Esoteric fasting practice. Svetlana Oriya. Energy starvation. Chronic fatigue syndrome and methods of recovery Disease is the body's signal to cleanse

Dry fasting. How does emotional and energetic cleansing of a person take place?

Schedule of activities of the School of Dry Fasting and Raw Food Diet Anna Yakub "Dream":

For participation in the School's programs, contact Anna Yakuba: e-mail [email protected]

During prolonged dry fasting, the processes of cleansing the body are launched, and at several levels at once. At the physical level, cleansing is impossible not to notice: plaque on the tongue, odor from the mouth and from the body, periodic weakness, etc. But physical cleansing is not limited to: during fasting, energetic and emotional cleansing also occurs. In order to understand these processes, you need a special attitude.

How to do it? Observe your emotional state during the fasting period, focus on the inner world, direct your thoughts and energy flows inward - and the results will amaze you. The effect of physical cleansing will thereby be synergistically increased.

What happens if during the fasting period you do not pay attention to your feelings and emotions? I emphasize: OWN, and not close observation, assessment of the state and behavior of people and situations around them. In this case, unfortunately, energetic cleansing will be minimal, and this, accordingly, will lead to a decrease in the cleansing effect at the physical level.

What are emotional and energy slags.

Our body is clogged not only with physical waste (mucous, fecal, cellular, intercellular and other waste), but also emotional and energetic. It accumulates in the body in the same way as material slags are "stored" and "compacted". These are both repressed feelings and the emotional background familiar to a modern person - various stresses, arguments, news from the media, irritation, etc. (as a rule, with an excess of negativity). But emotions, like material objects, also have their own energy.

Our negative emotions, which we suppress and accumulate within ourselves, block energy flows. The energy, which should freely circulate through the body, encounters emotional blocks and stagnant phenomena appear in these places, which gradually begin to manifest themselves in the physical plane of our being.

Where there is stagnation of energy, toxins begin to accumulate, causing tension in the muscles, pain in the organs. The emotion that caused the blockage manifests itself more often over time (after all, the corresponding toxins are becoming more and more), but the person suppresses it again, increasing the blockage and energy stagnation. Such a vicious circle is obtained.

These blocks are easy to spot. Separate emotions are concentrated in certain areas of the body. For example, fear usually leads to tension in the legs and abdomen. When a person is angry, he involuntarily clenches his fists and teeth, strains his forehead, eyes and eyebrows, clenches his jaw. We associate resentment with a lump in the throat. The burden of guilt “falls on the shoulders” - they subconsciously tense up and the person “hunches down”.

At the physical level, it is almost impossible to remove such a block. Massaging tense areas of the body, influencing them with exercises, using various methods of physical relaxation (massages, hydromassages, etc.) can only achieve an explosive "fountain" of accumulated emotions and feelings. When we "turn off the tap", relieving stress on the physical level, emotional slags begin to gush. It is so uncomfortable that you have to suppress your emotions. The tap turns again, feelings are suppressed. And the energy block is starting to intensify again!

We need a different way to get rid of the accumulated negative emotional energy. This path is awareness, understanding and work with your emotions, the ability to transform them.

Lacking such skills of working on oneself, a person gradually turns into a dormant emotional volcano, with every day, year after year, a lump of emotional garbage grows, blocks of various parts of the body intensify, and energy pathways are disrupted. And one day the mass of stagnant energy becomes critical, an explosion occurs, or "suddenly" a terrible diagnosis is made!

What happens to a person when his body can no longer contain all this mountain of emotional garbage and blocked energy? Several options are possible:

● Physical explosion. It manifests itself in illness or injury of the place where a critical mass of negative energy has accumulated and a breakthrough has occurred.

● Emotional explosion. A splash of aggression into the world around you, on the people around you. In the best case, it is a quarrel, in the most unfavorable scenario, it is a crime.

● "Vacuum explosion". In this case, the explosion is, as it were, directed inward, the person "eats" himself. It burns out feelings, desires, aspirations. Or another analogy: the colors of life seem to be sucked out by a vacuum. Depression sets in.

Which option will be implemented when the critical line is reached depends on the personal characteristics of the person, the personal characteristics of the psyche. But, in any case, the result of emotional slagging manifests itself as quite real troubles.

Aggravation of the senses during dry fasting.

The same thing happens with emotional garbage. It is picked up by an internal whirlpool and carried to the surface. Slags begin to peel off from the "rammed" emotional blocks. Hidden, suppressed garbage accumulations require an exit.

Like the "spring cleaning" of physical toxins, getting rid of the emotional burden during fasting also causes discomfort, especially for beginners who do not know or do not understand what is happening to them and what to do about it. This is not surprising, because a whole emotional "trash heap" has accumulated over the years and decades! And what to do in such situations - information is nowhere to be found.

Therefore, we should not be surprised when, during fasting, we feel different emotions more strongly. All our feelings are exacerbated: anxiety, irritation may arise, self-pity may surge, tears welled up in our eyes, anxiety aggravates, sadness, sadness or resentment may appear. Everything is individual here: someone throws out irritation and discontent on others, someone falls into condemnation, someone cries or is offended. Everyone has EVERYTHING in a different way!

These emotions form the energy background during the practice of prolonged dry fasting. If you do not work with them, then you can get a negative result from the practice of fasting. This is why it is so important to fast, paying attention to your feelings and emotions, working with them. This allows us to choose the state in which we will practice. We cannot be allowed to be ruled by our emotions. Especially those that carry negative energy - in this case, starvation turns into self-torture. A person suffers from hunger, suffers, splashes out irritation on others or on himself. Because of this, many stop fasting or become disillusioned with it. For others, fasting does not bring the expected results, since without energetic cleansing, the power of physical cleansing also decreases. And, as a result, it is also a serious disappointment.

The one who works on himself, managing his emotions during fasting, transforming negative into positive, gets completely different sensations and results. For example, if irritation has appeared, it is not necessary to suppress it in the usual way or splash it out on those who are nearby. Instead, one should realize and note how the body has tensed, in which places. It is necessary to relax these places, breathe intensively (for example, do breathing exercises), take a walk in the fresh air in a beautiful place, and do light physical exercises. At the same time, it is important not to fight irritation (that is, not to suppress it!), But to study this state with interest, to investigate it. Thus, you allow yourself to accept this state and ... free yourself from it!

Or, perhaps, you felt pity for yourself, a desire to cry will appear - a typical emotional background for the first practices of fasting. There are so many delicious dishes around, people are eating something, enjoying the food, rejoicing in it, and I ... can I starve another time ... Stop! Realize that this is just a feeling of self-pity that can be freed from. Feel the features of the state that has arisen, analyze it. And smile as you feel it leave you.

Likewise, you can work with other feelings and emotions, allow yourself to become aware of them - and say goodbye to them. This is not a struggle forcing emotions inside oneself, this is awareness of them, control over them and the ability to transform them. By examining our states, we treat the emerging emotions with interest, acceptance and forgiveness (we forgive ourselves for these feelings, not punish!). All this triggers the process of energetic cleansing.

Why emotional and energetic cleansing is so important.

Freeing the soul from emotional toxins, we develop and study new states, we gain a deeper understanding of our inner world. In the process of practicing prolonged dry fasting, we can understand what emotions and feelings dominate in us: after all, during this practice, they are most clearly manifested. Our ego during fasting is not able to feed these emotions, hiding from others, everything is "written on our face" and can be seen from the behavior. By finding out what feelings are suppressed in our daily life, we can learn to transform them after we get out of fasting. This will allow you to fill your soul and body with positive energy, use it for the benefit of yourself and people.

