We read stories and fairy tales for children syllable by syllable. Texts for reading Learning to read the alphabet syllable by syllable

Your baby has learned letters and is actively adding syllables and small words. It's time to move on to more complex but interesting tasks - reading texts. But here parents and teachers expect some difficulties. It is impossible to offer a preschooler text cards without taking into account the characteristics of age and the degree of development of syllable reading skills. We will tell you in our article how to choose texts for reading for preschoolers, where to find and how to correctly print texts for reading by syllables for younger and older preschoolers.

Age characteristics of preschoolers

After 5 years of age, kindergarteners are very active, mobile, and inquisitive. They grow up rapidly, get smarter, develop physically and mentally.
When preparing for school, parents and teachers should pay attention to the following age characteristics of children 4-7 years old:

  • The basic needs of kindergarteners are communication and games. Children ask many questions to adults, themselves, and peers. They learn by playing.
  • The leading mental function is imagination, fantasy. This helps to show creativity.
  • Emotions, impressions, positive experiences are important for further development and the desire to continue activities. A 5-7 year old kindergartener needs praise, support, and no comparison with other children.
  • Cognitive processes are actively developing: attention, memory. At the age of 5-7, preschoolers can remember and analyze a large amount of information. But it needs to be given in doses, trying not to overload the child’s brain in one lesson.
  • Speech becomes more developed. At 5 years old, the child speaks in complex sentences, can choose several synonyms for one word, knows many poems, riddles, and several fairy tales by heart.
  • A kindergartener wants to experience new things and learn. The baby is spurred on by curiosity; he is interested in everything new and unknown.

Consider the age and individual characteristics of preschoolers when choosing texts to read. In this case, training sessions will be more effective.

How to work with texts

Reading poems and short stories for a preschooler is a new type of work. The difficulty in completing the reading task is that the kindergartener does not always understand the meaning of the passage. To avoid this, you need to approach the choice of material and methods of its processing correctly. Organize your learning process as follows:

  1. Select handouts based on the student's age. For children 4-5 years old, cards of 1-3 sentences, for older preschoolers - 4-5 sentences.
  2. Pay attention to the number of words in the sentences. There should be few of them. Simple reading texts for preschoolers are easier to digest, but you cannot stay at the easy level for long.
  3. Proceed to working with text cards after automating syllabic reading.
  4. Read in sequence in a group or with adults when working individually.
  5. Don't rush your child. At the learning stage, reading comprehension is important, not reading speed and the amount of time spent.

Texts for children 4-5 years old

Young preschoolers need special sentence cards. Reading by syllables for children under 5 years of age is best accompanied by text with pictures. For example, coloring pages with comments. Coloring will be an additional task.

If we are reading syllables for the first time, the reading texts should consist of 1-2 sentences. Use small words, 1-2 syllables. You can prepare the cards yourself, find them online and print them.

For young students, it is important that there is a hyphen or other separator between syllables. For printing out reading material for syllables at 4 years old, choose a large, bold font.

  • Learning to read syllables through working with text does not have to begin after learning the entire alphabet. Find reading books for children aged 5 and up and print out individual sentences of words that consist of the letters you have learned. There are many of them in Zhukova's alphabet.
  • At the age of 4 to 5 years, there is no need to offer children the entire fairy tale or book. Large volumes frighten children and distract them with colorful drawings on other pages. Print only the part you need.
  • Play with a passage, a poem. You can read a word separately, then a phrase, then a whole syntactic unit.
  • Work according to the following algorithm. First we read, then we discuss, draw, and fantasize.


After reading the texts, be sure to study the material further. This is necessary for a strong assimilation of information and the formation of meaningful reading skills. Offer preschoolers the following types of tasks for the passage:

  1. A short retelling.
    The kindergartener must tell what he learned, what information was main in the text. It is advisable to use the words you read, name the names of the characters and their actions.
  2. Answer the questions.
    The speech therapist and parent ask 1-3 simple questions about the material read.
    If the child does not answer them, you need to read the passage together, with comments from an adult.
  3. Draw a picture.
    Let's play illustrators. Children come up with a plot picture based on the information received from a passage or poem. This could be homework.
  4. What happened next?
    Invite them to fantasize and come up with what could happen to the characters next.

Reading texts with pictures and tasks:

Texts for children 6-7 years old

If you are preparing reading texts for children 6-7 years old, you can print out entire paragraphs. For work, choose excerpts from fairy tales and short stories. Large works can be worked on in 2-3 lessons. Don't forget about short stories from the alphabet or primer.

  • Work through the sentences in a chain, try to involve each student.
  • After reading a short passage for the first time, discuss the content. If you find any misunderstandings, read the passage again.
  • If we read syllables individually, different texts for reading to children 7 years old need to be printed on separate sheets.

