal capsules is puzzling. In the instructions attached to the drug, conflicting information is given regarding the possibility of its use during the period of bearing a child. How can candles with belladonna help expectant mothers?

Use in pregnancy

Belladonna or belladonna is a poisonous plant. It contains a large number of alkaloid substances that act on the body in many ways, they are able to reduce pain, remove the inflammatory process, relieve spasm, and have a disinfecting effect.

Specialists in herbal medicine have long used this flower in their practice, which brings considerable medicinal benefits. Specialist physicians, such as gastroenterologists and ophthalmologists, often resort to the help of belladonna suppositories, prescribing them for the treatment of diseases in their patients.

Suppositories with belladonna for medicinal purposes are recommended for patients who have the following problems:

  • Constipation. In the last weeks of pregnancy, women often suffer from constipation. The need to push hard during bowel movements adversely affects the condition of the woman in labor and can provoke premature contractions. The medicine with belladonna relieves the tension of the smooth muscles of the intestine, which ensures normal emptying.
  • Haemorrhoids. Problems with the stool lead to its formation. Such a development of events is undesirable during the approaching birth. The therapeutic effect of suppositories is manifested in the removal of pain and discomfort, which necessarily accompany the course of the disease. Candles are also used to prevent the development of the disease.
  • Fissures in the anus. Rectal capsules eliminate inflammation, promote healing of cracks.
  • Candles with belladonna are used in the rectal area after surgical interventions.

The drug is quite popular in gynecology and obstetrics. It reduces the risk of perineal tears and bleeding during childbirth, and is also an excellent prophylactic for hemorrhoids resulting from childbirth.

Application before childbirth

The use of suppositories in preparation for childbirth is explained by the fact that they are able to reduce the tone of the muscles of the small pelvis, organs of the reproductive system, intestines and retroperitoneal space. Thus, it has a positive effect on the uterus in the preparatory period for childbirth. Protracted labor is practically excluded if the uterus is in a relaxed state. Before delivery, candles are prescribed for the following purposes:

  • Remove tension and tone of the cervix so that it can open more easily during childbirth;
  • Anesthetize the condition before the birth of the baby.

In parallel with belladonna, No-shpa is prescribed to relieve pain. It is worth noting that these funds do not have sufficient strength to completely relieve pain and sufficiently relax the cervix of the uterus. They do not last long. There is no guarantee against ruptures and injuries. In addition, this therapy can quite strongly "erase" the picture of the course of the birth process. The use of rectal suppositories does not speed up labor.

The effectiveness of the drug depends on the characteristics of the organism of the woman in labor, everything is very individual. They actually help one, other women did not feel anything after using it. Doctors are also ambiguous about the advisability of using suppositories before delivery.

Application features

If you think that belladonna plant extract is a harmless natural ingredient, then you are wrong. Improper therapy can cause quite severe complications. Therefore, it is very important not to exceed the doses prescribed by the attending physician, not to use the drug for more than the required time. The multiplicity and time of application is determined by the doctor individually for each specific case. He also monitors the treatment process and, if necessary, corrects it.

Therapy with belladonna candles usually lasts within seven days. Depending on the general condition of the pregnant woman and the characteristics of the course of the gestation period, the required amount of the drug is determined. On average, the frequency of administration is 2-3 suppositories per 24 hours.

In order for the drug to give the desired result, you need to use it correctly. Regardless of what goals are to be achieved, suppositories are administered exclusively rectally.

The whole process consists of the following steps:

  • Emptying the bowels (you can naturally, or use an enema).
  • Washing the genitals and hands with warm soapy water.
  • The introduction of a suppository. In order for the candle to go as deep as possible, it is better to enter it in a prone position.

In the presence of microcracks or wounds, in order to reduce pain during the introduction of a candle, it is advisable to treat these places with a baby cream. After the procedure, it is recommended to lie down (at least 30 minutes) until the drug begins to work.

Adverse reactions

Candles with belladonna can have side effects, this is facilitated by non-compliance with the correct dosage and failure to follow individual doctor's recommendations. These secondary manifestations include:

  • Increased desire to drink water.
  • Laxative effect (diarrhea).
  • Nausea, possible vomiting.
  • Rashes of an allergic nature.
  • Disorders of nervous origin (dizziness, convulsions, drowsiness).
  • Malfunctions of the heart and blood vessels (palpitations, high blood pressure).
  • Drying of the mucous membrane in the mouth.

