How to properly wash silk colored bedding. Silk care. Rules for washing bed linen in a washing machine

Caring for silk products is not as easy as it seems. Things woven from natural materials look very elegant and sophisticated. To extend their service life and keep their original appearance, it is necessary to adhere to a number of care rules. There is an opinion that self-cleaning of silk items is highly undesirable and it is better to use dry cleaning services. However, it is not. If you approach this issue reasonably, then the product will delight its owner for a long time.

Silk care

Read the label carefully before proceeding with any procedure. Basically, it contains complete information on how to care for a particular silk product. If not properly cared for, the fabric may fade, stretch or shrink. And sometimes it even breaks.

Silk garment care

Products made from natural materials must be kept in a well-ventilated dry area. Do not put things in the closet on the shelf. It is best to hang them on a hanger.

Do not allow perfume or deodorant to come into direct contact with silk. Otherwise, it will lead not only to stains, but also to the destruction of the delicate structure of the material.

How to store

It is necessary to store silk products in covers made of natural materials. This is a mandatory rule for long-term storage. The use of polyethylene or synthetics will lead to the accumulation of moisture inside the cover and, as a result, to the appearance of mildew and a yellow tint on the clothes.

Since silk is a natural material, it is the moth's favorite treat. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of protection in advance in the form of special means - aerosols, sachets, tablets.

How and what to wash

It is only necessary to wash natural silk products by hand. The water temperature should not exceed 30 ° С. It is forbidden to use preliminary soaking and forced squeezing of the product.

When washing, do not use products containing bleach, solvents or other aggressive ingredients. Only mild detergents are suitable for washing. This can be baby shampoo, baby soap, or silk detergent. You can rinse silk products in a vinegar solution. It is prepared at the rate of 15 ml of vinegar per 1 liter of water.

You can remove stubborn dirt yourself:

  1. Dampen a cotton swab with denatured ethanol and wipe the perfume stains.
  2. Glycerin can remove coffee and tea stains. To do this, apply a thin layer of the product on the stain and wait 25-30 minutes. Then rinse the product thoroughly.
  3. Apply starch gruel to blood stains. Then the clothes are well shaken off and washed.
  4. Sprinkle fresh wine stains with salt and leave for 30-40 minutes. After that, the item is washed using a silk product.
  5. Most stains can be removed with a 10% vinegar solution. You can also use aspirin tablets (2 tablets per 200 grams of water).

How to dry and iron

Proper care of the material is not only about proper storage and washing. The quality and appearance of silk also depends on proper drying and ironing.

It is necessary to dry as follows:

  1. A clean thing is not squeezed out, but given time for the water to glass naturally.
  2. Next, the product is placed in a terry towel or sheet, having previously rolled it up with a roller.
  3. When the upper fabric has absorbed the moisture as much as possible, the product is unrolled, gently smoothed by hand and spread on the table. First, you need to put dry material on the table surface.
  4. Slightly damp items can be hung on a hanger. Large items can be hung on a rope. Drying should be done in a well ventilated area. Direct sunlight must be excluded.

To prevent delicate fabrics from being deformed, it is forbidden to dry silk products on radiators and with a hair dryer.

As a rule, ironing can be avoided if the item is properly dried. If it still needs to be stroked, then they follow simple rules:

  • Silk products are ironed slightly damp.
  • The temperature is adjusted to 70 ° C. This is the minimum level.
  • Products are ironed from the inside out. A dry cloth is poured onto the surface.
  • Silk items should not be ironed if they are very wet. This will lead to deformation and unsightly reflections.
  • If things are too dry, do not spray them with water. Otherwise, it will lead to stains. You can simply steam them off. To do this, fill the bathroom with steam from hot water and hang the product there on a hanger.

Silk bedding - care and storage features

Bed linen made of natural silk is an excellent purchase and a valuable gift. It is pleasant to the body, does not cause allergies and skin irritation, is durable, does not lose color and shape. In addition, one of the advantages is the excellent thermoregulation of the material, which allows you to keep warm when it is cold and cool in the heat. But, as you know, silk requires special attention and care.