Texts with tails:

Reading for preschoolers is always a new, interesting process. And this is not surprising, because they discover a whole world, previously unknown and unfamiliar.

First, children become familiar with letters and sounds, then learn to put them into words. And then the moment comes when the child tries to read on his own. You cannot immediately give your child complex texts for this purpose, and not yet divided into syllables. Difficulties that arise in reading can completely discourage you from studying further. So we will learn to read, taking as a basis stories and fairy tales specially adapted for preschoolers.

Stories for children

If you don’t know which texts to start with, you can buy or download and print from our website collections of texts under the general title “Reading by syllables.” Such literature is specially adapted for children. This does not mean that the stories of famous writers are somehow changed in it: the selection of texts in such books is aimed at preschool children, and the words in the texts are divided into syllables for reading, which greatly facilitates the learning process for the child.

On our website there are also separate texts with a special division into syllables. They can also be printed and offered to children to read.

What stories are best for children?

Of course, these are the works of those writers who specialized in children's themes: M. Prishvin, K. Paustovsky, A. Barto, N. Nosov, Lev Kassil, S. Marshak, etc. It is not necessary to read the stories in full: for young children it will be enough select one short passage, divide it into syllables and present it for reading.

How to instill a love of reading?

How can parents study with their children using such texts?

You should not leave your child alone with a story if he is not yet a good reader. This can discourage any interest in subsequent education if the child encounters difficulties and he cannot cope with them. Sit down with your child and start reading together. It is very important for children that adults show interest in their affairs. At the same time, ask your child to help you and read this or that word. When you finish reading to the end, discuss the passage: let the child retell what he understood from the text. Do not ignore what you read: the baby must realize that he is reading not for dad or mom, but for himself, for his own understanding.

You can download a set of cards with words.

Learning to read individual words syllable by syllable. Read the children's names.

Picture puzzles with syllables.

Fairy tales

However, the best tool for teaching children to read is fairy tales. Everyone loves them, not just children. First take a fairy tale that the child knows well: this will make it easier for him to read, being familiar with the plot.

The most famous writers who devoted themselves to fairy tales are G.H. Andersen, A.S. Pushkin, C. Perrault, and the Brothers Grimm. Surely, when your child could not read yet, he listened to the fairy tales of these writers performed by you. And today he will read these fairy tales syllable by syllable.

A 3-year-old girl reads syllable by syllable:

Fairy tales for children by modern writers, for example, L. Uspensky, are also perfect for reading. They sometimes better meet the needs of the time: the creatures that inhabit our technological world operate in them, and the devices around us come to life. And yet, do not deprive your child of the opportunity to get acquainted with good old fairy tales, because entire generations have grown up on them.

By reading fairy tales and poems syllable by syllable, you not only teach children, but also introduce them to the enormous cultural heritage of previous eras. Reading develops in a child curiosity, respect for the work of other people, and the desire to learn new things. All this will definitely be useful to children in adulthood. But most importantly, you will be sure that you will cultivate kindness and humanity in them.

You can download for free a selection of more than 35 books (fairy tales, short stories, poems, simple texts and coloring pages) based on SYLLABLES or select individual ready-made texts for yourself below.

A little story about a squirrel. An excerpt from a book about Winnie the Pooh and Piglet.

As a child grows up, he learns important and useful skills. Reading is one of the fundamental ones. Psychologists recommend taking into account the individual characteristics of children. This will help you understand whether the child is ready to learn letters and whether it’s time to start learning to read syllables. Children of different ages require an individual approach.

It is important to promptly recognize signals of readiness for learning:

  • the child creates the illusion of reading by moving his finger over the text;
  • shows interest in books and can look at them for a long time;
  • knows all the letters and can name them without difficulty;
  • his speech is understandable;
  • the child has a large vocabulary;
  • It is necessary to take an individual approach to a child with speech defects.

Features of learning at different ages

At 3-4 years old

A child at this age is active and inquisitive and is able to absorb a large amount of new information in a short period of time.

Productive learning of any skill should combine:

  1. An interesting form of presentation, i.e. Training is best done in the form of a game. Monotony and monotony can scare away the baby and discourage the desire to learn for a long time.
  2. Select a task depending on the individual characteristics of the baby. Even at the age of 3, the development and abilities of two children can differ dramatically. It is necessary to select educational games so that they are suitable for the child and are not too difficult for him.
  3. Monitor the reaction of the little student so that he does not overexert himself.
  4. Consider his mood. You should not start training if your child is not in the mood for classes.

At 4-5 years old

The child’s brain begins to actively work and process information. It is much easier for him to structure and analyze everything that is happening around him. Training should also be carried out in the form of games to make it easier and more interesting for the child to learn new knowledge. A small student needs to be able to concentrate on classes for a long time, otherwise the result from them will be minimal.

At 5-6 years old

The child is entering a new stage of intellectual development. He begins to actively show interest in reading, because he himself wants to delve into the learning process.