The active ingredient of the drug is belladonna extract, which can reduce concentration. During its application, you do not need to do work that requires high concentration and mental activity. A side effect can be a deterioration in the quality of vision, reduced reaction and physical weakness.

It is necessary to immediately stop using the capsules if the above undesirable symptoms appear and inform your doctor about it.


Some manufacturers in the description of suppositories indicate that they are not recommended for use during pregnancy. Pharmacists in this way are insured against possible problems.

With special care, rectal capsules are prescribed to patients who are diagnosed with heart failure, kidney disease, a reflex of throwing the contents of the stomach into the esophagus.

Phenol, which is part of the capsules, can give negative reactions that are dangerous for the normal course of pregnancy, up to the threat of spontaneous abortion. At the same time, doctors resort to the help of the drug, due to the lack of data on its effect on the fetus.

It is contraindicated to prescribe the drug at the beginning of pregnancy (up to the fourth month). The argument is that it is during these 90 days that the embryo is actively formed, during this period it is advisable to use other drugs. In addition, candles are forbidden to be used if the patient has:

  1. Increased individual sensitivity to the components, as well as their intolerance.
  2. Diseases of the mucous membrane of the colon.
  3. Reduced peristalsis and intestinal tone, its obstruction.
  4. Stones in the gallbladder.
  5. vascular atherosclerosis.
  6. Eye diseases (glaucoma).
  7. Muscle fatigue (myasthenia).
  8. Predisposition to bleeding.

Take responsibility for your health during the period of bearing a baby. Under no circumstances do not self-medicate, do not try to experiment.

All appointments must be made by a competent specialist. It is he who is able to determine how necessary this medicine is in your case. Remember, you have the right to refuse treatment if you have doubts about it. Notify your doctor and consult with other doctors about this.

Belladonna (otherwise belladonna) is a medicinal herb widely used in both folk and traditional medicine. On the basis of this plant, candles are produced for the treatment of difficult bowel movements. In some cases, this drug is prescribed by gynecologists to women in late pregnancy to prepare the cervix for dilatation. Let's see if it is advisable to use belladonna suppositories before childbirth and whether it is safe, because some instructions say that pregnancy is a contraindication for the use of this drug.

What effect does the drug have?

Candles with belladonna extract are available in the form of rectal suppositories. Suppositories with belladonna are released in pharmacies without a prescription. The instructions describe the method and scheme of its application. The suppository is released from the contour pack and inserted into the anus two or three times a day. Store the medicine out of the reach of children in a dry and dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. Candles have analgesic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects.

In most cases, belladonna preparations are prescribed for constipation, hemorrhoids and cracks in the anus. They relax the walls of the intestines and help to establish a bowel movement. This remedy, based on a natural component, relieves pain, heals wounds, relieves the tone of the muscles of the intestinal organs and the small pelvis as a whole. Despite the rather high efficiency, candles with belladonna alone will not be enough to treat constipation and normalize the stool. You should also stick to a diet high in vegetables and fruits, which are the main source of fiber. Next, we will tell you why some doctors prescribe candles with belladonna before childbirth.

Rectal suppositories with belladonna in the third trimester of pregnancy

Gynecologists often prescribe belladonna candles to expectant mothers, but not for the treatment of hemorrhoids and constipation. In addition to its main action, the drug also has a "side" effect: it allows you to relieve tension, relax the cervix and prepare it for delivery, making it more elastic. Candles with belladonna before childbirth can be prescribed as a mild pain reliever to somewhat facilitate the upcoming process. In this case, it is prescribed together with the drug "No-shpa". And finally, some gynecologists believe that belladonna suppositories help prevent complications (injuries and ruptures of the cervix) and are the prevention of a protracted birth process.

Does the drug have a negative effect on the fetus?

Not all doctors are of the opinion that it is worth using candles with belladonna to prepare the body for labor. Their reviews are as follows:

  • the medicine will not relieve 100% pain when opening the cervix - in this regard, it is practically useless;
  • belladonna extract in women who do not suffer from constipation and do not have hemorrhoids, can cause severe stool disorder (diarrhea) and other ailments;
  • belladonna candles can be replaced with any other drugs that have an antispasmodic effect.

Nevertheless, almost all gynecologists believe that suppositories with belladonna before childbirth will not affect the fetus in any way. All the organs and systems of the baby in the third trimester are already formed, so there is no reason to worry about his health.

