Planning with goals early fall age. Long-term plan for the fall. about the intra-garden competition of New Year's toys

4th week of September the second group of early age.

Topic of the week. Autumn.

To form elementary ideas about autumn (seasonal changes in nature, people's clothes, in the kindergarten area). To give primary ideas about harvesting, about some vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms. Collect colorful leaves with children on walks, examine them, compare in shape and size. Expand knowledge about domestic animals and birds. To acquaint with the peculiarities of the behavior of forest animals and birds in the fall.

Final event.Holiday "Autumn" matinee.

Day of the week


Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, under the supervision of an adult)

Group, subgroup


Monday 25.09.


morning exercises

Getting to know the group.

Reading A.Barto Toys.

Individual work with

Taey, Albina consider the pictures of the book read.

situational conversationDraw the children's attention to the order in the group.


Decorate in the fall.

Watching cartoons.

"Cognitive Development"

Acquaintance with the outside world"Carrot from a Bunny"(Continuation)

Expand children's ideas about vegetables (about carrots). Build a positive attitude towards others.

Music Music. The locomotive is carrying toys. E.N. Arsenina. article 20.

To develop observation, attention, the ability to notice weather changes, introduce rhythmic exercises.


"Physical development" "Cognitive development" "Speech development"

snow watching

Purpose: to continue monitoring the snow on the site.

Outdoor games: "Sparrows and a cat."

Little mobile game "Snowball rolling"

And individual work with Albisha, Vanya we roll snowballs. .

situational conversation

"We won't get our hands dirty."

Target. Teach children to be neat and tidy.

Let's play dolls dressed for the weather, emblem masks, a pencil, scoops, cars.

Work before bed

Strengthen the skill of neatly folding clothes. Reading fairy tales for little ones. Introduction to children's literature.


Exercise after sleep.

We play puppet theatre.

Instill a love for the theatre.

Individual work with

Varey put the doll to sleep.

situational conversation

Everyone knows their place at the table.

Show an exhibition of photos "Forest animals and birds" Introduce the behavior of forest animals and birds in autumn.


Observations of the weather (the sun is shining, the birds are singing, the breeze is blowing)

Planning of educational work

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Interaction with parents, social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments

Tuesday 12.09


"Physical development" "Cognitive development" "Speech development"

Morning gymnastics.

Reading poems, fairy tales, nursery rhymes.

Individual work with Varya and Bogdan about the world around: what the child saw on the way, natural, seasonal, weather changes.

situational conversation

Learn to take care of things.

Independent activities of children in activity centers Show children the games, toys that are in the group.

Watching cartoons.

Memo booklet.

"I will speak soon."

Direct educational activities

"Speech development"

The development of speech. V.V.Gerbova str. 33

To teach children to participate in a collective event, to hear and understand the teacher's suggestions, to willingly fulfill them (say something or do something).

Modeling. Pie for a cat Gingerbread for bears. Target. use visual material - plasticine, roll a piece of plasticine into a ball and flatten it slightly, follow the rules for working with it.

"Physical development"

Physical Culture. According to plan.


"Physical development" "Cognitive development" "Speech development"

« Artistic and aesthetic development»

Weather observations. Tell the children about cloudy and clear weather and how to determine this. The game "What I dug in the sand." Give the children sticks for independent play.

P / and "Catch up with the dog."

Exercise Albina, Bogdan, On the development of movements: jumping on two legs.

Remind the children (we all the big guys go potty together)

Role-playing game "I am a driver"

Independent activity in the sandbox. (Under the supervision of a teacher)

Work before bed

Strengthen the skill of neatly folding clothes. Reading fairy tales for children. Introduction to children's literature.


Exercise after sleep

We play puppet theatre.

The goal is to form a love for the theater.

Formation of cultural and hygienic skills

Learn the sequence of dressing after sleep

Remind the children of the rule “Every toy is in its place” Purpose: to cultivate the desire to maintain order in the group.


"Gate and Fence"

To consolidate the ability to build a gate with a fence.


The game of low mobility "Who is gone", independent gaming activity on the site ..

Planning of educational work

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, the entire room of the group)

Interaction with parents, social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments

Wednesday 13.09.


"Physical development" "Cognitive development" "Speech development"

morning exercises

During the reception, pay special attention to children who are hard to part with their parents, are naughty and cry for a long time.

The game "Come to me" - the formation of emotional contact, children's trust in the teacher

Individual work with Taya D / and “What is gone” Purpose: to develop attention.

Situational conversation "Remember how to eat right."

Independent activity in the book corner - consider autumn pictures.To form elementary ideas about autumn (seasonal changes in nature, people's clothes, in the kindergarten area.

Involve a parent to help prepare for the fall holiday.

Direct educational activities

"Cognitive Development"

(FEMP) "Ball Game" I.A. Pomoraev, V.A. Pozina. Page 10 №1Development of substantive actions

"Physical development"

Physical culture According to the plan.


"Physical development" "Cognitive development" "Speech development"

« Artistic and aesthetic development»

"Social and communicative development"

Dog observation. Walk #8

Target: give an idea about a pet - a dog, its appearance, behavior;

P.D. "Shaggy dog".

Goals : - learn to move in accordance with the text, quickly change the direction of movement; - run.

Exercise Tanya, catch the ball.trying not to get caught by the driver.

Discussing Dangerous Situations "All kids need to know how to walk down the street."

Labor activity

Let's collect the toys.

Target :

Work before bed


Exercise after sleep.

Let's draw a "Rainbow" target. Raise interest in actions with pencils, felt-tip pens

Playing the Bibabo Theatre.

The goal is to form different meanings of the theater.

Individual work with Taya nursery rhyme Magpie white-sided.

Situational conversation "Let's wash it personally." Target:Teach children to be neat and tidy.

Building material games. "Road for cars". Make cubes not far from each other. Show how to beat the building.


Observation of the tractor (digs the ground, drives). P / and "Catch up with me" to consolidate the ability to run in a flock.

Planning of educational work

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, the entire room of the group)

Interaction with parents, social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments

Thursday 14.09.


"Physical development" "Cognitive development" "Speech development"

Morning gymnastics.

During the reception, pay special attention to children who are hard to part with their parents, are naughty and cry for a long time.

Individual work with Bogdan and Albina

Learning how to assemble a pyramid.

The goal is to form logical thinking.

Talking with children about the culture of behavior during meals.

Playing with kitchen utensils in the doll's corner. Rolling toys on cars.

Reading and looking at illustrations for the nursery rhyme "Vodichka-vodichka ...".

About the behavior of children at home, about the state of health, about sleeping at home, about the clothes of children in the cold period of time, how to properly dress a child, about observing the daily routine.

Direct educational activities

Speech development»

The development of speech. VV Gerbova cpt 34 To help children understand that all babies and all mothers experience the morning parting; exercise in pronouncing phrases that can be said when saying goodbye to mom (dad, grandmother).

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

Drawing. Pencil drawing on paper. Teach children to draw with pencils. Learn to hold a pencil correctly, guide it along the paper without pressing too hard. Pay attention to the marks left by the pencil on the paper.


"Physical development" "Cognitive development" "Speech development"

« Artistic and aesthetic development»

"Social and communicative development"

Cloud observation.

Target: to acquaint with various natural phenomena; show the diversity of the state of water in the environment; form a creative attitude to work.

Ind. Working with Delay.

Conversation “What does a cloud look like” Purpose: to develop imagination and fantasy.

Remind the children that I dress big myself.

Labor activity

Let's collect the toys.

Target : teach to maintain cleanliness and order in the area.

Work before bed

Strengthen the skill of neatly folding clothes. Reading nursery rhymes for little ones. Introduction to children's literature.


Exercise after sleep.

C / r game "Kindergarten, for animals" Purpose: to cause a desire to play.

Ind. Working with Bogdan Poteshka "Where have you been, cat?"

Situational conversation, our pens are dirty, we will wash them ourselves.

Free activity of children in activity centers.


Wind observations. Purpose: to teach using paper tapes to determine its strength and direction. Independent play activities of children on the site. P / and "The third extra".

Planning of educational work

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, the entire room of the group)

Interaction with parents, social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments

Friday 15.09.


"Physical development" "Cognitive development" "Speech development"

Morning gymnastics.

Affectionately and affably meet children. Pay special attention to children who are difficult to part with their parents.

Reading A. Barto "Toys"

Individual work with

Taey, Albina Examine the doll with the children, introduce the head, stomach, arms, legs, nose, eyes, etc. to the parts of the body.

Situational conversation "Why is it customary to say hello" Purpose: to cultivate a culture of behavior.

Acquaintance with machines in the construction area (their properties, structure). Teach children to be careful with toys, not to throw them on the floor, not to knock them on objects, not to sit on them.

We remind parents to help in the preparation of the autumn holiday.

Direct educational activities

« Artistic and aesthetic development»

Music. Why was the sun sad all of a sudden? E.N. Arsenina. article 13.

To form an idea of ​​seasonal changes in nature through music.

"Physical development"

Physical culture in the air.

According to plan.


"Physical development" "Cognitive development" "Speech development"

« Artistic and aesthetic development»

"Social and communicative development"


Purpose: to continue birdwatching at the site; learn to distinguish the main parts of the body.

Ind. work with Bogdan development of movements. Purpose: to improve running technique (naturalness, lightness, vigorous repulsions).

When eating, make sure that children are properly seated at the table. Teach correctly, hold a spoon and a mug, eat and drink without spilling.

Independent activity of children on a walk, games of choice.

Work before bed

Strengthen the skill of neatly folding clothes. Reading poetry for kids. Introduction to children's literature.


Exercise after sleep.

Let's color "Vegetables" The goal is to instill in children an interest in

Individual work

With Varya to show how to paint with Colors.

Pay attention to relationships during games.

Acquaintance with a living corner (observation of watering flowers).


Watching the wind, how the wind blows, trees sway, leaves fall to the ground.

Elena Stepanenkova
Thematic week in the second group of early age "So autumn has come"

Topic: « Autumn»

Target: To form elementary ideas about autumn(seasonal changes in nature, people's clothes, in the kindergarten area). To give primary ideas about harvesting, about some vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms. Expand knowledge about pets. To acquaint with the peculiarities of the behavior of forest animals and birds autumn.

Form and name of the final Events: Exhibition of crafts made from natural materials. Exhibition of children's works. matinee « Autumn has come to us»

Name and position of those responsible for conducting the final Events: teacher Stepanenkova E. E., music director Samsonova A. N.

Day weeks




Monday 3 October 2016. Morning gymnastics, KGN,

breakfast, games.

group, filter. morning gymnastics(complex "Sounding Rattles").

Informative conversation on the topic weeks using illustrative material: « Autumn has come» - Introduce the new season. Board game: "Mosaic" (development of perseverance and attention). Finger the game: "Orange" (hand development) "Who will throw the bag farthest" Individual work (speech development) "Name the item" with Vera G. and Zlata K.

Formation of KPs, self-service skills and a culture of behavior. Remind the children to dry their hands with their own towel. Duty / labor assignments "Where is the toy" (encourage to clean up toys after playing) Observation and work in the “Corner of Nature. Collect dry fallen flowers.

Listening to recorded music. "Children's Songs"

games in "Corner of traffic". The car is a bus.



Updating the material of the parent corner.

Folder-slider « Autumn»

Educational activities 1. Speech development. (on subgroups) Kabardian folk song "Rain, stop it" (abbreviated) Program content: To learn to listen and perceive poetic works, to respond emotionally to them, to encourage them to perform certain actions in accordance with the text of the poem. Golitsyna N. S. Abstracts of the complex thematic classes 1st junior Group. With. 42.

2. Physical development. (Lesson #1)

Games, preparation for a walk.


games, observation,

Observation groups groups are big and strong activity: Sweep the sand off the veranda.

Educational games (cognitive game) "Roll the balls down the hill" P / s (run) "Train". P / s (throwing) "Who will throw the bag further" (run). Continue to teach children to run in a flock, not to push each other. game situation "The birds have flown" with Pasha M., Dima M. and Kirill Z.

Formation of KPs, self-service skills and a culture of behavior. gaming situation: "Let's dress the doll for a walk"- learn to put on pants and boots. situational conversation "We play together" Organization of a collective game with toys in order to foster friendly relationships with peers. Removable material. Watering cans, cubes and molds for each child to play with sand, a doll, cars.

Independent games for children.

Return from a walk, CGT, lunch, work before going to bed Formation of CGT (meal).

D / y “Here are our spoons” - teach children how to hold a spoon correctly while eating

game situation "Toys go to bed"(children shake their favorite toys in their arms to the music of S. Razorenov "Lullaby"). "Wash the bunny's paws before dinner"- Learn to wash your own hands. Listening to a musical composition "Lullaby", relaxation before bed.


Exercise after sleep(complex "Let's play with the nose"). hardening (walking in T-shirts) "Orange" (hand development).

Di (getting to know the environment) "Find a Leaf"-distinguish and name the leaves of familiar trees, develop speech. Musical round dance game "Where are our hands?". Reading literary works in accordance with the program. German folk song "Three funny brothers" Individual work (cognitive development). "What autumn» . View pictures from autumn landscape to clarify children's knowledge of the signs autumn(rain, wind, no sun). With Vera G. and Zlata K.

pronunciation / repetition of nursery rhymes: "Okay, okay". Conversation: "Why is it bad to take toys in your mouth"- the basics of wellness. Formation of KPs, self-service skills and a culture of behavior. game situation "Find a playhouse"- fostering respect for toys. Playing in the center of the sand and water: "We went to the garden"

Games for the development of small motility: "Tweeters" Independent activity of children in activity centers groups.

Walk: games, observations,

labor, individual work, physical culture and health-improving work. Observation: Behind the phenomena of nature. "Sun" mood. Labor activity.: We collect toys in a basket. Educational games (cognitive game) "Roll the balls down the hill" P / s (run) "Train". P / s (throwing) "Who will throw the bag further" (run). Activate sedentary children in the game "Run to me". (Dima S.) Situational conversation on OO "Safety": "Beware the Mushroom". Tell the children not to pick mushrooms on the street. Removable material. Watering cans, cubes and molds for each child to play with sand, a doll, cars.