The child receives more positive emotions from learning to read. The little person’s brain actively develops certain areas that are responsible for attention, helping to better structure, analyze and remember information.

At 6-7 years old

Adults do not like to do routine things that make them bored. And it is simply contraindicated for a child to do something boring. Classes should be fun and interesting.

To do this you will need:

  • educational material with capital letters;
  • conduct training in the form of a game;
  • do not overtire the child.

You should not take into account only books; it is better to use the talking alphabet, cards, cubes and other educational material.

Classical training at home

The right start

In order to successfully and efficiently teach a child to read syllables, it is necessary to set the right beginning. Psychologists and pediatricians advise using certain methods to reduce a young student’s resistance to the learning process.

Among them:

  1. Conduct classes when the child is in a good mood and shows no signs of illness. This rule also applies to the teaching person.
  2. At the beginning of school, the child often experiences rapid fatigue and difficulty concentrating. It will be best to reduce your practice time in the first few days.
  3. The golden rule of any teaching for children is playful presentation. This way the child learns the necessary things in an easy and interesting way.
  4. When teaching a child, there is no need to pretend to be a strict teacher. This form of presentation can forever ruin his desire to acquire new knowledge.
  5. The baby definitely needs to be supported and rejoiced at his successes. This will help strengthen the child's self-confidence and ability to achieve success faster.
  6. The more varied games there are, the easier and more interesting it will be for the baby to learn to read syllables. For children, it is also necessary to switch from one game to another in a timely manner. This helps maintain the interest and attention of the little student.

Stages of training

  1. First, explain in a playful way that speech consists of sounds.
  2. Teach your child to distinguish between consonants of different hardness (soft and hard). Identify the vowel that is stressed.
  3. Then the little student needs to learn to isolate sounds in small words.
  4. Show the letter in a playful way and pronounce its sound designation.
  5. Then, together with your parents, add the syllables.

Game forms of learning letters.

For children, the modern world offers many different techniques that help teach them to read syllables.

To teach a child to read syllables, it is recommended to start by learning the letters. It is better to buy the alphabet for children 2-3 years old, where each letter is associated with an object

Among them:

Learning the correct pronunciation of sounds

It is better to divide training into several stages. This will help your child learn correct pronunciation faster.

  1. Stage 1. Aimed at developing organs that are involved in speech: lips, tongue, cheeks. At this stage, easier sounds are mastered, i.e. vowels and simple consonants.
  2. Stage 2. The child learns complex consonants. As practice shows, these are whistling and hissing sounds.
  3. Stage 3. This stage should be given special attention, because it is one of the most difficult when teaching a child correct pronunciation. At stage 3, you need to teach how to correctly pronounce complex sounds (hissing and whistling) so that the baby does not confuse them.
  4. Stage 4. When the little student learns to pronounce complex sounds individually, the next stage begins. The child will need to learn to separate mixing sounds, for example, [Ш] and [С].

Composing syllables and moving on to their pronunciation

Syllables can be divided into 3 types:

  1. Consonant + vowel A. This is the easiest syllable for a child to learn. For example, syllables: MA, BA, PA, etc. He needs to explain how syllables are composed and learn to read them correctly. Let the little reader not try to learn the syllables quickly, because the main thing is that he understands the essence and does it correctly. Over time, he will learn to do this much faster.
  2. Consonant + other vowels. First, it is better to study a syllable with simple consonants, but a vowel other than [A]. Once he has mastered this lesson, you can move on to the next one. Alternate simple consonants with complex consonants (whistles, etc.) and any vowel. For example, syllables: DI, SCHA, CHE, etc.
  3. The syllable is reversed. When the little reader understands the essence, pediatricians recommend switching to closed syllables. Those. the syllable ends with a consonant. For example, syllables: IR, YASH, AR, etc.

Reading whole words

Learning to read syllables is an intermediate stage, after which a difficult but interesting period begins for children - reading whole words. The fewer words that come into the child’s field of vision, the easier it will be for him.

  1. It is best to start with words that have repeating syllables. For example, MA-MA, PA-PA, BA-BA, etc.
  2. Next, children most easily perceive words with repeated (uncomplicated) consonants. For example, MI-MO, etc.
  3. Then you should choose a different combination of syllables, but with simple consonants. For example, SA-LO, KI-SA, etc.
  4. Then it is better to pay attention to words with one complex consonant. For example, RO-SCHA, PI-SCHA, etc. Then you can select both complex consonants: CHA-SCHA, etc.

With a gradual increase in difficulty, the child will be able to read even the most difficult words.

Teaching reading fluency

Learning to read fluently will help your child learn to read quickly. It is important to choose the text for classes in accordance with age. It is necessary to record the initial result in order to know how successfully the training is going. To do this, just let the child read the text and first time it. At the beginning of training, you should not overtire him; 1-2 minutes will be enough.