Side effects of belladonna candles

In some cases, the drug can have a negative effect on the body of a pregnant woman. It can cause diarrhea and heart palpitations. Sometimes it causes dry mouth and intense thirst. Rarely, belladonna candles can cause visual impairment. If you experience discomfort, then the use of suppositories should be stopped immediately, and then contact your doctor. Probably, the gynecologist will prescribe you other means to prepare the body for childbirth, for example, suppositories with papaverine, an antispasmodic drug that relieves tone and relaxes the muscles of internal organs. And remember that self-medication, especially during pregnancy, is not worth it. Candles with belladonna can be used only after consulting a doctor!

Candles with belladonna have proven to be an excellent remedy for combating hemorrhoids. The active substance of the drug is belladonna (belladonna) extract. The plant is found in the Crimea, the Carpathians, in the Caucasus. It has the form of black berries, which are called wolfberries in the common people. The drug has gained distribution in medicine due to the content of atropine, scopolamine and balladonin. These components have an analgesic effect. In folk medicine, the plant has long been used to treat women's diseases and alleviate the condition during critical days. Belladonna helps to cope with mood swings during menopause.

After reading the instructions for candles with belladonna, surprise comes. There is no association with pregnancy. But gynecologists continue to prescribe it to women in the last stages. After taking the drug in pregnant women before childbirth, the cervix relaxes, preparing for the upcoming process.

Candles have a laxative effect on the intestines. But besides this, they soften the walls of the uterus, and relieve tone. This is the main reason why doctors prescribe the drug. The best result can be achieved by taking no-shpy tablets along with suppositories.

The drug really relieves part of the pain during contractions. Still, don't count on them. Candles give a weak short-term effect. But the relaxation of the uterus is much more important in this process. Their effect on the body is also individual. Particularly sensitive women may not feel any relief at all. Some doctors question the use of candles before childbirth.

Suppositories have a positive effect on the preparation of the cervix for childbirth. A similar effect is observed in most women. In addition, suppositories have an analgesic effect and relieve tension in the abdominal cavity. The timely appointment of suppositories helps the rapid healing of cracks and hemorrhoids.

In the first two trimesters, there is no need to take the drug. If there are only a few weeks left before the birth and the gynecologist insists on the use of suppositories, listen to his recommendations.

Video - hemorrhoids during pregnancy. hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Mode of application

Candles with belladonna are placed deep in the anus like regular suppositories. Take it out of the package first. If cracks are present, it is better to additionally lubricate the injection site with baby cream for painless insertion. The maximum effect is achieved with a preliminary procedure for cleansing the intestines with an enema. After spontaneous emptying, it is also allowed to introduce candles. Remember to wash your hands and anus with warm water and soap before use. It is recommended to lie down for some time after the introduction of the suppository. The instruction allows taking the drug 2-3 times a day. The maximum allowable dose is not more than 10 suppositories per 24 hours.

The standard course of treatment is 10 days. At the insistence of the attending physician, the duration of use may be increased.

The drug is dispensed in a pharmacy without a special prescription.

For people whose work is related to driving vehicles, it is better to replace the drug.

Self-administration of the drug during pregnancy and not only leads to undesirable consequences. Do not take the drug, even in the case of positive results from friends.

Tell your doctor if you are currently taking other medicines.

Drug analogues

Candles with belladonna have analogues that contain the same active ingredient in combination with other components. The drugs Betiol and Anuzol performed well.

Treatment of hemorrhoids in pregnant women

In the last weeks of pregnancy, when the baby presses especially hard on the intestines, there is a risk of hemorrhoids. Frequent constipation is also undesirable. This delicate problem must be treated because its presence is undesirable for future births. Gynecologists prescribe candles with belladonna also for the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Difficulty emptying the bowel causes the pregnant woman to push, which can cause premature contractions. If the correction of nutrition did not lead to the desired result, the use of candles becomes appropriate.

Contraindications to taking the drug

The list of side effects of the drug includes:

  • visual impairment;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • thirst;
  • dry mouth;
  • tachycardia.

These symptoms are rare, but you need to be aware of their possible manifestation. When they appear, ask the gynecologist to replace them with sea buckthorn candles or papaverine.

Until now, doctors argue whether it is possible to prescribe them to pregnant women. The abstract does not describe the effect on the body in an interesting position. The lack of research has led to the fact that pregnancy and lactation are listed in the list of some companies of this drug. Gynecologists call this an attempt to avoid side effects.