Calendar planning of educational and educational work with children for the month of OCTOBER

Day weeks

Educational Integration Mode

areas Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms groups) Interaction with parents social partners



Individual educational activity in sensitive moments

Tuesday 4 October 2016. Morning: games, duty, individual. work, errands, morning gymnastics, KGN,

breakfast, games.

Physical development, cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development, speech development, social and communicative development group, filter.

morning gymnastics(complex "Sounding Rattles").

Reading, storytelling, memorization. "Rain, rain, don't rain, Rain, rain, wait".

finger game: "Orange" (hand development).

Games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills "Lacing" (development of fine motor skills of hands)

Mobile / sedentary game "Crawl to the rattle", "Air balloon" Individual work (cognitive development).

"Find the Yellow Leaf"- continue to teach children to remember colors. (Pasha M., Kirill Z.)

Formation of KPs, self-service skills and a culture of behavior. game situation "Say hello to the bear"- teach polite words, be friendly. Duty / labor assignments "Let's show the dolls what order we have"- maintaining cleanliness group. Conversations and games of moral and aesthetic content. "Ask politely"- teach children to verbally express a request for help. Insert games. "Glasses"- learn to correlate objects in shape, put them in the appropriate holes.

Games in the puppet corner. 2Teaware for Katya's doll.

Independent activity of children in activity centers groups. Interaction with parents during the morning reception of children in group.

Individual consultations on request.

Conversation on the problem of the day How to dress a child autumn time»

Educational activities 1. Cognitive development. "Here's what autumn» Software code e: To give children elementary ideas about autumn changes in nature: leaves are falling, it is cold, the wind is blowing, clarify knowledge about vegetables and fruits, exercise in the use of general concepts, consolidate knowledge about changes in clothing with the onset of autumn, teach to consider a picture, answer questions about its content, participate in compiling a story based on a picture. Golitsyna N. S. Abstracts of the complex thematic classes 1st junior Group. With. 40.

2. Artistic and aesthetic development. (Music) According to the work plan of the music director.

Games, preparation for a walk.


games, observation,

labor, individual work, physical culture and health-improving work. Observation: Behind the phenomena of nature. "Sun"- to develop the idea that when the sun shines on the street it is warm; keep joyful mood. Labor activity: collect dry leaves in trucks.

Educational games (sensory game) "Ball or Cube"- learn to distinguish geometric shapes.

P / s (jumping) "On a flat path" P / s (climbing) "The mother hen and the chicks" See: Organization of children's activities for a walk. pp. 10-11. Individual work on the development of basic movements (jumping). "Let's jump like frogs" with Kirill Z. Formation of CGT, self-service skills and a culture of behavior. game-situation "Let's show the bear where our things are"- learn to navigate in the locker room, independently open their lockers, get shoes. Removable material. Watering cans, cubes and molds for each child to play with sand, a doll, cars.

Playing with sand toys, driving cars. Ball games.

Independent games for children.

Return from a walk, KP, lunch, work before going to bed Formation of KP, self-service skills and culture of behavior. Reading the nursery rhyme “Clever, Katya” - learn to hold a spoon in your right hand, take food with your lips, eat with the help of adults. Teach Pasha M. to hold a spoon on his own, eat calmly, take his time. Formation of KPs, self-service skills and a culture of behavior. Didactic exercise "Lullaby", relaxation before bed.

Evening: heal. and hardened. procedures, KGN, afternoon tea, games

Independent activities of children, leisure activities, ind. work Gradual rise. Exercise after sleep(complex "Let's play with the nose"). hardening (walking in T-shirts). Health paths. finger game "Orange" (hand development).

Di (speech development) "Name the toy"- continue to learn to name toys correctly. Role-playing game "Let's feed the dolls with porridge"- learn to play the role of mother. Reading literary works in accordance with the program. "N. Pikuleva "Fox Tail" Individual work . “Katya doll brought a lot of leaves for drawing”- continue to teach children how to hold a pencil correctly, draw only on paper. (Pasha M., Kirill Z.) Formation of KPs, self-service skills and a culture of behavior. game situation "We play together"- to promote the establishment of friendly relations between children.

Fulfillment of instructions of the educator "Let's move the chairs"- learn to maintain order in the play area. Independent activity in the musical corner. "Bell and tambourine"

Independent didactic games. "Logic House"

Independent activity of children in activity centers groups.

Educational activities 1. Cognitive development (FEMP) "Let's Build a Tower". Software code e: learn to distinguish colors according to the principle "such-not such". E. Ya. Yanushko Sensory development of children early age. S. 19.

Walk. Observation: For wildlife. "Cat"- expand the idea of ​​a pet cat; nurture a desire to care for animals. Labor activity: help the teacher fold the scoops. Educational games (sensory game) "Find a green toy"- learn to distinguish colors P / and (jumping) "On a flat path" P / s (climbing) "The mother hen and the chicks" See: Organization of children's activities for a walk. pp. 10-11. Individual work on the development of basic movements (jumping) "Let's jump like balls" with Golden K.

situational conversation "Here is our veranda, here are our toys"- continue to teach children to navigate the territory of the site, to play together, not to go far. Removable material. Watering cans, cubes and molds for each child to play with sand, a doll, cars.

Playing with sand toys, driving cars. Ball games. Independent games for children.

Calendar planning of educational and educational work with children for the month of OCTOBER

Day weeks

Educational Integration Mode

areas Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms groups) Interaction with parents social partners



Individual educational activity in sensitive moments

Wednesday 5 October 2016 Morning: games, duty, individual. work, errands, morning gymnastics, KGN,

breakfast, games.

Physical development, cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development, speech development, social and communicative development group, filter. morning gymnastics(complex "Sounding Rattles").

Conversations about the work of adults "Nanny"- to consolidate the idea of ​​​​children about the work of a nanny in kindergarten.

Sensory games, didactic exercises "Wonderful bag"- guess what is in the bag (figures-circle, square). Reading works, memorizing poems, proverbs, etc. A. Barto (cycle "Toys") Finger game "Orange" (hand development). Mobile / sedentary game "There lived bunnies", "Air balloon" Individual work (artistic and aesthetic development). "Soft plasticine"- to teach children to knead a piece of plasticine in their palms, tightly squeeze it into a fist, knead it with their fingers. (Vera G., Pasha M.)

Formation of KPs, self-service skills and a culture of behavior. " "We are friendly guys"- to promote the establishment of friendly relations between children. Duty / labor assignments "What lies where" group. Work in the book corner. "We don't draw in books"- educate respect for the book. Games in the touch corner. "Pyramids" (red, yellow, green, blue)

Application desktop, board game"Find by color"

Independent activity of children in activity centers groups.

Interaction with parents during the morning reception of children in group.

Individual consultations on request.

Consultation "About crises in the development of children"

Educational activities 1. Artistic and aesthetic development (Modeling) « autumn tree» Software code e: Expand your understanding of autumn phenomena in nature, to acquaint with plasticine, to teach to tear off pieces from a large piece of plastic mass, to roll them between the palms, to exercise in the use of elementary methods of plastigraphy technique, to cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards loved ones. Golitsyna N. S. Abstracts of the complex thematic classes 1st junior Group. With. 44.

2. Physical development. (Lesson #2) Work program for physical development.

Games, preparation for a walk.


games, observation,

labor, individual work, physical culture and health-improving work. Observation: For wildlife. "Cat"- expand the idea of ​​a pet cat; educate the desire to take care of animals activity: collect the leaves in the truck. Educational games (story game) "Let's ride a doll in a car"- learn to distribute the roles-driver-passenger. P / s "Find your home", P/i (run) "Train" See: Organization of children's activities for a walk. pp. 10-11. Individual work on the development of basic movements. (climbing)

We go down the stairs, we try to hold on to the railing. (Pasha M.) Formation of KPs, self-service skills and a culture of behavior. game-situation "What to wear for a walk"- teach children to get street clothes out of the closet, carefully put them on the bench. Removable material. Watering cans, cubes and molds for each child to play with sand, a doll, cars.

Playing with sand toys, driving cars. Ball games.

Independent games for children.

Return from a walk, KP, lunch, work before going to bed Formation of KP, self-service skills and culture of behavior.

Didactic exercise "How mom taught the bear to eat properly"- learn to hold a spoon in your right hand, take food with your lips, eat with the help of adults. "When I eat, I don't talk"- continue to teach Dima S. to eat silently, take your time. Formation of KPs, self-service skills and a culture of behavior. Didactic exercise "Let's hang our things on a chair"- learn to be neat and tidy. Listening to a musical composition "Lullaby", relaxation before bed.

Evening: heal. and hardened. procedures, KGN, afternoon tea, games

Independent activities of children, leisure activities, ind. work Gradual rise. Exercise after sleep(complex "Let's play with the nose"). hardening (walking in T-shirts). Health paths. finger game "Orange" (hand development). Construction and constructive games. "Different Tracks"- learn to build paths from bricks.

Reading literary works in accordance with the program. RNS "Turnip" Didactic exercise "Who is it?"- continue to teach children to name each other, the teacher and the nanny. (Dima S., Kirill Z.) pronunciation / repetition of nursery rhymes: "Ducks, ducks..." Conversation: « Autumn. What's the weather outside"- expand children's knowledge about the new season. Formation of KPs, self-service skills and a culture of behavior. game situation "What lies where"- to consolidate knowledge of the need to maintain order in group. Independent activity in the puppet corner.

"Carriages for dolls"

Didactic games (cognitive development) "Name and show correctly" (cube and brick)

Independent activity of children in activity centers groups.

Walk. Observation: Target walk. Games and work of older children groups- expand children's knowledge that older children groups are big and strong play well and work hard. Labor activity: shake off sand from clothes. Educational games (story game) "Waiting for guests"- learn to sculpt Easter cakes from sand. P / s (orientation in space) "Find your home", P/i (run) "Train" See: Organization of children's activities for a walk. pp. 10-11. Individual work on the development of basic movements. (orientation in space). Teach children to correctly show the buildings on the site (veranda, sandbox, table) and quickly find them at the request of the teacher. (Kirill Z., Zlata K.) Situational conversation on OO "Safety": «» Tell the bear how to behave on the street. - continue to teach children that you can not throw sand, take toys in your mouth. Removable material. Watering cans, cubes and molds for each child to play with sand, a doll, cars.

Playing with sand toys, driving cars. Ball games.

Independent games for children.

Sariya Tagirova
Weekly-thematic planning of the educational process for the 2015–16 academic year. Early age group

Topic weeks: "Kindergarten"

01.09.15. – 08.09.15.

Project theme: Tasks: Activities with children and parents:

"Kindergarten"-adapt children to the conditions of kindergarten;

To acquaint with the kindergarten as the closest social environment of the child. FROM children:

1. Games - travel around group, across the site.

2. Familiarization with the appointment pictorial materials: colored pencils, felt-tip pens, plasticine, paints, brushes.

3. Game tricks "Let's show the bear how to put toys in their places"

4. Individual game "Hi, hello, buddy"

5. A game based on a fairy tale "Kolobok"

6. Suspension games "Collect the balls", "Top"

round dance game "Inflate the Bubble"

With parents:

Consultation "How to help a child during the adaptation period"

Topic weeks: "Gifts of Autumn"

09.09.15. – 22.09.15.

Project theme: Tasks: Activities with children and parents:

"Gifts of Autumn"

Final event:

Excursion around the territory of the kindergarten. - to form elementary ideas about autumn FROM children:

Examination of trees on the site, comparison.

Fairy tale dramatization "Turnip"

"Dance with leaves"

Loose running with leaves.

Joint games with cubes, bricks.

game situation "Carrot from a Bunny"

The game "Wonderful bag (with models of vegetables and fruits)

Story - role-playing game "Harvesting"

Watching the junior teacher cut vegetables and fruits (children are invited to smell and try pieces of vegetables and fruits)

With parents:

memo "Parental Responsibilities"

Topic weeks:

23.09.15. – 30.09.15.

Project theme: Tasks: Activities with children and parents:

“Here it is, what a golden autumn”

Final event:

Teamwork "Berries"- to give primary ideas about harvesting, about some vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms. FROM children:

The teacher's story “These are vegetables and fruits”

Consideration and comparison of vegetables (fruit) in form. Size. Taste.

modeling "Buns"

finger game "Bunnies", "Squirrel"

"Cabbage", "A family"

nursery rhyme "Cockerel"

Stringing beads on a string.

Suspended the game "We stomp our feet", "Run to me"

sports exercise "Throwing cones"

Construction "Let's build a house for a bear"

With parents:

Conversation "About vitamins and their benefits for the child's body"

Topic weeks: "My family"

01.10.15.- 16.10.15.

Project theme: Tasks: Activities with children and parents:

"My family"

Final event:

Teamwork "Flowers"- organize all activities around a theme "A family";

To form a desire to take care of family members. Respect for them

With kids:

Examination of illustrations for a fairy tale "Three Bears"

Story - role-playing game "Hospital"

Breathing exercises "Blow on the leaves"

Reading a fairy tale "Turnip", "Teremok", Three Bears"

Suspended games "On the Path to Grandma", "Bring the ball", "We stomp our feet"

Examining the painting "My family" Poems "Owl - Owl", "Bear"

With parents:

Making autumn crafts. Exhibition of works.

Topic weeks: "Animals of the Native Land"

19.10.15. – 30.10.15.

Project theme: Tasks: Activities with children and parents:

"Animals of the Native Land"

Expand knowledge about animals of the native land;

Develop children's speech;


Hearing a fairy tale "Kolobok"

Reading "Kids and the Wolf"

Watching a cartoon "Teremok"

Suspended games "The Birds Are Flying", "On a flat path", "Snowballs"

modeling "Bird Food"

Poems by A. Barto "Bunny"

"Kid", "Bear"

finger game "Bunnies"

Application "Hedgehog"

Story - role-playing game "Kindergarten"

Situation - communication "Security in group»

With parents:

Take a walk with the children around the village, draw attention to the beauty of the landscape of the village.

Topic weeks: "My country"

02.11.15.- 06.11.15.