  1. Understand the meaning. It is necessary that the child can assimilate and remember the meaning of the text read. When the little student reads the part, you need to ask him questions and check whether he understood the meaning of the text.
  2. On the search. The beginning reader is asked to quickly find a certain word or phrase in the text (but this also depends on the age of the child).
  3. It's a tough fight. Experts say that children have difficulty reading words with several consonants in a row. You need to make a list of difficult words with consecutive consonants. It is best to practice such words daily so that the child does not lose skill.
  4. Tongue Twisters. Speaking tongue twisters helps improve pronunciation, distribute breathing correctly, and increase reading speed.

Popular methods for teaching reading

Zaitsev cubes

The main difference between Zaitsev’s technique is the unit of language, i.e. warehouse instead of the generally accepted syllable. For example, “pi-ro-g” instead of “pi-rog”.

The cubes have many features:

  • size;
  • color;
  • quantity;

Differences help the child remember a certain rule. In addition to the cubes, tables with warehouses are included. Zaitsev's technique is suitable for children from 3 years old.

Syllable reading

This method consists of tables with syllables. A huge set of syllables is good because it is impossible to remember and memorize, so one table can be studied many times. Syllabic reading helps you learn a variety of syllables and prepare for reading difficult words.

Glen Doman Method

This method is recommended for use from 6 months. The set contains cards with words printed in red letters.
The essence of the method is to show the child cards with words, pronouncing them clearly and clearly. Using this technique, a child can learn to read without memorizing syllables and letters.

Methodology of Nadezhda Zhukova

For this method, the child must be introduced to the letters in advance. Nadezhda Zhukova claims that it is more difficult for children to isolate individual sounds and easier to isolate syllables. The baby first needs to be introduced to the simplest letters, vowels. Help him understand that they can be sung. Then you need to explain how 2 vowels are added, then he will be able to understand the basics of adding syllables.

“The Magnetic Alphabet” by Nadezhda Zhukova will help a child learn to determine by ear how many letters and sounds are pronounced, and in what sequence the sounds sound.

Chaplygin cubes

The technique is based on dynamic cubes. These are cubes connected in a special way that can be twisted. By turning them, the baby receives new words. From 2 cubes you can collect 20 words, and from 3 cubes you can collect 25 times more (i.e. 500 different words).

Self-taught ABC

The self-taught alphabet allows your child to learn the alphabet without outside help. The electronic alphabet will help you learn the basics of reading - letters in a playful way, with virtually no help from adults.

Video lessons for learning to read

There are a huge number of video tutorials, both simple and intricate. It is sometimes difficult for parents to choose from such a variety what is really suitable for their child.

Video lessons can be divided into:

  • according to the age;
  • by gender of the child;
  • by level of training (beginner, intermediate, advanced).

You should select video lessons according to these parameters.

What are the advantages of video lessons on teaching reading:

  • distance learning;
  • independent learning without adult participation;
  • easy accessibility;
  • interesting learning format;
  • big variety.

For successful learning it is important to demonstrate:

  • persistence;
  • patience;
  • methodical;
  • attentiveness;
  • love and care.

You should not start exercising if you are in a bad mood and/or feeling bad. The rule applies to both the child and the parent. Negative emotions should not be shown during training: irritability, anger, aggression. If difficulties arise during the learning process, it is better to postpone classes for a while.

Video on the topic: how to teach a child to read


Ni-ki-ta and Le-sha are friends. They go to kindergarten together. Le-shi has a sa-mo-kat. And Nik-ki-you has a gun. Not real, but toy. These boys are great guys. O-ni always do-la-tsya ig-rush-ka-mi. And they never quarrel. The two of them play and laugh. It's good to be friends!


Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a ba-ba, and they had a little chicken. The hen laid an egg: the egg is not simple - it is golden.

Grandfather beat - beat - repeatedly beat.

Ba-ba bi-la, bi-la - not once-bi-la.

The mouse ran, the tail waved, the egg fell and broke.

Grandfather and ba-ba are crying, ku-roch-ka ku-dah-chet:

Don't cry, grandpa, don't cry, ba-ba!

I'll lay you another egg,

It’s not golden, it’s simple!”


Mu-ra-vey went down to the stream: he wanted to drink. The wave lashed him and almost knocked him down. Go-lub-ka carried a branch; o-na u-vi-de-la - mu-ra-vey to-no, and bro-si-la to his branch in the river. Mu-ra-vei sat on a branch and saved himself.

Then the oh-hot-nick laid a net on the dove and wanted to slam it. Mu-ra-vey crawled up to o-hot-ni-ku and u-ku-grabbed him by the leg; oh-hot-nick oh-nul and u-ro-nil the network. Go-lub-ka fluttered-well-la and u-le-te-la.

Peti and Misha had a horse. They began to argue: whose horse is it? Did they start tearing each other's horses?

Give it to me, this is my horse.

No, give it to me, the horse is not yours, but mine.

The mother came, took the horse, and the horse became no one’s.

L. Tolstoy

Three Bears.

One day Ma-sha went into the forest and got lost. I started looking for my way and came to the forest from the bush. In this house lived seven honey-ve-days: my father’s name was Mi-hai-lo Po-ta-pych, my mother’s name was Nas-tas-ya Pet-rov-na , and their ma-lazy son-nish-ku is honey-ve-jo-nok Mi-joke. The house was empty - honey had gone for a walk in the forest.

Ma-sha entered the house and had three bowls of porridge. Bol-sha-I would-la Mi-hai-lo Po-ta-py-cha, middle-ya Nas-tas-and Pet-rov-ny, and s-ma-ya ma-lazy-ka-ya - Mi-jokes. Po-bo-va-la Ma-sha ka-shu from a large bowl, then from a middle one, and from a small one, Mi-shut-ki-noy, all the way- shu ate.

Ma-sha came over and saw three chairs near the table. He climbed onto the big chair and o-pa-la; sat down on the middle chair - it was not comfortable; she sat down on a small chair and laughed. Ma-sha started skating on Mi-shut-ki-chair, ka-cha-ka-ka-ka-la, until she broke it!

Send Ma-sha to another mountain. There are a hundred or three beds there. She lay down in the big room - it was too spacious; lay down in the middle - it was too high; and the lazy girl suited her just right. Ma-sha lay down and went to sleep.

Come back to my honey from the forest, sit down. Mi-hai-lo Po-ta-pych looked into his bowl and growled: “Who ate from my bowl?” Nas-tas-ya Petrov-na looked at the table and said: “Who ate from my bowl?” And Mi-shut-ka squeaked: “Who ate my porridge and broke my chair?”

Send honey to another mountain. “Who lived on my bed?” - Mi-hai-lo Po-ta-pych roared. “Who lay down on my bed and crushed it?” - for-re-ve-la Nas-tas-ya Pet-rov-na. And Mi-shut-ka saw the little girl in her bed and squealed: “Here you go!” Hold her!

U-see-dev-med-ve-day, Ma-sha is very f------------------------- Oh, you jumped into the open window and ran home. And honey didn’t catch her.

Teaching a child to put letters into words, and words into sentences, is not an easy task. On this difficult path, parents will need patience, accuracy and consistency. Today we will answer the main questions: how to teach a child to read syllables without the help of teachers, and what exercises for teaching reading at home are most effective.

Learning to read: is your child ready to learn to read?

According to psychologists, the best age for learning to read is from 4.5 to 6 years. In practice, a child strives to learn to read at the age of 5 years. It is worth remembering that each child is individual in his development, and if you do not meet the generally accepted deadlines, this only means that the learning process should be postponed a little.

There are a number of factors that indicate whether a child is currently ready to master the reading process. Here are the most important of them:

  • No pronunciation problems– the child has the correct tempo and rhythm of speech, all sounds are delivered;
  • No hearing problems– the child does not ask again many times, does not distort words that are easy to pronounce;
  • Sufficient speech proficiency– a rich vocabulary, the ability to construct phrases and express one’s thoughts clearly for others;
  • Developed phonemic hearing– the child can freely distinguish speech sounds, reproduce heard sounds, name the first/last sound in a word;
  • Free orientation in space– the child clearly knows the concepts of right/left and top/bottom.

By carefully observing your child, you will notice the moment when he becomes interested in putting letters into words. The child will show familiar symbols on store signs to mom and dad, and one day he will try to read them in full. Of course, in his first attempts, the baby will probably read the word incorrectly, but this is not scary - it indicates that his brain is ripe for learning a new skill.

Known methods for teaching children to read

Methodology How it works
Training using the Doman method Global reading – this phrase can describe Doman’s technique. It involves learning to read whole words and is based on the peculiarities of the baby’s brain. The idea is to surround the child with words written on bright cards/posters (“table”, “chair”, “wardrobe”, etc.). Mechanical memory allows a child to remember and retain an accumulating volume of simple words. You can start following the method as early as 5-6 months.
Syllable reading method A traditional method, which from year to year remains the most popular among parents who want to teach their child to read at home. The child first puts letters into syllables, and then into words. In children over 4.5-5 years old, this method brings quick results. The material is easily reinforced in game tasks. This method of teaching is used in kindergartens and schools, which is a definite plus.
Warehouse reading method In this technique, the word is not divided into syllables, but sounds are combined into warehouses. For example, the word “cup” will not be read “cup-ka”, but “cha-sh-ka”. The warehouse can consist of one letter, a consonant and a vowel, or a consonant and a hard/soft sign. Despite the fact that the technique is very common, there is a possibility that the child will have to relearn it at school - after all, they use the method of reading by syllables. The habit of splitting words into words can take root, which will subsequently make it difficult to perceive the text and slow down reading.
Zaitsev cubes The technique helps to master the basics of reading through the perception of syllables. A variety of tables, colorful cubes of different colors with fillers take an active part in visually teaching how to connect letters into syllables. Lessons with the help of Zaitsev's cubes are highly effective during group interaction (in kindergartens, child development centers, etc.). The technique under consideration helps to obtain maximum results in minimal time for those children who find it difficult to sit in one place.