It is necessary to store bed linen like other silk products. It is advisable to allocate a separate shelf for this in the closet and limit contact with synthetic fabrics.

Washing must be done in accordance with the following requirements:

  1. Silk bedding must be washed separately from other items. The water temperature should not be higher than 30 ° C.
  2. It is advisable to carry out a hand wash, but if your washing machine is intended to wash silk, you can use this mode. The spin should be set to the minimum level, or you should do without it altogether.
  3. The laundry must be turned inside out and all buttons and zippers, if any, must be fastened.
  4. Do not use bleaches, alkalis, solvents, stain removers. The best products are silk gel, baby soap, shampoo, or powder. You can also use fabric softener and a special antistatic agent for silk products.

Drying silk linen is allowed on a rope without using clothespins. Avoid direct sunlight so that the color of the material does not fade.

Comfortable and eco-friendly bed linen is an indispensable attribute of a bedroom. Silk is a natural material that can both warm and cool at the same time. It is pleasant to the body, looks expensive, incredibly durable, but requires special care, otherwise it quickly turns into unsightly crumpled rags.

Pros and cons of silk underwear

Silk is obtained from silkworm cocoons. Initially, the fibers were obtained with great difficulty, which is why only imperial families could afford such textiles. Today, delicate material is available to ordinary citizens, but has not lost its status as an expensive and luxurious fabric.

Interesting fact
The history of fabric begins in ancient China and goes back several thousand years.

Pros of silk underwear:

  1. It is an eco-friendly material with a smooth flowing texture. It will give pleasant sensations to the skin, provide a full healthy sleep.
  2. Silk is hypoallergenic, making it ideal even for young children.
  3. The fabric has good breathability.
  4. The fabric perfectly absorbs moisture and evaporates it quickly. However, it does not absorb all the moisture, so the skin does not dry out.
  5. Possesses bactericidal properties, harmful microorganisms or linen mites will not settle in it a priori.
  6. The matter contains the protein fibroin, which slows down the aging process. Therefore, sleeping on a silk pillow is recommended for women to combat expression wrinkles.
  7. In hot weather, the touch of such a fabric gives you coolness, and in winter it reliably protects from the cold.
  8. This is a durable, wash-resistant fabric that retains its original shape and color for a long time, no pellets appear on it (but only with proper care).
  9. in ancient times it was used as a remedy. Sleeping on such a bed strengthens the immune system, saturates the body with oxygen, the blood composition improves by increasing the level of hemoglobin.
  10. In addition to all this, silk bedding is an indicator of wealth and luxury.

Natural silk has few disadvantages:

  1. It is quite expensive.
  2. Requires strict adherence to the recommendations for washing, drying and ironing.
  3. Due to the high elasticity of the laundry, it can fall off, therefore a model is recommended.

Sometimes customers complain that silk is too slippery and uncomfortable to sleep on. Most still find the material ideal for the bed.

Artificial silk: pros and cons

The properties of natural silk have been repeatedly tried to recreate from cheaper fibers. Viscose is an artificial analogue obtained from wood pulp. Outwardly, artificial silk is the same flowing and smooth, and its cost is also much lower. These are fairly soft fabrics with good hygroscopic and breathable properties.

They are hypoallergenic as they are made of natural wood fibers. Disadvantages of a viscose analogue: it crumples easily, does not have sufficient strength, and warms worse. It also does not have healing properties like natural matter.

The cheapest option for replacing natural silk fabric is synthetic materials based on polyester. They cannot be compared with natural linen. Sleeping on such linen is uncomfortable, it is electrified, deteriorates quickly.

How to distinguish a fake

In order not to mistakenly purchase an artificial or synthetic version of it instead of genuine silk, squeeze the fabric in a fist. Natural fabric wrinkles well, while synthetic fabric is bad. Only synthetics are electrified.

If you put your hand on a natural material, it will instantly begin to warm up, synthetic samples do not have this feature. If there is a small piece of cloth, light it on fire.

