Didactic games and exercises for young children. Didactic games as a means of sensory development of young children

Card file of didactic games
sensory development of young children

Mosienko Elena Yurievna,
educator MKDOU No. 16,
Novosibirsk city

PURPOSE: Continue to develop the sensory abilities of babies, be able to distinguish objects by length, use “long - short”, “longer - shorter” in speech, develop imagination, thinking.
GUIDE: The game is played with 2-3 people. First, we consider the ribbons in length, then the children are offered cards and planar sticks of different lengths and colors. By unfolding, the child determines where the long and short sticks are.

PURPOSE: To be able to perform actions with geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle), insert shapes, develop memory, thinking, attention.
GUIDE: The game is played with a subgroup of 4-5 children. The teacher first shows geometric shapes, names them and shows the children how to insert them into stencils. During the game, constantly fix the name of the shapes - circle, square, triangle.

PURPOSE: To continue to develop the sensory abilities of children, to consolidate the 4 primary colors, the ability to name flowers by showing.
GUIDE: The game is played with 4-5 people. First, the teacher shows the children large illustrations of flowers of different colors. Children tell what color these flowers are. Then the teacher distributes 4 small cards to the children, having examined them, offers to show the same flower that the teacher shows.

PURPOSE: To develop and consolidate the sensory abilities of children, the ability to stencil a circle, square, triangle on a white sheet, fix the primary colors.
GUIDE: First, the teacher shows the children (2-3 people) stencils of geometric shapes. The children consider what color, then the teacher shows how he hatches on a white sheet of paper with the same pencil as the stencil. The teacher distributes paper, stencils, pencils, and he himself observes that the children correctly select the color of the pencil for the stencil.

D / I "ONE - MANY"
PURPOSE: To develop the first mathematical abilities, develop attention, thinking, the ability to distinguish the color of objects.
GUIDE: Games are played with 2-3 children. The teacher shows pictures of toys on the magnetic board - one, many, fixes the color. Then he invites the children to find and attach the same pictures according to the show.

PURPOSE: Continue to develop the small muscles of the hands, consolidate knowledge of color, develop attention, imagination.
GUIDE: The game is played with 2-3 people. The “grandmother” comes and complains that the kittens have unwound all the balls, invites the kids to wind up each ball, and then hang the clothespins on the handle of the basket. Engage children in ongoing activities.

PURPOSE: To continue to form the ability to distinguish geometric shapes in size, to develop colloquial speech, thinking, memory, the ability to distinguish between primary colors.
GUIDE: The game is played with 2 children. The teacher shows a set of geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle) of different colors, and offers to show first a large figure, a smaller one, then a small one. You can complicate the game with questions: “Show a small red triangle”; "Big yellow circle"; “Smaller yellow square”, etc. at the discretion of the teacher's imagination.

PURPOSE: To continue to consolidate the sensory abilities of children, the ability to pipette as directed and drip into cells by color, develop memory, thinking.
GUIDE: The game is played with 2 children. The teacher shows jars of multi-colored gouache. First 2 colors, by the end of the year 4 primary colors. Gives each drawing and a palette with cells by color. Shows actions. Then he invites the children, according to the verbal index, to type in a jar and drip into the cells without mixing colors. Each action is negotiated with each child.

PURPOSE: To continue to consolidate the ability to find the desired geometric shape (circle, square, triangle), develop thinking, colloquial speech, the ability to name the color of the figure.
GUIDE: The game is played with 2-3 people, as it is necessary to focus the attention of children. Bunny comes to visit and brings a box with geometric shapes, asks the children to tell what it is. First, the teacher separately shows the figure and its color. Then he distributes sets of figures to children and, according to his own show, asks to show the child, constantly involving him in speech activity.

PURPOSE: To form the ability to distinguish, name and show pictures by the color of objects, to develop the sensory abilities of children.
GUIDE: The lesson is conducted with 5-6 people. Each child has an image of objects on the table (toys, flowers, clothes of different colors). The teacher shows either a picture of a certain color or an object of the same color. The child must show his picture with the same image and color.

PURPOSE: continue to fix and name the 4 primary colors, develop thinking, memory, speaking.
GUIDE: The game is played with 2 children. A set of nesting dolls of red, green, blue color and, accordingly, the same color buckets are divided. First, the teacher shows which bucket each nesting doll needs. Then he invites the children to find a bucket for a nesting doll, to fix the name of the color of the nesting doll dress and bucket, to involve children in speech activity with various questions.

PURPOSE: Continue to develop motor skills of the hands, attention, thinking.
GUIDE: The game is played with 4-5 children. The teacher shows the plane, along the edges of which there are holes for bushings. Shows and discusses his actions, then offers to repeat what he saw to the children.

PURPOSE: To develop the motor skills of the hands, the ability to take beads with tweezers and arrange them according to external signs in cups, develop thinking, memory.
GUIDE: The game is played with 2 children because it requires a lot of attention. First, the teacher shows the actions with tweezers and beads, and then invites the children to sort the beads into cups.

PURPOSE: To form the ability to perform actions with shoving, develop the small muscles of the hands, develop thinking.
GUIDE: The game is played with a subgroup of 4-5 children. A child from another group comes and asks to help him lace up his shoes. The teacher performs the action. And then he distributes "boots" and laces to children and offers to lace up a boot for the doll.

PURPOSE: To continue to develop the sensory abilities of toddlers by looking for an object of a given color, fixing the 4 primary colors.
GUIDE: The game is played with 4-5 children. 2-3 colored dominoes are distributed to everyone. It is suggested that the children lay out the path, looking for dominoes of the same color as the color of the dominoes that the previous child laid.

PURPOSE: To learn to find the same geometric shapes (circle, triangle, square), but of different sizes.
GUIDE: The game is played with 4-5 children, each has planar images of a circle, triangle, square of different sizes and can be of different colors. The teacher offers to pick up their geometric shapes according to the show.


didactic games and manuals for the development of sensory abilities of young children


Early childhood is the most amenable to pedagogical influence period. Everything is mastered and known for the first time. There are still no skills, no ideas, no knowledge. But the predisposition to assimilation is great, the ability to learn is high, since there are innate mechanisms that serve as the basis for the formation of mental qualities that are characteristic only of a person. If you do not pay attention to certain areas that can be most successfully implemented at a particular age stage, then in the near future a delay in significant skills is almost inevitable.

Sensory education, aimed at the formation of a full-fledged perception of the surrounding reality, serves as the basis for cognition of the world, the first step of which is sensory experience. The success of mental, physical, aesthetic education largely depends on the level of sensory development of children, that is, on how perfectly the child hears, sees, and feels the environment.

The child at each age stage is the most sensitive to certain influences. In this regard, each age stage becomes favorable for further neuropsychic development and comprehensive education of a preschooler. The smaller the child, the more important sensory experience is in his life. At the stage of early childhood, familiarization with the properties of objects plays a decisive role. After all, it is not for nothing that early age is called the “golden time” of sensory education.

In the history of preschool pedagogy, at all stages of its development, this problem occupied one of the central places.

Today in stores a huge selection of educational games and toys. And yet, many teachers create their own, which are no less, and sometimes even more loved by children.

Didactic aids

"Magic Pasta"

Target: ensuring the accumulation of ideas about the color, shape and size of objects; development of small muscles of the hands.

"Hula Hup"

Target: development of aesthetic perception and perception of color in young children; increase in emotional tone.

"Wonderful Buttons"

Target: ensuring the accumulation of ideas about the shape and size of objects; development of small muscles of the hands.

This manual can be used both for individual work with a child and for independent activities of children, encourage them to name the shape and size of buttons.

"Sensor bag"

Designed for children and parents.


1. Develop tactile sensitivity of the fingers, fine motor skills of the fingers when fastening, unfastening, applying;

2. Introduce the shape of the object, color, size;

3. Introduce various materials (fabric, metal, paper, etc.).

1 adult shows a ladybug, examines it with the child, names the color, shape, pays attention to spots, offers to touch it, unfasten it. Examines geometric shapes, names color, shape, examines them.

Questions: what color is the triangle? Show me the red square Etc.

2 adult offers to consider flowers. "What a beautiful meadow", Show me a red flower? What colour? Take a red flower and fasten it to the red center, etc.

"Make a Path"

Target: Formation in children of ideas about sensory standards, the ability to group objects by color, shape, size, development of small muscles of the hands.

Equipment: Type-setting canvas made of cardboard with cards on the right and left sides and with holes for colored laces.

The game is designed for the joint activities of a teacher and a child aged 2-4 years.

Game progress: The teacher, together with the child, examines the cards, the teacher draws attention to their similarities and differences. Then the teacher opens the cards on both sides for color differentiation and connects one pair with a string. Then he invites the child to pick up the next pair of pictures using a lace of a different color. Then the same actions are performed with cards for the size and shape of objects.

This multifunctional manual can be used for classes not only in sensory development.

Game options: “Who lives where?”, “Treat the little animals”, “Find the mother for the cubs”, “Find the outline of the object”, “Let's dress up the dolls”.

Didactic games

"Hide Bunny"

Target: formation of ideas about color.

Material: houses of red, yellow, green, blue color (flat image). In every house, in the window - a bunny; fox (planar image); windows according to the color of the houses.

Game progress: the teacher offers the children to hide the bunnies from the fox - pick up the windows according to the color of the houses.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/584/images/image011_31.jpg" align="left" width="597 height=415" height="415">


Target: consolidate with the child the performance of targeted actions (open, close), exercise in drawing up a whole of two parts, continue to learn to name the primary colors.

Game progress: The teacher offers the child With having united the parts of the bottle, fold the halves of the drawings; name: the resulting drawing, the color of the objects

"Multicolor rugs"

Target: To fix color, shape, size with children, to develop fine motor skills of fingers.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/584/images/image014_29.jpg" align="left" width="636" height="466 src=">

The teacher, together with the children, consider what is in the bags, what objects, what color, size.

Each bag contains objects of a certain color, thus fixing the primary colors.

Flowers are placed on the basket in accordance with the color of the button. With the help of this game, the primary colors are fixed, fine motor skills of the fingers develop.

Development environment

Kindergarten is a special institution, it is practically a second home for its employees. And you always want to decorate your house, make it cozy and warm, unlike others. The desire to borrow something from work for home - in our country, alas, is not particularly surprising. But in kindergartens, an absolutely opposite process is observed: educators and managers carry things from home to kindergarten, and even involve relatives and friends in this.

The developing subject environment is a system of material objects of the child's activity, which functionally models the content of the development of his spiritual and physical appearance.

We can safely say that in our city the hands of teachers and parents have created unique versions of the developing environment. It is paradoxical, but true - the lack of material resources for the purchase of various equipment, games contributes to the development of creativity.

Most of the time in kindergarten, the child spends in a group, and kids generally rarely leave its limits. This means that the development of a preschooler largely depends on the rational organization of the subject environment in a group room. It matters here: the color of the walls and ceiling, the division of space into functional zones, the variety of games, toys and their age-appropriateness, the availability of space for independent games and privacy for a child who is tired of being forced to constantly communicate with peers.

In this collection, we propose to get acquainted with the subject-developing environment for sensory education on the example of MDOU d / s No. 000 "Electronics" of the combined type.

Didactic aids "Ladybug" and "Caterpillar".

Target: the formation of ideas about the color, shape, size of objects.

Didactic aids to enrich the sensory experience of children in the process of getting to know objects of different shapes, sizes and colors; development of small muscles of the hands

Didactic game

"Put the ball," kinder - egg "in your house"

Target: pay attention to the color of objects, group homogeneous objects by color, learn to match dissimilar objects by color. To fix the concept of color: red, blue, yellow, green.

Material: egg trays painted red, yellow, blue, green, plastic balls of the same color, collected in a bag.

At the first stage of learning to play, children are offered only two colors: blue and red, or yellow and green. As the colors are memorized, the game is played with three, four colors.

Developing environment in the first junior group

Multifunctional panel

Sports corner

Didactic game

"Give the elephant a flower"

Target: enrichment of sensory experience; development of small muscles of the hands

Game progress: the teacher invites the child to find and “give” the baby elephant (toy) a flower of blue (red) color.

Didactic game

"Decorate the Christmas Tree"

Target: development of fine motor skills of fingers, the ability to use a clothespin; development of attention, observation, the size of the object.

Material: trihedral Christmas trees made of cardboard, multi-colored clothespins.

The teacher offers to take a clothespin of any color or take a clothespin only blue, red, yellow, green and fasten it to the Christmas tree.

Didactic game

"Dim Pens" or "Magic Cubes"

Target: to teach a child to fasten and unfasten buttons, lace up and unlace, fasten the lock, development of attention, perseverance.

Didactic aids

"Sun" and "Hedgehog"

Target: formation of ideas about sensory standards.

These benefits are used to develop the small muscles of the hands. The child is invited to choose from multi-colored clothespins the rays for the sun and the needles for the hedgehog.

In the process of actions with objects, the child learns to distinguish their shape. The kid needs to be taught such actions in which he could understand that the result of his activity depends on the ability to determine the form. Therefore, the first games and exercises should be based on practical actions that require reliance on the shape of objects.



Didactic games for young children

In the process of actions with objects, the child learns to distinguish their shape. The kid needs to be taught such actions in which he could understand that the result of his activity depends on the ability to determine the form. Therefore, the first games and exercises should be based on practical actions that require reliance on the shape of objects. The child may not yet highlight the form visually, and even more so not know its name. The method of orientation in the task here is the samples that need to be taught to the child. In the future, he isolates the form visually. At first, he does not do it accurately enough, checking with the help of another method - trying on. Only on the basis of prolonged use of methods of trials and fitting in a variety of situations and on a variety of objects can a child develop a full-fledged visual perception of the form, the ability to isolate it from an object and correlate it with the form of other objects.