Moms and dads who are trying to teach their child to read as quickly as possible should be very sensitive in their approach to this important issue. To ensure that your child does not lose interest in reading from the first lessons, we invite you to get acquainted with current tips. They will help instill in your child a love of books during the learning process.

Alphabet from an early age

Let the child, from infancy, “absorb” into himself, like a sponge, the names of letters in the form of songs and games. Short, memorable poems about letters will be imprinted in the child’s memory, and by the age of two, the child will be able to quite consciously recite them. From time to time, play various songs and mini-cartoons about the alphabet, especially since in this presentation the letters are memorized effortlessly.

Unobtrusive training

For a preschooler, play is the main process through which he learns about the world around him, including when mastering skills. Boring classes and cramming will not bring the desired result; moreover, the child may completely stop loving reading. Present information in a warm environment, patiently, and the child will learn the necessary knowledge at a pace that suits him specifically.

Exercise every day

If you started to take the first steps in reading syllables, and they were unsuccessful, it’s too early to give up. You can take a break of 1-2 days and then try again. Did your child manage to read a couple of syllables made of vowels? Great, that means initial reading skills have been acquired and need to be developed. Exercise regularly, and the results will not be long in coming.

Get interested in reading

Often, learning difficulties arise with those children who were practically not read to in childhood, and their relatives did not set their own example of reading books. It can be fixed. Stories, fairy tales, and children's fiction that are interesting to your child should appear in your home. Make it a family tradition to read a short work before bed. The baby will not refuse parental attention, and an interesting story will stimulate his interest in the book.

From simple to complex

It happens that a child knows the names of letters, but does not know the sounds. A child will not be able to master reading until he has learned the pronunciation of sounds well. In this case, deal with it step by step:

  1. study sounds;
  2. move on to reading syllables;
  3. Teach your child how to merge syllables.

Only after completing these three stages can you begin to learn to read full words.

Detailed video with tips from a teacher - learning to read:

First steps to reading: getting to know the letters

To teach a child to read, it is necessary to maintain an interest in books and letters from an early age. As a rule, at 2-3 years old children begin to show attention to the alphabet. It is very important for parents to provide the right developmental space at this moment.


A child will remember the letters quite quickly if a bright poster with the Russian alphabet is in his field of vision. The baby points to the letter - say the corresponding sound. You may have to return to “A” and “B” more than once and repeat them, but this is how your baby will remember them faster. For busy parents, an interactive panel with letters will be a good help - it itself sounds the letter that the child clicks on.


To memorize the letters of the alphabet, it is important for a child to use his sense of touch. To develop your child’s abstract thinking, invite him to get acquainted with letters molded from plasticine or cut out of cardboard. Pay attention to the similarity of objects and letters - the horizontal bar looks like a “P”, and the donut is the spitting image of the letter “O”.

Tea party by letters

The process of learning letters will be very fun and tasty if you offer your child an edible alphabet. Using curly pasta, you can cook Abvgdeyka soup, and for dessert, bake your own homemade alphabet cookies.

Magnetic entertainment

With the help of a magnetic alphabet, you can turn the process of learning letters into a fun and memorable game. For example, 1-2 year old children can be lured by simply attaching a letter to the surface of the refrigerator and saying it. “Give me the letter! What do we have? This is the letter A! If your child is already 3 years old, he will enjoy playing “magnetic fishing.” You need all the magnetic letters in a container, and make an improvised fishing rod from a stick and string with a magnet. Having caught a “fish”, pronounce its name, drawing an analogy with the word. “This is a fish F! Look how much she looks like a beetle!”

By keys

Children love to imitate the actions of adults. Let your child press buttons in an open text editor to his heart's content - he will be interested in the letters appearing on the screen. Show me how to type the simplest word “mother”. You can print out the first letter and give it to your child. Even if there is a completely unthinkable combination, this will be a kind of impetus for memorizing the alphabet. Also, to master letters, you can give your child an old computer keyboard to “tear to pieces.”

Mastering the principle of reading syllables

Children usually pronounce each sound separately, and this is understandable - it takes them time to remember what the next letter is called. The parents' task is to help the child overcome this natural difficulty.