Relaxation of the stool is one of the consequences of taking the medicine. For those who suffer from constipation, this is a must. Some pregnant women may experience diarrhea.

Glaucoma and prostate adenoma are a contraindication to the use of belladonna suppositories.

The effect of the drug on the fetus

Despite the fact that there are no official studies on the harm of belladonna to a developing fetus, almost all doctors deny this fact. A consultation with a gynecologist will be able to clarify the situation and determine the appropriateness of using suppositories in the last stages of pregnancy. Here in the first place is the right choice of clinic and the level of trust in the doctor.

Candles with belladonna is a drug that promotes faster opening of the cervix before the onset of childbirth. In addition, this tool helps a pregnant woman to prevent and avoid the appearance of cracks in the anus and the occurrence of hemorrhoids. Candles with belladonna are good because they have an anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect.

The composition of the drug and its effect on the body

The main powerful substance of the candles under consideration is belladonna extract. This is a special medicinal plant, which is also known as belladonna. The extract of a poisonous plant in combination with oils of other healing plants and the alkaloids, atropine, hyoscyamine contained in the candles have a beneficial effect on the body of a pregnant woman. However, it is worth noting that the toxicity of this component suggests the need to use this drug under the strict supervision of a physician. Otherwise, you may encounter all sorts of complications that may affect the condition and development of the gestating fetus.

Candles with belladonna have a number of positive effects on the body:

  • Able to have an antibacterial effect, prevent the growth of pathogens;
  • This drug will allow you to remove the unpleasant, painful sensations of discomfort with hemorrhoids, which every second pregnant woman is susceptible to;
  • The drug softens the cervix during the period when the birth process begins. In addition, thanks to the candles, it opens faster and less painfully;
  • It has an anti-inflammatory effect, prevents the development of necrotic processes occurring in muscle tissues;
  • The drug allows the rapid healing of minor anatomical damage and cracks that may appear in the anus.

Instructions for use:

- use during pregnancy

At this time, there is no consensus among doctors about whether this drug can have a negative effect and harm the woman and the child she is carrying. Since there are some risk percentages, experts do not recommend using suppositories in the early stages of an ongoing pregnancy and in the presence of certain contraindications.

The use of this drug is desirable only at the end of the third trimester as a drug that is administered vaginally in order to have a laxative effect and loosen the cervix. The dose of the drug may vary: it all depends on when the onset of a positive effect occurs. As a rule, two or three candles per day are prescribed.

The doctor calculates the dosage based on the state of health of the pregnant woman, the presence of certain contraindications and, in addition, in accordance with the passing gestational age. Self-administration of a dose is highly discouraged, as this can lead to all sorts of complications.

- use before childbirth

Using this drug before childbirth, a woman should adhere to the following steps:

  • To achieve the maximum effect, it is recommended to cleanse the intestines in advance by means of an enema;
  • It is necessary to wash hands and anus before starting the procedure with warm water (and soap);
  • Before childbirth, you need to insert candles into the anus as deep as possible;
  • If there are cracks and wounds, they should be lubricated with baby cream to avoid pain and discomfort when the candle is inserted;
  • After the procedure has been performed, it is recommended to lie down until the candle acts;
  • It is allowed to enter no more than ten candles per day. The usual dosage is three suppositories per day;
  • This therapy is usually carried out for seven to ten days.

- contraindications and side effects

A number of existing contraindications can completely exclude the possibility of using this drug in a pregnant woman. Among them are the following:

  • Allergic reaction to any of the components contained in this medicinal product;
  • Ulcerative colitis, existing in an acute form;
  • Stones located in the gallbladder;
  • Obstruction of the intestinal tract

All drugs containing belladonna have a number of side effects that can occur if the dosage is exceeded. These may include side effects such as:

  • The heartbeat may become more frequent;
  • Fever and itching may occur;
  • pupils dilate;
  • Urinary retention;
  • Causes insomnia;
  • Increased nervousness;
  • You can feel discomfort inside the peritoneum and pain in the sternum;
  • There is dryness in the mouth;
  • Feeling dizzy;
  • You may experience a loss of taste;
  • Seizures may occur;
  • Visual impairment may occur;
  • There is constipation;
  • Increased increase in eye pressure;
  • There is a violation of concentration;
  • A woman may be in a state of constant drowsiness and experience discomfort from a migraine that torments her.

If one of the above phenomena corresponds to the condition of a pregnant woman, you should immediately consult a doctor and immediately stop using this drug.