Let us give examples of didactic games that take into account the above requirements for the organization of developmental interaction between an adult and a young child.

Hide the mouse from the cat.

Target: Learn to distinguish colors.

Equipment: Flat houses made of cardboard, painted in different colors. Planar image of a cat and a mouse.

Dictionary: Cat (meow - meow), mouse (pi - pee - pee), house, door, well, hide.

Game progress.

  1. Org. moment.

Riddles: Furry, mustachioed,

Drinks milk, sings songs.


Lives in a mink - gnaws crusts,

Afraid of cats.


  1. Work on the topic.

The appearance of the mouse (squeaks). The mouse asks to hide it from the cat in the house. It is necessary to close the door of the house, otherwise the cat will find the mouse: "We need to find a door of the same color as the house." The child hides the mouse in the house, picks up a door of the same color as the house. Then a cat appears, runs around the house, looking for a mouse, but does not find it.

  1. Outcome.

Pay attention that the child hid the mouse well, correctly selected the doors to the houses (all the houses and doors are the same - the same color).

Find a flower for a butterfly.

Target: Learn to distinguish colors (denoting the result with the words “such”, “not such”).

Equipment: Flowers cut out of cardboard. Butterflies cut out of cardboard.

Dictionary: Butterfly, flower, look, listen, the same, not the same.

Game progress.

1. Org. moment.

The teacher asks the child to close their eyes. On the table, the teacher lays out butterflies and flowers. Ask the child to open their eyes. And he says that many beautiful butterflies have flown into the meadow of flowers.

2. Work on the topic.

Looking at butterflies. Examining flowers.

Explanation by the teacher of the task: "Butterflies want to find their flowers - to sit on such a flower so that they are not visible, and no one could catch them." The teacher gives a sample (shows): "A yellow butterfly sat on a yellow flower."

  1. Summary of the game.

Help the Hedgehog collect mushrooms.

Target: Distinguish colors, acquaint with the name of colors, development of fine motor skills.

Equipment: Hedgehog, Velcro mushrooms, pictures with painted mushrooms.

Dictionary: Hedgehog, mushrooms, hat, okay, color name: red, yellow, orange.

Game progress.

  1. Org. moment.

The teacher asks the children who was in the forest (what grows in the forest: trees, berries, mushrooms), what animals collect mushrooms (squirrel, hedgehog).

  1. Work on the topic.

Hedgehog comes to the children, he asks to help him pick mushrooms.

Option 1: The teacher shows the child a picture of a mushroom and says that the child must collect all the mushrooms of the same color as the hat in the picture is drawn.

Option 2: The teacher asks the children to collect mushrooms only those who have a red hat, a yellow hat (i.e., according to verbal instructions).

  1. Summary of the game.

Evaluation of the child's activity.

The hedgehog thanks the child for helping him pick the mushrooms. The teacher encourages the children: “Look how many mushrooms the Hedgehog has collected, let's say what color they are” (the child names the color). You can count which mushrooms are more: red, yellow, orange.

Let's make a picture.

Target: To teach visually and by word to make a choice, correlation of values, develop attention.

Equipment: A large sheet of paper with a contour image printed on it (a butterfly, a bear, a mushroom). Cut out images of these objects from colored paper, exactly matching the contours of the drawings.

Dictionary: Butterfly, bear, mushroom; small big.

Game progress.

  1. Org. moment.

The teacher gives riddles to children:

He sleeps in a den in winter,

Under the big pine

And when spring comes

Wakes up from sleep. (bear).

Above the flower flutters, dances

Wings flapping. (butterfly).

I'm standing on a thick leg

I have a beautiful hat -

I grow under the pine. (Mushroom).

Then the teacher distributes contour images to the children (big bear - small bear, big butterfly - small butterfly, big mushroom - small mushroom).

  1. Work on the topic.

Working with stencils.

The teacher asks: “Who has a big bear?” (shows a stencil). The child says: “I have” (or raises his hand), - then he must apply a stencil to the contour image.

  1. Results.

Evaluation of the child's activity.

Air balloons.

Target: Learn to distinguish different colors, choose a color according to the model, develop attention.

Equipment: Picture with the image of a bear, a hare. Multi-colored balls cut out of cardboard.

Dictionary: Teddy bear, bunny, balloon, thread; color name.

Game progress.

  1. Org. moment.

Work on the development of fine motor skills.

Finger gymnastics.

We inflate the balloon

We inflate big -

Suddenly, the ball burst -

The air is out

He became thin and thin.

(We connect the fingers of both hands).

  1. Work on the topic.

Looking at a picture of a bear and a hare. The teacher says that their balloons have flown away, you need to help the animals: “Find a balloon of the same color as a thread. Green thread - green ball.

  1. Summary of the game.

Evaluation of the child's activity.

The teacher asks the child: what color are the balls of the Mishka, the Bunny. Who has more balls?

Multicolored trains.

Target: Color discrimination, development of fine motor skills.

Equipment: 2 trains, 2 wagons, cut out of colored cardboard.

Dictionary: Train - choo - choo - choo, wagon, the same, not the same, the same.

Game progress.

  1. Org. moment.

The teacher says: Choo-choo-choo - here is our train going,

The wheels are knocking - choo - choo - choo.

(demonstration of a train with a wagon).

  1. Work on the topic.

Examining a train, a carriage: “This is a train. And this is a wagon. The train has wheels, windows. The train is red, and what color is the carriage? (red). The train and wagon are the same color. Equally." Then the teacher unhooks the car from the train, gives another train and car. He asks the child to attach the wagon to the train: “Assemble the same way. The wagon and the train should be of the same color.

  1. Summary of the game.

The teacher draws attention to the fact that one red train and a red car are “the same”. Another blue train and a blue carriage - "the same".

Lotto (color recognition).

Target: Learn to distinguish between different colors, continue to choose a color according to the sample.

Equipment: loto sheets of different colors with two slots, tabs of the same colors.

Dictionary: I have this, color, right, the name of the color, look carefully.

Game progress.

  1. Org. moment.
  2. Work on the topic.

The teacher distributes lotto sheets to the children. Then the teacher raises one small card (tab) and asks: Who has this? (that color?) You can ask if the child chose the right color.

  1. Summary of the game.

Evaluation of the child's activity: “Look carefully, what color are you? - And which one did I show?

Make a track.

Target: Consolidate knowledge of the names of forms, consistently move the object along the intended path.

Equipment: Bunny cut out of cardboard. A large sheet with a contour image of geometric shapes. Geometric shapes cut out of cardboard (stencils).

Dictionary: hare, path, the name of geometric shapes.

Game progress.

  1. Org. moment.

The teacher asks the children what geometric shapes they know. The children are called.

  1. Work on the topic.

The teacher explains: "The bunny needs to go to the forest, let's help him - let's make a path." Children are looking at a track on which a contour image of geometric shapes is drawn. The teacher addresses each child: "You must name these geometric shapes." The child names the shape (geometric figure) and puts a stencil on the contour image.

  1. Outcome.

Evaluation of the activity of each child: "The bunny is glad that you helped him - he made a track." "Let's call the geometric shapes again."

Where will Bunny go?

Target: Same.

Equipment: Hare cut out of cardboard. A large sheet of paper with the image of a house, a forest, geometric shapes. Cards with the image of different shapes (geometric shapes).

Dictionary: Bunny, house, forest, path, name of forms (geometric shapes).

Game progress.

  1. Org. moment

Guess who came to visit us today:

Long ears, loves carrots. (Hare).

  1. Work on the topic.

Examining the paths: “The bunny will go to the house along this path - look carefully, there are shapes on it: first a triangle, then what shape? (circle) and then a square. And into the forest along this path - there are forms on it, first - a circle, then which one? (square) and then a triangle. These cards will show us the way, different shapes are drawn on them, we take them, name which shape and say where the bunny will go.

If the child takes a card and names a form, but this form is not on the track, then he takes the next one or skips a move.

  1. Game results.

Evaluation of the child's activity.

Pay attention to whether the child knows the name of the shapes (geometric shapes).


Target: To continue to acquaint children with the relativity of the sizes of objects, to teach them to correlate them in size visually and by imposing.

Equipment: Houses cut out of cardboard. Animals cut out of cardboard (giraffe, elephant, turtle).

Dictionary: Zoo, house, animals: giraffe, elephant, turtle; big, small, tall.

Game progress.

  1. Org. moment.

The teacher makes riddles:

Quickly hiding from fear

In a hard shell ... (Turtle)

That's the neck! Above the closet!

Spotted ... (Giraffe).

He raises his trunk...

Who is this? This is an elephant).

(when the children guess the riddles, the teacher shows the animals).

  1. Work on the topic.

The teacher says that all these animals live in the zoo: “They brought them new homes, we need to help the animals find their home correctly.” Then he shows the children houses. Children seat animals in cages, visually correlating them in size (a giraffe is tall - he needs a high house, a turtle is the least of all and she needs a small house).

  1. Summary of the game.

Evaluation of activity by the teacher. You can ask the children to draw their own houses for these animals.

DOU "Scarlet Flower"


Educator: Salahutdinova Elena Anatolyevna

Neryungri 2007


In the first years of life, children undergo very significant changes in their development. Already in the first year of life, a child is able to take and hold objects, and later perform a number of different actions: hold a cup and drink from it, eat with a spoon, close and open boxes, string rings on a rod, and much more. By two - two and a half years, he masters walking, running well, can climb a small hill and go down from it.

In early childhood, children acquire the ability to distinguish objects by their external features (shape, size, color, etc.) and to act correctly with them.

In early childhood, the child masters the greatest achievement of mankind - speech. In the second year, he understands the speech addressed to him, he begins to speak himself, and by the age of three he speaks quite freely with others.

This turbulent process does not happen by itself, only due to the natural capabilities of the body. For the correct development of the child, the active influence of the surrounding adults on him is necessary.

A small child learns a lot by direct imitation of the people around him, as well as by direct contact with various objects. This self-acquired experience is of great educational value: it awakens curiosity, mental activity, delivers many concrete impressions.

But the most favorable development of the child proceeds under the influence of thoughtful upbringing and education, carried out taking into account the age characteristics of children. In order for young children to master the necessary movements, speech, and various vital skills, they must be taught this.

The value of early teaching influence has long been noticed by the people; he created nursery rhymes, nursery rhymes, toys and games that amuse and teach a small child.

The people created wonderful works - nursery rhymes, jokes, so that children in the game with a word learn the intricacies of their native language. Some jokes encourage you to imitate simple sound combinations, to master different intonations of speech. Others include indispensable material for children to practice making sounds.

Reasonably designed motor aids and toys - a barrier table, a trolley - help the child to stand firmly on his feet, to take his first steps more confidently.

Rich opportunities for sensory development and improvement of manual dexterity are fraught with folk toys: turrets, nesting dolls, tumblers, collapsible balls, eggs and many others. Children are attracted by the colorfulness of these toys, the fun of actions with them. While playing, the child acquires the ability to act on the basis of distinguishing the shape, size, color of objects, master a variety of new movements, actions. And all this kind of teaching elementary knowledge and skills is carried out in forms that are fascinating, accessible to the child.

Folk wisdom has created a didactic game, which is the most suitable form of learning for a small child.

A lot can be taught to a child in the process of everyday communication with him at home, during routine processes, as well as on walks, in games. But the most active form of educational influence is didactically directed classes, games and exercises specially organized by the educator. On them, the teacher has the opportunity to systematically, gradually complicating the material, develop the perception of children, provide them with available information, form skills and some important qualities. The child, while playing, imperceptibly acquires the information and skills that the adult considers necessary to give him.

The game form of education is the leading one at the stage of early childhood. But already at this age she is not the only one. In the second year of life, the attention of the child is attracted by many things that surround him: the child can look at pictures for a long time, pets, vehicles moving on the street. He watches with interest the actions of adults. In order to satisfy the awakening interest of children in the environment, to direct their attention to certain phenomena, to give the necessary information, explanations, the teacher needs to organize independent observations of the environment with the children and talk with them about what they saw.

Didactic games and exercises will give a good result only if the educator clearly understands what tasks can be solved in the process of their implementation and what are the features of their organization at the stage of early childhood.

Didactic games and exercises are very important for the mental education of young children. During their conduct, the child develops important qualities necessary for successful mental development; Gradually, the ability to focus on what an adult shows and says to him is brought up. Based on the ability and inclination of young children to imitate, the teacher encourages them to reproduce the actions shown, the words spoken.

The development of concentration and the ability to imitate is a necessary condition for the assimilation of information and skills by children. This is one of the important tasks that must be solved during games, especially since not all children equally master these qualities.

Causing imitation of his actions and words, the educator teaches children to carefully look, listen, understand and, to the best of their ability, do what is required of them.

Attracting the attention of children, arousing their interest, the educator lays the first beginnings in the development of such an important thing as curiosity. Getting food for his mind, a small child willingly participates in games and activities, waits for them, rejoices in them. In the game and in the classroom, a child, accustomed to listen to an adult, to look at what is shown to him, acquires certain knowledge. He learns a lot about different objects: about their purpose, appearance, properties, such as shape, color, size, weight, quality of material, etc. His perception develops and improves.

Showing, telling the children, the educator reveals to them the world of phenomena of nature and labor of the elders accessible to their understanding (household work of adults and older children), introduces them to some means of transportation. A child cannot understand all these phenomena without an explanatory word from an adult. Therefore, in the classroom and in the irga, the task is to teach children to listen and understand the speech addressed to them and to use the speech themselves.

Children learn especially well information about the objects and phenomena around them when they have the opportunity not only to contemplate, but also to act actively. Children gradually learn to assemble and disassemble turrets, folding bowls, nesting dolls, etc., build simple structures from cubes, use a stick, spatula, scoop, wooden hammer. In progress. This activity in children develops purposefulness, activity and some regularity of actions.