The study of their emotional experiences in the process of prolonged dry fasting is very useful for people who are accustomed to "seize" negative emotions. Boredom, stress, resentment, anxiety, anxiety - in these states, many people begin to eat more in order to suppress their emotions. It is important for them in the process of fasting to ask themselves: what exactly caused the desire to have a snack? Real hunger or fears, emotions, worries? Fasting practice is a great way to tackle emotional overeating!

Emotional and energetic cleansing is extremely important for a person who is constantly in contact with other people by the type of activity. Emotional exhaustion (burnout) syndrome often occurs among educators, doctors, consultants, journalists, sales managers, social workers, and others. This is due to the fact that when communicating with other people, we pass their energy through ourselves. Prolonged dry fasting allows you to effectively get rid of the accumulated layers of your and others' negative emotions and states.

Ecology of Life: Health - Our ancestors did not have 24/7 access to food. The biology of our body does not mean continuous nourishment to keep it running smoothly.

There is a factor in our lifestyle that, apparently, not only provokes obesity, but also the development of many chronic diseases. This factor is the absence of very long breaks in food intake.

Our ancestors did not have 24/7 access to food. The biology of our body does not mean continuous nourishment to keep it running smoothly.

Fasting Helps Unlock Energy Sources

If you eat all day and never skip meals, your body gets used to using sugar as its main fuel, which interferes with the enzymes responsible for using and burning stored fat.

If you are overweight, it is possible that your body simply lost its metabolic flexibility to burn fat for fuel, which largely triggered your problem.

To fix this, you it is necessary to reduce the amount of simple carbohydrates and, ideally, the number of meals. Fasting is one of the oldest dietary procedures in the world, and modern science confirms that it can provide significant health benefits.

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Intermittent fasting and long fasting

Intermittent fasting is a broad term that includes many different timing options for eating. As a rule, it involves a complete or partial reduction in calories consumed two days a week, every other day, or even every day.

It is important to alternate periods of feasting / abundance of food with periods of hunger / starvation. By mimicking the eating habits of our ancestors, who did not have 24/7 access to food, you will bring your body into a more natural state and at the same time reap a number of biochemical benefits.

"Peak fasting" involves fasting every day from 14 to 21 hours and eating in the remaining window from three to ten hours. Obviously, you need to skip at least one main meal to be able to stick to this meal plan. To make this task easier, you can gradually postpone breakfast time (until you completely abandon it), after which you can simply have lunch and then dinner.

Remember that you need to have dinner at least three hours before bedtime. The body needs less energy during sleep, so if nutrients are supplied during a period when energy is not needed, mitochondria will end up creating excessive amounts of harmful free radicals.

Avoiding late meals is an easy way to protect mitochondrial function and prevent cell damage. As you become accustomed to intermittent fasts, you may want to consider longer fasts, during which only water and mineral supplements can be consumed.

I used to be against multi-day water fasting for ideal weight people. What I didn’t realize then was that longer fasting provides “metabolic magic” that is impossible even with daily intermittent fasting.

Fasting for many days is basically like taking out the trash.... It allows the body to accelerate the processes of autophagy and mitophagy, during which damaged aging cells in the body, including precancerous cells, are removed. I believe that fasting is a great way to significantly reduce your risk of cancer. It is also an extremely effective way to lose weight and prolong life.

The man who starved for 382 days

I noticed that most people are afraid of hunger. It seems to them that they will not be able to endure the unpleasant sensations associated with this. However, Fung says, an obese person could theoretically live without food for months without starving to death.

A compelling example is the 1965 medical case where a 27-year-old man fasted for 382 days. At the start of his fast, he weighed 456 pounds. In the end, he lost just over 275 pounds, and gained only 11 pounds five years after breaking the fast.

Please, don't get me wrong, I don't recommend fasting for months or years. This person was under strict medical supervision, which is also necessary for those planning long-term fasting.

He took a daily multivitamin and potassium. I recommend taking a high quality multimineral supplement every time you only consume water. What's interesting about this case is that it clearly demonstrates that even extreme fasting can be safe if handled correctly.

Unless you have anorexia or fragility of bones, you are not in old age, you are not a pregnant woman or suffer from serious health problems, then fasting for three to seven days will not kill you. The case described above also demonstrates that muscle loss is an overrated problem.

ABC Science, which reported the case, notes:

“After two or three days of fasting, you get energy from two different sources at the same time. Very little of this energy comes from muscle breakdown, but this can be avoided by doing resistance exercise ... Most of your energy comes from breaking down fat.

But very soon you will begin to receive all your energy from the breakdown of fat alone. Adipose tissue molecules are separated into two separate chemical elements: glycerol (which can be converted to glucose) and free fatty acids (which can be converted to other chemicals called ketones). Your body, including your brain, can operate on this glucose and ketones until fat stores are completely depleted. "

Cause of Increased, Not Decreased Energy Levels During Fasting

Another major cause of fear of hunger is that starvation can make a person physically exhausted and lethargic. During the first few days of your first fast, you may experience a slight loss of energy. However, fasting actually has the opposite effect on energy levels. Fung explains it this way:

“After four days of fasting, your basal metabolic rate is actually 10 percent higher than when you started fasting. The body has not stopped working. In fact, he switched to other fuel sources. He switched from burning food to burning fat [in the body]. When that happens, it seems to react like, "Hey, there's so much of this stuff in here."

In other words, if you are overweight and apathetic, fasting helps unblock energy sources that are already present in your body, but which you previously did not have access to.

Fasting forces the body to start looking for a way to these stores of energy, and once that happens, you suddenly have an almost unlimited supply of energy!

Insulin plays a role in this process. Insulin is the main hormone that tells the body what to do with energy - whether it is worth storing or it should be used.

When you eat, you get calories, which is accompanied by a rise in insulin levels. Higher insulin levels tell the body to conserve energy. When insulin drops, the body receives a signal to release energy, that is, the energy stored in your fat cells. This is why it is so difficult for people with insulin resistance to lose weight.

Fasting also helps improve the functioning of other biochemical systems in your body. There is a definite relationship between hormonal systems such as mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), AMPK, leptin and IGF-1 - all of which are optimized in the right direction during fasting.

Fasting also improves mitochondrial function by promoting mitochondrial regeneration.

Correct transition to multi-day fasting

While the thought of fasting for several days can seem daunting, there are ways to minimize the discomfort.

I switched to a four-day fast after extending intermittent fasting from 4 pm (which I did for 18 months) to 9 pm, leaving only a three-hour window during which I ate all my food throughout the day.

After two months, I went on a fast for four days, during which the only source of food was water and a multimineral supplement. I don't think intermittent fasting for 18 months is necessary before a pure water fast.

However, if you do this for several months, you can drastically reduce any negative side effects. I have not experienced any hunger pains, which I find amazing as most people who are hungry begin to experience them on the second day. I believe this is related to the addiction to the daily 21-hour fast.

So, if you want to try multi-day fasting, try your hand at intermittent fasting, after which you can start fasting for 24-, 48-, 72 hours and even longer. And remember that you are in complete control of this process and can stop it at any time.

