“Anubis”: meaning of tattoo, sketches, photos. Anubis, the meaning of the tattoo Meaning of the Anubis tattoo

The great civilization of Egypt is so multifaceted and interesting that people all over the world are trying to study the secrets and mysteries of ancient culture and architecture. At the same time, tattoo connoisseurs are trying to understand the symbolism of Egyptian designs. Moreover, each drawing has its own deep meaning, knowledge of which is necessary for those who decide to apply the same picture on their own body.

Today, among modern tattoo lovers, Egyptian mythical characters are especially popular: ankhs, scarabs, the god Ra and others, among which the most mysterious and enigmatic is the deity Anubis. Before you decide to put an Anubis tattoo on your body, you should understand that this is not just a beautiful design, but a rather complex, interesting plot that carries special energy. After all, the ancient Egyptian god is a symbol, and they, as is reliably known, carry a strictly defined energy. Accordingly, a person who has such a picture must know what his body image symbolizes.

Anubis is one of the mysterious and mysterious Egyptian gods. In ancient mythology, he was assigned the role of the patron of dead people; the entire afterlife was in his power. Studying scientific research data, many of our contemporaries formed a not very positive opinion about Anubis, believing that even the image of the god can bring negative changes into a person's life.

However, there are also researchers of ancient Egypt who are confident that the meaning of the Anubis tattoo is somewhat exaggerated - after all, in ancient times this god guarded medicines and poisons. Therefore, the interpretation of its symbolism can be interpreted in another way - opening the way to something new. Modern anesthesiologists, psychiatrists and psychologists took advantage of this discovery, considering Anubis their patron.

How best to portray?

There are different options for depicting an Anubis tattoo. Many fans of body painting know the classic version - God is represented in the image of a man with the head of a jackal or wolf.

Although today most tattoo artists also offer other compositions in which God is represented in the form of an animal, accompanied by other accompanying symbols: scales, ankh, wass, mummy or sekhem.

The most suitable places for drawing a drawing of an ancient Egyptian god are back, arms and calves. It is quite possible that the owners of such a picture will really find it much easier to understand a difficult life situation and choose the truly correct path out of it.

Photo of Anubis tattoo

Anubis tattoo designs

Most popular materials

Elena Letuchaya's tattoos

You shouldn't put the ancient Egyptian god on your skin just like that, because jokes with Anubis are bad. After all, he had a rather bad reputation in religion. He personified the night, the otherworldly and the afterlife, and constantly fought with Horus as light, fertility and prosperity.

But every negative character has positive qualities. Anubis was the patron of pharmacists who prepared medicines and poisons. He did not allow people and gods to become soft, to lose their taste for life and for fighting, when he sent terrible sandstorms to the cities. Therefore, the meaning of Anubis tattoo may be that a person should always be calm about his dark side and always remain on the path of enlightenment.

If a person puts an image of Anubis on his body and is ready for the daily struggle for the right priorities, then the tattoo can protect him. But stuffing this ancient Egyptian god due to alcoholic intoxication or momentary whim is undesirable.

Before you add any Egyptian hieroglyphs or religious objects to your design, it is best to know their meaning. So as not to harm either your reputation or your energy.

And remember: no matter what the design of the tattoo with the image of Anubis is, the main thing is that it is unique! Watch the video below in which the artist performs a tattoo on the back of his client.

Anubis tattoo video

And more often, her relative is the jackal.

The look is copied by modern artists, in particular, masters. They notice that when choosing sketches, clients do not always think about their meaning, or become familiar with it superficially.

Meanwhile, Anubis tattoo, energetically filled and powerful, capable of conveying the deep meaning and energy of past eras. Let's make sure of this by familiarizing ourselves with the nuances of tattooing.

Meaning of Anubis tattoo

The meaning of the Anubis tattoo associated with the reputation of jackals. Ancient texts indicate that they prowled the suburbs of Egypt.

There were also necropolises where the dead were buried. Jackals were attracted by the smell of decaying flesh, food that was left next to the dead, and waste thrown by townspeople far from their homes.

And so it turned out that the Egyptians always saw dogs near cemeteries. People decided that these were entities accompanying souls to the afterlife.

Considering the appearance of jackals, their aggressiveness, and interest in decaying flesh, the Egyptians decided that the dogs were hostile.

Being the incarnation of Anubis, dogs escorted souls to the courtroom and testified against the dead.