Didactic games and exercises have a certain significance in the moral education of children. They gradually develop the ability to act in a peer environment, which is not easy at first. First, the child learns to do something next to other children, without disturbing them, without taking away toys from them and without being distracted himself. Then he will get used to joint activities with other children: watch toys, pictures, animals together, dance together, walk, etc. The first interest in the actions of another child, the joy of common experiences, is born.

Also, some restraint, organization, purposefulness of behavior are gradually formed, the achievement of a result causes a feeling of joy. Children develop the skills of careful use of a toy, a picture and a careful attitude towards them. Already at this stage, it is possible to form the first relationship to the environment, interest in the labor activities of adults, the desire to somehow participate in their activities; when looking at pictures, one can evoke sympathy for the character, for example, for a girl who has fallen and is crying, etc.

Didactic games and exercises are also important for the aesthetic education of young children. The selection and design of didactic material, toys, pictures should serve the purpose of educating good taste, love for beauty. The content of some games and exercises is directly aimed at fulfilling the tasks of artistic education: listening to fairy tales, nursery rhymes, poems, music, etc.

When conducting didactic games and exercises, the educator must remember that children should not be overworked, it is always necessary to monitor the correct posture of the child, and children should not be taken for observation to places where they may be in any danger.

It is very important to remember that didactically games and exercises should create a good mood in children, cause joy: the child rejoices that he has learned something new, rejoices at his achievement, the ability to pronounce a word, do something, achieve a result, rejoices at the first joint with other children actions and experiences. This joy is the key to the successful development of children at an early age and is of great importance for further education.


For the successful development of children, it is important that they acquire vital information about the objects and phenomena around them from childhood. In the second year of life, when children move freely, they constantly encounter various objects, they need to have some ideas about the properties and purpose of these objects, about how they should be handled. These are, first of all, toys and some household items. All these impressions are of great importance for the mental development of the child and the formation of his speech, the education of feelings.


PURPOSE: Continue to develop the sensory abilities of babies, be able to distinguish objects by length, use “long - short”, “longer - shorter” in speech, develop imagination, thinking.
GUIDE: The game is played with 2-3 people. First, we consider the ribbons in length, then the children are offered cards and planar sticks of different lengths and colors. By unfolding, the child determines where the long and short sticks are.
PURPOSE: To be able to perform actions with geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle), insert shapes, develop memory, thinking, attention.
GUIDE: The game is played with a subgroup of 4-5 children. The teacher first shows geometric shapes, names them and shows the children how to insert them into stencils. During the game, constantly fix the name of the figures - circle, square, triangle.
PURPOSE: To develop observation, attention, memory and sensory abilities, the ability to tell what color the disc is missing.
D / I "NIKITIN'S CUBE"[/color]
(see colored dominoes)
PURPOSE: Consolidation of 4 primary colors (red, yellow, blue, green
PURPOSE: To continue to develop the sensory abilities of children, to consolidate the 4 primary colors, the ability to name flowers by showing.
GUIDE: The game is played with 4-5 people. First, the teacher shows the children large illustrations of flowers of different colors. Children tell what color these flowers are. Then the teacher distributes small cards to the children, having examined them, offers to show the same flower that the teacher shows.
PURPOSE: To develop and consolidate the sensory abilities of children, the ability to stencil a circle, square, triangle on a white sheet, fix the primary colors.
GUIDE: First, the teacher shows the children (2-3 people) stencils of geometric shapes. The children consider what color, then the teacher shows how he hatches on a white sheet of paper with the same pencil as the stencil. The teacher distributes paper, stencils, pencils, and he himself observes that the children correctly select the color of the pencil for the stencil.
D / I "ONE - MANY"
PURPOSE: To develop the first mathematical abilities, develop attention, thinking, the ability to distinguish the color of objects.
GUIDE: Games are played with 2-3 children. The teacher shows on the magnetic board pictures of toys one, many, fixes the color. Then he invites the children to find and attach the same pictures according to the show.


PURPOSE: Continue to develop the small muscles of the hands, consolidate knowledge of color, develop attention, imagination.
GUIDE: The game is played with 2-3 people. The “grandmother” comes and complains that the kittens have unwound all the balls, invites the kids to wind up each ball, and then hang the clothespins on the handle of the basket. Engage children in ongoing activities.
PURPOSE: To continue to develop the ability to distinguish geometric shapes by size, to develop colloquial speech, thinking, memory, the ability to distinguish between primary colors.
GUIDE: The game is played with 2 children. The teacher shows a set of geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle) of different colors, and offers to show first a large figure, a smaller one, then a small one. You can complicate the game with questions: “Show a small red triangle”; "Big yellow circle"; “Smaller yellow square”, etc. at the discretion of the teacher's imagination.
PURPOSE: To continue to consolidate the children's sensory abilities of color, the ability to pipette as directed and drip into cells by color, develop memory, thinking.
GUIDE: The game is played with 2 children. The teacher shows jars of multi-colored gouache. First 2 colors, by the end of the year 4 primary colors. Gives each drawing and a palette with cells by color. Shows actions. Then he invites the children, according to the verbal index, to type in a jar and drip into the cells without mixing colors. Each action is negotiated with each child.

PURPOSE: To continue to consolidate the ability to find the desired geometric shape (circle, square, triangle), develop thinking, colloquial speech, the ability to name the color of the figure.
GUIDE: The game is played with 2-3 people. need to focus the attention of the children. Bunny comes to visit and brings a box with geometric shapes, asks the children to tell what it is. First, the teacher shows the figure and its color separately. Then he distributes sets of figures to children and, according to his own show, asks to show the child, constantly involving him in speech activity.
PURPOSE: To teach to distinguish, name and show pictures by the color of objects, to develop the sensory abilities of children.
GUIDE: The lesson is conducted with 5-6 people. Each child has an image of objects on the table (toys, flowers, clothes of different colors). The teacher shows either a picture of a certain color or an object of the same color. The child must show his picture with the same image and color.
PURPOSE: continue to fix and name the 4 primary colors, develop thinking, memory, speaking.
GUIDE: The game is played with 2 children. A set of nesting dolls of red, green, blue color and, accordingly, the same color buckets are divided. First, the teacher shows which bucket each nesting doll needs. Then he invites the children to find a bucket for a nesting doll, to fix the name of the color of the nesting doll dress and bucket, to involve children in speech activity with various questions.
PURPOSE: Continue to develop motor skills of the hands, attention, thinking.
GUIDE: The game is played with 4-5 children. The teacher shows the plane, along the edges of which there are holes for bushings. Shows and discusses his actions, then offers to repeat what he saw to the children.
PURPOSE: To develop the motor skills of the hands, the ability to take beads with tweezers and arrange them according to external signs in cups, develop thinking, memory.
GUIDE: The game is played with 2 children because it requires a lot of attention. First, the teacher shows the actions with tweezers and beads, and then invites the children to sort the beads into cups.
PURPOSE: To teach to perform actions with shovka, to develop the small muscles of the hands, to develop thinking.
GUIDE: The game is played with a subgroup of 4-5 children. A child from another group comes and asks to help him lace up his shoes. The teacher performs the action. And then he distributes "boots" and laces to children and offers to lace up a boot for the doll.
PURPOSE: To consolidate the ability to act with objects and arrange caps according to the same color.
PURPOSE: Development of sensory abilities, the ability to act with pyramids of various shapes, following the sequence in collecting.
PURPOSE: To consolidate the ability to act with objects, develop motor skills: hands, train in distinguishing 4 primary colors (red, yellow, blue, green).
PURPOSE: To continue to develop the sensory abilities of toddlers by looking for an object of a given color, fixing the 4 primary colors.
GUIDE: The game is played with 4-5 children. 2-3 colored dominoes are distributed to everyone. It is suggested that children lay out a track, looking for dominoes of the same color as the color of the domino put by the previous child.
PURPOSE: To continue to develop the motor skills of the hands, the ability to use switches, hecks, latches, hooks.
PURPOSE: To consolidate the sensory abilities of children, the ability to select the desired color of corks or beads according to the sample and lay out the pattern on the sample.
PURPOSE: To learn to find the same geometric shapes (circle, triangle, square), but of different sizes.
GUIDE: The game is played with 4-5 children, each has planar images of a circle, triangle, square of different sizes and can be of different colors. The teacher offers to pick up their geometric shapes according to the show.

1 .Didactic game "What's in the bag?"

Target: to consolidate the ability of children to name vegetables and their color; develop visual memory, attention.

Material: "magic bag", vegetables.

Game progress:

The teacher invites the children to take turns extracting a vegetable from the “magic bag”, name it and color. The teacher can offer, without looking into the bag, to find what he says. All children take turns playing.

2. Didactic game "Cockerel-golden comb»

Target : learn to distinguish and name primary colors; repeat simple and relatively complex phrases.
Game progress:
In front of the children on the board is a beautiful cockerel without a tail. Nearby on the table are feathers for the tail of four primary colors: red, yellow, green, blue.
The teacher shows the children an image of a rooster with a bright fluffy tail. He explains that the first cockerel also wants to have a beautiful tail and asks the kids to give him feathers: red, green, blue, yellow (shows).
“First, I’ll give you a feather,” the teacher says. “Cockerel, which feather should I give you?”
"Red" - the cockerel answers.
The teacher finds a red feather. And then the children choose a feather.
If the child is wrong, the cockerel crows: Ku-ka-re-ku. I want a green feather!
In conclusion, the children admire the beautiful cock's tail. “I have a beautiful tail!” - the cockerel rejoices. "Very, very beautiful!" - confirm the children and the teacher.
The cockerel is happy, says the teacher, listen to a poem about him:

The cockerel is coming
red scallop,
tail patterns,
Boots with spurs
double beard,
frequent walking,
He gets up early in the morning
Sings red songs.

3. Didactic game "In which house is the testicle?"

to form the ability to distinguish and correctly name the 4 primary colors;

to teach to combine a testicle with a cell, to perform correlative actions (a guide by color); act purposefully, consistently: from left to right, without skipping cells; develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Material: We paint over the cells of the container for eggs with the main colors. Capsules from Kinder Surprise painted over in the same colors.
Game progress: Guys, look at the beautiful testicles. Someone scattered them. Let's collect them. It turns out a bright and beautiful manual.
Children should arrange the testicles in houses, according to their color.
If possible, name the color of the testicles and the color of the houses.

4. Didactic game "Vegetable shop"

Target: Expand ideas about shape and size; develop the skills of comparing objects; the ability to choose the right vegetables for customers. Game progress The teacher invites the children to the vegetable store. There are a lot of goods on the counter: beets, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes. Invites children to work in the store as sellers. The store manager, the dog, invites the sellers and gives them a task: to arrange the goods in baskets so that buyers can quickly buy them: to select round-shaped vegetables in the baskets. If the children make a mistake, the dog will bark angrily. Game variant. You can offer children to deliver vegetables from the vegetable base by car to kindergartens, shops (select only red vegetables; pack vegetables of larger and smaller sizes)


Purpose: To develop auditory attention, replenish the active vocabulary, develop phrasal speech.

Equipment: Screen, bell, tambourine, hammer, "noise maker", drum, etc.

Progress: The teacher behind the screen in turn makes sounds with the above listed objects and invites the children to guess which object made the sound. Sounds should be clear and contrast so that the child can guess them. (Fig.1)


Purpose: To develop the ability to switch auditory attention. Develop coordination of movements, the ability to correlate their actions with the sound of a tambourine.

Equipment: Tambourine, two flags.

Move: The child has two flags in his hands. If the teacher rings the tambourine loudly, the kid raises the flags up and waves them, and if the tambourine sounds quiet, he lowers the flags down.

It is important to monitor the correct posture of children and the precise execution of movements. You need to alternate the loud and quiet sound of the tambourine no more than 4 times so that the child can easily perform the exercise.


Purpose: To develop hearing acuity, the ability to correctly perceive verbal instructions, regardless of the strength of the voice in which it is pronounced.

Equipment: Doll, teddy bear, car.

Stroke: The teacher sits near the table on which the toys lie. The child is at a distance of 2 - 3 meters from him. The teacher warns the child: “I will speak in a whisper, so you need to sit quietly so that you can hear. Be attentive!" Then he says:

Take the bear and put it in the car.

Take the bear out of the car.

Put the doll in the car.

Take the doll to the car.

The child must hear, understand and fulfill these instructions. Tasks should be given short and simple, and pronounce them quietly, but very clearly. (Fig.2)


Purpose: To develop the ability to switch auditory attention, perform actions according to the different sound of the tambourine.

Equipment: Tambourine, pictures depicting children walking in the bright sun and running away from the rain.

Stroke: The teacher says: “Now we will go for a walk. There is no rain, the sun is shining. You walk, and I will ring a tambourine. If it starts to rain, I will knock on a tambourine, and you, having heard a knock, run into the house. Listen carefully when the tambourine rings, and when I will knock on it. You can repeat the game, changing the sound of the tambourine 3-4 times.


Purpose: To develop the focus of auditory attention, the ability to determine the direction of sound, navigate in space.

Equipment: Bell.

Stroke: The child closes his eyes, and the teacher quietly stands away from him (left, right, behind) and rings the bell. The child, without opening his eyes, must indicate the direction from where the sound comes from. If the kid is wrong, he guesses again. The game is repeated 4-5 times. It is necessary to ensure that the child does not open his eyes. Indicating the direction of the sound, he must turn to face the place from which the sound is heard. You don't have to call very loudly.


Purpose: To develop stable auditory attention, the ability to distinguish instruments by ear by their sound.

Equipment: Drum, tambourine, pipe, etc.

