Beautiful highlighting on light brown hair. How to highlight light brown hair at home. Subtleties of partial staining

Highlighting is simply created for light brown hair. This staining technique not only does not lose its relevance, but also acquires new types. Thanks to highlighting, the Slavic beauty sparkled with new colors, without losing its naturalness.

And although the fashion for catchy images has repeatedly tried to overshadow the sophisticated notes of light, natural curls, times are changing. Now naturalness is in trend. Interest in light brown color renewed with renewed vigor. And highlighting, which has become interesting and multifaceted, will help to emphasize all the beauty of light strands.

Specificity of highlighting light brown hair

The essence of this technique is very simple. During the procedure, not all hair is dyed, but only individual strands. Sometimes only the ends of the hair are shaded. It is believed that the best base for creating the perfect highlight is light brown hair. Any variation of this natural shade is suitable - light, dark, with an ashy undertone or a reddish tint.

This method has many undeniable advantages:

Creation of various "special effects". The strands can be given a light light shade, as if they were burned out under the hot sun of the south. Stylists have invented more dramatic versions. For example, now more and more unpredictable tones are used for highlighting - pink, blue, green. The image is bright and extravagant.

  • Painting over gray hair. Unfortunately, the first gray hair can appear at a very young age. If you don't want to say goodbye to the natural tone of your hair, then the technique of lightening individual strands will help to mask the first "silver". Wherein appearance will remain as natural as possible.
  • Lack of clear boundaries. Any staining is a lot of hassle when it starts to grow back. The roots do not contrast well with the rest of the hair. In the case of highlighting, this border is not so striking. Colored hair grows back quite aesthetically.
  • Hair care. Dye is almost always harmful to hair. But when it is applied only to some strands or ends, the negative impact is minimized.
  • Infrequent color refresh. Highlighted strands need color correction no more than once every 2-3 months.
  • The opportunity to become a "natural" blonde. Lightened curls look as if they were created by nature itself. Of course, if the hairdresser turned out to be a professional in his field.

Choice of shades depending on hair color

The original hair color has great importance when choosing a shade for strands. After all, nature itself has created a whole palette of light brown shades. In order for the effect to be as similar as possible to a natural blond, you should carefully choose the color of the paint for highlighting.

Highlighting on light blond hair

All half tones of white and pink are suitable for girls with light curls:

  • strawberry;
  • beige;
  • creamy;
  • lactic;
  • ivory;
  • champagne.

Warm shades look good:

  • baked milk;
  • coffee with milk;
  • sand;
  • caramel.

Cold tones with a metallic sheen look stylish:

  • platinum;
  • silver;
  • ash.

Highlighting on medium blond hair

For such a color type, golden-red shades will be the best solution:

  • honey;
  • amber;
  • chestnut;
  • caramel;
  • copper;
  • wheat.

Highlighting on dark blond hair

If you are the owner of dark curls of a light brown palette, then pair them with shades of golden and chocolate colors:

  • wheat;
  • honey;
  • amber;
  • chestnut;
  • caramel;
  • cognac;
  • copper.

In general, light brown hair provides an opportunity for the most daring creative experiments with color. Not only shades of colors help to create a spectacular bow, but also various highlighting techniques.

Types of highlights on light brown hair

Highlights can be much more fun than creating regular, symmetrical, light-colored stripes. The masters liked the method of dyeing the strands so much that they have already come up with many different types:

  • classic;
  • californian;
  • venetian;
  • french or shatush;
  • the opposite;
  • ashy;
  • avant-garde;
  • diagonal;
  • zonal or partial.

Highlighting hair ends can be distinguished into a special group. It is now breaking popularity records. This colorization has many stylish options: bronding, balayage, ombre, dip dye.

Fashion trends 2018 in hair highlighting

Fashion in 2018 is dominated by naturalness. This trend could not but be reflected in hair coloring. All types of highlighting that allow you to achieve natural bows are in trend.


Lightening, familiar to everyone, a strand along the entire length. But now the highlighting is done not large, but thin. After all, the wider the contrasting curls on the hair, the brighter the result will be. And this creates too catchy, unnatural effect.


Another name is often found - Hollywood highlighting. Quite a complicated procedure. Only the aces of hairdressing can cope with it. The goal is to achieve the natural color of the strands, slightly burnt out in the sun. The transition from dark to light shades is very smooth, barely perceptible.

French or shatush

French women are known throughout the world for their love of natural beauty. Of course, this national trait could not but affect the highlighting. The result is very gentle transitions in the range of 1-4 tones. The look is casual and natural. You can't tell right away whether nature or the skillful hands of a master gave this hair color.

The reverse

There are other designations for this technique - remodeling or highlighting inside out. In this case, the bleached curls are darkened. This method is effective when the hair has been lightened many times and has lost its beautiful shade. After the salon procedure, the hairstyle takes on a fresh look, close to natural.

Highlighting the ends of the hair

Only the lower parts of the curls, their very edges, are shaded with light colors.

Stylists have not forgotten about those whose style is far from the classics. In 2018, unexpected surprises and fresh news are prepared for them. Fashionable highlights that allow you to stand out from the crowd and express your inner world.

Ash highlights

Original "highlighting" the curls with a silver shine. Now this technique is incredibly relevant. But graphite, ash, silver and gray tones are not very versatile. You need to professionally select them to match the natural shade of your hair.

Crazy colors or avant-garde

The ideal solution for experimental youth who are still looking for their own image. An unlimited choice of shades sometimes leads to the most unpredictable options. The strands turn purple, fiery red, deep blue, or take on trendy strawberry hues.


The main feature of this type of highlighting is the sharp boundaries between shades. There are no soft overflows. There are options where the contrast even becomes radical. For example, a natural brunette with bright white strands. Moreover, the coloring of individual strands is chaotic, which gives the hairstyle a visual volume.

The choice of the type of highlighting depending on the length of the hair

The versatility of highlighting is that it fits almost any hair length. True, each type of coloring has its own hairstyles, "favorites".

Highlighting medium length hair

The length of a hairstyle is considered average if it varies between 15-25 cm. Shoulder-length hair is easy to dye and style. Therefore, in this case, a variety of types of staining are suitable:

  • balayazh;
  • shatush;
  • venetian;
  • ombre;
  • avant-garde;
  • classic;
  • french;
  • the opposite.

The veil technique looks advantageous at medium length. Especially if the haircut is graduated or includes ragged bangs. The dyed strands create a subtle tint veil draped over the base tone.

Highlights for short hair

  • Making highlights on short haircuts, colorists, as it were, add accents. With the help of lightened strands, the most beautiful sides of the hairstyle stand out. It becomes more voluminous, looks more interesting and original. In this case, the following types of strand lightening are best suited:
  • californian;
  • classic;
  • venetian;
  • colored.

Creative highlighting with color tones creates a stylish and rebellious look. Diagonal - will emphasize the stepped texture of the cascade. The Italian lightening method will perfectly fit into a short haircut. Its "highlight" is the alternation of milk and cognac undertones. The overflows are smooth, not abrupt.

Highlights for long hair

The most fertile soil for creating "sun-burnt" female curls. Choose any method of coloring. But do not forget - it is not fashionable to look too artificial now. The closer your image is to the natural, the better.

Highlighting on a hairstyle with bangs

Bangs lend themselves easily to creative experiments. One of them is giving it volume and texture by saturating the strands with light notes. Moreover, the asymmetrical, oblique line is perfectly distinguished with the help of frequent small stripes. And straight or round bangs become noticeably more luxuriant, if you refresh it with wide sparse lines or "mix" with narrow stripes.

Highlighting on the square

For fans of stylish bobs and bobs, there is great news - haircuts of this kind are still as relevant as a couple of seasons ago. To these "long-livers" of the hairdressing art it is better to apply the "sun-burnt" highlighting:

  • californian;
  • french;
  • balayazh.

If you have a square in the form of a hat, choose the classic lightening option. If your hair is thin, then rely on dyeing only the ends. And an elongated bob or bob is refreshing with an elegant ombre.

How to highlight light brown hair at home

Creating light highlights on the strands yourself is not as difficult as it seems. There are several ways to carry out highlighting at home:

  • using foil;
  • using a hat;
  • brushing method - using a comb with rare teeth.

We will consider the simplest and most effective - painting through a hat.

Highlighting hair with a hat

You will need:

  • bleaching agent;
  • plastic gloves;
  • paint brush;
  • an elongated comb to separate the strands;
  • a bowl of plastic or glass;
  • towel or napkin;
  • highlighting cap with fine holes.

If you don't have one at hand, you can use a pool cap. Cut the required number of small holes in it in a checkerboard pattern.

Step-by-step instructions will help you complete the procedure without any problems:

  • Step 1. Cover your shoulders with a napkin or towel.
  • Step 2. Put on a hat and stretch the strands out through the holes.
  • Step 3. Prepare a dye solution. The instructions in the package will help you do everything right.
  • Step 4. Apply the prepared mixture to the strands. Use a special brush for this.
  • Step 5. Hold the paint for 15 minutes to obtain a light shade (lighter by 1 tone). For a brighter color, you will have to wait longer - about 45 minutes.
  • Step 6. Rinse off the solution with water without removing the cap.
  • Step 7. Dry your head lightly with a towel. Take off your cap.
  • Step 8. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo and apply a nourishing mask.

Care after highlighting

The stress that the hair will experience after lightening solutions is compensated by careful care. Only then will the colored strands show all their beauty. Do not forget to use special shampoos and conditioners for blonde hair. Once or twice a week, nourish your hair with ready-made masks or use homemade beauty recipes. Nutrients based on fruit acids are of particular value. Use gels-fluids - they smooth the hair well, give it a pleasant shine.

Tips on how to prolong your result

  1. You don't need to wash your streaked hair too often. Do this as needed. The curls are already overdried, detergents in unlimited quantities will weaken them even more.
  2. Use anti-yellow shampoos. They have purple and blue pigments. They neutralize the unpleasant yellowness that may appear after staining.
  3. Do not comb the strands immediately after washing. Wait until they dry.
  4. Don't be nervous, stress negatively affects the beauty of your hair.

Highlighting on light brown hair has proven one simple truth - it is simple to be natural and beautiful. The main thing is to choose the right shade and the right lightening technique.

According to statistics, every second woman in the world has radically changed her hair color at least once in her life. For those who do not risk changing their look, there is an easier way to transform - this is highlighting.

Advantages of the highlighting technique

Highlighting technique is a hair dyeing procedure in which only individual curls change color.

Like other techniques (balayazh, shatush), it has advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of hairdressers and stylists include the following factors:

Disadvantages of hair coloring when highlighting

Despite the advantages, this procedure also has disadvantages.

The disadvantages include:

Despite the disadvantages of the highlighting technique, you should not give up the transformation of your hair.

Types of highlighting for light brown hair of medium length (photo)

Interesting fact! The first person to suggest dyeing hair using the highlighting technique was Jacques Dessange. Brigitte Bordeaux became his muse. Or rather her hair.

The bangs on Bridget's light brown hair are slightly faded. Then Jacques decided to do highlights on her medium length hair. He brightened some strands. As a result, Bridget Bordeaux's hairstyle has become even more airy and gentle.

Women around the world began to imitate her hairstyle and hair. Over the years after that, stylists and professionals in the hairdressing world have come up with and created new types of coloring.

Classic highlights

This type is one of the easiest to paint. Classic highlighting is dyeing strands along the entire length with one color.

The curls can be of any thickness: both thick and thin strands. The girl chooses the thickness herself, depending on what color and the result she wants to get. This highlight is suitable for women of all ages.

The classic look of highlighting covers gray hair and gives it a shine and healthy look.

French highlights

This type of staining is one of the safest. This is achieved by using dyes without ammonia.

With this highlighting, the length of the curls is evenly discolored. The result is the effect of sun-bleached hair.

French highlighting is suitable for light brown hair when there is a desire to slightly change the color. Because maximum lightening goes by 3 tones... Suitable for both short and medium length hair.

On dark blonde hair, French highlights will not be noticeable.

Partial (zonal) highlighting

Zonal highlighting is the lightening of individual curls. As a rule, lightening is done only on the upper curls, strands around the face, bangs and ends.

Zonalhighlighting looks advantageous onlight brown hair of medium length. This type of highlighting visually adds volume to the hairstyle.

Brazilian-French coloring

This highlight looks great on short to medium hair lengths. On medium-blond hair, experiments with color are it is preferred.

Brazilian-French staining takes place in 2 stages. In the first stage, several curls are lightened. In the second stage, the rest of the strands are colorized using different colors and shades.

Ombre (degrade)

This type is hair coloring, where the result is a transition from dark to lighter hair color. Typically, the darker shade is found at the roots of the head, and the ends of the hair are lightened.

Initially, only two tones of paint were used in the degradation technique. Today, professionals are experimenting and can use several colors in painting.

Highlighting light brown hair looks spectacular on long and medium length hair.

When choosing which highlighting for light brown hair of medium length to do, the photos and videos of this article will give you a guideline.

California (or caramel)

Californian is one of the safest types of hair highlighting. Since the hair roots are not affected by dyeing. The lightening of the strands occurs by no more than two tones.

The basis for this technique is mixing several colors. No film or foil is required for coloring.

For a uniform shade of hair, the dye is applied in different order, and then mixed on the hair. With such staining, there is no bright color contrast. And the hair color looks natural and shiny.

Venetian (amber or Milanese)

Venetian highlights are similar to Californian highlights. With amber highlighting, two shades are required that are close to each other in color palette. In addition, no foil is used either.

The dye should be applied to the middle and ends of the hair. Then, with a special hair coloring brush, the paint is distributed from the middle of the hair to its ends. The result is a very smooth, barely noticeable color transition.

Reverse highlighting

This type of highlighting is used to restore natural hair color. For this, several strands are stained.

The color of the paint is chosen close to the natural color. Back highlighting is suitable for all shades of light brown hair color.


Balayage dyeing involves dyeing small areas of hair.Most often, the ends of the hair are selected. Extravagant personalities allow themselves to dye bangs or whiskey.

The color of dyes for this technique is chosen in more contrasting tones than the natural color.

Balayage is suitable for any hair length. Therefore, this type of coloring can be safely chosen by a girl with both short hair and long hair.


Shatush is also often called "Hollywood highlighting". The essence of the procedure is that hair color changes from dark hair roots to lighter hair ends.

Naturally shatush looks on dark blond hair. The optimal length for a shatush is long or medium length hair.

Performing highlighting at home step by step

Having decided to carry out highlighting at home, you need to decide on the final hair color and know a few rules.

Hair should be healthy. You should not apply highlighting hair immediately after curling or continuous dyeing.

Before staining, it is imperative to check the body for allergic reactions.

You need to choose a shade of paint, focusing on the color type of the skin and the natural hair color.

With a hat

Such highlighting occurs with the help of a special cap with small diameter holes. These holes are staggered. You will also need a special hook to get the curls of hair.

The hair must be combed thoroughly before dyeing. Put on a hat and choose a sequence of holes to pull your hair out. For intensive coloring of the entire head, strands should be pulled into each hole. For medium intensity, pull the strands through one hole.

After all the curls are pulled out, you can dilute the paint. The dye is applied to the pulled out strands of hair along the entire length.

The dye holding time depends on the natural and desired hair color. But should not exceed more than one hour. After the elapsed time, the paint should be washed off with water without removing the cap.

At the final stage, it is necessary to apply balm to the hair, and then rinse it off.

With foil (with thermal paper).

The tinting method with foil is suitable for both short and long hair. For the procedure, you will need foil, a brush and a bowl of paint. The width of the foil should be calculated from the width of the hair strand + 4 cm.

Before dyeing, the hair must be combed very well and divided into three halves for convenience. A sheet of foil is taken and placed under the curl. Then paint is applied and the hair is wrapped in foil.

The rest of the strands are painted in the same way. The holding time is 10 to 40 minutes. Then the paint is washed off with warm water, and a balm is applied. Then the balm is washed off.

Manual method (with a comb)

The simplest way of highlighting is the manual method. This requires paint and a wide-toothed comb.

First, the paint is applied to the comb, and then the comb onto the hair. Due to the sparse teeth of the comb, the paint lays down evenly on all hair. After the allotted time, it is washed off with warm water.

Even after the most gentle dyeing, thorough and daily hair care is required.

  • Use special remedies for hair, such as masks and cosmetic oils, which contain vitamins and other beneficial substances to restore the hair structure. Such cosmetics are designed to preserve the color, shine and healthy appearance of the strands;
  • Apply a nourishing hair mask every week;
  • Choose natural drying. If possible, refuse to use a hair dryer, hair straightener or curling iron;
  • Do a daily head massage.

In combination with the aforementioned professional advice, it is worth using folk remedies. Masks based on essential oils are especially good..

Highlighting for light brown hair of medium length is the most optimal and safe solution for quickly changing the image towards a more stylish and modern one.

In this video you will see examples (photos) of highlighting on medium-length light brown hair, as well as a master class on this type of dyeing.

From this video, you will learn how the procedure for California highlights for light brown hair is carried out.

The topic of this article will be Views, tips for using this technique for blondes, brown-haired women and brunettes, as well as other secrets are revealed below.

Why do you need highlighting, what is it

Sometimes it happens that a trendy haircut does not create the look you dreamed of. And often the problem here lies in the subtle and Not all nature has endowed with lush hair. In this case, it will come in handy. She will create a thick shock from rare strands. Of course, this will only be a visual effect. There is another reason to highlight hair - their color.

Slavs in most cases are light, medium or dark blond. Many people like this color. But if you want to get rid of the shade of the "gray mouse", give your blond braids depth and shimmer by highlighting. Believe it or not, using this technique you can significantly correct the image: make the oval of the face clearer, focus on the eyes or mouth.

Highlighting on light, light brown, dark, black hair has long been practiced by hairdressers around the world. What is this technique? Why is it called that? This originally meant removing melanin (a coloring enzyme) from some of the strands. That is, we can say that highlighting is a partial lightening. But fashion does not stand still. Now highlighting has a dozen types, and we will tell you about the main ones.

What is the peculiarity of dark blond hair

Our Slavic shade is good for its versatility. You can make hair highlighting on dark blond hair, both by lightening individual strands, and giving them a darker sound. What kind of paint to take for this procedure? Hazelnut, chestnut, cappuccino, chocolate, as well as honey blond, champagne, sand - everything will do if the base is light brown. And this is not a complete list for creating a natural overflow of strands. But there is also contrast highlighting. Terracotta, bright orange, red and pink shades will look bold and fashionable on light brown hair.

However, it is worth emphasizing the lack of "Slavic color". With unprofessional highlighting, light brown hair can acquire an unintelligible piebald shade instead of skillful watercolors. Therefore, unlike conventional hair coloring, this procedure should be carried out only in salons. A professional hairdresser, taking into account the tone of the base, as well as what colors suit you (cold or warm), will tell you the right dye for the strands. Good highlighting is also a skillful selection of curls. Therefore, the painting technique has so many varieties.

The primary traditional technology for lightening individual strands is suitable for blondes, brown-haired women and brunettes of any age. With classic highlighting, curls are painted along the entire length. The thickness of the clarified strands varies from three to five millimeters - this is the only way to achieve a natural overflow effect. The hair looks like a thick head of hair, slightly burnt out in the sun. Sometimes hairdressers, after the classic highlighting, carry out the toning procedure. As a result, the contrast between the base and the colored strands is softened even more, and an even distribution of color is achieved along the entire length of the curl. Classic hair highlighting on dark blond hair is carried out with shades similar in sound - one or two tones lighter.

"Salt and pepper"

If you're young enough to be suspected of being gray, try this fashion trend. It consists in frequent highlighting (with or without toning) of various ash shades. The strands merge with the base, giving the impression of a thick shock, playing in the light with bright flashes. Close to "salt and pepper" and glare hair highlights. On dark blond hair, as well as on brown hair, it fits perfectly. Several fashionable shades in a close natural range are suitable for "glare": beige, coffee, wheat, nutty, shades of cocoa and cinnamon, nutmeg and golden caramel. Light and medium blond hair is well set off by honey blond and redheads. Golden brown shades will perfectly accentuate tanned skin. Brunettes will look platinum and gold highlights.


The name comes from the English phrase Brown + Blond. This technology is the hit of the 2015 season. It lies in the fact that highlighting on light brown and carried out at once by several coloring and toning shades, close to each other in color. Basically it is chocolate brown, dark blond, coffee-colored plus blond (honey, beige, pearl). Sometimes the effect is achieved only after several procedures for dyeing the strands. If the bronzing is carried out correctly, it gives the impression of the sun playing in thick hair.

French highlights

Bronding has the disadvantage that the hair is very much exposed to chemical attack. French technology is a gentle coloring without the use of clarifiers. Cosmetic concern L "Oreal has developed products that do not contain ammonia. They do not destroy the hair structure, but, on the contrary, give it strength and shine. Moreover, the dye immediately lightens the curls by four tones. This technology is not suitable for brunettes, since the effect will be hardly noticeable. But French hair highlighting on dark blond hair using several shades at once (from beige to golden palette) will optically add volume to the shock and create a wonderful play of highlights.


This technique is also called Degrade, or Ombre Hair Color. In this case, the strands are not dyed along the entire length. "Balayazh" is used to give a haircut a fashionable accent, to emphasize its silhouette. Such highlighting looks especially interesting on short hair. Natural shades are used for Balayazh this season. If we mean light brown highlights on dark hair, then we can create charming color pairs: chocolate and copper, coffee and beige, honey and wheat. Brave extraordinary natures are offered options for "Degrade" in bright colors. This can be the effect of flames on the ends of the strands (ideal for short haircuts) or "regrown hair".

Contrast and multicolor highlights

Brightness and radicalism are what will make you stand out from the crowd. On dark blond hair, locks of mahogany, "swallowtail", purple, orange color look great. Especially courageous can use blue, blue, green shades. In this way, the strands are dyed both along the entire length and some areas (upper part, tips, middle segment). In multi-color highlighting, as the name implies, two or more colors of contrasting shades are used. If we are talking about light brown hair, it can be platinum and plum, sand and chocolate.


This gentle hair highlighting technique appeared relatively recently and remains at the peak of popularity in 2015. The main task of "shatush" is to create the most natural image. Color transitions are smooth, watercolor-washed. Instead of foil and thermal paper, "fleece" or tone stretching technique using a special comb is used. Light brown highlighting on dark hair using the “shatush” technique deepens the color at the roots and brightens at the ends, making the border between natural and lightened hair invisible. Thus, the hair looks natural, but it adds volume and inner radiance.

