How to choose a sunscreen for children? Rating: Best Baby Sunscreen

Probably, everyone has already heard that excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin can cause serious harm to human health. Therefore, for everyone who likes to bask on the beach, doctors strongly recommend using special sunscreen and not going out into the sun in the very heat from 11-00 to 17-00. And for children, immoderate sunbathing is even more contraindicated. But how to protect the baby from the aggression of the summer sun? Sunscreen is a great option. But the question for the child is which one to choose from them?

Cream from 1 year old - which one to choose?

When choosing cosmetics for sun protection for young children, consider the level of SPF - the sun protection factor. This parameter will indicate how effective and how long the product will protect children's skin from the sun. Near the abbreviation SPF are numbers from two to one hundred, and the larger they are, the longer the remedy will work (Popular about health).

Do not use adult products to protect children's skin. They can cause serious skin reactions - hyperpigmentation, allergies, etc. Buy only those sunscreens that are suitable for your baby's age.

When choosing a product, be sure to read the label - consider the presence of contraindications, study the chemical composition, pay attention to the expiration date. And take your time, read reviews on the forums about children's sun protection creams. So you can choose a really great option.

Sanosan SPF 50

You can choose this German-made sunscreen for a child. It is of high quality and the right balanced composition.

Such a product does not contain mineral oils, it does not contain preservatives, dyes, fragrances and other aggressive components. Sanosan is considered environmentally friendly, which is why it is recommended by both pediatricians and other mothers. It is characterized by increased resistance to water, and is a source of some additional enriching components, represented by tocopherol, as well as panthenol. Therefore, its use contributes to additional hydration and prevents dryness of the skin. The cream does not cause a feeling of sticky skin and is hypoallergenic.

Babyline +35

This is a fairly popular brand that offers various children's products. Babyline sunscreen can not only protect delicate baby skin from the aggression of ultraviolet rays, it also has an additional softening and moisturizing effect. The manufacturer advises applying the cream to children's skin about half an hour before going out into the sun. The main advantage of this product is the absence of smell and rather low cost, but the cream is absorbed for a long time.

My Sunshine

This is another affordable and effective remedy for protecting babies' skin from the sun. It comes with SPF 20 and 30. This cream contains a number of additional components, represented by vitamin E and. However, there is evidence on the net that this inexpensive cream can cause allergic skin rashes. Also, some users complain about its too thick structure, which makes it difficult to evenly distribute the cream over the skin. So think about whether you should take this cream, whether to choose another ...

La Roche Posay

This is a very effective sunscreen for children, which, however, stands out for its rather high cost. This cream has an SPF 50 rating and really helps protect against sunburn and the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. Its composition is completely natural, so the likelihood of allergic reactions is reduced to almost zero.

Sunscreens from this company are made in Germany. They meet quality standards, are easily applied to the skin and do not leave a sticky film behind, quickly absorbed. On sale you can find Bubchen children's sun creams with SPF 50 and below, all of them have a delicate texture and will not harm babies.

This sunscreen has SPF 50 and is especially safe, because dermatologists approve its use to protect the skin of babies who are not yet a year old. The product is easy to apply, well distributed and quickly absorbed. It is practically incapable of causing allergies and any other negative reactions. The Mustela cream contains additional components represented by vitamin E and zinc salts. It is resistant to moisture and is able to have a healing effect on skin cells.

Eco Cosmetics Baby Sun Cream SPF 50

Such a tool is characterized by a completely safe composition. It effectively protects the delicate skin of babies from the aggression of ultraviolet radiation. Such a sun cream contains several additional components, represented by sea buckthorn and pomegranate extract. It has a good moisturizing and nourishing effect, helps prevent dryness and tightness of the skin and even get rid of such unpleasant phenomena. In addition, this cream has an unobtrusive and pleasant smell.

Additional Information

If you have decided which SPF cream to buy, which one to choose both in terms of price and protective properties, learn a few more simple recommendations. Such a tool should be applied exclusively to clean skin, only in this way the protective layer will be reliable and uniform. It is best to use the cream half an hour before going outside, and renew it every two hours, and after each bath or rubdown. And after returning home, be sure to wash off the product from the skin.

Excess UV rays cause significant damage to the skin. To avoid this, sunscreens are used. This is especially true for children. Therefore, the requirements for children's cosmetics are increased. How to choose a cream, read the article.

Features of baby sunscreen

Children's sunscreen is a product that protects the surface of the skin from the effects of ultraviolet rays. You can use it both on a beach holiday and in everyday life. This kind of rays affect the epidermis of the skin. Considering that the skin of the child is especially delicate, accordingly, the harm increases many times over.

