Autumn application - birch from plasticine. Lesson on manual labor in the preparatory group for school - modeling "White Birch" outline of the lesson on application, modeling (preparatory group) on the topic How to make a birch from plasticine

in some regions of Russia, a birch was considered an unkind tree, since it was allegedly known with evil spirits and, planted close to the house, could cause female diseases in its inhabitants. It was also claimed that the spirits of dead girls who turn into mermaids are infused into the crooked and with “weeping” branches of a birch tree ... a master class on decorating a bottle

Material of the site "Pantry of entertainment"

Birch is a symbol of Russia. Mixed media: plasticine + gouache

Author: Arina Maksimenko, 8 years old, studying at the Children's Art School named after A.A. Bolshakov, Pskov region, Velikiye Luki
Teacher: Natalya Alexandrovna Ermakova, teacher, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution of Additional Education for Children "Children's Art School named after A.A. Bolshakov", Pskov Region, Velikie Luki

Description: work can be done with children of primary school age. The material can be useful for teachers of additional education, teachers, children and their parents.
Purpose: participation in creative exhibitions, interior design
Target: creating a landscape composition on a three-dimensional form.
- create a composition on the theme "Birch is a symbol of Russia"
- to improve the skills of working with plasticine, gouache;
- develop the ability to compose a composition, develop fine motor skills of the hand;
- to cultivate love for the native nature, interest in ancient legends, the cultural heritage of the Russian Land.

White-faced, white-barreled,
Like a bride proud and tender,
Like a Russian song
She rushed to heaven.
Hello dear guests! Since ancient times, birch has been considered a symbol of Russia. Is it possible to imagine a Russian field without a lonely standing white birch? And the Russian forest without a light birch grove? And a Russian bathhouse without a birch broom? But all these images associated with birch arise in our minds today, and the ancient Slavs treated birch ambiguously, although they revered it at all times. Birch in Rus' has long served as a symbol of spring, love and the Motherland. They also considered her a blessed tree, since she once sheltered the Mother of God and Christ from the weather, and on Holy Friday from the persecution of the unclean. That is why they planted a birch near the house with the hope that it would protect it from lightning and scare away evil, bring health and happiness to the newborn and well-being to the whole family. Truly magical properties were attributed to birch. For example, in order to get a good harvest, it was necessary to stick birch branches into the field, and if you bury a birch log under the threshold of a new stable, horses will be found. Birch is revered as a "holy tree", paying special attention to it. For example, the Trinity - a holiday in honor of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, was associated in Rus' with the cult of birch and was also called Semik (Semitskaya birch). And not in vain, in the end, our wise ancestors said about birch like this: “There is a tree, the color is green. There are four lands in this tree: the first is for the sick to health, the second is a well for people, the third is light from winter, the fourth is for decrepit swaddling.

However, in some regions of Russia, birch was considered an unkind tree, since it was allegedly known with evil spirits and, planted close to the house, could cause female diseases in its inhabitants. It was also argued that the spirits of dead girls who turn into mermaids move into the crooked and weeping branches of a birch. The plot of the transformation of a mermaid or a girl offended by relatives into a birch is found in many Slavic fairy tales and legends. One of them tells about a beautiful mermaid who lived in a forest lake. At night, she came out of the water and frolicked under the moon. However, as soon as the first rays of the sun appeared, the mermaid immediately dived into her cool home. One day she started playing and did not notice how the young sun god Khors appeared in the sky on his solar chariot. He saw the beauty and fell in love with her without memory. The mermaid wanted to hide in the lake, but the golden-haired god would not let her go. And so she remained forever standing, turning into a white-trunked beauty birch.
It was said that a witch can even milk milk from birch branches, and she flies not only on a broomstick or a bread shovel, but also on a birch stick.