Project theme: Tasks: Activities with children and parents:

"My country"

Final event:

Teamwork "Snowing"- introduce children to their native village, its name, objects (street, house, shop, clinic) FROM parents:

Reading a fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut"

Drawing "Falling, falling snow" finger games "Bunnies", "My family"

Outdoor games "Quietly clap your hands","White snow", "Catch me", "Snowballs", "Sparrows and a cat", "Day Night", "Train", "Aircraft"

Construction "Houses for bunnies and chanterelles", "Fences"

Application "Teapot with Polka Dots"

Listening to children's songs.

With parents:

To acquaint children with the street on which he lives, show a safe way from home.

Topic weeks: "City of masters"

09.11.15. – 13.11.15.

Project theme: Tasks: Activities with children and parents:

"City of masters"- introduce folk art on the example of folk toys. FROM children:

nursery rhyme "Ay swing, swing, swing..."

Reading a fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut", "Ryaba Hen" (playing out)

Examining the painting "Pets"

Examination of a folk toy - nesting dolls.

modeling "Baranki"

Outdoor games "On a flat path", "Cars"

Story - role-playing game "Laundry", "Ambulance"

Listening to children's songs.

Drawing "Snowball in the Forest"

Riddles are riddles.

With parents:

Conversation on the topic: "I can dress myself" continue to teach the child the order of dressing and undressing.

Topic weeks: "The ABC of Security"

16.11.15. – 20.11.15.

Topic weeks: Tasks: Activities with children and parents:

"The ABC of Security"

Final event:

A tour of the kindergarten sites - to introduce some transport, to give an elementary concept of the purpose of transport. FROM children:

morning exercises "Knocked feet"

Application "Winter"

Car games.

Poem "White snow fluffy", "Snow".

finger games "Cabbage", "A family".

Games - situations "Let's ride the fox in the bus" "Teddy Bear Fixes the Bus"

Free drawing.

Reading poems about transport.

The game "Funny Bus"

Board Games - Inserts "Transport", "Farm"

With parents.

Memo for parents on raising a competent pedestrian.

Topic weeks: "Mothers Day"

23.11.15. – 30.11.15.

Project theme: Tasks: Activities with children and parents:

"Mothers Day"

Final event.

Teamwork "Flowers for Mom"- the formation in children of such qualities as kindness, care, love;

Formation of a respectful attitude towards the family, love for the mother;

Introduce the holiday "Mothers Day"

With kids:

morning exercises "The cubs lived in the thicket"

Reading a fairy tale "Turnip"

Examining pictures.

Outdoor games "Walking down the street", "Catch me", "My cheerful sonorous ball", "Day Night"

Examining the painting "Ride down the hill"

Poems by A. Barto "Talking to Mom", "Bathing"

O. Chusovishina "Mother"

Rattle dance.

Conversation "Security in the Yard"

With parents:

"Together we set the table for dinner" Encourage the children to help as much as possible in preparing for dinner.

Topic weeks: "Hello Zimushka - Winter"

01.12.15. – 14.12.15.

Project theme: Tasks: Activities with children and parents:

"Hello Zimushka - Winter"

Final event:

Walk around the kindergarten. - to consolidate children's knowledge about seasonal natural phenomena;

To form an active and passive vocabulary of children;

Create conditions for the development of oral speech components in various activities.

Develop memory, attention, thinking of children;

Develop aesthetic perception, creativity.

Encourage children to be active with toys and dialogue.

With kids:

Conversation "Winter"

Reading a fairy tale "Winter hut of animals"

Examining the storyline "Winter walk"

modeling "Winter night"

Poem by A. Barto "It was in January".

"Snowflakes downy".

Hearing a fairy tale "Ryaba Hen", "Turnip".

Suspended games "White Bunny sits", "At the bear in the forest", "Step over the stick", "Snowball".

Songs for children "Santa Claus", "Christmas tree", "The little Christmas tree is cold in winter".

Construction "High and Low Fences".

With parents:

Decoration groups.

Topic weeks: "New Year's Kaleidoscope"

15.12.15. – 31.12.15

Project theme: Tasks: Activities with children and parents:

"New Year's Kaleidoscope"

Final event: teamwork "Winter's Tale"

New Year's Eve. - the formation of children's interest in the New Year holiday in various activities.

Involvement in active participation in productive activities on the New Year theme.

Game training "beside" with peers without interfering with each other.

Creating a joyful mood and emotional response to festive events.

With kids: Morning exercises "Quietly clap your hands"

Reading a fairy tale "Snow Maiden", "Fox sister and wolf"

modeling "Decorate the Christmas Tree", "Christmas toy"

Application “Snow falls quietly on the trees, on the meadow”, "Christmas tree".

Examining the painting "New Year"

Hearing a fairy tale "Teremok"

Suspended games "Let's make it snow", "Snow is spinning", "Bunny", "Run to me"

Poems "Christmas tree", "Snow"

Breathing exercises "Bubbles"

With parents:

Build a hill on the site.

Topic weeks: "Folk holidays in Russia"

11.01.16. – 15.01.16

Project theme: Tasks: Activities with children and parents

"Folk holidays in Russia"- introduce children to oral folk art (songs, rhymes, chants)

Use folklore in the organization of all types of children's activities. FROM children:

1. Reading a fairy tale "Snow Maiden"


"Masha and the Bear"

2. Nursery rhymes "A squirrel is sitting in a cart" "Cockerel"

3. Drawing "Beads for Katya's doll"

4. Modeling "Buns"(work with snow)

5. Outdoor games "Let's make it snow"

"Run to the flag"

6. Dance with rattles.

Dismantling and collecting nesting dolls.

Topic weeks: "Etiquette".

18.01.16. – 22.01.16.

Project theme: Tasks: Activities with children and parents:


Final event:

Memo for parents on the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

A reminder to parents from a child. - to form the ability to wash hands with a little help from an adult, show the safety rules when washing (hot water, stimulate and encourage the desire of children to consolidate the rules of etiquette in game situations;

Involve the child in the implementation of the simplest labor assignments;

- With kids: 1. Gymnastics

2. Finger games "Bunnies", "Compote"

3. Outdoor games "Collect Snowballs", "Snowball", "Goat horned", "Day Night"

4. Game "Putting cleanliness and order in group»

5. Game - situation "washing dishes"

6. Reading a fairy tale "Swan geese"

7. Modeling "Let's bake pancakes for mommy"

8. Drawing "multi-colored balls"

9. Watching a cartoon "Chunya"

Familiarize yourself with the rules of conduct in kindergarten, to discuss them with your child.

Topic weeks: "Russian folk toys"

25.01.16.- 29.01.16.

Project theme: Tasks: Activities with children and parents:

"Russian folk toys"

Final event:

Guided tour of the kindergarten. - introduce children to folk toys: matryoshka, parsley, roly-poly;

Promote the desire to play independently with a toy;

Continue to develop balance, exercise in crawling on all fours, in throwing the ball with both hands. FROM children:

1. Gymnastics "Funny hands, frisky legs"

"Quietly clap your hands"

2. Nursery rhymes "Matryoshka"

"Seven Wooden Dolls"

3. Gymnastics for the eyes.

4. Listening to music, children's songs.

5. Outdoor games "Bring an item"

"Catch the ball"

"Day Night"

"Birds and car"

With parents:

Invite parents to take a walk with their children in the park, draw attention to wooden sculptures (houses)

Together with the children, bake a sweet treat for grandparents.

Topic weeks: "If you want to be healthy"

01.02.16. – 05.02.16.

Project theme: Tasks: Activities with children and parents:

"If you want to be healthy"

Final event:

Tips for parents on the organization of nutrition of children. - Develop healthy habits in children lifestyle;

To educate cultural and hygienic skills;

Teach play actions with toys;

Expand knowledge about the world around;

Develop spoken language. FROM children:

1. Talk about the health benefits of vitamins.

2. Reading S. Mikhalkov "About a girl who ate badly", K. Chukovsky


3. Drawing "Vitamins"

4. Modeling "Vitamins in a jar"

5. Games "My cheerful sonorous ball"

"Here I am"

6. Game situation “Aibolit ran out of pills”

With parents:

Give the child the opportunity to learn lathering process -"soap gloves"; to form a desire to be included in the hygienic process.

Topic weeks: "Little Explorers"

08.02.16.- 12.02.16.

Project theme: Tasks: Activities with children and parents:

"Little Explorers"

Final event:

Teamwork "Fish swim in the water"- formation of primary ideas about safety in nature;

Develop children's curiosity;

To develop the cognitive activity of children; introduce concepts "sinks" "does not sink"; teach children to build a bridge of two cubes and slats;

Contribute to the enrichment of games with new stories;

Cultivate good feelings, a caring attitude towards others. FROM children:

1. Theme: "Bul, bul, bul - water murmurs"

2. Exercise "My gender", "Washing the dishes", "My vegetables", "we wash clothes", "We water the flower beds".

3. Cognitive - game activity. Topic: "We wash the doll's dress"

4. Design "Bridge over the puddle"

5. Suspension games "Dog and Ducks", "On the path to the house"

6. Consider. paintings "Birds in Winter"

7. Drawing "Water".

8. Experimentation "Colorful Water" "Colorful ice cubes".

"The bear is sick", I. K. Chukovsky

Topic weeks: "Our Defenders"

15.02.16. – 29.02.16.

Project theme: "Our Defenders" Tasks: Activities with children and parents:

"Our Defenders"

Final event:

Teamwork "Salute"- to give children knowledge about our Motherland - Russia;

Introduce the flag of Russia;

To give elementary ideas about the types of troops, to cause a desire to be like warriors;

Develop courage, endurance;

With kids:

1. Conversation "My father"

"Our army is strong, it protects everyone"

2. Examining the painting "Our Defenders"

3. Poems about dad.

4. Finger gymnastics "My family"

5. Drawing "Salute"

6. Modeling "Planes are flying"

7. Outdoor games "Who quickly", "Find Your Place", "Throwing"

8. Relay "We are smart, we are strong"

9. Making buildings on a military theme from various constructors.

10. Game "Collect a picture"

With parents:

Visit the monument with the children - who died defending the Motherland.

Topic weeks: "Women's Day".

01.03.16. – 07.03.16.

Project theme: Tasks: Activities with children and parents:

"Women's Day"

Final event:

Teamwork "Flowers for Mom".

Holiday postcard making. - to cultivate love and caring attitude towards mother, as to the closest person;

Arouse the desire to provide all possible assistance in household chores. FROM children:

1. Conversation "Mom is a cook at home".

2. Finger game "A family".

3. Memorizing poems about mom.

4. Drawing "Beads for Mom"


5. Modeling "I'll bake gingerbread for my beloved mother"

6. Reading A. Barto "Talking to Mom"

7. Listening to children's songs about mom. 8. Suspension games "Run to me"

"Through the Brook" "Find an item for mom"

9. The game "What mom can do (washes, washes dishes, etc.)

Topic weeks: "In the world of kindness".

09.03.16. – 17.03.16.

Project theme: Tasks: Activities with children and parents:

"In the world of kindness"

Final event:

Making feeders and hanging them on the site. - to form benevolent friendly relations between children;

Develop the ability to evaluate the actions of others;

Encourage the child to do good deeds;

Develop children's ideas about concepts "good" and "evil", their importance in people's lives;

Preservation and strengthening of children's health.

With kids:

1. Conversation on the topic: "Kindness".2. Reading a poem by I. Tulupova "Kindness"

3. Drawing "The more kindness in the world, the happier you and I"(gouache)

4. Application "Smiles"

5. Modeling "Birds and grains"

6. Games "Sweet words", "At the bear in the forest", "Who called".

7. Consideration of the plot picture with image of grandmother and grandchildren.

8. Reading nursery rhymes "By Grandma"

9. Drawing "Let's feed the birds"

With parents:

Making bird feeders.

Topic weeks: "Visiting a fairy tale"

18.03.16 -24.03.16.

Project theme: Tasks: Activities with children and parents:

"Visiting a fairy tale"

Final event:

Teamwork "Kolobok". 1. To develop emotional and verbal communication of children based on a fairy tale.

2. Raise interest in the works of folk literature.

3. Improve children's knowledge of fairy tales.

With kids:

1. Reading a fairy tale "Ryaba Hen", "Kolobok", "Teremok".

2. Construction "Teremok".

3. Drawing - "Kolobok" "Egg", "Traces".

4. Game "Animal Choir"

5. Suspension games "Geese", “A fox with a box ran through the woods”

6. Coloring book for fairy tales.

7. Riddles - riddles.

8. Game - greeting "Sun"

With parents:

Participation in an exhibition of drawings topic: "Visiting a fairy tale"

Topic weeks: "Spring drops".

25.03.16. – 31.03.16.

Project theme: Tasks: Activities with children and parents:

"Spring drops"

Final event:

target walk "Hello Spring"- expand children's knowledge about the signs of spring; generate cognitive interest; develop the speech of children; to cultivate the ability to see the beauty in nature, respect for it. FROM children:

1. Conversation What do people do in spring?

2. Reading a fairy tale "Masha and the Bear"

3. Drawing "Rain"

4. Modeling "Bowl for the Bug"

5. Suspension games "Sun and Rain",

"Sunny Bunny"

"Cat and Mice"

6. Examination of paintings from the series "Spring"

7. Reading a poem by A. Barto “Ship

With parents:

Advice for parents "Beware of Spring"

Topic weeks: "Day of laughter"

01.04.16. – 08.04.16.

Project theme: Tasks: Activities with children and parents:

"Day of laughter"

Final event: "Funny Portraits" (with parents)- formation of the need for communication with peers;

Preservation of psychological health;

Formation of positive emotions. FROM children:

1. Conversation "What can you laugh at"

2. We read poems - miniatures "Chanterelle", "Kitty" "Top foot"

3. Games "The funniest face", "The Funniest Smile", "Owl - owl"

4. Drawing "Point, dot, comma came out a crooked face"

5. Games with soap bubbles, with balloons.

6. Game "Fun Charge"

7. Suspension games "Mousetrap", "Sun Bunnies" Freeze

8 Animal Carnival (imitation of animal movements to music)

With parents:

Reading K. Chukovsky "Zakaliaka".

Topic weeks: "We are the inhabitants of the earth".

11.04.16. – 15.04.16.