Natural threads smolder, giving off the smell of burnt wool. Artificial fabric burns well and smells like burnt paper, and only a charred lump with the smell of plastic remains of synthetics. It is safe to say that silk is natural only when it is used in everyday life.

How to care for the material

In order for linen made of natural silk to retain its original appearance, follow these rules in caring for it:

  1. When wet, the material becomes brittle. Wash it by hand or on a special delicate cycle in the washing machine.
  2. The water temperature is not higher than 40 degrees.
  3. Wash silk fabrics in a soapy solution or liquid detergent solution, it should completely dissolve in water.
  4. Hand wash is carried out by soaking. Silk must not be washed.
  5. The optimal soak time is 15 minutes.
  6. Wash black silk separately from white and colored.
  7. The use of bleach is unacceptable.
  8. Rinse with hand wash several times until all the detergent is drained. With each rinse, gradually reduce the temperature of the water in the basin.
  9. Spin very carefully, as wet fibers can be easily damaged. It is forbidden to twist the fabric. It is most convenient to wrap the bedding in a terry towel / terry sheet and push gently.
  10. Dry the fabric in a dark place, as the sun's rays can noticeably spoil its appearance.
  11. Before sending the silk set to dry, it must be straightened out.
  12. Iron at the lowest temperature.

Despite the high price, bedding sets made from natural silk have been and remain popular. Eco-friendly fabric with unique healing properties occupies a leading position in the textile market, and no budget counterparts can replace it.

At first glance, there is nothing difficult in washing bed linen, because most often it is made of fairly dense fabrics - coarse calico, satin, silk, flax, and complex dirt rarely appears on it. But there is another side of the coin: sheets, duvet covers and pillowcases are used intensively, washed often, so it is important to know a number of secrets that will help keep them attractive for a long time.

How to wash bedding properly? The temperature and mode of washing largely depend on the type of fabric from which it is made, but there are general rules that every housewife should know. Let's start with them.

Machine wash bedding according to the instructions on the kit label.

Rules for washing bed linen in a washing machine

Our grandmothers washed duvet covers and pillowcases by hand, spending a huge amount of time and energy on it. Today women are spared this "pleasure." In the automatic washing machine, you can choose any temperature up to boiling, squeeze out the products with high quality before drying.

Sets made from the most delicate fabrics are recommended to be washed by hand, but in this case you can use the “delicate” or “silk” modes. Thus, washing bed linen by hand is gradually becoming a relic of the past.

Before washing your bedding in the washing machine, check out our tips:

  1. Do I need to wash new bedding? The answer is unequivocal - yes. During the manufacturing process, products pass through the hands of many people, and then can be stored in warehouses for a long time. Finished duvet covers or sheets can be treated with special substances to give them a presentation. Therefore, even a new set, sparkling with cleanliness, must be washed before use. The very first wash is best done in the “delicate” or “hand” mode, at low speeds during rinsing and spinning. In the future, you need to be guided by the recommendations on the product label regarding the mode and temperature.
  2. How often should the bedding be washed? The answer to the question will largely depend on personal preference, but in any case, you should not change the sheets less than once every 1-2 weeks. Fresh linen gives you a feeling of cleanliness, promotes sound sleep, so you can wash it as often as you like. It is only important not to save up stale duvet covers or pillowcases in a crumpled state for a long time - it is better to wash them immediately after replacing them.
  3. How to wash kits with embroidery, rhinestones and other decorative details? It is best to wash such bedding in a special bag, separate from other things. In this way, it will be possible to preserve its original appearance longer and not damage other products in the drum of the machine.
  4. How to keep the colors of the printed fabric bright? Colored bedding is best washed inside out. This way the fabric will experience less friction and the color will stay vibrant for much longer.

Even if the bed linen was used by guests only once, it is immediately removed and washed.

Before washing, check that all buttons and zippers on pillowcases and duvet covers are closed.