The cells that produce the color of the epidermis are formed in children at the age of 3 years. Until then, there is no protection. Therefore, when the sun's rays hit the surface of the child's skin, spots in the form of an allergy may appear.

Sunscreen Features:

How to choose sunscreen for kids

Choosing the right sun cream for a child is a tricky issue for parents. To choose the right tool, you need to use the tips:

Proper use of baby sunscreen

In addition to the qualitative composition, the correct use of the cream is very important:

  • After purchase, do not immediately use the drug on the entire area. It is better to test its effect on a small piece of skin. If after a day the place does not turn red and the allergy does not begin, then the remedy can be used.
  • You need to apply the cream in advance. Better than 30 minutes before leaving. The substance needs time to activate.
  • The bathing field or if the child sweats, the drug should be applied again.
  • Renewal of funds should be dealt with during the day, even if the child does not bathe.
  • Cosmetics are also applied when the baby is in the shade.

Composition of sun creams

The sunscreen should have a uniform consistency. The composition does not include alcohol. It does not leave grease spots on the body and is quickly absorbed.

  • Oxybenzone. This substance is able to change the hormonal background, so it is not applicable to the child.
  • Octyl methoxycinnamate. The presence of such a substance leads to the production of free radicals.
  • Retinyl palmitate. The substance is good for adults because it has a rejuvenating effect, but in the sun it can have mutagenic characteristics and is not applicable to children.
  • Nanoparticles. Accumulating in the child's body, they can change the composition of the tissue. They are especially dangerous if the child takes the drug by mouth. Strong impact twitches the intestines.

Age preference

Depending on the age of the child, certain creams are allowed to use:

What is better cream or milk

The choice is determined depending on what kind of skin the child has:

  • For oily skin, baby milk is better.
  • In case of dry skin, it is better to use a cream.

Preparations must be purchased with UVB and UVA filters. If the tube or milk is opened, their shelf life is not more than six months.

Choosing a filter for baby skin

In cosmetic children's products, the filter plays an important role. It affects the components inside the tool.

Filters are:

  • chemical:
  • mineral.

Substances with such filters should be applied to the skin in advance, 30 minutes before going out. Their action develops due to a chemical reaction that begins after the cream is absorbed into the skin.

Mineral filters are also called physical. They have the ability to reflect the rays of the sun. Baby creams with such filters do the work while they are on the surface of the skin. They are considered harmless because they contain natural substances.

But there is also a drawback in the form of a dense texture. Applying them to children's skin, they are poorly absorbed and leave stains on the child's clothes.

An overview of children's sun products

Here are some sunscreens that are preferred:

A child who is in direct sunlight is at risk of getting sick. The action of ultraviolet rays is very harmful. Therefore, it is worth stocking up on various drugs in advance and using them in accordance with the instructions.

The sun's rays enrich the child's body with vitamin D, increase its immunity, strengthen the nervous system, and stimulate the work of the endocrine glands.

Children's skin is too vulnerable and defenseless against ultraviolet radiation. After all, the epidermis in children is one third thinner than in an adult, and the pigmentation system at this age is not yet fully formed.

In the summer, the main task of parents is to ensure daily protection of children's skin from excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation. How to choose the right sunscreen for a child, what sun creams mothers choose today, we will consider in the article.

How to choose a sunscreen for a baby, an older child and a teenager: we read the composition and purpose on the package correctly

There are 3 types of sunlight in nature:

  • Ultraviolet A (UVA) rays have a fairly low level of radiation. More recently, it was believed that these rays are absolutely harmless. But recent scientific studies have shown that ultraviolet A rays reduce the elasticity of the skin, damage the structure of the epidermis. The protective properties of the skin weaken. As a result, she becomes vulnerable to all kinds of infections.
  • Rays B (UVB) fall to the ground at certain hours (between 10 am and 4 pm). These rays can damage the epidermis and cause severe burns. Of course, they contribute to a tan, but at the same time dry the skin, making it rough. According to oncologists, it is these rays that can provoke the occurrence of skin cancer.
  • solar rays C (UVC)- rays with the highest level of radiation. Fortunately for us, the ozone layer prevents their active penetration.

The benefits of sunlight for children

Despite all the above negative consequences that ultraviolet can cause, its positive properties cannot be denied.

What are the benefits of the sun for children, consider below:

  • The sun's rays are a kind of vitamin factory for babies. After all, they stimulate the production of vitamin D. And, as you know, it is this vitamin that is responsible for calcium-phosphorus metabolism in the child's body.
  • The sun's rays caress the baby's skin, contributing to the production of serotonin.
  • They activate metabolic processes and increase immunity.
  • Bathing in the sun, the child gets rid of and copes with dermatitis more easily.
  • Pediatricians do not get tired of repeating to parents that ultraviolet radiation must be treated like a natural medicine.