You need to start the exercises with words consisting only of vowels. For example, AU, IA and UA. For these simple words, you need to draw/choose illustrations - for example, a girl lost in the forest (“AU!”), a baby lying in a cradle (“UA!”), and a cute donkey chewing grass (“EA!”). Ask your child not to read the inscription, but simply to sing it. You can sing slowly, “draw out” the syllable, but don’t stop: AAAAUU, IIIIAAA, UUUAAA.

On a note! Be sure to teach your child to recognize exclamatory and interrogative sentences. Use your voice to highlight the moment of exclamation; the baby should distinguish “Huh?” and “Ah!”

Don’t be afraid to return to what you have covered; continue to teach your child to read the simplest syllables. When the first sound of a syllable is a consonant, it is more difficult for a child to read it. But, nevertheless, you also need to learn to read it, without this you can’t do it at school. Let the child “pull” NNN and then put A, O, or U. The boy gives the girl candy - NNN (“NA!”). The kid is swinging on a horse - NNNO (“BUT!”). The girl took her mother’s hand - MMMA (“MA!”). Please note that the child may “pull” the first sound long enough to remember the next one.

Important! Do not rush your child if he thinks while reading a syllable that is difficult for him - when he gets a feel for the principle of adding syllables, the process of mastering the skill will go much faster.

If the child fails to read the word, then the parent should read it himself, then try to read it again with the child. Then move on to the next syllable. Regardless of success, encourage and praise your little student.

Most primers for children 6-7 years old suggest learning using syllabic tables. They are a list of various syllables that do not have a semantic meaning, but are based on visualized memorization. Example: for the letter “N” the sounds are “NA-NO-NU-NY-NI”, for “M” - “MA-MO-MU-WE-MI”, for “T” - “TA-TO-TU-YOU” -TI”, etc. Of course, such tables have a right to life, but they are not at all interesting to children. It is not at all necessary to force a child to read various “VU” and “VA”; it is quite possible to cope without such outdated methodological material.

Advice! A child should not get tired of reading. In the first month, read syllables no more than 3-4 times a week. Let the lessons go not in a row, but every other day. From the second or third month you can teach your child to read daily.

Games to help your child learn to read

Reading skill requires diligence and regular practice. To make learning easier, look at pictures in books, discuss the situations depicted in these pictures, and make up stories based on them. Communicate and talk more with your child - this will help him develop thinking and coherent speech.

To discover the wonderful, interesting and vast world of books, we offer you games for learning syllables, their correct pronunciation and memorization. Exercises in these games are suitable for children from 3 to 7 years old.

Letter learning games Games for the ability to add syllables Games to develop reading skills
Together with your child, create images of letters that he can play with. They should be bright and memorable. You can make cards yourself with letters and animals/objects depicted on them (A – STORK, B – DRUM, etc.). A simple and at the same time interesting game - “Make a Word”. It is based on circles with written syllables and pictures that tell the child what word to form. For example, a picture of a river. The child must choose two circles. On the first circle the syllable is RE, on the second - KA. A picture of porridge: choose circles with the syllables KA and SHA. Game "Make a word". The child needs to make a word from mixed up syllables and letters. For example: we create a game situation - granddaughter Masha decided to give her grandmother gifts and wrote them down so as not to forget. Suddenly a strong wind blew in and mixed everything up. Let's help Mashenka remember what she wanted to give to her grandmother by making up the correct words from the mixed up syllables and letters.
To memorize letters and sounds, recite short association poems, for example:

A-ist A-zbu-ku-became,

On A-bus-bus o-poz-dal.

The Cat is looking at Kar-tin-ku,

On Kar-tin-ke, the Whale floats.

O-slick sees O-bla-ka,

O-fucks them re-ka.

Game “Find the hidden word”. You need to lay out a path of different words in front of your child. The reader's task is to choose what you wished for. For example, among the words: “cat, swing, chair, carrot,” find a “living” word - animal, vegetable, piece of furniture, children's entertainment. Game exercise “Read quickly.” The child should pronounce the words as quickly as possible:

– soap, soap, soap, milk, soap;

– cheese, cheese, cheese, peace, cheese;

- saw, saw, saw, linden, saw;

– salt, salt, salt, sel, salt;

– river, river, hand, river, hand.