Progress: The teacher shows the child musical instruments in turn, clarifies their names and introduces them to their sound. When the teacher is convinced that the baby has learned the name and remembered the sound of the instruments, the toys are removed behind the screen. The teacher repeats the game on different instruments there, and the kid tries to guess by the sound, "whose song is heard."


Purpose: To develop the ability to change the strength of the voice: speak either loudly or quietly.

Equipment: Large and small dogs or other toys.

Stroke: The teacher shows two dogs and says: “The big dog barks loudly:“ Av-av. How does a big dog bark? (child repeats loudly). And the little dog barks softly: "Aw-wow." How does a small dog bark? (child repeats quietly).


Purpose: To develop the ability to use a loud voice.

Equipment: Teddy bear, bunny, fox or other animals.

Stroke: At a distance of 2 - 3 meters from the baby, the teacher arranges toys and says: “It’s boring for a bear, a bunny and a fox to sit alone. Let's invite them to play with us. In order for them to hear us, you need to call loudly, like this: “Bear, go!”. The kid, together with the teacher, calls the bear, bunny and fox and plays with them. It is important to ensure that the child calls toys loudly, but does not scream.


Purpose: To develop the ability to use a quiet voice.

Equipment: Doll with closing eyes, bed with bedding, small toys (cube, ball, car, etc.), toy box.

Stroke: The teacher says, pointing to the bed with the sleeping doll: “Katya walked a lot, got tired, had lunch and fell asleep. And we need to put away the toys, but very quietly so as not to wake Katya. Tell me quietly which toy should be put in the box. The child quietly names the toy. It is important to ensure that the baby speaks quietly, but does not whisper. (Fig. 3)


Purpose: To develop the ability to use a loud or quiet voice depending on the situation.

Equipment: 2 pictures, one of which shows a light breeze shaking the truck, flowers, and the other shows a strong wind shaking the trees.

Stroke: The teacher shows the child a picture of a breeze and says: “In the summer we went for a walk in the forest. A light breeze blows and sways the grass and flowers. It blows quietly, quietly, like this: “uuuu” (the sound is pronounced quietly and for a long time). Then he shows a picture depicting a strong wind and says: “Suddenly a strong wind blew, it loudly hummed “oooo” (the sound is pronounced loudly and for a long time).” The kid repeats after the teacher how a light breeze blows and how a strong wind hums. It is important to ensure that, while repeating after him, the child observes the same power of voice.

Games that develop speech breathing

Well-placed speech breathing ensures the correct pronunciation of sounds, words and phrases.

In order to learn to pronounce many sounds, the child must take a strong enough breath through the mouth.

Below are exercises in which the child is invited to blow on various objects in a playful way. Such games will help the child achieve a smooth breath and quickly master the "difficult" sounds, develop speech breathing. These exercises are useful in violation of the fluency and tempo of speech.


Purpose: To develop the ability to exhale air through the mouth for a long time and smoothly, to activate the muscles of the lips.

Course: The exercise is carried out on the street. The teacher offers the child to pick a faded dandelion and blow on it so that all the fluffs fly off. The child can do this by blowing on the flower 3-4 times. It is important to monitor the correct exhalation. Use the art word.

Dandelion, what the hell

You are like a cloud.

It's scary to even look at.

No matter how the cloud blows away.

(G. Vieru)


Purpose: To develop speech breathing and sound apparatus.

Move: Several people play. They become a close circle and inflate an imaginary bubble, blow into fists, made up one by one with a “tube”.

"Inflate, bubble, inflate big,

Stay like this, but don't burst!

Then the big bubble is blown away (the children pronounce the sound “t-s-s-s-s” for a long time. The game resumes.


Purpose: To develop speech breathing, to form the ability to make a smooth and long exhalation (without getting air).

Equipment: A few loose pieces of cotton.

Stroke: The teacher shows a piece of cotton wool and says: “It is snowing outside. There is snowfall. Let's have a snowfall as a group." Then he puts a “snowflake” on the palm of the child and shows how to blow. Then the child blows. The exercise is performed 2-3 times. (Fig.4)

Snow, snow is spinning

White all street!

We gathered in a circle

Rolled up like snow.

(A. Barto)


Purpose: To teach smooth, free exhalation.

Equipment: Yellow and red leaves cut out of thin paper.

Stroke: The teacher explains to the child that leaves fall from the trees in autumn. This phenomenon is called leaf fall. Offers to arrange leaf fall at home. The child blows on the leaves so that they fly. The exercise is repeated 2-3 times.

Purpose: To develop a long, directed, smooth oral exhalation. Activate the muscles of the lips.

Equipment: Figures of birds cut out of thin paper and brightly colored.

Move: Two birds are seated on the table at the very edge at a distance of 30 cm from each other. Two children sit opposite the birds. At the signal “The birds have flown!”, the children begin to blow on the figures of birds. It is important to ensure that children do not puff out their cheeks when they blow on the birds; shouldn't stress too much.


Purpose: To develop a long continuous oral exhalation.

Equipment: 2 - 3 brightly colored paper butterflies (a thread 50 cm long is tied to each butterfly and attached to a cord at a distance of 30 cm from each other. The cord is pulled between two racks so that the butterflies have fun at the level of the child's face.)

Stroke: The teacher invites the child to blow on the butterflies so that they fly. It is important to ensure that the child stands straight, does not raise his shoulders when inhaling, blows on one exhalation, without getting air, does not puff out his cheeks, and slightly pushes his lips forward. The baby should blow for no more than 10 seconds with pauses so that the head does not spin. (Fig.5)


Fly to the cloud

There are your children

On a birch branch!


Stroke: Develop a long, directed, smooth oral exhalation. Activate the muscles of the lips.

Equipment: Basin with water and paper boats.

Move: The basin with water should stand so that it is convenient for the child to blow on the boat. The teacher explains that in order for the boat to move, it must be blown smoothly and for a long time.

wind, wind,

Pull on the sail!

Drive the ship

To the Volga River!

(Russian folk sentence)


Equipment: 4-5 toys (car, ball, pyramid, doll, book, etc.).

Move: Toys are placed on the table or carpet. The teacher asks the child to bring, for example, a typewriter. If he is wrong, the teacher points to the right subject. Then he asks what it is. The kid answers. Or: “This is a car. Repeat". The child names an object or uses substitute objects: “bee-bee”. The game is repeated.


Equipment: Toys and objects in their proper places in the group room.

Course: The game is played like the previous one, but with the difference that the child is invited to find the indicated toy or object in the group.


Course: The teacher asks the child to follow a simple instruction. For example: “Put the doll to sleep”, “Shake the bear”, “Throw the ball into the basket”, etc. If the kid can’t cope, then the teacher helps him, commenting on his actions and the actions of the child during the game. After each instruction, the teacher asks the question: “What did you do?”


Stroke: The teacher invites the child to put the toys in their place. He says, “What is this? (a car). Where should the car be parked? (on the shelf). Put the car on the shelf. Or: “What is this? (doll). Where should the doll sit? (on the bed). Put the doll on the bed”, etc. After that, the teacher emphasizes that the group is in order, all the toys are in their places.


Purpose: To develop speech hearing and the ability to imitate sound.

Equipment: Toy rooster, chicken, cat, dog, cow.

Stroke: The teacher expressively reads the poem and shows the appropriate toys.


I guard chickens.


Ran down in the bushes.


I'm scared of chickens!

Am-am! Who's there?


Rain tomorrow morning!


Milk to whom?

(A. Barto)

After reading the poem, the teacher asks the child questions: “How does the cow moo?”, “How does the dog bark?”, “How does the duck quack?” etc.


Purpose: To fix the correct sound pronunciation. To develop speech hearing and speech activity, the ability to pronounce sounds and sound combinations by imitation.

Equipment: Large doll, rooster, cat, duck, bear, frog.

Stroke: The teacher accompanies his story with a display of character toys; clearly pronounces onomatopoeia and achieves this from the child when answering questions about the story.

The girl sang a song

She sang and sang and sang.

Now you, cockerel, sing!

Ku-ka-re-ku! crowed the cockerel.

You sing, murka!

Meow meow, the cat sang.

Your turn, duck!

Quack-quack-quack, - the duck dragged on!

And you, Mishka?

Roar-roar-roar, - the bear growled.

You, frog, sing

Kwak-kwak-kwak, - the frog croaked.

And you, doll, will you sing?

Mom mom!

Sweet song!

(G. Gerbova)

At the end of the story, the child is asked questions: “How does the cat sing? How does Mishka sing? (Fig.6)


Purpose: To develop onomatopoeia, orientation in space.

Equipment: Hats for hens and chickens (according to the number of children)

Stroke: The teacher depicts a chicken, and the children are chickens. "Chickens" with "chickens" walk across the lawns and "peck grains" (knock their fingers on the floor).

The hen went out for a walk

Pinch fresh grass

And behind her guys

Yellow chickens.

Ko-ko-ko ko-ko-ko,

Don't go far

Row with your paws,

Looking for grains!

(T. Volgina)

It is important to ensure that the children talk to the teacher, clearly pronounce the sound combinations “ko-ko-ko”. (Fig.7)


Purpose: To fix the pronunciation of sounds by imitation.

Equipment: Pictures depicting a puppy, horse, calf, chicken, kid.

Stroke: The teacher accompanies the reading of the poem by showing pictures of animals and birds.

"Woof! Woof! - at dawn,

"Woof! Woof! - outside.

A puppy ran in the yard,

And in the stable the horse neighed.

He was angry: "What are you

Do you interfere with sleep? Wow!"

And the calf said: "Mu!"

It prevents him from sleeping.

And the calf said: “Pee!

You, puppy, still sleep!

And the goat: "Me!" yes "Me!",

"They didn't let me take a nap."

And the puppy is all "Woof!" yes "woof!"

He has a cheerful disposition!

And this cheerful disposition

It's called "woof-woof!"

(according to T. Volgina)

It is important to ensure that children clearly pronounce sound combinations, imitating the voices of animals. (Fig.8)


Target: same

Equipment: Pictures depicting ducks, geese, turkeys, pigeons, chickens, cockerels.

Progress: The teacher accompanies the reading of the poem by showing pictures.

Our ducks in the morning:



Our geese by the pond:



And a turkey in the yard:



Our buns above:



Our chickens in the window:



How about Petya the Cockerel?

early in the morning

We will sing "Ku-ka-re-ku!"

(Russian folk song)

"How does a duck scream?" - asks the teacher. The kid answers this and other questions about all the birds. So he clarifies and fixes the pronunciation of sounds.


Purpose: To develop sound pronunciation, vocal apparatus. Fix the correct pronunciation of the sounds "k", "t", "t". Develop a moderate pace of speech, the ability to pronounce words quickly and slowly, loudly and quietly.

Equipment: Large and small clocks.

Stroke: The teacher shows the child a watch and says: “This is a watch. As they walk, they tick tick-tock, tick-tock. How is the clock ticking? (children answer). Watches are big and small. The big clock ticks loudly (says loudly) “tick-tock”, and the small clock ticks softly “tick-tock”. How does the big clock tick? How about small ones? (children answer). The big clock, when running, ticks slowly (says in slow motion) “tick-tock”. And the little ones - quickly (pronounces at an accelerated pace) “tic-tac”. How does the big clock tick? How about small ones? (children answer). It is important to follow the correct and clear pronunciation of the sounds "k" and "t" (t). (Fig.9)


Purpose: Teaching a distinct pronunciation of the sound "and".

Equipment: Toy horse.

Stroke: Educators show the child a horse, explain that she screams "i-i-i" and asks the kid to repeat (2-3) times. Then the teacher invites the child to play clockwork horses, “turns on” the “horse” child with a key, he runs around the group and says “i-i-i”.


Purpose: To form the correct and distinct pronunciation of the sound "b" (b), develop the ability to pronounce individual onomatopoeia loudly and quietly; navigate in space.

Equipment: Cardboard wheels (according to the number of children), large and small cars.

Stroke: The teacher shows the cars and asks how they are buzzing (“beep, beep”). Then he shows a big car and says: “The big car is humming loudly, listen to how (pronounces onomatopoeia a little louder than usual) “bee, bee”, and the small one hums softly (says in an undertone) “bee, bee” . The child is invited to repeat the sound combinations either loudly or quietly. Then the teacher invites the children to ride in cars themselves. Children, pretending to be drivers, run around the group with a steering wheel in their hands in all directions, saying: "beep, beep." (Fig.10)


Purpose: To continue to form the correct and distinct pronunciation of the sound "b" (b), to teach the regulation of the strength of the voice.

Equipment: Drum.

Stroke: The teacher shows the drum, knocks on it, accompanying his actions with the words: “Bam-bam-bam! This is how the drum sings. Then he asks the child how the drum sings. The kid answers first with an arbitrary volume, then, on the instructions of an adult, loudly or quietly. It is important to ensure that the child correctly and clearly pronounces the sound “b” (b), and onomatopoeia loudly and quietly.


Equipment: A picture of rain.

Stroke: The teacher shows the picture and says: “It's raining. At first he dripped quietly: “drip-drip-drip” (the child quietly repeats), then he rattled harder: “drip-drip-drip” (the child repeats louder) “drip-drip-drip”. Again, the rain is quietly dripping and stopped! At the end of the game, the teacher reads a nursery rhyme:

Rain, rain


Wet tracks.

We can't go for a walk

We'll get our feet wet.

(Russian folk song)

The child, together with the adult, repeats the onomatopoeia “drip-drip-drip”.


Equipment: Toy hammer.

Stroke: The teacher shows the hammer and offers to listen to how he knocks “knock-knock-knock”. The child imitates tapping: he taps his palms with a hammer-fist and repeats “knock-knock-knock”. The teacher says: “My hammer can knock loudly (knocks and says loudly “knock-knock-knock”), or maybe quietly (shows)”. The kid repeats. Further, the teacher says that you can knock with a hammer quickly and slowly (shows and pronounces the onomatopoeia “knock-knock-knock” at a fast and slow pace). The kid repeats. At the end of the game, you can let the child knock with his hammer.


Purpose: To learn to form plural forms of verbs, diminutive forms of nouns.

Equipment: Doll.

Stroke: The teacher tells the children that Olya's doll came to visit them with her assistants and offers to guess what they are called and what Olya helps to do. Then the teacher shows how the doll blinks and asks: “What is it with Olya? These are the eyes, Olya's helpers. What are they doing? (look, blink, open, close, squint). How to call them affectionately? (eyes)." Legs, hands, ears, etc. are treated similarly. After that, the teacher reads to the children a poem by Kirganova E. G. “Olina’s helpers”, encouraging the children to add a word at the end of each quatrain:

Olya runs happily

To the river along the path

And for this you need

Our Olya ... (legs).

Olya takes berries

Two, three things.

And for this you need

Our Olya ... (pens).

Olya gnaws nucleoli,

Shells fall.

And for this you need

Our Olya ... (teeth).

Olya looks at the cat

The pictures are fairy tales.

And for this you need

Our Olya ... (eyes).


Purpose: To develop in children the skills of understanding prepositional constructions.

Equipment: Ball.

Move: The teacher invites the child to perform actions with the ball as directed: “Put the ball on the chair, under the chair, behind the chair, near the chair”, etc. At the same time, the teacher asks the kid where he put the ball, activating the dictionary on the topic.


Purpose: To form an understanding of some prepositions, to activate speech.

Equipment: Toy cat or dog.

Move: The teacher hides the cat on a chair, under the bed, behind the door, near the closet, etc. and asks the child to find her. After the child finds the toy, the teacher asks: “Where did the cat hide? (under the table). Right. The cat is under the table. The teacher highlights the pretext with his voice, then invites the baby to hide the toy himself, and he himself looks for it, activating the child’s speech with the question: “Where did you hide the cat?”.

For a speechless child, the teacher offers to hide the toy in some place. After he completes the instructions, the teacher tells where the toy is, highlighting the pretext with his voice.


Purpose: To teach children to understand prepositional constructions.

Equipment: Narrative pictures with the image of the car in different places.

Stroke: The teacher lays out the pictures in front of the children, then asks to show a picture of a car behind a tree, near a house, not a bridge, etc. Activates the baby's speech with the question: "Where is the car?".


Purpose: the same

Equipment: Toy trees, hut, stump, bunny.

Stroke: The teacher invites the child to hide the bunny behind a tree, behind a house, behind a stump. Then he asks where he hid the bunny, than the most, activating the baby's vocabulary on the topic.


Purpose: To form in children the skill of forming nouns with diminutive suffixes.

Equipment: Pictures of animals of different sizes (big dog - small dog, etc.)

Stroke: The teacher lays out pictures depicting small-sized animals on the table, while leaving images of large-sized animals for himself. Then he shows the children a picture, for example, of a dog and says: “The dog is sad. She doesn't have a friend. Let's help the dog find a friend." The child looks for a suitable picture of another dog. Further, the teacher draws the child's attention to the fact that the big dog has a friend - a small dog, and asks the baby to repeat (dog). If the child finds it difficult, the teacher helps him. The game continues until all the animals have found friends.


Purpose: To learn to form nouns with diminutive suffixes.

Equipment: Pictures depicting objects from any series (dishes, furniture, animals, vehicles, etc.), depending on the nouns of which topic you need to fix.

Stroke: The teacher shows the child a picture of an object from the series, for example, “transport” and asks what it is (car). Then he asks the child to name the car affectionately (machine). The game is repeated with pictures of an airplane, a truck, a steam locomotive, etc.


Purpose: To form in children the ability and skill of forming the plural of nouns.

Equipment: Pictures depicting one and several identical items of the same series. These can be animals, toys, dishes, furniture, clothes, etc.

Stroke: The teacher shows the children a picture of, for example, a cat and says: “Who is this? (cat). The cat is sad, let's find her friends. The child is looking for a picture of several cats. The teacher asks who is drawn in this picture, encouraging the children to use plural nouns (cats). Or: “What is this? (a car). Where are the other cars?

Pictures are selected depending on which topic nouns need to be fixed. You can also focus on the number of toys shown in the picture: One - many.


Purpose: To consolidate the correct use of nouns in the instrumental case.

Equipment: Pictures or toys depicting a hare, a bear, a cat, a dog; pictures depicting carrots, berries, milk, bones or real products.

Stroke: The teacher shows the child a picture or a toy, for example, a bear and says: “Who is this? (bear). Show what the bear eats (the child shows a berry or a picture with its image). That's right, the bear eats berries. Repeat". The game continues.


Purpose: To fix the correct use of nouns in the accusative case, to activate the verbs “eats”, “nibbles”, “laps” in the child’s speech.

Equipment: the same.

Move: the same, only instead of the instrumental case, nouns are used in the accusative case. For example: a bear eats a berry, a hare gnaws cabbage, a cat laps milk, a dog gnaws a bone.

Games that contribute to the development of a friendly microclimate in the group


Move: Children sit on the carpet or just play. The teacher asks the kid: “Where is Sveta? (Lisa, Ilya, etc.)”. The child points to the one who was named. The teacher asks the kid to repeat: “This is Sveta. Say Light. The game is repeated.


Stroke: The teacher asks the child to give his name; say the name of this or that baby. If the child finds it difficult, the teacher helps him and asks the child to repeat. During the game, the educator necessarily accompanies his speech with gestures, touching with his palm the one whose name needs to be called.


Stroke: The teacher says to the baby: “I took Nikita by the hand. Do as I do." He tries to get the kid to repeat the request, emphasizing that this is Nikita. Or: “I hug Liana, she is a good girl. Do as I do"; “I gave the car to Alyosha. Do as I do, etc.


Equipment: Toy gnome or other toy, ball.

Stroke: The teacher says: “A gnome came to visit us (the children are examining him). Let's get to know him and tell him our names." Children, together with the teacher, sit on the carpet in a circle, the gnome stands in the middle. The teacher rolls the ball to each child and says, naming each child, for example: "Aisha is with us in the group." Children repeat as much as possible.


Equipment: Toy gnome or other toy.

Stroke: The teacher says: "Let's show the gnome how we love each other." Children, together with the teacher, stand in a circle, hold hands. One child stands in the center of the circle. The teacher says to the child standing in a circle: “We love you, Ruslana!”, Closely narrowing the circle around the girl (children, if possible, repeat). Then another child becomes in the center of the circle and the game is repeated.


Stroke: The teacher invites the children to ride the train, says: “Ilya will be the locomotive, and we will all be wagons. Trailers, get up behind the train." Children stand one after another and move around the group, saying the name of the boy walking in front: "Ilya, Ilya, Ilya ...". Then another child is assigned as the train and the game is repeated. (Fig.11)


Move: Children sit on the carpet. The teacher tells them how good they are and offers to pet themselves. Children stroke their arms, legs, tummy, cheeks, while saying: "We are good, we are good ...". This exercise can be used as relaxation during class or other activities.


Stroke: The teacher invites the children to turn into snowflakes. "Snowflakes" fly in a group. At the signal of the educator, they turn into a big lump - they run up to the educator and cling closely to him.


Stroke: The teacher says that she will be a needle, and the children will be a thread. Children stand one after another behind the teacher and move around the group, repeating all his movements until the “thread” is tangled into a tight ball (the children are closely pressed against the teacher).


Move: Children become in a tight circle and take turns putting pens one on top of the other (building a pyramid). At that moment, when the child put his pen on the teacher's hand, the teacher says: "We love you, Vova!". Then, another child puts a pen on top, the teacher says: “We love you, Denis!” etc. When the “pyramid of love” is built, the teacher invites the children to close their eyes and feel how warm their hands are. Then the pyramid begins to grow and become big-big (children raise their hands folded one on top of the other up). The teacher encourages the children, if possible, to persuade her.



Purpose: To introduce children to clothing and its details.

Equipment: Doll with a set of clothes, doll bed.

Stroke: The teacher offers the child to put the doll to bed. The child undresses the doll, the teacher comments on his actions: “First you need to take off the dress and hang it on the back of a chair. To take off the dress, you need to unbutton the buttons, ”etc. During the game, the teacher should activate the child’s speech by asking leading questions: “What should be unbuttoned on the dress?”. If the child finds it difficult to answer, the teacher answers himself.


Purpose: Clarify the names of doll clothes, their details, colors.

Equipment: Doll on the bed, a set of her clothes.

Stroke: The teacher shows the child a doll that sleeps on the bed. He then explains that the doll has woken up and needs to be dressed. The child dresses the doll, and the teacher accompanies his actions with a speech: “Let's put a T-shirt on the doll. The shirt is clean, it is white. Then the teacher asks questions: “What do you put on the doll? What color is the shirt? etc.


Purpose: To activate the vocabulary on the topic.

Equipment: Cardboard doll, a set of paper clothes.

Stroke: The teacher offers the child to dress the doll for different situations (for a walk, for a holiday, in kindergarten, etc.). The child dresses the doll, for example, for a walk. The teacher describes the doll's clothes: “Let's put on a blue coat for the doll. The coat has a collar, sleeves, pockets. It fastens with buttons. Activating the baby’s speech, the teacher asks: “Where is the sleeve of the coat? Show me. What did you show? etc. (Fig.12)



Purpose: To introduce children to the name of the dishes, its color, shape, purpose.

Equipment: doll utensils, table, doll, Masha and bunny.

Stroke: The teacher explains to the child that guests (a bear and a bunny) have come to the doll, so you need to set the table for tea, gives the baby instructions: “Put the bread box in the middle of the table. Place cups and saucers nearby and put teaspoons. During the task, the teacher activates the speech of the children, asking questions: “what are you doing? What color is the cup? What can you drink from a cup? etc. If the child finds it difficult, the teacher himself answers the questions. (Fig.13)


Purpose: To fix the name of the dishes, its size.

Equipment: Two sets of doll utensils and two dolls, sharply contrasting in size.

Stroke: The teacher says that a doll with her daughter came to visit the children and invites the children to treat them to tea: “Let's set the table for tea. Mommy doll is big. She will drink tea from a large cup, and the daughter doll will be small. She will drink tea from a small cup.” Then the teacher invites the child to arrange the cups and distribute the spoons according to the size of the dolls sitting at the table. It is important to monitor the correctness of the task, if necessary, help the child by commenting on his own and his actions; Activate vocabulary with leading questions.


Target: same

Equipment: Three sets of dishes of different sizes, a picture from the fairy tale "Three Bears" or three toy bears, in sharp contrast in size.

Move: It is played in the same way as the previous game, but using dishes of three different sizes.


Purpose: To expand the vocabulary on the topic, to activate the dictionary.

Equipment: A basin of water or a toy sink, doll dishes.

Stroke: The teacher explains to the child that after breakfast you need to wash the dishes. He starts washing the dishes, saying that the dishes were dirty, but now they are clean. Then he invites the child to connect to the game. It is important to encourage the baby to name the items of dishes, actions (wash, dry).



Purpose: Clarify the name of the pieces of furniture, its purpose.

Equipment: Doll furniture, doll.

Stroke: The teacher offers to visit the doll. The doll has different furniture at home. The teacher, together with the children, examines it, determines what it is made of; specify the color of the furniture and its purpose. The teacher activates the speech of the children by asking him questions: “Show me where the chair is? What is it for? etc.


Target: Same.

Equipment: Toy furniture, teddy bear.

Stroke: The teacher tells the children that a bear came to visit them and offers to show him the play corner: “This is the kitchen. There is a stove, a sink, a table, chairs, a cupboard for dishes, etc. Then he asks the child: “Tell me, what is it? (chair). What is it for? (to sit on it), etc.” (Fig.14)


Purpose: To fix the name of the pieces of furniture, its size.

Equipment: Two dolls, two chairs and two cribs, in stark contrast in size.

Stroke: The teacher invites the children to visit the dolls, draws the attention of the children that one doll is large and the other is small. The teacher, together with the children, examines the doll corner: “The furniture here is large and small. A big doll sleeps on a big bed, a small doll sleeps on a small bed. A large doll sits on a large chair, a small one sits on a small one. Etc.". Then he asks the child: “What is this? (chair). What is he? (big). What doll is sitting on this chair? (large). Put the dolls on your chairs”, etc.



Purpose: To clarify and activate the vocabulary on the topic.

Equipment: Toy bus, truck, passenger car, plane, boat in a bag.

Stroke: The teacher takes out the cars one by one from the bag. Together with the child, he considers and discusses the appearance of the car (truck, bus, etc.), color, material, purpose. The name of the parts of the machine, their color and shape are specified.


Purpose: To activate speech on the topic, clarify the understanding of some prepositions.

Equipment: Large truck, toy passengers - a doll, a bear, etc.

Stroke: The teacher offers the child to ride toys in the car. The name of the parts of the machine, their color and shape are specified. The child seats the "passengers" and rolls them. The teacher asks questions: “Who is in the car? What does the doll do? What is the machine doing? Then he asks to drive the car near the table, near the closet, behind the door, etc. (Fig.2)


Purpose: To fix the name of the transport, to activate the dictionary.

Equipment: Toy bus, truck, passenger car, plane, boat.

Move: Toys stand on a table or carpet. The child is at a distance of 1-2 meters from the table. The teacher asks the kid: "Bring the bus (plane, truck, etc.)". If the baby is at a loss, then the teacher clarifies: “He is red, stands near the plane” or simply points to the right toy. Then he asks questions, specifying what the child brought, what color the bus is, its size; examine the parts of the bus. The game is repeated.