It is important that the laundry detergent matches the type of fabric the bedding is made of and rinses well from the fibers. Conditioners and bleaches should not be used every cycle. To soften the fabric and remove the smell of the powder, you can use ordinary 9% vinegar, for this, 100 ml of the solution is poured into the compartment for the conditioner.

Preparing laundry for washing

In order for the washing to be as efficient as possible, the entire volume of the laundry must be sorted out beforehand. First of all - according to the types of fabric from which the linen is made.

For example, synthetics should not be washed together with natural fabrics, because during the process of friction, pellets will form on the cotton inside the drum. White sets cannot be put in the same drum with color ones - no matter how persistent the dye is, lighter shades will still suffer.

And one more rule: do not wash kitchen towels, potholders, handkerchiefs or ordinary clothes with bed linen. Kitchen textiles and handkerchiefs can be much more contaminated than bedding, and during the wash process, such contamination can transfer onto sheets or pillowcases. Regular clothes usually require special modes to be selected, and when washed with bed linen, they can stretch and deform.

Sorting should also deal with the volume of the laundry. Optimally fill about half of the drum. The weight of the laundry also matters: you cannot exceed the norm provided for by the characteristics of the technique.

Washing various types of bed linen

So, the sheets and pillowcases are ready, the machine is loaded, the question arises - in what mode to wash bed linen? In modern washing machines, for example, the Bosh (Bosch) or Lg (EG) brands, there are many modes that allow you to select the washing program as accurately as possible for any type of bed linen.

Lingerie made of calico, satin, chintz

Various types of fabrics are made on the basis of cotton raw materials, of which coarse calico, satin or chintz are most often used for sewing bed linen.

At what temperature should bed linen be washed if it is made of coarse calico, satin or chintz? For white sets, it is best to use a temperature of 60 ℃, for color sets, the ideal temperature is 45 ℃. For white clothes, you can choose powders containing optical brighteners - the appearance of the fabric will improve as a result. For colored linen, it is better to choose delicate products that carefully preserve the pigment.

For a more thorough cleaning, you can turn on the double rinse function, and for spinning, any number of revolutions is suitable.

Linen bedding

Washing linen bedding is a snap: natural-colored or bleached fabrics can be washed at temperatures up to 95 ℃ and even boiled. If linen is dyed, you need to select a mode with a temperature not higher than 65 ℃. Any number of turns is suitable for rinsing.

So that the bed linen after washing is not too hard, and it is easier to iron it, you can pre-soak the set in soapy water, and then add 1 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar in the conditioner compartment.

Silk bed linen

If you decide to wash silk bedding in an automatic machine, you need to choose the most gentle washing program, and it is better to turn off the spin completely. You can pre-rinse the set in water with the addition of an antistatic agent - this way the laundry will retain its shine after washing.

The water temperature should not be more than 30 ℃. It is forbidden to use bleaches and stain removers when washing silk.

Linens made from fabrics with a high synthetic content

Modern fabrics with a high content of synthetic fibers are considered a worthy alternative to natural ones. They have high wear resistance, even stubborn and greasy stains can be easily cleaned from them.

How many degrees is required for a delicate wash? It is not advisable to wash bed linen made of this type of fabric at temperatures above 45 ℃. In the machine, it is better to choose the "synthetics" mode of the same name, and use the detergents depending on whether the fabric is white or colored.

Baby bedding

Baby underwear for the little ones is usually made from natural materials without the use of dyes. Cotton fabrics are well tolerated by any wash, so you can select modes with temperatures up to 95 ℃, for example, when washing baby sheets. This treatment will kill all bacteria and germs. Detergent for washing baby clothes must be marked "for babies from birth", and it is better not to use conditioners and bleaches at all.

Another safe way to handle baby sheets is to wash them by hand using laundry soap. In this case, make sure that the foam is completely removed from the fabrics when rinsing.

For older children, parents often purchase bright colored kits with cartoon characters and funny prints. To preserve the appearance of these items, do not wash them at temperatures over 45 ℃. Duvet covers and pillowcases must be turned inside out before placing them in the drum of the machine.