In fact, one of the main benefits of a longer fast is a heightened sense of self-control and freedom. Once you finally realize that you can starve for several days without any problems, you will no longer be a victim of your surroundings. If you are traveling and cannot find healthy food, you will not need to switch to unhealthy foods. You can just live on without food.

If you are in a difficult situation, it will be easier for you to remain calm knowing that you can survive the temporary food shortages without losing your sanity.

Types of fasting

  • Water and non-nutritive drinks. In addition to water, you can also include other non-nutritive drinks in your diet, such as herbal tea and coffee (no milk, sugar, or other sweeteners, including artificial non-nutritive sweeteners).
  • Fasting in bone broth. Another option that Fang often recommends for prolonged fasting is a fast, during which you can eat bone broth. In addition to healthy fats, bone broth is also high in protein, so this is not really a fast. Nevertheless, judging by his clinical experience, many who consume bone broth in addition to water, tea and coffee show good results.
  • Fasting with fat intake. In this case, you can consume healthy fats in addition to water and / or non-nutritive drinks. You probably won't be able to eat a pack of butter, but you are allowed to drink, for example, butter coffee (black coffee with butter, coconut oil, or MCT oil). You can also add fat to your tea.

Diet fat triggers very little response to insulin, and because you keep insulin levels low, you still get more of the fasting benefits, even if you consume a lot of calories. Adding healthy fats like butter, coconut oil, MCT oil, and avocados can make fasting a lot easier.

It is important to cut out protein intake as it activates mTOR and may actually have a stronger negative effect on metabolism than excess carbohydrates. The protein level at which you can feel the beneficial effects of fasting is different for everyone. However, you can probably see results if you consume less than 10 or 20 grams of protein per day.

Important contraindications and warnings

While water fasting is likely to be beneficial for most people, there are several absolute contraindications. If one of the following statements applies to you, long periods of fasting are NOT good for you:

  • Underweight at which the body mass index (BMI) is 18.5 or below.
  • Malnutrition(in this case, you need to eat healthier and more nutritious foods).
  • Children should not go hungry for more than 24 hours. as they need nutrients to grow further. If your child needs to lose weight, eliminating refined sugars and grains is a safer and more appropriate method. Fasting is risky for children because it eliminates ALL nutrients, including those they need all the time.
  • Women who are pregnant and / or breastfeeding. To ensure the healthy growth and development of the baby, the mother needs continuous nutrition, so fasting during pregnancy or breastfeeding is too risky for the baby.

I also do not recommend fasting for people with eating disorders such as anorexia, even if they are not clinically underweight. In addition to this, be careful if you are taking medications, as some of them must be taken with meals.

These include metformin, aspirin, and any other drugs that can cause stomach upset or ulcers. The risks are especially high if you are on diabetic medications.

If you take the same dose of the medicine but do not eat, your blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia) can drop significantly, which can be very dangerous.

So, if you are taking diabetic medications, you need to adjust your intake before fasting. If your doctor is unfamiliar with or negative about fasting, it is worth finding a doctor with some experience in the area to guide you on a safe path to fasting.

Energetic resources. Is the threat of energy hunger real?

Solar radiation is the source of almost all the energy used by both the biosphere and civilization. Only about 1% of the energy used by humans comes from other sources - through the extraction and combustion of coal, oil, natural gas and uranium. At the same time, deposits of coal, oil and gas are also solar energy, once accumulated by plants. Until now, the development of civilization was based on the development of ever new sources of energy and was characterized by a continuous growth of its consumption both in specific (per capita - see Fig. 5.6) and in absolute figures. Until the middle of the 20th century, wood and coal were the main sources of energy. Since this time, in the world energy balance an increasing role is played by oil, gas, and at the end of the 20th century and atomic energy (Fig. 5.22).

The consumption of fossil energy resources in such gigantic volumes poses a number of pressing and difficult questions for humanity:

  • How long will these resources last and what are the consequences of their depletion?
  • Can they be replaced and with what?
  • How to save energy?
  • How to solve the problem of environmental pollution?

This is a complex of interrelated problems that require a systematic approach, but, unfortunately, are still too often solved separately.

Table 5.2 shows the timing of the provision of the main energy resources for the world as a whole. Estimates of these terms vary considerably depending on the optimism of a particular expert or expert group. This is due to uncertainty in reserve estimates, inaccurate consumption data and, most importantly, in the range of recovery estimates. The fact is that as the field depletes, the cost of production increases. Having spent a lot of resources, you can, for example, extract 99% of the oil from the Earth, but this oil will be more expensive than gold. With modern technologies for oil fields, the recovery rate rarely exceeds 50-60%.

  • “However,” says the optimist, “in the future, new technologies will be created, and almost all oil will be produced at moderate costs.
  • - No, - the pessimist answers, - nothing particularly new can be invented here, and the recovery factor will only be

Table 5.2. Terms of supply of fossil energy resources (years)

decrease as we are forced to develop deposits with ever worse geological conditions.

The situation is approximately the same in the assessments of energy resources, especially oil and gas, on the continental shelf.

Whoever is right, but from the data in Table. 5.2 it can be seen that the resources of hydrocarbon raw materials, that is, oil, natural gas and coal, will not be enough for mankind for a short time. A number of other important circumstances are added to this. First, the burning of huge amounts of coal and oil leads to disruption of the geochemical and heat balances of the biosphere with consequences in the form of a catastrophic growth of the greenhouse effect, the possible growth of ozone holes in the stratosphere, acid pollution of soils, destruction of forests, etc. (see Ch. 4). Secondly, hydrocarbon raw materials, especially oil, petroleum associated gases (butane, propane) and natural gas, are the most valuable and, at the same time, cheap raw materials for the production of a huge amount of synthetic materials, which humanity simply cannot do without. From this point of view, burning oil products is, as Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev aptly put it, the same as heating stoves with banknotes. Third, the massive release of oil exploration on the continental shelf and shallow seas can lead to the complete degradation of food resources of the world's oceans and seas, which are already going through hard times (see Section 5.9).

Thus, the issue of effective replacement of thermal hydrocarbon energy is one of the main and urgent problems facing mankind. In considering this problem, it should be borne in mind that currently only a quarter of the resources shown in Fig. 5.22, go to the production of electricity. The rest are used directly for the production of high-temperature heat in industry, heating and cooking in the household and communal sector, as a fuel in transport and in agriculture (Figure 5.23).

There are two complementary ways to tackle the depletion of fossil resources: reducing energy consumption (reducing energy intensity production and everyday life) and the search for alternative sources of energy.

  • 400 t


  • 1900 1920

Rice. 5.22. World energy balance in the XX century. Primary energy sources include hydroelectric, wind, solar, geothermal, etc. All types of biomass used as fuel are classified as firewood - firewood itself, brushwood, straw, dung, peat and

etc.; I EJ (Exajoule) = K) 18 J

The developed countries have been on the path of a radical reduction in energy intensity for more than three decades. During this time:

  • technologies for the construction of "warm houses" were developed, in which it was possible to reduce several times heat losses through walls and windows, which led to a decrease in heat consumption for heating;
  • the modernization of thermal power plants has led to an increase in the efficiency of steam turbine and gas turbine plants on average from 35 to 42%;
  • fuel consumption of cars and agricultural machinery decreased by 25% on average;
  • decreased specific energy consumption (per unit of output) in energy-intensive industries;
  • tube electronics (amplifiers, measuring equipment, televisions, telephone and radio equipment) were completely replaced by semiconductor and integrated circuits, which led to a decrease in specific energy consumption by more than 100 times;
  • the mass use of economical lamps with a 10-fold increased service life and a 5-fold increase in light output per 1 W of power consumption compared to conventional incandescent lamps began.