You need to take sunbathing in certain doses. Exceeding the dosage can cause serious harm to the child. To prevent this from happening, you need to use sunscreen. Properly selected cream is able to reliably protect the skin of the child from negative ultraviolet exposure. To the delight of parents, a truly huge range of children's sun protection products is presented on domestic shelves. But which cream to choose? In this article, we will try to help parents make the right choice.

Choosing a sun cream, be guided by the age of the child

  • Toddlers from 6 months to 3 years old are intended for sunscreens with the “bebe” or “enfant” icon.
  • The inscription on the tube "for children" means that this cream is suitable for children from 3 years and older.
  • For delicate and vulnerable teenage skin, it is best to purchase creams with an SPF index of 15 or higher on the packages. At this age, the Russian cream Bark SPF 40 is ideal.

The degree of protection of the product against ultraviolet rays (SPF)

An important factor when choosing a cream is the degree of protection of the product from ultraviolet rays. This indicator on the package is indicated as an SPF index. This index has numerical values ​​from 2 to 50.

  • Cream with SPF 50 is suitable for children over 3 years old. The SPF protection index takes into account such features as: the skin color of the crumbs, the place and time of the walk.
  • For children with fair skin color, creams with a high degree of protection SPF from 30 to 50 are intended.
  • For swarthy children, creams with an SPF protection index of 20 to 30 are perfect.
  • When going for a traditional walk, use a cream with SPF 15-20.
  • A cream with a higher SPF index (from 25 and above) will reliably protect your child on the beach.

Any, even the most expensive, sunscreen is effective for no more than 3 hours!

What does the marking on the cream - PPD mean?

Most packages have another index, which is indicated by the letters PPD. This index shows how many times this cream can reduce the dose of ultraviolet rays. For example, if the PPD index = 10 is on the package, then ten percent less ultraviolet rays will penetrate into the baby's skin than it could without applying the cream. The highest index is PPD = 42.

What does the UVB label mean?

Some creams have another additional filter, i.e. the UVB badge. This means that the product is able to protect the skin of the crumbs not only from ultraviolet UVA rays, but also from UVB.

At what age can children's sunscreen be used?

Most dermatologists and pediatricians do not recommend the use of sunscreens for children under 3 years of age. Staying babies under open ultraviolet rays is dangerous for their health. But, of course, you should not lock the kids in a stuffy apartment and be afraid of the sun in a panic. Today, sunscreens for children from six months are on sale. Of course, you need to walk with children in sunny, hot weather either before 11 o'clock or after 17 o'clock. At this time, the sun's rays are less aggressive.

How to do an allergy test for a child on sun cream?

Before rubbing the cream into the skin of the crumbs, parents should study its composition, check the expiration date, read the attached instructions. Dermatologists recommend doing an allergy test before using any baby cream. To do this, apply a little cream to the elbow bend of the baby. If the area hasn't turned red or rash within 24 hours, sunscreen is right for your child.

What is better milk or sunscreen?

How to choose a sunscreen for a child?
The choice of remedy directly depends on the type of skin of the child:

  • If the baby has oily skin, milk with a lighter structure will suit him.
  • If a child has dry skin, then it is better to buy a sun cream.

Apply sunscreen 20 minutes before leaving the house. After a walk, the cream must be washed off.

When choosing a cream, parents should first of all pay attention to its composition. There should not be any artificial flavoring and alcohol additives in baby creams. It is advisable to purchase creams that contain UVB and UVA filters. For a regular walk, funds with an SPF level of 15 are suitable. For a beach holiday, this figure should be at least SPF 30. An open tube of cream or milk can be stored in a cool place for no more than six months.

How to choose a cream for a baby up to a year?

  • Remember, newborn babies under 6 months old will not be suitable for any sunscreen. Even the one on the packaging which says "from 0". The skin of a newborn quickly absorbs the components of the cream, which immediately enter the bloodstream. And this is a rather tangible blow to the child's liver.
  • For children from 6 months to a year, it is better to purchase sunscreen in pharmacies.

Top 10 Reliable Sunscreens for Kids: Which Sunscreen is Best for a Child?

The American eco-company Badger brings to the attention of Russian consumers a children's sun cream with an SPF 30 filter. This cream is certified as a natural product. The Badger cream is intended for children six months of age and older.

Badger Cream has been pediatrician tested and found to be effective and safe. The cream contains sunflower seed oil, vitamin E, mandarin extract, beeswax, etc. The cream has a vanilla scent. The product is waterproof (up to 40 minutes) and hypoallergenic.