Following our advice, you can wash your bed linen in the washing machine so that it will delight you with its appearance for a long time.


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Do you know that:

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film are capable of withstanding from 70 to 120 liters of water per 1 m 2 of their area (depending on the size of the ceiling, the degree of its tension and the quality of the film). So you don't have to worry about leaks from the neighbors on top.

The dishwasher is not only good for dishes and cups. It can be loaded with plastic toys, glass shades of lamps and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without the use of detergents.

The habit of using the washing machine “sparingly” can lead to an unpleasant odor in it. Washing at temperatures below 60 ℃ and short rinses allow fungi and bacteria from dirty clothes to remain on the inner surfaces and actively multiply.

Before removing various stains from clothes, you need to find out how safe the selected solvent is for the fabric itself. It is applied in a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​the thing from the wrong side for 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move on to stains.

Threads made of gold and silver, which in the old days were used to embroider clothes, are called gimp. To obtain them, the metal wire was pulled for a long time with pliers to the state of the necessary fineness. Hence the expression "pull (breed) gimmick" - "engage in long monotonous work" or "delay the execution of the case."

There are special traps to fight moths. The pheromones of females are added to the sticky layer with which they are covered, attracting males. Sticking to the trap, they drop out of the reproduction process, which leads to a decrease in the moth population.

The easiest way to remove scale and carbon deposits from the soleplate is table salt. Place a thick layer of salt on the paper, heat the iron to maximum, and apply light pressure several times over the salt mat.

Fresh lemon is suitable not only for tea: clean the dirt from the surface of the acrylic bathtub by rubbing with half a cut citrus, or quickly wash the microwave by placing a container with water and lemon slices in it for 8-10 minutes at maximum power. The softened dirt will simply be wiped off with a sponge.

22.03.2018 06:46

There are beautiful and comfortable silk items in every home. Clothes made from this fabric are soft and weightless, providing gentle coolness on hot days. To preserve the brightness of flowers and an attractive look longer, you need to master the simple rules of care and know how to wash silk.

Natural silk - machine wash

After studying the manufacturer's recommendations, if there are no prohibition signs, you can proceed. The clothes are folded into a laundry net and placed in a typewriter. Select the "delicate" or "manual" mode on the control panel. Set the spin to minimum or turn it off altogether. The temperature difference damages silk. The temperature regime should be used at 30 ° C or the heating should be completely turned off.

After the end of the cycle, the items are removed and, if necessary, gently wrung out by hand. You can use a towel or heavy cotton cloth. Finish drying at room temperature.

Variegated and plain silk bedding will retain its original appearance if you rinse with vinegar acidified water. After the procedure, the color is restored and the pattern looks brighter. And also at the rinsing stage, an antistatic agent and a rinse aid for silk are recommended.

Features of hand wash

The optimal solution for the care of silk items is hand wash. Especially when it comes to natural, requiring careful handling. It is necessary to collect warm water (t = 30-40 °) in a plastic container and stir in it shampoo for delicate fabrics, soap shavings, transparent, liquid soap or regular shampoo. Wardrobe items are placed in foam and kept for 15 minutes. It is necessary to wash natural silk in a large volume of water.

Then you need to wash it gently. Do not rub, twist or pull the fabric. Water softens the structure of the fibers, and they are easily damaged by mechanical stress. Then rinse things carefully in several waters. Use a lower temperature for each water change. Remove water with gentle strokes. Spread the items to dry on a terry towel. Eliminate exposure to hot air from a heater or radiator.

Home remedies for washing

Despite the appearance of specialized detergents, folk remedies are no less popular and give good results.