Unfortunately, most of the above innovations have so far spread only in the richest and most developed countries.

Rice. 5.23.

Agriculture 9%





However, despite the energy saving measures, the total consumption of hydrocarbon resources does not decrease, but continues to grow. It is absolutely clear that it is impossible to solve the problem of resource depletion only by measures to save energy, and a transition to other energy sources is necessary.

As alternative methods of obtaining energy, one can consider

  • solar energy which directly or indirectly uses solar energy coming to the surface of the Earth;
  • nuclear energy.

The first way is undoubtedly preferable from the point of view of safety and minimization of environmental pollution. It can be implemented on the basis of several technologies.

  • hydropower, using the energy of falling water;
  • wind turbines;
  • solar energy, using solar ovens to generate high-temperature heat and water heaters for heating and domestic needs, as well as direct conversion of solar radiation into electric current using semiconductor solar cells;
  • processing of plant biomass into fossil fuel.

Hydropower already now occupies a prominent place in the production of electricity (up to 25%). It provides 100% of energy consumption in Norway and about 75% in Switzerland, Austria and Canada. Hydroelectric power plants are reliable and have a long service life. They do not pollute the atmosphere and allow the accumulation of flood water for irrigation. In many countries, a significant proportion of hydropower resources have already been developed, and there are few suitable dam sites. Nevertheless, the "reserve" of hydropower resources is far from being exhausted, especially on flat rivers. At the same time, experience shows that the expansion of the use of lowland rivers for the construction of hydroelectric power plants is not always justified, since at the same time large areas of valuable agricultural land go under the reservoirs, undesirable redistribution of groundwater occurs in no smaller areas, reservoirs can quickly silt up, and valuable fish species are deprived of spawning grounds. Tidal hydroelectric power plants that use the ebb and flow of the sea to generate energy cannot play a significant role, since there are only about two dozen suitable places for their construction on the entire Earth.

Wind energy has been used by humans since time immemorial. Currently, in many countries, modern wind turbines are being developed and used, which can efficiently operate at wind speeds of 6 to 10 m / s. Therefore, the turbines have to be installed on masts several tens of meters high in order to lift them above the surface inertial layer of the atmosphere. Wind power plants justify themselves only in areas with fairly stable winds, so it is beneficial to place them on mountain passes and on the seashore. The power of individual installations ranges from 10 to 1000 kW. Turbines that are too large are unreliable and cannot operate in light winds. To obtain significant power, turbines are grouped into wind farms or farms. They do not require excessive capital investment, but their main drawback is the instability of operation caused by fluctuations in wind speed. While very efficient in remote areas with stable winds, wind farms in general are unlikely to make a significant contribution to the global energy balance.

Solar energy can be directly converted into heat or electricity. The Earth's surface receives an average of 165 W / m2 from the Sun. If equipment is installed in a one- or two-story residential building with an area of ​​100 m 2 that can utilize at least 30% of the solar energy falling on the roof of the house, then about 120 kWh will be obtained per day, that is, energy more than sufficient to fully provide a comfortable life in the house. This equipment should include a solar water collector to store heat and solar panels to generate electricity. Consequently, the challenge is to implement appropriate technologies at an affordable cost. Modern solar panels are capable of delivering power up to 60 W / m 2 with insolation “200 W / m 2, but their cost is still quite high - 500-1000 US dollars per 1 m 2. The received energy must be accumulated, since the maximum need for its use arises then and there, where at the moment there is no insolation or it is insufficient. Heat can be stored in water tanks, and electricity can be stored in batteries.

Along with household solar energy systems, which are already widely spread in wealthy regions with sunny and hot climates, a number of industrial enterprises operating on solar energy have already been built in these regions.

Main fundamental flaw solar energy - dependence on the level of insolation, which is distributed over the Earth's surface very unevenly. Therefore, in regions lying above 45-50 ° latitude, as well as in regions with high clouds, it turns out to be practically of little use.

Soberly assessing the combined capabilities of hydropower, solar energy and wind power plants, one cannot fail to notice that they are capable of covering, at best, no more than half of humanity's needs for heat and electricity. The use of fossil fuels for energy production should be reduced, since these valuable resources are very limited, and their combustion leads to an environmental and climatic global disaster.

Consequently, humanity has no alternative to the use of atomic energy to cover the emerging energy deficit. Modern nuclear power, with few exceptions, uses reactors in which uranium-235 (and 235) serves as fuel. This isotope of uranium makes up only 0.7% of natural uranium, the rest is almost entirely uranium-238 (and 238), in which the fission chain reaction does not develop and which cannot serve as a nuclear fuel. Nuclear fission and 235 release a lot of energy that turns into high-temperature heat. For the chain reaction to proceed, it is necessary that at least one neutron emitted during the fission of the nucleus and 235 hit the same nucleus and was captured by this nucleus (Fig. 5.24).

The probability of neutron capture increases if the neutron velocity is low. Meanwhile, neutrons emitted from the fissioning nucleus and 235 have a very high speed (more than 10 6 m / s) - these are fast neutrons. Therefore, natural uranium is enriched, increasing the concentration and 235 to about 2.5-3%, and the fuel elements themselves are placed in a medium



Loss of neutrons





Rice. 5.24. Processes in nuclear reactors. Above - in a thermal neutron reactor (with a moderator): neutron multiplication factor * 2.07; for every 10 decays of uranium and 235 atoms, only 7 uranium atoms and 238 are converted into plutonium atoms Pu 239. Below - in a fast neutron reactor: neutron multiplication factor "2.5; for every 10 decays of plutonium atoms, 13 atoms and 238 are converted to plutonium Pu 239. The letter p denotes neutrons, the letter e denotes electrons emitted during beta decay of nuclei, and 238

body of neutrons, which is used as water or graphite. Such a reactor is called thermal neutron reactor, since the slowed down neutrons move with the velocities of the thermal motion of molecules (of the order of 10 3 m / s). Part of the neutrons is captured by the nuclei of U 238 atoms, which, after two beta decays, are converted into plutonium-239 (Pu 239) atoms. Thermal reactors require minimal uranium enrichment for their operation and therefore have found wide application.

Plutonium Pu 239, like U 235, provides a self-sustaining chain reaction, and therefore can be used as a nuclear fuel. Thus, having ensured the transformation of U 238 into Pu 239, U 238 can also be used to obtain energy. However, in thermal reactors, the amount of Pu-239 formed is only about 70% of the “burnt-out” U 235.

Consequently, the continuation of the construction of nuclear power plants with thermal reactors is a dead-end path leading to a relatively rapid depletion of nuclear fuel reserves, since the reserves of uranium-235 are very small (Table 5.2). But nuclear technology makes it possible to obtain nuclear fuel in excess, converting uranium-238 into plutonium by irradiating it with an intense flux of neutrons into fast reactors. Such reactors require a higher degree of nuclear fuel enrichment, but ensure the production of 1.3 kg of plutonium from U 238 for each kg of consumed plutonium (Fig. 5.24). Therefore, these reactors are called breeder reactors(or breeders from the English breeder - breeder).