Sunscreen for children of all ages. Designed for children's sensitive skin, it does not contain gluten and soy components. Filter SPF 30+. The cream is odorless.

German sunscreen milk. SPF 50+ filter, UVA/UVB filter system. The composition includes: aloe Vera juice, vitamin E, panthenol. The product is waterproof. It contains no preservatives, harmful dyes and flavors. Designed for children from 6 months. By the way, this milk is perfect for adults too.

Sanosan (Russia)

Sanosan Baby Cream SPF 50 has been dermatologically tested. The cream is effective and safe. Suitable for children six months and older. The cream provides protection against the adverse effects of UVA/UVB.

Mustela sun cream has hypoallergenic properties and is intended for children from six months. Mustela has excellent moisturizing properties. The cream has a high degree of protection.

Country of origin - Italy. Cream Chicco SPF 50 is perfectly absorbed, does not contain harmful components, alcohols, dyes. The cream is odorless, perfectly absorbed, contains UVA and UVB filters. This cream is intended for babies from six months and older. The cream contains vitamin E, which softens the skin. The cream is suitable for absolutely any type of skin.

Country of origin - Russia. Cream-gel GreenMama SPF 30 perfectly protects the skin of children from two spectra of UVA and UVB rays. It contains: jojoba oil, aloe, vitamin E, arnica extract. Recommended for children 1 year of age and older.

Country of origin Germany. Babyline sun cream with a protective factor of 35 is intended for children from one year old. The cream is odorless and has no harmful ingredients. According to many mothers, this cream has the only drawback - it is poorly absorbed. Apply the cream to the body and face 15-20 minutes before sun exposure.

Country of origin Russia. Cream "My sun" is safe even for the smallest children. The cream reliably protects against UVA / UVB radiation. The cream contains a specially developed moisturizing complex, as well as calendula extract and vitamin E. The cream is available with an SPF 20 and SPF30 index.

Country of origin Ukraine. Hypoallergenic, budget remedy, enhanced protection with panthenol. Some mothers do not like the greasy film that remains after applying the cream. This product is hypoallergenic. Medium protection SPF30.

That, perhaps, is all. We can only wish all the kids a good and gentle summer sun!

This time I set myself the task of choosing the most effective and safe sunscreen.

In many reviews of sunscreens, you can find stories about vacations at sea or in the mountains, in which sunscreen prevented burns. This fact usually gives grounds for unambiguous conclusions about the effectiveness of the remedy. I would argue with the authors of such reviews. In fact, any cream with SPF 20 or higher will do to protect against burns. But often, skin damage caused by solar radiation is not limited to burns alone. We cannot see or measure the damage caused to the skin by UVA radiation until a certain stage (the appearance of premature wrinkles or, worse, the development of melanoma). In this article, I tried to consider all the important points that need to be considered when choosing a quality cream.

Sunscreen for children | Characteristics of sun filters

When choosing sun protection, first of all, you should pay attention to the type of filters (active sun protection components). Main classification:

  • Chemical. Protect after absorption. Each chemical filter has its own individual protection mechanism due to its own spectrum of chemical reactions. For protection, it is necessary to pre-apply the product, approximately 30 minutes in advance.
  • Physical (mineral, reflectors). Protects while on the surface of the skin. They simply reflect light. Physical filters provide a higher level of protection. By virtue of their work on the surface of the skin, these filters are safer in terms of exposure to the skin. This type of filter works immediately after application. The main disadvantage of tools with physical filters is the high density of textures. Due to the dense textures of the filters, products with physical filters are difficult to apply and leave whitish marks on the surface of the skin.

From the graph above, you can see that Zinc oxide or Avobenzone filters must be present to protect against UVA waves.

Let's take a closer look at the most popular filters:

Description Safety rating according to (scale from 1 to 10, the safest 1, the most harmful - 10)
  • Name: Zinc oxide (CI 77947, nogenol, pigment white 4, zinc gelatin);
  • Type of: physical;
  • Recommended concentration:
  • in its usual form: 15% - SPF - 12-19, 25% - SPF over 20.
  • in the form of nanoparticles: 12% - SPF 12-19, 20% - SPF over 20.
  • Protection spectrum: Rays of UVB and UVA;
  • Advantages: Self sufficient and can provide full sun protection. Provides the largest range of UV filtration.
  • Flaws: Products containing Zinc oxide have a dense texture and are difficult to distribute on the skin. Zinc oxide resistant to sunlight. The nanoparticle form provides a less dense consistency of sunscreens and ease of distribution of the product on the skin, but its complete safety has not been proven.
Well-researched safe filter. Depending on the modification, the rating is 2-4 points out of 10 possible.
  • Name: Titanium dioxide (TiO2, CI 77891, titanium peroxide, pigment white 6);
  • Type of: physical;
  • Recommended concentration:
  • Protection spectrum: UVB rays;
  • Advantages: Works better than Zinc oxide
  • Flaws: Does not provide full protection against the full spectrum of UVA rays. May clog pores.
Depending on the modification, the rating is 1-3 points out of 10 possible.
  • Type of: chemical;
  • Recommended concentration:
  • in its usual form: 12% - SPF 12-19, 20% - SPF over 20.
  • in the form of nanoparticles: 6% - SPF 12-19, 10% - SPF over 20.
  • Protection Spectrum: Provides protection against UVA and UVB radiation. In terms of the protected range, it is close to Zinc oxide. a graph of the protected range is shown.'s conclusions are based on a limited amount of data, so this filter is not at the top of the list.

  • Name: Avobenzone(butyl methoxy-dibenzoyl-methane, Parsol 1789, Eusolex 9020, Escalol 517, BMBM, BMDBM);
  • Type of: chemical;
  • Recommended concentration: maximum concentration 3%;
  • Protection spectrum: Provides protection from UVA waves. Not designed for UVB protection.
  • Flaws: It is photo-unstable, so it is found accompanied by its chemical counterparts.
Rating 2 points out of 10 possible.'s conclusions are based on a limited amount of data, so this filter is not at the top of the list.
  • Name: Octocrylene (Uvinul N539T, OCR, Eusolex OCR);
  • Type of: chemical;
  • Recommended concentration: maximum concentration 10%;
  • Protection spectrum:
  • Advantages: Photostable. Helps stabilize other filters.
Rating 3 points out of 10 possible.
  • Name: Octisalate (octyl salicylate, ethylhexyl salicylate, EHS, Escalol 587);
  • Type of: chemical;
  • Recommended concentration: maximum concentration 5%;
  • Protection spectrum: Does not provide UVA protection. Designed for UVB protection.
  • Advantages: Waterproof.
  • Flaws: May cause allergies.
Rating 4 points out of 10 possible.
  • Name: Octinoxate (octyl methoxy-cinnamate, OMC, ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate, EHMC, Escalol 557, Parsol MCX, Eusolex 2292, Tinosorb OMC, Uvinul MC80);
  • Type of: chemical;
  • Recommended concentration: maximum concentration 7.5%;
  • Protection spectrum: Designed for UVB protection.
  • Flaws: The component is unstable. For stabilization it goes in combination with other filters. May cause endocrine disruption.
Rating 6 points out of 10.
  • Name: Oxybenzone (benzophenone-3, BP3, Uvinul M40, Eusolex 4360, Escalol 567);
  • Type of: chemical;
  • Recommended concentration: maximum concentration 6%;
  • Protection spectrum: Designed for UVB protection
  • Advantages: Helps stabilize other filters;
  • Flaws: May cause hormonal imbalance.
Rating 8 points out of 10 possible.

At the moment, the most popular physical filters are Zinc oxide and Titanium dioxide. The graph shows the increased effectiveness of Titanium dioxide against UVB waves and the effectiveness of Zinc oxide against UVA.

About the disadvantages of sunscreen in the form of a spray

The spray version is very attractive because of the ease of application. I was warned against choosing a sunscreen spray by an FDA opinion publication. It turns out that scientists have big doubts about the safety and effectiveness of sunscreen sprays. They pose a serious inhalation hazard. Also, when applying products in the form of sprays, it is difficult to ensure uniform coverage.

If you apply the logic, then it is really necessary to maintain a large distance from the skin in order to evenly distribute the product during application. In this case, particles are likely to enter the respiratory tract.

Sunscreen for children |Vitamin A content in sunscreens

Another critical point in the analysis of sunscreen formulations is the presence of vitamin A (retinol). Vitamin A in sunscreen can cause skin cancer. There is currently a debate in the European Commissions on a ban on vitamin A in sunscreens, but many cosmetic safety regulators have already started raising awareness about the issue. Details.

To be honest, when choosing a sunscreen, I did not meet a single product with vitamin A in the composition.

Requirements for safe sunscreen for babies

  • the presence of safe filters (the best option is physical) from UVB and UVA radiation;
  • in the form of a cream, stick or lotion;
  • no dangerous Oxybenzone filter , vitamin A and dangerous preservatives (the harmfulness rating of preservatives is given)

sunscreen rating for kids

Let's move on to the consideration of specific instances. For clarity, I brought creams from different price segments. As expected, the first positions of the rating were safe and expensive foreign funds. Budget funds are at the end of the ranking.

Please note that all products for babies are designed for use from six months. Until 6 months, it is not recommended to leave the child in the open sun. Clothing, umbrellas, etc. should be used as protection for up to 6 months.


Update 07/15/2016: The tinting option spreads well on the skin, but the test in extreme conditions, the cream "flunked". Despite the declared rather high SP, the cream did not cope with the protection! Weeding the beds on a sunny July day ended with burnt skin. I am lucky that Yana's skin is less receptive to light than mine. Only I burned out. I do not recommend this cream for fair-skinned people with sensitive skin. In general, I lost confidence in this brand, since SPF 30, at least, should have prevented burning. By the way, the eco-friendly insect repellent Badger also failed to do its job. Protection, if any, is minimal. Badger sunscreens can be recommended in conditions where there is no bright sun. Badger insect protection can be recommended when insects do not bother :-).


When analyzing the composition, the following sources were used:

  • English site. In case of lack of data, it may show index = 1, which means that the component is safe, but information about the lack of data with a red signal circle will be displayed below: Data available: Limited.
  • English site. Substances, the harmfulness of which is in question, is defined as neutral. You can check the security of a group of components at one time.

Probably, regular readers guessed that I wrote this post as part of choosing the optimal sun protection for Yana, and many of them are interested in what means I chose. Our cosmetic arsenal has been replenished with the following products:

  • ATTITUDE, Little Ones, 100% Mineral Sun Protection ( There is a huge discount on this position on, so I could not pass by. It has only one component that is questionable. Given the price of the product and the moderate harm of this component, I cast aside my doubts.
  • Badger Company with a tinting effect to eliminate whitish stains from zinc( I am familiar with the procedure for applying zinc-based products, so I decided to smooth this moment with a tinting option from the popular Badger line.

P.S. To get a 10% discount for the first order at, also if you want to support the blog, use the referral code when buying SZS150.

I wish you all only the gentle sun!

          • (analysis of the composition of brand products:,);
          • (r, r);

About the Author

Recently a software engineer. Favorite platforms ASP.NET, MS SQL. Experience in the field of programming 14 years. In blogging since 2013 (year of birth of Yana). In 2018, she turned her hobby into her favorite job. Now I am a blogger!

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Sunscreen for children (educational program + rating of funds with analysis of compositions): 43 comments

  1. Tatiana

    Ekaterina, hello! Thanks for the article. Titanic work in all these substances to understand. I choose sun protection at sea, I wanted to buy the La Cree brand, we use it, and we seem to be satisfied. But after reading useful things from the VPS, for which I thank you again, I decided to check the composition. And here's to you! There is even vitamin A! like this.
    Ingredients: Octocrylene, homosalate, butylmethoxydibenzoylmethane, titanium dioxide, dimethicone silica, 4-methylbenzylidene camphor, sorbitan isostearate/polyglyceryl-3 polyricinoleate, isostearyl isostearate, C12-15 alkyl benzoate, glycerin, jojoba oil, avocado oil, aloe extract, cetyl stearyl alcohol, panthenol, licorice extract, caprylyl glycol, methylisothiazolinone, xanthan gum, allantoin, vitamin E, vitamin A, sodium EDTA, fragrance, water.

  2. Catherine

    Ekaterina, hello!
    What cream did you end up with? Have you found something perfect for you?
    And another question about raspberry seed oils, carrot oils with spf up to 15-50, up to coconut oil with spf up to 7 (a friend uses it) - can these oils be used on children's skin? And what do you think about their effectiveness? Do they protect? As for me, the absolute naturalness is a plus (there is only oil in the composition and nothing else), but there seems to be no physical filters there, and wouldn’t such an oil have any undesirable therapeutic effect?
    Thanks for the site, learned a lot.

  3. Darius

    This summer we tested Goddess Garden. Very satisfied. The child was never burned, although he periodically ran along the beach in the very sun. After bathing, the cream did not renew. Allergies also did not arise, although we are allergic.
    The tube was enough for a whole month (the child was a year and 9 months old at the time of the trip).
    Ordered from iherbe.

  4. Kseniya

    Hello Ekaterina! For some reason, your referral code for IHerb does not work, I already made an order, but I decided to write anyway, all of a sudden you need this information. Thank you so much for the wonderful collection of safe products, this is unrealistic painstaking work.

  5. Natalia

    An excellent article, but I still haven’t found a good remedy for a 4-month-old baby, because it’s a long wait with iherb ... And then what can I buy in Moscow that is harmless?

  6. Dmitry

    Unexpectedly very efficient article, with analytics, charts and other things. Thank you for your hard work. Saved the article.
    It is curious why by adding titanium dioxide, which provides a significantly higher level of protection against UVB, manufacturers reduce the content of zinc oxide.

  7. Yana

    Hello Ekaterina. Thank you for doing such a great job. I am in love with your site and have found a lot of new things here. I ask you for advice about this cream. What do you think?
    Baby Tan Baby Sun Body Cream SPF 45 UVA/UVB with cocoa and olive oils. Price 880 rubles.
    Ingredients: Aqua/Water, Theobroma Cacao (Cocoa) Seed Butter, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea Butter) Fruit, Magnifera Indica (Mango) Seed Butter, Olea Europaea (Olive) Fruit Oil, Prunus Dulcis (Sweet Almond) Oil, Ceteareth 20, Glyceryl Stearate, Glyceryl Palmitate, Beeswax, Polyglyceryl-3-Diisostearate, Isopropyl Myristate, 4-Methylbenzylidene Camphor, Avobenzone, Phenylbenzimidazole Sulfonic Acid, Citrus Aurantium Dulcis (Orange) Peel Oil, Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Oil, Phenoxyethanol, Glyceryl Caprylate, Parfum/ Fragrance, Hexyl Cinnamal, Limonene, Linalool, Hydroxyisoxexyl 3-Cyclohexene Carboxaldehyde, Amyl Cinnamal, Citronellol, Geraniol, Butylphenyl Methylpropional, Coumarin, Benzyl Alcohol, Anise Alcohol.
    It is positioned as a 100% natural product, but I doubt something.

  8. Nina

    Ekaterina, good afternoon! Have you released any new skin protection products from the sun over the past year? maybe the nature of siberica (although I did not find it) or other Russian manufacturers?
    and join the question of funds for adults. Thanks!!!

  9. Darius

    Ekaterina, hello! Can you tell me please, do you use sunscreen only in the summer? Did you apply it only to exposed areas of the child's body? Or on the face too?

  10. Natalia

    Tell me, what kind of sunscreen did you choose for yourself?

  11. Elena

    Good afternoon. Thanks to you, I got acquainted with the iherb website and successfully used its services last year, ordering safe products for the baby and household chemicals. Now the stocks have begun to come to an end, and besides, I attended to the choice of sunscreen (which led me to this article) and insect repellant. But while collecting a basket in iherb, I was horrified by the changed delivery conditions. Incredibly expensive and I can't get free shipping as broxberry limits shipping to 5 kilos and all the stuff I need is heavy.... In short, I am in a wild difficulty, tell me if you have encountered this problem and if so, what solutions do you see? Maybe you found a similar site with loyal delivery terms or figured out how to collect a basket without compromising the family budget? Or maybe I'm panicking for nothing and this is a temporary 'madness' with iherb? Has this happened before, you have been using this site for a long time.
    P.S. Think tool link, Thinkbaby is invalid, opens with ATTITUDE.

  12. Irina

    You are my find!) This summer I was actively looking for a good cream, honestly I didn’t find anything and didn’t take a chance.

  13. Galina

    We bought Earth's Best for the summer (number 6 on the list). They were very satisfied! Since May we have been living in a dacha in the suburbs. The summer was quite hot. The child was on the street almost constantly, but always with cream. And by mid-August, the skin is still the same “untanned”. For a one year old child, it was enough to use for almost 3 months. In May, she applied it to her face and hands, since June - to almost everything. In August, they switched to Israeli funds Mommy Carey. Also satisfied with the result.

  14. Marie

    Hello, how was the test drive of the sunscreen you purchased? I would like to know your opinion, whether they met your expectations. Thank you

    1. Post Author

      Good time of the day! Maria, information has been added to the Badger cream above. In general, I have a lack of confidence in the company:

      Sun cream with a tonal effect did not save me from skin burns in the latitudes of southern Siberia. I must add here that my skin is very sensitive to the sun. Yana avoided the burn only because her skin is more resistant to the sun. It took me only three hours in the garden with Badger cream with a tinting effect to burn badly and experience the discomfort of a burn for three days. At the same time, there were no water procedures, which, as you know, are a tanning catalyst and can wash off sunscreen. In general, a big disappointment.
      We also tested the safe insect repellent Badger and it also proved to be very weak. When leaving the shore of the reservoir, this tool could not save us from mosquitoes and the rest had to be completed ahead of schedule.

Sunscreen for children up to a year protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation in the first year of life. Children's thin and sensitive skin needs a high level of protection. Babies who are under 3 years old, namely newborns and one-year-old children, need special care.

Interesting! In the hot season, it is necessary not only for children, but also for adults. Reliable protection against the negative effects of ultraviolet rays will help keep the skin healthy and prevent aging. It is important to use sunscreen not only on the beach, but also when walking around the city. Summer foundation and day creams containing SPF will help protect the skin from photoaging.