It turns out that putting an image of an ancient God on your body is the same as ordering a portrait of the accuser who filed a lawsuit against you.

Simultaneously God Anubis - tattoo, indicating justice. The Spirit does not accuse the sinless.

A claim is filed only if the deceased is outweighed. If the container of the soul turns out to be lighter, Anubis accompanies the deceased to Paradise.

A tattoo can also become a sign of higher power. According to the beliefs of the Egyptians, Anubis judged, or rewarded, the deeds of not only people, but also other Gods.

Accordingly, the image is a hint that its bearer is not afraid of anyone, has dirt on everyone and is endowed with the power to punish for sins.

Anubis tattoo - photo, posted online by many esotericists. Linking the jackal-like creature with the afterlife, the ancient Egyptians also correlated it with everything mysterious and inexplicable.

So, Anubis began to manage magic, which means he is able to help sorcerers in their rituals.

Question What does Anubis tattoo mean? It’s not for nothing that doctors, pharmacists, and chemists ask this question.

How can God, who is in charge of magic, manage without any elixirs, jars and flasks? No way.

We had to recognize Anubis as also the keeper of various poisons and medicines. Some of them, according to legend, can resurrect from the dead.

In terms of tattoos, the meaning becomes figurative. ordered by those who experienced spiritual death, but rose up, overcame all obstacles, and remained human.

Anubis' duties included not only weighing the hearts of the dead, but also embalming their bodies.

This is the name given to the process of mummification. In the modern world there are only a few specialists in it, and they can rightfully wear Anubis tattoo.

Meaning drawing, reviews about him are also worthy of attention because Anubis guards mummies.

Having embalmed the bodies, the jackal lies down at the entrance to the tombs. He is on duty at night so that evil spirits do not get to the bodies.

Evidence of this is the image of a lying dog on most surviving pyramids.

It turns out that the image of God can become from the forces of darkness. Anubis also belongs to them, but is not distinguished by deceit and, as mentioned above, is fair.

By the way, God is depicted black not because of his connection with dungeons and the night. The color of Anubis follows the color of the embalming fluid used in Ancient Egypt.

Types of tattoos with Anubis

On tattoos, Anubis appears in different guises, poses, and with different additions. Let's start with the options for God's appearance. There are two main ones.

This is a man with a jackal, or a full-fledged dog. The last option is more universal.

Its interpretation is connected not only with the image of Anubis, but also with other dogs. Accordingly, a tattoo can be considered as a symbol of affection, fidelity, even home.

If we talk about the postures of the Deity, it is depicted lying, sitting, or standing. At the same time, it is important to comply with the canons of Egyptian painting.

The head, torso and are depicted in phases and in profile. The exception is those lying down.

But another nuance is important here. Resting Anubis V tattoo sketches crosses on . This is the standard pose for mummies.

Lying on his back, with his eyes closed, only a man with a dog's head is drawn. If God is depicted without human signs, reclining only on his stomach is possible.

The jackal's head remains raised, eyes open. This is the same protective position that protects souls from wickedness.

Seated Anubis is, as a rule, God, descended by one. This is how the patron of the dead was seen by the Egyptians at the moment of weighing the hearts of the dead in heaven.

The old mechanism requires debugging. Before each measurement, Anubis bends down to adjust the scales and check their accuracy.

Now, let's talk about additions to the image of the Dungeon God. He may be holding one of the Egyptian hieroglyphs in his hands.

On historical frescoes, this is usually “life”. The image indicates that the end of the earthly path is only a transition to a new, heavenly road.

Another popular addition to the jackal is the Egyptian Goddess of Joy. Anubis and Bastet - tattoo ambiguous.

There are several versions of the union of the Gods, which do not have exact confirmation in archaeological finds. The most popular opinion is about the love affair between Bastet and Anubis.

The first symbolizes lightness and joy, the second is associated with fear. Opposites attract, merging into a certain ideal.

The second version says that the Gods are colleagues. Bastet is depicted with a head, patronizes the night, which means it can be related to everything mysterious, including accompanying souls to the border of the land of the dead.

The opinion that Anubis is the son of Bastet does not stand up to criticism at all. God was born from Nephthys with Osiris, and this is confirmed in ancient texts.

In addition to the image of Anubis, there are also scales and some incorporeal creatures, whom God leads by the hand.

These stories are justified and require no explanation. Let's figure it out better where to place the patron of the dead.