With your child, construct letters from available materials - pencils, matches, counting sticks or salt dough. The game “Word in Word” is very interesting for children aged 5-6 years. You need to find a smaller word in a larger word, for example E-LEK-TRO-STAN-CI-YA: CAT, NOSE, THRONE, etc. Game "Name What You See". The point of the game is that the child must name everything that he sees around him with a certain letter. You can also name animals (CAT, RAT, RABBIT), toys (BALL, CAR), or the names of cartoon characters (CARLSON, KROSH) by a certain letter.
Create a coloring book where a specific letter will live on each page. For letters, you can draw a house, or decorate the letter with a design starting with it (A- ASTRA, B - BEREG, etc.). Game “Make a syllable from halves.” To play, you need to write different syllables on cardboard cards, cut them in half horizontally, then mix them. The child's task is to collect the cards and read the syllables written on them. Game exercise “Guess what is wrong.” The child is asked to look at a picture with a misspelled word underneath it. The task is to read the word syllable by syllable, find the error and replace it with the correct letter (for example, KO-RO-VA and KO-RO-NA)
To study letters, you can use board games - dominoes, alphabet lotto. A parent can make a lotto with letters on their own. To make it, you will need 8 cardboard cards with written letters, as well as small pictures with letters that the child will name to search on the cards. Walking games are a good way to help you understand the principle of reading syllables. You can purchase such games or make them yourself, using ready-made walking games as a basis. You need to write various syllables in the empty cells. You need to move the chip along them. During the game, the child throws a dice. The baby must read the syllables that come his way. The process can result in audio tracks consisting of 4-6 syllables. The winner of the game is the one who reads all the syllables faster and gets to the finish line. Game exercise “What’s in the plate.” Before eating, ask your child to say syllable by syllable which food is in front of him. Help pronounce words with a large number of syllables, while setting the pace of pronunciation (KA-SHA, MO-LO-KO, PU-RE, OV-SYAN-KA).

One of the interesting variants of this game could be the game of “cook”. The child’s task is to create a menu for lunch using words starting with the chosen letter, for example “M”. If there are not enough words for one letter, then you can offer to find products in the refrigerator that begin with 2 letters, etc.

Note! How to quickly teach a child to read so that he does not get tired of the learning process and does not lose interest? You need to work with him regularly, but at the same time not for long. For the first lessons, 5-7 minutes will be enough. Gradually this time can be increased to 15-20 minutes. If you conduct classes in a playful way, it will be easy and not boring for your child to learn the skill of reading.

Exercises with words: strengthening the skill

As soon as the child learns to merge letters into syllables, parents can be congratulated for being halfway through the journey. Now the most important thing is to consolidate the acquired skill. In this case, fun and interesting tasks will be used.

What to play What to do
Who eats what? Write the names of the animals in the column: CAT, KO-RO-VA, SO-BA-KA, BEL-KA, RABBIT, MOUSE. And to the right and left of the words, draw pictures: fish, grass, bone, nut, carrot, cheese. The child’s task is to read the word and “feed” each pet with the right food using the arrows.
Who's the odd one out? Write a few words in a column: GRU-SHA, YAB-LO-KO, A-NA-US, PO-MI-DOR. Ask your child to cross out the extra word, and be sure to explain his choice. This way you can play with the names of vegetables, clothes/shoes, flowers, trees, birds, etc.
Big and small Write the words DE-RE-VO, GO-RA, GRU-ZO-VIK, ZHI-RAF, I-GO-DA, DROP-LA, BU-SI-NA at the top of the sheet. Below, draw two pictures - a house (big) and a chicken
(small). Let the child read the words, determine which ones are big and small, and connect them with lines to the matching pictures (a berry, a drop and a bead for a chicken, the rest of the words for a house). In a similar way, words can be divided into sweet and sour, heavy and light, etc.
Who lives where? Write down the names of wild and domestic animals mixed together: WOLF, ELK, LI-SA, KA-BAN, KO-RO-VA, KO-ZA, CAT, SO-BA-KA, HEDGEHOG. Under the words, draw a forest on one side, and a village hut with a fence on the other. Let the child read the words and use arrows to depict where each animal lives.

Forming the habit of reading books from infancy

At the beginning of this part, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the experience of your mother. How to teach a child to read syllables (video):

Personal example

“A child learns from what he sees in his home.” The well-known expression comes in handy when developing a child’s understanding of the importance of reading. If the baby often sees his parents and relatives with a book, then reading will become a part of his life. Let your child know from an early age that reading is interesting, and a good book can easily replace a computer game or watching a cartoon.

Vivid illustrations

When choosing a book to start reading, do not forget that pictures are important for children. Thanks to expressive, bright drawings, following the plot will be easier and more interesting for the child.

Regular reading

A love for books does not develop overnight. If an adult regularly reads short fairy tales aloud to a child, after a month or two the child himself will show more interest in the works. The first words you read are often those on the cover of your favorite book.

Possibility of choice

The child should be interested in what you plan to read with him. Already at 4 years old, a little reader is able to determine how interesting a particular book is to him. At this age, it’s time for the first trip to the library - let your child choose a book according to his own desires.

Limit TV viewing

Reading, of course, requires certain intellectual efforts from the child. The same cannot be said about television - it literally takes away the opportunity to dream up, providing ready-made images. You shouldn’t completely deprive yourself of watching cartoons, but it makes sense to limit the time you spend behind the screen and strictly select the allowed TV programs.