Project theme: Tasks: Activities with children and parents:

"We are the inhabitants of the earth"- form an idea of planet Earth and human life planet. FROM children:

1. Conversation "My family"

"What am I"

2. Drawing "Green Kingdom", "I and my family".

3. Design "Home for a big family", "Tower"

4. Plot - role-playing game "Family holiday"

5. Finger game "Friendly family"

6. Game "Where are our arms, legs, nose"

7. Reading a fairy tale "The wolf and the seven Young goats"

8. Outdoor game "Birds and Rain"

With parents:

Invite parents and children to feed the birds while walking.

Tour of the village.

Topic weeks: "Bird Day"

18.04.16. – 22.04.16.

Project theme: Tasks: Activities with children and parents:

"Bird Day"

Final event:

Exhibition of drawings "Spring"- form the basis of interaction with nature, evoke feelings goodness and joy, watch birds, give an elementary idea of ​​feeders, desire to feed birds, recognize some birds in pictures, name and show the beak, eyes, tail, paws, wings, strengthen the physical health of the child C children:

1. Narration by the educator of the work of K. Ushinsky "Geese" without visual accompaniment.

2. Reading a fairy tale "Ha-ha-ha", "Yellow Fluffy Chickens"

3. Reading the story of E. Charushin "Hen".

4. Drawing "Seeds for Birds"

“A chicken went out for a walk, and behind her were the guys, yellow chickens”

5. Design "Birdhouses"

6. Game "Chickens in the Garden"

7. Music game "Who's in the house"

8. Theatrical game "The ducklings went out into the meadow".

With parents:

Advice for parents "Feed the Birds".

Topic weeks: "Animals in Spring"

25.04.16. – 29.04.16.

Project theme: Tasks: Activities with children and parents:

"Animals in Spring"- Expand your vocabulary. To teach children to understand words denoting parts of the body of animals (tail, ears, nose, signs of objects (Red Yellow).

To teach children to understand phrases that are simple in design and content, with which the teacher accompanies the display of toys, their actions.

Continue to introduce children to home animals: dog, cat, chicken.

Instill love for the animal world.

With kids:

1. Conversation "Animals in Spring"

2. Examination of illustrations.

3. Didactic exercise "How can you please a teddy bear"

4. Designing chairs for a bunny and a bear.

5. Nursery rhyme “Like our cat, the coat is very good”

6. Suspension games "Cats and mice", "Vaska cat", "Hen and Chicks"

"Dance fox"

7. Modeling "Chicken Seeds"

8. Game "Cow Give Milk"

Topic weeks: "This Victory Day".

02.05.16. – 10.05.16.

Project theme: Tasks: Activities with children and parents:

"This Victory Day"

Final event:

Teamwork "Salute". - introduce children to the Victory Day;

To instill in children pride and respect for WWII veterans;

Raising love for the motherland. FROM children:

1. Consideration of material on the topic "Victory Day"

2. Reading poems on the topic "Victory Day"

3. Drawing "Here's our fireworks"

4. Laying out salute, aircraft, tank from counting sticks.

5. Listening to military-themed music.

6. Finger gymnastics "This finger"

7. Breathing exercises "Checkbox"

8. Modeling "Salute"

With parents:

Excursion to the monument to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

Topic weeks: "Secrets of nature".

11.05.16. – 17.05.16.

Project theme: Tasks: Activities with children and parents:

"Secrets of nature"

Final event:

Teamwork "First flowers"- introduce children to the world of wildlife;

Develop children's speech;

Enrich vocabulary. FROM children:

1. Conversation on the topic "Let's show Mishka a corner of nature"

2. Looking at pictures "Insects", "Plants", "Fish"

3. Drawing "Rain"

"First flowers"

"Green grass for the rabbit"

4. Plot - role-playing game "Let's treat the doll with compote"

5. Didactic game "Find a Tree"

6. Suspension games "Sun and Rain"

"Jumping over a puddle", "Hide and Seek"

7. Modeling "Flowers"

With parents:

Consultation About the benefits of walking with children

Topic weeks: "Spring comes to meet summer"

18.05.16. – 24.05.16.

Project theme: Tasks: Activities with children and parents:

"Spring comes to meet summer"

Final event:

Advice for parents

"Protection of life and health of children"- to form elementary ideas about summer (seasonal changes in nature, people's clothes, in the kindergarten area) FROM children:

1. Examination and discussion of illustrations with summer landscape, people dressed in summer.

2. Conversation about the upcoming season (fly) about what they will do at home, in kindergarten, on a walk, in the country at this time of the year.

3. Drawing "Sunshine, flowers grow, bugs in the grass"

4. Design "Fence"

5. Modeling "Flower meadow"

6. Breathing exercise "Butterflies"

Music game "Thunder and Rain"

Topic weeks"Summer's soon"

25.05.16 – 31.05.16.

Project theme: Tasks: Activities with children and parents:

"Summer's soon"

Final event:

Teamwork "Vegetables, fruits and berries"- expand children's knowledge about summer gifts: vegetables, fruits, berries;

To develop speech hearing and speech development.

With kids:

1. Reading the story of P. Pavlov "Strawberry"

2. Conversation on the topic: Where do fruits, vegetables and berries come from?

3Sculpting "Mushrooms"

"Vegetables and fruits"

4. Drawing "Berries"

The game "Get a Carrot"

5. Outdoor games.

With parents:

Outdoor games with children.

(early age from 1 year to 2 years)

Akhmedova Yagut Yakub kyzy,
GBDOU teacher kindergarten №107
Central district of St. Petersburg

Mode and regime moments

Put to bed first children who have recently switched to a one-time nap regimen.

During daytime sleep planted on a pot.

In order to quickly fall asleep, use the following methods: while undressing, give children a preliminary positive attitude to sleep: when the child lies down, gently stroke him, put a homemade toy in bed.

Formation of cultural and hygienic skills

Encourage children to ask for a potty, encourage attempts to do so.

Teach children to take off tights and panties before sitting on the potty, encourage children to put them on on their own.

In the group, refuse diapers, wear only when necessary.

When dressing home, teach them to find their locker, take off their change of shoes and put them in the locker, ask the children to deliver street shoes from it.

Teach children to find their potty and towel.

Learn to use a spoon.

Learn to drink from a mug.

Encourage children to help put toys away. Teach not to scatter toys during play.

Include the following forms of physical culture and health work in the daily routine

Morning gymnastics in the form of free exercises, round dance or outdoor games, organization of independent activities with high physical activity;

Invigorating gymnastics after daytime sleep, health path and outdoor game or free exercises;

Correctly organize the ventilation mode;

Household hardening: washing with cool water, air baths while undressing for sleep and upon waking up, proper dressing of children in a group (lightweight clothing).

Organization of daytime sleep:

the temperature in the bedroom is 18 degrees, the child is tired, but not tired, the gradual laying down, singing lullabies and reading soothing and lulling poems, nursery rhymes, Russian folk tales.

Activity games

During adaptation, refuse group classes. Engage with children individually, conduct observations, conduct primary diagnostics of children, determine skills, skills, type of higher nervous activity

During the week, conduct 10 classes, 2 classes per day in subgroups lasting 6-10 minutes, as well as once a week - musical leisure

To teach children in the classroom to listen and follow what the teacher does and shows, to amaze with word and action, to complete his tasks.

Encourage children to have a positive attitude towards learning.

In working with children, use all the methods and techniques of teaching, giving preference to a visual method with a phased verbal explanation.

Independent play activity

In guiding children's independent play activities, consolidate the knowledge, skills and abilities gained in the classroom - Ensure that each child performs target actions characteristic of her, brings them to the result. In the future, to achieve the transfer of actions learned by children from one toy to another

When children play, create conditions for a good mood for them, cultivate positive forms of communication with each other, games “nearby”, then games “together”, teach them to coordinate their actions with each other

Techniques for managing children's independent play activities

expand game situations - generalized game actions with toys - game actions with substitute objects - game actions with imaginary objects

To form in children subject ways of solving game problems

Form the simplest interaction between children (playing out a common subject of a teacher with a child, observing paired game interaction from the outside, joint games, joint games)

Form the plot interaction of children (creation of an environment that creates conditions for paired interaction of children)

Working with parents:

Parent meeting on the topic:

"Adaptation with and without tears".

"Adaptation of young children to the conditions of kindergarten"

How to keep your child safe from stress

What parents need to know when their children enter preschool

"Age features of children of 2 years"

"Walking in Autumn"

"Autumn signs and mysteries"

"The tasks of educational and educational work in a group of early age"

Photo exhibition "Adaptation"

"Prevention of ARVI and influenza"

"Children - two-year-olds" (features of the mental physical development of children of the 2nd year of life)

"Behavior of children at home", "State of health", "Sleep at home"

"Compliance with the daily routine"

"The development of speech in children of the 2nd year of life"

"Educational games"

"Autumn walks with a child"

"Prevention of colds and infectious diseases"

"Mothers Day"


What games do children play at home?

"Weekend meals"

"Mode of the day", "Walk"




Admission of children to the group.

During the reception, pay special attention to children who are hard to part with their parents, are naughty and cry for a long time.

« our group»

Getting to know the group.

Familiarize yourself with the items in the group room and their placement. To form an active vocabulary: a play corner, a table and a chair, a closet, toys. Cultivate respect for toys.

P.i.« Walk the path»

doll play

Acquaintance of children with the surrounding objects. It's easy to learn, to call a doll - lala.

The game« Visiting children

To introduce children to the elementary ethics of greeting, to develop communication skills in relation to adults and peers, to cultivate the skill of cultural communication.




Admission of children to the group.

Acquaintance with the puppet corner: review the available dolls with the children, calling them by name; show how and what we will feed them, after asking the children: “Where will the doll sit? What will you eat from?"

During meals, he monitors the correct seating of children at the table.

Teach correctly, hold a spoon and a mug, eat and drink without spilling.

Conversations with parents about the behavior of children at home.


The children were in the nursery until 12.00



Admission of children to the group.

Introduction to the construction industry.

Introduction to the book corner.

Children's recognition of objects in the picture and the development of understanding of adult speech.

Arouse children's interest in the picture; teach to recognize familiar objects from a picture and call them at least a simplified name; to cultivate the ability to properly handle the picture (do not tear, do not crumple, do not throw).

Formation of the ability to remember the location of toys in the group and be able to put them in their places.

Suspended Run to me game


The children were in the nursery until 12.00



Admission of children to the group.

Acquaintance with the didactic corner.

Games with two matryoshka dolls: learn how to compare and choose the right parts, show how to correctly lay out a smaller nesting doll in a large one.

Teach children how to dress with the help of an adult.

Conversations with parents about how to dress a child in kindergarten.


The children were in the nursery until 12.00



Admission of children to the group.

Introduction to kitchen utensils.

Teach children to act with household items, given their abilities and purpose.

Formation of the ability to dress with the help of an adult.

reading nursery rhymes« magpie, magpie»

To form in children a certain pace and rhythm of speech. Cultivate the desire to listen to the teacher, develop attentiveness when listening to nursery rhymes.

Games in the doll corner (we will cook dinner and feed the doll).

P / and "Catch up with the ball"


The children were in the nursery until 12.00

Conversations with parents about how the child spent the day.



Admission of children to the group.

Getting to know the machines in the construction corner.

Matryoshka game

To acquaint with the matryoshka, to teach it to be easy to call - ba-ba.

Rolling toys on the car.

P.i. "Catch the ball."

Evening: The children were in the nursery until 12.00


Morning: Admission of children to the group.

Acquaintance with the “hairdressing salon” corner: examining the objects located there, explaining why they are needed, what actions can be performed with them.

While washing, teach children to roll up their sleeves, wet their hands, take soap, lather their palms, rinse off the soap with water. Reading and looking at illustrations for the nursery rhyme "Vodichka, Vodichka".

Games with large building material (give several cars to beat the building).

Suspended game "Play with balls"


The children were in the nursery until 12.00



Admission of children to the group.

Formation of the ability to wash hands before eating, roll up sleeves, rub dry with a personal towel.

Getting to know the parts of the body: examine the doll with the children, show the head, stomach, arms, legs, nose, eyes, etc.



The teacher shows the children one well-known toy - matryoshka.

Playing with kitchen utensils in the doll's corner.


The children were in the nursery until 12.00



Admission of children to the group.

Game "Come to me".

Formation of emotional contact, children's trust in the teacher. Acquaintance with the image of a rooster, learn to recognize it in the picture, encourage onomatopoeia.

Conversations with parents "favorite toys", "sleep and food at home"


The children were in the nursery until 12.00



Admission of children to the group.

Teach children to wash their hands before eating.

Roll the ball game

Learn to catch the ball with your hands, not pressing it to the body, push it away with your fingers.

Continuation of reading the nursery rhyme« magpie, magpie»

When repeating the nursery rhyme, the teacher encourages the children to repeat: “I gave this, I gave this ...”


The children were in the nursery until 12.00



Admission of children to the group.

Parents talking about how the child spent the weekend.

Teach children to eat soup with bread, not to crumble bread on the table.

Formation of a friendly relationship with each other in the game and in communication.

dog play

Introduce children to dogs learn to call it easy - av-av.

Rolling toys on the car.

P / and "Walk like cubs"


The children were in the nursery until 12.00



Admission of children to the group.

Acquaintance with a living corner (observation of watering flowers).

Games in the book corner, looking at illustrations in books.

Raising a positive attitude to food, to new types of food, neatness.

The game "Walk like cubs."

Acquaintance with the image of a rooster, learn to recognize it in the picture, encourage onomatopoeia.

Conversations with parents adaptation in the garden.


The children were in the nursery until 12.00



Admission of children to the group.

While washing your hands, roll up your sleeves and wash your hands. Learn to find your towel.

P / i:« catch up with the ball».

Together with the children, look at the dolls in the doll corner.

Games in the doll corner "Let's put the dolls to sleep in bed."

Conversations with parents "New daily routine", "sleeping and eating at home"


Teach children to dress with the help of an adult, not to make noise in the bedroom.

Formation of the ability to eat soup with bread, not to crumble bread on the table.

Arouse children's interest in the picture;

to teach to recognize familiar objects from the picture and call them at least a simplified name.

The teacher shows the children one well-known toy - a dog.

The game "Hide and seek with toys" the teacher hides the toys, the children are looking for.

Conversations with parents about what kind of sleep the children had.