The image of Anubis on their bodies is associated with mystery, night, some kind of intrigue, which, again, is for girls.

By the way, about hands. They are a universal place for tattoos that suit both sexes.

Guys usually wear Anubis tattoo on hand above the elbow, and the lady - at . The choice of men is justified, again, by the desire to emphasize muscles.

Ladies place the design closer to the brush in order to draw attention to the manicure.

It is worth considering that drawing Anubis requires a lot of space, especially if there are additional symbols in the picture.

Therefore, miniature areas such as earlobes and wrists are not suitable for tattooing. God may not be angry, but those around him will not appreciate the tattoo.

Egyptian Gods is a fairly popular topic. It is difficult to find people who have not heard of at least one of the representatives of this pantheon. It is not surprising that tattoo artists are increasingly mentioning that the theme of Egypt is found in many sketches. One can especially highlight Anubis, the god of the dead. His image excites the imagination of both men and women. The very appearance of the deity is quite curious. In addition, the meaning of his image in tattoos is varied, often associated with mysticism.

Egyptian deities. Who is more important?

Much is known about the gods of Egypt. This is due to the fact that a lot of documentary evidence has been preserved. At least, more than about a number of other peoples and tribes. The myths and legends of Egypt tell about the life and deeds of these creatures. In them you can hear about the main gods and their children. Also in myths there is information about smaller deities. The Anubis tattoo, a photo of which is in the public domain, depicts one of the most famous gods of Egypt.

Anubis on hands in the form of a tattoo

The sun god named Ra is considered to be the supreme deity. It is he who is considered the creator of the world and everything living on Earth. As a contrast to this deity, there is Seth - the god of evil, the warrior god. Interestingly, he was originally considered the protector of Ra. However, later the deity began to be revered not only in Egypt, but also in a number of Asian countries. God Thoth is considered the vizier of the supreme deity. Traditionally it is a symbol of wisdom and knowledge. There may be a baboon or ibis next to him.

Anubis in the form of a tattoo on a girl's chest

Anubis. Vernal appearance and place in the pantheon

The deity with the head of a jackal and the body of a man was named Anubis. It is considered a guide for the dead to the afterlife. Also, according to a number of sources, Anubis was the guardian of cemeteries. In addition, he was one of the judges in the world of the dead. One of the images of Anubis is a jackal. Dogs are also among the sacred animals associated with this deity. The city of Kinopol was traditionally the center of the cult of Anubis. Considered the son of Osiris.

Did you know? In Egypt at one time there was a cult of Osiris. This deity was the king of the world of the dead and was considered a symbol of rebirth. During his reign, the very concept of agriculture, winemaking and gardening arose in Ancient Egypt. Perhaps this is why, along with the god Ra, Osiris is considered the main one in the pantheon of gods of Egypt. The Anubis tattoo, the meaning of which is quite varied, also has references to this deity. This is due to the family ties between Osiris and Anubis.

Anubis on the forearm in the form of a black and white tattoo

The meaning of an Anubis tattoo

A tattoo with this controversial deity has a number of meanings:

  • Security and protection. As is known, the described deity also served as the guardian of potions and poisons. Therefore, an Anubis tattoo, a sketch of which can be found on the Internet, can mean protection from something. In another version, such an image distinguishes a serious person who can be trusted to keep anything for safekeeping;
  • Discovering something new. A person who chooses this kind of tattoo is always glad to learn something previously unknown. Perhaps he is learning a new profession, studying a foreign language;
  • Positive attitude towards everything mystical. Anubis is an unusual creature. He is closely connected with the afterlife. In addition, any tattoos with deities indicate that the owner of the sketch believes in mysticism and manifestations of supernatural forces. Perhaps he feels some special connection with it;
  • Reminder of death. This not very positive meaning also belongs to the tattoo, in which Anubis plays the main role. This is directly due to the attitude of the deity to the afterlife. Therefore, such an image is also serves as a reminder that death is inevitable. For some, it is the opposite, a symbol reminiscent of the fact that a person has avoided meeting with a guide to the world of the dead.

Anubis tattoo on a guy's chest

Places of application and methods of depicting tattoos

A tattoo with Anubis looks good only in a beautiful, voluminous design. That's why it is better to choose the forearms, back, thigh or lower leg. In other areas, only parts of the deity will look beautiful, for example, his characteristic jackal profile. You can also place additional symbols next to Anubis, but it is better to find out their meaning in advance. So, traditionally there are scales or mummies nearby. The former personify precision, while the latter recall the purpose of the deity.