  • Potato broth will help to take care of bright fabrics. To prepare it, you need to boil 1 kg of potatoes in 3 liters of water. When ready, drain and cool. Leave silk products in the broth for 2 hours. After that add 2 tbsp. l alcohol and hold for 20 minutes. Rinse silk in several waters and dry.
  • Potatoes are also used raw. It is peeled and grated. Squeeze the juice through cheesecloth and mix with water. Wash without adding detergents.
  • Hydrogen peroxide will help to restore the whiteness of the white fabric and eliminate the yellow spots. The solution is prepared from 15 measures of water and one part of 3% peroxide with the addition of 3 drops of ammonia. Duration of whitening 15 minutes at a temperature of 30 °. During exposure, things will need to be stirred several times. Finally, rinse with warm water.
  • Silk scarves and shawls are washed in a decoction of white beans or beans.
  • To remove stains, use a paste of starch mixed with a little water. The composition is applied to the contaminated area and left to dry. Dry residues are removed with a clothing brush. Then they wash.
  • The liquid after soaking the bran removes dirt from natural silk and is used for washing white clothes.

Artificial silk washing

The composition of rayon contains viscose or cotton fibers, which makes the material resistant to temperature changes during washing. But it also needs gentle care and washing in warm water and a mild detergent. It is prohibited to rub, twist, boil clothes and textiles made of artificial silk.

To soften when rinsing, add a conditioner-rinse or ammonia at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for 5 liters of water.

The washed dresses and shirts are wrapped in a sheet or towel to absorb moisture. It should be remembered that the fabric can be damaged when wet. Therefore, all operations must be completed faster.

Washing synthetic

Synthetic silk, or as it is also called, is afraid of high temperatures, since the composition of such a material is based on polyester.

  • Products made from this fabric should be washed at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C, both by hand and in a washing machine.
  • Dry flat, trying not to squeeze too much. Since the material is mostly polyester, it dries pretty quickly.
  • Ironing is carried out at a temperature not exceeding 150 ° C.

Drying and ironing of products

After washing and rinsing, things should not be hung upright on a rope and fixed with clothespins, otherwise marks and creases will remain. Hangers, a thick rope or a cylindrical holder through which you can throw a thing are suitable for hanging. It is best to spread out on a soft surface to dry at room temperature or in the shade in an open space. Bed linen is straightened on a rope or dryer to glass the water. Exposure to hot air should be avoided.

  • It is recommended to start ironing when clothes or laundry are still damp. Overdried silk is difficult to smooth and water stains.
  • You need to iron delicate material with an iron in the "silk" mode only from the wrong side through the iron. The steam and humidification function must be switched off.
  • Steaming is possible only in an upright position, without contact with the fabric. With complex, non-removable folds, you will have to completely wet the thing a second time, get wet and repeat the procedure.
  • Some fabrics, such as crepes, may shrink during the wash process. They are ironed wet, and the fabric is pulled slightly under the iron.

Additional care

  • Follow the care instructions on the product label.
  • Certain materials are only allowed to be dry cleaned, such as organza and silk chiffon. Therefore, you need to be careful and carefully study the label.
  • For airy, gauzy fabrics and natural silks, only hand wash is used.
  • Silk fabrics can be machine washed on a delicate cycle at a temperature not exceeding 40 ° C.
  • Suitable detergents for silk fabrics, baby and natural handmade soap, shampoo for washing hair.
  • Do not use products containing bleach or lye.
  • Adding vinegar to the rinse water (3 tablespoons per 10 liters) will help to add saturation to the flowers. Soak in a vinegar solution for no more than 5 minutes.
  • For white silk, a borax solution is used (1 tbsp. L. Per 1.5 l of water).
  • It is recommended to wash silk items in soft water. Liquid detergents and rinses for this material will help soften it.
  • When rinsing, first draw a small amount of warm water. Then - a large amount of cold.
  • The conditioner during washing acts as an antistatic agent, the fabric after it is not electrified and is easily smoothed out. In water with air conditioning, silk almost does not fade, which means that the brightness of your favorite clothes will last longer.
  • It is advisable to remove metal fittings and colored trims before washing.
  • It is not recommended to wash silk products often. Natural fibers are capable of self-cleaning under the influence of the wind. It is enough to hang a robe, curtains or scarf on the balcony and the smell from sweat or cigarettes is gone.
  • Due to the exceptional smoothness of silk threads, the material can be easily washed from stains and dirt and does not require additional exposure and soaking.

