How to cut paper snowflakes. Paper snowflakes How to cut snowflakes from thick paper

Everyone is happy about the new year, especially children. They are looking forward to the New Year holidays, and you can brighten up the expectation - to occupy your hands with something interesting and useful, for example, to decorate windows or curtains in the form of beautiful snowflakes. But not always children's hands can cope with intricate patterns on snowflake patterns, such fingers need something simpler, and we have something. These are schemes of simple snowflakes, suitable for preschoolers, well, or first-graders. The most important thing is to meaningfully bend the workpiece, understanding where we will have the middle of the snowflake, and then it remains only to cut the edge in the right way.

To begin with, it is better for a child to practice on plain paper, it is more pliable. And when you learn, you can start making light and translucent snowflakes from paper napkins. It is not worth training on napkins, it is more difficult to bend the workpiece evenly, the edges move relative to each other and the child will not be satisfied with the craft, practice is important here.

Classic snowflake:

If you also cut off a sharp corner, you will get a hole in the center of the snowflake.

Ice Snowflake:

Also, as if from ice crystals, but with a hole in the center:

These are such simple and easy snowflakes to make. If it doesn't work out, try again and you will definitely succeed :)

Paper snowflakes will be a great decoration for windows, walls or doors of the house. Especially during the winter holidays. In kindergartens and schools, children love to carve these ornaments and then decorate the fir trees. Needlework is an activity that can bring everyone together. Carving crystals is usually very fun and interesting. It is worth showing imagination, patience and perseverance, and the original artificial snowflakes will be ready. There are a lot of options for making fluffs. However, if you make snowflakes with your child, then you should start with the simplest ways. It is important to remember about caution and safety when involving children in the work on snowflakes. If you want to learn how to cut paper snowflakes step by step, read on.

Beginner Lesson

Snowflakes can be made from any materials at hand, but simple thin office fax paper and scissors are best. In addition to paper, crystals are good to make from white napkins, paper or shiny foil. The material is not so important, the main thing is a beautiful ornament.

There are a lot of techniques for making snowflakes, different in level of complexity, but it is better to teach children the simplest. More complex techniques are best mastered without children on their own.

To make such beauty, at the first stage you need to take a sheet of paper, fold it into a square and cut off the extra unnecessary remnants. The whole process, how to fold the leaf, is shown in the pictures below.

At the next stage, you need to fold the leaf diagonally five times, as a result, you get the shape of a triangle. It is important that the parts of the triangle lie on top of each other. Bend and cut off excess. The sequence of actions is visible in the photo:

After you unfold the sheet, you can see the octagon.

The diagrams below will simplify the process of cutting out a snowflake. These drawings are designed for a beginner and will be a good help in their work.

Today we will show you how easy it is to make beautiful snowflakes on your own to decorate an apartment, house or office for the New Year. Cutting them using the example of the schemes and templates given here will not be difficult even for a beginner!

What is needed first of all is to choose the right color and thickness of paper. It will be much easier to make snowflakes from thin paper: it can be easily bent and cut without much effort.

Of course, you can use blanks made of thick paper. But then instead it is better to take a sharp knife or scalpel to prevent the edges of the paper from moving. For most of us, cutting with scissors is more familiar and convenient: even ordinary hairdressers are suitable for making perfectly even contours. And small details are best done with miniature scissors for manicure.

It is worth deciding in advance on the size of the paper. The best option in most cases are A5 sheets (this is half of the usual A4 landscape sheet).

Once the appropriate material is selected, you can proceed directly to manufacturing.

We tried to make some really beautiful paper snowflakes. This is one of the best we've got.

The diagram below shows how you can fold the paper to further cut out a classic 6-ray snowflake.

Fold a sheet of paper to cut out a six-pointed snowflake

As can be seen from the diagram, a regular sheet of paper of the format we have chosen is folded as shown in figure (b), then the excess part is cut off (figure (c)). Next, unfold the folded paper and fold it along the dotted lines as shown in Figure (d). The resulting figure (figure (e)) must be folded again along the dotted line and then cut off the extra edges. Everything, the paper is ready to cut out snowflakes.

There are other ways to fold a triangle. For example, the workpiece can be made as in the figure below.

How to fold a triangle to cut a snowflake

How to cut a snowflake

You can clearly see the whole process from folding a piece of paper to cutting out a beautiful New Year's snowflake from it in the videos below. Particularly complex curls and thin cuts are best obtained with a clerical knife.

If you already know how to fold paper to cut out snowflakes, you can go straight to the templates. You can start simple. Examples are shown in the figure below.

Snowflake schemes

Want to learn all the possible ways to cut six-pointed snowflakes? Watch a special video that clearly shows 3 such methods. Which one is better - decide for yourself!

From the following videos you will learn how you can draw a pattern yourself to cut a beautiful New Year's snowflake.

How can a beautiful snowflake be cut out of a folded paper triangle using patterns downloaded on the Internet? Everything is very simple!