Anubis tattoo on both sides of the leg

I have wanted to get a tattoo with an Egyptian deity for a very long time. Initially I settled on Osiris, but then I realized that his descendant was closer to me. So a stern man with the head of a jackal appeared on my forearm. The image is black and white, laconic. It suits my character very well. It also helps to identify the level of education of your friends. Some people are wondering who it is.

Evgenia, Izhevsk.

Anubis tattoo on leg in black and white

Negative consequences of getting an Anubis tattoo

Some experts believe that a tattoo with such a deity can negatively affect the life of the owner of the image. For example, you should not decide to do this act under the influence of alcohol. The decision must be conscious. This is associated with the image of Anubis in Egyptian myths.

Did you know? Anubis has often been considered the antithesis of light and joy. So, he entered into a fight with the god Horus, who was a symbol of prosperity and fertility. Therefore, the image of Anubis is associated with a gloomy and dark beginning.

Anubis tattoo on hand

A tattoo with this unusual deity can be a good helper for a person who is ready to defend his interests. This image does not suit soft, timid people who listen to others and cannot defend themselves.

A very good artist did my Anubis tattoo. That’s why on my forearm I have a fairly large image of a man with the head of a jackal. Nearby is the entrance to the pyramid. The tattoo is colorful and voluminous. For me, this is not just a decoration for the body, it is a symbol of honesty and struggle. This slightly dark ancient god is exactly what I need and fits my character. And how difficult it is for me! But still, despite my gloom, I also have close people.

Alexey, Kazan.

Video: 100 tattoos with Anubis

Anubis tattoo in photo

It was believed that Anubis sent terrible sandstorms to people in order to prevent them and other deities from relaxing. Also, Anubis’ area of ​​responsibility was to punish or reward the dead depending on their actions during life.
From here, one of the meanings of the tattoo featuring this ancient Egyptian God: man's ability to accept his dark side while remaining on the path to enlightenment.

Anubis is called the God who “opens other paths.” In the modern sense, it can be called patron of anesthesiologists, psychiatrists and psychologists.
“Other paths” often attract people who want to find their way in life. It is believed that Anubis can help those who are ready for daily struggle. Although, of course, the main thing is what meaning you give to your tattoo.

The role of Anubis is ambiguous: He drove the boat, transporting the souls of the dead to the kingdom of the dead along the Nile River. and served as a judge, stored poisons and medicines. Therefore, symbolism with Anubis is often accompanied by the image of mummies, wasas, sekhem or ankh.

The symbolism that came from ancient Egypt is not new to the art of tattooing. If you try to make a kind of hit parade of the popularity of tattoos whose symbolism is associated with Egypt, the first lines will surely be occupied by the pyramids, “Ra”, Ankh and Anubis.

Anubis tattoo is very popular in the West. This may seem strange, because Anubis for the ancient Egyptians was the embodiment of evil. He escorted the souls of the departed to the afterlife, judged sinners and constantly fought with the God of fertility and prosperity.

Anubis was also the patron of necropolises and cemeteries, the keeper of poisons and medicines. The latter circumstance made him highly respected among pharmacists and doctors.
Before getting such a tattoo, you should think carefully: every religious symbol invented by humanity carries a certain energy. It is difficult to predict how an Anubis tattoo may affect your body.

Place for tattoo:

First of all, you should decide on the size of the tattoo and its subject. If we are talking about depicting a deity in full height, it is better to choose a wide, large-scale area of ​​the body. This will allow you to complement the plot of the work with pyramids, a scarab or the eye of “Ra”, characteristic of this theme. Any large area of ​​the body will do: back, chest, shoulder and biceps.

For small tattoos, the most common choices are: arms, shins, and shoulders. In such works one can depict, for example, only the head of the Egyptian God of Darkness.
If the desire to get a tattoo with the image of this God is not spontaneous, it is deliberate and serious. You will be able to find photographs of tombs and archaeological sites. Perhaps this will help you come up with a plot for your tattoo.


Video from a tattoo parlor. The process of applying an Anbuis tattoo:

Already another tattoo parlor. But the theme of the tattoo is still the same. Large-scale tattoo “Anubis with a staff” on the back. Almost the entire back space is used: