How to cut fur on a fur coat. "Barbershop" for a fur coat. Sheared and plucked fur

- Well, is everything ready now?
- And now not everything is ready.
- And now not everything is ready?
- Not ready. What is it? The haircut has just begun.

M / f "Why does a lion have a big mane?"

If we consider the model range of any fur salon, then along with products made of beautiful whole fur, you can find a large number of models whose fur is trimmed or plucked. Why do they resort to such a seemingly meaningless process in production? Let's try to figure it out.

What is a haircut and plucking of fur

Fur shearing is a process in which the outer hair * is shortened and trimmed to the length of the shortest one that occurs in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. This is usually the area of ​​the neck, or peritoneum. As a result of this treatment, the outer hair on the skin becomes uniform, without areas with longer or shorter fur. Thanks to this, the whole skin can be used in production.

Fur plucking is a process in which the outer hair is completely removed from the surface of the skin over its entire area by plucking. After such processing, only the underfur remains on the skin.

Reasons for trimming and plucking fur

There are several reasons for such processing of fur raw materials, which are of a different nature. These are economic, physical, and even aesthetic reasons. But whatever they are, it all comes down to a few mandatory groups. The most common of them:

Some advantages of sheared and plucked fur products

Any operation in the production of fur products is initially justified. Therefore, haircut and plucking of fur have a rational justification. So, sheared fur has an increased coefficient of wear resistance. On average, the service life of a sheared fur product is increased by 20%, which is very beneficial in terms of cost savings. It can also be noted that shorter fur that has undergone a shearing procedure is less prone to felting and felting, which has a good effect on the appearance of the product.

Sheared fur

It should be noted that shearing and plucking of fur raw materials is also possible as a result of the work of design ideas. When using various technologies, plucked fur acquires the texture of velvet, velveteen, and so on. At the same time, very interesting, unusual models of outerwear are obtained.

What they don't talk about

Plucked fur also appears as a result of an attempt to give the skin, which has defects in the growth of the outer hair, a marketable appearance. Low-quality raw materials as a result of tweaking get a chance to move to a higher category. The difference between high quality and low quality material is smoothed out. The plucked fur of some animals with inexpensive skins is very similar to the fur of rather expensive types of fur-bearing animals. For example, nutria fur, when plucked, perfectly imitates mink fur. Therefore, by combining the pinching and coloring of the nutria fur, you can get a skin, like two drops of water, similar to a mink skin.

The most famous disadvantages

As always, in this fur processing technique, in addition to obvious advantages, there are also disadvantages. Sheared and plucked fur is less warm, therefore outerwear made from it is more decorative than practical. It is good for short trips in the car, but it is better to refrain from walking down the street in it in the cold. Also, poor-quality raw materials are a priori subjected to pinching, requiring processing to give it a marketable appearance. Therefore, the quality of clothes from it will not be too high.

The outer hair serves as a protection for down from dirt, water and other adverse environmental conditions. Therefore, both sheared and plucked fur will get dirty and wet much faster, which will require more frequent cleaning and combing of the product. This cannot but have a negative effect on the duration of the product's use. It will quickly lose its appearance.

When pinching the spine in the mezra, the connection of collagen fibers is broken, the roots of downy hair bulbs are loosened. In this regard, the underfur is less well retained in the mezdra, and the skins undergo faster baldness.

And besides, plucked and sheared fur is already losing its relevance. Due to the fact that poor-quality fur raw materials are mainly subjected to these procedures in order to level the defects of the skins, products made from it are increasingly classified as “consumer goods”. This is also due to the ever-increasing popularity of natural fur and the increase in prices for things made from high-quality, full-haired skins.

After studying this material, the reader will be able to draw their own conclusions. Weigh the advantages and disadvantages of technology, and decide whether to buy a product made from plucked or sheared fur.

So, whether to buy outerwear made of plucked or sheared fur, while significantly saving the family budget, or to invest in a worthy product made of natural fur is, of course, up to you. We hope that our article will help you become a little more knowledgeable in this matter and make purchases wisely and with pleasure.

Pinch is not the only way to sell cheaper fur over the road. Sometimes dyeing fur helps hide imperfections.

* Guard hair (awn) - an integral part of animal hair, hair of great length.

Every woman has or dreams of having a fur product in her wardrobe. Most often, preference is given to nutria fur, due to its properties and excellent qualities. Natural skin can be of different colors, the cost of a fur product even depends on it.


Wool has excellent qualities and characteristics. It is durable and resistant to water, has a unique appearance. Nutria skin products are lightweight, wear well, wear-resistant and practical. Often they try to sell fur products from nutria under the guise of a beaver, since the latter is somewhat more expensive. At the same time, the skin has the main distinguishing feature - it does not have heating fluff.


Much depends on the conditions in which the animal grew up. But even regardless of this, the products are warm, wear-resistant and, most importantly, beautiful. The fur of the ragontine is thick, soft and shiny. The density of the layer can be changed using a special stretch.

The skins of animals that have grown in natural, natural conditions are more valued, however, it has a significant drawback - it has to be artificially dyed, since the original color is unattractive. Nutria, bred artificially, can have a wide variety of colors - from pale white to black.

It may or may not be sheared. It is simply impossible to say which is better, the main difference here is the appearance. Plucked and sheared looks much more attractive, it is often used to imitate mink fur products, which are much more expensive. The raw skin of a nutria can be distinguished from a mink even with the naked eye. The fact is that the ragontine skin has three categories of hair, while the mink has eight.


  • wear resistance (8 seasons, 45-60%);
  • moisture resistant;
  • soft but elastic undercoat;
  • characteristic strong luster;
  • availability.

Important! Compared to other furs, nutria is considered the most affordable and inexpensive. Among the huge range of proposals, each fashionista can easily choose the option that will satisfy all the requirements as much as possible and will not hit the wallet. You can choose both more expensive options and more budget ones, everything will depend on the type of fur, features and processing.

warm or not

When buying a product, many people ask themselves whether the nutria fur is warm or not? Nutria fur coats are great for winters with a harsh climate. It is not exposed to moisture, it is wear-resistant.

Snow and rain, high humidity, severe frosts and strong winds - all these adverse weather conditions can be easily overcome with a quality ragontine fur product. If compared with other products, then, for example, a beaver fur coat will be warmer, but it will also cost more.

Products from this type of fur do not require careful and complex care. Even if you regularly find yourself in a fur coat under the snow and rain, it is enough when you come home to just vigorously shake off the product several times and dry it at room temperature.

Many are interested in the question, why does the fur cough? This happens due to improper care. Remember that the product should only be stored dry and clean.

Any dirt is easily removed from the surface of the fur, so if you want to buy a practical and wear-resistant product, it will be a priority. A fur coat made of nutria skin can last at least 5 seasons, its wear resistance is determined as a percentage - up to 65%. If we talk about other furs, then for comparison we can consider otters - 100%, mink - 70% and chinchilla no more than 40%.

Important! A product made of unplucked fur will last much longer than if the outer hair has been plucked. If the fur product is properly looked after and treated with care, then the service life is significantly increased.

Which to choose

The highest quality skin of individuals that have grown in the wild and natural conditions. If the animals grew up in artificial conditions, all the rules were observed during their cultivation and the high quality of life of the ragontin was ensured, then the fur will be of sufficient quality and is highly valued.

If we talk about the value of skins, then backs are chosen for expensive and high-quality products, their fur is the softest and smoothest, shiny and beautiful. For budget products, a part of paws and tails can be used. It is interesting that the coat of males is coarser and warmer than that of females, but it is practically not used for fur coats. Hats are mainly made from the fur of males.

Sheared nutria - features and disadvantages

The product of an unshorn nutria will last much longer than an untreated one, but it looks much less attractive. When processing the axial hair from the fur, it is completely removed (plucked fur), the nutria acquires a soft and velvety appearance.

The difference between sheared fur and plucked fur is that in the first case, the axial hairs are not completely removed, a frame remains, which improves the quality and durability of the product. A haircut is cheaper than a haircut, since after the procedure you have to additionally align the undercoat.

How to cut fur at home

Of course, it is better not to engage in this procedure on your own, since an incorrect and unprofessional approach has its own risks and you can hopelessly ruin an expensive product. If necessary, it is better to initially purchase a product from sheared or plucked fur.

A haircut of an already worn product may be needed in such situations:

  • there are defective areas on the fur coat;
  • the fur is old, has lost its presentable appearance and attractiveness;
  • hard outer hair.

If there is a desire and need, you can cut the fur at home, but you must follow the rules and recommendations in order to minimize all possible risks. It is best to initially practice on old and unnecessary products. Before cutting, it is necessary to clean and remove long guard hairs.

You can not cut the nutria as a whole, it must be torn and straightened on a flat surface. If there is a fear that after you will not be able to sew the product and return it to its original form, then the haircut must be done by hanging the fur coat on the trempel. You can cut with an ordinary machine with the largest nozzle. Do not immediately take a low nozzle for a haircut - you can grab too much fur.

When cutting, accuracy and perseverance are important, do not rush. A haircut can take several hours, but haste in this matter is not welcome - there are risks of ruining a fur coat. After cutting, you need to shake the fur coat well and vacuum it from the remnants of the hairs. The final stage is the stitching of all parts and lining.

What kind of fur product to choose - each woman decides for herself. If you need a practical and inexpensive option, then nutria fur can be the perfect solution. A high-quality one will last a long time even under constant adverse conditions, will always have a presentable appearance and add charm and sophistication to its owner.

How to cut fur? You should not cut the newest fur coat if you have not worked with fur before and have never cut fur. It is better to experiment on old fur coats and short fur coats, which, in which case, will not be a pity. Before cutting, the fur coat must be cleaned and the long outer hair removed. The most important point: the fur should be very straightened on a hard surface.

That is why you should not cut the fur coat in its entirety, in order to cut the fur very well, it will have to be torn open. After the fur coat is trimmed, shake it well, vacuum it to remove the trimmed fur. Then gather the fur coat, and sew the lining. Successful tests with style! Navigation. eh, if the photo was detailed or a video, it would be easier (I'm afraid to touch the fur, I'll ruin it.

The knives must certainly be sharpened, adjust the machine in advance and make sure that it cuts perfectly and does not pull out the fur when cutting. Use the highest nozzle first so you don't cut too much fur. Cut the fur coat from top to bottom, cut moderately over the entire fur coat, try to achieve a very smooth and velvety surface. To do this, open the lining beforehand, spread out all the seams that prevent the fur coat from lying flat on the floor. If you are not convinced that you can sew a fur coat back after a haircut, then cut it without opening it, but hanging it on a coat hanger. They cut a fur coat with an ordinary hair clipper, which many people have in their homes. It comes with nozzles that cut at different heights. How to cut fur at home?

Many have heard about sheared fur coats from various furs. Sheared fur has long been in vogue and such fur coats are offered at fur fairs and in shops. Fur coats from sheared mink, sheared beaver, nutria - types of fur are offered for every taste. And many people think - is it possible to cut a fur coat at home, and how to do it? Basically, it's real.

Cut a nutria fur coat at home

Old fur. In aged furs, the outer hair becomes stiff and brittle. In this case, cutting fur will also be an option. The fur has a pronounced outer hair, and for some reason - for example, aesthetic, this is not necessary. In what cases is the fur cut: Disadvantages. If your fur coat has been moth-damaged, clipping is one of the usual methods to revive it in this case, unless the damage is very severe.

Thank you. But the photo is professional, how to make such patterns at home? Special nozzles? great, very, but how to repeat this at home? It seems to me that such patterns at home cannot be made only on industrial equipment. Cut against the fur or on it? I think it looks like it, but I'm not sure... hello, I work with fur, in other words, I cut skins and finished products. I will share my secrets. it is not so difficult, the main thing is to have a pet brush (with steel teeth), sharp scissors and a good machine with various attachments. first, comb the skin against the pile, then remove the top layer of fur, it is always the longest. then we take scissors and slowly cut it so that about 12 mm of swelling remains, so that everything is at the same level, bending the skin in parts. Does it make sense in general to bother at home or not suffer and turn to a fur studio?

If you have no experience and plan to wear it, and not suffer and throw it away, of course, contact the atelier! There is a method to renew a coat with partly worn fur by changing the structure of the fur with a haircut. Let's consider the method of how to cut nutria fur at home.

Even if you are not an experienced furrier, you will be able to cut a fur coat, but there are several aspects that must be taken into account if you do not want to ruin the fur. Also, don't forget that the first experience can be bad, so don't take risks in vain with the newest good, much less expensive thing. Do not rush, cutting a fur coat takes a lot of time, it requires vigilance and perseverance.

Low nozzles for a typewriter allow you to cut patterns on a fur coat, but you do not need to do this alone - there is a risk of destroying the fur.

According to the latest fashion trends, sheared fur is more and more in demand when sewing a wide variety of products that are original and in demand among different segments of the population.

Probably, this was the reason that this fur is considered budget and low-prestige. But many well-known Fashion Houses actively use it to create magnificent collections because sheared fur looks more impressive than the original unshorn material. Fur treated in this way is more wary of the older generation, but young people who love to experiment appreciated the merits of products made from sheared nutria and only positive reviews. In this article, we will tell you in detail how to cut nutria fur, as well as what points you need to pay attention to when choosing skins for sewing so that nutria fur coats look sophisticated and stylish.

What is fur trimming

In short, shearing is the mechanical processing of the hairline of an animal skin (in our case, it is nutria), pursuing the following tasks:

  • With the help of a haircut, you can give a more solid, respectable and structural look to an ordinary product.
  • With the help of a haircut, you can create models that in appearance will not differ in any way from more expensive furs, such as mink.

Types of haircuts and treatments

Previously, the atelier mainly practiced a uniform haircut. As a result, the height of the fur turned out to be the same. Now fashionable and more in demand is “curly grooving”, which makes it possible to create stunning patterns and unusual drawings. The current craftsmen have mastered the polishing of already sheared furs. This type of processing of the skins gives them a unique "refined" shine, making the products more presentable.

Sheared nutria fur is used to design not only outerwear, but also when sewing shoes, handbags, hats, and other things.

There is an opinion that sheared fur is some kind of leftovers or even waste when sewing fur coats. But this is a delusion. Today it is a real industry, starting from the cultivation of nutria of the required breeds, dressing of skins and their processing. According to statistics, at present, many more animals go for sheared fur than for regular fur.

Quite often, due to the lack of labels, sheared fur is mistaken for artificial by many inexperienced buyers. Probably because the sheared one is not so catchy because of the short pile. Fur products processed in this way are bought by those who try not to stand out. But these are backward looks and fur, processed according to new technologies, looks simply gorgeous.

Currently, several types of haircuts are practiced that change the natural structure of the fur:

  • homogeneous;
  • curly;
  • model pinch.

In the modern fashion industry, it is the uniform haircut that is the base material that is most in demand. At the same time, the outer hair is cut to the length of the underfur.

Pinching involves the complete removal of guard hairs.

curly haircut

With a curly haircut, the underfur and outer hair are cut to different lengths. Usually in this case, parallel stripes are cut at different angles. This haircut technique makes the fur look like velvet in appearance. Sometimes, going into a prestigious boutique, many people have a question - "Why is the jacket so expensive?". In fact, this is not exquisite velvet, but sheared nutria fur, which is pleasant to the touch. Sheared fur products are classified as "evening materials", as they make wonderful capes for festive events.

Mink fur

Very often, the outer hair is sheared at the mink fur, while the appearance of the product changes beyond recognition. Merchants often cut the outer hair of mink furs brought from America or Europe. This is done in order to correct existing defects.

In any case, a haircut provides a lot of opportunities for fashion designers. How nice nutria coats or short jackets look and how many rave reviews they have won.

Video "Excellent nutria fur coat"

Video demonstration of a beautiful fur coat.

The better sheared fur

The main advantage of sheared fur is its durability. For example, a haircut improves the protective qualities of the fur, the pile does not roll or clog, the product itself gets less dirty. It is also important that the correct haircut increases wear resistance by almost half. Fur treated in this way looks presentable much longer than normal fur. Be sure to keep this in mind when choosing a product. And there is no need to hesitate if you like a fur coat or short fur coat made of sheared nutria more than another product that is simply plucked. Do not be afraid to experiment and fantasize, do not hesitate to show your individuality.

Video "Beautiful nutria jacket"

Video demonstration of a beautiful nutria jacket.

Haircut at home

Probably, many had to think about whether it is difficult to cut a nutria coat at home, and can it be done on your own?

Of course you can, but you need to follow our recommendations and act carefully and slowly.

You can cut your own fur coat at home, but there are a number of nuances that you should be aware of in order not to spoil the product.

When is a haircut needed?