Careful handling and proper grooming will keep your favorite silk items attractive for years to come.

Silk belongs to a variety of fabrics, things from which are perfectly worn in any weather. The ability of clothes made of silk to warm in the cold and not be suffocating in the heat makes it practical, and the fact that the fabric is made from natural raw materials is in demand. Fabric made from the highest quality raw materials requires special attention, for example, silk organza and taffeta are not cleaned at home, so every good housewife must know how to wash silk.

Unfortunately, not every housewife, buying a good silk thing, knows how to properly care for it. For example, before washing silk bedding, many make mistakes that are annoying and spoil the final result (using bleach, too hot water, low-quality powders).

The distinctive difference between synthetic and natural things is the peculiarity of their wear. Natural silk is an environmentally friendly fabric that almost never causes a rejection reaction (allergy). It is absolutely harmless to the body, things made from it can be worn in any weather, while the outfits are always distinguished by beauty, elegance, and household items - classicism.

Synthetics, especially when combined with other types of fabrics such as wool, are also used to make clothing, but they are mostly sportswear. Semi-synthetics and synthetic things are socks and practical, but such material is not used for the manufacture of bedding and some types of clothing.

Silk is a type of fabric that will never go out of style. A scarf, blouse, dress or bedding set made of silk are distinguished by their elegance and style. A feature of the structure of the fabric is the durability of the preservation of colors and patterns, which are not susceptible to sunlight and other aggressive factors.

At the beginning of the XIX century. fashionistas of that time necessarily sewed underwear from the finest silk, then it was considered not only prestigious, but also fashionable. Despite the fact that the goods for sewing were not produced in Russia, but exported from Asian countries and were by no means cheap, silk was always in demand. The entire cultural elite of Russia shone at one time exclusively in dresses made of silk.

Luxurious ball gowns, camisoles, gloves - not only adults, but even children of rich people wore clothes made of this fabric. Taking into account some of the nuances in the care of things, silk washing, drying and ironing were entrusted to a special person, or they were given to the laundry.

These people were specially trained and knew how to wash silk clothes, how to iron them and what kind of care was required so that they always look perfect, and they could be dressed on more than one occasion.

Not every young woman knows how to wash natural silk, believing that a washing machine can do it on its own, the software of which has the corresponding function. This is often done, for example, with laundry that is difficult to wash by hand.

When faced with such a problem for the first time, women begin to try to clean the product in various ways, for example, using a stain remover or various detergents. To begin with, before washing a silk blanket, sheets, or pillowcases, you need to carefully study the product.

Usually, the manufacturer attaches a tag to them, where he indicates some rules of washing: the method, the temperature of the water and how to iron the product correctly.

Most silk items are washed and wrung out only by hand and are made as follows:

  • for washing silk, the appropriate washing powder is bought, it certainly does not contain bioadditives and bleaches;
  • the temperature of the water for washing should not exceed 400C;
  • washing powder is poured into the water and thoroughly stirred to a thick foam.

A silk item is soaked, but at the same time it does not need to be soaped, unless it is too dirty, or when the item is pure white and any stains will reappear during poor-quality washing.

For white things, a little borax is added to the soap solution, for color washing potato broth (potatoes are peeled and boiled, the resulting broth is used as an additive for washing silk).

Large items such as blankets, pillows, bedspreads, curtains are the most difficult to wash. In some cases, if the item is clean, but a stain has appeared on it, you can pick up a special detergent with neutral qualities to remove stains of grease and other substances.

A few good tips:

If you follow all the rules for caring for a silk thing, you need to know how to iron it correctly.

Not only washing, but also ironing silk and products made from it must be done carefully, adhering to certain rules.

The main rules for ironing:

After the item has been ironed, it must be placed in the closet, using a hanger until the time of use, so the fabric will not wrinkle and it will always have a festive look.