Examples of patterns for cutting six-ray snowflakes

In the examples above, you need to cut the snowflake according to the diagram above so that only the white part remains, the black must be cut off.

By analogy, snowflakes are made, the templates for cutting which are presented below.

You can take even more patterns for cutting easy-to-make snowflakes at the link - Download templates

How to make your own template in various PC programs

Agree, a lot of time and paper can be spent on blindly cutting snowflakes out of many freaks to choose at least a few normal ones. In order to carefully work out the shape of a snowflake before moving on to cutting it in kind, it is best to use some kind of CAD program.

We draw a diagram ourselves

Original schemes can be created using computer-aided design systems. Let's consider this using the KOMPAS-3D program as an example. Who knows how to work in it - use it, there is no desire to understand it - skip this part of the article, it is not for you.

Let's create a 3D model of our future snowflake. Open "File" - "Create", select "Detail". First we need to create a sketch. We draw two auxiliary lines in it, intersecting at the origin at an angle of 30 ° to each other, as shown in the figure below.

Create a snowflake model in Compass 3D

Further, at right angles to the vertical auxiliary line, you can draw another line. You will get a triangular area bounded on all sides. In this sector, we have to draw the future template of a six-ray snowflake. To build various openwork elements and curlicues, you can use the Spline by Points tool. As a result, you should get such a snowflake pattern.

Sketch for cutting a snowflake from paper with 6 rays in the Compass 3D system

Now let's see how the snowflake cut out according to this pattern will look like. Select our drawing with the mouse and click the "Symmetry" button in the "Editing" tab.

Create a template for cutting paper snowflakes

Now it remains only to select the resulting beam of a six-pointed snowflake, in the "Editor" tab, select the item "Copy" - "Circumferential". Specify the center - the origin of coordinates and 6 copies with a step of 60 degrees. It should look like the picture below.

Snowflake almost ready

If desired, you can display everything in 3D and better consider the resulting beauty. But in principle, everything is already remarkably visible, so you don’t need to spend time on this. If the result suits you, it is enough to save the template obtained above to disk in a suitable format, print it on a sheet of paper of the desired size, and you can start cutting out the snowflake.

Snowflake Model 3D #1

To make a snowflake template from a three-dimensional model, create a 3D drawing in Compass (Click the mouse in the top menu “File” - “Create” - “Drawing”), insert a view from this model into the document, select the appropriate scale and print on a printer.

Paper snowflake template from 3D model

Of course, using a CAD program to make templates is not the easiest option. But do not be upset, because there is an intuitive and simple program for drawing snowflakes - the Snowf graphics editor, which even a child can use. When drawing a pattern in this program, you do not need to draw any axes, mirror something, and so on - everything is done absolutely automatically. The intuitive interface allows you to master the work in the program in a matter of minutes. To draw, you just need to move the mouse and watch how the pattern changes on the screen.

Other options for making snowflakes

Snowflakes made using a hole punch look original. Making them is easier and faster than cutting complex patterns.

To cut out such multi-beam snowflakes, a paper sheet is folded according to the scheme, which is clearly shown (see Blank No. 2).

The models and video tutorials in this article will help you and your children learn how to cut amazing New Year's snowflakes that will bring a festive atmosphere to the house and will delight the eyes of others!

The paper snowflake has been the most popular and most affordable Christmas decoration for many years. They are cut out both in kindergarten and at school. Shops, offices and apartments are decorated with snowflakes. In order to make this patterned miracle, you need a little: paper, scissors and patience. You cannot create truly beautiful snowflakes from a swoop. But you should not be afraid. We will tell and show you how to easily and quickly make amazingly beautiful, openwork and unusual snowflakes.

We make a blank from paper

First, fold the paper from which we will cut the snowflakes. The diagram in the photo will tell you how to do it correctly.

When we have made paper blanks for making snowflakes, the most interesting part comes - drawing a picture. You can come up with your own drawing, or you can download diagrams from the Internet. We also publish a number of schemes that will help you make a truly beautiful snowflake. The most important thing in this case is to make sure that the lines do not reach opposite sides of the workpiece, otherwise the snowflake will not work.

When you have applied the drawing, the excess is cut off with sharp scissors. We remove small details with nail scissors or a clerical knife.

Snowflake with a story

Recently, unusual snowflakes with figures of animals and people are gaining popularity. Snowflakes where you can see the real story. Take these pictures as an example and come up with your own.

What paper to cut snowflakes from?

From any, as long as it is easily cut. You can decorate your home with gold or silver paper snowflakes. You can use colored or translucent paper. And someone prefers to create using old newspapers and magazines.

Ballerinas at the window

By the way, ballerina snowflakes have not lost their relevance for many years. From these figures you can assemble a real garland. In this case, you will have to cut out the silhouette of a dancer (preferably from cardboard) and a snowflake, which you can put on the figure as a skirt.

This is how you can decorate the windows of your apartment with snowflakes-ballerinas. It turns out charming and gentle.


Volumetric snowflakes

Volumetric snowflakes look unusual and very elegant. They are also made quite easily and quickly. A good example is in this video.

And finally, a few tips from readers of the site:

- Use tracing paper to cut out snowflakes, it is thin but strong. Snowflakes made of tracing paper are more airy.
- Fold not into a hexagonal snowflake, but into an octagonal one, so a more subtle pattern can be made, and no one counts the rays of paper snowflakes.
- It is easier to cut snowflakes with nail scissors than regular ones.
- Snowflakes look better not uniform, but with larger details, alternating with thinner ones. For example, thicker rays, thinner branches from them.
- And try to cut all the same snowflakes, not lace napkins, so less roundness, leave less paper.

Paper for cutting snowflakes, you can take office, colored paper for children's creativity, paper for origami.

It is convenient to cut out relatively large sections of the pattern with ordinary stationery scissors, for example, along the edge of a snowflake.

For cutting small details and complex patterns, it is better to use hairdressing scissors and nail scissors.

DIY snowflakes

So, paper and scissors are selected, now you can proceed to the first stage of making snowflakes - folding paper. To get a hexagonal blank from which a snowflake will subsequently be made, cut a square of the desired size from a sheet of paper.

How to get squares of different sizes from an A4 sheet

1. Fold a sheet of paper in an arbitrary way, but so that one part is larger than the other, and then cut along the marked line.

2. Fold most of the sheet along the bisector.

3. Cut off the excess paper - you get a square.

4. The blank for the big snowflake is ready.

5. Repeat steps 2-3 with the smaller part of the sheet remaining after step 1.

6. The result is a blank for the average snowflake.

7. With the trim remaining after step 6, repeat steps 2-3.

8. It turned out a blank for a small snowflake. Thus, from one sheet of A4 format, you can make blanks for three snowflakes of different sizes.

Piece sizes may vary slightly. They depend on how the original sheet was folded in step 1. In addition, a large snowflake can be obtained by cutting a square from a whole A4 sheet.

How to fold a hexagonal blank from a square

Now we need to fold a regular triangle from the square (in expanded form - a hexagon), from which a snowflake will be cut.

Method number 1

1. Fold the square in half.

2. Then fold the sheet "by eye" so that the angles indicated in diagram 3 are equal.

3. Turn the workpiece over to the other side.

4. The fold should go along the edge of the workpiece folded in step 2 of the layer, and the top edge should coincide with the left fold.

5. Cut off the excess paper evenly.

Method number 2

1. Fold the square diagonally.

2. Mark the middle of the leg of the resulting triangle (side).

3. Connect the top (right angle) of the triangle with the intended midpoint of the leg. Mark the fold line and again expand the workpiece to a triangle.

4. Now mark the middle of the base of the triangle.

5. Connect the middle of the leg with a point lying on the marking line obtained in step 3. The fold line should pass through the middle of the base of the triangle.

6. Connect the base of the triangle to the fold line obtained in step 5.

7. Cut off excess paper along the indicated line.


Choose the size of the hexagonal blank (large, small or medium) yourself based on the paper you use for cutting, the complexity of the snowflake, and your scissor skills.

Cut out the snowflake

1. Fold the regular triangle (unfolded hexagon) obtained by one of the methods proposed above in half. Perform all actions very accurately so that later you do not cut through the layers of paper folded crookedly with scissors. Make sure that the top circled in a circle (see diagram) is in the center of the future snowflake.

2. Start cutting. In the diagrams, areas of paper that need to be removed are indicated in bright pink. First form the outer edge of the snowflake. To do this, cut out the pattern on the top side of the workpiece, as shown in the diagram.

3. Then cut out the pattern on both sides of the workpiece. The last to cut out small elements inside the workpiece and near an acute angle.

4. The snowflake is ready, it remains only to carefully unfold it.

We will cut out all the presented snowflakes according to this description, starting from point 2, when the regular triangle is already folded in half. The fact is that all snowflakes are cut out in the same way, only the pattern changes, so we did not repeat the description of the work many times, but limited ourselves to exact diagrams.

The process of making each snowflake consists of 3-5 sequential schemes, on which the removed sections of paper are marked in black. The last diagram, which shows a snowflake fully cut out but not yet unfolded, is also a template. You can “by eye” draw a pattern from it onto your workpiece or transfer it using tracing paper and carbon paper.


The snowflake should look like a graphic image with a well-read pattern, so follow all stages of work very carefully and accurately.

Snowflakes. Scheme

Such snowflakes will be beautiful New Year's interior decoration .

More snowflake options

Snowflake. Step by step manufacturing process

Take a rectangular sheet of white paper and, following the instructions, cut out a snowflake from it. Fantasy, invent your own patterns, and you will get the most unusual and beautiful snowflake!