Purpose: Refine and activate the vocabulary on the topic

Equipment: Children's favorite toys in a bag.

Move: Watch the Miraculous Pouch game


Goal: Develop visual attention and memory, activate vocabulary.

Equipment: Toys

Stroke: The teacher puts 4 toys on the table. The child calls them. Then the child closes his eyes, the teacher hides 1 toy. The child must guess which toy is gone. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Vegetables and fruits


Purpose: To consolidate the name of vegetables and fruits, their colors and shapes.

Equipment: Natural vegetables or models in a bag.

Move: There are vegetables and fruits on the table. The teacher offers the child to take, for example, a carrot. The kid fulfills the request, names the vegetable and answers the teacher's questions about its color and shape. (Fig.15)


Purpose: To consolidate the name of vegetables and fruits; their color, shape and taste.

Equipment: Natural and ready-to-eat carrot, tomato, cucumber, apple, orange, pear or others.

Stroke: The teacher takes out vegetables and fruits one by one from the basket and describes them, for example: “This is an apple. It is round and red. The apple is sweet, juicy, tasty. You can eat it." The child, with the help of the teacher's questions, repeats the story about the apple, then tastes it.


Purpose: To learn to group vegetables and fruits, to consolidate their names.

Equipment: Flannelgraph or magnetic board with images of a tree and a garden bed, planar figures of an apple, orange, pear, potato, cabbage, onion or others.

Stroke: The teacher explains that apples, pears and oranges are delicious, sweet. This is fruit. Fruit grows on a tree. Potatoes, cabbage, onions are not sweet, but very healthy. These are vegetables. Vegetables grow in the garden. Then he invites the child to place fruits on the tree, and vegetables in the garden. The kid performs the task, and the teacher activates his speech with the help of questions: “What is this? (an Apple). An apple is a fruit. Repeat. Where do fruits grow? (on a tree)”, etc. (Fig.16)


Target: same

Equipment: The same as in the previous game, only on the flannelgraph - an image of a can of compote and a saucepan.

Stroke: The teacher shows the children vegetables and fruits. Together they examine them, remember the qualities of vegetables and fruits. Then the teacher tells the children that delicious jam or compote can be made from fruits, and delicious soup is cooked from vegetables and offers to cook these dishes. To do this, put the fruits in a jar, and the vegetables in a saucepan. The kid performs the task, and the teacher activates his speech with the help of questions: “What is this? (an Apple). An apple is a fruit. Repeat. Compote and jam are prepared from fruits. Where will you put the fruit? (to the bank)”, etc. (Fig.17)



Purpose: To clarify and expand the child's vocabulary on the topic.

Equipment: Toys representing wild or domestic animals in a bag.

Stroke: The teacher shows the child a bag and offers to see what is in it. The child takes out toys one at a time and examines them. The teacher activates the children's speech with questions. For example: “Who is this? (Dog). What body parts does she have? Show the tail, ears, back, head. How does a dog cry? Etc.". If the child finds it difficult to answer, the teacher helps him. The game continues.


Purpose: To teach children to recognize animals by onomatopoeia, to consolidate and activate the vocabulary on the topic.

Equipment: Toys or pictures of pets.

Move: Children sit at a table or on a carpet, in front of them are toys or pictures of pets. The teacher invites them to find out who is screaming like that. For example: “Who is yelling “meow”? That's right, cat. Then the teacher invites the child to find a cat toy or a picture with her image. The game continues.


Purpose: To teach children to group animals into wild and domestic, to activate the vocabulary on the topic.

Equipment: Toys of wild and domestic animals, a house and a tree.

Stroke: Children sit near the table, on which animal toys are placed, and a little further away - a house and a tree. The teacher asks the children to name the animals, then asks: “Where does the cat live? (in the House). Right. Put the cat near the house. Where does the bunny live? (in the forest). Right. Put the bunny near the tree,” etc. When all the animals are ungrouped, the teacher says: “The animals that live in the house are called pets. What are these animals? (home). Name the pets (children name the animals that stand near the house). The teacher says the same about wild animals.

This game can be carried out using subject pictures. The game is held in order to consolidate the knowledge about wild and domestic animals obtained in the lesson. (Fig.18)



Bear and children (1 year 6 months - 2 years)

Tasks . Learn to run in one direction, act in accordance with the words of an adult; cause pleasure from joint actions; encourage children to be independent.

The bear walked through the forest, He searched for a long, long time,

The bear was looking for children, He sat down on the grass, dozed off.

The bear walks around the group and pretends to be looking for the children. Then he sits down on a chair at the opposite end of the room and takes a nap. The teacher says:

The children began to dance, Mishka, Mishka, get up,

They started banging their feet. Catch up with our kids.

Under these words, the children run around the room, stomp their feet, perform movements as they wish. Adult encourages them

Train (1 year 6 months - 3 years)

Tasks. To learn to move in a certain direction, to coordinate actions with other children; inspire a feelingconfidence and sing opportunities; encourage independent action.

Game options (2 years 6 months - 3 years)

1. The role of the locomotive is performed by the child.

2. Children are offered to go to a stop where they play, pick flowers, etc. 3. The game can be played while singing the following song:

Here is our train going, He took the guys

Wheels are knocking, Far, far away.

And in this train But here is the stop,

The guys are sitting. Who wants to get down?

Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo! Get up guys

The locomotive is running Let's go for a walk!

Far, far away.

After these words, the children scatter around the group or area. At the signal of an adult, they stand one after another, depicting wagons.

Chickens and a cat (I year 8 months - 3 years)

Tasks . Improve running; develop the ability to imitate, be attentive and act on a signal; encourage independent action; evoke a sense of joy from joint actions.

Come out, chickens, bugs, spiders

Collect the crumbs, On the green lane.

Chicken children run out to the middle of the hall, flap their wings, fly. The teacher continues:

Chickens flapped their wings: Chickens beat their beaks:

Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko! Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock!

Chicken children squat down and tap their fingers on the floor, saying: “Knock-knock-knock!”

Suddenly a cat appears (assistant teacher):

I'll go out, I'll go out on the path, Where the chickens are looking for crumbs,

Meow meow meow! Meow meow meow!

Chickens shout loudly: "Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko!" - and run away to their houses.

Variants of the game 1. Tasks. To improve the ability to crawl under a rope stretched at a height of 30-35 cm from the floor. Chickens should crawl under it. 2. Tasks. To improve the ability to climb on an object 10-15 cm high (cubes) and get off it. Chickens, running away from the cat, climb cubes, boxes.

Ducks and dog (1 year 8 months - 3 years)

Tasks. Improve walking, running; encourage imitation; evoke a feeling of joy from joint actions with an adult and peers.

Material. Caps or breast emblems with the image of ducks according to the number of children playing, a dog cap or a toy dog.

Early, early in the morning She teaches them, teaches them!

Mom-duck came out, you swim, duck-children,

Teach ducks. Nicely in line.

(A. Barto)

The mother duck moves smoothly, moving her hands slightly back, the duck children imitate her. Then she says: “Ducks swim in the pond, their wings are smoothed” (strokes her arms, sides with smooth movements), praises de tok ducks: “Well done, how well they smoothed their wings, quack-quack, quack-quack.”

Suddenly, a dog appears barking (an assistant teacher or a child of the older group). mother duck says:

Doggy, don't bark!

Don't scare our ducks!

Our white ducks

Without that, they are not brave.

(I. Tokmakova)

The dog runs up to the pond, and the ducklings quickly swim to the mother duck and hide under her wings. The dog runs away. The game is repeated. Then the mother duck says:

Doggy, don't bark!

Don't scare our ducks!

Better play with us.

Come visit us, we will treat you to something tasty. (Children treat the dog.)

I love my horse (2-3 years old)

Tasks. Learn to run at a gallop; develop attention, learn to act on a signal; develop imagination, imitation.

Game content . Children imitate riders. To the words from the poem by A. Barto “I love my horse, I will comb her hair smoothly, I will smooth the tail with a comb ...” they stroke, comb their horses. To the words “And I’ll go on horseback to visit ...” they gallop (if they still don’t know how, then how can they). The adult first acts with the children, and they imitate him. Then the children act independently, and the adult encourages them.

Crows (2-3 years old)

Tasks. Improve running in combination with hand movements; encourage imitation of an adult; learn to act according to the text.

Crows (2-3 years old)

Tasks . Exercise in running; develop attention, the ability to imitate; learn to act in accordance with the text; evoke a sense of joy from joint actions.

Material. Caps or emblems depicting crows, a dog toy.

Crows sleep soundly, And wake up at dawn,

Everyone sits in nests, They will croak in the yard.

In accordance with the text, the crows squat down, bow their heads, close their eyes. At the last words of the text, they wake up and say: “Kar-kar-kar!”, Then they fly around the room, flapping their wings. An adult accompanies their actions with the words:

They flew, they flew, the crows flew in,

The crows flew, Everyone pecked to the crumbs.

Car-car, car-car! Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-tui,

Tanya came out onto the path, Their beaks were banging.

Crows sprinkles crumbs.

Baby crows squat down and tap their fingers on the floor, saying: “Knock-knock-knock!”

The adult takes the dog and says:

Tuzik walked around the yard,

Raven scared:

"Wow, wow, wow!"

The dog catches up with the crows, and the crows fly away to their nests.

Sun Bunnies (2-3 years old)

Tasks. Increase motor activity, develop dexterity; evoke positive emotions from the actions taken.

Runaways are jumping - Jump, jump in the corners,

Sunny bunnies Were there - and they are not there.

We call them - they don't go. Where are the bunnies? Gone.

Were here - and they are not here. We didn't find them anywhere.

In accordance with the words of the text, children beckon bunnies, spread their arms to the sides, jump after the sun bunnies. The adult directs the bunnies in different directions of the room.

Birds (2-3 years old)

Tasks. Enrich motor experience; encourage children to follow the elementary rules of the game; encourage independence; evoke a sense of pleasure from communicating with an adult and peers, as well as from performing movements.

Material. Caps or emblems with the image of birds.

Note. At first, the adult does all the actions with the children. When children remember the game, an adult can use words to guide the actions of children.

Bees (2-3 years old)

Tasks. Improve running in a certain direction; learn to navigate in space, imitate bees.

The bear is walking

Honey will take away from the bees,

Bees, go home!

Bees fly to a certain corner of the room - a beehive. The bear, shifting from foot to foot, goes there too. The bees and the adult say:

This hive is our house,

Go away, bear, from us,


They flap their wings, buzz, driving away the bear. The bear leaves, and the bees fly out into the clearing again. They can treat the bear with honey at the end of the game.

My cheerful, sonorous ball (2 years 6 months - 3 years)

Tasks. Teach children to jump on two legs; learn to listen carefully to the text, act on a signal; evoke a sense of joy from action.

My cheerful, sonorous ball,

Where did you run off to?

Yellow, red, blue,

Don't chase you!

(S. Marshak)

Children imitate the movements of the ball, jump on the spot. To the words "Do not keep up with you!" children run from an adult who is catching up with them. Children who cannot jump make a "spring".

Bunny in the house (2-3 years old)

Tasks . Exercise children in jumping; learn to strongly push off the floor; induce to act on the signal.

Birds in nests (2-3 years old)

Tasks. Learn to jump from a small height, run in all directions; develop attention.

The adult says: “The sun is shining outside, all the birds fly out of their nests, looking for grains.” Bird children jump or descend from elevations, fly, flap their wings, squat, peck grains. At the signal of an adult, "It's raining!" the birds fly to their nests.

When the children have mastered the game, instead of the words “It's raining!”, the adult opens the umbrella, and the bird children hide their nests at this signal.

Geese (2-3 years old)

Tasks. Improve running in combination with hand actions; evoke the need to imitate; to enjoy joint activities.

Adult. Geese-geese!

Children. Ha-ha-ha!


Children. Yes Yes Yes!

Adult. Come to me!

Baby geese fly towards an adult, flapping their wings, hissing: "Shhh"

Then the adult says, “Ksh! Run into the field!" The geese run to their place.

Moths (2-3 years old)

Tasks. Increase motor activity; arouse interest and desire to perform actions in accordance with the text.

Cat Vaska (2-3 years old)

Tasks . Increase motor activity; contribute to the emergence of positive emotions from joint actions.

Adult and children sing or say:

White Vaska walks, And runs like an arrow,

Vaska's tail is grey, And he runs like an arrow.

The cat runs to the chair at the end of the room, and sits on it, falls asleep. Adult and children sing:

The eyes are closed, the teeth of the cat -

Sleeping or pretending? Sharp needle.

An adult goes to see if the cat is sleeping and invites the mouse children to take a walk. The mice run up to the chair and scratch it. Adult says:

Only mice will scratch

Gray Vaska - right there.

He will catch everyone!

The cat chases the mice, and they run away from him.

At the bear in the forest (2-3 years)

Tasks . Improve running in one and different voltages; develop imagination; encourage independent action by the child.

Children live on the opposite side of the forest. The teacher says: “Come on, children, go for a walk in the forest, pick mushrooms, pick berries.” Children go to the forest, imitating picking mushrooms and berries. The teacher reads the poem:

In the bear's forest And the bear is sitting

I take mushrooms, berries, And growls at us.

When the teacher says the last line, the bear runs out of the den with a growl, and the children run home.

Chase the ball (2 years 6 months - 3 years)

Tasks. Improve running in different directions; cause revival, joy in a child; encourage independence.


Bell (1 year 6 months - 2 years)

Tasks. Learn to navigate in space; develop the ability to run in different directions; evoke a sense of joy from joint actions.

Game content . An adult attracts the attention of children by sounding a bell, shows it to the children, rings them and quickly hides them behind their backs (repeat this several times). Children can say: "Ding-ding." Then the adult runs in the opposite direction, ringing the bell and singing: "I'm running, running, running, I'm ringing the bell." Having reached the opposite side of the room, the adult quickly turns around, squats down, hides the bell behind him, spreads his arms wide apart and says: “Everyone run here to me, find my bell.”

The child, who came running earlier than the others and found the bell, rings and gives it to an adult. The game is repeated. An adult gives everyone the opportunity to ring the bell

Hide and Seek (1 year 6 months - 3 years)

Tasks. Learn to navigate independently in space; develop and maintain interest in communicating with adults; perfect walking.

Game Options

1. An adult hides from a child and shouts: “Ay, ay!” The child finds it (for children 1 year 6 months - 2 years).

2. The adult hides from the child and rings the bell. The child finds him on a call (for children 1 year 6 months - 2 years).

3. The child is hiding, and the adult is looking for him and sings a song:

I'm walking around the room, Well, where should I go?

I can't find the car. Where can I find Mashenka?

After these words, the child shouts: “Ay, ay!” An adult finds it (for children 2 years 6 months - 3 years).

Fox and chickens (3 years old)

Tasks. Improve walking and running in a certain direction; develop attention; encourage independence; to encourage the actions of children, to arouse in them a sense of joy from successful actions.

An adult makes sure that the chickens run away only after the words "Quietly, quietly run away."

Game variant. During a walk, chickens can jump, climb a log, crawl under a rope, net, etc.

Sometimes children get excited after outdoor games with running and jumping. In this case, it is advisable to conduct a game of low mobility, which will calm the children, relax, and bring their body back to normal.

We offer the following low mobility games.

Who will be quieter? (2-3 years)

Children walk in a free formation in one direction. Unexpectedly, an adult offers them to walk quietly on tiptoes. He himself also walks quietly, showing the pattern of walking to the children. Then the adult can give a signal: "Now let's walk quickly, quickly." Adult and children change walking speed. So the game is repeated several times.

Game Options

1. Children can play the role of mice, and an adult takes on the role of a cat. The mice went out for a walk while the cat is sleeping, they go quietly so as not to wake her up. But then the cat wakes up, says “meow-meow”, looks around, arches its back. The mice leave quickly. They shouldn't run away.

2. An adult invites the children to walk past him quietly, so that he would not hear. The adult closes his eyes and stands in the center of the room, while the children quietly walk around him.

Cars (2-3 years)

Tasks . Learn to move while maintaining direction; perform actions in different conditions; maintain interest in movements; develop attention, the ability to act in a team; consolidate ideas about the color, shape of the object; evoke a sense of joy from communicating with adults and peers.

Material. Breast emblems depicting cars (according to the number of players), tracks of various types, circles, squares, triangles made of cardboard (garage).

Game Options

1. Cars can drive on a bridge (a board lying on the floor), a winding path, a soft path (swamp), etc.

2. Each car can have its own garage in the form of a circle, triangle, square. The garage can be marked with a colored flag, in which case the children remember what shape or color their garage is.

Birds and cars (2-3 years old)

Tasks. Improve walking in different directions, on a limited surface; develop attention, the ability to respond to a signal; encourage active interaction with peers.

Material. Bird hats or emblems, car emblems, bench, cubes or other items.

Game variant. One part of the children is placed on one side of the group, the playgrounds are birds. On the other side there is another part of the children - these are cars. The adult says: “The birds are flying!” -

birds fly, flap their wings, squat, peck grains. At the signal "Cars have left!" children, representing cars, go out onto the road, and the birds fly away to their nests. Cars drive along the road, avoiding obstacles (benches, cubes). When the game is repeated, the children change roles.


On a flat track (1 year 6 months - 2 years)

Tasks. Exercise children in walking on a limited surface; develop balance; strengthen the foot learn to act rhythmically, coordinating actions with the rhythm of the poem; encourage independence, maintain confidence in their actions.

Material. Tracks of different lengths (1-2.5 m) and widths (15-30-60 cm); soft, hard, winding path 2 m long, 30-40 cm wide.

1. On a flat path, (They walk along the path.)

On a flat path

Our feet are walking

One-two, one-two.

2. On the pebbles, on the pebbles, (They jump.)

By pebbles, by pebbles

One-two, one-two.

3. On a flat path,

On a flat path.

Our legs are tired

Our legs are tired.

Here is our home

We live in it. (They stop.)

Game variant. Instead of a flat path, you can take a winding, short, long, narrow, wide, soft, hard path. Then, in accordance with the quality of the path, the text changes, for example: “Our legs walk along the soft path ...”, etc.

Snowflakes are spinning (2-3 years)

Tasks . Develop balance; evoke feelings of joy and pleasure.

Game content . Children depict snowflakes. The adult says: “Snowflakes have descended from the sky to the ground.” Snowflakes fly around the group and squat down. To the words of an adult, “Suddenly the wind blew, lifted them into the air and whirled!” snowflakes rise and swirl slowly at first. The adult says: "But now the wind is blowing stronger and stronger." Children spin more strongly, but each at their own pace. At the signal of an adult, “Here the wind began to subside!” slow down and squat down.

Carousels (2 years 6 months - 3 years)

Tasks . Develop balance, the ability to coordinate their actions with the words of the text; evoke positive emotions.

Barely, barely, barely, barely

The carousels are spinning

And then, then, then

Everyone run, run, run.

Hush, hush, don't rush

Stop the carousel.

One-two, one-two

Here the game is over.


A bun is rolling (1 year 6 months - 3 years)

Tasks. Develop large muscles of the body; unload the spine; cause a feeling of pleasure from the movements performed.

Hit the hoop (1 year 6 months - 3 years)

Tasks. Learn to throw at the target, maintain the direction of the throw; cause pleasure from the performed movement.

The mice hid (3 years)

Tasks . Develop the muscles of the spine and shoulder girdle; encourage independence; develop imitation; cause a feeling of joy from the performed movements.

Game content . A bench is placed, the children portray mice, kneel behind the bench at some distance from it. At the signal of an adult “The cat is sleeping”, they put their hands and forearms on the bench (the spine bends) and are in this position for 1.5-2 s. Then the adult gives a signal: “The cat woke up!”, The mice again hide behind the bench. The game is repeated 4-5 times.


Birdie (1 year 3 months - 1 year 6 months)

Tasks . Encourage the imitation of birds; improve brisk walking; evoke the joy of interacting with adults.

The bird sat on the window. "Sit, don't fly away, Sit with us for a while, A bird has flown away - ah!

After the last words, the bird children fly away, waving the wing with their hands.

White bunny (2-3 years old)

Tasks. Enrich motor experience, teach to act according to the word of an adult; consolidate knowledge about color, shape; develop attention; maintain interest in movements; encourage independent performance of movements; evoke positive emotions.

Material. Hats or breast emblems with the image of a bunny (according to the number of children), flags of different colors or circles, squares made of thick cardboard or linoleum.

1. A little white hare is sitting,

He moves his ears.

Like this, like this

He moves his ears.

(Children squat down in a free formation and move / with their hands, depicting the ears of a hare with them.)

2. Bunny is cold to sit,

You need to warm up your paws.

Clap, clap, clap, clap,

You need to warm up your paws.

(Children clap their hands at the words “Clap, clap, clap, / clap.)

3. Bunny is cold to stand.

Bunny needs to jump.

Jump, jump, jump, jump,

Bunny needs to jump.

(Children jump on the spot to the words “Jump, jump, jump, jump”.)

4. Someone scared the bunny, Bunny jumped ... and ran away.

(The adult claps his hands. Bunnies run to their houses.)

An adult checks with the children whether all the bunnies have correctly found their houses.

Game variant. When children can distinguish colors and shapes, an adult can discreetly swap the houses.


Tasks. Encourage children to act on words; learn to coordinate their actions with the actions of other children; develop imitation; encourage independence, initiative of children.

Game content . Children pretend to be cowardly mice. Not a word from an adult (children can repeat) “The mice came out somehow pH) to see what time it is” the mice walk around the group. “One-two, three-four, the mice pulled the weights” - the mice imitate the movement of their hands. “Suddenly there was a terrible ringing (you can ring the bell, hit the tambourine), the mice ran away” - the children run away. Children should try to act in accordance with the words of an adult.

Chizhik (2 years 6 months - 3 years)

Tasks . Encourage joint action and pronounce the text; evoke a sense of joy from joint actions with peers.

We will open all the windows, prepare grains, crumbs,

You come to us, chizhik, fly in,

With us, chizhik, play

(Children raise clasped hands-windows.)

Chizhik flew to the children,

Chizhik sang a song:


I love little ones so much!

(The siskin flies into the circle, and the children sprinkle imaginary grains that he pecks, tapping his fingers on the floor.)

Chizhik with children is dancing, Chizhik is flapping his wings. The kids have fun with him

With his bird-chizhik.

(Chizhik dances in the middle of the circle, the children imitate his movements.)

I'll say goodbye to you, kids, I don't want to live in your cage, I'll fly away to my garden -

I want to live on a branch.

(The chizhik flies out of the circle, flaps its wings, as if saying goodbye to the children, and they wave their hands in response.)

Kitty (1 year 6 months - 3 years)

The child crawls on all fours, depicting a cat. Stops and turns its head (the cat looks around), then tilts its head (the cat drinks milk). After two years, you can complicate the game. The cat can crawl between the legs of an adult, under a chair, climb onto a sofa, lie down, purr “mur-mur-mur” (the cat is happy), etc.

Humpty Dumpty (3 years old)

Children stand in a relaxed state, arms hanging freely. Under the text that the adult pronounces, the children make body turns, their arms dangle freely, like a rag doll:

Humpty Dumpty Humpty Dumpty

Sat on the wall. Fell off in a dream.

Children in a relaxed state fall to the floor. game

spend with one child or a subgroup of children.

Grain (2 - 3 years)

The adult says: “They planted grains in the ground - the children sit on the floor, wrap their arms around their knees. The adult will continue “It rained, and then the sun shone. The grain began to germinate, sprouts appeared ”- the children yawn widely, slowly rise, stretch, raising the sprout handles up and turning towards the sun. The teacher performs all actions together with the children

Cold - warm (2 - 3 years)

Children sit on the carpet with their legs folded in Turkish. The adult says: “The north wind blew. It got cold, cold." Babies curl up into balls with their arms crossed over their chests. To the words of an adult, “But the sun came out. It has become warm, warm, ”the children relax, fan themselves with shoulders. An adult performs actions, and kids imitate him,

Sharik (2 - 3 years)

Children pretend to be balloons. They are gradually filled with air, raising their hands up and puffing out their cheeks. But then the balloon burst. Children slowly relax and slowly sink to the floor, making the sound “shhhh”.

Clock (3 years)

Cross-legged, the child sits with a straight back, hands on his knees. At the signal of an adult, he shakes his head back and forth, right to left, saying: "Tick-tock, tick-tock." An adult performs actions with children holding hands.

Bubble (2-3 years)

Children, together with an adult, stand facing in. The teacher says:

Inflate, bubble, stay like that

Inflate big, Don't burst.

Children, gradually stepping back, expand the circle. At the words “The bubble burst”, the children lower their hands and pronounce the sound “shhhh”.

Find an object (2-3 years)

The teacher hides the object (flag, ball, doll, etc.), having previously examined it with the children. Children are looking for a hidden object in a carry group. The child who finds the item gets the right to hide it.

Game variant. Children sit on chairs. One child wears. He turns to the wall, and the teacher hides the doll. Then he says:

Doll Tanya ran away

Vova, Vova (name of the driving child), look,

We need to look for her

Dance with our Tanya.

The child finds the doll and dances with it, and all the children clap their hands.


Pass the ball (1 year 6 months - 2 years)

Tasks . Learn to pass the ball with both hands and receive it; develop attention; maintain independence in action.

Roll the ball (2-3 years)

Tasks . Learn to push the ball with both hands, give it the right direction; to encourage independent performance of movements, choice of a partner; arouse interest in actions with the ball.

First, an adult rolls the ball to the children, fixing their attention on the fact that it must be pushed with both hands.

Game variant. Children sit facing in a circle and roll the ball at will from one child to another, calling the name: “Vova, catch the ball!” Etc.

Roll the ball (2 years 6 months - 3 years)

Tasks. Learn to push the ball with both hands, keeping the direction; consolidate knowledge of color; encourage independent action; satisfy the desires of the child in the independent choice of the track and partner; evoke a sense of pleasure from the activities performed and from communicating with other children.

Material. Balls of medium size (according to the number of players), tracks of different colors 1.5-2 m long.

Game content . An adult invites children to take balls and roll them along the path that they like more than others. Shows how to push the ball away so that it rolls instead of jumping. Ask each child what color track he will roll the ball on. Then the adult invites the children to play with whomever they want. Kids choose partners and roll the ball along the path to each other.

Heavy - light (2 years 6 months - 3 years)

Tasks . Learn to roll a ball introduce the concepts of "heavy" - "light"; develop dexterity.

Material. Inflatable balls, light with a diameter of 20-25 cm; stuffed balls, heavy with a diameter of 20-25 cm, weighing 500 g.

Then the children sit down near the line indicated by the adult, and roll the balls in turn, while saying: "Heavy ball, light ball." Then they run after the balls.


Climb over the log (2 years-2 years 6 months)

Tasks. Improve climbing and climbing skills; develop large muscles of the body; develop the ability to navigate in space; evoke positive emotions from the game / and communication with adults and peers. Game content . Children are invited to visit the bunny. The adult explains that in order to get to him, one must climb over a log. Children climb over a log, play with a bunny (jump, play catch-up), but now the time comes to return home, and the kids again climb over a log.