Thus, a real opportunity to provide oneself with practically unlimited energy resources and at the same time to avoid an environmental crisis lies in the combination of nuclear power, using breeder reactors, with hydro and solar power.

The considered methods of obtaining energy make it possible to obtain energy in the form of electric current and heat. However, these types of energy do not lend themselves to long-term storage, and batteries, both thermal and electric, are expensive and very bulky. Therefore, the problem of fuel for transport and agricultural machinery, alternative to petroleum products, exists and has not yet been resolved.

As one of the options for solving this problem, it is proposed to use hydrogen as a fuel, for which electricity must be used by electrolysis of water. The hydrogen is burned in fuel cells, which directly convert chemical energy into electrical current that powers the vehicle's electric drive. In addition to the fact that hydrogen is extremely explosive, this means that humanity will need at least a doubling of the installed capacity of power plants, since the energy consumption of transport is equal to the production of electricity for other needs (Fig. 5.23). The exact same situation will arise if it is possible to invent light and ultra-high-capacity electric batteries or use, for example, magnesium or aluminum as a fuel for a fuel cell (information about such developments appeared in print). This means a huge additional investment in energy and in the creation of a whole new industry for the production of hydrogen or its substitutes. In addition, with this fundamental restructuring, both the automotive industry itself and the entire service sector of motor transport should undergo a fundamental restructuring.

There is, however, an alternative to such a ruinous path. Oil is a collection of hydrocarbons, a product of the chemical transformation of biomass that once existed. All the necessary components are also present in plant biomass today, hence the direct possibility of obtaining transport fuel from plant biomass.

Plant biomass is the oldest fuel still widely used around the world in the form of firewood, charcoal, wood waste, brushwood, dung and ordinary straw (Figure 5.22). Significant amounts of household waste incinerated in incinerators are also included in this list. Another type of conversion of biomass into high-quality fuel has recently become widespread in China and India. Plant and other organic residues, including sewage, are collected in closed metantanks, where, under the action of bacteria, the processes of converting biomass into biogas, composed mainly of methane. Solid residues from the process are used as fertilizer. This technology is good in countries with warm and hot climates, since it hardly works at low temperatures.

The most promising use of plant biomass for the production of automotive fuel is the production of ethyl and methyl alcohols (ethanol and methanol) by fermentation and distillation. For this purpose, wood and agricultural waste, municipal sewage, etc. can be used. The obtained alcohols are cheaper than gasoline and can be used in modern cars with minimal conversion, and in mixtures with gasoline - without any conversion. The first experience in this direction was carried out and accumulated in Brazil, where 2/3 of car fuel is ethyl alcohol (ethanol), and 90% of the cars produced can run on pure ethanol. About 10% of high quality gasoline in the United States contains up to 15% ethanol. Diesel engines run perfectly on a mixture of methanol (methyl alcohol) with regular diesel fuel.

Thus, humanity has sufficient resources to avoid energy hunger and at the same time to ward off the threat of an environmental catastrophe, but for this, peoples and governments must significantly reconsider their views and timely and purposefully build a new energy policy.

At present, the existence of mankind is unthinkable without the receipt and use of a large amount of energy, but nothing is eternal. Consider a table. It presents a rating of the leading countries in electricity generation.

How much electricity does your family consume? For example, ours consume about 50-300 kW of electricity per month. I will provide data for the first 2 months of 2014 in the form of a chart.

In the near future, humanity is facing the problem of energy hunger due to a lack of resources. How to solve this problem? Let's figure it out.

What is a Power Plant? Types of power plants.

Power stationelectromechanical installation, consisting of several

components.The main task of the installation is to generate electricity.

Let's remember what types of power plants exist.

Approximately 70% of the world's electricity is generated by thermal power plants.In Russia, about 75% of energy is produced at thermal power plants. TPPs are built in areas where fuel is produced or in areas where energy is consumed.
A combined heat and power plant (CHP) is a type of thermal power plant that not only produces electricity, but is also a source of thermal energy in centralized heat supply systems.


  • water is needed for the operation of the turbines and the actual generation of electricity
  • emissions of sulfur and other combustion products
  • if the fuel is coal, huge ash heaps appear next to the TPP

2. Hydraulic power station - a power plant, which is a complex of various structures and equipment, the use of which allows converting water energy into electricity. Hydraulic structures provide the required concentration of water flow, and further processes are carried out using appropriate equipment.

Hydroelectric power plants are being built on rivers, constructing dams and reservoirs. Site selection is of great importance for the efficiency of the plant. Two factors are required: guaranteed water availability throughout the year and the greatest possible slope of the river. Hydroelectric power plants are divided into dam (the required level of the river is ensured through the construction of a dam) and diversion (water is diverted from the river channel to a place with a large difference in levels).


1) no fuel is needed to generate electricity
2) no emissions into the atmosphere
3) ease of maintenance and operation


1) when rivers are blocked, huge territories are flooded;
2) the blockage of the river creates an obstacle for fish (and other aquatic organisms).
3) it is possible to build a hydroelectric power station only
in certain places, often far from consumers

3 nuclear power plant - nuclear facilityfor the production of energy in specified modes and conditions of use, located within a certain territory, in which a nuclear reactor (s) and a set of necessary systems, devices, equipment and structures are used for this purpose.

Nuclear power plants were built in areas where a lot of energy is consumed, but other energy resources are not enough (in the western part of the country). The fuel for a nuclear power plant is mainly uranium.For comparison:1 kg of coal = 8 kWh, and 1 kg of uranium = 23 million kWh

1) The cheapness of electricity in comparison with thermal power plants.
2) no emissions into the environment

1) Radioactive waste
2) High cost and complexity of construction
3) High safety requirements and complexity of maintenance

You can build a small power plant yourself, and find the manual on the Internet. We made our own wind farm according to the plan below:
Tools and materials: wood block, metal plates, nuts, bolts, small fan, miner's lantern, glue, generator.


1. Make a rectangular stand from a bar.

2. Attach fan blades to the front of the generator.

3. Screw the metal plates to the back of the generator to form a stand.

4. Place the resulting structure (3) on the stand.

5. Remove the light bulb from the lantern, install it near the generator and solder the wires from the generator to the lamp post with tin (this lamp has a post in the form of a circle).

This is how we got a wind power plant.

4. Power plants using alternative energy sources .

Alternative energy is a combination of promising methods of obtaining, transferring and using energy, which are not as widespread as traditional ones, but are of interest because of their advantageous use and, as a rule, low risk of causing harm to the environment.

What are the sources of alternative energy?

Way out of the impasse.

The entire history of mankind known to us has known both ups and downs. Many civilizations have sunk into oblivion without a trace.

Reason: Disharmony of energies in near-earth space. Why does everything happen the way it happens? Like running in circles.


What is it connected with? The planet is the prototype of a woman.

The woman's thinking is the prototype of the planet's action. The cycle is both in physical reality and in the mental. And creation. The thinking of a man is the essence of reason, I think the core of the planet is movement in a straight line.

Male and female thinking. Let's consider in similarity to better understand the planet and the mind that controls it.

The brains of men and women organize memories in different ways.
If memories for a man are a straight line, then for a woman it is a spiral of repeating turns that return pleasant memories or resentments. Moreover, any negative event is like a trigger for experiencing all past grievances. But women are more easy-going, and men can remember a serious offense for years. Note that the feminine is emotionality, patience, the masculine is unforgiveness.

The world mind is the perfection of forms, logic.
Global mind - perfection of feelings, intuition, soul, love.

The mind of men is subordinated to the world mind, but, in this case for us, it is a projection of it, DISTORTED in the world open system (in space).

Similarity. The mind of women is most often a reflection of the global mind. If a man's mind is a logic that acts in a straight line, "striving or folding to a point" (this speaks more of a direction towards destruction if the indisputable laws of life are not observed), but enclosed in a form as if in a cube (determined by firm laws, essence is a form), then the feminine mind is like a circle, all-embracing (determined by the commandments - the initial purity of the morality of the soul, beauty, harmony, love - is the essence).

It is worth noting that it is the laws that can be wrong or perverted, the laws can change over time. The commandments are unshakable. The wisdom of life itself is in them.

Why is there a returning moment in the mental, which directly affects the physical state? Because through the return of memory, the Mind is influenced in order to change the trajectory of movement or the direction of this straight line, if there is a mismatch.

Thus, an exit to a kind of spiral is formed, which makes it possible to improve the forms of life, development and relations in particular.

The pursuit of excellence. The mental is inextricably linked with the physical.

It is necessary to realize the mistakes of the past (the reasons for the destruction of past civilizations) - the conclusion made should turn the tide. Which, unfortunately, is not happening. And the circles of "hell" continue. Due to the imperfection of the governing Mind, in the aggregate, it represents the common field of consciousness of mankind, both of past civilizations, and of the present, expressed partly in the energy-informational field of the planet, in its noosphere.

It happened as if "stuck" in a time loop. Humanity is spinning like that squirrel in a wheel: the rise and fall of civilizations. Why?
The male mind is directly influenced by the governing mind, which carries destructive energy.

Harmonious interaction of energies also means a harmonious life in society. But the fact remains that this harmonization is directly related to the consciousness of man, humanity. The relationship of the sexes and the relationship between peoples.
The energies themselves can be either negative or positive, i.e. creative and destructive, which is determined and directed by reason.

The tragic mistake of our world.

It is worth noting that in the entire history of man-va known to us, women, the female essence were humiliated, deprived of rights (which still remains among some peoples). In many ways, this was facilitated by religions, placing a woman as a second-class person. The slavery of consciousness imposed by religions interferes with a fruitful life and harmonious relations between people. Moreover, it provokes discord and war, which is also aggression and negativity.

One remarkable person, scientist, geophysicist, philologist Salim Fatykhov said: “The era of Neomatriarchy is coming - not the power of women, but highly moral behavior towards it. A woman should not be on a par with a man. It should be higher. " It is then that we can expect that our world will change for the better.

A woman is an opportunity for the continuation of the life of mankind through birth. But do men appreciate this gift? Do they not have the same consumer attitude to the planet, which is also a woman in essence? And won't it be rewarded?

Straight and spiral .. You have to be very tactful and restrained in a relationship, so as not to disturb the harmony of relationships, understanding the difference in the processes occurring in the brain of a woman or a man.

The human being is de-aspirated. And this is the inability to love. "And you will be saved by love." But how, if it is already clearly noticeable that many are incapable of this feeling? Therefore, the words spoken in the Bible are being realized: "and will hit you in the head, and you will bite him in the heel" - the eternal problem of fathers and children. Due to non-observance of the moral principles of life. What kind of creators of our likeness are we? Are they responsible? Without love, conceived, as a rule, inharmonious people, subject to influences, with low energy. "And you will be saved by love"? ....

What is love in our world? Flash and fade.
How can you characterize this feeling?
Positive energy, creative energy. And she can fill our world. Only when we rid our world of aggression, of negativity. According to the principle of similarity: what we create, we attract.



Why is humanity losing POWER? Finding out with each generation weaker than the previous ones? This is not only due to not following moral laws. Firstly, our energy "feeds" other worlds of the cosmos, affecting a person with negative fields, so that a person creates the energy of evil - as a powerful force of the cosmos. To expand his space. But also because we are all victims. There will be no energy - humanity will degenerate, weakening.

Verily, we do not know ourselves. We do not raise the level of our consciousness and wallow like a fly in a web of ignorance and delusion generated by the perversions of our own mind, which does not allow us to create a harmonious world on our own planet - in our common home.

Unfortunately, we have to admit that this situation was not initially provoked by us, but realized through negative energy that came to the planet from the outside. According to the Bible: "Net and noose on you, inhabitant of the Earth", "The spirit of evil in the air."

You must know and remember that the more we use life energy, the less life potential will be in the next incarnations. This is the program. If there is no vital energy, then there is no joy of life. Now imagine how much of this original energy you spent in previous incarnations? Some thoughtlessly squandered it for nothing. Someone used it up by doing evil.

Someone used it for knowledge, shortening their lives. This is the price of knowledge. If knowledge was for the good of people, then the work of such scientists, researchers is a feat of the soul.

Any cognition is an attack on blockages in our brain, which is opposed by a program imposed on us from the outside. Therefore, knowledge is given to us with such difficulty. In the Bible about this: “The first Adam was a living soul. The present Adam is a life-giving spirit. " This means the Spirit as the astral shell of the human body. The spirit that blocks our possibilities. "The measure of an angel (a spirit imposed on us from above) is the same as that of a person."

The energy aimed at the creation of good returns to the “living cell” (to its “matrix”) in a new incarnation ten times more. The rest of the cells are destabilized if the accumulated negative "rolls over". So do not live for one day, think at least a little about the future, if you want to be.

We did not know these laws, we did not know the measure in anything. Is it because at this time, our, our spirit is so weak? A weak spirit cannot protect the soul from the arbitrariness of the mind. This leads to disharmony in the lives of the people themselves.

The entire existing world also consists of the smallest particles vibrating at different frequencies.
A particle is a wave. As the essence and essence. Matter and Soul. Action, limited by frames (cube in a sphere) and all-pervading fluidity. Disappearing and living forever. Chained and all-pervading. Born and always existing. The body of the system (space) and nerve fibers penetrating this body (GOS). Like the mycelium of the fungus with the embryos of the future body of the fungus. Eternity is peace in motion. Impartiality. Immortality. Harmony.


What is the reason for the development of vices in the human community? The first reason bearing such negative consequences is ENERGY IMBALANCE in the space of the planet.

Recently, people are facing the problem of energy collapse, not finding the possibility of using safe energy sources for life.
And he does not notice that the person himself is experiencing ENERGY HUNGER.

There is a depletion of energy resources in the human body. The level of vital energy decreases, and it is completely impossible to replenish it even through food.

Humanity seems to have programmed itself for self-destruction, even through food. Genetic engineering is already bearing disappointing results: obesity, cancer and an increase in deaths.

The same will happen with the use of nanotechnology, when, for example, a kilogram is made from a hundred grams of oil, in which the same amount of useful substances remains as was in a hundred grams of the original material. Latent cell hunger. It has a negative effect on the health of the body. The energetic hunger of cells blocks both the body's defense mechanisms and the human mind.

What is the consequence of this ENERGY HUNGER? Unreasonableness of life.

Low energy levels provoke all kinds of addictions. Alcoholic, narcotic, extreme sports - also addiction to adrenaline, which are trying to fill the missing energy.

