Summary of classes with TCO in kindergarten. Summary of directly educational activities “Get a friend. Use of computers in kindergarten

Applications for the lesson:

1) An envelope with a letter.

2) Emblems depicting birds according to the number of children.

3) Presentation "Journey to the country of birds".

4) Synopsis of directly educational activities.

Program content

Target: To form children's ideas about urban and forest birds, their distinctive features, nutrition and movement.


  • promote the development of speech;
  • develop cognitive interest, cognitive abilities, attention and imagination;
  • to cultivate a caring attitude towards birds, a desire to help them in difficult times, to take care of them;
  • to cultivate emotional responsiveness and humane feelings;
  • improve children's health through play activities.

Equipment: an envelope with a letter, emblems with the image of birds according to the number of children, sound recordings of the voice of birds, feeders, laptop, projector, screen.

GCD progress:

surprise moment

Educator: Hello children, today a letter came to our kindergarten (the teacher takes out a letter from the envelope).

Guys, here's a riddle for you:

Who took flight

Does it carry a branch in its beak?

Dreaming of a spider at night

Miracle Yudo on a bitch.

Long beak and two wings.

Arrives - things are bad.

And who is the spider afraid of?

Guessed? It …

Children: Bird.

Presentation "Journey to the Land of Birds"

Slide 1. Slide 2.

Educator: Well done guys, you guessed it. A bird is writing to you - a titmouse.

On a birch near the house,

Someone is shaking familiarly.

At the feeder noise, fun -

They are having a housewarming party there.

Quickly pecks grains,

Doesn't let us sleep in the morning

Yellow-bellied titmouse. (Singing a tit.)

Titmouse: I am an urban winter bird. I am very agile and agile, eating insects and seeds. I live in a nest that I make in the hollow of a tree. I invite you to go on a journey to the country of birds, where you will learn a lot about our feathered friends - birds. Find out where they live, what they look like and what they eat. Shall we go guys?

slide 3, 4

Titmouse: In our country, all birds live in houses called nests, they are different. Birds build their own nests. The woodpecker hollows out a hollow in a tree, the weaver has the most unusual nest, it is woven from grass and he twists it down from the branch. The eagle's nest is made of thick boughs and is placed on a thick pine tree. The swallow builds its nest from lumps of damp earth.

Titmouse: Guys, what are the names of the cubs of birds?

Children: Chicks.

Tit: Right. They hatch from eggs. Birds that build their nests on the ground have eggs that are colored to camouflage them. The eggs of birds that build nests in hollows are painted in light colors so that they can be seen in total darkness.

Tit: Guys, aren't you tired? Let's take a break and relax a bit.

Owl - owl, big head,

(Hands on the belt, body turns left and right.)

He sits on a stump, turns his head,

(Squatting, head turns left and right.)

Looks in all directions, but ka-a-ak will fly!

(Children rise, flapping their arms like wings.)

Titmouse: And now let's get acquainted with different birds and listen to their voices.

Slide 5.

Titmouse: Everyone knows this bird, let's listen to a poem about it, which Sasha will tell us.

Down from the rowan branches

A sparrow flew to the puddle.

Looked around - plop! - and into the water

He began to splash in bad weather.

Sparrow loves to swim, at the same time and harden.

Titmouse: This is a small city bird. Sparrows live near people and feed on various garbage. Let's hear how they talk.

Titmouse: Guys, now Anya will give us a riddle, and we will try to guess what kind of bird we are talking about, and you will see the answer to it on our magic screen.

This bird is familiar to everyone -

It is important to walk near the house

Kar-kar-kar suddenly screams,

And quietly fly away.

A very cunning person

And her name is...

Children: Crow.

slide 6.

Titmouse: That's right - a crow. It is also a city bird. Crows come in different colors - black and black with gray. In each flock of crows, one of the crows always plays the role of a watchman, warning the rest of the danger. Crows feed on small animals, plant foods. Let's play a little with the crow, shall we?

Children: Come on.

Physical education "Crow"

A crow perched on a lantern Sit down.

I sat and looked. Turning the head left and right

Kar! she said loudly Frowning eyebrows, threatening

Romka is not capricious? index finger of the left hand.

Titmouse: And about the next city bird, we will listen to a poem that Polina will tell us.

I am agile, light-winged,

The tail is forked like a pitchfork.

If I'm flying low

So it's about to rain.

Titmouse: Did you find out what kind of bird we are talking about?

Children: This is a swallow.

Slide 7.

Titmouse: That's right - it's a swallow. A small migratory bird that arrives and lives in the city until the onset of cold weather.

She has a small beak, narrow and very long wings, an elegant physique, short and weak legs, unsuitable for moving on the ground, and a long tail, as if cut in half. Swallows tell us about the arrival of spring with their chirping, let's listen.

Titmouse: Let's listen to a riddle about a bird that lives in the forest and try to guess it.

Who is in a bright red beret,

In a black satin jacket?

He doesn't look at me

Everything knocks, knocks, knocks.

Children: Woodpecker.

slide 8.

Tit: Here it is, woodpecker. Look at the color of his feathers. Now it’s clear why he has a “bright red beret” and a “black satin jacket.”

It spends most of its time sitting on a tree table and tapping on it with its beak to get insects. Woodpeckers keep their house in extraordinary cleanliness. Listen to the woodpecker knocking on the tree.

slide 9.

Tit: Guys, let's listen to the riddle that Alina will ask us.

Which of these forest birds

Not raising children of his own?

And, sitting on a bitch,

All day long he sings “Ku-ku!

Children: Cuckoo.

Tit: That's right - a cuckoo. She is slightly smaller than a dove. The cuckoo is a voracious bird, throughout the summer it exterminates harmful caterpillars, which are avoided by almost all small birds, eats May beetles, butterflies and occasionally soft berries. The cuckoo is considered one of the most useful birds of the forest. Let's hear how she talks.

Titmouse: And here is another forest bird, and what is its name, we will try to guess.

On the pole - a fun house

With a round small window.

For the children to sleep

The house shakes the wind.

Father sings on the porch -

He is both a pilot and a singer.

Guess which bird we are talking about?

Children: Starling.

slide 10.

Titmouse: That's right - this is a starling - a small migratory bird, with a strong pointed beak and black plumage. Looking closely, you can see a reddish, purple and greenish tint in the plumage. The bill is yellow in spring and darkens in autumn.

These birds are considered weather forecasters. If they build nests high, the summer will be good, if low, cold and damp. If they sat in the nests, then after three weeks you can sow the grain. Let's listen to the voice of the starling.

Titmouse: So, guys, today we met some city and forest birds, looked at how they look, what they eat. And now let's remember which of them are urban and which live in the forest. Let me help you a little: “Swallows, starlings live in the city ...

Children: Crows and sparrows.

Tit: Well done. And in the forest live a cuckoo and ...

Children: Woodpecker.

Tit: That's right guys. Now look at your emblems. Each of you has become a bird. Let's show how birds peck grains, and how do birds fly? (flapping their arms like wings).

Tit: And now let's play?

Titmouse: While the music is playing, all the birds fly out of their nests and fly around the hall, peck grains, frolic. As soon as the music ends, all birds must return home. (Children run to the music, wave their hands, when the music ends, they return to the chairs) You are ready?

Tit: Birds, flew. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Guys, did you like it?

Titmouse: And now let's try to answer the questions sent to us by guests from the country of birds ..

Tit: Which of the named birds is the smallest?

Crow, sparrow or woodpecker?

Children: Sparrow!

Tit: Which bird weaves its nest from a branch down?

Children: Weaver!

Tit: Which bird has a forked tail?

Children: Swallow!

Tit: Which bird spends most of its time banging its beak on a tree and getting insects?

Children: Woodpecker!

Slide 11.

Titmouse: And now, let's carefully listen to the voices of birds and try to guess whose voice it was? (The voices of birds sound in turn, the children guess whose voice it is)

Our trip to the land of birds has come to an end. Did you like it? You are all great, answered all the questions, solved all the riddles and learned a lot about birds - our feathered friends. And now, we will take the bird feeders that you made at home, together with our parents, and hang them on our sites so that the birds have something to eat in the winter.

Educator: Guys, here we are, but for some reason the inhabitants are not visible. They must have been hiding and watching us. Maybe we'll talk about ourselves. (Children introduce themselves, each briefly talks about their interests ...)

Questions for children:

What do you like to do?

What do you like most about yourself?

What's bothering you?

What is your favourite game?

When do you feel happy? etc.

Educator: Guys, we know that the inhabitants of this planet have never heard kind and affectionate words. Do you want to play the game "Magic Words". (Children throw the ball to each other, and call a lot of magic words ...).

Educator: Guys, in my childhood, mom and dad called me differently, all these names were very pleasant, cordial, I think they call you at home too. I suggest you play the game "Compose a chamomile", where each petal of a flower will indicate an affectionate name, as your loved ones call you. (Composing a flower, each child talks about his flower, how can you affectionately call it)

Educator: Guys, let's show the “Magic Mirilka” physical minute for the inhabitants of this planet

To the one on the right, smile

To the one on the left, smile

Bow to the one on the right

Bow to the one on the left.

Give a hand to the one on the right.

Give a hand to the one on the left.

And you walk into the center of the circle,

Walk with your friends.

Wink at the one on the right

Wink at the one on the left.

To the one on the right, hug

Hug the one on the left.

Well, the game is over

And everyone is friends again! Hooray!

Guys, let's tell the residents about our friends. What is your friend's name? Why do you love your friend? (Children take turns writing a story about their friend.)

Educator: Our group is very friendly, each of you has friends here. And now I propose to play the game "Guess who it is?". You must describe your friend, according to the story, the children will guess who it is.

Educator: Guys, the inhabitants of this planet never showed up. They must have been very surprised by our speech filled with kindness and friendship.

Educator: Let's make gifts for the inhabitants of this planet: draw them for a friend? I would love to look at them. (Drawing a friend, discussion) Questions: Who did you draw? How is your friend's drawing different from other children's? Why did you use this color? What is your friend's mood like?

Educator: How joyful it is to look at people who have real friends. Well, guys, it's time for us to go back, we hope that the inhabitants of this planet will become kinder and will be attentive to each other.

At the end of our journey, let's sing a song about friendship for the residents "If you went on a journey with a friend"

marina mazaeva
Synopsis of the final lesson in the middle group using technical teaching aids.

"The Enchanted Clearing"

Program content:


Write down the numbers from one to eight.

Practice counting within 8 in forward and reverse order, activating visual and auditory analyzers.

To improve the ability of children to lay out objects in length and height within 8;

To consolidate children's knowledge of geometric shapes.

To consolidate knowledge about the sequence of days of the week, spring months.

Expand and activate children's vocabulary;

Fix the agreement of adjectives with nouns,

quantitative numerals with nouns, the formation of possessive adjectives;

Improve the skills of identifying sounds at the beginning and end of a word, the ability to divide words into syllables;

Develop connected speech


Develop the ability to solve simple arithmetic problems, using "math beads";

Develop phonemic processes in children;

Activate thinking with the help of didactic games;

Develop attention, memory, imagination, speed of reaction and ingenuity.


Cultivate a respect for nature, arouse interest in insects;

To cultivate independence, the ability to understand the educational task and perform it independently.

Cultivate interest in mathematics classes

Create an emotionally positive attitude in children;

Cultivate a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, collectivism.


Demo material: a series of story paintings "How a Butterfly Appears"; mnemonic table for memorizing a poem about insects, a ball.

Handout:: "math beads", "tickets with geometric shapes and bodies", trees in height 8 pieces, worms in length 7 pieces, cards with a set of numbers, and cards with missing numbers, sets for compiling a syllabic scheme of a word, cards depicting insects (spider, grasshopper, ant, mosquito, bumblebee, cockroach, bee, beetle, snail, butterfly, dragonfly, caterpillar, fly).

TCO: PC, projector, projector screen; record player; audio recordings of voices and musical compositions.

Lesson progress:

Children go into group to music"Little country", stand in a semicircle, greet guests. Conversation in a circle (day of the week, season, spring months, signs of spring). The teacher suggests going to a spring meadow, shows a slide depicting a meadow where butterflies flutter, dragonflies chirp, ladybugs crawl, etc. etc. And we will go by train, take your seats according to the purchased tickets. (figures are drawn on one ticket, and a building is on the other of these figures). To the music, the children go to the clearing. They arrive, and suddenly the clearing on the slide turns black, a spider appears and He speaks:

In a multi-colored clearing, I bewitched everyone

To make the butterflies flutter, the ant worked.

And wasps to buzz

You help quickly!

But for this guys

You need to work hard

Take your knowledge with you

And take kindness

And help these six-legged babies.

You complete the tasks -

Save the insects!

Well, are the Fortress ready?

The teacher asks if the children are ready to help save the insects? The children answer.

Follow my task and play with numbers.

Children sit at the tables, they are offered the missing numbers - you need to insert the missing numbers. Count forward, backward, name the neighbors of the number.

Ants immediately appear on the slide and they say:

Hooray! Thank you, friends, you freed us from the captivity of the spider.

And the spider follows them:

Take my beads

And solve all the puzzles.

Children take beads and sit on the carpet, and begin to count the tasks.

2 butterflies flew to the flower meadow, then 3 more butterflies flew. The question is how many butterflies were in the flower meadow?

2 ants crawled into the anthill, then 2 more ants crawled, when it got dark, 2 more ants crawled into the anthill. The question is how many ants are in the anthill?

When the children cope, a ladybug appears on the slide with words:

Hooray! Thank you, friends, now I am free from the captivity of the spider.

And now let's take a break and do gymnastics for the eyes.

A spider appears:

There is a picture for you

Not simple, but alive

Plant trees there

Settle all the worms.

Children sit at the tables, the teacher gives instructions. Arrange the trees on the top of the leaf in height, starting from the highest and ending with the lowest. (Questions: What is the tallest tree? lowest). under the tallest tree, arrange a family of worms starting from the shortest worm, ending with the longest worm. (Questions: what is the longest, shortest worm in a row). when the guys complete the task, the screen appears caterpillar:

Hooray! Thank you, friends, I was freed from the captivity of the spider.

Musical physical minute "Fun Charge"

But the spider does not let up:

Do my task, play with words.

Didactic game "One Two Five"

The speech therapist gives the children cards with the image of insects (spider, grasshopper, ant, mosquito, bumblebee, cockroach, bee, beetle, snail, butterfly, dragonfly, caterpillar, fly). Then the speech therapist asks each child to name the insect shown on his card in turn, in combination with the cardinal number one, and then make phrases according to the following models: "numeral two + noun in the form of the genitive case of the singular", "numeral five + noun in the form of the genitive case of the plural".

For example: one spider - two spiders - five spiders.

Laying out syllabic patterns, identifying sounds at the beginning and end of words

Each child lays out the syllabary of the name of the insect that is shown on his card. After that, the speech therapist asks to highlight the first and last sound in the names of insects.

Didactic ball game "Head, abdomen, paws"

The formation of possessive adjectives according to the verbal model of a speech therapist.

The head of an ant is an ant's head, the abdomen of an ant is an ant's abdomen, the legs of an ant are ant legs.

Similarly - a bee, a spider, a bumblebee, a mosquito, a cockroach.

The speech therapist invites the children to tell how the caterpillar turns into a butterfly, first in a poem with movement, and then in pictures.

Physical education - coordination of speech with movement "Caterpillar".

This strange house without windows (slowly turn around)

People call "cocoon".

Twisting this house on a branch, (turn hands)

A caterpillar slumbers in it. (palms under right cheek)

Sleeps without waking up all winter. (palms under left cheek)

But the winter is passing by (wave hands up)

March, April, drops, spring ... (clap hands for every word)

Wake up, sleepyhead! (stretch)

Under the bright spring sun (hand draw the sun)

The caterpillar is not up to sleep. (threaten finger)

She became a butterfly! (running in a circle, waving their arms like wings)

Drawing up a story based on a series of story paintings "How a Butterfly Appears"

The butterfly laid eggs on a flower. Then came the caterpillar. The caterpillar fed on the leaves and grew. Then the caterpillar turned into a chrysalis. A butterfly emerges from the chrysalis. She has wet wings. The butterfly dries its wings in the sun. As soon as the wings dry up, the butterfly begins to fly and drink flower nectar.

Here a spider appears and pronounces words of forgiveness that he has changed and become good, and will be friends with all insects. And here is our clearing, insects are again crawling along it, birds are chirping, butterflies are fluttering from flower to flower. Let's remember, guys, how did we save insects? What tasks did you do? Will you protect nature and protect insects? Let's then remember our poem about insects, and the mnemonic table will help us with this. Children read a poem.

A striped bee flew to us yesterday,

And behind her a bumblebee, a bumblebee,

And a cheerful moth

Two beetles and a dragonfly, like eye lanterns,

And the spider looked at everyone, weaved nets and sang songs.

With this, our journey has come to an end, and now we are heading back to kindergarten on our magic train.

Topic: "The use of technical teaching aids

in educational work with preschoolers.

MBDOU Kindergarten No. 54 "Freckles"

Varshavskaya Natalya Vladimirovna


We live in the information age. Informatization of society is a reality of our days. Modern information technologies are more and more being introduced into our lives, becoming a necessary part of modern culture. An urgent need in the teaching and educational work of modern education has become the use of technical teaching aids (TUT). In our time, the task of scientific substantiation of the creation and use of TSS is becoming especially urgent.

Here are some of the reasons that have increased interest in screen-sound teaching aids in recent years:

    The creative nature of the modern production process, which makes new demands on workers, no matter what place they occupy in it. It is the screen-sound teaching aids, due to their power over time and space, the unlimited possibilities of penetrating the world of the invisible, the ability to visually display a phenomenon, object, process or to model them extremely realistically, which turned out to be the most suitable for the modern process of education and upbringing. The involvement of TCO opened up new opportunities for the search, problematic, research method of teaching.

    Changing the place and role of various sources of knowledge and education. Along with the book - the main source of knowledge and education - the spiritual and mental development of the child is increasingly influenced by radio, cinema, and television. It is necessary to find a reasonable and pedagogically justified ratio of information obtained with the help of technical means of education with that which the child receives in the process of communicating with nature, reading, experimenting, etc.

    The permanent nature of education. Scientific and technological progress requires from each participant in production a constant increase in the general cultural level and qualifications.

Television, cinema and radio are becoming the most mass means of education, but the methods and forms of working with television and radio information are not identical to those that have been cultivated for centuries in the process of independent reading of literature.

Educational cinema, radio and television by teachers and educators have traditionally been considered as manuals, the purpose of which is to provide an explanation of an adult with clarity, illustration. The main requirement in this case was the ability of the film (transmission) to be easily included in the lesson. Meanwhile, the use of TSO only as an illustration of the word of the educator cannot exhaust all the pedagogical possibilities of these teaching aids.

Types of TCO used in the work

Use of screen aids in the classroom

Filmstrips for kindergartens differ not only in content, but also in composition. Fragmentary construction provides a "portioned" presentation of screen information corresponding to the topic and tasks of one lesson. In filmstrips for kindergartens, along with the traditional, informational method of presenting the material, when knowledge is communicated to preschoolers in finished form, attempts are made to present knowledge in a problematic way. Such filmstrips provide for the organization of independent work of preschoolers on various cognitive tasks. In this regard, the forms of working with filmstrips are diverse, as well as educational situations where their use is especially effective. Filmstrip is, as studies by psychologists have shown, the most appropriate type of screen teaching aids in kindergartens.

Preschoolers perceive a static image much easier than a dynamic one in a movie. Understanding film frames requires advanced abstract thinking and certain perceptual skills. Static screen material is easier to understand, firstly, because the exposure of each frame is practically unlimited in time. This allows preschoolers to carefully, slowly, consider all the details of the screen image. Secondly, the screen static image in terms of its expressive qualities (brightness, figurativeness, dynamism, clarity of the image), projection size to a large extent exceeds the usual wall picture. Due to this factor, the activity of children increases in the process of description, analysis or generalization, conducted on the screen material.

Using TV in the classroom

The success of using a TV show is directly dependent on how the child was able to understand its content, follow the logic of what is being stated, and draw conclusions on their own. In order to accustom children to the analysis and synthesis of what they see, the educator, with his questions, makes the children first of all highlight the main thing. Then he leads them to clarify the relationship between the main and the secondary.

Analyzing the experience of educators, one can single out the most characteristic methodological methods of working with a TV show: an introductory conversation, a task, watching a TV show, a conversation after it is shown, sketching on a topic, drawing up a plan for the content of a TV show and retelling according to this plan.

The combination of such techniques and the meaning of each of them will change depending on the topic of the lesson, the content and construction of the TV show scheduled for demonstration.

Special programs for preschoolers, which are given on central television, can be conditionally classified into several types: educational, entertaining and educational.

Program cycles - “For the kids about animals”, “Good night, kids”, “Visiting a fairy tale” introduce children to natural phenomena and the surrounding reality, the work of adults and new books. Music programs “We play and sing”, “Funny notes”, most cartoons, concerts, circus performances are designed to entertain the child, fill his leisure time with jokes, laughter, songs, games.

Thanks to the features and possibilities of the television "language", nature and its aesthetic qualities are reflected in television in the most adequate and most complete way. The child receives both visual and auditory information. Word, image, music act in an organic synthesis. Television has the ability to use filming, showing processes and phenomena in slow or accelerated pace. Which occur in nature for a long time or quickly, inaccessible to close observation. Television conveys all the richness and variety of sounds.

Television programs can be recorded to disk and re-listened or watched.

The use of radio and sound recording in working with children

The use of radio in the educational work of kindergartens opens up wide opportunities for improving the effectiveness of education and training, a comprehensive impact on the personality of a preschooler. The Central Radio daily broadcasts programs for preschoolers, which can be successfully used in educational work. With regard to the educational tasks of kindergarten, they can be conditionally divided into the following groups:

Programs related to speech development classes. First of all, this is the reading by the masters of the artistic word of poems and stories that are included in the circle of children's reading, poems, stories, performances that directly or indirectly reveal and supplement the program material. Musical educational programs. Can be used by the teacher in singing lessons and in free activities.

A radio session can be structured in different ways, but more often it has a three-part structure (introduction, direct listening to the broadcast and final part). In kindergarten, when a radio broadcast is included in a lesson, the “setting moment” is very important. Before the hearing, especially at first, it is necessary to remind the children of the rules of conduct during the transmission.

multimedia presentations,

as a modern source for the development of children

4. Polonskaya E. How to make a presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint (part 1)

5. Habreiken. Joe. Learn Microsoft PowerPoint 2002 in 10 minutes: Per. from English-M.: Williams Publishing House, 2004. - 192 p.
6 Presenters Online,
Technologies for preparing successful presentations. (Lectures by Prof. Kerry Chaun)
9. How to make a presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint, Pavel Gulyaev