The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Game variant. A bear, a dog, a cat, etc. can live behind a fence. Depending on this, children make different movements: they walk like a bear, crawl, arching their back like a cat, etc.

Zainka (2-3 years old)

Tasks. Teach children to listen to singing, understand the content of the song and perform movements in accordance with its text; cause imitation of an adult.

Game content. The teacher becomes with the children in a circle, sings a song and shows the movements:

Zainka, stomp your foot, Like this, stomp your foot,

Gray, stamp your foot! That's it, stomp your feet!

Children, standing in a circle, stomp their legs, while holding their hands on their belts:

Zainka, clap your hands, Serenky, clap your hands!

Children clap their hands.

Zainka, turn around, Serenky, turn around!

That's it, clap your hands, that's it, clap your hands!

That's it, turn around, That's it, turn around!

Children turn 1-2 times, hands are kept on the belt.

Zainka, dance, Like this, dance,

Gray, dance! That's it, dance!

Children bounce on two legs as best they can.

Zainka, bow, Serenky, bow!

That's it, bow, that's it, bow!

Children bow, spreading their arms to the sides.

When playing a game, the number of verses can be reduced, especially when the game is still not familiar enough to children. At the beginning, only the first, second and fourth verses can be taken. In the future, the children perform all five verses. In addition, when the kids know the content of the song well, you can choose one child - Zainka, who stands in the middle of the circle and performs all the movements in the text of the song.

The role of Zainka should be entrusted to a brave and active child who will not be embarrassed when performing movements. If the role of Zayin ki is entered, one more verse can be added:

Zainka, choose, like this, choose,

Gray, choose! That's it, choose!

The child chooses another Zayinka, and the game is repeated. The teacher should sing the song not very fast, but not slowly, so that the singing matches the pace of the children's movements.

Crawl through the gates (2-3 years)

Tasks.Teach children to crawl under objects without touching them; to encourage self-execution of movements; encourage kids for successful actions.

Game content. At a distance of 4 m from the children, there is a stand with a grid suspended at the height of the child. There is a large mat on the floor by the counter. At a distance of 2.5 m from the child, there is an arc - a gate. An adult offers the baby to crawl on all fours under an arc, crawl to the ball, pick it up and put it in the net.

Game variant. You can arrange two or three gates to include 2-3 children in the game at once.

Cat and chickens (2 years 6 months - 3 years)

Tasks.Improve running, climbing and dismounting from objects; develop attention and orientation in space; maintain interest in interacting with peers; encourage imitation of animals, develop imagination.

Game content. A Corydalis hen (adult) enters the clearing, with yellow chickens (children) with her. In the far corner of the group room, a cat (adult) is napping on a bench. Chickens scatter across the clearing, flap their wings, peck grains, climb onto perches (cubes 10 cm high) - they act at their own discretion.

The chicken cackles: "Ko-ko, don't go far." At these words, the chickens are alert, looking around. And the hen slowly continues:

On the bench by the window, the cat opens its eyes

The cat lay down and dozes. And the chickens are chasing.

At the last words, the chickens run away from the cat, and she tries to catch up with them.

When the children have mastered the game well, the role of the Corydalis hen and the cat can be entrusted to the most active of them.

Game Options

1. To enrich the motor experience of children, you can include a variety of movements that are already familiar to them, for example, crawling under a rope.

2. You can designate houses, various in shape and color, which the chickens must remember and, running away from the cat, find exactly their house.

Catch the ball (2 years 6 months - 3 years)

Tasks. Learn to throw the ball with two hands from below in a certain direction; develop attention; encourage independent action; maintain a sense of joy from joint actions.

Game content. Children stand in a circle, an adult with a big ball in the center of the circle says the words: “Misha, catch the ball!”, “Ira, catch the ball!” etc. The child, having caught the ball, throws it to an adult.

Game variant. When the children learn to throw the ball in a certain direction, catch it, you can offer to throw the ball to each other (distance 1.5-2 m).

Over bumps (2 years 6 months - 3 years)

Tasks.To improve the ability of children to climb onto objects and descend from them (the height of objects increases gradually: 10-15-20 cm); maintain independence, interest in action.

Game content. 2-3 boxes or cubes 40-60 cm wide, 5-20 cm high (hummocks) are placed on the floor. Between the bumps, you can place soft tracks or a foam mat (swamp). An adult invites children to visit a bear or a bunny. The children go on a journey, and on the way they meet a swamp. They climb the bumps and descend from them, thus crossing the swamp and getting to the bear or bunny. You can play catch-up or hide-and-seek with the bear, and then return home through the swamp over bumps.

Rule. You can’t jump off the bump, you have to calmly go down.


Mosquitoes and a frog (1 year 8 months - 2 years)

Tasks. Learn to perform actions at the word of an adult; encourage independence, initiative of children; evoke a sense of joy from joint action.

Material. Caps or breast emblems depicting mosquitoes and frogs, chairs on which handkerchiefs lie (according to the number of children).

Game content. Mosquito children fly around the group, uttering the sound “z-z-z”, sit down, lowering their wings-arms after the words of an adult:

The mosquito sat on a bush, Dangling its legs under a leaf,

On a spruce on stumps, I hid!

Mosquitoes sit on chairs and hide behind handkerchiefs. The driver comes out in a cap or with a frog emblem and says: “Where is the mosquito riki? I'll find them now! Qua-qua-qua!" Searches but does not find. The game is repeated. Then the frog driver with the words "Here they are!" finds mosquitoes. But the mosquitoes scatter, and the frog tries to catch them.

Find your house (2-3 years)

Tasks. Teach children to combine walking with other types of movements; develop the ability to navigate in space, coordinate actions with other children; consolidate knowledge of color, shape, size; support children's independence and initiative.

Material. Circles or squares of different sizes or colors.

Game content. Children are accommodated in their own houses, which, depending on the purpose, may have a different size, color or shape. When the kids are well versed in all the properties of objects (size, color, shape), you can combine two properties, for example, shape and color or size and color.

Children memorize their houses and, at the signal of an adult, go out for a walk in the clearing. They perform various movements independently at their own discretion (walk, pick flowers, run, climb stumps, throw cones at a target, step over streams). At the signal of an adult, “Rain!” children run to their houses. An adult, together with them, checks whether everyone has occupied their houses, helps the children find their houses if they do not remember them.

Game variant. If the game is played on the site, the houses can be marked near different trees. Children memorize the names of trees, learn to navigate in space in a kindergarten site.

Journey to the forest (2-3 years)

Tasks.Improve basic movements; learn to imitate animals; learn to work in a team; stimulate independence; evoke a sense of joy from joint actions.

Material. Emblems depicting animals placed on racks at a distance of 4-5 m from each other.

Game content. An adult invites children to go to the forest by train. Children stand one after another and, at the signal of an adult, move, saying: “Chu-choo-choo-choo!” At the signal of an adult, “Stop, the trailers have stopped!” children stop. An adult draws the attention of the children to the emblem with the image of a bunny and asks: “Who is this?” Children answer: "Bunny." An adult invites everyone to go out into the clearing and jump like bunnies. Then, at the signal of an adult, the children again line up one after another and go to the next stop, where the bear is depicted on the emblem. Then everyone again goes out into the clearing and imitates the bears, walking, waddling from side to side.

Note. The game is best played outdoors. Emblems with stands can be placed in a circle or in a straight line. The number of emblems with the image of animals is taken gj, taking into account the level of development and age of children, but not more than 6 pieces.

Find a house (2 years 6 months - 3 years)

Tasks.To consolidate children's knowledge of the shape (circle, square, triangle); develop fine motor skills; encourage independence and initiative.

Game contents. The teacher prepares figures of various shapes from cardboard and a box of the same shape or with a sticker of the appropriate shape. At the beginning of the game, he scatters the figures on the floor and invites the children to collect them and place them in their houses. Then, together with the children, he looks to see if all the figures are in their houses. He asks the kids which figure occupied someone else's house and where it should be placed.

Game variant. The teacher prepares houses of various shapes (from oilcloth, thick cardboard, linoleum), distributes figures to the children. The kids run around the room, frolic, and at the signal of the teacher, “Everyone in their houses!” occupy the corresponding house. Then, together with the teacher, they check whether everyone has occupied their houses.

Magic wand (2 years 6 months - 3 years)

Tasks.Develop dexterity, speed of reaction; consolidate knowledge of color; bring joy to the game.

Material. Gymnastic stick 1 m long, to which ribbons of different colors are tied.

Game content. The teacher shows the children a magic wand with ribbons. Clarifies with the children what color the ribbons are, and then invites them to play with them. The teacher slowly moves away from the children trying to grab the ribbon. You can catch up with the ribbons, moving on all fours. At the end of the game, the teacher raises the stick high and invites the children to get the ribbons.

Bear and kind rabbits (2 years 6 months - 3 years)

Tasks. Enrich the motor experience of children (jumping, running); to encourage active action; evoke a sense of joy from joint actions with an adult and peers; cultivate kindness.

Material. Caps or breast emblems depicting rabbits (according to the number of players), a bear; bench, screen, large cubes.

Game content. Children pretend to be rabbits. They jump, run to music or a tambourine. Suddenly a bear appears. His role is played by an adult or older child. The bear passes among the rabbits and growls. The rabbits and the teacher sympathetically ask the bear:

brown bear,

brown bear,

Why are you so gloomy?

The bear answers:

I did not treat myself to honey,

That's all and angry!

The hares ask him not to be angry, but to play hide and seek with them. They promise to treat the bear with honey. The hares hide at will (behind a screen, a cube, a bench), the teacher encourages them. The bear, after the words "One, two, three, four, five, I'm going to look for a rabbit," walks around the group, looking for rabbits.

Rabbits can run from one place to another. After the bear finds them, they treat him with honey. The bear thanks the rabbits, and everyone dances merrily together.

They help the baby learn to move to the beat of words, stomp their feet, clap their hands, turn around ....

Clap! One more time
We'll clap now.
And then quickly
Clap-clap more fun!
Clap, clap, clap!
Finger on finger tuk tuk,
Stomp, stomp, stomp!

Top-top, topotushki,
A bunny is dancing on the edge,
Dancing hedgehog on a stump,
A chizhik is dancing on a branch,
The dog is dancing on the porch,
The cat is dancing near the stove,
Top-top, topotushki,
Dancing paws, dancing ears,
Dancing legs and tails.
What are you standing, dance and you!


One of the options for a nursery rhyme about a hare with simple movements
Zainka, come out,
Gray, come out
Like this, like this, get out
Like this, come on out!

Zainka, stamp your foot,
Gray, stamp your foot,
Like this, like that, stomp your foot,
Like this, stomp your foot!

Bunny, turn around
Gray, turn around
Like this, like this, turn around
That's it, that's it, turn around!

Zainka, jump,
Grey, jump
Like this, like this, jump
That's it, jump like that!

Zainka, dance,
Gray, dance,
Like this, dance like that,
Like this, dance like that!

Zainka, bow,
Gray, bow
Like this, bow like this
Like this, bow like that!

Three cheerful brothers walked around the yard,
Three cheerful brothers started a game,
They made heads nick-nick-nick,
Dexterous fingers chik-chik-chik.
Clap your hands, clap, clap, clap,
They stomped their feet top-top-top.

Gray bunny washes
Apparently, he is going to visit,
Washed out the nose
Washed the tail
Washed my ear
Wipe dry!

Children love to dance. Even the little ones who have barely learned to walk happily walk in a circle holding hands, listen carefully to the words, and happily repeat the movements of the elders.


Children walk in a circle holding hands, In the middle of the circle sits a child - "zucchini".
zucchini, zucchini,
thin legs,
red boots
We fed you
We fed you
Let's put on our feet
Let's make dance.
Dance as much as you want
Choose who you want!
"Zucchini" dances, and then chooses another child who becomes "zucchini".


Holding hands, the children dance around the leader and say:

We brought gifts to everyone
Who wants, he will take.
Here's a doll with a bright ribbon,
Horse, top and plane.
The host chooses one of the named gifts. If he names a horse, the children pretend to be a horse and say:
Our horse gallops choke, choke, choke,
The sound of fast feet is heard.
If the doll is named, the children depict the doll with the words:
Doll, dance doll,
Wave red ribbon
If the top - the children spin in place, depicting a top:
This is how the top spins
He buzzed and lay down on his side.
If aircraft - imitate aircraft:
The plane is flying, flying
A brave pilot sits in it.
The child standing in the center chooses the "toy" he likes. The one chosen becomes in a circle, and the game starts over.

Game "Teremok"

There should be at least 6 children. You need to agree in advance who will be the mouse, frog, bunny ... Animals can be very different, not necessarily, like in a fairy tale. It all depends on the number and desire of children. Only the trap bear should be alone.
Everyone join hands, walk in a circle and sing:
There is a teremok in the field, a teremok,
He is not low, not high, not high,
Here is a field, a field a mouse runs,
She stopped at the door and chirped.
The mouse runs into the circle and says:
Who, who lives in a teremochka,
Who, who lives in the low?
and stays in the circle.
The rest of the children again go in a circle and again say the same words, but instead of a mouse they call a frog.
Each time the named children run out into the circle and ask:
Who, who lives in a teremochka,
Who, who lives in the low?
They are answered by those standing inside the circle:
I am a mouse...
I am a frog...etc.
And who are you?
When they hear the answer, they say:
Come live with us
Only one bear remains. He walks around the assembled animals and when asked:
And who are you?
He speaks:
And I'm a bear - everyone's trap.

The children run and the bear catches them. Caught becomes a bear.


Children lead a round dance and say:
Blowing bubbles
Here are some look!

Gradually expanding the circle
Blow up, bubble
Blow up big
Stay like this
Don't crash.

When the host says:
The bubble burst
The bubbles burst.
The children run away