Consumption of contaminated, in fact, dead water also has a negative impact on health.

I APPEAL TO ALL SCIENTISTS OF THE WORLD! Do not go on about the powers that be, do not engage in either the development of new types of weapons, or genetic modification - all these actions are directed against nature, against life, against humanity. Better take care to find ways to make drinking water good, the health of the world's population largely depends on this.

How is positive energy attracted on a national scale? Strange as it may sound, but - the ideology of the country. Ideology shapes the consciousness of the masses of the population. Everyone is probably familiar with this expression: Mother's plate. The Mother of God (the essence of positive energy) has always been considered the patroness of Russia. Pay attention to the surge of energy supporting the people of the country during the Soviet era. What did the ideology of that order carry? Positive: justice, equality, brotherhood. All this created positive emotions. All taken together is a general positive background over our territory. Through CONSCIOUSNESS! According to the principle of similarity, positive energy was attracted to our country, which was a protection, a talisman against the forces of evil, i.e., negative energy.

What happened to the course change? You don't even need to explain. All the evil of the West seemed to have covered us with a black cloud. Disappointment with power, despair, hopelessness, distrust (and how to believe if we see with our own eyes the robbery that the government cannot cope with, nothing surprising, it’s not for nothing that people say: what is the priest, so is the arrival) ... Someone may argue that this government is in the lead in the elections. But look, the country is aging (the age of the population), the majority of old grandfathers and grandmothers vote: "Putin gives us a good pension." And what is it like for the new generation in the environment of permissiveness in the authorities - they do not think. And what are the consequences? "Pay" is shifting to those countries where there is more justice, where socialism, and those are developing faster, as far as resources allow. It turns out that they themselves "drove" the MOTHER from the house (country), lost the energy of creation, which affects people not only in the physical plane, but also in the mental one.


Self-destruction is both wars and the expenditure of huge funds and resources on armaments. And all this happens due to the imbalance of energies in the space of the planet and the lack of sanity in those in power.
“Whom he foreknew, he also appointed” - the governing mind.

Rather, it would be appropriate to call it general madness in this environment ... How is the effect on the masses going? Inventing, whipping up, provoking fears, using the media to manipulate people's minds. What role do religions play in this? Generally, religions go hand in hand with power.

Blind faith is blind mind. All religious leaders of the planet deified negative energy, calling it their "god". The religious slavery of consciousness has been provoked, which continues for a long historical period. Religions are also a power that has conquered the consciousness of most people. Inhibition in development.

Know and remember that negative energy is supported and fueled by all sorts of fears, and the sufferings of the “sacrifices” brought to it both in everyday life and in wars feed it. Bondage of consciousness.

Kneeling before the "face"
In divine likeness ... Who are we?
A slave cannot be like gods
Dignity and pride are in freedom
I reveal the secret of life to you
For all subsequent years.

"For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the spirits of evil in high places" - how do you like this interpretation of words from the Bible?
Think, if there are no military, intelligence departments, weapons - who will want to fight? Simple folks? I do not think. To maintain order in the countries, the police will be enough, and at this stage - border units.

May each of you not go to war
At the call of the one who leads to the killings.
He alone cannot go to kill.
Gather Unity with goodness!

Celestial spirits of evil are negative, destructive energies - the governing mind in the space of the planet.

It is necessary to highlight one more point. Why is the system of harmonious interaction of energies in the space of our planet knocked down? And why is the infancy of the human mind through religions supported by all means?

The answer can be found in them. Bible: "Rejoice, heavens, for the great dragon was cast down, deceiving the whole universe ...", "cast down to earth, woe to those who live on earth and on the sea ....". What is this, if not the arbitrariness of the forces that threw negative energy into our cute world, and concluded it here, isolating our system from other systems of the galaxy? And there is no doubt that, according to the principle of similarity, we, our system, have become a kind of dump for these energies, which interfere with the harmony of life in other systems. This explains the disharmony of life on the planet, the victim program.

It is worth taking seriously the myths, legends and scriptures (for example, the Vedas), where it is clearly indicated that the planet has become an arena of struggle between other civilizations of space, with the use of even nuclear, laser weapons, as evidenced by artifacts.

As a result, we, not understanding what is happening, creating negative energies themselves, attract them according to the principle of similarity, they are to us from the space of space or from certain star systems, they are known to everyone firsthand: the Pleiades, Orion, Ursa Minor (knowledge about this can be gleaned from Bible).

There is no doubt that when other civilizations visited our planet, a mixture of genetic material also took place. In fact, we are their descendants, they, sadly, are our “parents”. And this left an imprint on our interactions - aggression towards other races. In many ways, we repeat their mistakes. We have become puppets in someone else's game. We implement something similar in our world in computer games such as "Strategy". But this is just a virtual game. They also “play” with the lives of entire peoples and civilizations.

The war of the worlds is reflected in this way on our world. And it is in our power to end this war, through the awareness of what is happening. "And children will come and kill their parents." "And the third part of the stars will darken, as if they were not." Stopping feeding them with our energy (positive, which is selected from our world) through the methods I have proposed to influence our system, we can become truly free. “And you will know the Truth. And the Truth will set you free. " The time has come? Is humanity capable of realizing everything and understanding?

We must understand what the words in the Bible mean: "the spirits of wickedness in high places." What is this if not an astral "attachment" to a person? Remember the words: “Before, Adam was a living soul, now there is a“ life-giving ”spirit (but what?). If we know that negative energy has been dropped into our world, then this is the essence-spirits. In the other world, the spirit does not have the same possibilities that a person has. The attack on a person occurs constantly. What does it mean: succumb to temptations? To succumb to one of these spirits - and he as if infiltrates a person and begins to control him, using both the potential of the body and the energy of a person, pushing him further and further into this abyss (into temptations) in order to pump him out to the bottom.

A person as an entity weakens, cannot stop (this can be seen in the examples of various negative dependencies). Thinking that he himself controls his life, a person turns out to be a puppet in this game of spirits. The Bible also says that further not one, but several spirits can enter a person - the “door” is open.

Oh, what steadfastness a person must have, what strength of his own spirit, to resist all this dirt. The enemy is invisible, but his deeds are visible. I feel sorry for our world, we are bled and exhausted. Because of them, we do not see harmony, because of them, positive energies cannot penetrate into our world.

What for? A person does not understand anything, the spirits will feed on energy, doing even more evil through people ... What is our protection? In us. Compliance with moral standards of life. But what saint remains in the world when, led by these spirits, both homosexuality and prostitution are legalized. Everything that corrupts our world. When, led by these spirits, start wars - thereby strengthening negative energy, closing this world from the world of Light, in order to protect oneself and further "have fun", torturing the souls of people .... blind minds ...


The displacement of the Earth's axis is only a response in order to get rid of this negative energy, which is amplified by the consciousness of people who do evil through the “chosen ones” by this Mind.

People do not understand that the mental directly affects the physical at the level of the whole planet. You can notice this dependence by analogy with a person (in a similarity: everything small is as big as big ... "." Know yourself, and you will know the universe "- not only the planet. figuratively speaking, they surrounded the planet with a dense ball.

This is another world, invisible, but existing. And this shell does not allow positive energies to penetrate into our world. If positive energies filled our world, what could be expected? A person could feel a very great strength in himself (and he would not be tired as he is now), the plants would be energetically more saturated, therefore, less food would be required to satisfy hunger.