Nutria fur is sheared at home in the following cases:

  • If any defects are found. For example, you found moth-affected areas on your nutria fur coat. In this case, a haircut is the easiest way to return the product to a presentable look.
  • The fur coat is old. It is worth knowing that when the fur ages, its outer hair becomes stiffer and can break. In this case, cutting a fur coat from nutria is the only way out.
  • They also resort to a haircut if the fur has a pronounced guard hair, but you don’t like it.

fur haircut

You don't need to cut a new nutria coat if you have no experience with fur at all, and you have never sheared fur before. First you need to experiment a little with old and unnecessary products, which, in case of failure, will not be a pity to throw away.

Before proceeding directly to the process of cutting a fur coat, be sure to properly clean the product and remove all long outer hair.

Highlight: be sure, before cutting the fur, straighten it on a flat surface. In particular, this is the main reason why it is impossible to cut a nutria coat in its entirety. For a quality haircut, it is desirable to rip it.

First of all, you need to rip off the lining, rip those seams that do not allow the product to lie flat on the surface. If you doubt that you will be able to sew the product back after the haircut, then you can try to cut it without resorting to spacers, but by hanging a fur coat or short fur coat on a trempel. But this is not the most convenient option.

A nutria coat is cut with the most ordinary machine that cuts hair and is sold in stores. When buying a machine, pay attention to the fact that it is equipped with nozzles of different heights. Buy a good machine, not a cheap Chinese one, which not only cuts badly, but also breaks down quickly.

Try cutting with the highest attachment first. This is important not only to fit in, but also not to draw too much fur. The fur coat is cut from top to bottom. Try to cut evenly throughout the fur coat so that the surface is smooth and velvety. Do not rush, a high-quality haircut of a nutria coat can take a lot of time, and it will also require accuracy, attentiveness and perseverance.

It is better to cut products that are already plucked.

With the help of low nozzles, you can cut cute patterns on a fur coat, but you do not need to do it yourself - you can ruin the product.

After cutting, you need to shake the product properly, then vacuum it.

This video shows how a high quality nutria and mink coat should look like.

Many have heard about sheared fur coats from different furs. Sheared fur has long been in vogue and such fur coats are offered at fur fairs and in stores. Fur coats from sheared mink, sheared beaver, nutria - types of fur are offered for every taste.

And many people think - is it possible to cut a fur coat at home, and how to do it?

Basically, it's real.

Even if you are not an experienced furrier, you will be able to cut a fur coat, but there are a few nuances that must be taken into account if you do not want to ruin the fur.

Also, do not forget that the first experience may be unsuccessful, so do not take risks in vain with a new good, especially expensive thing.

In what cases is the fur sheared:

  • Defects. If your fur coat has been moth-damaged, cutting it is one easy way to revive it, as long as the damage isn't too severe.
  • Old fur. In aged furs, the outer hair becomes stiff and brittle. In this case, fur cutting will also be an option.
  • The fur has a pronounced outer hair, and for some reason - for example, aesthetic, this is undesirable.

How to cut fur?

You should not cut a new fur coat if you have never worked with fur before and have never cut fur. It is better to experiment on old fur coats and short fur coats, which, in which case, will not be a pity.

Before cutting, the fur coat must be cleaned and the long outer hair removed.

The most important point: the fur should be as straightened as possible on a hard surface. That is why you should not cut the fur coat in its entirety, in order to cut the fur with the highest quality, it will have to be torn open.

To do this, first open the lining, spread out all the seams that prevent the fur coat from lying flat on the floor. If you are not sure that you can sew a fur coat back after a haircut, then cut it without tearing it, but hanging it on a coat hanger.

They cut a fur coat using a regular hair clipper, which many have in the house. Included with it are nozzles that cut at different heights. Knives must be sharp, adjust the machine in advance and make sure that it cuts well and does not pull out the fur when cutting.

Use the tallest attachment first so you don't cut too much fur. Cut the fur coat from top to bottom, cut evenly over the entire fur coat, try to achieve the most even and velvety surface. Take your time, cutting a fur coat takes a lot of time, requires care and perseverance.

Low nozzles for a typewriter allow you to cut patterns on a fur coat, but it is undesirable to do it yourself - there is a risk of damaging the fur.

After the fur coat is trimmed, shake it out well, vacuum it to remove the trimmed fur. After that, collect the fur coat, and sew the lining.

Good luck experimenting with style!