Kendall jenner figure. Secrets of weight loss of famous models. About healthy food

18-year-old Kendall Jenner, half-sister of the world-famous party girl Kim Kardashian, is developing a modeling career very successfully: for example, at recent shows during the spring-summer 2015 season, the girl shone on the catwalks of Milan, Paris and New York, and Dolce & Gabbana speak of her as their new muse. It's no secret that keeping in shape for a sought-after model is hard work and serious deprivation, but Kendall said that she can retreat from a harsh diet and treat herself to ... ice cream.

At the age of 18, entering the top list of the most sought-after models is still an achievement. And, by and large, it doesn’t matter how and why it happened. Whether it's the Kardashian family connections, the recognition of Kendall herself after her success in the "family" reality show, or the photogenicity of her young face, but you can see the girl in many fashion designers.

Teenage attempts to "walk the catwalk" turned into a fully grown-up career last August, when Kendall was buzzed as one of the most promising models. Now Kendall Jenner has every chance to overtake other relatives in popularity.

While Kendall's sister, Kim, is known for her more than outstanding curves and volumes, the young model needs to maintain a slim (maybe even too slim) figure. How does she achieve this?

Nothing supernatural: in order to stay thin, you need to eat little and exercise a lot, and in order not to go crazy, sometimes you can allow yourself sweet food pranks.

Kendall starts the day with the famous Kusmi Detox Tea cleansing collection with lemongrass and green tea; in total, according to the girl, she can drink 10-12 cups of this tea a day. He gives her the energy she needs, for example, for the gym, and trains endurance, allowing her to fight her appetite. The basis of Kendall's diet is fresh vegetables and fruits plus protein. In addition, throughout the day she snacks on apples.

However, sometimes passions take over: for example, during Milan Fashion Week, Kendall boasted a photo of the famous Italian delicacy - gelato ice cream. Apparently, some things are too good to be abandoned even for the sake of a modeling career.

One of the most famous models of our time, 21-year-old Kendall Jenner, boasts not only a perfect figure, but also an excellent appetite. A few days ago, pictures of Kendall and her friend Bella Hadid appeared on the Internet, who ate fast food. The photo caused a lot of negativity, because many considered it fake, suggesting that the frame was staged.

Chicken bones and crazy eyes

Shooting a "photo shoot" with devouring junk food was arranged after another show at Fashion Week in London. When exactly the shots were taken is not specified, but judging by the eyes that Bella and Kendall had, they were clearly hungry. What the models wanted to tell with these photos, the girls did not specify, but they angered the multi-million army of female fans who are on strict diets in order to get a little closer to the forms of famous fashion models.

Here are some reviews that could be found on the Internet: “You can’t eat such high-calorie food and look so good. This is a hoax!”, “I’ve been on a strict diet for a month and don’t look like them. It's a shame ... "," Why post such strange photos? They are so hungry for them that now they will swallow each other, ”etc.

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Kendall decided to open up about her lifestyle

After the dissatisfaction of the fans, Jenner undertook to clarify the situation, writing several posts about how she manages to look so good. Here are the words addressed to the fans:

“Don't be jealous of what you saw. I can't afford this very often. In addition, I constantly go in for sports, and so that there would be no stomach, I pump the press all the time. Yes, I love doing it and I am very grateful to my coach Gunnar Peterson, who does not spare me in training. I do a lot of abs, and it happens that the next day I can’t laugh and bend over properly.”

After that, Kendall added a few more lines:

“I completely forgot that in order to look so good, do not limit yourself to visiting the gym. Train at home! After a hearty meal like you saw, I do abs everywhere. I lie on the couch, and then I understand that time is running out just like that and I start to pump the press. Believe me, with such loads, a beautiful figure is guaranteed to you.

The famous model does not even hide that she loves to eat pizza and pasta.

Kendall Jenner was lucky with genetics - she never suffered from overweight problems. But the girl is attentive to the needs of her body: she goes in for sports, arranges detox days and sometimes allows herself harmful snacks.