Partial highlights on dark hair

Ways to emphasize the chiseled oval of the face, show a beautiful high forehead, highlight the milky whiteness of the skin or give accent to the eyes are not limited to makeup. This can be done by a haircut with partial highlights. In this case, only the front strands and bangs are stained. If you create a few sloppy light "feathers" just below eye level, you get a glamor-rock look. For owners of thick dark hair, it is enough to lighten the upper strands, leaving the lower layer intact, and the fashionable haircut will become emphatically chiseled. These streaked curls will "flow" from the parting to the chin, framing the oval of the face.

Which highlighting method to choose

It depends on what kind of image you want to create. If you focus on naturalness and ease, give preference to the “shatush” technique or another type of gentle highlighting. For a bold, glamorous look, choose contrasting or partial coloring on the strands. as a basic one, it allows you to experiment with your hair in both light and dark tones. In the first case, choose the following shades: sand, gold, wheat blond, dark ocher. In the second, use the tones of cognac, cappuccino, copper, coffee, walnut.

To make your blond hair rich and well-groomed, use fashionable dyeing techniques. Ombre, balayage and highlighting will suit you. After professional treatment, dark and light shades of the strands become brighter and more beautiful. They attract attention and make the image more original. Let's take a look at the current coloring techniques together that will help transform your image and make you a spectacular fashionista.

California highlights

Advice! In order not to spoil natural hair with any kind of highlighting or coloring, take a curl care course in 1-2 months. Improve texture with moisturizing masks. Apply the dye to dirty hair, during this period a protective film envelops them.

The versatility of American coloration

American coloring involves applying paint to light brown strands of any shade using foil. Thus, the strands become more defined and pronounced. The colors must be matched with each other to achieve a natural effect. By the way, the more shades you use, the deeper and richer your blond hair will turn out.

Pure American coloring makes the image of the girl as natural as possible. Your dark or light curls will become brighter and more expressive thanks to the use of 2-4 tones that are close to natural.

To make it convenient for the master to distinguish strands already painted in different shades, he uses multi-colored foil.

American coloring also includes varieties of Californian, red, and crazy highlights. Since we have already studied the first type, we will pay attention to the other two. To reproduce them, bright unnatural shades are used. Therefore, if you want to radically change your blond, they are perfect for you.

Crazy Colors means green, purple, blue and other bright shades. The procedure is carried out using a toning gel that retains its effect for 2-3 weeks.

Advice! Before any kind of coloring, do your hair in advance, as the split ends have never looked attractive.

Very relevant in 2019. The most fashionable are all shades of light brown, as well as highlights on it. Therefore, for those who decided to change their look, colorists recommend trying one of the strands for any hair length - short, medium and long.

Important! Highlighting on light brown hair is recommended only in a beauty salon with a trusted master, so that the result meets expectations and does not create new problems: exhaustion, dryness and brittle hair.

Highlighting on light brown hair - fashion trends

Natural light brown color has always been relevant among women, and in the coming year it will become trendy. It will look especially interesting in combination with one of the types of highlighting.

Among the current types of highlighting proposed by stylists-hairdressers are the following techniques:

Classic highlights

The simplest and most common technique is the classical one. It has been in use for several years and involves uniform coloring of thin strands from root to tip. The thickness of the strands can vary from the thinnest to the widest, depending on the intended result.

California highlights

This highlighting is perfect for light brown hair. The effect of natural hair with strands slightly burnt out in the sun looks very natural, gentle and feminine from the side. In addition, this strand dyeing is considered gentle and suitable for all hair types.

Remodeling or toning

Another option for highlighting light brown hair is remodeling. It is toning the strands to the base shade of the hair, several shades lighter or darker.

Highlighting on dark blond hair

Unlike light blond shades, dark tones suggest different highlighting techniques. The most common of them are:

Venetian highlights

This type of strand dyeing resembles the California highlighting technique, the only difference is the shades offered by the hair dye palette.