Admission of children to the group.

Musical according to the plan of music. hands

Games in the puppet corner: driving cars, puppets in strollers.

Games with building material (we build towers for the bear).

Suspended the game. "Go down the path"

Conversations with parents about the habits of children.


Continue to introduce children to the book corner.

The game« Assemble the pyramid»

Examining the illustrations in the book corner.

Playing with kitchen utensils in the doll's corner.

Games in the didactic corner, show how you can assemble and disassemble pyramids from 3-4 rings.



Admission of children to the group.

Formation of respect for toys.

The game« Car»

Learn to build a car to put a cube on a brick. Introduce a new brick detail. Enrich the sensory experience of children, distinguish the building by color, shape (brick cube) Develop attention. Activate the active and passive vocabulary of children (rides, bi-bi, cube, brick). Cultivate accuracy (learn to put cubes in a box)

Games with pyramids - show how to decompose in size.

Suspended Run to me game


Teach children to eat carefully at the table, to hold a spoon correctly, to thank after eating.

« We listen to the nursery rhyme« Rain, rain»

Get interested in folklore. Contribute to the understanding of adult speech based on clarity.

Examining pictures "Kitten" - introduce children to body parts

(head, nose, belly, paws, eyes)

Games with building material "Let's build a road for cars"

Conversations with parents about the daytime sleep of children in kindergarten.



Admission of children to the group.

Board games "Mushrooms" show children how to plant mushrooms.

Suspended the game. "Drop and catch up"


Teach children to play together, not to quarrel, not to bite.

Eat carefully, hold the spoon correctly.

Katya doll sings and dances

Expand ideas about the doll, learn to act with it.

Game "Come, run to me"



Admission of children to the group.

Continue to acquaint children with machines in the building corner.

Learn to treat toys carefully: do not throw them on the floor, do not knock them on objects, do not sit on them. Getting to know the parts of the body: examine the doll with the children, show the head, stomach, arms, legs, nose, eyes, etc.

Playing with kitchen utensils in the doll's corner.

Suspended game "Let's go"

Acquaintance with a living corner (observation of watering flowers).

Games in the book corner, looking at illustrations in books.

Conversations with parents adaptation in the garden.


Teaches you how to properly hold a spoon and mug without spilling.

The game« Who says what?»

To form auditory perception, develop the vocal apparatus, understanding of surrounding speech, promote imitation of sound combinations and simple words. "Run to me"



Admission of children to the group.

Conversations with parents about the state of health of children, their mood.

Teach children to walk in a straight line, exercise in crawling, develop a sense of balance P / s:« Come to me»

Teach children to play together, do not break toys.

Reading and looking at illustrations for the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man"


Teach kids how to find their potty.

Wash your hands before eating, do not make noise in the bedroom.

Continuation of the game« Recognition of objects by children in the picture

and development of adult speech understanding»

Arouse children's interest in the picture; to teach to recognize familiar objects from the picture and call them at least a simplified name.

The teacher shows the children one toy they know well - a dog and a doll Katya.

Wheelchair games. We roll the Masha doll. Masha is visiting us.

Desktop musical toys.

Suspended game "Walk like cubs"

Conversation with parents "Health in kindergarten"



Admission of children to the group.

Suspended game "Drop and catch"

Evening: Learn how to properly hold a spoon and a mug without spilling.

The game« Assemble the pyramid»

To encourage children to effective actions, to improve coordination of movements under visual control, to cultivate a positive attitude towards classes.

Building material games.

Suspended Run to me game

Conversations with parents about the nutrition of children at home.



Admission of children to the group.

Teach children to roll up their sleeves before washing their hands, at breakfast and lunch, to use a spoon correctly.

The game« Car»

Continue to teach children how to build a car. Put the cube on the plate. Introduce the plate to the new part.

Enrich children's sensory experience. Distinguish the building by color, shape (plate, cube).

Develop attention.

Activate the active and passive vocabulary of children (rides, bi-bi, cube, brick)

Cultivate accuracy (learn to put cubes in a box)

Suspended The game. "We stomp our feet" teach to repeat some simple movements.

Didactic game "Bricks for stringing" to learn how to shoot and string on a rod.


Learn to find your potty, take off and put on panties and tights.

Continuation of reading the nursery rhyme« Rain, rain»

When repeating the nursery rhyme, the teacher encourages the children to repeat: "Drip-drip, drip-drip ..."

Playing with dolls, riding toys on cars.

Examining the illustrations in the book corner.

Conversation with parents "The behavior of the child in the family, his habits, the passage of the adaptation of children in the group"



Admission of children to the group.

Prod. to acquaint children with a living corner (observation of watering flowers).

P / i:« Come to me»

Games in the book corner, looking at illustrations in books.

Raising a positive attitude to food, to new types of food, neatness.

Formation of emotional contact, children's trust in the teacher.

Conversations with parents adaptation in the garden.


Teach children to wash their hands before eating, find their own towel, dry their hands with it.

Matryoshka game

Continue to acquaint children with nesting dolls, teach, make it easy to call - ba-ba.

Suspended game "My cheerful sonorous ball"

Dice games



Admission of children to the group.

When eating, make sure that children are properly seated at the table,

educate the ability to eat calmly, not to talk while eating.

Musical according to the plan of the muses of hands.

Suspended game "Drop and catch"

Games in the didactic corner - lacing.


Learn how to properly hold a spoon and mug without spilling.

The game« stringing rings», « Assemble the pyramid»

Suspended Run to me game.

Conversations with parents about the nutrition of children at home.

Complex of morning exercises for the month of October

General developmental exercises

1-2 a week

3-4 a week

1. « Cockerel»

The children sing along with the teacher.

Cockerel, cockerel

golden scallop

Walking around the yard

The hen is calling:

"Co-co-co, co-co-co,

Corydalis hens,

Run without looking back.

The cockerel has found a grain for you.”

Run to words, without looking back the children run after the teacher.

2.Run at an average pace of 30 seconds.

Switching to walking. game« inflate the bubble».

Children stand in a circle, the teacher pronounces the text.

Blow up, bubble

Blow up big.

stay like this

Don't crash.

Children join hands and diverge from the center - « inflate the bubble»

one." horses»

Children depict horses, movements are accompanied by text.

I love my horse

I will comb her hair smoothly,

I stroke the ponytail with a scallop

And I'll go on horseback to visit.

Switching to walking. game« Red boots are walking along the path!»

Everyone stands in a circle, holding hands and say:

They walk along the path

Red boots!

And those are not boots.

Vasenka's legs!

Everyone stops and the child whose name is spoken raises his leg.




Purpose: to exercise children to go forward, in small groups. First, holding on to each other, then freely moving your arms bent at the elbows, start and end the movement on a signal.

Purpose: to train children in the ability to run without bumping into each other, to perform movements on a signal.

Birds in nests
Purpose: to exercise children in running in different directions, in the ability to hear the teacher’s signal, navigate in space

Sparrows and car
Purpose: to exercise children in running in different directions, without bumping into each other, the ability to start moving and change it at the signal of the teacher, to find their place

1. In the bed

« Sipping»

Our cat woke up

Stretched, looked back

Turned from side to side

Aunt Yana smiled

2. Flexion-extension of the hands.

The cat has paws

Paws, tsap - scratches.

3. Alternately lifting the legs, stroking them with your hands.

Sewed to our cat

Red boots.

4. Near the beds

You walk, stomp

Puddles and splash.

Dirty, don't come in

Don't get your boots wet.

walking on « health track»




Development of movements

P / n: "Walk like cubs"

P / n: "Walk like cubs"

P / n: "Go along the path"

P / n: "Go along the path"

Prod. to teach children to throw a bag at a distance with the right (left) hand, to exercise in walking on a gymnastic board, to develop a sense of balance, the ability to navigate in space.

P / n: "Walk like cubs"


Ext. orientation in the environment and speech development

The game« Bunny jumps»

The game« Wonderful basket»

Introduce children to vegetables: tomato, cucumber, carrot, cabbage; develop color perception: red and green colors ..

Games - activity with a cat

Acquaintance of children with a cat; teach easier, call - kitty. To evoke love for animals, the desire to play with them.

« Miraculous Pouch»

The game« Bunny jumps»

Encourage children to recognize a familiar toy, understand actions (the hare is looking for a carrot, found it and eats it). Form an active dictionary: jump-jump, bunny, on.





according to plan

musical hand


according to plan

musical hand


according to plan

musical hand


according to plan

musical hand


according to plan

musical hand


With didactic material

The game« Ride a horse»

The game« Ride a horse»

The game« Find a toy»

To teach children, according to an adult, to find and show familiar toys.

Prod.« Find a toy»

The game« Ride a horse»

Prod. in children, orientation in the room, develop auditory perception, recognize a horse among other toys, pronounce simplified words: but-but, yoke-go, drink, horse.



Development of movements

To acquaint children with the throw of the bag at a distance with the right (left) hand, exercise in walking on the gymnastic board, develop a sense of balance, the ability to navigate in space.

P / n: "Walk like cubs"

Prod. to teach children to throw a bag at a distance with the right (left) hand, to exercise in walking on a gymnastic board, to develop a sense of balance, the ability to navigate in space.

P / s:« Walk like a bear»

To exercise children in walking on the board, to exercise crawling, crawling under a stick, to teach them to throw with one hand, to cultivate independence.

P / n: "Go along the path"

Prod. to teach children how to walk on the board, to exercise crawling, crawling under a stick, to teach them to throw with one hand, to cultivate independence.

P / n: "Go along the path"

Prod. to teach children to throw a bag at a distance with the right (left) hand, to exercise in walking on a gymnastic board, to develop a sense of balance, the ability to navigate in space.

P / n: "Walk like cubs"


Expanded orientation in the environment and the development of speech

Continuation of the lesson« Recognition of objects by children in the picture

and development of adult speech understanding»

Arouse children's interest in the picture; to teach to recognize familiar objects from the picture and call them at least a simplified name.

Learn to find familiar objects in a picture. Anwser the questions.

Continuation of the lesson« Recognition of objects by children in the picture

and development of adult speech understanding»

Arouse children's interest in the picture; to teach to recognize familiar objects from the picture and call them at least a simplified name.

Continuation of the lesson« Recognition of objects by children in the picture

and development of adult speech understanding»

Arouse children's interest in the picture; to teach to recognize familiar objects from the picture and call them at least a simplified name.

The teacher shows the children one toy that is well known to them - “Cat”, “Bunny”.




according to plan

musical hand


according to plan

musical hand


according to plan

musical hand


according to plan

musical hand


according to plan

musical hand


With didactic material

The game« mushrooms in place»

Prod« mushrooms in place»

Encourage children to put mushrooms into the holes of the table and distinguish between primary colors, to cultivate a positive attitude towards classes.

The game« Stringing balls»

(big small)

Prod.« Stringing balls»

The game« mushrooms in place» , « Stringing balls»


with building material

To teach, to build a path of bricks tightly, applying brick to brick.

Develop fine motor skills.

Focus on color (red carpet).

"Paths of bricks of the same color."

Continue to learn how to build a path of bricks by tightly applying brick to brick.

Develop fine motor skills.

Focus on flowers (red carpet).

in a box).


Learn to build a table by laying a brick on a cube. Make the building sustainable.


Enrich the sensory experience of children, distinguish between two types of details - a cube, a brick.

cubes in a box).

« Paths of bricks of the same color», « Table»


Expansion of orientation in the environment and development of speech

Continuation of reading the nursery rhyme« finger boy»

reading nursery rhymes« Pussy, pussy»

Continuation of reading the nursery rhyme« Pussy, pussy»

Reading the nursery rhyme "Finger-boy"

« Pussy, pussy




With VOSP.







Admission of children to the group.

Conversation with the genus. About observance of the regime of the day on weekends.

Morning hymn. While washing, washing hands after eating, recite the poem “Hands were washed”

Suspended game "Come to me"

Physical development.

P. game "Come (run) to me",

Looking at illustrations in books.

Collecting the mosaic.

Formation of the ability to take off tights and panties before sitting on the potty. Didactic game "Where is my potty?" (keep learning to find your potty)


Game with picture blocks: look at them.

Sub game "Run to me"

« Bunny jumps»

Encourage children to recognize a familiar toy, understand actions (the hare is looking for a carrot, found it and eats it). Cultivate friendships while playing. Form an active dictionary: jump-jump, bunny, on.

Games with cars and strollers

(take the animals to visit)



Admission of children to the group.

Ut. hymn. Bring in a new toy bunny wheelchair, show how you can play with it. Invite someone to ride a bunny, cause joy from the sounds made by the toy.

Sub game "Run to me"

Games with spinning tumblers of different sizes (large and small)

Development of fine motor skills (pulling a smaller object into a large one through a hole)


Fast. lifting children, cheerful. hymn. air baths during potting. Learn to put on clothes with the help of a teacher.

Games with the constructor "Builder" (build a path for the doll) the game


The game« Ride a horse» To form an orientation in the room in children, develop auditory perception, recognize a horse among other toys, pronounce simplified words: but-but, igo0go, drink, horse.



Admission of children to the group.

Ut. hymn. Bring in a new soft toy. Tell the children what she is, ask to stroke, say hello to her. Offer to ride her in a stroller, and then in a car.

P / s

« Sparrows and car»

Physical development.

Tasks: To teach children to walk in a straight direction, to exercise in crawling, to cultivate the ability not to bump into each other.

P. game "Come (run) to me",


Fast. lifting children, cheerful.

Hymn. air baths during potting.

Sing a song about the dog Bobik to the children. Show rubber dog, interest children. Ask the dog to show the nose of the eye. P. game "Run to me"

Activity with two familiar pictures

Learn to find familiar objects in a picture. Anwser the questions.

Material: subject pictures "Dog", "Bunny".

Games in the puppet corner (rolling in the puppet stroller)

Dice games. (building a house)



Reception of children. Ut. hymn. Bring a ball into the group - big, beautiful. Offer to leave the ball, first to the teacher, and then to each other. Tell about the ball: round, jumping rolls.

P/ and « Train»

Musical development according to the plan of muses. hands

Examination of illustrations for the nursery rhyme "Magpie-Crow".

Movement development. Games with the module:

climbing, crawling, sitting down.