Analogues of suppositories with belladonna during pregnancy

As an alternative drug, you can use Proctosan, Posterisan, Proctosedil, Doloproct, Bezornil.

Despite the generally recognized benefits of the drug in question and many positive reviews, it is important to remember that under no circumstances should you resort to self-treatment. The use of this drug must be agreed with the doctor.

Specially for- Elena Kichak

During pregnancy, it is always recommended to avoid taking various drugs. The action of drugs can adversely affect the development of the fetus, so even the most "harmless" pills are never prescribed without apparent need. When choosing medicines, doctors most often prefer products that are made on the basis of natural components of plant origin. These medications are considered to have minimal effect on the baby.

During pregnancy, many women experience problems with the gastrointestinal tract, hemorrhoids or anal fissures. For the prevention and treatment of such problems, gynecologists most often prescribe suppositories with belladonna extract.

belladonna extract, effect on the body

Belladonna (belladonna) in nature is a poisonous plant, but in medicine, great benefits are derived from it. The extract of this plant has an analgesic, anticholinergic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect on the body.

This drug successfully anesthetizes and relieves inflammation, and also helps to reduce the tone of the abdominal muscles. It is this property that is valued by gynecologists and obstetricians. Often, the drug is prescribed before childbirth in order to relax the cervix as much as possible and avoid complications during labor. Also, belladonna extract has a preventive effect, which allows you not to worry about the appearance of hemorrhoids and other problems of this type.

The opinions of experts about the action of suppositories with belladonna extract differ greatly. Some consider this drug very effective and prescribe it to almost all pregnant women before childbirth. Others, on the contrary, do not use this medicine at all as a prophylactic, considering it not so useful as to be prescribed during the period of expectation of a child.

In practice, there are different cases, for many women this drug helps in the treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids, to normalize the stool. They also have a positive effect on labor activity, relaxing the uterus. But for some women, the drug can act as a strong laxative, which causes significant discomfort.

Side effects of the drug

The reaction of each organism to the drug is individual, when using suppositories with belladonna, the following symptoms may occur:

With a strong manifestation of any side effect, candles with belladonna are replaced with another drug. During pregnancy, the sensitivity of the body is increased, so side effects occur more often.

To avoid such consequences, pregnant women are not prescribed a course of the drug without urgent need. Most often, candles are used one time, perhaps with some frequency, only as directed by a doctor. When using the drug, it is necessary to strictly follow the prescribed treatment, do not exceed the permissible doses.

The herbal origin of this drug does not indicate its safety and the possibility of continuous use during the period of bearing a child.

Method of application and contraindications

Candles with belladonna extract are used only rectally. Before using the drug, it is necessary to clean the intestines by natural emptying or enema. After these manipulations, you need to carry out hygiene procedures, thoroughly washing yourself. The candle is inserted to the maximum depth into the rectum, after which it is necessary to remain in a supine position for at least 30 minutes.

The drug is prescribed in a dosage of one candle several times a day. The course of treatment usually lasts from 3 to 7 days, depending on the severity of the disease. If necessary, the treatment is repeated after a break. The daily dose should not exceed 10 suppositories (150 mg).

During pregnancy, the dosage and duration of administration is determined by the doctor, taking into account all individual indicators. Often suppositories with belladonna extract are prescribed simultaneously with No-shpa.

It is impossible to use candles with belladonna extract during breastfeeding. Also, the drug is contraindicated in those who suffer from prostate adenoma or glaucoma, intestinal atony, ulcerative colitis, tachyarrhythmia, bleeding and have hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

During the period of expectation of a child, the drug can be used only as directed by a doctor.

People with chronic heart failure, impaired kidney function, hypertension or cholelithiasis should take suppositories with caution.

special instructions

When taking the drug, you should stop driving a car. The belladonna extract has an effect on the human nervous system, can reduce concentration. Side effects can also be visual impairment, decreased physical activity and reaction.

Candles belladonna during pregnancy should be taken with caution, monitor your well-being and the reaction of the body. All ailments after using the drug must be reported to the doctor, it may be necessary to stop taking the drug or replace it with another one.

While waiting for a child, you need to be very responsible about your well-being. Taking belladonna suppositories during pregnancy is not contraindicated, but requires the permission of a doctor. If the medicine is prescribed for prophylaxis, and the woman has doubts about whether to take the drug, then it is best to consult with several specialists. If you refuse to take the medicine, you must notify the doctor who prescribed the suppositories with belladonna extract.