About favorite snacks

“My blood sugar is low, so I need to eat certain foods (or a lot of food!) to keep it normal. Here's what's on my list of favorite snacks: Twix, peanut butter, chips, guacamole, hummus, and carrots."

About sport

“I hate cardio. I would rather work with weights than run in place. But I'm doing it!" Jenner admits. The model most of all likes exercises for the press and buttocks, for example, squats and planks.

About healthy food

Kendall admits that she makes an effort to eat right: “I love everything unhealthy. Pizza, fried chicken and all that." But her profession does not allow her to often treat herself to harmful dishes. “I usually eat lean chicken and brown rice and snack on raw vegetables with snapper and hummus. I wish I had more time to shop on my own at the grocery store and choose what I like.”

About detox

“I start my day with a cup of detox tea. I usually drink about 12 cups a day.”

About breakfast

Trainer Jenner said that the model's breakfast is very simple, but incredibly healthy: "It includes eggs, avocados and a large bowl of oatmeal." Her bag also always has room for almonds and a bottle of juice.

About my favorite recipe

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Australian supermodel Miranda Kerr has repeatedly stated that she owes her figure to discipline. The girl tries to eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible and prefers to eat only organic products. The basis of her diet is spinach, avocado, a lot of greens and broccoli - these are her favorite vegetables.

Gigi Hadid

A popular model in her short but extremely successful career, she managed to work for famous brands, appear on the covers of leading glossy publications and become the face of several cosmetic lines. Gigi's success was brought not only by her exotic appearance, inherited from her father, who is of Arab origin, and her Dutch mother, but also thanks to her breathtaking figure. A fairly common nutrition system helps her keep herself in shape, when 6 days a week you eat in accordance with all the rules and laws, and one day you can afford not to give up pizza and an extra piece of chocolate. It's important to give yourself a break when nothing can get you to eat a salad or drink a healthy smoothie, Hadid says.

Gisele Bundchen

Who better than one of the highest paid models in the world and a mother of two can know how to get in shape quickly and effectively. Giselle is fond of Chinese martial arts and was engaged in kung fu until the very birth. Yoga also helped her restore her body, which the model does three times a week. When it comes to food, Bundchen is always very evasive. She says that she always eats very "deliberately", and this is what allows her weight to practically not fluctuate over the years.

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

The bride of Jason Statham grew up on a farm and considers this fact of her biography to be decisive. According to her, the way of life outside the city taught her to eat right and devote a lot of time to physical activities. Rosie doesn't usually follow a diet, but regularly goes to the gym and goes for runs. However, if the model needs to urgently lose weight, then she temporarily excludes carbohydrate-containing foods and sugar from her menu.

Adriana Lima

This Brazilian supermodel is one of the most famous Victoria's Secret "angels". Her stunning figure is the envy of many women on the planet. Boxing and jumping rope help Lim stay in shape. In addition, the model tries to eat in small portions and carefully monitors her diet .

Natalya Vodyanova

In one interview, Natalia said that she follows a diet according to the blood type. For her, this is the best food. The idea of ​​the diet is that all foods are divided into useful, neutral and harmful for the human body, depending on its blood type, and it is important to choose a combination of foods that helps the body cleanse itself of toxins and prevents the accumulation of fats.

Kendall Jenner

The top model and star of the family reality show admits that she starts the morning with a cup of detox tea, and drinks up to 12 such servings of the drink a day. Kendall was lucky with her figure, and in principle she never experienced problems with being overweight, but because of her work she prefers to monitor nutrition and tries to keep kilograms under control.

Doutzen Kroes

The secret of the figure of this Dutch supermodel lies in the combination of various physical activities - running, boxing and ballet. The first will allow you to lose weight, the second is designed to build muscle, and ballet is for fun.

On November 20, Shanghai hosted one of the most anticipated shows of the year - the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. But not all viewers met their expectations. For example, many people were outraged by the fact that models whose figures do not correspond to the status of an “angel” take part in the show. We are talking about Bella Hadid: bodyshamers are sure that the girl’s body looks unsportsmanlike, they especially did not like the visible cellulite on her legs.

Commentators note that Bella neglected proper nutrition and training, which is why the shape of her buttocks is far from ideal, and skin irregularities are striking. The main argument of the dissatisfied is that the model receives huge fees for shows, although she does not take care of herself sufficiently. In response to criticism, Bella Hadid shared a candid photo in a bikini - and she did the right thing.


Gigi Hadid

Bella's sister did not take part in the show this year - she was not allowed into China. But Gigi Hadid also has a fair amount of detractors. The girl tries not to pay attention to caustic comments, but sometimes she can’t stand it and answers: “I represent a type of figure that was not accepted by high fashion before, and I am very lucky that they support me. Yes, I have breasts, I have abs, I have a butt, I have hips, but I do not require special treatment for myself. Gigi recalls: “Once an agent who spoke to me said that I had too plump cheeks and voluminous hips. I almost cried, it was so embarrassing. But then I decided that I had to fight. I have not lost a single kilogram, I have defended my right to live in the body that I like. And yes, I consider myself slim and graceful.

Kendall Jenner

Kendall Jenner did not immediately accept the modeling business either. It would seem, well, what is wrong in the figure of a girl? But the media found something to complain about. Or rather, they figured it out. Famous magazine put a photo of a model from the Tommy Hilfiger show on the cover and captioned: "Kendall, don't embarrass yourself." However, the girl was not at a loss, hired a lawyer and proved that the picture was photoshopped - she was “painted” with cellulite. It happens!

Gemma Ward

At one time, the Australian model with the appearance of a porcelain doll was very popular and became a real discovery in the fashion world. But as soon as the girl gained a few kilograms, she was severely criticized for allowing herself to enter the podium in this form. And since 2007, Gemma has remained in the shadows - she was literally closed off the road to the fashion industry.

But justice prevailed: in 2011 she played the role of a mermaid in Pirates of the Caribbean, and a few years later Miuccia Prada invited Ward to take part in his show. And the fashion world regretted that they missed such a model!

barbara Palvin

The young Hungarian model first made headlines in 2010 when she walked the runway at Prada and appeared on the cover of British Vogue. But now Barbara Palvin looks a little different: the girl has put on weight, as evidenced by photos in a swimsuit for Sports Illustrated and on her personal Instagram.

The model is quite satisfied with her figure, but what about without critics? “Wow, I read a few comments about me being fat. Of course, I’m not as thin as when I was 18, but I don’t consider myself fat!” Barbara answers. In any case, the girl has no reason to be upset - she is in great demand in the modeling business and earns millions.

Chrissy Teigen

Chrissy Teigen tops the lists of the sexiest women on the planet, but her figure every now and then becomes an occasion for discussion. What's more, clothing brand Forever 21 even fired the star for being overweight. Nevertheless, the charming Chrissy remains a happy wife, a popular model and TV presenter in the United States. She is not afraid to be herself, denounces the pressure of social networks on our perception of beauty and even uploads photos of her stretch marks. Her courage is admirable!

Cara Delevingne

Cara Delevingne has a bright personality and does not strive to live up to far-fetched ideals. The girl says: “Many of my fans are wondering why I began to work more often as an actress than a model. I will answer: because I am not satisfied with the constant attention to my weight and forms. They say: “Representatives of such and such a brand want to meet with you, lose a couple of kg, you have blossomed something”; “Be careful at parties, then you will be tormented to lose weight.” And it freaks me out! I'd rather be an actress with curves than a skinny hanger whose only value is bones."

Kate Upton

The forms of Kate Upton haunt many. The media and fashion critics even called her a “pig”, but the girl confidently answers: “I am a healthy person, I eat and enjoy life, unlike many who prefer drug thinness and therefore are embittered by the whole world.” Yes, she has wide hips, large breasts and a waist that is not so easy to find, but damn, she is so sexy! Upton proves by personal example that an actress and model with a non-standard figure can be successful.