Fast. lifting children, cheerful. hymn. air baths during potting.

Examination of toys in the musical corner (piano, tambourine, drum), the game "Let's arrange a concert"

Games - lesson with didactic material:

Game "Mushrooms in place"

Encourage children to put mushrooms into the holes of the table and distinguish between primary colors, to cultivate a positive attitude towards classes.

Playing with large building material.

Give some toys to play with the buildings.



Reception of children. Ut anthem. While washing hands, roll up sleeves, take soap, lather, rinse soap with water. Learn to find your towel.

Suspended the game. "Train"

"Paths of bricks of the same color."

Learn to build a path of bricks tightly applying brick to brick.

Develop fine motor skills.

Focus on color (red carpet).

Activate the active and passive vocabulary of children (cap-cap, top-top, brick, track).

Cultivate accuracy to put cubes in a box.

Ball games "Catch the ball."


Fast. lifting children, cheerful. Hymn. air baths during potting.

Sub game "Sparrows and a car"

Evening razv. according to the plan of musical hands.

Expansion of orientation in the environment and development of speech:

reading nursery rhymes

« finger boy»

Teaches children to reproduce game movements according to the text of the nursery rhyme.

Games with nesting dolls (what kind of nesting doll, what manipulations can be performed with it)

2 weeks



With VOSP.







Admission of children to the group.

Conversation with parents about the state of health of the child on weekends. Morning exercises water the flowers and wipe the leaves to instill respect for the plants. Offer didactic games for the development of fine motor skills. P.i.

"Catch the ball"

Physical development.

Tasks: To teach children to walk in a straight direction, to exercise in crawling, to cultivate the ability not to bump into each other.

Games with squeaker toys

to cheer up after breaking up with mom.

Development of fine motor skills: Disassemble and assemble the pyramids.


Gradual lifting of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health.

P \ and "Walk like cubs" - to form the ability of children to run in a circle quickly, then slowly. Building games. Build a house for the doll

Ext. orientation in the environment: The game« Wonderful basket»

Introduce children to vegetables: tomato, cucumber, carrot, cabbage; develop color perception:

red and green colors, to cultivate accuracy, politeness.

(wash the doll's head).



Admission of children to the group. Continue to teach how to greet adults and peers at the entrance to the group.

Ut. gymnastics

In the building corner, invite the children to build a "fence", beat the building. "Pets"
Remind children to give thanks after meals.

P / and " Aircraft»

Musical development according to the plan of muses. hands

Examining illustrations for familiar nursery rhymes.

On the development of movements.
Learn to walk on a limited surface.


Gradual lifting of children, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health. Consider illustrations for the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen" with children.

P \ and "Airplanes for landing" Teach children to act on the signal of resp.

Games - lesson with didactic material:

« Ride a horse»

To form an orientation in the room in children, develop auditory perception, recognize a horse among other toys, pronounce simplified words: but-but, yoke-go, drink, horse.

Wheelchair games.

We put all the toys in their places.



Admission of children to the group.

Morning gymnastics.

D \ and "Vegetables" - repeat the name of the vegetables. Considering couples. kart.


Physical development.

Tasks: To teach children to walk in a straight direction, to exercise in crawling, to cultivate the ability not to bump into each other.

Suspended bring the toy game

Playing with large building material.

Give some toys to play with the buildings.

The development of speech. Consideration of the book by K. Chukovsky "Chicken".

Onomatopoeia exercises (pee-pee, ko-ko, meow, qua-qua, ku-ka-re-ku).


Gradual lifting of children, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health. Continue to instill cultural and hygienic skills - wash hands and face before eating and after eating. P \ and "Birds in the nests."

Expansion of orientation in the environment and development of speech:

Continuation of the lesson« Recognition of objects by children in the picture

and development of adult speech understanding»

Arouse children's interest in the picture; to teach to recognize familiar objects from the picture and call them at least a simplified name.

The teacher shows the children one toy that is well known to them - “Cat”, “Bunny”.

Games with building material (we build a small house for a small mouse)



Admission of children to the group. Morning gymnastics. D \ and "Beads" - teach children to thread the string into the holes of the beads, encourage those children who correctly show the color.

Sub game. "Aircraft"

Musical development according to the plan of muses. hands

Games with cars (we will take the toys home).

Ball games.

Development of fine motor skills: lacing


P \ and "Walk along the path" Continue to instill cultural and hygienic skills - wash hands and face before and after meals.

Sub game. "Go down the path"

Games - lesson with didactic material:

« mushrooms in place»

Encourage children to put mushrooms into the holes of the table and distinguish between primary colors, to cultivate a positive attitude towards classes.

Games in the puppet corner (we roll in the puppet stroller).



Reception of children.

Ut. gymnastics

While washing hands, roll up sleeves, take soap, lather, rinse soap with water. Learn to find your towel.

P / and " Train»

"Paths of bricks of the same color."

Continue to learn how to build a path of bricks tightly applying brick to brick. Develop fine motor skills. Focus on color (red carpet). Activate the active and passive vocabulary of children (cap-cap, top-top, brick, path). Cultivate the accuracy of putting the cubes in a box).

Combing dolls in the corner "barbershop".

Ball games "Catch the ball."

Sensory development: "Soft and hard."

Material: plastic cubes and soft cubes with pictures.

Plastic - to knock, soft - to wrinkle.


Fast. lifting children, cheerful. hymn. air baths during potting.

Building material games. Ask the children to bring "bricks" by car to build a house.

P / and "Go along the path"

Expansion of orientation in the environment and development of speech: Continuation of reading the nursery rhyme« finger boy»

Games with a large mosaic: we lay out a mosaic only in red.

The game "Find a color that I will show."

3 weeks



With VOSP.







Admission of children to the group. Conversation with parents about the state of health of the child on weekends. Morning gymnastics. Consider the picture "Saving the ball", answers to the teacher's questions on the content of the picture. P \ and "Sun and rain."

Physical development.

Suspended game "Catch the ball",

Games with cars and strollers (take the dolls to visit)

Speech development
The story of A. Barto "Horse"


Gradual lifting of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health

P \ and "Run to me" - learn to run without bumping into each other. Read. Barto's verse "Horse" - to help understand the meaning of the poem, beat it with a toy.

Games - activity with a cat

Acquaintance of children with a cat; teach easier, call - kitty. To consolidate the skill of a certain tempo and rhythm, imitating an adult. To evoke an emotional response in children, to answer the questions of the teacher. To evoke love for animals, the desire to play with them.

Games with building material (build a big house).

Games with pyramids - we collect and disassemble pyramids from 3-4 rings

On the development of movements: crawl under the table



Admission of children to the group. Remind you to say hello at the entrance to the group Morning exercises. Mathematical game "Put objects into groups", teach children to group objects by color. P \ and " Birds have arrived" - to learn to start acting on a signal.

Musical development according to the plan of muses. hands

Examining illustrations in new books, recognizing acquaintances


Sensory development:
Sort objects into groups according to shape


Gradual lifting of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health. Continue to teach children to put on pantyhose after sleep. P \ and "Throw balls" - develop dexterity, develop the skill of throwing the ball. Children's games in the puppet corner: cook dinner, repeat the name of the dishes

Games - lesson with didactic material:

The game« Find a toy»

Encourage children, according to an adult, to find and show familiar toys, objects, navigate in a group, find and distinguish similar objects, cultivate interest and a positive attitude towards classes.

Buildings made of building material (cubes and bricks) for toys.



Admission of children to the group.

Morning gymnastics. Finger game "Goat" - to develop coordination of hand movements, fine motor skills. P \ and "Where it rings" - develop auditory attention. Play with children with balloons: create a joyful mood,

Physical development.

Tasks: To teach children to walk on a limited surface, introduce them to throwing a ball, exercise in crawling and crawling.

Suspended game "Catch the ball",

Games with a large mosaic: we lay out a mosaic only in red.

The game "Find a color that I will show."


Gradual lifting of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health. D \ and "Where did the dog hide" - to develop orientation in space, to teach the use of prepositions in speech. P \ and "Catch up with the dog", learn to start moving on a signal.

Expansion of orientation in the environment and development of speech:

Prod. activity with two familiar pictures

Learn to find familiar objects in a picture. Anwser the questions.

Material: subject pictures "Cat", "Cockerel".

Games in the puppet corner

(table setting for the arrival of guests)



Admission of children to the group.

Morning gymnastics.

Children's games with soap bubbles - create a joyful mood, develop a deep exhalation of children. Games in the puppet corner. D \ and "Put the doll to sleep."

P / and "Catch up with me."

Musical development according to the plan of muses. Ruk.

Games in the puppet corner

(we will wash the clothes of the doll and iron)

The development of fine motor skills.

Jar and lid game

finger game "Magpie-Crow"


Gradual lifting of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health. Ecological game "Who is gone"
P \ and "Train".

Games - lesson with didactic material:

The game« Stringing balls» To consolidate in children the concept of sharply contrasting sizes (large, small), to introduce intermediate sizes: the largest, smaller, smallest.

Collecting the mosaic.



Admission of children to the group.

Morning gymnastics. Mathematical game "Bring and show" - to develop the ability to navigate in a group.

P / and "Catch up with the ball"


Learn to build a table by laying a brick on a cube. Make the building sustainable. Enrich the sensory experience of children, distinguish between two types of details - a cube, a brick. Develop fine motor skills, sustained attention. Activate the active and passive vocabulary of children (table, cube, brick). Cultivate accuracy (learn to put cubes in a box).

Consider the items that are in the corner of the Hairdresser (scissors, bottles, comb), introduce the purpose of each item. Organization of the game "Do my hair"

Sensory development:

balls big and small. The balls are round and roll. The small ball is included in the box, but the big one is not included.


Gradual lifting of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health. P \ and "Across the brook", reading books from the book corner at the request of the children

Evening razv. according to the plan of musical hands.

Expansion of orientation in the environment and development of speech:

reading nursery rhymes« Pussy, pussy»

To form in children the desire and ability to repeat rhyming words and sound combinations of the text.

Board game games

Inserts, laces, clothespins,

pictures - halves.

4 weeks



With VOSP.







Physical development.

Tasks: continue to teach children how to walk on a limited surface, teach them to throw a ball at a distance, exercise in crawling and crawling, develop attention and ability to respond to a word.

Benefits: oilcloth track, collars, balls according to the number of children.

(S.Ya. Layzane "Physical education for kids", p. 29)

Sub-game "Catch up with the dog"

Collecting the mosaic.

Looking at illustrations in books.

Children's games with board games:

"Pictures-halves", "inserts", "Compose from parts"


Ext. orientation in the environment:

« Miraculous Pouch»

Fix the pronunciation of the words: ks-ks-cat, Av-av-dog, co-co-cockerel.

Riding cars, strollers.

Collecting pyramids.



Admission of children to the group. Remind you to say hello at the entrance to the group Morning exercises. Mathematical game "Find a place for the fungus" - to consolidate the ability to group homogeneous objects by color. Games in the doll's corner - after dinner, you need to wash the dishes, wipe them and put them away.
P \ and "Catch the ball"

Musical development according to the plan of muses. hands

Games in the puppet corner.

Rolling cars.

Ball games.

Speech development
Finger game "Magpie-Crow"


Games - lesson with didactic material:

The game« Find a toy»

Continue to teach children, according to an adult, to find and show familiar toys, objects, navigate in a group, find and distinguish similar objects, cultivate interest and a positive attitude towards classes.

Matryoshka games.

Board games "Mushrooms",




D \ and "Assignment": performing two actions. Games of children in the corner of disguise: we are going to visit. P \ and "Where it rings" - the development of auditory attention, games with soap bubbles - the development of speech breathing

Physical development.

Tasks: To teach children how to walk on a limited surface, throw a ball, exercise in crawling and crawling, develop attention and ability to respond to a word.

Benefits: oilcloth track, collars, balls according to the number of children. (S.Ya. Layzane "Physical education for kids", p. 29) The game "Catch up with the dog"

Collecting mosaics, pyramids.

Games with dolls "Doll Katya away"

Development of fine motor skills:
"Stringing Beads on a Cord"


Gradual lifting of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health. Water games: sinking does not sink (experimentation). D \ and "Pick up a cup, saucer and spoon by color."

Expansion of orientation in the environment and development of speech:

Continuation of the lesson« Recognition of objects by children in the picture

and development of adult speech understanding»

Arouse children's interest in the picture; to teach to recognize familiar objects from the picture and call them at least a simplified name.

The teacher shows the children one toy they know well - a cat, a bunny, a cockerel.

Game exercise: rolling the ball in pairs.



Admission of children to the group.

Morning gymnastics.

P / and "Catch the ball"

Musical development according to the plan of muses. hands

Rolling cars.

Games in the doll corner "Put the doll Katya to sleep"

On the development of movements: hit the ball at the target.


Gradual lifting of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health. Exercise "On the bridge": develop balance, walking skills on a limited surface. Games in the barbershop corner, reading books from the book corner. Didactic cube games

Games - lesson with didactic material:

The game« Stringing balls»

Continue to teach children the concept of sharply contrasting sizes (large, small), introduce intermediate sizes: the largest, smaller, smallest.

Games with nesting dolls and tumblers.

Ball games.



P \ and "Sun and rain"

Games lessons with building material:


Continue to learn how to build a table by laying a brick on a cube. Make the building sustainable. Enrich the sensory experience of children, distinguish between two types of details - a cube, a brick. Develop fine motor skills, sustained attention. Activate the active and passive vocabulary of children (table, cube, brick). Cultivate accuracy (learn to put cubes in a box).

Games in the barbershop corner

(comb the doll's hair)

Sensory development:
"Funny hands"
teach children to name colors (red, yellow)


Gradual lifting of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health.

P \ and "Bird" - to develop the ability to run across the entire area Exercise "Crawl under the cord": exercise in crawling under the cord. Games in the didactic corner

The evening is entertaining. According to the plan of music hands

Expansion of orientation in the environment and development of speech:

P continuation of reading nursery rhymes« Pussy, pussy»

Games in the puppet corner (dressing dolls).

5 weeks



With VOSP.







Admission of children to the group. Conversation with parents about the state of health of the child on weekends. Morning gymnastics. Games in the building corner "house for animals", to remind you of the need to play together and put the toys back after the game. P \ and "Bubble"

Physical development.

Exercise children in walking with high legs, introduce them to rolling the ball, repeat crawling and climbing over the bench, develop attention and orientation in space. P / n: "Walk like cubs"

Rolling cars, playing in the puppet corner.

Learn to run in different directions


Gradual lifting of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health. Continue to teach children to wash their hands before eating, wipe dry.

P \ and "Birds": develop the ability to run fast.

Ext. orientation in the environment:

The game« Wonderful basket»

Games with nesting dolls and tumblers



Admission of children to the group. Remind you to say hello at the entrance to the group Morning exercises. Games in the doll's corner - after dinner, you need to wash the dishes, wipe them and put them away.
P \ and "Catch the ball"

Musical development according to the plan of muses. hands

Games with tumblers of different sizes

Didactic cube games


Gradual lifting of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health. Continue to teach children to wear tights, shoes. When eating, eat carefully, hold a spoon correctly, use a napkin. D \ and "Add a whole of 2 parts."
P \ and "Sparrows and the car." Showing the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" with the help of a table theater

Games - lesson with didactic material:

The game« Find a toy»

Ball and dice games



Admission of children to the group. Morning gymnastics. Continue to teach children to wash their hands before eating, and wipe dry with a towel, eat slowly, carefully
D \ and "Assignment": performing two actions. Games of children in the corner of disguise: we are going to visit. P \ and "Where it rings" - the development of auditory attention,

Physical development.

Exercise children in walking with high legs, introduce them to rolling the ball, repeat crawling and climbing over the bench, develop attention and orientation in space.

P / n: "Walk like cubs"

Math game "Find a place for the fungus" - teach children to group homogeneous objects by color.


Gradual lifting of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health. Water games: sinking does not sink (experimentation). D \ and "Pick up a cup, saucer and spoon by color." Game exercise: rolling the ball in pairs.

Expansion of orientation in the environment and development of speech:

Continuation of the lesson« Recognition of objects by children in the picture

and development of adult speech understanding»

Games with cars (we'll take the toys home)

Board games

"Mushrooms", "Flowers".



Admission of children to the group.

Morning gymnastics.

Games in the didactic corner. Consider pictures of pets, an onomatopoeia exercise. While dressing, continue to teach to develop independence, remind you of the need to put slippers in the closet.

P / and "Catch the ball"

Musical development according to the plan of muses. hands The game« mushrooms in place»

The game« Stringing balls»

Games in the puppet corner (we will cook dinner for the puppet).

games with soap bubbles - the development of speech breathing


Gradual lifting of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health. Exercise "On the bridge": develop balance, walking skills on a limited surface. Games in the corner "Barbershop".

Games - lesson with didactic material:

The game« mushrooms in place»,

« Stringing balls»

Mushrooms in places, games with cars



Admission of children to the group. Morning gymnastics. Examining a picture with an autumn landscape: to teach children to understand the plot, the ability to listen to the teacher's explanation.
P \ and "Sun and rain"

« Chair»

Learn to build a chair by placing a brick

to the cube. Make the building sustainable.

Enrich the sensory experience of children, distinguish between two types of details - a cube, a brick.

Develop fine motor skills, sustained attention.

Activate the active and passive vocabulary of children (chair, cube, brick).

Cultivate accuracy (learn to put cubes in a box).

We are builders. We are building a house.

Ball games

Reading books from the book corner.


Gradual lifting of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health. P \ and "Bird" - to develop the ability to run across the entire area Exercise "Crawl under the cord": exercise in crawling under the cord. Games in the didactic corner

The evening is entertaining. music plan. hands

Expansion of orientation in the environment and development of speech:

Continuation of reading the nursery rhyme« Pussy, pussy», « finger boy»

Games in the didactic corner (mosaics, pictures - halves).

Theme: "Kindergarten"

Date: 1st week of September

Final event: Entertainment: game - fun "Show the bunny, bear, horse"

Interaction with family:Questionnaire for parents on the topic: "Let's get to know each other." Design of the information block



Regime moments

Introduce children to objects of the immediate environment: toys, teach children to describe toys (name parts, size, signs), find the image of this toy in pictures, compare large and small toys, learn to differentiate concepts (big - small), develop speech, enrich vocabulary. To teach to look at drawings - illustrations, to hear and understand the teacher, to complete tasks (speak with the teacher, repeat movements, answer questions). Learn to notice pencil marks on paper, hold a pencil in your right hand, distinguish between yellow, draw strokes and short lines, form the correct posture when drawing. Learn to use visual material (plasticine), its properties and the rules for working with it: roll a piece of plasticine into a ball and flatten it slightly. To form the ability to navigate on a plane, to consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes. Learn to distinguish and use parts of a building material that are diverse in shape and set.

Contribute to the formation of positive emotions in relation to the kindergarten, teachers, children.

Encourage them to perform play actions with objects, toys.

Perform simple labor actions (with the help of a teacher).

Develop interest in listening to small poems, fairy tales.

1. Knowledge of the world around us "The bear is our guest."

Target: introduce children to the names of the immediate environment: toys (bear), learn to describe the toy (name parts, size, signs); find the image of this toy in the pictures, compare large and small toys. Develop children's speech, activate vocabulary on the topic. Learn to differentiate the concepts of "big - small".

2. Development of speech "Journey through the kindergarten."

Target: to teach children to participate in a collective event, to hear and understand the suggestions of the educator, to willingly fulfill them (say something or do something).

3. Modeling "Gingerbread for a bear"

Target: to teach how to use visual material (plasticine), to acquaint with its properties and the rules for working with it; learn to roll a piece of plasticine into a ball and flatten it slightly.

4. Drawing "Rays for the sun"

Target: learn to notice traces of a pencil on paper, hold a pencil in your right hand, distinguish between yellow, draw strokes and short lines "to form the correct posture when drawing. To instill in children an interest in the process of drawing.

5. Reading fiction. Reading a poem by A. Barto "Bear"

Target: to acquaint children with the content of the work of A. Barto "Bear", to teach to consider drawings - illustrations, to hear and understand the educator, to complete tasks (to speak with the educator, to repeat the movements).

6. Physical education: "Visiting the Katya doll."

Target : to adapt children to the conditions of the gym.

7. Physical education: "Away with the balls"

Target: introduce children to the environment of the gym.

8. Physical education on a walk "Walk around the site."

Target: contribute to the formation of positive emotions from the walk.

9. Music "Hello kindergarten."

Hearing. "Autumn Song"

music A. Alexandrova.


Singing. "

Target: to attach to elementary singing skills: drawling singing.

G. Frida.

Target : develop interest in movement to music

10. Music "Visiting Mishka"

Hearing. "Autumn Song"

music A. Alexandrova

Target: Develop the ability and desire to listen to music.

Singing. " The sun looks out the window, flies. M. Rauchverger, sl. A. Barto.

Target :

Musical-rhythmic movements.

"Polyanka", Russian. nar. melody, arr.

G. Frida

Target : To attach to the implementation of the simplest dance movements as shown by an adult, in accordance with the text and without it.


morning exercises

Reading a poem by A. Barto “The sun is looking out the window”

Target: to learn to hear and understand the teacher, to pronounce words and phrases ..

Getting to know labor babysitting , watching her do the dishes, sweep the floor, etc.

D / and "What's gone."

Target : learn to distinguish the details of building material.

D / and "Find the bear"

Target : learn to find a bear among the images of different toys, recognize wild animals from images, develop speech.

The game is a journey through the group room.

Target: acquaintance with the name, location and purpose of individual rooms, with a group room, placement of toys and household items.

D / and "Find houses for bears." Target : learn to correlate the plane figures of houses and bears in size.

And / at "Bear clubfoot".

Target: learn to pronounce words, perform movements.

D / and "Let's dress the Katya doll." Target: to develop game actions with a doll, the development of fine motor skills.

D / and "What is it." Target: learn to recognize and name toys

Finger game "Building a house" Target : develop fine motor skills.

P / y "Washing hands".

Target : teach children to soap their hands, rinse them thoroughly with water, use an individual towel



1. Observation of older preschoolers removing dry grass from the site.

Target: to teach to observe the labor processes of children, adults, to evoke positive emotions. Encourage the desire to convey in speech the impressions of what they saw.

2. Observation "Let's rejoice in the sun"

Target : to teach to characterize nature, to encourage the desire to tell about what they saw

3. Birdwatching.

Target: teach children to observe the actions of birds, teach them to distinguish

4. Observation in the garden.

Target: to form in children ideas about what vegetables are grown in the garden, to introduce the names of vegetables.

5. Observation "Trees on our site" Purpose : introduce children to the names of trees growing on the site .. Tell which tree each leaf is from, learn to distinguish trees.

Outdoor games

    "At the bear in the forest." Purpose : to teach to act according to the words of the text - to perform different actions (run away, catch up, catch).

    « Get the ball." Target: teach children to move in a given direction. Exercise while running.

    "Sun and rain." Purpose: learn to act on a signal, exercise in running.

    "Sparrows and the Car"

Target: introduce the rules of the game, teach how to perform game actions, exercise in running

    "Birds, fly to me." Target: teach children to act on the command of the teacher, exercise in running

Job assignments "We collect toys" Purpose: evoke positive emotions from joint work.


Wellness activities.

Games with large building material "Let's build a house for a bear"

Target : to acquaint children with the details of building material, to teach how to connect them,. Cultivate a caring attitude towards animals.

Examination of the paintings "Night Sky", "Sun".

Target: learn to look at the picture, answer questions

The plot game "Toys came to visit us »

Target: learn to name toys - a bear, a bunny, a doll. Name their main parts. Learn to play with toys - put to bed, feed.

Game - fun "Show the bunny, bear, horse"

Target : teach to perform figurative movements. Enrich the game and motor experience of children.

Theatrical game "Concert for toys.

Target : teach children to use sounding toys (rattles, hammers with squeakers, drum, accordion)

Examination of indoor plants in a group room.

Target: the formation of elementary ideas about indoor plants, to introduce them to their names.

Reading the Russian folk tale "The goatlings and the wolf".

Target : to develop interest in listening to small fairy tales without visual accompaniment

P / y "Orders". Target: learn how to do simple things.

Round dance game "Who is good with us."

Target: learn to say your name, evoke positive emotions

Comprehensive thematic planning of work with young children for the month of September

Theme: "Autumn"

Deadline:IISeptember week

Final event: Entertainment-fun "From the forest, from the mountains"

Interaction with family:Open days. Excursion of parents to the group "Our group".



Regime moments

To acquaint children with objects of the immediate environment - toys, teach them to answer questions, describe a toy and actions with it, perform simple instructions, distinguish toys by touch, develop speech, tactile sensations, enrich vocabulary on the topic.

To develop interest in listening to Russian folk songs, to learn to hear and answer questions from the teacher;

To teach children to listen and observe, to form the ability of children to dialogical speech; learn to answer questions with a word and sentences consisting of 3 - 4 words; exercise in onomatopoeia of the voices of domestic birds, cultivate a caring attitude towards animals.

Learn to look at illustrations, answer questions from the teacher.

To learn how to use visual material (paints), to acquaint with their properties, to draw with a finger rhythmically making an imprint on paper.

Learn to sculpt rounded lumps of plasticine, arouse a desire to sculpt.

To teach the actions of analysis and synthesis, the ability to isolate parts of the whole and make up a whole from parts, add up a picture of a ball from 2 - 3 parts and name the resulting image.

Develop memory, attention, orientation in space.

To form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba geometric figure a circle (ball); to teach to distinguish (find) objects of a similar shape in the immediate environment; develop children's interest in design activities; on the basis of game motivation, encourage children to decorate the playroom with autumn elements.

1. Knowledge of the surrounding world "Favorite toys".

Target : introduce children to objects of the immediate environment - toys, teach them to answer questions, describe a toy and actions with it, perform simple instructions, distinguish toys by touch; develop speech, tactile sensations, enrich vocabulary on the topic.

2. Speech development "Journey around the room"

Target: to teach children to participate in a collective event, to hear and understand the suggestions of the educator, to fulfill them willingly (say something or do something).

3. Modeling "Pies for a cat"

Target: to teach to sculpt rounded lumps of plasticine, to arouse a desire to sculpt, to exercise in completing the tasks of the educator, designed to understand speech and activate it.

4. Drawing "Grains for a cockerel."

Target: to learn to use visual material (paints), to acquaint with their properties, to draw with a finger, rhythmically imprinting on paper; to form the correct posture when drawing.

5. Reading fiction. Reading the Russian folk song "Cockerel, cockerel ...".

Target : to introduce the content of the Russian folk song, to learn to hear and answer the teacher's questions; learn to carefully consider illustrations, pronounce onomatopoeic words.

6. Physical education: "Autumn fun with leaves."

Target: to form elementary ideas about autumn, playing with autumn leaves.

7. Physical education: "Vegetables".

Target: give primary ideas about some vegetables through the implementation of ORU.

8. Physical culture (on a walk) "Walk around the area."

Target: exercise in walking in a limited area.

9. Music "Autumn".

Hearing."Quack quack",

Target : Encourage to sing along

Singing. « The sun looks out the window, flies. M. Rauchverger, sl. A. Barto

Target : To attach to elementary singing skills: drawling singing. Encourage them to sing along with simple repetitions: “yes-yes”, “buy-bye”.

Musical-rhythmic movements. "Quack quack",

music I. Arseneva, sl. N. Checherina

Target :

10. Music "Cockerel, cockerel."

Hearing. Russian folk. song

"Cock, cock..."

Target: Teach to emotionally perceive music, imitate sound.

Musical-rhythmic movements. "Polyanka", Russian. nar. melody, arr. G. Frida.

Target: To attach to the implementation of the simplest dance movements as shown by an adult.


Reading a poem by A. Barto "Bear"

Target : help children remember the poem, pronounce it together with the teacher.

D / and “Find a mother for a chicken (duckling, gosling).

Target : to form children's ideas about poultry, encourage them to name them, pronounce onomatopoeic words .. Fix the value of "big", "small"

Consideration of natural vegetables and fruits.

Target : exercise in distinguishing objects by appearance. Exercise in the use of the concepts of "big", "small".

D / and "Find the clothes in the pictures"

Target : to acquaint with the purpose of clothing.