Everything that happens becomes the property of the planet's noosphere. When the negative exceeds the maximum permissible norms, a mechanism is activated that eliminates the imbalance of energies.
Striving to streamline the system. This is included in the program of the planet's core.
This is how the planet self-purifies. As a rule, by displacement of the Earth's axis, cataclysms.

What happens when the axis is displaced?

Due to magnetic inversion, short-term memory is erased, the so-called zero zone occurs.
Erasing the memory of the planet itself - in its noosphere, and of all mankind. What has already happened in the history of the Earth more than once.

Therefore, the remaining and reproducing people do not remember the past. Everything starts from scratch - both the acquisition of life experience and the accumulation of information. Cataclysms carried away many civilizations of people into oblivion. The reason for this, as a rule, was the wrong direction of development, which, due to aggression, caused the predominance of negative energies, provoking an imbalance of energies in space.

The erasure of information also occurred through glaciation. Such erasure of information can be traced through the various effects in our environment on water. Serious scientific research is the proof of this.


Water is a carrier of energy and information, a transmitter to near-earth space. This is short-term memory. Water molecules combine into clusters - memory cells, in which water writes everything it perceives. One molecule contains up to 440 thousand information panels, which form a kind of analogue of computer memory.
In other words, you can call the water of the planet a kind of computer, "working" on the same binary code as in a normal computer.

Based on the methods of possible coding of the structure of water, one can assume the emergence of a kind of information blocks, including all types of coding. Then, for example, with a minimum number of cells in a certain conventionally distinguished cylindrical volume of 7 cells at the base and a height of 5 cells, necessary to cover all encoding options, the natural frequency of rotation of such an information unit will be approximately 8 Hz, which already corresponds to the Schumann frequency range ...
The frequency of the Earth's atmosphere is 8 hertz. This is also the "beat", the frequency response of the heart. This is the alpha rhythm of the human brain.

At present, the direction of human development carries a negative connotation.
The transfer of information takes place through the water inside the object (person) and through the water of the planet itself, which accumulates information and reflects it into the near-earth space, in en.if. field of the planet. The oceans are directly reflected into space, and a person is through reading the information contained in the brain (through its frequency characteristics).

We are given a brain, the ability to think, will, choice. And all these gifts turned out to be mediocre in our world. We are destroying our world. Do not think that somewhere outside the planet at this time we can find another home - we will not be allowed. So is the cost justified? Isn't it better for now to maintain order in your home - on planet Earth?


The articles "Rhythm of the Earth. Sound of God" and "Rhythms of the Brain" describe how frequency vibrations affect a person. All practices of different nations lead to being connected to the alpha rhythm. In the church, for example, this is facilitated not only by the sound of prayers in the 8 hertz range, but also aromatic resins (frankincense, incense), which apparently have a slightly hallucinogenic effect. Inhaling, we relax. In many nations, in order to get in touch with the "spirits", various smoking mixtures and rhythmic sounds are used, which also carry certain frequencies. And the Bible also describes the preparation of such mixtures. Other peoples also use meditation, physical practices (whirling in shamans, for example), etc. But all this is exhausting and labor, not possible for everyone due to the lack of knowledge, experience, time. You can come to the same effect without it. The effect of certain frequencies on the body, on the brain.

Our world is littered with unnecessary information, like all water on the planet and in the body. This also blocks our capabilities, takes away our strength.

Pay attention to folk tales. Heroes with great strength. As a rule, these are people not burdened with information, "knowledge". Their strength is the power of nature itself, mother earth. And always heroes go to the world to study, gain knowledge. In the course of the fight against evil, they lose their power, but a handful of native land returns this power to them, because their main priority is good, justice. Note how overloaded with information (mostly unnecessary or, if you take history, perverted) in schools and how they get tired of it.

"Be like children." Incorrect attitude, direction of development, false information take away from people not only energy, but also time and strength. They interfere with harmonious life, development. Children are sincere and believe in goodness. Their brains work most often at the frequency of the alpha rhythm. "Children inherit the universe." As adults, as a rule, people allow themselves to lie or accept lies.

How can we fundamentally change the situation on the planet to unleash our potential? How to create a harmonious interaction of energies and abolish a negative program (victim program)? “The number of victims is getting there” - so as not to be stupid “sheep doomed to the slaughter”.

It is possible to save our world from unnecessary energy costs. We will have unprecedented opportunities! So far, we are subject to this inharmonious system. But: "what is above, so below," and vice versa. We can find harmony despite our "smallness". "Everything small is as great as great."

Three ways:

Or through raising the level of consciousness of the planet's population with a change in the structure of power and development priorities (this is a long process that will be associated with further victims). New forms and programs of education are also needed.

Or the impact on the earth's atmosphere by vibrations with certain frequency characteristics. It is technically possible: article “Fantastic reality. The cross-bell of Russia ". In order to harmonize all the frequencies at which our brain works (the principle of similarity with the system). "And then I will hear heaven and earth, and heaven and earth will hear Me."

But, I believe that a long-term effect with tremendous opportunities for a person as a kind of life will bring such a solution to the issue:

Giving the Moon rotation around its axis with some acceleration of the Moon's rotation around the planet in order to combine the Earth-Moon rhythms by combining the lunar and solar calendars.

What opportunities does this open up?

Getting rid of all diseases (at this time, many external, not only internal factors are blocking our potential),

Direct access to the world information space ("and will not teach each other, for they will know everything"),

Getting rid of the negative program (sacrifice program, self-destruction), the planet will stop the program: displacement of the axis, which destroys bio-life, by displacement of continents, in particular, human civilizations.

The existence of bio-life will become possible on the Moon - the acquisition of additional areas for human life.

Stabilization of the Earth's magnetic field will save the planet from natural disasters in the form of storms, tsunamis, and tornadoes.

In the future, there will be a reformation of the structure of outer space with an accessible access to other planetary systems suitable for life.

How do you like these prospects?

And this is not fantasy. This is a reality that is fixed even at the level of many scriptures, myths and legends.

The choice is ours. This is a critical moment. THE MOMENT OF TRUTH.

Otherwise, the prophecy in the Bible will come true that we will bury the dead for seven months and destroy weapons for seven years - it is clear that after a terrible tragedy (when “the number of victims will reach”). But you can prevent this.

What caused the infancy of the human mind? Blind faith. Substitution of concepts everywhere. Belief in justice and mercy was replaced by belief in hypothetical "gods" and hope, giving them their will (for all the will of God), which closes our access to the understanding that we are the creators of our world ourselves.

Soulfulness is replaced by the concept of spirituality as admiration for the "holy spirit." We live in the hope that some regular “god” in the form of a messiah will come and fix what we have done ourselves. And with what mental, and even accompanying word, message is this "faith" positioned? Again with the negative: punishment for crimes. Who will get hurt? The people themselves ... Not knowing the laws of the universe, babies with reason.

After all of the above, the question arises: are we reasonable? YOUR CHOICE?

Go for it! Everything is open. And in an instant.
In humility and submission, there is fear and bondage.
And fear is also in doubt.

There is no trust in you. To each other as enemies.
And this fear is your enemy, it is the path of war.

Free yourself from fears -
And fear will dissipate like smoke
Carrying freedom.
And the world will suddenly become young.
Peace to the good people!

What I have proposed can save us from these influences. May it be so! And so it will be!