Birch and products made from it, in particular birch bark, were considered a talisman against everything unclean. Doors were decorated with birch branches on the eve of the celebration of Ivan Kupala, girls wove birch wreaths for themselves and their loved ones, birch brooms are considered the best in the bath, providing both real and ritual cleansing.
I'm forever behind fogs and dews
I fell in love with the birch
And her golden braids
And her canvas sundress...
Earlier, in ancient times, when our grandparents were very young, there was such a custom - to curl birch branches, or weave them together, bending them to the ground, dragging them to flowering herbs. At the same time, they made wishes, thought about their fate. With the help of birch branches, the girls guessed at the betrothed.
One birch was cut down, brought home, dressed up in the best clothes, decorated with scarves, beads, ribbons, which they took off. Having dressed up a birch, they called it “gostenka”, “flower”, “gossip”. When people dressed up a birch, they said good, kind words to each other, praised each other, talked about their love, about who they like.

You are good every time
And loving with all my heart,
Bogatyrsky forest beauty
They called you everywhere.
And no wonder they only handed you
All the brides of my homeland
And girlish dreams and sorrows
Like an older friend.
Initially, birch was a symbol of fertility and health, and in the following centuries it became associated with girlish beauty and femininity, just like oak and poplar became associated with masculinity. Echoes of these beliefs were reflected in numerous ancient rituals. If guests came to the house with the following words: “You have a birch, and we have an oak ...” - this meant that the parents of the future groom were wooing the girl. In some Slavic tribes, it was customary to cover the bodies of dead women with birch branches, it was believed that in this way the soul of a woman would pass to a birch.
In numerous folk songs, especially wedding songs, the Russian girl is compared precisely with a birch. Many peoples believed that after death a girl turns into a birch.

Birch is an unusually beautiful tree, traditionally symbolizing Rus'. In the old days they said that birch warms in winter, gives water in spring, pleases in summer, and soars in the bath for a whole year. In the old days, when there was no electricity, power lines, light bulbs, for a long time the hut was illuminated by a torch. By its light, women and girls spun on long winter evenings, sang songs, listened to fairy tales. Now such lighting, in which everything became mysterious and wonderful, is a thing of the past. A torch was inserted into the light, there was always a trough under the light, burnt pieces fell there and went out in the water - one could not be afraid of a fire in a wooden hut.
By the way, the very word "birch" is Old Russian. It comes from the word "protect". In the old days, birch logs were not burned, and they were protected. In every old Russian house there was a birch barn, in which sawn birch was stored. On holidays, this barn was opened and small children who behaved well could go there and look at the main symbol of Russia - the birch.
I love the beauty of Russian weeping birches,
The enchanting smell of their buds and spring leaves,
Shiny tears on the branches from the morning dew,
And gold crowns in Russian autumn landscapes.
My distant ancestor, once did not know paper,
And in life, native birch trees helped him.
On their birch bark, he entered our history
The message of ancient Rus' for Great Russia.
(Sergey Andropov)

In the old days they said: "Birch is a wayward and capricious tree. It does not welcome every person, it does not help everyone. But if she loves someone, be happy and successful in everything." Knowing the "capriciousness" of the tree, they tried not to plant a birch near the house itself, especially since, according to popular beliefs, elemental spirits and shadows of the dead often hide in its foliage. Therefore, they placed a birch at the gate so that trouble would not enter the yard, and put a bench near it, so that at the right time you could "talk" to the tree, ask him for strength and help.
Birch is especially favored, according to popular belief, for children, innocent girls and pregnant women. In ancient Rus', there were many customs associated with birch. For example, on the occasion of the birth of a child, a young birch was planted near the house. This ceremony was supposed to make the child happy, and protect the family living in this house from adversity. It was believed that the disease would immediately let go of a sick child if you beat him with a birch rod.

Birch is a favorite tree of the Russian people. People composed songs, proverbs, sayings about her. Poets sang birch in their poems, artists depicted it on their canvases. For a Russian person, there is no tree dearer than a birch. In ancient times in Rus', birch was considered "the ancestor and patroness."
But still, why is the birch a symbol of Russia? The trunk of a birch very clearly symbolizes the structure of Russian society. Its white color represents the liberal purity of the intelligentsia, and the black dots are, of course, uneducated proletarians, which, at the same time, contrast very clearly against the white liberal background, giving it a unique beauty. Of course, according to many liberals, a birch would be much more beautiful if its trunk had a blue background instead of a white background. But in this case, the birch would necessarily merge with another symbol of Russian liberalism, which is the blue sky.

Birches, balalaikas, bears, church domes, felt boots, nesting dolls and much more are closely associated with foreigners with the great and mighty power - Russia. Much of this list is just stereotypes. However, birch occupies a separate place in Slavic culture. It really carries its symbolic meaning. Interestingly, the birch has become a symbol of Russia thanks to one person. We are talking about the poet S.A. Yesenin. In his poems, birch became associated with his native home, with his small homeland, with the Russian hinterland. Birch is a component of a typical Russian landscape. These associations gained particular strength in the circle of Russian emigration, whose representatives, reading the poems of S.A. Yesenin, experienced a special longing for the abandoned Russia.
White birch
under my window
covered with snow,
Exactly silver.
On fluffy branches
snow border
Brushes blossomed
White fringe.
And there is a birch
In sleepy silence
And the snowflakes are burning
In golden fire
A dawn, lazy
Walking around,
sprinkles branches
New silver.
(Sergey Yesenin)

And besides, the wonderful healing properties of this tree have long been appreciated. Already in the herbalists of the 16th-17th centuries, one can find instructions on how to use birch leaves, buds, bark, and sap for certain ailments.
Healthy people can drink birch sap in unlimited quantities instead of tea, compote, water. It is useful to mix it with all kinds of juices obtained from vegetables and fruits, as well as insist on it St. John's wort, rose hips, mint leaves, lemon balm and other medicinal plants.

Materials and tools:
- any glass form (bottle)
- old plasticine
- white toothpaste
- jar for water

Master class progress:

We start by preparing the surface of the bottle for painting. The entire surface of the bottle, except for the bottom, must be covered with a thin layer of plasticine. Then you need to roll up a long thin sausage. From it we will make a decor for the neck, you need to wrap the sausage around the neck (spiral).

Now we will sculpt the trunk of the main birch. We roll up a medium-sized sausage, the length should correspond to the height of the product. Flatten with fingers and fix on the surface of the bottle.

In the same way, we sculpt several large birch branches and fix them at the trunk. Thus, we get a relief landscape.

On the other side of the bottle, we will place two more trunks of smaller birches, approximately half the height of the product. Under them we will place a flattened plasticine sausage - this is the coastline.

Our birches stand on the shore of a reservoir with white lilies. For flower petals, you need to roll up small balls, flatten them and collect them into a bud right on the bottle. Then we cover the entire plasticine surface with a thin, transparent layer of toothpaste using a brush. A thin layer of paste dries quickly, and after about ten minutes you can start painting the product.

We paint the entire bottle in a gently purple or blue color.

Then birch trunks and white lilies.

Next, you need to outline the crowns of the trees. Autumn is in the yard, and in order to capture its beauty, we will work with several colors at once. We will make priming with a brush in the area of ​​​​the crown of a birch with different colors (leaves).

The birch trunk is highlighted with a black outline. Then, with a clean brush with water, we blur the black color so that we get a smooth transition from black to white (the volume of the tree).

We draw the crowns of two other birches on the opposite side of the bottle, we also select their trunks. We lay several multi-colored strokes on the ground - this is fallen leaves.

Now the dashes on the birch trunk.

Now you need to draw up the lower part of the work - there will be water. For its image we use blue, emerald, white paints. We draw with small strokes - we depict ripples on the water.

Then we draw the cores of lilies, add bright foliage to all the birches, dashes on the branches and the work is finished.

There is a belief, and I will say it not for the first time:
Do not destroy trees, all trees are alive.
White-barreled summer, golden-haired autumn -
Here are live answers to dumb questions.
Do not destroy birches, do not break mountain ash:
Their silent tears are pure and innocent.
Do not disturb the rest of the ever-slumbering pines
They were not touched by people, they are not touched by Autumn.
Do not destroy aspens, firs, hornbeams and willows,
In your daily routine, whisper "happily" to them.
Take a closer look, just don't offend
Do not accept that sin on your hearts and souls.
In the fineness of the light, let's be more honest with them,
After all, they are dearer to the planet than a person.
Everything will be someday, and belief will come true ...
Just remember, people: don't destroy the trees.
Thank you for your attention! DIY bottle decor for the New Year. Master class with photo.A vase made of twine with your own hands. Master ClassPlasticine bottle decor with subsequent painting of the product. Master class with step by step photo

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We sculpt together with the children on the theme of AUTUMN. How to make an application of a birch tree from plasticine. Videos modeling
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05. 12.2017

Catherine's blog

My dear friends and readers, we have already learned how to make an autumn paper application with the image of a juicy and so familiar to all of us with our own hands. In this lesson, I want to tell you more about how to make another craft, just as fabulous and a little dull. We are waiting for the autumn application - birch from plasticine. We will depict on it a lonely tree with yellowed, flying leaves, a gloomy, rainy sky and gray wet earth. Of course, immediately you will have the question of how to put it all together on one application and do it using plasticine. Everything is very simple. We will apply an interesting technique of plasticineography, which allows you to paint wonderful paintings, landscapes, still lifes and even portraits, as if with oil paints.

I propose to make a birch a central tree - a thin and quivering Russian beauty, which many associate with their homeland and rich nature. If we are talking about a birch, then it should have a white thin trunk with black marks, thin twigs hanging in clusters almost to the ground, and small leaves.

To work on creating an autumn landscape, prepare:

  • cardboard - the most common, junk, cut out of any old unnecessary box;
  • plasticine - small pieces of gray, brown, blue, dark blue, dark green, brown colors to create an autumn background;
  • white and black plasticine for a birch trunk;
  • gray plasticine for thin twigs;
  • yellow plasticine for autumn yellowed leaves.

How to make an autumn application - plasticine birch

Initially, prepare a kit for creativity, which will include a box of plasticine or individual pieces if you have already worked with this material before. Cardboard for the background can be cut from the same box or taken separately.

To make an interesting drawing, as if painted in oil, take different pieces: dark ones for the background, yellow, white ones for the birch. All this in the future can be successfully combined on one application.

Let's start at the top of the picture. Let's create an autumn dark, impenetrable sky. Apply gray and dark blue plasticine with your fingers, smearing it on the cardboard. The mass must be very soft so that it is ideally distributed over the surface of the cardboard.

Fill the top of the drawing with cyan, blue, dark blue, gray. Smear gold in one place, showing meager rays of the sun peeking through the lead clouds. Draw the second part of the picture (bottom) as well, but with brown, orange colors, showing the wet ground covered with dry foliage.

Roll up a sausage from white plasticine. Glue in the center of the pattern, bending, stretching the lower part with your fingers, showing a slender birch trunk. Stick on small black spots.

Make very thin gray sticks and glue them as tree branches.

From yellow plasticine, create many small leaves.

Glue the leaves to the branches, evenly distributing. Also add foliage to the base of the tree.

A unique autumn application in the form of a plasticine pattern is ready. Now, dear friends, you know how to make another fall-themed craft with the kids. Subscribe to updates and share information on social networks.

Irina Yukhmankova


preparatory group.

Yukhmankova I. N. educator GBDO them. D. V. Ryabinkin 1392 Moscow (building №7)

Target: 1) Strengthen skills and abilities moldings from plasticine.

2) Learn to create an image of a tree, leaves, grass from plasticine using a different method modeling(balls, sausages, flattening).

3) Develop fine motor skills, a sense of color and shape.

4) Contribute to the enrichment and activation of the vocabulary of children.

5) Cultivate a caring attitude and love for nature.

Material: plasticine, cardboard, boards for modeling, stacks.

Illustration autumn landscape, reading a poem by I. Bunin "Leaf fall"

preliminary work: A talk about the main features autumn, viewing illustrations, memorizing a poem by A. S. Pushkin "A sad time!"

Lesson progress:

Reading a poem:

"Leaf fall" I. Bunin

Forest, like a painted tower,

Purple, gold, crimson,

Cheerful, colorful wall

It stands over a bright meadow.

Birches with yellow carving

Shine in blue azure,

Like towers, Christmas trees darken,

And between the maples they turn blue

Here and there in the foliage through

Clearances in the sky, that windows.

The forest smells of oak and pine,

During the summer it dried up from the sun,

AND Autumn as a quiet widow

He enters his motley tower.

Talking to children about the main signs autumn oh trees autumn how beautiful they become.

Mystery: "Thin camp, white sundress" (Birch)

consideration autumn illustrations.

Clarification of the main features "Birches"(slender tree, white trunk with black spots, thin twigs, small heart-shaped leaves).


The wind is blowing in our faces.

The tree swayed.

The wind is quieter, quieter.

The tree is getting higher and higher.

Children do the work, the teacher helps with difficulties.

Examination of works, discussion and summing up.

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Taisya Sagalakova

Summary of GCD in the middle group on the topic: « Trees. Birch modeling»

Program content:

To teach children to create an expressive image of an autumn birch, creatively using different techniques modeling(rolling, pinching, smoothing).

expressive possibilities. Develop a sense of form and composition. Cultivate interest in the bright, beautiful phenomenon of nature.

preliminary work:

Observation of seasonal changes in nature. Admiring birch, leaf fall. Games with autumn leaves.

D / and "When it happens"

D / and "From what tree leaf"Conversation on the content of reproductions, paintings by famous artists - landscape painters

Materials, tools, equipment.

Plasticine of different colors, oilcloth, stack, jar of water, wet wipes.

Someone is knocking on the door. A bunny runs in (a child, says hello, whispers to the teacher in the ear, gives an envelope. -Look how unusually decorated the envelope is.

What is it decorated with? (leaves)

Have any of you guessed who this letter is from? (No)

Will we read? (Yes)

“Dear guys, residents of the birch forests: a misfortune happened in the autumn forest, the birch trees disappeared. Help bring them back. With respect to you, residents of the birch forest. "

caregiver: - Children, help the bunny! (Yes) Amazing!

Listen to Trutneva's poem about birch. (I read and show the musical accompaniment of the video image of a birch):

It suddenly became twice as bright

Yard in the sun

This dress is golden

At the birch on the shoulders.

caregiver: - Birch is one of the most beautiful trees in our country.

A forest where a lot of birch trees grow, what is the name? Right: birch forest

Grove,. where many birch trees grow, what is the name? - birch.

Do you guys want to turn into autumn birch trees? (Yes) Come out, join the circle.

Fizminutka to the music

Falling leaves

Turn into leaves

The wind takes them

And slowly circles in the air

Leaves quietly fall to the ground. (moves through the text)

Educator - And now we will help the bunny and create a beautiful composition with our wonderful birch trees.

I show the children a way to create an expressive image of an autumn birch and techniques tree modeling:

We get the trunk and twigs by rolling white plasticine for readiness "sausages"

Thicker white "sausage"(the trunk is covered with small black plasticine - strokes, imitating the black contours of birch bark,

We attach white branches to them;

From small circles and ovals, by pinching, we get beautiful leaves, attach them to birch branches

We put the birch on a green meadow.

Additional work on compositions: characters near the birch (mushrooms, forest animals, etc.)

You can organize a collective birch meadow (can be from subgroups - at the request of children)

I show several ways and suggest getting to work. Children choose materials, a method of execution and create their own compositions with birch trees.

During work, children or receive information about the birch on the video film "Birches of Russia", or they themselves tell their interesting story about birch.

Birch officinalis tree. She gives people an infusion of young birch leaves, tar oil, kidneys for the treatment of diseases.

With a birch broom, people go to the bathhouse.

Tueski and boxes are woven from birch bark

In April, birch sap is collected. Previously, the people called him that - berezozol.

The huts were heated with firewood.

In the old days, people wrote with sticks on birch bark. Some writings and drawings have survived to this day.

That's how much good birch brings to people.

The bunny sculpts a birch tree with the children, thanking the children, runs away into the forest.


Is the bunny happy?

How did you help the bunny?

Why does a bunny need a birch?

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