Why does a one year old need sunscreen?

Summer is the time for holidays and relaxation under the rays of the sun. Many parents go to the sea with babies and children under one year old, so the question of choosing a sunscreen for children under one year old is very relevant.

Do babies and toddlers need sunscreen? There is a lot of controversy about this. Not all doctors are unequivocally sure that sunscreen is needed for children under 3 years of age. Skin cells in babies of this age cannot protect themselves and produce enough melanin. Therefore, small children very often and quickly burn in the sun.

Almost all pediatricians agree that for babies under 3 years old it is not recommended to sunbathe and stay in the sun for a long time, and sunscreen cosmetics are completely contraindicated. The components that make up sunscreens can penetrate the fragile skin barrier and enter the bloodstream.

If you still decide to go to the sea with a small child, be sure to get a sunscreen, as even the indirect rays of the sun cause sunburn. At the same time, it is very important to purchase high-quality and safe sunscreen for children under one year old.

Important! Do not use adult cosmetic sunscreens for children under 5 years of age. Weighted and saturated formulations can harm the delicate epidermis and cause an allergic reaction.

How to choose sunscreen for children under 1 year old

When choosing sunscreen cosmetics, it is necessary to take into account the SPF level, which determines the allowable protection time when applying this product.

The level of sun protection for children up to a year:

  • For the first days at the beach, babies require products with a high SPF level. It is necessary to prepare the delicate skin for intense exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  • After the baby's epidermis has "survived" the stress caused by the sun's rays, you can lower the level to 15-30 SPF.
  • Do not use products with a higher protective index. They are saturated with highly concentrated components, which in large quantities negatively affect the skin.
  • Products containing less than 15 SPF will not be effective enough for babies and will not be able to protect the skin.
  1. Buy only specialized products for children. Pay attention to the packaging, very often manufacturers do not give more detailed information about the age at which to use the cream, but simply indicate “for children”. This is fundamentally wrong, since the standard "baby" cream is recommended for older children from 3 to 5 years old. The packaging should indicate the exact age of use of this product.
  2. We recommend purchasing cosmetics of well-known children's brands that specialize in the manufacture of products for babies.
  3. Don't skimp on baby sunscreen. A good and high-quality tool can cost much more than a regular one. But this does not mean that sunscreen cosmetics can be inexpensive and effective.
  4. Buy a product that is “fresh” in terms of expiration date and quality. One package is usually enough for one season. Next summer, you will need to purchase a new product, as the effect of UV filters decreases over time.

Important! Buy in specialized stores and supermarkets where air conditioners work. This allows you to maintain the quality of products on the counter and prevent spoilage. Also, if you don't need sunblock and you won't be going to the beach soon, keep it in the refrigerator.

How to use

Consider the following tips for reliable protection of the skin of babies from the sun:

  • Apply the cream to cleansed skin in order to form a reliable and uniform protective layer.
  • Use sunscreen beforehand. Sunscreens begin to act no earlier than 20-30 minutes after application to the skin.
  • Constantly renew the product layer, at least 2 hours after applying the previous layer. In addition, be sure to apply the cream again if you bathed the baby or wiped it with a towel.
  • Use additional protection methods - an umbrella for shade, hats and light, light-colored clothing. Give your child more fluids.
  • After the beach, be sure to wash off the cream from the skin.

Important! Before the first use, be sure to test for sensitivity to this product on a small area of ​​​​the epidermis. This will help prevent the occurrence of an allergic reaction on a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

Good creams for children 1 year old

  • Protects the delicate epidermis from ultraviolet radiation;
  • Contains sea buckthorn and pomegranate extract;
  • Has a moisturizing and nourishing effect;
  • Eliminates tightness and redness on the skin;
  • Has a pleasant aroma.

Price: 1200 rub.

My Sunshine

  • For children from a year;
  • Has a hypoallergenic formula and mild action;
  • Moisture resistant;
  • Recommended for face and body protection;
  • It has a thick texture and is perfectly distributed on the skin;
  • Sun protection factor with an index of 50.

Price: 80 rubles.

Mustela SPF 50

  • Helps protect the epidermis from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • Restores the functionality and health of skin cells;
  • Contains vitamin E and zinc salts;
  • Moisture resistant;
  • Suitable for newborns;
  • Has a delicate texture.

Price: 300 rubles.


Sunscreen for children under one year old should have a mild and safe effect, as well as reliably protect against burns and UV exposure. Small children are not recommended to stay under the open rays of the sun for a long time, so take care of protecting your baby and his health.