Consideration of the plot picture, holiday theme, work on the flannelograph "Find a thread for the ball."

Target : learn to distinguish shape, color, size.

D / and "Wonderful Pouch"

Target : exercise children in the ability to touch the toy; develop tactile sensations; help memorize the names of poultry.

D / and “Fold the picture ».

Target : learn to fold a split picture ball; form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba geometric figure a circle (ball).

D / and "Find and name."

Target : learn to distinguish between toys, perform simple tasks

I / y "Inflate my ball"

Target: learn to perform a variety of movements, forming a circle; exercise in pronouncing the sound (SH)

P / u "Orders".

Target : teach children to do simple tasks with the help of adults to put toys back in place.



1. Observation "Leaf fall".

Target : to introduce children to the new concept of "leaf fall".

2. Observation "Watering vegetables in the garden."

Target: expand children's ideas about vegetables and fruits, learn to distinguish them in appearance, clarify names.

3. Observation "Autumn Flowers".

Target : expand children's understanding of plants, introduce ornamental plants growing on the site, learn to distinguish them.

4. Observation "Weather outside".

Target : to teach to characterize the weather, to encourage the desire to tell about what they saw.

5. Birdwatching.

Target : continue to teach children to distinguish between birds, learn to observe their actions.

Outdoor games

    P / and "White Bunny is sitting"

Target : develop the ability to coordinate movement with words, run, bounce on two legs.

    P / and "Find the item"

Target: to learn to navigate in space, to form interest in outdoor games.

    P / and "Through the brook."

Target : learn to perform jumps on two legs through a “streamlet” drawn on the asphalt.

    P / and "Shaggy dog".

Target: to teach children to perform game actions, to follow the rules of the game.

    P / and "Run to me."

Target: to teach children to act on the signal of the teacher, to run without bumping into each other.

Labor assignments "We collect leaves for crafts."

Target: form a responsible attitude to assignments.


Wellness activities.

Games with large building material "Bird yard".

Target : continue to learn to use building material parts of various shapes, learn to connect them, beat them.

Observation of how the teacher cuts vegetables and fruits.

Target: teach children to distinguish vegetables by appearance and taste.

Reading the Russian folk tale "How a goat built a hut" (arranged by M. Bulatov).

Target : learn to listen to the teacher, answer questions.

The plot game "Helpers".

Target: teach children gestures, how to help mom, nanny: “sweep”, “wash dishes”, “wipe the table”.

Observation of the situation "Parsley picks flowers from indoor plants."

Target: introduce children to the elementary rules of behavior in kindergarten.

Observation of the game situation "Dolls play with buttons."

Target: arouse children's desire to play with buttons, develop children's sensory ability.

And / with "Toys go to bed."

Target : develop game actions with a doll (swing on hands, lay on a crib.

P / y "Obediant Spoon" . Purpose: to learn how to properly hold a spoon, eat independently.

Entertainment-fun "From the forest, from the mountains."

Target : encourage children to prepare the conditions for the game (set game tasks)

Comprehensive thematic planning of work with young children for the month of September

Theme: "Autumn (continued)"

Date: IIISeptember week

Final event: Entertainment "Game - fun" Catch, fish "

Interaction with family:Consultation: "Adaptation of the child in kindergarten"



Regime moments

Expand the child's vocabulary; enter words denoting the properties and qualities of objects.

To develop the child's understanding of the appeal addressed to him, the response to the appeal, using available speech means.

Encourage them to play next to their peers, without interfering with them, to accept the game task, to independently perform game actions with objects.

To promote the assimilation, consolidation of knowledge, mastering the methods of cognitive activity.

Learn to identify the basic properties of inanimate nature.

Provide the child with the opportunity to move freely, observe the phenomena of nature, flora and fauna, learn the variety of forms, colors, smells and sounds.

Show concern for health and physical well-being.

Achieving the goal of forming children's interest and value attitude to physical education, harmonious physical development.

1. Knowledge of the world around friend naya family ».

Target: To acquaint children with the concept of "family"; develop communication skills; learn to listen carefully to a work of art, to perform movements corresponding to the text; nurture interest in the game-staging.

2. Development of speech "Who is good with us, who is handsome with us."

Target: To arouse in children sympathy for their peers, help them remember the names of their comrades (including those pronounced by adults in different ways (but without lisping): Sasha - Sashenka - Sashulya), overcome shyness.

3. Sculpting " Sculpting peas for a mouse »

Target: introduce green color; learn to pinch off small lumps of plasticine or clay, roll them between the palms in a circular motion, put products on a board

4. Drawing "Coloring the silhouette of a turnip with yellow paint"

Target: teach how to hold the brush correctly, dip it in paint, paint inside the contour, recognize and correctly name the yellow color; form the correct posture when drawing.

Russian folk tale "Turnip".

Target: Introduce the content of the fairy tale "Turnip"; learn to look at illustrations; improve the ability to understand questions and answer them; enrich vocabulary.

6. Physical education: "Funny sparrows."

Target : exercise in running in one direction without bumping into each other.

7. Physical education: “A bunny came to us”

Target: develop children's imagination, the ability to jump on two legs.

8.Physical (on a walk)"Roll the ball."

Target: continue to develop the ability to roll the ball away from you.

9.Music: "Funny animals"


Hearing. Learn to listen carefully to music. work.

Singing. To attach to elementary singing skills: drawling singing. Encourage them to sing along with simple repetitions: “yes-yes”, “buy-bye”.

Musical-rhythmic movements.

Learn to perform dance movements in a circle, in all directions.

10. Music " Come on, dance »


Hearing. Learn to listen to dance music and respond emotionally to it.

Singing. To attach to elementary singing skills: drawling singing. Encourage them to sing along with simple repetitions: “yes-yes”, “buy-bye”.

Musical-rhythmic movements.

Learn to move according to the music


A performance of the Russian folk song "The chicken went out for a walk ..."

Target: learn to listen carefully to a work of art, to perform movements corresponding to the text; cultivate interest
to the play-acting

Getting to know labor babysitting , observing how the nanny makes the bed, sets the chairs evenly to the tables, wipes the dust off the shelvesetc.

Game situation "Feeding dolls"

Target: to teach children to perform game actions, to form skills of role-playing behavior, to enrich the game experience of children.

Game situation "Let's cook a delicious soup from vegetables"

Target: introduce children to the process of making vegetable soup, showing and naming actions that the child can later transfer to a game situation.

Game-imitation of labor processes "We wash clothes"

Target: systematically enrich the experience of children through the development of actions with the objective world of the group.

D/ and : "Let's get acquainted"


Y/n: “Who is this? Target: learn to build relationships with adults and peers.

D / n: "Look into my window."

Target: create a positive attitude to play together.

D / and "Geese-geese"

Target: develop the ability to understand the plots of a simple dramatization.

D / and "Plant a butterfly"

Target : develop color perception.

D / and "Wonderful bag"

Target : teach children to recognize objects by characteristic features.



1. Observation "There is a big house nearby"

Target: introduce children to the objects located near the kindergarten.

2 . Watching marigold flowers.

Target: learn to admire autumn colors.

3. Weather observation.

Target: note the state of the sky, whether there is a sun or clouds.

4. Watching the wind.

Target: learn to determine the basic properties of inanimate nature.

5. Birdwatching.

Target: invite children to listen to the birds singing, explain to the kids why they are forced to leave their homes.

Outdoor games

    P / and "Carousels"

Target: Improve movement coordination and agility.

    P / and "Let's find toys"

Target: learn to follow the teacher.

    P / and "Catch the ball"

Target : to develop motor activity of children.

    P / and "Who will hit?"

Target: develop physical activity.

    P / and "About the path"

Target : learn to walk one after another without bumping.

    P / and "Mice lead a round dance"

Target: develop coordination of movements.

    P / y "Jump like a ball."


Job assignments "Let's feed the birds"

Target: to form a good attitude towards birds, a desire to take care of them.


Wellness activities.

Games with large building material "Tower"

Target : encourage children to correctly name objects of building material (cube, brick).

Examination of illustrations depicting autumn nature.

Target : to acquaint with the characteristic features of autumn trees.

The plot game "Transport".

Target : learn to perform actions in accordance with the role.

Game - fun "Catch, fish"

Target : to develop an eye, attentiveness, coordination.

Theatrical game "Chickens are looking for mom ”with musical accompaniment “Chickens” (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina).

Dramatization game based on the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids"

Target: increase emotional tone, promote the development of motor activity, evoke vivid emotions.

Teaching children to neatly put things in a locker.

Comprehensive thematic planning of work with young children for the month of September

Theme: "Autumn (continued)"

Date: IVSeptember week

Final event: Entertainment "Autumn".

Interaction with the family: Parent meeting "Let's get to know each other."



Regime moments

To create conditions for the development of the child's independence in various activities, self-esteem, self-esteem through the assessment of success in activities and communication.

Strengthen the health of the child, increase the efficiency of the nervous system.

Learn to distinguish the names of objects in the immediate environment (toys, clothes, furniture, dishes, vegetables, fruits).

Develop basic types of movements (walking, running, throwing, catching, jumping, climbing).

To form auditory attention, the ability to listen to the sounds of speech, repeat sound combinations and words.

To promote the development of initial ideas of a social nature and the inclusion of children in the system of social relations.

To increase the activity of children, independence in eating; promote self-care skills.

1. Knowledge of the world around "Golden Autumn".

Target: expand children's ideas about the environment, about the upcoming autumn holiday.

2. Development of speech " About the girl Masha and Bunny - Long Ear».

Target: To help children understand that all babies and all mothers experience the morning parting; exercise in pronouncing phrases that can be said when saying goodbye to mom (dad, grandmother).

3. Sculpting " Crumbs for ducklings »

Target: learn to pinch off small lumps of plasticine, carefully lay finished products on a board.

4. Drawing "Grass in the meadow"

Target: learn to distinguish green from other colors, draw short jerky strokes, develop the ability to work with a pencil.

5. Reading fiction.

Reading a Russian folk song "Like a meadow, a meadow ...".

Target: to acquaint with the content of the Russian folk song; improve the ability to listen and understand the teacher, repeat the words of the song after him

6. Physical education: “Chickens are little guys”

Target : development of the ability to run in different directions.

7. Physical education: "Autumn leaves"

Target: develop orientation in space.

8.Physical (on a walk):

"At the mountain ash, at the mountain ash"

Target: to exercise children in running in all directions.

9.Music: "Colors of Autumn"


Hearing. Develop the ability and desire to listen to music.

Singing. Encourage the teacher to sing along with musical phrases

Musical-rhythmic movements.

To attach to the implementation of the simplest dance movements as shown by an adult.

10. Music " Tumbler doll» »


Hearing. Develop the ability and desire to listen to music.

Musical-rhythmic movements.

Learn to emotionally perceive music through movement. Imitate the movements of a tumbler. conveying her image.


Conversation on the painting by E. Baturina “Saving the Ball”.

Target : help children understand the content of the picture; encourage to answer questions on the content, repeat words and phrases after the teacher.

Game for the development of mental abilities: "Small - big legs."

Target : to learn from graphic, sound and light signals to perform actions at a different pace, creating images of small, large and large legs.

Getting to know the work of a cook , looking at pictures depicting the work of a cook.

Game situation "Katya's doll bathing"

Target: develop children's play activities, interest in new knowledge about objects and the desire to act with them.

Organization of a collective game with toys to develop positive relationships with peers.

Game-imitation of labor processes "Cook porridge"

Target: introduce children to the process of making porridge, showing and naming actions that the child can later transfer to a game situation.

D / and "In the yard"

Target: to consolidate knowledge about who lives in the yard, the ability to imitate.

D / and "Matryoshka"

Target: exercise children in distinguishing and naming primary colors.

D / and "Fold the picture"

Target: learn to make a whole of four parts.

D / and "Road signs"

Target : give children a basic understanding of the rules of the road.

D / and "Traffic light"

Target: familiarize yourself with traffic lights.

D / and "Show the bird"

Target: learn to recognize and show birds in pictures.

D / and "Who called?"

Target : learn to recognize each other by voice.



    Supervision of the work of the janitor.

Target: to teach to observe the labor processes of adults, to evoke positive emotions.

    Rain watching.

Target : continueacquaint with the natural phenomenon - rain.

    Sun watching.

Target: to form concepts that life on Earth needs the sun.

    Watching the autumn tree.

Target: Show the children the trunk, branches, leaves.

    Watching children's clothes.

Target: talk with children about autumn clothes, give children elementary ideas about autumn changes in nature.

Outdoor games

    P / s: « Bubble »

Target : to consolidate in children the ability to become in a circle, gradually expand and narrow it.

    P / s: « Go through the stream."

Target: to develop in children a sense of balance, dexterity, an eye.

    P / s: "At the bear in the forest"

Target : teach children to alternately perform different functions (run away and catch).

    P / s: "Beetles »

Target: exercise children in loose running, change movement at a signal, be attentive.

    P / s: "Children and the wolf"

Target : Exercise children to quickly respond to a signal, dodge run.

    P / s: « shaggy dog »

Target: teach children to listen to the text and quickly respond to the signal.

    P / y "Jump like a ball."

Target: practice with the ball.

Labor assignments : learning to water flowers.

Target : introduce children to this labor operation., talk about its purpose.


Wellness activities.

Games with large building material: "Fence for a duck"

Target: Learn to design simple structures; develop gaming skills, imagination.

I / s "Donkey". Purpose: arouse children's interest in the game character, exercise in sound pronunciation.

Examination of the painting "Tanya and pigeons"

Target : Encourage children to perceive what is shown in the picture.

Game-dramatization "Ryaba Hen"

Target : increase emotional tone, promote the development of motor activity, cause vivid impressions in children.

And / s "Doll Masha got sick." Purpose : create a situation of novelty, entertainment; arouse children's interest in the mini-plot.

C / and "Shop".

Target: continue to introduce the work of adults, the development of the ability to assume the role.

Situational conversation "About friendship"

Target : to give children the initial concepts of friendship.

Job assignments: feed the birds.

Target: to teach children how to crumble bread, to form a careful attitude towards birds.

Entertainment "Autumn".Purpose: increase emotional tone, enrich the child's experience with vivid impressions.